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`A publlcmlofi OI ADM SiGGRAPH
`Sponsored by HIE Assurrmn'on for
`Conwurrng Machinery 5 Specm!
`Interest Group on Commuter
`Annual Commence Sarina-s
`Conierencc Procncdlngs
`1-6 August 1993
`Papers Chalr James T Kanya
`Pane1s Chair Donna Co:
`MEDIATEK, EX. 1004, Page 2
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1004, Page 2
`Annual Conference Series
`Conference Proceedings
`August 1—6. 1993
`Papers Chair James T. Kajiya
`Panels Chair Donna Cox
`A publication of ACM SIGGRAPH
`Production Editor Steve Cunnlngham
`Sponsored by the Association for
`Computing Machinery's Special
`interest Group on Computer Graphics
`MEDIATEK, EX. 1004, Page 3
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1004, Page 3
`z 4
`SIGGRAPH 93,_Anaheim, California', 1-6 August 1993
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`MEDIATEK, EX. 1004, Page 4
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1004, Page 4
`COMPUTER GRAPHICS Proceedings. Annual Conference Series, 1993
`Papers Sessions, Tuesday, 3 August 1993
`SIGGRAPH 93 Keynote Address
`1993 ACM SIGGRAPHComputer G1aph1es Achievement Award .............................................. 11
`Chair: David F. Rogers
`2D Shape Blending: An Intrinsic Solution to the Vertex Path Problem ..... . ................................. 15
`Thomas W. Sodcrberg. l’eishem: Grin, {Innjiu Wong, Hong Mn
`Mesh Optimization ......................................................................................................................... 19
`Hugues Hoppe, Tony DeRosme Tom Duchamp, John MrDonald Werner Stuetzle
`Interactive Texture Mapping .......................................................................................................... 27
`Je’rOme Maillot, Hussein Yahia, Anne Verroust
`Efficient, Fair Interpolation using Catmull-ClarkSurfaces 35
`Mark Halstead, Michael Kass, Tony DeRose
`3:30—5 :00
`Chair: Ed Cutmull
`Implementing Rotation Matrix Constraints in Analog VLSI ......................................................... 45
`David B. Kirk, Alan H. Barr
`Correcting for Short-Range Spatial Non—Linearities of CRT-based Output Devices .................... 53
`R. Victor Klassen, Krishna Bharat
`Autocalibration for Virtual Environments Tracking Hardware ..................................................... 65
`Stefan Gottsc/ialk, John F. Hughes
`MEDIATEK, EX. 1004, Page 5
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1004, Page 5
`SIGGRAPH 93, Anaheim, Calltornia: 1-6 August 1993
`Papers Sessions, Wednesday, 4 August 1993
`Chair: Jock Mackinlay
`Pad: An Alternative Approach to the Computer Interface
`Ken Perlin, David Fax
`Toolglass and Magic Lenses: The See-Through Interface ........................................................... 73
`Eric A. Bier, Maureen C. Stone, Ken Pier, William Baxton, Tony DeRose
`An Interactive 3D Toolkit for Constructing 3D Widgets . .............................................................. 81
`Robert C. Zeleznik, Kenneth P. Hermlon, Daniel C. Robbins, Nate Huang,
`Tom Meyer, Noah Parker, John F. Hughes
`Rendering Architectures
`Chair: Forest Baskett
`EXACT: Algorithm and Hardware Architecture for an Improved A-Buffer ................................. 85
`Andreas Schilling, Wolfgang Strafier
`Graphics Rendering Architecture for a High Perfomiance Desktop Workstation
`Chandlee B. Harrell, Farhad Fouladi
`Leo: A System for Cost Effective 3D Shaded Graphics ............................................................. 101
`Michael F. Deering, Scott R. Nelson
`RealityEngine Graphics ................................................................................................................ 109
`Kurt Akeley
`3 :30—5 : 00
`Virtual Reality
`Chair: Andries van Dam
`VIEW — An Exploratory Molecular Visualization System with User-Definable
`Interaction Sequences ................................................................................................................... 117
`Lawrence D. Bergman, Jane S. Richardson, David C. Richardson, Frederick P. Brooks Jr.
`The Nanomanipulator: A Virtual-Reality Interface for n Scnnnin g Tunnelling Microscope ...... 127
`Russell M. Taylor II, Warren Rahinett, Vernon L. Chi, Frederick P. Brooks Jr.,
`William V. Wright. R. Stanley Williams, Eric J. Snyder
`Surround-Screen Projection-Based Virtual Reality: The Design and Implementation
`of the CAVE ................................................................................................................................. 135
`Carolina Cruz-Neira, Daniel J. Sandin, Thomas A. DeFanti
`MEDIATEK, EX. 1004, Page 6
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1004, Page 6
`COMPUTER GRAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series. 1993
`Papers Sessions, Thursday, 5 August 1993
`Global Illumination
`Chair: Francois Sillion
`Painting withLight ........................................... 143
`Chris Sclzoenenuzn, Julie Dorsey, Brian Smits. James Arm Donald Greenberg
`Radioptimization — Goal-based Rendering ..........................................,....................................... 147
`John K. Kawai. James S. Painter, Michael F. Cohen.
`A Hierarchical Illumination Algorithm for Surfaces with Glossy Reflection 155
`Larry Aupperle, Pat Hanrahan
`On the Form Factor between Two Polygons ................................................................................ 163
`Peter Schrb’der, Par Hanrahan
`Light and Color
`Chair: Ken Torrance
`Reflection from Layered Surfaces due to Subsurface Scattering ................................................. 165
`Pat Hanrahan, Wolfgang Krueger
`DiSplay of the Earth Taking into Account Atmospheric Scattering ............................................. 175
`Tomoyuki Nishita, Takao Siral, Katsumi Tadamura, Eihachiro Nakamae
`Smooth Transitions between Bump Rendering Algorithms ......................................................... 183
`Barry G. Becker, Nelson L Max
`Linear Color Representations for Full Spectral Rendering .......................................................... 191
`Mark S. Peercy
`Numerical Methods for Radiosity
`Chair: Paul Heckbert
`Combining Hierarchical Radiosity and Discontinuity Meshing .................................................. 199
`Dani Lischinski, Filippo Tampieri, Donald P. Greenberg
`Radiosity Algorithms Using Higher Order Finite Elements
`Ray Trontman, Nelson L. Max
`Galerkin Radiosity: A Higher Order Solution Method for Global I llumination ......................... 213
`Harold R. Zarz
`Wavelet Radiosity ........................................................................................................................ 221
`Steven J. Gorrler, Peter Schro'der, Michael F. Cohen, Pat Hanrahan
`3:30—5 :00
`Chair: Frank Crow
`Hierarchical Z-Buffer Visibility ................................................................................................... 231
`Ned Greene, Michael Kass, Gavin Miller
`Global Visibility Algorithms for Illumination Computations ...................................................... 239
`Seth Teller, Pat Hanrahan
`Adaptive Display Algorithm for Interactive Frame Rates During Visualization of
`Complex Virtual Environments .................................................................................................... 247
`Thomas A. Fun/(homer, Carlo H. Sequin
`MEDIATEK, EX. 1004, Page 7
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1004, Page 7
`SIGGRAPH 93, Anaheim. Calllornia: 1-6 August 1993
`Paper Sessions, Friday, 6 August 1993
`Chair: Mike Keeler
`Discrete Groups and Visualization of Three-Dimensional Manifolds ......................................... 255
`Charlie Gunn
`Imaging Vector Fields Using Line Integral Convolution ............................................................. 263
`Brian Cabral, Leith (Casey) Leedom
`Frequency Domain Volume Rendering ........................................................................................ 271
`Takashi Totsuka, Marc Levoy
`Processing Synthetic Images
`Chair: Don Mitchell
`View Interpolation for ImageSynthesis 279
`Shenchang Eric Chen, Lance Williams
`Spatial Anti-aliasing for Animation Sequences with Spatio-temporal Filtering .......................... 289
`Mikio Shinya
`Motion Compensated Compression of Computer Animation Frames
`Brian K. Guenter, Hee Cheol Yun, Russell M. Mersereau
`Space Diffusion: An Improved Parallel Halftoning Technique Using Space—filling Curves ....... 305
`Yuefeng Zhang, Robert E. Webber
`Techniques for Animation
`Chair: Andrew Glassner
`An Implicit Formulation for Precise Contact Modeling between Flexible Solids ....................... 313
`Marie-Paule Gascuel
`Interval Method for Multi-Point Collisions between Time-Dependent Curved Surfaces ............ 321
`John M. Snyder, Adam R. Woodbury, Kurt Fleischer, Bena Currin, Alan H. Barr
`Sensor—Actuator Networks ........................................................................................................... 335
`Michiel van de Panne, Eugene Fiume
`Spacetime Constraints Revisited .................................................................................................. 343
`J. Thomas Ngo, Joe Marks
`Natural Phenomena
`Chair: Darwyn Peachey
`Animation of Plant Development ................................................................................................. 351
`Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Mark S. Hammel, Eric Mjolsness
`Modeling Soil: Realtime Dynamic Models for Soil Slippage and Manipulation ........................ 361
`Xin Li, J. Michael Moshell
`Turbulent Wind Fields for Gaseous Phenomena .......................................................................... 369
`.105 Stam, Eugene Fiume
`MEDIATEK, EX. 1004, Page 8
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1004, Page 8
`COMPUTER GRAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1993
`Panel Sessions, Tuesday, 3 August 1993
`Real Virtuality: Stereo Lithography — Rapid Prototyping in 3D ......................................... 377
`Chair: Jack Bresenham
`Panelists: Paul Jacobs, Lewis Sadler, Peter Stucki
`Visual Thinkers in an Age of Computer Visualization: Problems and Possibilities ............ 379
`Chair: Kenneth R. O'Connell
`Panelists: VincentArgiro, John Andrew Berton Jr., Craig Hickman, Thomas G. West
`Panel Sessions, Wednesday, 4 August 1993
`Updating Computer Animation: An Interdisciplinary Approach ........................................ 381
`Chair: Jane Veecler
`Panelists: Charlie Gunn, Scott Liedtka, William Moritz, Tina Price
`Facilitating Learning with Computer Graphics and Multimedia ......................................... 383
`Chair: G. Scott 0Wen
`Panelists: Robert V. Blystone, Valerie A. Miller, Barbara Mones-Hattal, Jacki Morie
`Visualizing Environmental Data Sets ....................................................................................... 385
`Chair: Theresa Marie Rhyne
`Panelists: Kevin J. Hussey, Jim McLeod, Brian Orland, Mike Stephens, Lloyd A. Treinish
`How to Lie and Confuse withVisualization..... 387
`Chair: Nahum D. Gershon
`Panelists: James M. Coggins, Paul R. Edholm, Al Globus, Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
`The Applications of Evolutionary and Biological Processes to
`Computer Art and Animation ................................................................................................... 389
`Chair: George Joblove
`Panelists: William Latham. Karl Sims, Stephen Todd, Michael Tolson
`MEDIATEK, EX. 1004, Page 9
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1004, Page 9
`SiGGHAPH 93, Anaheim. California: 1-6 August 1993
`Panel Sessions, Thursday, 5 August 1993
`Urban Tech-Gap: How Museum/University Liaisons Propose to Create
`a Learning Ladder for Visual Literacy ................ _ ................................................................... 391
`Chair: Richard Nat'in
`Panelists: Lynn Holder, Edward Wagner, Robert Carlson, Michael Mc-Getriek
`Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics Programming 392
`Chair: Bob C. Liang
`Panelists: William Bricken, Peter Cornwell. Bryan Lewis, Ken Pimental, Michael J. Zyda
`Ubiquitous Computing and Augmented Reality ..................................................................... 393
`Chair: Ric/i Gold
`Panelists: Bill Bttxton. Steve Feiner, Chris Schmandt, Mark Weiser, Pierre Wellner
`Merging 3D Graphics and Imaging —Applications and Issues ............................................. 395
`Chair: William R. Pickering
`Panelists: Paul Douglas. Kevin Hussev. Michael Natkin
`Nan-o-sex and Virtual Seduction .............................................................................................. 396
`Co-Chairs: Joan l. Staveley, David Steiling
`Panelists: Paul Brown, Michael Heim, Jill Hunt, Chitra Shriram
`Critical Art/Interactive Art/Virtual Art: Rethinking Computer Art .................................... 398
`Chair: Timothy Druckrey
`Panelists: Regina Cornwell, Kit Galloway, Sherrie Rabinowitz, Simon Penny, Richard Wright
`Panel Sessions, Friday, 6 August 1993
`Digital Illusion: Theme Park Visualization - Part One ........................................................... 400
`Chair: Clark Dodsworth
`Panelists: Kevin Biles, Richard Edlund, Michael Harris, P/zil Hettetna, Mario Kornberg,
`Brenda Laurel, Sherry McKenna, Allen Yamashita
`Digital Illusion: Theme Park Visualization - Part Two
`Continuation ofpanel described above.
`Man vs. Mouse ............................................................................................................................ 401
`Chair: Jonathan Luskin
`Panelists: Terri Hansford, Robert E. Markison, Joan Stig/iani
`Multimedia and Interactivity in the Antipodes ....................................................................... 401
`C'hair: Lynne Roberts—Goodwin
`Panelists: Chris Caines, Paula Dawson, Adam Lucas, Cameron McDonald-Stuart
`The Integrative Use of Computer Graphics in a Medical University .................................... 403
`Chair: Dave Warner
`Panelists: A. Douglas Will. Jodi Reed
`Cumulative Index of SIGGRAPH Proceedings, 19844993 ....................................................... 405
`Stephen Spencer
`Conference Committee ................................................................................................................. 419
`Exhibitors ..................................................................................................................................... 423
`Author index ................................................................................................................................. 4225
`Cover Image Credits ..................................................................................................................... 427
`MEDIATEK, EX. 1004, Page 10
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1004, Page 10
`COMPUTER GRAPHICS Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1993
`RealityEngine Graphics
`Kurt Akeley
`Silicon Graphics Computer Systems*
`l | i
`Silicon Graphics Iris 3000 (1985) and the Apollo DN570 (1985).
`Toward the end of the first—generation period advances in technology
`allowed lighting, smooth shading, and depth buffering to be imple-
`mented, but only with an order of magnitude less performance than
`was available to render fiat—shaded litres and polygons. Thus the
`target capability of these machines remained first—generation. The
`Silicon Graphics 4DG (1986) is an example of such an architecture.
`Because firs t-gencration machines could not efficiently eliminate
`hidden surfaces, and could not efficiently shade surfaces even if the
`application was able to eliminate them, they were more effective
`at rendering wireframc images than at rendering solids. Begin,
`ning in 1988 a second—generation of graphics systems, primarily
`workstations rather than terminals, became available. These ma—
`chines took advantage of reduced memory costs and the increased
`availability of ASICs to implement deep framcbuffers with multiple
`rendering processors. These framebuffers had the numeric ability
`to interpolate colors and depths with little or no performance loss,
`and the memory capacity and bandwidth to support depth buffering
`with minimal performance loss. They were therefore able to render
`solids and full-frame scenes efficiently, as well as wireframe images.
`The Silicon Graphics GT (1988)[l l] and the Apollo DN590 (1988)
`are early examples of second-generation machines. Later second«
`generation machines, such as the Silicon Graphics VGX[12] the
`Hewlett Packard VRX. and the Apollo DNlOOOOMl include texture
`mapping and antialiasing of points and lines, but not of polygons.
`'l‘heir performances are substantially reduced, however. when tex-
`ture mapping is enabled, and the texture size (of the VGX) and
`filtering capabilities (of the VRX and the DNIOOOO) are limited.
`The RealityEngine system is our first third-generation design. Its
`target capability is the rendering of lighted, smooth shaded, depth
`buffered, texture mapped, antialiased triangles. The initial target
`performance was 1/2 million such triangles per second, assuming
`the triangles are in short strips, and 10 percent intersect the viewing
`frrrstum boundaries, Textures were to be well filtered (8-sample lin-
`ear interpolation within and between two rnipmap[13] levels) and
`large enough (102/1 X 1024) to be usable as true images, rather
`than simply as repeated textures. Antialiasing was to result in hi gh-
`quality images of solids, and was to work in conjunction with depth
`buffering, meaning that no application sorting was to be required.
`Pixels were to be filled at a rate sufficient to support 30117.. ren-
`dering of full-screen images. Finally, the performance on second—
`gencration primitives (lighted. smooth shaded, depth buffered) was
`to be no lower than that of the VGX, which renders roughly 800,000
`such mesh triangles per second. All of these goals were achieved.
`The remainder of this paper is in four parts: a description of the
`architecture, some specifics of features supported by the architec—
`ture, alternatives considered during the design of the architecture,
`and finally some appendixes that describe performance and imple-
`mentation details.
`The RealityEngine'M graphics system is the first of a new genera
`tion of systems designed primarily to render texture mapped, an—
`tialiased polygons. This paper describes the architecture of the
`RealityEngine graphics system, then justifies sortie of the decisions
`made during its design. The implementation is near-massively par—
`allel, employing 353 independent processors in its fullest configura-
`tion, resulting in a measured fill rate of over 240 million antialiascd,
`texture mapped pixels per second. Rendering performance exceeds
`1 million antialiased, texture mapped triangles per second. In ad—
`dition to supporting the functions required of a general purpose,
`high-end graphics workstation, the system enables realtime, “out—
`tlre—window“ image generation and interactive image processing.
`CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: 1,3.1 [Computer
`Graphics]: Hardware Architecture; I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]:
`Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism - c0201; shading, shad-
`owing, and texture
`This paper describes and to a large extent justifies the architecture
`chosen for the RealityLI‘ngine graphics system. The designers think
`of this system as our first implementation 01' a third-generation
`[graphics system. To us a generation is characterized not by the
`scope of capabilities of an architecture, but rather by the capabili—
`ties for which the architecture was primarily designed — the target
`capabilities with maximized performance. Because we designed
`our first machine in the early eighties, our notion of first generation
`corresponds to this period. Floating point hardware was just be-
`coming available at reasonable prices, framebuffer memory was still
`quite expensive, and application—sped ficintegratcd circuits (ASICs)
`were not readily available. The resulting machincs had workable
`transformation capabilities. but very limited frarnebuffer process~
`ing capabilities In particular, smooth shading and depth buffering,
`which require substantial framebuffcr hardware and memory, were
`not available. Thus the target capabilities of first-generation ma-
`chines were the transformation and rendering of flat—shaded points,
`lines, and polygons. These primitives were not lighted, and [ridden
`surface elimination, if required, was accomplished by algorithms
`implemented by the application. Examples of such systems are the
`"2011 N. Shoreline Blvd. Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, kurt@sgi.com
`Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted
`provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct
`corruncrcial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title 01 the
`publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by
`Permission of the Association fur (‘oruputiug Machinery. To copy
`(Ithcrwisc. or to republish, require-t a fee nurtlor specific permission.
`‘1) “J93
`MEDIATEK, EX. 1004, Page 11
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1004, Page 11
`SIGGRAPH 93, Anaheim._Caliiornia. 1_~_6 August 1993
`system Bus —*
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`Fa raster memory board
`it; mur memory board ‘
`"f nuptay mnmtw boning
`- -
`buffer, with the pixel assignments finely interleaved to insure that
`even small triangles are partially rasterized by each of the Fragment
`Generators. Each Fragment Generator computes the intersection of
`the set of pixels that are fully or partially covered by the triangle and
`the set of pixels in the li'amebnfl'er that it is responsible for, gener-
`ating a fragment for each of these pixels. Color, depth, and texture
`coordinates are assigned to each fragment based on the initial and
`slope values computedby the Geometry Engine. A subsample mask
`is assigned to the fragment based on the portion of each pixel that
`is covered by the triangle. The local copy of the texture memory is
`indexed by the texture coordinates, and the 8 resulting samples are
`reduced by linear interpolation to a single color value. which then
`modulates the fragment‘s color.
`The resulting fragments, each comprising a pixel coordinate, a
`color, a depth, and a coverage mask, are then distributed to the
`Image Engines. Like the Fragment Generators. the Image Engines
`are each assigned a fixed subset of the pixels in the framebufi‘et:
`'Iltese subsets are themselves subsets of the Fragment Generator
`allocations, so that each Fragment Generator communicates only
`with the 16 Image Engines assigned to it. Each Image Engine
`manages its own dynamic RAM that implements its subset of the
`framcbufl'er. When a fragment is received by an Image Engine.
`its depth and color sample data are merged with the data already
`stored at that pixel, and a new aggregate pixel color is immediawa
`computed. Thus the image is complete as soon as the last po'rnitive
`has been rendered; there is no need for a final framebufl‘er operation
`to resolve the multiple color samples at each pixel lmdon to a
`single displayable color.
`Before describing each ofthe rendering operations in more detail.
`we make the following observations. First, afler it is separated by
`the Command Processor, the stream ofrendering commands merges
`only at the Triangle Bus. Second, triangles of sufficient size (a
`function of the number of raster memory boards) are processed by
`almost all the processors in the system. avoiding only 5, 7, or 11
`Geometry Engines. Finally, small to moderate FIFO memories are
`included at the input and output of each Geometry Engine. at the
`input of each Fragment Generator, and at the input of each Image
`Engine. These memories smooth the flow of rendering commands,
`helping to insure that the processors are utilized efficiently.
`2.1 Command Processor
`That the Command Pmccssorls required at all is primarily a func-
`tion of the OpenGU“ [8H7] graphics language. OpenGL is modal,
`meaning that much of the state that controls rendering is included
`in the command stream only when it changes. rather than with
`each graphics primitive. The Command Processor distinguishes
`between two classes of this modal state. OpenGL commands that
`are expected infrequently, such as matrix manipulations and light-
`ing model changes. are broadcast to all the Geometry Engines.
`OpenGL commands that are expected frequently. such as venex
`colors, normals, and texture coordinates, are shadowed by the Com-
`mand Processor, and the current values are btutdled with each ren-
`dering command that is passed to an individual Geometry Engine.
`The Command Processor also breaks long connected sequences of
`line segments or triangles into smaller groups, each group passing
`to a single Geometry Engine. The size of these groups is a trade
`off between the increased vertex processing efficiency of larger
`groups (due to shared vertexes within a group) and the improved
`load balancing that results from smaller groups. Finally, because
`the Command Processor must interpret each graphics command, it
`is also able to detect invalid command sequences and protect the
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1004, Page 12
`Figure l. Boud’level block diagram ofan intermediate configu-
`ration with 8 Geometry Engines on the geonrcrry board, 2 raster
`memory boards, and a display generator board.
`2 Architecture
`The RealityEngine system is a 3. 4, or 6 board graphics accelerator
`that is installed in a MIPS RISC workstation. The graphics system
`and one or more MIPS processors are connected by a single system
`bus. Figure 1 is a boarddevel block diagram of the RealityEngine
`graphics accelerator. The geometry boardcomprises an input FIFO,
`the Command Processor, and 6, 8, or 12 Geometry Engines. Each
`raster memory board comprises 5 Fragment Generators (each with
`its own complete copy of the texture memory), 80 Image Engines,
`and enough framebut’fer memory to allocate 256 bits per pixel to a
`1280 x 1024 framebufi'er. The display generator board supports all
`video functions, including video timing, gcnlock. color mapping.
`and digital-to~analog conversion. Systems can be configured with
`l, 2, or 4 raster memory boards, resulting in 5, 10, or 20 Fragment
`Generators and 80, 160, or 320 Image Engines.
`To get an initial notion of how the system works, let‘s follow
`a single triangle as it is rendered.
`'Ihe position, color, normal,
`and texture coordinate commands that describe the vertexes of the
`triangle in object coordinates are queued by the input FIFO, then
`interpreted by the Command Processor. The Command Processor
`directs all of this data to one of the Geometry Engines, where the
`coordinates and normals are transformed to eye coordinates, lighted,
`transformed to clip coordinates, clipped, and projected to window
`Coordinates. The associated texture coordinates are transformed
`by a third matrix and associated with the window coordinates and
`colors. Then window coordinate slope information regarding the
`red, green, blue, alpha, depth, and texture coordinates is computed.
`The projected triangle, ready for rasterization. is then output from
`the Geometry Engine and broadcast on the Triangle Bus to the 5,
`10. or 20 Fragment Generators.
`(We distinguish between pixels
`generated by rastedzation and pi