Case: 16-1577 Document: 62-1 Page: 1 Filed: 12/27/2016
`United States Court of Appeals
`for the
`Federal Circuit
`Counterclaim Defendant-Cross-Appellant,
`ttorneys for Cross-Appellants
`Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd.
`and Everlight Americas, Inc.
`ttorneys for Defendants-Appellants
`Nichia Corporation and Nichia
`America Corporation


`4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM Doc # 510 Filed 04/30/15 Pg 57 of 161 Pg ID 41233Case: 16-1577 Document: 62-1 Page: 445 Filed: 12/27/2016
`These are some excerpts from the patent.
`Column 8 they are saying a highly efficient white light
`emitting device, LED, can simply and economically -- there
`we go -- be fabricated using solid state emitting device for
`generating a shorter wavelength, which is transmitted through a
`That's their term in the patent for a phosphor.
`Down conversion here -- forgot to highlight it --
`yield white light.
`Then also, in Column 7, they talking about an LED
`emitting blue light, packaged with fluorescent materials,
`Phosphors change color, some of the light, and you
`get white light.
`And just for the record, on slide 74, we have Column 8,
`lines 18 to 25 of Plaintiff's Exhibit 11, and Column 7 and
`lines 19 to 27 of the same exhibit.
`What exhibit number is this one?
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 11, your Honor.
`Could you identify the exhibit
`numbers, because that's kind of helpful.
`I thought I had already.
`If you did, I must have missed it.
`Well, I'm sure it was my mistake.
`All right.
`(By Mr. Traupman, continuing)
`So if, Dr. Bretschneider,
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`4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM Doc # 510 Filed 04/30/15 Pg 58 of 161 Pg ID 41234Case: 16-1577 Document: 62-1 Page: 446 Filed: 12/27/2016
`What's a
`it refers, the Baretz patent refers to a luminophor.
`They're trying
`Again, that's their term for a phosphor.
`to use a very broad, general claim.
`It's just something that
`emits light.
`So further down in the second blowout you have of Column
`7, it refers to fluorescent organic and/or inorganic
`fluorescers and phosphors, what's -- particularly focusing on
`inorganic fluorescers and phosphors, what is being referred to
`These are inorganic powdered materials, what we would
`typically call phosphors.
`So to summarize, the Baretz patent discloses using what
`color LED.
`With what color phosphor?
`To get what color LED?
`It's -- they talk
`Actually, let me go back one more.
`about down conversion, down here.
`Do you see that,
`Dr. Bretschneider?
`What does it refer to when you say down converted or down
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`4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM Doc # 510 Filed 04/30/15 Pg 76 of 161 Pg ID 41252Case: 16-1577 Document: 62-1 Page: 460 Filed: 12/27/2016
`does the inventors, there's Mr. Tadatsu and Dr. Nakamura, say
`are the effect of their invention?
`Here, this is paragraph nine, they're saying that
`depending on the phosphor you do, you can get conversion of
`light to a number of different wavelengths and you can use this
`to basically change the color of the LED or make a color
`And if you're talking about conversion of light to
`a number of different wavelengths, what does that tell you as a
`person of ordinary skill in the art?
`That's saying to a broad number, a broad range of
`wavelengths, and one of the ways in the industry we talk about
`white light is equal energy at all wavelengths, so this is very
`clear, put everything in and you will get white.
`Again, the color of the LED is what, Dr. Bretschneider, in
`the Tadatsu patent application?
`It's blue.
`Getting to white, right?
`So what color is the fluorescent dye or pigment?
`The easiest way is to have it emit yellow light.
`And so did you analyze the validity of the claims of the
`'925 patent in light of the Tadatsu application?
`I detailed that in my report.
`Did you perform an element by element analysis of the
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`4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM Doc # 510 Filed 04/30/15 Pg 78 of 161 Pg ID 41254Case: 16-1577 Document: 62-1 Page: 461 Filed: 12/27/2016
`which you also have up here on the slide?
`Again, these are other reference points where they're
`talking about a fluorescent dye or a fluorescent pigment.
`again, they are talking about phosphors in multiple places.
`And just to be clear, on the left-hand side of this slide
`you're showing what?
`This is the parts of Claim 1 that are relevant and then we
`get to Claim 2 itself.
`And then on the right-hand side of all these slides, what
`are you showing?
`This is where the elements are listed in, in this case,
`the Tadatsu patent.
`In prior art references?
`In prior art references, yes.
`And so what does that mean if these limitations are in the
`prior art references?
`That the claim should be invalid.
`So if we go to the next slide, slide 95, that's the second
`limitation here on the left-hand side of the alleged invention
`of the '925 patent.
`It says, wherein said light-emitting
`component comprises a nitride compound semiconductor
`represented by the formula up there on the screen, what's your
`opinion about that limitation, whether or not it's disclosed in
`the Tadatsu patent?
`It's very clear in the Tadatsu patent, going back to Claim
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`4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM Doc # 510 Filed 04/30/15 Pg 79 of 161 Pg ID 41255Case: 16-1577 Document: 62-1 Page: 462 Filed: 12/27/2016
`If you
`1, they give this formula for gallium aluminum nitride.
`look at the formula in Claim 1, if you say I is 0, you're left
`with the gallium aluminum nitride, and those formulas are
`So if you go down to the limitation that is added
`by Claim 2, which is a light-emitting device according to --
`oh, excuse me -- yes, a light-emitting device according to
`Claim 1 wherein the phosphor used contains a yttrium aluminum
`garnet fluorescent material containing Y and AL.
`What is your
`opinion with respect to this limitation?
`I believe it's met.
`It's not explicit in Tadatsu, but
`again, you have to take into account what one of ordinary skill
`in the art would know and be aware of.
`Once you have the
`wavelength of the LED when it's blue, there is a short list of
`phosphors that emit blue light and if you -- or sorry -- absorb
`blue light, and if you want to make white, if that's your color
`correction, you need yellow.
`And that really narrows things
`down and you very quickly get to YAG.
`So anyone doing a
`search --
`Go ahead.
`-- would come across Blasse and Bril, also the Hoffman
`article and the Philips article.
`And there's very clear
`teachings about using YAG with a blue light source here.
`again, this is very close to -- this is right in the range of
`the LED wavelengths that they're talking about.
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`4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM Doc # 510 Filed 04/30/15 Pg 80 of 161 Pg ID 41256Case: 16-1577 Document: 62-1 Page: 463 Filed: 12/27/2016
`So to be clear, you're referring to Plaintiff's 142,
`Blasse and Bril; Plaintiff's 143, Hoffman at page 91; and
`Plaintiff's 14, which is Philips, at Column 3, lines 9 to 17;
`is that right, Dr. Bretschneider?
`Yes, that's correct.
`Remind us what Mr. Tadatsu and
`Let's go back a second.
`Shuji Nakamura said you could do with their blue LED.
`Convert light to a number of wavelengths or do color
`correction of the LED.
`Using what?
`Using a phosphor.
`So if you wanted to make a white LED, but with a blue
`light source, where would a person of ordinary skill in the art
`They would know they would have to have a phosphor that
`emits yellow.
`And how would they know that you have to have a phosphor
`that emits yellow?
`Again, we can go back to the color wheel that has been
`known for over 300 years, blue, we need yellow.
`And in the
`middle, you get white.
`So for the record, what would have been the motivation to
`combine the teachings of the Tadatsu patent application with
`any of these YAG-related prior art references you have here on
`slide 96?
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`4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM Doc # 510 Filed 04/30/15 Pg 81 of 161 Pg ID 41257Case: 16-1577 Document: 62-1 Page: 464 Filed: 12/27/2016
`Again, the patent is talking about changing the light to a
`number of wavelengths or a color correction.
`If you are
`starting with blue and you want to make a different color, this
`is telling you to add a phosphor and just use what Isaac Newton
`taught us all 300 years ago.
`So if we go on to Claim 3, Claim 3 requires that wherein
`the phosphor is a fluorescent material represented by the
`general formula that's shown up here on slide 98.
`Again, can
`you remind us what compound, among others, is within that
`formula, Dr. Bretschneider?
`So what is your opinion with respect to the validity of
`Claim 3 in light of the Tadatsu patent application?
`Again, I think it would be obvious.
`It's not explicit,
`but it's very easy once you know the emission wavelengths of
`the LED, what phosphors you're going to have to use, and then
`knowing your color correction, what you want to change it to.
`If you want white, you need yellow.
`And as we have discussed
`quite a bit before, starting with blue, wanting yellow is going
`to get you very, very quickly to YAG.
`And the same three
`references, the Blasse and Bril, Hoffman, and Philips, all
`teach YAG.
`And again, is the motivation to combine these same three
`references any different for Claim 3 as it is for Claim 2?
`It's no different.
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`4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM Doc # 510 Filed 04/30/15 Pg 83 of 161 Pg ID 41259Case: 16-1577 Document: 62-1 Page: 465 Filed: 12/27/2016
`So hopefully we can move things along.
`showing the same reference as you did for Claim 5, the two
`phosphor claim?
`That's Blasse and Brill, Plaintiff's Exhibit 148?
`Any difference in your analysis for Claim 6 as it was for
`Claim 5?
`No difference.
`And again, same thing with Claim 8, it requires how many
`Two phosphors.
`Who kind of phosphors?
`YAG phosphors and different amounts of gadolinium.
`And again, you're showing here the same reference,
`Plaintiff's Exhibit 148, Blasse and Bril, is the analysis for
`the two phosphors specifically called out for Claim 8 any
`different for the other two phosphor claims?
`And it's very clear here, this phosphor has
`gadolinium, this doesn't, and that's two different amounts.
`And again, is the motivation to combine for any of these
`two phosphor claims any different from the motivation to
`combine you talked about earlier?
`No, there is no difference.
`So again, just to summarize now, the Tadatsu patent
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`4:12-cv-11758-GAD-MKM Doc # 510 Filed 04/30/15 Pg 84 of 161 Pg ID 41260Case: 16-1577 Document: 62-1 Page: 466 Filed: 12/27/2016
`application, when was it published relative in time to the
`filing date of the '925 patent?
`More than three years before.
`And it takes what color light source?
`And it makes what color LED?
`It uses what color phosphor?
`A yellow phosphor.
`We can put the '925 patent off to the side,
`Dr. Bretschneider, unless --
`Why don't we call up Plaintiff's Exhibit 4, rather than
`your slide here, just to show the jury.
`This document should be familiar.
`what this document is, Dr. Bretschneider?
`This is the '960 patent.
`This is the other Nichia patent that we're dealing with
`here for the next week-and-a-half or so; is that right?
`And this is the other Nichia patent that you analyzed in
`forming your opinions on validity here today, right,
`Dr. Bretschneider?
`That's correct.
`And when did Nichia file its application for the '960
`Can you tell us
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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