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`opportunist e optimum
`tice of taking advantage of opportunities or circumstances often with
`little regard for principles or consequences —- op-por-tun-ist \-'tii-
`nist, -*tyti-\ 7 or adj
`op-por-tu-nis-tic \-tii-'nis-tik, -tyii-\ adj (1892) :
`taking advantage of
`opportunities as they arise: as a: exploiting opportunities with little
`regard to principle or consequences <a politician considered ~> b
`: feeding on whatever food is available (~~ feeders)
`: being or
`caused by a usu. harmless microorganism that can become pathogenic
`whenthe host’s resistance is impaired <~ infections) — op-por-tu-nis~
`ti-cal-ly \-ti-k(o-)lé\ adv
`op-por-tu-ni-ty \,4-por-'tii-na-té, -'tyti-\ n, pl -ties (14c) 4: a favor-
`able juncture of circumstances <the halt provided an ~ for rest and
`refreshment> 2: a good chance for advancement or progress
`opportunity cost n (1911): the cost of making an investment thatis
`the difference between the return on one investment and the return on
`an alternative
`op-pos-able \o-'p0-za-bal\ adj (1667) 1: capable of being opposed or
`resisted 2: capable of being placed against one or moreof the re-
`maining digits of a hand or foot <the ~ human thumb) — op-pos-abil-
`ity \-,D6-za-‘bi-lo-té\ n
`op-pose \o-"pbz\ vt op-posed; op-pos-ing [F opposer, fr. L opponere
`perf. indic. opposui), fr. ob- against + ponere to place — more at OB.,
`POSITION] (1579) 1: to place opposite or against something 2: to
`place over against something so as to provide resistance, counterbal-
`ance, or contrast 3: to offer resistance to — op-pos-er n
`SYN OPPOSE, COMBAT, RESIST, WITHSTAND mean to set oneself against
`someone or something. OPPOSE can apply to any conflict, from mere
`objection to bitter hostility or warfare “opposed the plan). COMBAT
`stresses the forceful or urgent countering of something <combat dis-
`ease>. RESIST implies an overt recognition of a hostile or threatening
`force and a positive effort to counteract or repel it <resisting tempta-
`tion>. WITHSTAND suggests a more passive resistance <trying to with-
`stand peer pressure).
`op-posed \-'pdzd\ adj (1596): set or placed in opposition : CONTRARY
`«with politicians, as ~ to soap, you cannot return what you have
`bought —Felix G. Rohatyn)>
`op-pose-less \o-'p6z-las\ adj (1605) archaic: IRRESISTIBLE
`lop-po-site \‘d-po-zat, ‘ap-sat\ adj [ME,fr. MF, fr. L oppositus, pp. of
`opponere] (14c)
`1 a: set over against something that is at the other
`end or side of an intervening line or space (~~ interior angles> <~ ends
`of adiameter> b: situated in pairs on an axis with each memberbeing
`separated from the other by half the circumference of the axis <~
`leaves> -- compare ALTERNATE 2
`a : occupying an opposing and
`often antagonistic position <~ sides of the question) b: diametrically
`different (as in nature or character) (~~ meanings) 3: contrary to one
`another or to a thing specified : REVERSE (gave them ~ directions) 4
`: being the other of a pair that are corresponding or complementary in
`position, function, or nature (members of the ~ sex> 5: of, relating
`to, or being the side of a baseball field that is near the first base line for
`a right-handed batter and near the third base line for a left-handed
`batter —- op-po-site-ly adv — op-po-site-ness n
`so far apart as to be or seem irreconcilable. opposiTE applies to things
`in sharp contrast or in conflict (opposite views on foreign aid). CONTRA-
`DICTORY applies to two things that completely negate each other so
`that if one is true or valid the other must be untrue or invalid made
`contradictory predictions about whether the market wouldrise orfall.
`CONTRARYimplies extreme divergence or diametrical opposition <con-
`trary assessments of the warsituation). ANYITHETICAL stresses clear
`and unequivocal diametrical opposition (a law that is antithetical to
`the very idea of democracy).
`2opposite n (i5c) 1: something that is opposed to some other often
`specified thing 2: ANTONYM 3: ADDITIVE INVERSE; esp: the additive
`inverse of a real number
`3opposite adv (1667): on or to an opposite side
`4opposite prep (1758) 1: across from and usu. facing or on the same
`level with <sat ~~ each other) 2: in a role complementary to <played
`-~™ the leading man in the comedy)
`opposite number n (1906) : a memberof a system or class who holds
`relatively the same position as a particular memberin a corresponding
`system or class : COUNTERPART
`Op-po-si-tion \,4-po-"zi-shon\ n (14c) 1: a configuration in which one
`celestial body is opposite another in the sky or in which the elongation
`is near or equal to 180 degrees 2: the relation between two proposi-
`tions having the same subject and predicate.but differing in quantity or
`quality or both 3: an act of setting opposite or over against :
`condition.of being so set 4: hostile or contrary action or condition 5
`a: something that opposes; specif: a body of persons opposing some-
`thing b often cap: a political party opposing and prepared to replace
`the party in power — op-po-si-tion-al \-'zish-nol, -'zi-sho-n"I\ adj
`op-po-si-tion-ist \-'zi-sh(a-)nist\ 7 (1773) : a member of an opposition
`oppositionist adj
`op-press \o-'pres\ vt [ME, fr. MF oppresser, fr. L oppressus, pp. of op-
`primere, fr. ob- against + premere to press —- more at OB-, PRESS} (14c)
`a archaic : SUPPRESS b: to crush or burden by abuse of power or
`authority 2: to burden spiritually or mentally : weigh heavily upon
`Syn see WRONG — op-pres-sor \-‘pre-sar\ fn
`op-pres-sion \s-'pre-shan\ n (14c)
`1 a: unjust or cruel exercise of
`authority or power
`b : something that oppresses esp.
`in being an
`unjust or excessive exercise of power 2: a sense of being weighed
`down in body or mind : DEPRESSION
`op-pres-sive \o-'pre-siv\ adj (ca. 1677) 1: unreasonably burdensome
`or severe (~ legislation) 2: TYRANNICAL 3: overwhelming or de-
`pressing to the spirit or senses (an ~ climate)
`sym see ONEROUS —
`op-pres-sive-ly ady — op-pres-Sive-ness n
`op-pro-bri-ous \s-"prd-bré-as\ adj (14c) 1: expressive of opprobrium
`: SCURRILOUS (~ language) 2: deserving of opprobrium :
`— op-pro-bri-ous-ly ady -— op-pro-bri-ous-ness n
`op-pro-bri-um \-bré-am\ n[L, fr. opprobrare to reproach, fr. ob in the
`way of + probrum reproach; akin to L pro forward and to L ferre to
`carry, bring ~- more at OB-, FOR, BEAR] (1656) 1: something that
`brings disgrace
`2 a: public disgrace orill fame that follows from
`conduct considered grossly wrong or vicious b: CONTEMPT, REPROACH
`op-pugn \a-"pyiin, 4-\ vt [ME, fr. L oppugnare, fr. ob- against + pug.
`nare to fight — more at OB-, PUNGENT]
`(i5c) 1: to fight against
`to call in question — op-pugn-er n
`Qps Vaps\ n {L]: the Roman goddess of abundance and the wife of
`op-sin \"ap-son\ n [prob. fr. rhodopsin] (1951): any of various colorless
`proteins that in combination with retinal or a related prosthetic group
`form a visual pigment (as rhodopsin) in a reaction which is reversed by
`-opsis n comb form,pl -opses or -opsides [NL,fr. Gk, fr. opsis appear-
`ance, vision]: structure resembling a (specified) thing <caryopsis)
`op-son-ic \ap-"sd-nik\ adj (1903): of, relating to, or involving opsonin
`op-so-nin \"ap-sa-nan\ [L opsonare to buy provisions, cater (fr. Gk
`opsénein) + E '-in — more at OLIGOPSONY] (1903) : an antibody of
`blood serum that makes foreign cells more susceptible to the action of
`the phagocytes
`~opsy n comb form [Gk-opsia, fr. opsis]: examination <necropsy>
`opt \‘4pt\ vi (F opter, fr. L optarej
`(1877) :
`to make a choice; esp :
`decide in favor of something (~ed for a tax increase —Tom Wicker)
`op-ta-tive \'ap-ta-tiv\ adj (15c)
`12 a: of, relating to, or constituting
`verbal mood that is expressive of wish or desire b: of, relating to, or
`constituting a sentence that is expressive of wish or hope 2: express
`ing desire or wish — optative n — op-ta-tive-ly adv
`lop-tic \'dp-tik\ adj [ME, fr. MF optique, fr. ML opticus, fr. Gk optikos,
`fr. opsesthai to be going to see; akin to Gk opsis appearance, Gps eye —
`moreat EYE] (14c): ofor relating to vision or the eye
`Zoptic n (1600) 1: EYE 2 a: any of the elements (as lenses, mirrors,
`or light guides) of an optical instrument or system — usu. usedin pl.
`b: an optical instrument
`_ Op-ti-cal \"Ap-ti-kal\ adj (1570) 1: of or relating to the science of
`2 a: of or relating to vision: VISUAL b: VISIBLE 1 <-~ wave-
`length) ¢: of, relating to, or being objects that emit light in thevisi-
`ble range of frequencies (an ~ galaxy) d: using the properties of
`light to aid vision an ~ instrument) 3 a: of, relating to, or utilizing
`light esp. instead of other forms of energy (~ microscopy> b: involy-
`ing the use oflight-sensitive devices to acquire information for a com-
`puter (~~ character recognition> 4: of or relating to optical art — op-
`ti-cal-ely \-k(o-)le\ adv
`optical activity n (1877); ability of a chemical substanceto rotate the
`plane of vibration of polarized Hight to therightorleft
`optical art n (1964) : nonobjective art characterized by the use of
`straight or curved lines or geometric patterns often for an illusory effect
`(as of motion)
`optical] bench n (1883): an apparatus that is fitted for the convenient
`location and adjustmentof light sources and optical devices and thatis
`used for the observation and measurementof optical phenomena
`optical disk n (1980) : a disk with a plastic coating on which informa-
`tion (as music or visual images) is recorded digitally (as in the form of
`tiny pits) and which is read by using a laser
`optical fiber n (1962): a single fiber-optic strand
`optical glassn (1840): flint or crown glass of well-defined characteris-
`tics used esp. for making lenses
`optical iHusion n (1794)
`optically active adj (1885): capable of rotating the plane of polariza-
`tion of light to the right or left —~ used of compounds, mofecules, or
`optical rotation n (1895): the angle through which the planeof vibra-
`tion of polarized light that traverses an optically active substanceis
`optic axis n (1664): a line in a doubly refracting medium thatis paral-
`lel to the direction in which all components of plane-polarized light
`travel with the same speed
`optic chiasma n (1872) : the X-shaped partial decussation on the
`undersurface of the hypothalamus through which the optic nerves are
`continuous with the brain — called also optic chiasm
`optic cup n-(ca. 1885):
`the optic vesicle after invaginating to form a
`2-layered cup from which the retina and pigmented layer of the eye will
`develop — called also epecup
`optic disk n (ca. 1890): BLIND SPOT la
`op-ti-cian \ap-‘ti-shon\ n (1687) 1: a maker of or dealer in optical
`items and instruments 2: a person whoreadsprescriptions for visual
`correction, orders lenses, and dispenses spectacles and contact lenses
`optic lobe n (1854) : either of two prominences of the midbrain con-
`cerned with vision
`optic nerve n (1615): either of the pair of nerves that comprise the 2d
`pair of cranial nerves, arise from the ventral part of the diencephalon,
`supply the retina, and conduct visual stimuli to the brain — see EYE
`op-tics \'ap-tiks\ n pl but sing in constr (1579) : a science that deals
`with the genesis and propagationoflight, the changes that it undergoes
`and produces, and other phenomenaclosely associated with it
`optic vesicle n (ca. 1885) : an evagination of each lateral wail of the
`embryonic vertebrate forebrain from which the nervous structures of
`the eye develop
`op-tiemal \"4p-to-mal\ adj (1890) ; most desirable or satisfactory : oP.
`TIMUM — op-ti-mal.-i-ty \,ap-ta-"ma-io-té\ n — op-tiemaldy \-mo-lé\
`op-ti-mi-sa-tion, op-ti-mise Brit yar of OPTIMIZATION,OPTIMIZE
`op-tiemism \‘4p-ta-,mi-zam\ n [F optimisme, fr. L optimum, u., best,fr.
`neut. of optimus best; akin to L ops power — more at OPULENT] (1759)
`1: a doctrine that this world is the best possible world 2: an inclina-
`tion to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or
`to anticipate the best possible outcome — op-ti-mist \-mist\ n — op-
`ti-mis-tic \,4p-to-'mis-tik\ adj — op-ti-mis-ti-cal-ly \-ti-k(o-)le\ ady
`Op-ti-smist \ap-te-mist\ 1 {Optimise (Club)} (1911)
`: a member of a
`major international service club
`op-ti-mi-za-tion \,ap-to-ma-'za-shan\ n (1857) : an act, process, or
`methodology of making something (as a design, system, or decision)as
`fully perfect, functional, or effective as possible; specif:
`the mathemati-
`cal procedures(as finding the maximum of a function) involved in this
`op-ti-mize \'ap-to-,miz\ vt -mized; -miz-ing (1857) : to make as per-
`fect, effective, or functional as possible — op-ti-miz-er \-,mi-zar\ n
`op-ti-mum \‘dp-to-mam\ n, pi -ma \-ma\ also -mums[L] (1879)

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