

`GeForce 3 - Eurogamemet
`Review - the long-awaited GeForce 3 is almost upon us, and Mugwum has taken a look at what will be one of
`the first cards to hit store shelves
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`By Tom Bramwell Published 01/05/2001 Version tested PC
`- NVIDIA and ELSAPrice - £349.99
`New horizons
`Coming up with ways to reinvent the graphics card market is something NVIDIA pride themselves on. Ever
`since the TNT2 really started giving 3Dfx (big 'D') a run for its money many moons ago, they've been on the up
`with every new release. The GeForce 256, the GeForce 2 GT3 - even the humble GeForce 2 MX broke down
`barriers in the budget graphics card market. Now they are poised to do the same thing again, thanks to the many
`charms of the new GeForce 3, the first graphics card to boast a programmable processing unit, improved anti-
`aliasing support and a million and one other buzzword features. This is arguably the most complicated product
`ever reviewed on these pages. For starters, the GeForce 3 is made up of 57 million transistors, manufactured on
`a new 0.15-micron process that helps to lower power consumption and enable higher clock rates. It shares a few
`common characteristics with the GeForce 2 - most notably its four pixel pipelines that can apply two
`simultaneous textures per pixel. The actual clock speed of the chip varies depending on the board reseller, but
`our ELSA Gladiac 920 uses a 200MHz clock speed with 480MHz DDR memory, very similar to the GeForce 2
`Ultra. That, however, is Where the trickle of similarities runs dry. In this review we will obviously be
`demonstrating the abilities of the GeForce 3 as present on our test card, but thanks to a lot of technical NVIDIA
`documentation and the patience of its press spokespeople, we're able to bring you a fairly decent explanation of
`why the GeForce 3 is so new and improved, as well as what it can do with current games and applications.
`Vertex Shader
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`GeForce 3 - Eurogamemet
`The first big difference of note is the so-called Vertex Shader, which you will recall from our preview makes up
`one half of the named features in NVIDIA's "nflniteFX Engine". The Vertex Shader is the real workhorse of the
`GeForce 3, executing within the GPU special programs for each vertex of an object or a complete frame. If
`you're wondering what a vertex actually is, think of the fairly logical way 3D scenes appear in, say, Quake III
`Arena. Everything is made up of tiny triangles, and vertices are the corners of those triangles. Each vertex
`carries data about its position within the scene, colour, texture coordinates and various other pieces of
`information. All of this is pumped into and out of the GeForce 3's GPU, where the Vertex Shader does its work.
`Unlike previous GPUs, which weren't capable of meddling with vertex information before the 3D-pipeline
`applies Transform & Lighting calculations, the GeForce 3 actually allows programmers to alter the information
`contained within the vertices. Although a fairly simple step, it is one that opens countless doors to new
`technological breakthroughs. The Vertex Shader allows developers to take advantage of all sorts of visual effects
`that will usher in the "photo-realistic" gaming age. Take for example layered fog. Because fog data is stored in
`vertices, like so much of the data that has previously forced developers down narrow visual avenues, it can be
`manipulated to determine the intensity of the fog in various places. Now think about what else can be fiddled
`using the Vertex Shader. How about per pixel bump mapping, reflection and refraction to name but a few? And
`the effects that can be produced by the Shader are, as Steve Jobs put it at MacWorld, amazing. Motion blur and
`more human-like movement are barely the start of it. Technically speaking, only 128 instructions can be actioned
`per program within the vertex Shader (hardly "nfinite"), but the changes are certainly enough to revolutionize the
`way developers deal with this sort of information. This is one reason why a lot of people are very excited about
`the Xbox, which will have an updated GeForce 3 GPU built into it from the get go.
`Pixel Shader
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`GeForce 3 - Eurogamemet
`The Pixel Shader is the other main component in the nfiniteFX Engine. Just like its partner in crime, the Vertex
`Shader, the Pixel Shader is capable of taking data and applying custom programs to create new and exciting
`effects. Interestingly, the Vertex Shader is getting a lot more press from NVIDIA, but as anybody who has
`witnessed the Pixel Shading routines in 3D Mark 2001 will testify, this stuff is dynamite as well. The Pixel
`Shader kicks in after the Vertex Shader has done its work with transformed and lit vertices, taking the pixels
`provided by the Triangle Setup and Rasterization unit directly before it in the 3D pipeline, and performing its
`magic upon them. Put simply, pixel rendering is achieved by combining the colour and lighting information with
`texture data to pick the correct colour for each pixel. This is how things have been done since the year dot, but
`unlike its predecessors the GeForce 3 with its Pixel Shader can take things one step further, running custom
`texture address operations on up to four textures at a time, then eight custom texture blending operations,
`combining the colour information of the pixel with data from up to four different textures. Following this, a
`further combiner adds specular lighting and fog effects, before the pixel is alpha-blended, defining its opacity.
`The GeForce 3 also performs lookup operations on the z-value of where the pixel is meant to appear to
`determine whether or not it needs to be drawn or not. This is a crude method of culling unnecessary pixels,
`similar in certain ways to the z-buffer manipulation techniques used by ATI in its Radeon line of graphics cards.
`Passed out?
`Fillrate is a topic that many people have brought up in days gone by with regard to the GeForce 3, because in
`actual fact its raw fillrate numbers are nigh-on identical to those of the GeForce 2 GTS. The card can deal with
`two texels per clock cycle, so obviously when more than two are used it requires extra clock cycles. With a clock
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`GeForce 3 - Eurogamemet
`frequency of 200MHz multiplied by four pixel shaders, you have a fill rate of 800MPixel/s for two texture units,
`or 400MPixel/s if three or four are used. The texel fillrate is l600MTexel/s in the case of two, and 800MTexel/s
`for one texture per pixel, and l200MTexel/s for three. These obvious similarities with the GeForce 2's NVIDIA
`Shading Rasterizer were cause for some concern. As if to demonstrate how disingenuous this sort of shock data
`can be though, NVIDIA's Pixel Shader can actually allow up to four textures per pass, despite its two texels per
`clock cycle limit. So Whereas the GeForce 2 requires multiple passes for three or four textures per pixel, and
`each pass is done in one clock cycle, the GeForce 3's Pixel Shader may require another clock cycle to allow for
`three or four textures, but it still only needs one pass. A techy distinction, and one that's difficult to spot if you
`only count clock cycles or check theoretical fill rates. The good news is that the GeForce 3 technique saves on
`memory bandwidth, something that is very important these days. The Pixel Shader can also be programmed,
`although unlike the Vertex Shader the Pixel Shader can only apply 12 instructions, four of them texture address
`operations and the other eight blending operations. These can be helped along by the Vertex Shader, which of
`course deals with data prior to the Pixel Shader. Like the Vertex Shader, the Pixel Shader helps to open doors for
`programmers. The question of when we'll see anything pass through them is a bit of a moot point, but our guess
`would be Christmas. Expect to hear a lot more from the likes of John Carmack about the GeForce 3‘s feature set
`and the relevance of it in upcoming 3D games.
`What use is it now?
`This really is the question that deserves answering. When the GeForce 256 first came along, T&L was the
`future, and everything would use it in a year's time. Obviously this isn't quite how things turned out; in fact a lot
`of new games still don't use T&L, although support for it is becoming increasingly common. So if you've got a
`bit of cash to spare and badly need to get rid of that shocking TNT2 Ultra or Voodoo 3 3500, just what does the
`GeForce 3 offer you now that you wouldn't be better off waiting to buy in a year's time while using a Kyro II or
`GeForce 2 Ultra in the interim? The most obvious point is its performance in current 3D games and how it
`shapes up against other cards. Obviously, if performance is out there and above what we currently have, it'll
`certainly be worth considering as a lasting performance leader. Cue obligatory Quake III benchmarks? Sure, but
`we'll digress a bit as well. As a footnote, throughout our benchmarking we are using drivers that NVIDIA have
`confirmed are release-quality. We were also given permission to flash our card's BIOS to the latest up to date
`version. Although your mileage may vary, our results are damn near What you will end up with if you purchase a
`GeForce 3.
`By the by, we're not using the classic dem0001, we're using a more
`hardcore Quake III Arena 1.27g optimised demo, which pushes video
`cards further. The GeForce 3 is a couple of frames behind, but this is
`obviously unnoticeable in general play. Ironically though, we reckon
`the programmable CPU is actually accountable for the loss in
`framerate, since Quake 111 does pretty well with the "classic" GeForce
`cards' hardwired T&L unit. The Radeon, for all its splendour, can't
`really keep up. Lets bump up the resolution.
`The improvement on the part of the GeForce 3 over its closest rival the
`GeForce 2 Ultra, is largely down to the efficiency with which is
`handles its memory bandwidth. Both cards have pretty much the same
`amount of bandwidth to play with, but the GeForce 3 has a very
`refined, very well thought-out way of dealing with it.
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`GeForce 3 - Eurogamemet
`This is the most impressive result I have ever seen in this benchmark.
`This isn't even indicative of general Quake III Arena gameplay, but it
`is a very difficult benchmark to excel in. The GeForce 3 stomps all
`over its predecessors, and the Radeon might as well not feature at all.
`Fillrate testing
`Quake III may be an excellent OpenGL benchmark, but Serious Sam is an equally good fillrate benchmark too.
`All right, so in theory we already know that the GeForce 3's fillrate should not exceed that of the GeForce 2
`Ultra by more than a handful of MPixel/s, but as these benchmarks demonstrate, and as I've enthused above, the
`GeForce 3 simply handles its memory bandwidth better than anything else on the market.
`The difference between last year's technology, the GeForce 2 GT8 and
`the GeForce 3 is almost a 100% improvement. The Ultra is also
`stamped firmly out by the GeForce 3's impressive ability to marshal
`its resources. The Radeon also puts up a strong performance, arguably
`because of its ability to cull unnecessary overdraw. The Kyro II should
`also be a strong performer in this category, although at the time of
`writing we didn't have one available to test.
`Over a 100% improvement on the GeForce 2 GTS. Changing from
`single to multitexture fillrate doesn't affect performance much on the
`GeForce line, and again it's the efficiency of the GeForce 3 that helps
`it win through.
`NOW, the other thing the GeForce 3 does pretty well from the get go is anti-aliasing. In previous graphics
`generations, the technology to use Full-Scene Anti-Aliasing has been hidden away in menus, despite its
`prevalence in advertising. The main reason for this is the performance hit involved. Moving from no FSAA even
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`GeForce 3 - Eurogamemet
`to 2xFSAA is an incredibly bold step, and 4xFSAA, for all its beauty, is simply too much for some cards,
`Whatever your CPU and the state of your system. With the GeForce 3 NVIDIA aims to put pay to that, as ATI
`ever so nearly managed to do with the Radeon. Anti-aliasing has been an enormous topic in the 3D gaming
`world since 3de (at that point, little 'd') started to introduce it with its ill-fated Voodoo 4/5 line. Typical aliasing
`effects have been given the crude nickname "j aggies" - the sharp, unpleasant edges found on every surface in
`most 3D games. Jaggies show up when two triangles intersect without the same surface angle, and spoil the
`image. With bilinear and trilinear filtering, you can at least minimise this effect, but applying a filter to an entire
`frame is a bit wasteful when only certain areas are affected. Although the GeForce 3 does filter the entire frame
`for quite a performance hit, its already impressive performance more than makes up for it, and anti-aliasing is
`finally something of a reality. The most common way of dealing with anti-aliasing to ensure sub-pixel level
`accuracy (the most difficult part of the illusion) is super-sampling. The idea is simple, effective, but also very
`performance degrading. How it works, is by rendering each frame at a certain number of times its actual
`resolution. So at 2xFSAA it's rendering each frame twice as large, and 4xFSAAfour times as large. As a result,
`each pixel is initially rendered as two or four, each half or a quarter of the size of the final on-screen pixel. The
`filtering of those pixels generates an anti-alised look. Imagine the performance hit of rendering double the
`number of on-screen pixels to achieve this though, let alone four! The alternative to super-sampling is multi-
`sampling, the technique used by GeForce 3. Multi-sampling works by rendering multiple samples of a frame,
`combining them at the sub-pixel level and then filtering them for an anti-aliased look. It sounds complex, but all
`you really need to know is that the effect is more or less the same as super-sampling, and because the card
`doesn't waste its time creating detail for higher resolutions, the performance hit isn't so great. Multi-sampling
`encompasses the general FSAA modes found on the GeForce 3. However, also onboard is the HRAA, or High-
`Resolution Anti-Aliasing engine. The GeForce 3 actually has an entire technology unit for dealing with AA now,
`which creates samples of a frame, stores them in a certain area of frame buffer and filters the samples before
`putting them in the back buffer. This makes the anti-aliased frame fully software accessible. Phew. Quincunx,
`although it sounds somewhat lewd, is actually something you'll want to give serious thought to as well. It's a
`super-sampling trick which generates the final anti-aliased pixel by filtering five pixels for only two samples.
`This one had me stumped to start with, but the logic is unsurprisingly sharp. Bottom line is, it comes close to the
`quality of 4xFSAA but requires the generation of only two samples. The 3D scene is rendered normally, but the
`Pixel Shader stores each pixel twice, which saves on rendering power but uses twice the memory bandwidth.
`Anyway, the last pixel of the frame is rendered and the HRAA-engine of the GeForce 3 pokes one sample buffer
`half a pixel in each direction, which has the effect of surrounding the first sample by four pixels of the second
`sample, diagonally a minute distance away. The HRAA-engine filters over those five pixels to create the anti-
`aliased one. The result looks almost as perfect as 4xFSAA, but doesn't cost as much in terms of performance.
`Genius? Pretty much!
`Anti-aliasing benchmarks
`So you've read the theory, how about the practice? Although it's difficult to benchmark appearance, I'd say the
`effect from testing is exactly as NVIDIA claim it to be. In the meantime, here are some benchmarks taken with
`Serious Sam to observe real world Full-Scene Anti-Aliasing performance on the GeForce 3. Enjoy, I need some
`more coffee.
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`GeForce 3 - Eurogamemet
`Because of the differences between the performance of Quincunx AA
`on a GeForce 3 and 2XFSAA on a GeForce 2 Ultra, we thought we
`would first demonstrate 4XFSAA in a lowish resolution. The results
`here are more than likely down to the programmable GPU again.
`Things get better as usual if we up the resolution.
`You'll notice firstly that there's no Radeon result here. Things were
`literally unplayable so I saw no point in continuing the test. The
`GeForce 2 GTS takes a beating, and the GeForce 2 Ultra demonstrates
`that you can overclock the GeForce 2 core all you want, but unless you
`improve your AA and memory bandwidth management, you'll never
`keep up with something as powerful as the GeForce 3. Quincunx
`benchmarks were more interesting. Of course, no other card supports
`Quincunx, so benchmarking against itself in 4XFSAA seemed like a
`good idea. Here are the results:
`A clear demonstration that despite the barely perceptible difference in
`visual quality, Quincunx packs quite a punch. 60 frames per second is
`a perfectly reasonable framerate, and 1024x768 is a perfectly
`reasonable resolution. And remember, this is a very tough benchmark.
`In general gameplay, expect even higher scores.
`Lightspeed Memory Architecture
`Before we come to any conclusions, let's first consider perhaps the biggest and most important feature of the
`GeForce 3, it's "Lightspeed Memory Architecture". This little buzzword feature helps the GeForce 3 overcome
`its memory bandwidth bottlenecks and achieve amazing fill and frame rates. Hold on to your hats, it's another
`difficult and technically minded solution to a common problem. I don't envy the job of NVIDIA's PR machine in
`marketing this stuff to the mainstream, I really don t. The ins and outs, located Iii/E15aeFE?E)c(1-afiléels&tg%lggc8al
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`GeForce 3 - Eurogamemet
`document I could locate, go something like this... Memory bandwidth is often quoted on the packaging of
`graphics cards, and those values are always the very peak bandwidth possible. The same is true of, to quote a
`recent example, DDR system memory. In reality, although PC2100 is capable of shovelling data at 2.1Gb/s, it
`does nothing of the sort in current applications. For 3D games, and 3D rendering in general, it seems that
`memory latency is of more importance that peak bandwidth. The reason for this is that under a lot of
`applications, pixel rendering reads from memory areas that are quite a distance apart, and all sorts of memory
`paging has to take place to get the two to meet, which wastes valuable bandwidth. As geometric detail in 3D
`scenes is obviously on the increase, more triangles per scene means smaller ones, and the smaller the triangle,
`the less efficiently the memory controller handles it. So, peak bandwidth is largely irrelevant if only a fraction of
`it is being used properly. To combat this, NVIDIA dreamt up the "crossbar memory controller", which consists
`of four single 64-bit wide memory sub-controllers. All of these can interact with one another to minimise the
`above issues and make memory access as efficient as possible. As demonstrated in our fillrate benchmarks, the
`level of efficiency in the GeForce 3's memory controller makes the GeForce 2 Ultra's theoretical fillrate
`unimportant. The GeForce 3 can still surpass it under many circumstances. The crossbar memory controller
`makes up the first part of the GeForce 3's Lightspeed Memory Architecture. The second part helps to reduce 2-
`buffer reads. Now, obviously this is useful because the high impact of z-buffer reads and the waste of bandwidth
`on hidden pixels is daft. As mentioned previously, in the Pixel Shader part of the GeForce 3's 3D pipeline, there
`is a degree of hidden pixel removal, which helps to reduce overdraw, but it goes fiarther than that. For starters,
`the z-buffer is the most commonly read frame buffer of all, so reducing access to it is more important than
`anything. Firstly they use lossless compression to reduce access by up to 75% depending on how much data is
`changing hands, and by manipulating the z-buffer as ATI did with the Radeon's Hyper-Z technology, NVIDIA
`can reduce memory bandwidth consumption again, by using something they call Z-Occlusion Culling (which
`takes place between Triangle Setup/Rasterizing) to determine if a pixel needs to be drawn at all.
`Visual Quality
`Ultimately, there's a lot of spiel and fancy technical know-how involved in unravelling the mystery of what
`drives the GeForce 3 and What makes it better, but there is very little if any involved in determining Whether it
`looks good. The best benchmark for whether the GeForce 3 looks as good as its competitors is you. Having used
`the GeForce 3 for quite a while now, along with a similar system using a Radeon 64Mb DDR, I can quite
`honestly say that I have noticed a difference, and disappointingly, it's in the Radeon's favour. Although the
`GeForce 3 definitely handles matters a lot better than the Radeon (and is the first graphics card on our testbed to
`run 3D action monster Tribes 2 flawlessly at high resolutions), its competitor from ATI just looks slightly
`sharper at times, and that sort of distinction is important. Using identical settings (1024x768x32 with 4xFSAA)
`and running Quake III Arena as a common example, the definition of the scene was simply superior on the ATI
`Radeon. Of course performance was in the GeForce 3's favour (the Radeon was almost unusable with those
`settings in Quake III). Whether this makes a difference will have to be decided on a personal level, but if you
`need a more common benchmark (after all, most potential GeForce 3 buyers will already own NVIDIA cards),
`the visuals of the GeForce 2 GTS are pretty much of the same quality under certain circumstances as the
`GeForce 3. In terms of performance though as we have seen, the GeForce 2 gets beaten black and blue.
`Pricing and Conclusion
`The pricing of the GeForce 3 has been almost as hotly contested as its feature set, but like Intel, NVIDIA came
`to the conclusion that pricing high in a market where high end CPUs can be had for less than £100 would be
`disastrous. Like the 1.7GHz Pentium 4, the GeForce 3 has undergone several price reductions prior to launch,
`and now sits at an RRP of £399.99, with the card we used for testing in this review, the ELSA Gladiac 920,
`retailing at £349.99, and in practice, as little as £299.99 (from, who deserve a namedrop for the
`friendly reduction). At £299.99, the card is basically as good value as the GeForce 2 Ultra was in its heyday, and
`considering its performance and features it's as worthy of your money as anything else. The Radeon 64Mb DDR
`is arguably the GeForce 3's most worthy competitor, but in a year's time I seriously doubt it will be able to
`compete with the GeForce 3 for buyers. Granted, in a year's time we'll probably have a GeForce 3 Ultra or
`something similar, but wouldn't you rather be wowed off your feet in the meantingMq-EW éyvqlélpo ,TI-hgge 9
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`GeForce 3 -
`problem is that by recommending the GeForce 3, we are in danger of doing what our predecessors did when the
`original GeForce 256 was released - recommending a new card based on its future capabilities. So our advice is
`to glance at the score below, give it due consideration, but also to read over what we've said and have a big think
`about what you want from gaming, visually, within the next year. With the GeForce 3 as it is, finding a common
`conclusion is impossible.
`GeForce 3Tom BramwellReview - the long-awaited GeForce 3 is almost upon us, and Mugwum has taken a
`look at what will be one of the first cards to hit store shelves2001-05-01T13:42:00+Ol :00910
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`About Tom Bramwell
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`GeForce 3 - Eurogamemet
`Tom worked at Eurogamer from early 2000 to late 2014, including seven years as Editor-in-Chief.
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