Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 159
`Art Unit: 3992
`48. The iiguid crystal disgiaz of ciaim 24, wherein the iuminoghoric medium
`comprises an igorganig igminoghor.
`The prior art of Menda in view of either of Morkog and Tadatomo, or Menda in view
`of Imamura' and either of Morkog and Tadatomo, as explained above, discloses each
`of the features of claim 24. Menda does not, however, teach that the luminophoric
`medium comprises an inorganic luminophor. Instead, Menda’s PL layers 43, 44,
`45 are organic.
`Uehara, like Menda, teaches a backlight for a LCD, wherein UV light is converted to
`visible light using electroluminescent or fluorescent compounds, one for each of red
`(R), green (G), and blue (B). The distinction is that Uehara uses inorganic
`compounds. In these regard, Uehara states,
`The liquid crystal color display device shown in FIG. 5 includes the liquid
`crystal unit 35 as illustrated in FIGS. 1 through 4.
`A fluorescent layer 143 positioned below the color filter 141 contains
`fluorescent materials capable of emitting fluorescent lights in R, G, B,
`respectively. The color filter 141 and the fluorescent layer 143 are supported
`on the opposite sides of a transparent plate 145 interposed therebetween.
`A lamp 151 serving as an energy source for emitting fluorescent light is
`disposed. below the fluorescent layer 143. The lamp 151 and the
`fluorescent layer 143 jointly serve as a fluorescent light source.
`As shown in FIG. 6, when the lamp 151 is energized, the fluorescent
`materials in the fluorescent layer 143 are excited to emit lights in R,
`G, B in the directions of the arrows
`(Uehara, col. 7, lines 45~68; emphasis added)
`As can be seen in Uehara's Fig. 6 (reproduced below), the lamp 151 emits UV
`electromagnetic radiation; thus, the “fluorescent materials capable of emitting
`fluorescent lights in R, G, B" (id.) convert UV light to visible light of each of the
`primary colors, which mix to produce white light, just as in Menda.
`With regard to the inorganic materials, Uehara states,
`The EL materials are used principally in the form of powder. Examples of the
`EL material for emitting red light include YZOQSrEu (yttrium
`oxysulfide:europium), Y202:Eu (yttrium oxide:europium), (Zn Cd) S:Ag (zinc
`sulfide, cadmium:doped with silver), and GaP:In (gallium phosphide:doped
`with indium). Examples of the EL material for emitting green light include
`ZnSiO; (Mn) (manganese-doped zinc silicate), ZnS:CuAl (zinc sulfide:doped
`with copper and aluminum), (Zn Cd) S:Cu (zinc sulfide, cadmium:doped with
`copper), (Zn Cd) S:Ag (zinc sulfide, cadmium:doped with silver) (the amount
`of CdS is smaller than that of the EL material for emitting red light), and
`ZnO:Zn (zinc oxide:doped with zinc). Examples of the EL material for emitting
`blue include ZnS:Ag (zinc sulfide:doped with silver), (ZnS, ZnO):Ag (zinc
`TCL 1034, Page 161
`LOWE§ 1034, Page 161
`LOWES 1034, Page 161


`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 160
`Art Unit: 3992
`sulfide, zinc oxide:doped with siIVer), and SnOz Eu (tin oxide:doped with
`(Uehara, col, 6, lines 36-53)
`(Uehara, Fig. 6)
`In addition, Uehara makes clear that the EL materials and fluorescent materials are
`the same:
`The fluorescent materials are used principally in the form of powder, and
`may be the same as the various examples for the EL materials given above
`because the fluorescent and EL materials are only different in their light-
`emitting mechanism, but are of the same substances.
`(Uehara, col. 10, lines 49—54; emphasis added)
`The only distinctions between the backlights of Menda and Uehara are (1) the
`source of UV light, Menda using, inter alia, a UV LED and Uehara using a UV lamp,
`and (2) the materials used to convert the UV light to visible light, Menda using
`organic materials, and Uehara using inorganic materials.
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art, at the time of the
`invention to use Uehara's inorganic materials instead of organic materials as a
`matter of simple substitution of one known element (organic compounds) for
`another (inorganic compounds) to obtain predictable results (UV light-stimulated
`emission of visible light).
`In this regard, MPEP 2143, states,
`TCL 1034, Page 162
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`LOWES 1034, Page 162


`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 151
`Art Unit: 3992
`8.. Simple Substitution of One Known Element for Another To Obtain
`Predictable Results
`To reject a claim based on this rationale, Office personnel must resolve the
`Graham factual inquiries. Then, Office personnel must articulate the following:
`(1) a finding that the prior art contained a device (method, product,
`etc.) which differed from the claimed device by the substitution of
`some components (step, element, etc.) with other components;
`(2) a finding that the substituted components and their functions were
`known in the art;
`(3) a finding that one of ordinary skill in the art cauld have substituted
`one known element for another, and the results of the substitution
`would have been predictable; and
`(4) whatever additional findings based on the Graham factual inquiries
`may be necessary, in view of the facts of the case under consideration,
`to explain a conclusion of obviousness.
`(Emphasis in original.)
`With regard to (1), as shown above, Menda discloses an LCD which differs from the
`claimed device only in using organic versus the claimed inorganic luminescent
`With regard to (2), as shown above, Uehara teaches that it was known at least by
`1988 that inorganic luminescent materials, stimulated by UV light to produce
`visible light can be used as a backlight for a LCD.
`With regard to (3), because both Menda and Uehara are directed to making
`backlights for LCD and because both use UV light—stimulated emission of visible
`light by luminescent materials, the only difference being that one uses organic and
`one uses inorganic, the substitution of Menda‘s organic compounds with Uehara’s
`inorganic compounds, would have produced that same predictable results, i.e.
`production of the same white light that Menda produced with the organic
`With regard to (4), it is not believed that any addition findings are necessary to
`explain the conclusion of obviousness.
`Proposed new claims 52-54 read,
`52. The liquid castal display of claim 48, wherein each said LED comprises
`material selected from the group consisting of gallium nitride and its allozs.
`53. The liguid castal display of claim 48, wherein each said LED comgrises
`allium nitrid .
`TCL 1034, Page 163
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`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 162
`Art Unit: 3992
`54. The light-emission device of ciaim 48, wherein each said LED comgrises
`gaiiigm nitride aiioz.
`As explained above, Morkog and Tadatomo teach the use of GaN-based
`semiconductor materials with which LEDs and semiconductor lasers are made. In
`this regard, Morkog's section entitled, “III. GaN—based III-V Nitride
`Semiconductors" Morkoc explicitly calls the light emitters, “GaN p-n junction LEDs":
`These advances in material quality and processing have allowed researchers
`to demonstrate and commercialize GaN p-n junction LEDs giving rise to
`optimism of a GaN-based laser soon to follow.
`(Morkog, p. 1379, right col. last full sentence; emphasis added)
`This section discusses LEDs made from GaN and its alloys, e.g. InGaN (p. 1387).
`As noted above, Tadatomo indicates that the LED and LD are made from GaN based
`semiconductor materials (Tadatomo, e.g. Abstract, col. 8, lines 36-44).
`The reasons for using Morkog's or Tadatomo's GaN-based LEDs as Menda's LEDs is
`the same as indicated above.
`8. Claims 49-51 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over
`Menda in view of Uehara and either of Morkog, and Tadatomo as applied to claim
`48, above, and further in view of Abe or, in the alternative, over Menda in view
`of Imamura, Uehara, and either of Morkog and Tadatomo as applied to claim 48,
`above and further in view of Abe.
`Proposed new claims 49-51 read,
`49. The iiguid castai disgiaz of ciaim 48, wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`disgersed on or in a housing member.
`50. The iiguid crystal disgiaz of ciaim 48, wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`disgersed in a film on a surface of a housing member.
`51. The iiguig castai disgiaz of gigim 48, wherein the inorganic iuminoghgr is
`within a housing member.
`The prior art of Menda in view of Uehara and either of Morkog and Tadatomo, or
`Menda in view of Imamura, Uehara, and either of Morkoc and Tadatomo, as
`explained above, discloses each of the features of claim 48. None of the above
`references discuss the housing for the LEDs.
`Abe’s Fig. 1(a) (reproduced below) shows a light—emitting device, including a
`semiconductor laser elements 1 that emit ultra—vioiet light that is converted to
`TCL 1034, Page 164
`LOWE§ 1034, Page 164
`LOWES 1034, Page 164


`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 163
`Art Unit: 3992
`visible light using “fluophor layer 4"forn1ed on the inside housing of the light
`device. In regard to Fig. 1(a), Abe states,
`Referring to FIG. 1(a), a plurality of semiconductor laser elements 1 are
`buried in or mounted on a heat sink (radiator) 2, a diffusion lens 3 is
`arranged in front of each semiconductor laser element 1.
`In addition, a
`fluophor 4 is provided on the inside wall surface of a vacuum glass tube
`5 charged with argon gas or the like. A laser beam Lo emitted from each
`semiconductor laser element 1 is diffused through the diffusion lens 3, and
`the fluorescent material of the fluophor 4 is excited by the diffused light
`L1 to obtain visible light L.
`While the structure of the semiconductor laser element 1 will be described
`later, the semiconductor laser element generally comprises an active layer
`(luminous layer) 100, clad layers 101, 102, and a substrate 103 as shown in
`FIG. 5. The crystal structure having the optimum wavelength for the
`conversion into visible light due to the fluophor 4 is selected in the
`range from the infrared region to the ultraviolet region by the oscillation
`(Abe, col. 4, lines 22-38; emphasis added)
` "u““““““
`(Abe, Fig. 1(a))
`In addition, Abe’s Table 1 in column 5 teaches that a laser element 1 can be chosen
`that emits light in the UV region, specifically the first semiconductor composition in
`the table (Abe, Table 1, col. 5). The far left side of Fig. 1(a) also shows the two
`leads for the array of semiconductor laser elements 1 use to apply power.
`Abe's Fig. 1(a) also shows the luminophoric medium (called “fluophor 4", id.) that
`converts the UV light to visible light (Int). Again, Abe states, “The crystal structure
`having the optimum wavelength for the conversion into visible light due to the
`TCL 1034, Page 165
`LOWE§ 1034, Page 165
`LOWES 1034, Page 165


`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 164
`Art Unit: 3992
`fluophor 4 is selected in the range from the infrared region to the ultraviolet
`region by the oscillation wavelength." (fat; emphasis added) Because UV light
`(<400 nm) has a higher energy and shorter wavelength that visible light (400 nm
`to 700 nm) wavelengths the UV light is down-converted by fluophor 4 with a
`corresponding increase in wavelength.
`Abe's Table 2 (reproduced below) in coiumn 5 teaches several inorganic
`fluorescent compounds used for the fluophor 4 that produce the white light.
`Calcium magnate
`Magnesium: tungsten:
`Zia silicate
`Bluish whit:
`Calcium halophoaphat:
`(daylight color)
`Yallawish while
`Zinc beyilium silicate
`Yellowish rod
`Calcium Silicate
`Camden: home
`(Abe, col. 5)
`This arrangement is entirely consistent with the location of the fluorescent inorganic
`compounds in Uehara. In this regard, Uehara states that the fluorescent inorganic
`compounds may be formed on the outer surface or inner surface of the UV lamp
`tube, i.e. the lamp housing:
`The color filter or the fluorescent layer may be disposed in the liquid crystal
`unit, and the fluorescent layer and the-color filter may be disposed on the
`outer or inner surface of the tube wall of the lamp.
`(Uehara, col. 9, lines 41-45; emphasis added)
`Thus, placing the Uehara’s inorganic compounds, like Abe’s inorganic compounds,
`on the inner surface of the LED lamp housing would have a reasonable expectation
`of success.
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art, at the time of the
`invention to locate the inorganic luminophores within a housing member of the
`LEDs as a matter of design choice. Because Menda does not limit the location of the
`luminophores, one of ordinary skill would locate the luminophores according to
`known methods, such as indicated in Abe.
`TCL 1034, Page 166
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`LOWES 1034, Page 166


`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 165
`Art Unit: 3992
`F. Abe as a base reference
`1. Claims 3, 4, and 34—37 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(e) as being
`anticipated by Abe.
`Claim 3 reads,
`3. A fight-emitting device, comprising:
`a semiconductor iaser coupieabie with a power suppiy to emit a primary
`radiation having a reiativeiy shorter waveiength outside the visibie iight
`spectrum; and
`a down-converting iuminophoric medium arranged in receiving reiationship to
`said primary radiation, and which in exposure to said primary radiation
`responsiveiy emits poiychromatic radiation in the visibie iight spectrum, with
`different waveiengths of said poiychromatic radiation mixing to produce a
`white iight output.
`Abe’s Fig. 1(a) (reproduced below) shows a light-emitting device, inciuding a
`semiconductor laser elements 1 that emit ultra-violet light.
`(Abe, Fig. 1(a))
`In regard to Fig. 1(a), Abe states,
`Referring to FIG. 1(a), a plurality of semiconductor laser elements 1 are
`buried in or mounted on a heat sink (radiator) 2, a diffusion lens 3 is
`arranged in front of each semiconductor laser element 1.
`In addition, a
`TCL 1034, Page 167
`LOWE§ 1034, Page 167
`LOWES 1034, Page 167


`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 155
`Art Unit: 3992
`fluophor 4 is provided on the inside wall surface of a vacuum glass tube 5
`charged with argon gas or the like. A laser beam Ln emitted from each
`semiconductor laser element 1 is diffused through the diffusion lens 3, and
`the fluorescent material of the fluophor 4 is excited by the diffused light
`L1 to obtain visible light L.
`While the structure of the semiconductor laser element 1 will be described
`later, the semiconductor laser element generally comprises an active layer
`(luminous layer) 100, clad layers 101, 102, and a substrate 103 as shown in
`FIG. 5. The crystal structure having the optimum wavelength for the
`conversion into visible light due to the fluophor 4 is selected in the
`range from the infrared region to the ultraviolet region by the oscillation
`(Abe, col. 4, lines 22—33; emphasis added)
`In addition, Abe’s Table 1 in column 5 teaches that a laser element 1 can be chosen
`that emits light in the UV region, specifically the first semiconductor composition in
`the table (Abe, Table 1, col. 5). The far left side of Fig. 1(a) also shows the two
`leads for the array of semiconductor laser elements 1 use to apply power. Thus,
`Abe's discloses a semiconductor laser coupleable with a power supply to emit a
`primary radiation having a relatively shorter wavelength outside the visible light
`Abe’s Fig. 1(a) also shows the Iuminophoric medium (called “fluophor 4”, id.)
`arranged in receiving relationship to said primary radiation, that down converts the
`UV light to visible light (Id). Again, Abe states, “The crystal structure having the
`optimum wavelength for the conversion into visible light due to the flquhor 4
`is selected in the range from the infrared region to the ultraviolet region by the
`oscillation wavelength." (Id; emphasis added) Because UV light (<400 nm) has a
`higher energy and shorter wavelength that visible light (400 nm to 700 nm)
`wavelengths the UV light is down—converted by fluophor 4 with a corresponding
`increase in wavelength.
`Abe‘s Table 2 (reproduced below) in column 5 teaches several fluorescent
`substances used for the fluophor 4 that produce the white light.
`calcium magma
`Magouiun {anytime
`2511 silicate
`Cfln‘m hllophmphar.
`Zinc Militia: silicon
`Golden: Silicate
`Cadmium home
`Bluish white
`(daylight color)
`Yellow-bl: while
`Yellowlsh rad
`TCL 1034, Page 168
`LOWE§ 1034, Page 168
`LOWES 1034, Page 168


`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 167
`Art Unit: 3992
`(Abe, col. 5)
`The first, third, and fifth entries each produce white light. (Note that the fifth entry
`should state “white” instead of “while".) Because white light necessarily requires a
`mixture of wavelengths of including the primary colors, Abe's iuminophoric
`medium, fluophor 4, necessarily emits poiychromatic radiation in the visibie iight
`spectrum, with different wavelengths of said poiychromatic radiation mixing to
`produce a white iight output.
`This is all of the features of claim 3.
`Claim 4 reads,
`4. A fight-emitting device according to ciaim 3, wherein said semiconductor
`iaser inciudes an active materiai seiected from the group consisting of III—v
`aiioys and H~VI aiioys.
`The first entry in Abe's Table 1 includes active UV light-emitting semiconductor
`material, ZnSeTe, which is a II-VI semiconductor material and also includes GaP
`clad layers which are a III-V semiconductor material.
`Proposed new claims 34-37 read,
`34. The fight-emitting device of claim 3, wherein the iuminoghoric medium
`comprises an inorganic iuminoghor.
`35. The light-emitting device of ciaim 34, wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`disgersed on or in a housing member.
`36. The fight-emitting device of ciaim 34, wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`disgersed in a fiim on a surface of a housing member.
`37. The fight-emitting device of ciaim 34, wherein the inorganic iurninoghor is
`within a housing member.
`As shown above Abe's Table 2, the iurninophoric medium 4 comprises an inorganic
`iuminOphor because all of the listed “Fluorescent Substances” are inorganic
`compounds. As shown in Abe‘s Fig. 1(a), above, the iuminophoric medium 4 (1) is
`dispersed on or in a housing member 5, (2) is dispersed in a him 4 on a surface of
`a housing member 5, or (3) is within a housing member 5.
`2. Claims 1, 2, 5, 23, 27-30, 41-44, 172, and 173 are rejected under 35
`U.S.C. 102(e) as being anticigated by Abe, as evidenced by LEDLASER.
`Preposed amended claims 1 and 5 read,
`TCL 1034, Page 169
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`LOWES 1034, Page 169


`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 168
`Art Unit: 3992
`1. A iight emitting device, comprising:
`at ieast one singie-die semiconductor light-emitting diode (LED) coupieabie
`with a power suppiy to emit a primary radiation which is the same for each
`singie-die semiconductor LED present in the device, said primary radiation
`being a reiativeiy shorter waveiength radiation outside the visibie white iight
`spectrum; and
`a down-converting iuminophoric medium arranged in receiving reiationship to
`said primary radiation, and which in exposure to said primary radiation
`responsiveiy emits radiation at a muitipiicity of waveiengths and in the visibie
`white Light spectrum, with said radiation of said muitipiicity of waveiengths
`mixing to produce a white Light output wherein each of the at least one
`single—die semiconductor fight-emitting diode in interaction with iuminophoric
`medium receiving its primacy radiation produces white iight output.
`5. A fight-emitting device, comprising:
`at ieast one singie-die semiconductor fight-emitting diode (LED) coupieabie
`with a power suppiy to emit a primary radiation which is the same for each
`singie-die LED present in the device, said primary radiation being a reiativeiy
`shorter waveiength radiation; and
`a down-converting iuminophoric medium arranged in receiving reiationship to
`said primary radiation, and which in exposure to said primary radiation, is
`excited to responsiveiy emit a secondary, reiativeiy ionger wa veiength,
`poiychromatic radiation, with separate wa veiengths of said poiychromatic
`radiation mixing to produce a white iight output wherein each of the at ieast
`one singie-die semiconductor fight-emitting diode in interaction with
`iuminophoric medium receiving its primapy radiation produces white iight
`These claims are distinguished from claim 3 essentially in that (1) the light emitter
`is any LED, notjust specifically a laser, (2) the primary radiation is outside the
`visibie white Light spectrum, as opposed to outside the visibie iight spectrum, and
`(3) that each of the LED must produce white light.
`With regard to difference (1), a semiconductor laser or “laser diode” is a species
`of LED, as evidenced by LEDLASER:
`Laser diodes (also called ‘injection lasers“) are in effect a specialised form of
`LED. Just like a LED, they're a form of P-N junction diode with a thin depletion
`layer where electrons and holes collide to create light photons, when the
`diode is forward biased.
`In other words, they end up ‘in sync’ and forming continuous-wave coherent
`(LEDLASER, p. 2, right COL; emphasis in original)
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`LOWES 1034, Page 170


`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 169'
`Because the claims recite only “LED", the species of LED disclosed in Abe, a laser,
`reads on the claimed genus, a LED.
`With regard to difference (2), UV light is outside visible light and therefore outside
`of visible white light.
`With regard to difference (3), the light emitted by each of the LED 1 passes
`through the phosphor 4, therefore, each of the at least one single-die
`semiconductor light-emitting diode 1 in interaction with luminophoric medium 4
`receiving its primary radiation L, produces white light output Line, as newly
`This is all of the additional features of claims 1 and 5.
`Claims 2 and 23 read,
`2. A light-emitting device according to claim 1, comprising a two-lead
`array of single—die semiconductor LEDs.
`23. A light-emitting device according to claim 5, comprising a two-lead
`array of single-die semiconductor LEDS.
`Abe’s Fig. 1(a) shows an array of LEDs 1, and the array has only two leads (not
`labeled but shown on the far left side of the figure). In addition, Abe’s Fig. 41‘ shows
`an array of LEDs 1 having only two leads (not labeled, but shown at the lowermost
`portion of the figure). (See Abe, col. 7, lies 1-8.)
`Proposed new claims 27—30 and 41-44 read,
`27. The light emitting device of claim 1, wherein the luminoghoric medium
`comprises an inorganic luminoghor.
`28. The light emitting device of claim 27, wherein the inorganic luminoghor is
`dispersed on or in a housing member.
`29. The light emitting device of claim 27, wherein the inorganic luminoghor is
`disgersed in a film on a surface of a housing member.
`30. The light emitting device of claim 27, wherein the inorganic luminoghor is
`within a housing member.
`Claim 41. The light-emitting device of claim 5, wherein the luminophoric
`medium comprises an inorganic luminophor.
`Claim 42'. The light-emitting device of claim 41, wherein the inorganic
`luminophor is dispersed on or in a housing member.
`TCL 1034, Page 171
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`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 170
`AH: Unit: 3992
`43. The fight-emitting device of claim 41, wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`dispersed in a fiim on a surface of a housing member.
`44. The fight-emitting device of ciaim 41, wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`within a housing member.
`These claims recite the same features as claims 34-37. As indicated above in
`rejection claims 34-37, Abe discloses these features.
`Proposed new claims 172 and 173 read,
`172. The fight-emitting device of ciaim 5, wherein the secondary, reiativeiv
`ionger waveiength, poivchromatic radiation comprises a broad spectrum of
`173. The fight-emitting device of ciaim 5, wherein the singie-die
`semiconductor fight-emitting diode is on a support in an interior voiume of a
`fight-transmissive enciosure.
`Because Abe produces white light, the radiation down-converted by the recipient
`down-converting iuminophoric medium comprises a broad spectrum of frequencies.
`Abe’s Fig. 1(a) shows the LED 1 is on a support 2 in an interior volume of a light—
`transmissive glass enclosure 5 (col. 4, line 26).
`3. Claims 22, 26, 55—58, 176, and 177 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(e) as
`being anticipated by Abe, as evidenced by LEDLASER and M-H Encyclopedia.
`Claims 22 and 26 read,
`22. A fight-emitting device according to ciaim 5, wherein each singie-die
`semiconductor LED present in the device comprises a singie-die two-iead
`semiconductor LED.
`26. A fight-emission device, comprising
`a singie-die, two-lead semiconductor iight~emitting diode emitting radiation;
`a recipient down-converting iuminophoric medium for down-converting the
`radiation emitted by the fight—emitting diode, to a poiychromatic white iight.
`Independent claim 26 is broader than independent claims 1, 3, and 5 except for the
`feature that the LED has two leads. Thus, Abe, as discussed above, discloses each
`of the features of claim 26 and claims 21 and 22 except for explicitly indicating the
`number of leads of the semiconductor laser elements 1. Each of the laser elements
`is shown to be a singie die, as shown in e.g. Figs. 1(a) and 4(f).
`TCL 1034, Page 172
`LOWE§ 1034, Page 172
`LOWES 1034, Page 172


`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 171
`Art Unit: 3992
`M-H Encyclopedia proves that a single LED requires two leads in order to provide
`power to the p-type and n—type semiconductor. M-H Fig. 1 (p. 61) shows the
`structure of a typical LED having ohmic contacts to the p- and n-type
`In this regard, M-H states,
`Ohmic contacts are made by evaporating metallic layers to both n- and p-type
`(M-H Encyclopedia, p. 61, left col., 1St full 1])
`That a LED inherently has two leads is further demonstrated by Figs 2(a)-2(c) on p.
`62 of M-H Encyclopedia.
`In order to provide power to the LED, then a lead is required to each ohmic contact;
`therefore, a single LED inherently has two leads, and Abe's LED 1 necessarily has
`two leads, as required by each of claims 21, 22, and 26.
`Proposed new claims 55-58 read,
`Sifle fight-emission device of ciaim 26, wherein the iuminophoric medium
`comprises an inorganic iuminophor.
`56. The iight emitting device of ciaim 55, wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`dispersed on or in a housing member.
`57. The iight emitting device of claim 55, wherein the inorganic iuminophor is
`dispersed in a him on a surface of a housing member.
`58. The iight emitting device of ciaim 55, wherein the inorganic iuminophor is
`within a housing member.
`These ciaims recite the same features as claims 34-37. As indicated above in
`rejection claims 34-37, Abe discloses these features.
`Proposed new claims 176 and 177 read,
`176. The fight—emission device of ciaim 26, wherein radiation down-
`con vefied by the recipient down-converting iuminophoric medium comprises
`a broad spectrum of frequencies.
`177. Thefight—emission device of ciaim 26 wherein the singie-die, two-iead
`semiconductor fight-emitting diode is on a support in an interigr voiume of a
`iight-trgnsmissive enciosure.
`Because Abe produces white light, the radiation down-converted by the recipient
`down-converting iuminophoric medium comprises a broad spectrum of frequencies.
`TCL 1034, Page 173
`LOWE§ 1034, Page 173
`LOWES 1034, Page 173


`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 172
`Art Unit: 3992
`Abe's Fig. 1(a) shows the LED 1 is on a support 2 in an interior volume of a light-
`transmissive glass enclosure 5 (col. 4, line 26).
`4. Claims 11-13, 31-33, 38-40, 45-47, 59-63, 68, 69, 72, 74-80, 100, 101, 106,
`107, 110I 112, 113-117, 162, 164, 166, 167-171, and 178 are rejected under
`35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over Abe, as evidenced by LEDLASER,
`in view of Morkog.
`Proposed amended claims 11 and 12, and claim 13 read,
`11. A fight-emitting device according to ciaim 5, wherein each singie—die
`semiconductor LED present in the device is on a substrate ffl a muitiiayer
`device structure, and wherein said substrate comprises siiicon carbide.
`12. A fight-emitting device according to ciaim 5, wherein each singie-die
`semiconductor LED present in the device is on a substrate ifl a muitiiayer
`device structure, and wherein said substrate comprises a materiai seiected
`from the group consisting of sapphire, Sic, and inGaAIN.
`13. A fight-emitting device according to ciaim 12, wherein said muitiiayer
`device structure inciudes iayers seiected from the group consisting of siiicon
`carbide, aiuminum nitride, gaiiium nitride, gaiiium phosphide, germanium
`carbide, indium nitride, and their mixtures and aiioys.
`Abe discloses that the semiconductor laser (LED) has a multilayered structure,
`While the structure of the semiconductor laser element 1 will be described
`later, the semiconductor laser element generally comprises an active layer
`(luminous layer) 100, clad layers 101, 102, and a substrate 103 as shown in
`FIG. 5.
`(Abe, col. 4, lines 31-35)
`Thus, Abe's LED 1 is a multilayer Structure that includes a substrate. Fig. 5 shows
`that the substrate 103 is “metal".
`Abe does not teach that the substrate is includes SiC (claim 11) or includes one of
`sapphire, SiC, and InGaAiN (claim 12), or the multilayer LED inciudes iayers
`seiected from the group consisting of siiicon carbide, aiuminum nitride, gaiiium
`nitride, gaiiium phosphide, germanium carbide, indium nitride, and their mixtures
`and aiioys (claim 13).
`Morkog teaches UV light-emitting LED and lasers made from III—V materials such as
`GaN, from II-VI materials such as ZnSe, and from SiC:
`TCL 1034, Page 174
`LOWE§ 1034, Page 174
`LOWES 1034, Page 174


`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 173
`Art Unit: 3992
`For optical emitters and detectors, ZnSe, SiC, and GaN all have
`demonstrated operation in the green, blue, or ultraviolet (UV) spectra.
`Blue SiC light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have been on the market for several
`years, joined recently by UV and blue GaN-based LEDs. These products
`should find wide use in full color display and other technologies.
`In laser
`development, ZnSe leads the way with more sophisticated designs having
`further improved performance being rapidly demonstrated. If the low damage
`threshold of ZnSe continues to limit practical laser applications, GaN appears
`poised to become the semiconductor of choice for short-wavelength lasers
`in optical memory and other applications.
`(Morkoc, abstract; emphasis added)
`Morkog indicates that GaN has been grown on silicon carbide (SiC) and sapphire
`(single crystal Aleg) substrates —-as required by claims 11-13. (See Morkoc, p.
`1382, sections entitled, “C. Substrates for nitride epitaxy" and “D. Buffer layers for
`nitride heteroepitaxy on sapphire". Thus, GaN-based, UV LEDs and lasers can be
`fabricated on Sit: and sapphire substrates --as required by claims 11-13.
`In addition, Morkog states that GaN—based LED materials are better than the ZnSe
`materials used in Abe, specifically for UV light emission, stating,
`The III-V nitrides have long been viewed as a promising system for
`optoelectronic applications in the blue and UV wavelengths and more recently
`as a high-power, high- temperature semiconductor with electronic properties
`potentially superior to SiC; however, progress in the nitrides has been much
`slower than in Sit: and ZnSe, and only recently have practical devices begun
`to be realized.
`While ZnSe-based laser devices are limited to the visible wavelengths by
`their relatively smaller band gaps, lasers based on AIGaN quantum wells
`(QW) could conceivably operate at energies up to 4 eV. The high
`thermal conductivity and superior stability of the nitrides and their
`substrates should eventually allow higher-power laser operation with
`less rapid degradation than in ZnSe.
`(Morkog, p. 1379; emphasis added)
`One of the thermally stable substrates to which Morkog refers is SiC:
`Many different substrates have been tried, and the community has come to
`favor basal plane sapphire as the substrate of choice; however, substrates
`such as Sic, MgO, and ZnO, which have superior thermal and lattice
`matches to the nitrides, are increasingly available and should become
`popular in the near future.
`(Morkoc, p. 1381, sentence bridging left and r

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