`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0076320 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Apr. 24, 2003
`US 20030076320A1
`(52) US. Cl. ............................................................ .. 345/426
`(76) Inventor: David Collodi, Taylorville, IL (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`William F. Prendergast
`Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione
`NBC Tower, Suite 3600
`PO. Box 10395
`Chicago, IL 60610 (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed;
`()CL 18, 2001
`Publication Classi?cation
`(51) Int. Cl.7 ................................................... .. G06T 15/50
`Aprogrammable hardware per-pixel shading device for use
`in real-time 3D graphics applications containing additional
`asynchronous hardWare units to assist in real-time per-pixel
`lighting. The standard programmable shading unit contains
`hardWare for execution of a user-de?ned sequence of texture
`lookup and color blend operations. Programmable shader is
`assisted by a Vector Generation Unit responsible for gener
`at1ng normalized shading vectors and providing said vectors
`for use Within said programmable shading unit. One or more
`Vector Shading Units operate in parallel With the program
`mable shading unit providing hardWare accelerated lighting/
`color calculations and making results available for use in the
`programmable shading unit.
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`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1007, Page 1
`Patent Application Publication Apr. 24, 2003 Sheet 1 0f 3
`US 2003/0076320 Al
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`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1007, Page 2
`Patent Application Publication Apr. 24, 2003 Sheet 2 0f 3
`US 2003/0076320 A1
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`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1007, Page 3
`Patent Application Publication Apr. 24, 2003 Sheet 3 0f 3
`US 2003/0076320 A1
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1007, Page 4
`US 2003/0076320 A1
`Apr. 24, 2003
`[0001] The present invention relates in general to the ?eld
`of real-time computer generated graphics hardWare. In par
`ticular, the present invention relates to the ?eld of per-pixel
`shading and programmable per-pixel shading Within real
`time image generation devices. Until recently, most real
`time 3D graphics hardWare Was limited to per-vertex light
`ing and shading operations, such as Gouraud shading and
`equivalents. Per-vertex operations, While computationally
`ef?cient, tend to produce visual inaccuracies for the lighting
`of some models and prohibit the rendering of complex
`surface effects such as true surface curvature, bump map
`ping, and proper specular re?ections. More complicated
`effects such as Phong shading and bump mapping require
`that shading operations are done for substantially each
`draWn pixel on a polygon surface.
`[0002] Recently, advances in hardWare design and proces
`sor speed have alloWed the application of a limited number
`of per-pixel effects to be produced in real-time graphics
`hardWare. Recent prior art shading devices have included
`user-selected multi-texturing capabilities Wherein end users
`Were able to direct the texture-blending pipeline to imple
`ment a number of per-pixel effects. One such prior art
`approach is the implementation of Environment Mapped
`Bump Mapping (EMBM). In a standard EMBM implemen
`tation, 2 texture maps are provided—a bump map represent
`ing surface perturbation and an environment map represent
`ing the light from the surrounding environment. Initially, the
`bump map value(s) corresponding to the rendered pixel are
`found by addressing the bump map from interpolated vertex
`coordinate values. The bump map value(s) are used to
`compute an environment map address, Which is used in turn
`to address the environment map. The environment map is
`then taken as the pixel color.
`[0003] Currently, state of the art pixel shaders alloW for a
`more involved form of user con?gurability. In some cases,
`massively parallel pixel architectures are provided consist
`ing of a plurality of pixel processors Wherein each processor
`is capable of performing a user-speci?ed sequence of
`instructions and mathematical operations on local data to
`ultimately determine pixel color. In such parallel systems,
`complex pixel operations can be performed quickly because
`the number of parallel processors can overcome the time to
`perform the pixel computations. HoWever, in systems such
`as these, the hardWare cost of supporting multiple general
`purpose pixel processors ultimately tends to outWeigh the
`bene?ts of supporting such complex pixel operations. Other
`state-of-the-art programmable per-pixel shading systems
`provide a tighter compromise betWeen hardWired function
`ality and general purpose operation by alloWing a limited,
`user-programmable sequence of specialiZed pixel operations
`to be performed Within a more traditional pixel rendering
`pipeline. The Microsoft DirectX8 graphics API presents a
`standard set of pixel operations for use in the current and
`future programmable per-pixel shading hardWare. Compli
`ant hardWare provides for the implementation of said pixel
`operations, memory units to hold operation result values,
`and memory to hold a user-de?ned sequence of operations
`[0004] Programmable per-pixel shading architectures such
`as the DirectX8 compliant hardWare previously described
`offer a great deal of user customiZability While retaining the
`speed advantages of dedicated 3D graphics hardWare. The
`architecture, hoWever, provides a number of limitations as
`Well. Most vector operations are typically limited to 8-12 bit
`accuracy, Which is insuf?cient for some lighting applications
`such as point lighting and high order specularity. Although
`programmable per-pixel architectures can be user-de?ned to
`perform a variety of operations, they lack parallel processing
`support for many general-purpose lighting calculations.
`While programmable architectures alloW for the calculation
`of standard per-pixel surface normal, N, and eye re?ection,
`R, vectors, using the programmable hardWare to do so can
`Waste valuable calculation and texture resources and can
`severely limit the accuracy of the resultant vectors. Like
`Wise, although pixel operations may be used to perform dot
`product operations for standard diffuse and specular light
`intensity calculations, the general purpose nature of the
`per-pixel operations don’t lend themselves to the parallelism
`necessary to process multiple light sources per-pixel. Addi
`tionally, general purpose per-pixel operations offer very
`limited support to point lights and complex specularity
`functions. There exists a need, therefore, for a program
`mable per-pixel architecture capable providing parallel pro
`cessing support for general purpose lighting computations
`Wherein the results of said lighting computations are made
`available for use Within a user-programmable frameWork.
`[0005] The present invention details a hardWare extension
`to a programmable per-pixel shading device. The program
`mable shading unit is assisted by a lighting sequence unit
`comprising a vector generation unit, one or more point light
`units, one or more vector shading units and an optional
`accumulation unit. The vector generation unit interpolates a
`surface normal vector, combines it With an optional bump
`map vector and produces a normaliZed surface angle vector
`and a normaliZed vieW re?ection vector Wherein each vector
`may be used in the programmable unit. The point light unit
`supplies a normaliZed point light vector and a fade-off
`coef?cient value to the programmable unit. The vector
`shading unit performs light-surface dot product calculations,
`optionally scales the dot product value and uses the scaled
`dot product to modify a color value. The accumulation unit
`combines colors into tWo separate channels: a diffuse color
`and a specular color and provides said colors for use in the
`programmable unit.
`[0006] FIG. 1 is an overvieW of a preferred embodiment
`of the present invention.
`[0007] FIG. 2 depicts the internal components of the
`Lighting Sequence Unit.
`[0008] FIG. 2 illustrates the operation of the Vector Gen
`eration Unit.
`[0009] FIG. 3 shoWs a logic vieW of the operation of the
`Point Light Unit.
`FIG. 4 illustrates the operation of the Vector Shad
`ing Unit.
`[0011] FIG. 5 illustrates the operation of the Accumula
`tion Unit.
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1007, Page 5
`US 2003/0076320 A1
`Apr. 24, 2003
`[0012] The present invention performs per-pixel calcula
`tions Within real-time 3D graphics hardware. Most tradi
`tional 3D graphics hardWare systems take polygonal (usu
`ally triangular) primitives, convert the primitives from
`World-space to screen-space if necessary, and rasteriZe the
`transformed primitive to the screen. During rasteriZation, the
`primitive is broken up into a plurality of pixels and each
`visible pixel is draWn to screen memory. Per-pixel process
`ing units are used to determine pixel color before each pixel
`is Written to screen memory. Per-pixel processing units need
`not necessarily operate on every pixel in the polygon or the
`scene as some pixels may be excluded for several reasons
`including but not limited to occlusion by a nearer surface.
`The per-pixel processing units generally determine pixel
`color from a combination of texture map lookups, lighting
`calculations, and interpolated vertex color values. Prior art
`per-pixel processors are capable of performing a user
`programmable sequence of pixel commands Which operate
`on pixel data to produce the ?nal Written color value. The
`present invention details an improved programmable per
`pixel processor able to calculate per-pixel lighting effects
`faster and more ef?ciently than prior art implementations.
`[0013] The present invention seeks to improve lighting
`performance by the inclusion of dedicated hardWare lighting
`sequence processing While maintaining and enhancing user
`customiZation by alloWing said dedicated lighting hardWare
`to provide feedback data to hardWare registers Which are
`readable (and potentially Writeable) by the user-program
`mable sequence of pixel operations.
`[0014] FIG. 1 presents an overvieW of the logic elements
`of a per-pixel processor that is a preferred embodiment of
`the present invention. Said per-pixel processor performs the
`same general functionality as many prior art per-pixel pro
`cessors in that it takes, as input, a number of vertex values
`from a rasteriZer, is connected to a texture memory, and
`ultimately outputs a pixel color. The per-pixel processor, as
`With prior art approaches, operates on each draWn pixel of
`the rendered surface primitive. It may be desirable to
`increase rendering ef?ciency by providing multiple per-pixel
`processors running in parallel in order to multiply the pixel
`throughput. The preferred embodiment detailed herein rep
`resents only a single per-pixel processor primarily for the
`purpose of providing a clear example. As Will be recogniZed
`by those skilled in the art, multiple copies of the processor
`detailed herein, as Well as those of alternate embodiments,
`may be used in parallel Within a graphics system.
`[0015] As illustrated by FIG. 1, the preferred embodiment
`of the present invention is comprised of a Programmable
`Shading Unit 2 operatively connected to a texture memory
`3, a rasteriZer 6 and a Lighting Sequence Unit 1. The
`rasteriZer 6, Whose operation is Well knoWn to those skilled
`in the art, iterates through the pixels of the current polygon,
`optionally performs depth buffering operations and provides
`interpolated vertex values for each pixel. The Programmable
`Shading Unit 2 is responsible for executing a user-de?ned
`sequence of pixel operations. The available operations in a
`preferred embodiment of the present invention include, but
`are not limited to, operations for: using a vector value to
`address a texture, cube, or sphere map, calculation of a 3 or
`4 dimensional dot product value, addition and subtraction of
`scalar and vector values, vector-scalar multiplication and
`division, and component-Wise vector multiplication. Alter
`nate embodiments provide different sets of pixel operations.
`Said pixel operations are performed on vector and scalar
`values stored in local memory registers. The Programmable
`Shading Unit has a number of registers to store scalar and
`vector values for per-pixel operations. Certain registers are
`also used to communicate data back and forth from the
`Lighting Sequence Unit 1. The general embodiment of the
`Lighting Sequence Unit illustrated in FIG. 1 contains dedi
`cated hardWare elements for the generation of normaliZed
`surface angle and re?ection vectors 8, and hardWare ele
`ments for the production of light coef?cient values, 9, for
`one or more light sources. Vertex values input from the
`rasteriZer 6 to the Programmable Shading Unit at 7, consist
`of scalar or vector quantities interpolated from values given
`at each vertex of said polygonal primitive. The Program
`mable Shading unit produces a pixel color value at 5,
`consisting of an RGB color value or an RGBA color-alpha
`[0016] FIG. 6 illustrates a preferred embodiment of the
`internal operations of the Lighting Sequence Unit. The
`Vector Generation Unit 71 is responsible for the calculation
`of a 3-dimensional, unit-length surface normal into vector N
`and a 3-dimensional, unit-length vieW re?ection vector R.
`The ?nal N vector value is computed from an interpolated
`vertex value and is optionally perturbed by a bump map
`vector. The R vector value is found by re?ecting an option
`ally variable vieW (eye) vector around the surface normal N
`vector. One or more Point Light Units 76 provide normal
`iZed point light vectors and scalar distance coef?cients. One
`or more Vector Shading Units 74 are responsible for dot
`product and color scaling operations for light source color
`and direction vectors. An optional Accumulation Unit 75
`sums tWo separate channels of color values to produce
`diffuse and specular color values. Communications betWeen
`the Programmable Unit and the Lighting Sequence Unit are
`done, in a preferred embodiment, through shared registers.
`The main goal of the aforementioned hardWare units is to
`provide parallel hardWare support for commonly used light
`ing tasks rather than putting the burden entirely on the
`Programmable Shading Unit. HardWare lighting units can be
`assembled in a parallel, pipelined fashion to alloW for a
`completion rate of one pixel per clock cycle. Pipelining the
`user-programmable operations in the Programmable Shad
`ing Unit is more dif?cult since the sequence of operations is
`variable. The use of the aforementioned hardWare units is
`advantageous since it removes much of the burden of
`lighting from the Programmable Shading Unit, freeing the
`resources to the production of user-de?ned special effects.
`The Programmable Unit has even more ?exibility since the
`shading values produced by the various other hardWare units
`are made available for use Within the Programmable Unit.
`This arrangement enhances the user customiZation of shad
`ing routines While providing base per-pixel lighting at rates
`of 1 pixel per clock cycle or more.
`[0017] FIG. 2 illustrates the operation of the Vector Gen
`eration Unit. At 11, interpolated normal data is received.
`Several formats of interpolated normal data may be used. In
`a preferred embodiment, said normal data consists of a
`2-dimensional vector interpolated from polygon vertex nor
`mal vectors transformed to 2-dimensional vectors by the
`process described in US. patent application ?led in the
`name of David J. Collodi, on Jan. 18, 2001, bearing Ser. No.
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1007, Page 6
`US 2003/0076320 A1
`Apr. 24, 2003
`09/766,277 and entitled Method and System For Improved
`Per-Pixel Shading in a Computer Graphics System, the
`disclosure of Which is hereby incorporated by reference. The
`interpolated normal vector may be in either ?xed point or
`?oating point format, but if a ?xed point representation is
`used at least 12 bits of accuracy are assumed. At 12, the
`interpolated normal vector is received and passed on to the
`next stage.
`[0018] At 14, the interpolated normal vector is (option
`ally) perturbed by a bump-map vector. Abump map vector
`is passed in at 13. In a preferred embodiment, a 2-dimen
`sional bump map vector is passed in from the Programmable
`Shading Unit. The Programmable Shading Unit may be
`con?gured to generate the bump map vector procedurally or
`provide the bump map vector as a result of a texture map
`lookup (or a combined result of multiple texture map
`lookups) Wherein said texture map contains 2-dimensional
`vector values or the texture map contains height values
`Which are subsequently converted to a tWo-dimensional
`vector value. The timing of the Programmable and Lighting
`Sequence Units must be con?gured so that the Program
`mable unit is able to provide a stable value at this stage of
`execution. Before being combined With the interpolated
`normal vector, the bump map vector may optionally be
`transformed by a 2x2 matrix supplied by the Programmable
`Shading Unit. The bump-map vector b is then combined
`With said interpolated normal vector n by vector addition to
`produce composite surface angle vector c Where:
`[0019] The c vector is a 2-dimensional vector that repre
`sents the surface direction of the current pixel in?uenced by
`surface curvature and (optionally) a bump map value. If
`bump mapping is not used for the current pixel, then the c
`vector is simply set equal to the n vector. The composite
`surface vector is output at 15.
`[0020] At 17, the surface angle vector is generated from
`the composite surface vector c received at 15. A preferred
`embodiment uses the component values of vector c to
`address a 2-dimensional lookup table value Wherein said
`lookup table value is used to produced substantially nor
`maliZed 3-dimensional surface angle vector, N. The term
`substantially normaliZed is used henceforth to describe a
`vector Whose length is in the range of 0.8-1.2, ie the vector
`is approximately unit length. A preferred method for obtain
`ing a substantially normaliZed 3-dimensional vector from a
`2-dimensional lookup table is detailed in the above-refer
`enced US. patent application ?led in the name of David J.
`Collodi, on Jan. 18, 2001, and bearing Ser. No. 09/766,277.
`[0021] Alternate embodiments use dedicated hardWare to
`directly calculate the aforementioned N vector from an
`interpolated 3-dimensional polygon vertex vector combined
`With a 3-dimensional bump map vector.
`[0022] The normaliZed surface angle vector N is output at
`19 for use Within the Programmable Shading Unit. Before N
`is output, it may need to be converted to/from ?xed-point
`format and/or reduced in accuracy dependent on the speci
`?cation for the Programmable Shading Unit registers and
`operations. In cases Where the N vector reduced in accuracy
`for output to the Programmable Shading Unit, a full preci
`sion copy of N is kept and used for subsequent lighting
`computations in the Vector Shading Units.
`[0023] At 16, eye vector information is received. A pre
`ferred embodiment receives the screen coordinates for the
`current pixel Which are then converted at 16 into a 2-di
`mensional offset vector, e. At 18, a normaliZed vieW re?ec
`tion vector is generated. The 2-dimensional offset vector, e,
`is input as Well as composite surface vector c. The e and c
`vectors are then combined to produce a 2-dimensional
`re?ection vector x, Where:
`[0024] Next the x vector is used to produce substantially
`normaliZed vieW re?ection vector R. The conversion of x to
`R may be accomplished by the aforementioned procedures
`used to produce the N vector from the c vector. At 20, the R
`vector is output to the Programmable Shading Unit. As With
`the N vector, a loWer precision vector may be given to the
`Programmable Shading Unit and a full precision copy of R
`may be kept for subsequent operations. Alternate embodi
`ments may use different algorithms for the generation of the
`R and N vectors provided that they are capable of ensuring
`a consistent format for each vector.
`[0025] FIG. 3. illustrates the operation of a single Point
`Light Unit, although a preferred embodiment of the present
`invention may contain multiple Point Light Units. At 36,
`point light data is received. In a preferred embodiment, said
`point light data consists of a 3-dimensional surface position
`vector, s, representing the position in some ?xed coordinate
`space (such as World space or vieW space) of the current
`pixel and a point light position vector, p, representing the
`position (in the same coordinate space) of a point light. In
`cases Where multiple Point Light Units exist, the same s
`vector is received by each unit but each unit may receive a
`separate p vector. At 30, non-normaliZed point light vector,
`I, is generated Where:
`[0026] At 31, scalar distance-squared value, d, is calcu
`lated Where:
`[0027] At 32, normaliZed light vector, P, is calculated by
`normaliZing the I vector. The normaliZation of the I vector
`is performed, in a preferred manner, by the operations
`detailed in above-referenced US. patent application ?led in
`the name of David J. Collodi, on Jan. 18, 2001, and bearing
`Ser. No. 09/766,277. HoWever, since the I vector can vary
`drastically in length, it may be desirable to scale the I vector
`before normaliZation. The substantially normaliZed point
`light vector, P, is output at 34.
`[0028] At 33 a distance scalar value, h, is calculated
`[0029] Where c is a user selected scalar value. It may
`be desirable to clamp the d value to a loWer bound of
`1 before calculating the h value. The h value repre
`sents the intensity of light at the surface point
`associated With the current pixel. At 35, said distance
`scalar value, h, is output. In a preferred practice of
`the present invention, the P vector is output as a
`4-dimensional vector With the h value used as the 4th
`vector component.
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1007, Page 7
`US 2003/0076320 A1
`Apr. 24, 2003
`[0030] FIG. 4 illustrates the operation of the Vector Shad
`ing Unit. At 41 and 42, a light vector, L, and surface vector,
`S, are input. The light vector may be a user-provided light
`vector or a point light vector generated from the Point Light
`Unit. As a preferred practice of the present invention, it is
`assumed that the L vector is a 4-dimensional vector value
`Where the 4th vector component consists of the aforemen
`tioned scalar h value in the case of a point light vector and
`consists of a user de?ned scalar value (usually, but not
`necessarily, 1.0) in the case of a user-provided light vector.
`The surface vector, S, typically consists of either the surface
`angle vector, N, or the vieW re?ection vector, R, output by
`the Vector Generation Unit as previously detailed. HoWever,
`a user-provided S value may also be used. In either case, the
`S vector is assumed to be a 4-dimensional vector value. In
`the case Where the S vector is taken as the N or R vectors,
`as previously described, a value of 1.0 may be taken as the
`4th vector component to assure that S is a 4-dimensional
`vector. In a preferred embodiment, the Vector Shading Unit
`may be programmed to received the L and S vectors from
`user-speci?ed hardWare registers Wherein said registers may
`be either special-purpose registers designated to hold the
`output vectors of the Point Light/Vector Generation Units or
`general-purpose registers in the Programmable Shading
`[0031] At 46, a raW scalar dot product value, r, is calcu
`lated Where:
`[0032] The r value may be provided for use in the Pro
`grammable Shading Unit at 46. At 44, the raW dot product
`value, r, is optionally scaled. The purpose of this stage is
`primarily to incorporate the effects of shadoWs and surface
`specularity functions. TWo scalar values, y and Z, may be
`user-provided. A 2-dimensional specular map may also be
`speci?ed Wherein said map may reside in texture memory or
`local shader memory. The r and y values are used as a
`coordinate pair (r,y) to address said specular map Which
`provides a scalar value W. If a specular map is not used, the
`W value is set equal to r. The W value is then multiplied by
`the Z value producing the scaled dot product value q. At 47,
`the q value is provided for use in the Programmable Shading
`Unit. At 45, a 3 or 4-dimensional color vector c is scaled by
`said q value. Said color vector is user-provided through the
`Programmable Shading Unit, i.e., a general or special
`purpose register may be used to hold said color vector. A
`resulting color vector e is calculated Where:
`[0033] The e value is output at 48.
`[0034] An alternate embodiment implements the Point
`Light Unit and Vector Shading Unit as fully programmable
`hardWare elements Wherein the sub-tasks of said hardWare
`units may be executed independently through commands
`from the Programmable Shading Unit. The Point Light and
`Vector Shading Units should be designed to provide a
`throughput rate of one operation per clock cycle provided
`their subtasks operations are performed in a pre-de?ned
`[0035] FIG. 5 illustrates the operations of the Accumula
`tion Unit. The Accumulation Unit is responsible for the
`combination of specular and diffuse light colors. At 55, one
`or more diffuse color vectors are input Wherein said color
`vectors are 3 or 4-dimensional vector values. In a preferred
`practice of the present invention, the Accumulation is con
`?gurable to receive diffuse color vectors from a user-de?ned
`set of general or special purpose registers. At 59, said diffuse
`color vectors are combined through vector addition to pro
`duce a combined diffuse color vector. Said combined diffuse
`color vector is output at 57. At 56, one or more specular
`color vectors are input. At 60, said specular color vectors are
`combined through vector addition producing a combined
`specular color vector Which is output at 58. Alternate
`embodiments exclude the Accumulation Unit and alloW the
`user to combine diffuse and specular colors through the
`Programmable Shading Unit.
`[0036] After the combined diffuse and specular color
`vectors are arrived at, the user may use them to modify the
`pixel color in the Programmable Shading Unit. A preferred
`embodiment provides dedicated hardWare to perform a
`component-Wise multiplication of a surface color vector and
`the combined diffuse color vector folloWed by the addition
`of the combined specular color value. Using dedicated
`hardWare for this task, as opposed to general purpose
`Programmable Shading operations, alloWs a standard pixel
`lighting sequence to be completed at a rate of one pixel per
`clock cycle (or higher). Alternate embodiments use general
`purpose Programmable Shading operations to perform dif
`fuse and specular light combination.
`[0037] The pixel color may be further modi?ed, i.e., to
`incorporate fogging effects, or directly output from the
`Programmable Shading Unit as the ?nal pixel color. Prac
`tices of the present invention have alloWed for con?gurable
`per-pixel lighting at rates of one pixel per clock cycle or
`higher to be achieved in real-time 3D graphics hardWare.
`[0038] The detailed description presented herein is prima
`rily for the purposes of example and, as should be recog
`niZed by those skilled in the applicable art, changes and
`modi?cations may be made to disclosed implementation
`Without departing from the scope of the present invention as
`de?ned by the appended claims and their equivalents.
`1. Aper-pixel graphics processing unit for use in a system
`for lighting a plurality of polygon surfaces in a rendering
`system, the graphics processing unit comprising:
`a. dedicated hardWare logic operable to perform a
`sequence of lighting calculations that generate per
`pixel lighting equation lighting coefficients for a plu
`rality of the draWn pixels; and
`b. per-pixel user programmable hardWare logic commu
`nicating With the dedicated hardWare logic to receive
`the per-pixel lighting coef?cients and perform addi
`tional shading calculations using the lighting coef?
`2. The graphic processing unit of claim 1 Wherein the
`dedicated hardWare logic communicates With the program
`mable hardWare logic through one or more shared registers.
`3. The graphic processing unit of claim 1 Wherein the
`dedicated hardWare logic comprises logic that uses the
`lighting coef?cients in the calculation of a color value.
`4. The graphic processing unit of claim 1 Wherein the
`dedicated hardWare logic includes a vector generation unit
`that receives vertex values for the polygon surfaces and
`calculates a 3-dimensional, unit-length surface normal vec
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1007, Page 8
`US 2003/0076320 A1
`Apr. 24, 2003
`5. The graphic processing unit of claim 4 wherein the
`vector generation unit calculates a 3-dimensional, unit
`length vieW re?ection vector.
`6. The graphic processing unit of claim 1 Wherein the
`dedicated hardWare logic includes a point light unit that
`calculates normaliZed point light vectors.
`7. The graphic processing unit of claim 6 Wherein the
`point light unit calculates scalar distance coe?icients.
`8. The graphic processing unit of claim 1 Wherein the
`dedicated hardWare logic includes a vector shading unit that
`performs vector dot product operations.
`9. The graphic processing unit of claim 8 Wherein the
`vector shading unit performs color scaling operations.
`10. The graphic processing unit of claim 4 Wherein the
`vector generation unit receives a bump map vector and
`combines the bump map vector With the normal vector to
`produce a composite surface angle vector.
`11. The graphic processing unit of claim 4 Wherein the
`vector shading unit receives eye vector information and
`generates a vieW re?ection vector therefrom.
`12. The graphic processing unit of claim 1 further com
`prising a texture memory communication With the program
`mable hardWare logic.
`13. A per-pixel graphics processing unit for use in a
`system for lighting a plurality of polygon surfaces in a
`rendering system, the graphics processing unit comprising:
`a. dedicated hardWare logic operable to perform a
`sequence of lighting calculations that generate per
`pixel specular lighting value coe?icients for a plurality
`of the draWn pixels; and
`b. per-pixel user programmable hardWare logic commu
`nicating With the dedicated hardWare logic to receive
`the per-pixel lighting coe?icients and perform addi
`tional shading calculations using the specular lighting
`value coefficients.
`14. The graphic processing unit of claim 13 Wherein the
`dedicated hardWare logic communicates With the program
`mable hardWare logic through one or more shared registers.
`15. The graphic processing unit of claim 13 Wherein the
`dedicated hardWare logic comprises logic that uses the
`lighting coe?icients in the calculation of a color value.
`16. The graphic processing unit of claim 13 Wherein the
`dedicated hardWare logic includes a vector generation unit
`that receives vertex values for the polygon surfaces and
`calculates a 3-dimensional, unit-length surface normal vec
`17. The graphic processing unit of claim 16 Wherein the