`MediaTek Inc. and MediaTek USA Inc.,
`Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. and ATI Technologies ULC,
`Patent Owner
`U.S. Patent 7,663,506
`Issue Date: December 15, 2009
`Title: Parallel Pipeline Graphics System
`CASE: Unassigned
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 1


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. 7,633,506
`I, Dr. Hanspeter Pfister, Ph.D., declare as follows:
`I have been retained by counsel for Petitioners, MediaTek Inc. and
`MediaTek USA Inc., as an expert in this inter partes review to examine whether
`claims 1-9 of U.S. Patent No. 7,633,506 are patentable over certain prior art.
`I have personal knowledge of all the facts set forth herein, and if
`called to testify at any hearing in this inter partes review, I would competently
`testify and verify that testimony contained herein.
`I am being compensated at my hourly rate of $600 per hour. I am also
`being reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses. My compensation does not depend in
`any way on the outcome of this proceeding or the particular opinions I express, or
`the testimony I give.
`I expect to be available for deposition and to testify at the evidentiary
`hearing in this inter partes review to the extent required.
`This declaration contains my conclusions and a summary of my
`analysis including a summary of my conclusions; an overview of my qualifications
`as an expert; an overview of the scope and terms of my engagement for this
`declaration; an overview of the materials I have considered in arriving at my
`conclusions; an overview of the terminology and legal principles that I applied in
`my analysis; an overview of the technical background of the subject matter; an
`overview of the Patent in Suit; an analysis of the level of ordinary skill in the art
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 2


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`related to the Patent in Suit; an analysis of the asserted references; and a
`patentability analysis of the challenged claims.
`This declaration is based on information currently available to me. I
`intend to continue my investigation and study, which may include a review of
`documents and information that may yet be produced, as well as deposition
`testimony from depositions for which transcripts are not yet available or that may
`yet be taken in this review. Therefore, I expressly reserve the right to expand or
`modify my opinions as my investigation and study continue, and to supplement my
`opinions in response to any additional information that becomes available to me,
`any matters raised by Patent Owner and/or other opinions provided by Patent
`Owner’s expert(s), or in light of any relevant orders from the Patent Trial and
`Appeal Board or other authoritative body.
`It is my opinion that claims 1-9 of the ’506 Patent are rendered
`obvious by the prior art references discussed below. I will explain below my
`analysis and basis for my opinion in detail.
`My curriculum vitae is attached hereto as Attachment A, which
`provides an accurate identification of my relevant background and experience in
`multithreaded graphics processors. For the past 25 years, I have focused on
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 3


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`computer graphics processing in both industrial and academic settings. I have
`designed cutting-edge graphics processing systems, including the world’s first real-
`time volume rendering graphics card. I have pioneered research into various
`aspects of computer graphics and received academic awards and industry
`recognition for my work in computer graphics.
`In 1991, I received my M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Swiss
`Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland. I then proceeded to
`study computer science at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony
`Brook, NY, where I earned my M.S. in Computer Science in 1994 and my Ph. D.
`in Computer Science in 1996.
`I am the An Wang Professor of Computer Science at the Harvard John
`A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and an affiliate faculty
`member of the Center for Brain Science. My research in visual computing lies at
`the intersection of visualization, computer graphics, and computer vision. It spans
`a wide range of topics, including bio-medical visualization, image and video
`analysis, 3D fabrication, and data science. From 2013 to 2017 I was director of the
`Institute for Applied Computational Science. For most of this work we are
`leveraging the power of graphics processing units (“GPUs”) for computer graphics,
`high-throughput computing, and visualization. I am currently advising and co-
`advising seven Ph. D. students, six post-doctoral fellows, and one research
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 4


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`scientist. I also supervised numerous research and thesis projects and student
`11. Before joining Harvard I worked for over a decade at Mitsubishi
`Electric Research Laboratories where I was Associate Director and Senior
`Research Scientist. I was the chief architect of Mitsubishi Electric's VolumePro,
`the world’s first PC graphics card for real-time visualization of volume data. The
`technology was subsequently acquired by TeraRecon and is still in wide
`commercial use in medicine, biology, engineering, and oil and gas exploration.
`VolumePro received several technical awards, including Mitsubishi Electric
`President's Award in 2000. Since then I have developed several new methods for
`high-quality and interactive volume visualization on GPUs. I am the recipient of
`the 2010 IEEE Visualization Technical Achievement award in recognition of my
`“seminal technical achievements in real-time volume rendering.”
`I am a pioneer in point-based computer graphics, a subfield of
`computer graphics that deals with modeling and rendering of point-sampled (e.g.,
`laser-scanned) objects. I am among the first to introduce data-driven approaches
`for complex real-world objects to computer graphics, including human faces. And
`I developed new camera and display technologies, including the world’s first end-
`to-end real-time 3D TV system with auto-stereoscopic display. Currently, I am
`collaborating with Harvard scientists on novel analysis and visualization
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 5


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`approaches in computational science, including neuroscience, genomics, systems
`biology, astronomy, and medicine. I am co-inventor of over 50 US patents and co-
`author on more than 160 peer-reviewed publications, including over 25 ACM
`SIGGRAPH papers, the premier forum in Computer Graphics.
`From 1999 to 2007, I built a rich academic program in computer
`graphics at the Harvard Extension School through the development of several new
`courses, including CSCI E-234 “Introduction to Computer Graphics” (1999-2007),
`CSCI E-235 “Advanced Computer Graphics” (2002), CSCI E-236 “Advanced
`Topics in Computer Graphics” (2004-2006), and INDR E-399 “Independent Study
`in Advanced Computer Graphics” (2003). After joining Harvard in 2007, I
`introduced several new undergraduate and graduate courses that are also offered to
`the general public through the Harvard Extension School, including CS171
`“Visualization” (2007-present), CS175 “Introduction to Computer Graphics”
`(2010), CS264 “Massively Parallel Computing” (2009-2011), CS205 “Introduction
`to Computational Science” (2010-2012), and CS109 “Data Science” (2013-
`14. Between 2009 and 2016 in collaboration with Prof. Alan Aspuru-
`Guzik of the Chemistry and Chemical Biology faculty at Harvard, I was the co-PI
`(Principal Investigator) of Harvard's CUDA Center of Excellence (CCOE). The
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 6


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`CCOE supported “outstanding research taking place in Massively Parallel
`Programming and Computing” using GPUs.
`I have served on the papers committees of all major visualization and
`graphics conferences, including ACM SIGGRAPH, IEEE Visualization, EuroVis,
`Eurographics, Pacific Graphics, and many others. I have been the co-organizer of
`various international workshops, symposia, and conferences in computer graphics
`and visualization, including general conference chair of IEEE Visualization 2002
`and technical papers chair of ACM SIGGRAPH 2012. I previously chaired and
`am currently a director of the IEEE Visualization and Graphics Technical
`Committee. I served on the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on
`Visualization and Computer Graphics and the ACM Transaction on Graphics, the
`top two journals in the field. I am co-editor of the first textbook on Point-Based
`Computer Graphics, published by Elsevier in 2007, and of the 2006 NIH/NSF
`Visualization Research Challenges Report. I am a senior member of the IEEE
`Computer Society, and a member of ACM, ACM SIGGRAPH, and the
`Eurographics Association. I received the IEEE Golden Core Award, the IEEE
`Meritorious Service Award, and the Petra T. Shattuck Excellence in Teaching
`I have been working as an independent consultant since 2007,
`specializing in computer graphics, visualization, data science, technical due
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 7


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`diligence reviews, and in the provision of expert witness services, particularly
`patent infringement. My clients range from domestic start-ups to international
`Fortune 500 companies, and include Adobe, Disney Research, Novartis, as well as
`I have reviewed the following materials in forming my opinions:
`" U.S. Patent No. 7,633,506 (the “’506 Patent”)
`" File History of U.S. Patent No. 7,633,506. (“File History”)
`" “Reality Engine Graphics” by Kurt Akeley (“Akeley”)
`" U.S. Patent No. 5,808,690 (“Rich”)
`" U.S. Patent No. 7,102,646 (“Rubinstein”)
`" U.S. Patent No. 6,697,063 (“Zhu ’063”)
`" U.S. Patent No. 6,856,320 (“Zhu ’320)
`" U.S. Patent Application Publication No. US 2003/0076320A1
`" U.S. Patent No. 6,646,639 (“Greene”)
`" U.S. Patent No. 6,809,732 (“Zatz”)
`" April 26, 200 Press release describing Nvidia GeForce 2
`Graphics Chip
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 8


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`" January 5, 2001 Article describing Nvidia GeForce 3 Graphics
`I have tried my best to list all the materials I considered and reviewed.
`I may have accidentally left some materials off the above list that I cited in my
`analysis below. Such materials, if any, should be included in the above list of
`materials I considered and reviewed. I reserve the right to revise this list.
`I am not a legal expert. In forming my opinions, I have been informed
`of and applied the legal standards as follows. I understand that the legal standards
`relating to anticipation and obviousness apply to the ‘506 Patent based on its
`effective filing date of November 27, 2002.
`I understand that, during an inter partes review proceeding, patent
`claims are given their “broadest reasonable interpretation in light of the specification
`of the patent.” It is my further understanding that the prosecution history is relevant
`to determining the correct construction of claim terms and that extrinsic evidence
`also may be relevant to establish the meaning of terms to the extent it is consistent
`with the specification and prosecution history.
`I understand that anticipation of a claim requires that each and every
`limitation recited in a claim must be disclosed either expressly or inherently in a
`single prior art reference. I further understand that, to be considered anticipatory, a
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 9


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`written prior art reference must be enabling and describe the applicant’s claimed
`invention sufficiently to have placed it in possession of a person of ordinary skill in
`the field of the invention. Thus I further understand that the disclosure of prior art is
`considered from the perspective of one of ordinary skill in the art.
`I understand that a patent claim is “obvious” and therefore invalid
`when the differences between the claimed subject matter and the prior art are such
`that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the
`invention was made to a person having ordinary skill in the art to which the subject
`matter pertains.
`In making an obviousness determination, I understand that there are
`several factors to consider: (1) the scope and content of the prior art; (2) the level
`of ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made; (3) the differences
`between the claimed invention and the prior art, if any, and (4) objective
`considerations, if any exist, such as any commercial success, copying, prior failure
`by others, licenses, longstanding need, and unexpected results.
`I understand that prior art used to show that a claimed invention is
`obvious must be “analogous art.” Prior art is analogous art to the claimed
`invention if (1) it is from the same field of endeavor as the claimed invention (even
`if it addresses a different problem) or (2) the reference is reasonably pertinent to
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 10


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`the problem faced by the inventor (even if it is not from the same field of endeavor
`as the claimed invention).
`I understand that it is improper to engage in hindsight when trying to
`determine the obviousness of a patent claim. I understand that the obviousness
`inquiry must be conducted from the standpoint of a person of ordinary skill in the
`field at the time the claimed invention was made. What is known today, and what
`is learned from the teachings and disclosures of the patent itself containing the
`claim under analysis, should not be considered.
`I have been informed that various “secondary considerations”
`(sometimes referred to as objective indicia of non-obviousness) may support a
`determination of non-obviousness and that such secondary considerations must be
`considered as part of an obviousness analysis. I have been informed that secondary
`considerations of nonobviousness may include:
`" commercial success of a product due to the merits of the claimed invention;
`" a long felt need for the solution provided by the claimed invention;
`" unsuccessful attempts by others to find the solution provided by the
`claimed invention;
`" copying of the claimed invention by others;
`" unexpected and superior results from the claimed invention; and
`" acceptance by others of the claimed invention as shown by praise from
`others in the field or from the licensing of the claimed invention.
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 11


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`I understand that in order for such “secondary considerations”
`evidence to be relevant to the obviousness inquiry, there must be a relationship or
`“nexus” between the advantages and features of the claimed invention and the
`evidence of secondary considerations.
`I understand that if a claim element is not obvious, then the claims
`that depend from it are not obvious.
` Graphics processing is an important part of any computer system, and
`has been for the past several decades. The purpose of a graphics processor is to
`generate complex shapes and structures to be displayed on a screen. In order to
`accomplish that purpose, a graphics processor converts a 3D object or scene
`(comprised of points in 3D space called “vertices” that make up shapes called
`“primitives”) into a 2D image to be displayed on a computer screen (comprised of
`“pixels”). Generally, 3D graphics processing starts with creating a mathematical
`model of each object. The model is then processed through a series of steps,
`referred to as a “graphics processing pipeline,” that render the scene as a 2D image
`on a display:
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 12


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`In most cases, 3D objects are conceptualized as a series of primitives
`(e.g., triangles) that cover the surface of an object, such as a teapot:
`Each point of the primitive is called a “vertex” and each vertex has
`certain properties, which are represented as data. For example, a vertex includes
`not just its location, but may also include other information, such as the color of
`the object and its material properties (e.g., whether it is reflective). A vertex
`processor performs the steps in the graphics pipeline that transform these vertices
`from 3D space into 2D space and determines how lighting and other conditions in
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 13


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`the 3D scene impact the color of the vertices. The ’506 Patent refers to these
`operations on vertices as “front-end” operations.
`32. After the “front-end” processing, a step called rasterization determines
`what pixels on the 2D screen are covered by each primitive. At least one
`“fragment” is generated for each pixel on the screen (as a result, the terms
`“fragment” and “pixel” are sometimes used interchangeably).
`33. Rasterization commonly includes the step of “scan conversion,”
`which involves stepping through the geometry of the primitives to determine which
`pixels are covered.
`34. A pixel processor then performs additional operations on the
`fragments or pixel data, which includes determining the color of each pixel. These
`operations are commonly called “pixel shading” operations and may involve
`lighting, texture and bump mapping, translucency and other phenomena. All of
`this information is gathered together through merging or blending of pixels for the
`final image to be displayed on a screen.
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 14


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`The ’506 Patent discloses and claims a graphics processing system
`that includes a front-end and back-end. Ex. 1001 at Abstract and Claim 1. The
`front-end receives instructions and outputs primitives or combinations of
`primitives (e.g. triangles, parallelograms, etc.) (i.e., geometry). Id. at Claim 1.
`The back-end receives the primitives and processes them into a final image
`comprised of colored pixels. Id. For various embodiments, the claimed invention
`also includes one or more of the following features:
`36. Back-end with Parallel Pipelines: The ’506 Patent discloses and
`claims a system with a back-end comprised of multiple parallel pipelines. Id.
`These parallel pipelines each process a different portion of the screen in parallel.
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 15


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`Ex. 1001 (’506 Patent) at Figure 3 (parallel pipelines annotated).
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 16


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`Ex. 1001 (’506 Patent) at Figure 5 (parallel pipelines annotated).
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 17


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`37. Unified Shader: Each pipeline contains a “unified shader.” Id. at
`Claim 1. The ’506 Patent defines a “unified shader” to mean a shading unit that
`performs both pixel color shading and texture address shading. A passage
`describing the unified shader of the ’506 Patent is provided below:
`A unified shader reads in rasterized texture addresses and colors, and
`applies a programmed sequence of instructions. A unified shader is so
`named because the functions of a traditional color shader and a
`traditional texture address shader are combined into a single unified
`shader. The unified shader performs both color shading and texture
`address shading. The conventional distinction between shading
`operations (i.e., color texture map and coordinate texture map or color
`shading operation and texture address operation) is not handled by the
`use of separate shaders. In this way, any operation, be it for color
`shading or texture shading, may loop back into the shader and be
`combined with any other operation.
`Ex. 1001 (’506 Patent) at 6:49-52 (emphasis added).
`To be clear, the ’506 Patent does not use the term “unified shader” in
`the way it is commonly used in the industry today. Today, a person of ordinary
`skill would understand the term “unified shader” to mean a unit that performs
`computations on both vertex (geometry) data and pixel data. Or, as the ’506 Patent
`would put it, a shader that performs computations on both “front-end” and “back-
`end” data. The ’506 Patent, however, clearly does not use the term in this way,
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 18


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`and, instead, gives the term a definition unique to the patent. Id. I apply the ’506
`Patent’s definition of “unified shader” for purposes of the opinions in this
` Figure 5 of the ’506 Patent, identifying the unified shader in green is
`provided below:
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 19


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`Ex. 1001 (’506 Patent) at Figure 5 (annotating Unified Shader)
`Tiling and Setup Unit: The system disclosed and claimed by the ’506
`Patent also includes a Setup Unit that assists with “Tiling.” Tiling is the process of
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 20


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`breaking the screen into “tiles” and processing each tile separately. Tiling is a
`well-known practice in the industry and was well-known at the time the ’506
`Patent was filed. It was often combined with parallel processing in order to
`processes multiple pieces of a final image at the same time in order to increase
`efficiency. To assist in such a process, the ’506 Patent discloses a “Setup Unit” that
`receives primitives/geometry from the front-end, determines which portion or
`“tile” of the screen the geometry is located in, and then directs the geometry to be
`processed by the pipeline responsible for that tile. Ex. 1001 (’506 Patent) at claim
`6. Figure 5 from the ’506 Patent id reproduced below, identifying the Setup Unit
`in green:
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 21


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`Ex. 1001 (’506 Patent) at Figure 5 (annotating Setup Unit)
`Z-buffering: The ’506 Patent discloses that certain embodiments use
`z-buffering. Z-buffering is the process of comparing the depth values or “z values”
`of various objects—measured from the screen—to determine which objects are
`visible and which objects are not visible (because they appear behind other objects
`from the point of view of the screen). Z-buffering was a common feature for
`graphics processors at the time the ’506 Patent was filed. In order to facilitate z-
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 22


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`buffering, the ’506 Patent discloses that the system contains a “z-buffer logic unit,”
`which a person of ordinary skill in the art would understand go be a logic unit that
`performs z-buffering.
`The ’506 Patent discloses that the system may perform three different
`types of z-buffering: hierarchical z-buffering, early z-buffering, and late z-
`buffering. Id. at Claims 3-5. As explained in more detail in the context of claim
`construction, hierarchical z-buffering involves visibility testing at a coarse level,
`i.e., coarser than fragment-by-fragment or pixel-by-pixel, early z-buffering is z-
`buffering that occurs before pixel shading, and late z-buffering is z-buffering that
`occurs after pixel shading. Hierarchical z-buffering is z-buffering that occurs at a
`coarse level (e.g., an entire tile) as opposed to the finer fragment-by-fragment
`level. The various types of z-buffering are identified in Figure 5 from the ’506
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 23


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`Ex. 1001 (’506 Patent) at Figure 5 (annotating z-interfaces)
`Prosecution History of the ’506 Patent
`The ’506 Patent’s application was filed on November 26, 2003. The
`application included 16 claims directed to graphics systems comprising, among
`other things, the elements listed in the previous section. Ex. 1002 (’506
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`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`Prosecution History). After several office actions, the Examiner allowed several of
`claims applicant had amended. Ex. 1002 at 39.
`In allowing the claims of the ’506 Patent, the examiner recognized
`that several prior art references (including Zhu ’063) taught rendering pipeline
`systems that used screen space tiling and double z-buffering schemes that use
`scan/z engines as claimed by the ’506 patent. Ex. 1002 at 7/30/2009 Notice of
`Allowance. The examiner stated, however, that the reviewed references did not
`disclose parallel pipelines with unified shaders as claimed by the ’506 Patent. Id.
`45. Nonetheless, as explained below, using parallel pipelines and “unified
`shaders” (as defined by the ’506 Patent) to perform pixel calculations was well-
`known and obvious at the time the ’506 Patent was filed.
`A person of ordinary skill in the field, at the time the ’506 patent was
`effectively filed, would have had at least a four-year degree in electrical
`engineering, computer engineering, computer science, or a related field and two
`years relevant experience in the graphics processing field including developing,
`designing or programming hardware for graphics processing units.
`Z-Buffer Logic Unit
`47. Claims 3-5 require a “Z Buffer Logic Unit.” A person of ordinary skill
`in the art would understand that the broadest reasonable interpretation of a “Z-
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 25


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`Buffer Logic Unit” is “a logic unit that facilitates visibility testing by comparing
`depth values.”
`Z-buffering was well-known and common-place in the art by the time
`the ’506 Patent was filed. A person of ordinary skill in the art would understand
`that a “z-buffer” is memory used to store the “z” or “depth” information. They
`would further understand that a z-buffer logic unit is the logic that uses that “z” or
`“depth” information to perform visibility testing. This is consistent with the
`disclosure of the ’506 Patent, which states that “Z (depth) information is
`computed” and “passed to the Z buffer” such that the “Z values are compared
`against the values stored in the Z buffer at that location.” Ex. 1001 (’506 Patent) at
`6:20-23. In other words, the broadest reasonable interpretation of z-buffer logic
`unit is a logic unit that facilitates z-buffering, i.e., visibility testing done by
`comparing depth values.
`“Hierarchical Z-Interface”
`49. Claim 4 requires a “Hierarchical Z-Interface.” A person of ordinary
`skill in the art would understand that the broadest reasonable interpretation of a
`“hierarchical z-interface“ to mean “an interface with a z-buffer logic unit that
`provides for visibility testing at a coarse level, including, for example, for an entire
`tile or primitive.”
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 26


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`50. Hierarchical z-buffering was well-known and common-place by the
`time the ’506 Patent was filed. A person of ordinary skill in the art would have
`understood that hierarchical z-buffering involves visibility testing at a coarse level,
`i.e., coarser than fragment-by-fragment / pixel-by-pixel. The ’506 Patent itself
`discloses that a hierarchical Z-interface is one that steps through geometry at a
`coarse level, including, for example, the entire portion of a geometry that
`contributes to a tile. Ex. 1001 (’506 Patent) at 2:67-3:1 (“In one embodiment, each
`parallel pipeline comprises … a ‘hierarchical-Z’ component to more precisely
`define the borders of the geometry.”). For example, the hierarchical z-buffer may
`compare the smallest z-value of such a geometry (i.e., the closes point to the
`screen) with the largest z-value of the current tile (i.e., the furthest point away). If
`the object being tested is further away (i.e., behind) the rest of the objects currently
`being displayed in that tile, it can be discarded in total:
`A scan converter 540 works in conjunction with Hierarchical Z-
`interface of Z buffer logic 555 to step through the geometry (e.g.,
`triangle or parallelogram) within the bounds of the pipeline’s tile
`pattern. In one embodiment, initial stepping is performed at a coarse
`level. For each of the coarse level tiles, a minimum (i.e. closest) Z value
`is computed. This is compared with the farthest Z value for the tile
`stored in a hierarchical-Z buffer 550. If the compare fails, the tile is
`Ex. 1001 (’506 Patent) at 6:2-10 (emphasis added).
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`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`The coarse level z-buffering done by the hierarchical z-interface is in
`contrast to the finer pixel or fragment level z-buffering done later. Id. at 6:16-18
`(“The second section of the scan converter 540 works in conjunction with the Early
`Z-interface… to step through the coarse tile at a fine level.”)
`“Early Z-interface” and “Late Z-interface”
`The ’506 Patent also discloses and claims and “early z-interface” and
`a “late z-interface.” These interfaces coincide with the concepts of “early z-
`buffering” and “late z-buffering,” which were both well-known and commonplace
`prior to the filing of the ’506 Patent.
`Early z-buffering is simply z-buffering that is done prior to shading.
`This is efficient because the graphics processor doesn’t have to spend time shading
`primitives that will never be seen anyway (e.g., a tree that is behind a building).
`Accordingly, the broadest reasonable interpretation of this an “early z interface” is
`“an interface with a z buffer logic unit that provides for visibility testing prior to
`shading and texturing.”
`Late z-buffering is simply z-buffering that is done after shading. In
`certain cases early z-buffering does not discard all of the fragments that will be
`obstructed and they are caught by the late z-buffering. Accordingly, the broadest
`reasonable interpretation of this a “late z interface” is “an interface with a z buffer
`logic unit that provides for visibility testing after shading and texturing.”
`MEDIATEK, Ex. 1003, Page 28


`Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Pat. No. 7,633,506
`These well understood concepts are described in the ’506 Patent:
`If the current Z buffering mode is set to “early,” each quad is passed
`to the Z buffer 555 where its Z values are compared against the values
`stored in the Z buffer at that location…. At this stage, those quads for
`which none of the covered pixels passed the Z compare test are
`discarded. The early Z functionality attempts to minimize the amount
`of work applied by the unified shader and texture unit to quads that
`are not visible.
`Ex. 1001 (’506 Patent) at 6:22-33 (emphasis added).
`[i]f the current Z buffering mode is set to “late,” the Z values for the
`quad are compared against the values stored in the Z buffer at that
`location…. Although early Z operation is preferred for performance
`reasons, in certain situations the unified shader might modify the
`contents of t

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