92 : 3 ; 299-307. 1999
`^ -fe :7 y" y® o^ij^
`[Ml ^ fo /©.
`Clinical Efl&cacy of Cefzon® on Acute Otitis Media in Children
`Kazunori Okamoto
`(Okamoto Otorhinolaryngology and Padiatric Clinic)
`Cefzon® (cefdinir, CFDN, Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) is an oral cephem antibiotic which
`was marketed in 1991. It has been confirmed that the clinical efficacy of cefdinir in the treatment
`of respiratory tract infections was 85.0% or more and the safety of cefdinir was high in the field of
`pediatrics. In this study the clinical efficacy of cefdinir in cases of acute otitis media was investi­
`gated in 47 pediatric patients aged 3 months to 11 years and 9 months. The clinical efficacy rate
`83.0% and the bacteriological eradication rate was 79.2% in all of these patients. The main
`pathogens isolated from these patients were Haemophilus influenzae (41.1%), Streptococcus pneumo­
`niae (30.4%) and coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS) (12.5%). The eradication rates of these
`pathogens were 82.6% (19/23 patients) for H. influenzae and 78.6% (11/14 patients) for S. pneu­
`moniae. The efficacy rate of cefdinir in monomicrobial infections was 89.7% (26/29 patients) but
`the efficacy rate in polymicrobial infections was 64.3% (9/14 patients).
`As adverse reactions, diarrhea was observed in 3 patients (6%) but disappeared in 1 patient 3
`days after discontinuation of the drug and administration was continued in the remaining 2 patients.
`The superior efficacy of cefdinir in treatment of acute otitis media was attributed to the high
`concentrations of cefdinir which exceeded MICs against H. influenzae or S. pneumoniae in tympanic
`Key words : cefdinir (Cefzon®), acute otitis media, therapeutic efficacy, bacteriological efficacy
`y r ft 4 MHIi-'llM-t ^ ^
`itK*n yy5h r y.XoT y- biiSfc.fci'y
`-b 7'/y®(cefdinir, CFDN, K/Rl
`It, -fe 7 y, y® (cefixime, CFIX)
`J; < SIRS
`LT-fe 7 '/ y® lt85%blJb€) Aff
`1) M m
`^4^1tl997tb 1 ,f^d^C1998^2/!
`SAWAI EX. 1022
`Page 1 of 9


`E »
`ft SU
`(mg/kg/ 0)
`ft L
`mm {%)
`28 (59.6)
`19 (40.4)
`20 (42.6)
`15 (31.9)
`9 (19.1)
`3 (6.4)
`7 (12.8)
`37 (78.7)
`3 ( 6.4)
`1 (2.1)
`13.8 + 5.8
`31 (66.0)
`16 (34.0)
`32 (68.1)
`15 (31.9)
`2 (4.3)
`3 (6.4)
`39 (83.0)
`3 (6.4)
`27 (57.4)
`20 (42.6)
`6.2 + 1.6
`7s ^© 5 ■?:> 2 ^1](L 3
`7" P h =■
`Si)*©ffFfi0i>l4ft t Lfc(* 1). 47fiJ415^Jlc7 y;77-
`1 0'K7-1^J7,
`3 7
`^J), 7KS( 1 ^ll)/ii"©-a-ff-g74?|EL7c.
`-^*1416.6-41 kg (7i^
`0 7^9^1(61.73^)7, 1 0 7181^1 (38.3%) 7
`h-om. 4fc
`kg/ 0 (7*^ 14.9 mg/kg/ 0)37, ftAST-SA&^Ult
`18. 5 mg/kg/ 0 © 1 1?|72b o 7c. t 7c,
`~ 6 0 nn t 7
`Pifl). 7£^o-.
`92 : 3
`% I 'ttgttiWKife-e'S p
`L, -fe 7 '/ V® ©e#-d»70)g|!^ i
`L "t, -fe 7 '/ y® o 10%
`L fcmJS
`maw ^
`^iCflO t
`Iffllid g 4’^!! cefdinir © 100 mg
`LX 1 0 15 mg (4lffi)/kg ^ 3 HK-d'-SU L7Kt;'|gffl L
`fc. TtiJ,
`0ft, 7 0ft*jJ;t8'S^II7Btr,
`• •
`t), y - F7 7 7 2 ^ (*W) <l^Xh, (») 7
`^(JiiarU)--mm l, ibises#ii z/mm
`t£i^, ^#:©®®lt-t7'/y® ©a
`NCCLS (National Committee for Clinical Laboratory
`Standards, U. S. A.)
`?> ,' y p 7" p y ft7'i|iJS L
`fc«. MIC (ft7^wpiihjiit)©»»ftii, e^fi#o*
`dinir (CFDN), cefixime (CFIX), amoxicillin (AMPC)
`cefaclor (CCL,
`SiaXd'dAf^Lfc. t7c, cefpodoxime (CPDX) i
`XI cefteram (CFTM) lL*iR*p”n •
`h r?i^i
`d'ti'tJ'pod'*®fc t
`©4®®7711^07. A;
`tJ, 41J® 0 r5S)(&©fc46'7^d''S('#(Z)'iSJiXfcB^Zt;6^o7
`SAWAI EX. 1022
`Page 2 of 9


`92 : 3
`i -t ■/ y®
`ntttj tmnuc.
`,E|:gibn ©iu-g-ici|fti:, nsilj, r^^j.
`« SJtP-Ulc^J/gLfc.
`7) aiifp^i
`47fiiS-'f 449 i
`(oznmemM t,
`mm. mms.
`ii(mm, «:■;, '4It) fc .t vWM'k 4 t 10
`S 2 t4fi 77 ©.fiEfyUtC'-OO omMmiz j; O'Egftia*
`pzjfl-r. *3 19.41-3;
`3 *47)^
`1111 a 9 * .1 0 ,i4S r- 44 t -t -/ '/ y® 0 10.3-18.5
`47f2114394i7)11fa'C, tfkJj
`m'i.{)% 0 9j) s b'l m m 4 4. fz. #£ t ? 1 ^ -tz 5 m a
`Streptococcus pneumoniae 1 M, Haemophilus influ­
`enzae 1 fit'i (4 77. influenzae 4fttl0li#t 031^!®'^^
`M, ■0Sa0®g£)JiJr.4'441514^*19.
`71tJ:'-r®4-:l t .jiAMPaJ 4 0H5i^l^l1 b 7c|g>l-4'* 4
`19,44. !®454r3l0'ltli'6E4^ 14#SEl9.4ia-^l/jl4t'«
`laj/lEfe 14.44, lt/S'e(-t4m:4iIi61:2)^o7;-,. t
`tz, rnttommtS41:0P«40%
`1A^ I
`Lie. '/
`2) !ilfciBi5«5©4^*Slft
`HI 1
`S. pneumoniae 7)'17tt(30. 4%')
`■|t'fi''C!'t 77. infl.uenzae 7j523|4(41. 1%) t
`9" 9 A
`^P--o tz. i tz, -t 7 '/ -y®
`t. 0®'«
`S. pneumoniae
`H. influenzae P’^
`82. 6%'C. y -7 Aiittri4;#:t:1i85. 2'!f^, .7' 9
`f4-C'{t73. \%, 4;4'-e79.
`(S5). tiziz, Penicillin resistant S. pneumoniae
`PRSP) ®?fl4!p{t62.5%(5/8tt)-C, Penicil­
`lin susceptible S. pneumoniae {f|i:S:14)ii!i'.i}45|tiS PSSP)
`Oii4;4l00%(6/6)i; blSTLyp. 1tiz
`t fc39i9l433i?i (84. %%) oyMme
`(M2), -flj,
`«S:tl!ffi*ffi94t41 Eimajlftli, 4.)iliiTlS:»0P®ll;
`4-»89.7%19,$;j'L. aM'i®»Sil64. 3%'C, MIA
`K:ffiit|ii®lfel¥0:4Ai?&liS&:SA5ftT 14(* 6 ).
`flhtz S. pneumoniae 4' i
`77)jSfJ39 X
`Xfl H. influenzae O zz 7 '/ y®
`>(44lS5S:-i>44II] 2 , 3 19.44. S. pneumoniae VC% k,
`AMPC, CPDX ;fc 14 CDTR ^'1114114344 lAz.
`—4’, H. influenzae KkX k'CXI, CFIX, CDTR 3; 4
`CPDX A'1l0'i5tl[44y4 119.
`II H.influenzae
`0 S.pneumoniae
`a cNs
`H M.catarrhalis
`S. aureus
`1 a-streptococcus
`SAWAI EX. 1022
`Page 3 of 9


`m ¥ n m
`I«I * w ^
`* 2
`7 •/ y® oEgjf««
`Bacillus sp.
`S. pneumoniae
`S. pneumoniae
`S. pneumoniae
`H. influenza
`S. pneumoniae
`H. influenzae
`S. pneumoniae
`S. pneumoniae
`S. pneumoniae
`H. influenzae
`H. influenzae
`H. influenzae
`H. influenzae
`H. influenzae
`H. influenzae
`S. pneumoniae
`S. pyogenes
`H. influenzae
`5. pneumoniae
`H, influenzae
`S. pneumoniae
`S. pneumoniae
`S. pneumoniae
`S. pneumoniae
`S. pneumoniae
`M. catarrhalis
`(-) *
`S. pneumoniae
`S. pneumoniae
`M. catarrhalis
`H. influenzae
`Pseudomonas sp.
`S. pneumoniae
`SO. 06
`SO. 06
`SO. 06
`SO. 06
`^ tt
`t a
`^ ai
`* a
`If ^
`* IS
`M ‘k
`m k
`■1 k
`^ m
`7F M
`m k
`^ m
`71^ Ul
`■fi k
`« k
`m k
`71^ k
`S k
`■7P1 k
`SAWAI EX. 1022
`Page 4 of 9


`s: 4- 3^
`(mg/kg/ a)
`% 3® tt
`H. influenzae
`H. influenzae
`H. influenzae
`S. pneumoniae
`Corynebacterium sp.
`SO. 03
`CNS : Coagulase negative staphylococci {^T fl
`; PRSP (MIC of PCG ; 62 mlm\)
`m ^
`^ S'
`'fi ^
`1 ^
`% ^
`# %
`R 4- m
`S. pneumoniae
`H. influenzae
`H. influenzae
`iJ. influenzae
`S. aureus
`H. infltienzae
`H. influenzae
`H. influenzae
`M. catarrhalis
`H. influenzae
`M. catarrhalis
`H. influenzae
`S. pneumoniae
`H. influenzae
`S. pneumoniae
`(-)* :
`H. influenzae
`S. aureus
`H. influenzae
`S. aureus
`NT : not tested
`: PISP (MIC of PCG ; 0.13~1 /^g/ml)
`3 0 0!'"
`0 f
`c. tflh Lfc 1
`4) gM
`IM2 4
`-^-7 y"y® 15. 0~15.3 mg/kg/
`SAWAI EX. 1022
`Page 5 of 9


`(mg/kg/ 0)
`4>^gE(n = 36)
`;S (n = 8)
`28/36 (77.8)
`8/8 (100)
`3/3 (100)
`(Tukey m^mm)
`(Xz^Tg, rnshtrnummmm)
`+%^) /m -
`?! ^
`T'*? A
`fly A
`Streptococcus pneumoniae
`Staphylococcus aureus
`Streptococcus pyogenes
`Haemophilus influenzae
`Moraxella catarrhalis
`( 6)
`mm(%) =
`PSSP; PCG: S0.06/ig/ml, PRSP (PISP +PRSP); PCG : SO. 13/<g/ml
`7f s
`11/14 (78.6)
`6/6 (100)
`5/8 (62.5)
`3/3 (100)
`6/7 (85.7)
`1/1 (100)
`1/1 (100)
`1/1 (100)
`23/27 (85.2)
`19/23 (82.6)
`0/3 (0)
`19/26 (73.1)
`42/53 (79.2)
`^ It
`26/29 (89.7)
`9/14 (64.3)
`35/43 (81.4)
`SAWAI EX. 1022
`Page 6 of 9


`H "°“
`m 60
`^0.06 0,13
`MIC : B.'PU'jfUT.m
`0 2 S. pneumoniae
`-A- CCL
`£64 MICbo
`-o- CDTR
`-A- CCL
`MIC (m/ine) 50.06
`1 1
`a 64
`Lfc-feT' y"y®
`S. pneumoniae t H.
`S. pneumoniae <D PSSP
`©'/|^$ltl00%(6/6 m 7 fz(r>Kn L. PRSP ©
`lltto 5 -h,
`%(5/8 W) 'C'i) fc-
`82. Q%(19/23 m)
`moniae ia H. influenzae
`H. influenzae
`ofc. -fe 7 y" v® co S. pneu­
`SAWAI EX. 1022
`Page 7 of 9


`N ^ ffl S
`*7 m
`1®2 *1!
`8 *j!
`stt mmm
`yf m
`Tc L isitgtt • ±
`5 0 @
`r-m ts: L 0#gtt • ^
`6 00
`(3 0 0)
`TSL 0tgtt • ft
`m M.
`ft, /3-9 2^ :k
`Lfttft-fe^ '/y® c
`5 0 fal-fe 7 '/ y® CD 600 mg/ 0
`L^^KSI'it«(ft 2.66 fig/g m,
`b. i©b<, -fe7'/y®cDjfliift¥«M©S$ft'®)*%^
`i|B3)^*©ft^*«K(ft#IB® 0»frt ra«ftafc
`ft;/j', 5. pneumoniae cDl7|ft4’f'c7|ftis6ft PRSP Oit^ht
`64. 7%(11/17) ft', ft cDa#(ft:^H©23ftif^il^ft'*M
`$ft.fti'.ttift3=Pi)^(ftft'(ftb PRSP cD:»-giaffi®49% ft
`L:*' L/ft;()'b, S. pneumoniae (ftrfJift®^
`®ft'*bisftftfto'bft 5m
`L, iift'tbil'i^ti.ft'/'b. Ift4©i ^IftPRSP©
`It/JB Lftc'ft)(«ftftft, -te 7 y" y® r|5&b-t'eP -t 9 a. A*
`-<-yy '©(ctt-ftbiftt y^^^(ftft 5
`L%-fey/^.A^ifflML/cV'. $bFt. PRSP©il'tt«
`0 , ^©^
`fl3(ftPBPs ©-t-ftt ft^lldft b
`;^ft'*SlJ(- ft o ftftftLft'ftL-'; ft - yp-^^ts: 0 -li-C'tci'
`- -y y y(ft PBPl (c/sj-t
`-ty ^A*(ftPBP2(ctt'tbig
`<p-y y yi
`^ i I,^ 5 b#A b b,
`-fey ///A*©@tjl(ftPBPl k PBP2(:i[^B#(c.|S'&'tb
`b'® X If Matsumoto (t, PRSP (C 5!^ L AMPC
`in vitro MIC
`%, in vivo
`'ft %0'
`ffl- i ^
`8l6^>!:|iEg)5 Lftl'S. A lb I-, PRSF t H. influenzae
`ab b V'(t M. catarrhalis t Ofi-p
`Lft %
`i %«^Lftl'b. ftoSftiLft, ft7 2'
`-i2'^^iJo M. catarrhalis fo X Xf XL influenzae (c
`^ -7
`CFDN i Oi' CFIX (t
`^^ft-afeb© i^l^lfftV'b. a|i;fF!?E(-S«i'ft4ffFfffio
`O ft:
`iffl Ik ft. b |E1?|J mftf L ft (ft ft jl Sift ab b 0' nm'^JwFJfK *>'
`ft bliBrSft^M
`aft b © % ftfttj ft i: ® ftft. b •
`tftS(ft^0',t,ttftIi:i)5ft-(ft/3-9 2' iSc A*;6'l
`9 p 9 ^
`*ftab 0,
`p -©
`K*(ft|^ 2 JltR* t#A?)-<tft'afcb5. PRSP ©If/jp
`pi ^-y p p A^©{gV'-f ffti^ft b ti' 5
`ft 5 (ft S. pneumoniae (fttif't'b
`ft;®tJft'(ft ft ft p' y^© ciprofloxacin (CPFX) ft; ft Tft'
`levofloxacin (LVFX) (ft CFDN t (3;(S*|1^#ft'afc 0, -^ ft
`p 9 t K ^ © roxithromycin (RXM) ft? ft Xf erythro­
`mycin (EM) (ft CFDN ft
`y-</KJ:abb. $b(-,
`iftLb©^^J(ftV''fti4> ;S-9 ft ft A
`% o
`niae % ft p 9 t K'
`)eaMrBl(c/j'0|f^LA:V'ft 5
`:)lrft:'(ft S. pneumo-
`y^a^ft p y^(cl04©tt:i'itJn
`SAWAI EX. 1022
`Page 8 of 9


`59, 1996.
`as. |E1|«0 I®, ftli : CFDN®|Sg|^S
`12 : 98-101, 1994.
`10) *ni m, mmmu, m ■.
`• wmm^^
`m ■■ <ow,w.^mm
`-7 -f 7 7 7 —^ ® 1
`44 :
`:'<-■7 0 7i|fttIi1i))^3^S
`55 : 1213-1218,
`12) s» m.
`12-26, 1995.
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`595-609, 1996.
`4fe7jl2:-T- : '<-■7 0 '7ifttli|jil^]$»('<-'7y
`7ifttiiii)j3tBP^^ii). 69-98H, msiifeiaafi, ^
`M, 1997.
`15) 4774^:^, li,
`fc4oH-?=lftt'fb©7 * - Xa.
`16) Yokota Y, Teratani N, Ikemoto A, et al : Antibacterial
`activity of cefixime in combination ■with other an­
`timicrobial agents against penicillin G resistant Strep­
`tococcus pneumoniae. J Drug Dev Suppl 1 : 5—9, 1993.
`17) Matsumoto Y, Wakai Y, Tawara S, et al : Effectiveness of
`cefixime in combination with amoxicillin against respira­
`tory pathogens including penicillin-resistant S pneumoniae.
`2nd Europian Congres of Chemotherapy Industry Sympo­
`sium “Empiric Oral Therapy for Today’s Community-ac­
`quired Infections” May 12, 1998 (Germany).
`A-ffi m, wmmu ■
`14 : 84-98, 1996.
`iWM'&ii : TOIO^F 8)420 0
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`^0»-c't?)^®i LX(D,mmox^fs:m-mmm
`t t
`%?j)^tt83.0%-?:', lffl®^lKl'i1^^¥ti79.2%'Gh->fc.
`influenzae, S. pneumoniae
`-y'l^tt 7" K >7 3tM (CNS) Tj',
`ix41.1%, 30.4%*5j;tF12.5%-C'*^7c. ChhomK
`influenzae L82. 6%(19/23 ^J),
`S. pneumoniae ('Ji?4' L78. Q% (11/14 ip\\)~G'k> yfc. —iff,
`2>i®**S&¥089.7% (26/29 Wit
`3%(9/i4 w
`3 i5ij(6 %)icii;*hMcp^,
`/cfc, mmm t
`1 i^ijittfit^s 0 gicmffiL,
`9e L/c.
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`2) m m^A, iWflJM, S* 1f. ftfi : ffLt'fen-trX 7 p
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`SAWAI EX. 1022
`Page 9 of 9

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