Application/Control Number: 90i010,940
`Page 79
`Art Unit: 3992
`from a mixture of inorganic phosphors was discussed above in the rejection over
`Stevenson in view of APA, Wanmaker, and Nakamura which applies equally to claim
`Thus the only difference is that there is no indication that the phosphoric mixture of
`APA or Wanmaker is dispersed in a poiymer that is on or about the GaN-based LED.
`As noted above, Tabuchi teaches the phosphor 7 is coated on the wall of the
`transparent cover 6:
`A phosphor layer 7 is provided by applying a binding agent in which a
`phosphor to convert the radiation from light emitting semiconductor device 4
`to visible light is dispersed on the inner surface of transparent cover 6.
`Transparent cover 6 is made of a material such as glass or an epoxy resin is
`preferably fixed to stem 1 so that it can also function as a cap for hermetic
`(Tabuchi translation, pp. 3-4; emphasis added)
`Although Tabuchi does not indicate the'identity of the binder, Martic teaches that it
`has long been known (since 1973) to use organic resins (Le. polymers) as binding
`agents specifically for inorganic phosphors in the manufacture of luminescent
`In still another aspect, this invention relates to screens comprising inorganic
`phosphors wherein the binding agent for said phOSphors comprises a
`polyurethane elastorner alone or in combination with an alkyl
`methacrylate resin in various ratio ranges.
`(Martic, col. 1, lines 10-14; emphasis added)
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art, at the time of the
`invention to disperse APA or Wanmaker’s inorganic phosphors in the polymeric
`binding agent of Martic to make the phosphor layer 7 in Tabuchi, because Tabuchi
`is silent as to the binding agent for the phosphor, such that one of ordinary skill
`would use known binders specifically used for inorganic phosphors that must emit
`This is all of the additional features of claims 118 and 129.
`Pr0posed new claims 134 and 144 read,
`134'. A fight-emitting device, comprising:
`at least pne single—die gaiiium nitride based semiconductor blue iight-
`emitting diode (LED) coupieabie with a power supply to emit a primapz
`radiation which is the same for each singie—die LED present in the device,
`said primagg radiation being a reiativeiy shorter wavelength radiation; and
`TCL 1034, Page 81
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`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 80
`Art Unit: 3992
`a down-converting iuminoghoric medium arranged in receiving reiationshig to
`said grimarx radiation, and which in exgosure to said grimagg radiation, is
`excited to resgonsivei}: emit g secondary, reiativeiz longer waveiength,
`goizchromatic radiation, with segarate wa veiengths of said goivchromatic
`radiation mixing to groguce a white light outgut,
`wherein each of the at ieast one singie-die gaiiium nitride based
`semiconductor biue light—emitting diode in interaction with iuminoghoric
`medium receiving its grimagg radiation groduces white iight outgut,
`and wherein the iuminoghoric medium is disgersed in a goizmer that is
`on or about the single-die gaiiium nitride based semiconductor biue iight-
`emitting diode.
`$44. The fight-emitting device of ciaim 134, wherein the iuminoghoric
`medium comgrises inorganic iuminoghoric materiai.
`Each of the additional features of these claims, highlighted in bold has been
`discussed above.
`Proposed new claims 162 and 167 read,
`162. A iight-emittigg device, comprising:
`at igast one single-die gallium nitride based semiconductor biue tight—
`emitting diode (LED) coupieabie with a power sugpiy to emit a grimarz
`radiation which is the same for each singie-die LED gresent in the device,
`said grimag: radiation being a reiativeiv shorter wavelength biue iight
`radiation ' and
`a down-converting iuminophoric medium arranged in receiving reiationshig to
`’ said grin/Jag; radiation, and which in exgosure to said grimagg radiation, is
`excited to resgonsiveiv emit a secondary, reiativeiv ionger waveiength,
`goiychromatic radiation, with sggarate waveiengths of said goizchromatic
`radiation mixing to groduce a white iight outgut,
`wherein each singie-die gaiiium nitride based semiconductor biue iight-
`emitting diode in interaction with iuminoghoric medium receiving its grimagg
`radiation groduces white iight outgut,
`and wherein said at ieast one singie~die gaiiium nitride based semiconductor
`biue tight-emitting diode is in a housing comgrising a fight-transmissive
`wait member in sgaced reiationshig tg said at ieast one singie-die gaiiiur_n_
`nitride based semiconductor biue tight-emitting diode,
`and wherein said iuminoghorig medigm is disgersgg in gr on saig
`Egg-transmissive waii member.
`TCL 1034, Page 82
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`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 81
`Art Unit: 3992
`167. The fight-emitting device of ciaim 162, wherein the iuminophoric
`medium comprises inorganic iuminophoric materiai.
`Each of the additional features of these claims, highlighted in bold has been
`discussed above. Tabuchi's cover 6 is called a “transparent cover 6” so it is
`necessarily a housing comprising a fight-transmissive waii member in spaced
`reiationship to the LED. The phosphor layer 7 is dispersed on transparent cover 6.
`Proposed new claims 79, 80, 116, 117, 132, 133, 147, and 148 read,
`79. The light-emitting device of ciaim 62, comprising a fight—emitting diode
`0. The ii ht-emittin device of ciaim 79 wherein the ii ht-emittin diode
`iamp comprises the at ieast one singie-die gaiiium nitride based
`semiconductor biue fight-emitting diode and inorganic iuminophoric materiai
`within an enciosure comprising materiai that is iight~transmissive of said
`white iight output.
`116. The light—emission device of ciaim 100, comprising a fight-emitting
`diode iamp.
`11 7. The fight-emission device of ciaim 116. wherein the fight-emitting diode
`iamp comprises the single-die gaiiium nitride based semiconductor biue iight-
`emittipg diode and inorganic iuminophoric materiai within an enciosure
`comprising mpteriai that is iight- transmissive of said white iight.
`132. The fight-emission device of ciaim 118, comprising a fight-emitting
`diode iamp.
`133. The fight-emission device of ciaim 132, wherein the fight-emitting diode
`iamp comprises the single-die gaiiium nitride based semiconductor bige iight—
`emitting diode and inorganic iuminophoric materiai within an enciosure
`comprising materiai that is iight— transmissive of said white iight.
`147. The fight-emission device of ciaim 134, comprising a fight-emitting
`diode iamp.
`148. The light-emission device of ciaim 147, wherein the fight—emitting diode
`iamp comprises the singie-die gaiiium nitride based semiconductor biue iight-
`emitting diode gnd inorganic iuminophoric materiai within an enciosure
`comprising materiai that is fight-transmissive of said white iight output.
`Regarding claims 79, 116, 132, and 147,-the device of Stevenson as modified by _
`the other references includes a single LED package which is therefore a lamp.
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`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 82
`Regarding claims 80, 117, 133, and 147, as discussed above, Tabuchi teaches that
`the LED lamp includes an enclosure having a transparent cover 6 with the phosphor
`coating 7 on the interior surface thereof. Because the transparent cover 6 is
`transparent, it is iight-transmissive of said white iight output.
`D. Tabuchi as a base reference
`1. Claims 11 5,_22, 26;, 172, 173. 176, and 177 are rejected under 35 U.S.C.
`102(b) as being anticipated by: Tabuchi, as evidenced by the CRC Handbook.
`Proposed amended claim 1 reads,
`[1 J 1. A iight emitting device, comprising:
`[2] at ieast one singie-die semiconductor iight—emitting diode (LED)
`coupieabie with a power suppiy to emit a primary radiation [3] which is the
`same for each singie-die semiconductor LED present in the device, [4] said
`primary radiation being a reiativeiy shorter waveiength radiation outside the
`visibie white iight spectrum; and
`[5] a down-converting iuminophoric medium arranged in receiving
`reiationship to said primary radiation, and which in exposure to said primary
`radiation responsiveiy emits radiation at a muitipiicity of waveiengths and in
`the visibie white iight spectrum, with said radiation of said muitipiicity of
`waveiengths mixing to produce a white iight output, [61 wherein each of the
`at ieast one singie-die semiconductor iight—emitting diode in interaction with
`.iuminophoric medium receivingjgs Mary radiation produces white iight
`Feature [1]: 1. A iight emitting device
`Tabuchi’s Fig. 1 (reproduced below) shows a LED 4, which can be a GaN—based
`LED, in a housing including transparent cover 6 having a phosphor film 7 coated
`thereon to convert the primary radiation (UV or IR) from said LED 4 into visible
`light. Visible light includes white light. The LED includes two leads 3 for powering
`the LED.
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`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 83
`Art Unit: 3992
`(Tabuchi, Fig. 1)
`In regard to the embodiment shown in Fig. 1, Tabuchi states,
`Figure 1 depicts a light emitting semiconductor apparatus of an example
`of the present utility model invention. In the example, the present utility
`model invention is applied to a light emitting semiconductor apparatus which
`employs a so-called TO-S stem. Figure 1, glass 2 fixes leads 3 in a TO-S metal
`stem 1. A light' emitting semiconductor device 4 is conductively
`connected to stem 1. A transparent cover 6 according to the present utility
`model invention is fixed on stem 1. A phosphor layer 7 is provided by
`applying a binding agent in which a phoSphor to convert the radiation
`from light emitting semiconductor device 4 to visible light is
`dispersed on the inner surface of transparent cover 6. Transparent
`cover 6 is made of a material such as glass or an epoxy resin is preferably
`fixed to stem 1 so that it can also function as a cap for hermetic sealing.
`In the light emitting apparatus of the present utility model invention,
`phosphor layer 7 converts infrared or UV emitted from light emitting
`semiconductor device 4 to visible light which is radiated in random
`directions. Therefore, the light emitting semiconductor apparatus can produce
`an emission with a uniform intensity over a large area. Further, the light
`emitting semiconductor apparatus utilizes a relatively small quantity of
`phosphor and hence, is inexpensive.
`(Tabuchi translation, pp. 3-4; emphasis added)
`A light emitting semiconductor apparatus of the present utility model
`invention is not limited to the structures and materials illustrated in the above
`examples. For example, it goes without saying that a near UV light emitting
`devices with GaN can be employed and that an ordinary UV-visible light
`conversion phosphor can be utilized.
`(Tabuchi translation, p. 5; emphasis added)
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`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 84
`Art Unit: 3992
`Feature [2]: at least one single-die semiconductor light-emitting diode
`(LED) coupleable with a power supply to emit a primary radiation
`Tabuchi’s Fig. 1 above shows a single-die semiconductor LED 4 where the
`semiconductor includes GaN when UV light is the primary light (id.). Fig. 1 also
`shows that leads 3 that couple the LED to a power supply (id.).
`Feature [3]: which is the same for each single—die semiconductor LED
`present in the device
`Only one LED is required by the claim. Therefore, the primary light is the same for
`each LED.
`Feature [4]: said primary radiation being a relatively shorter wavelength
`radiation outside the visible white light spectrum
`Ultraviolet (UV) light (i.e. below 400 nm wavelength) is necessarily outside the
`visible white light spectrum, as admitted in the '175 patent.
`Feature [5]: a down—converting luminophoric medium arranged in receiving
`relationship to said primary radiation, and which in exposure to said primary
`radiation responsively emits radiation at a multiplicity of wavelengths and in
`the visible white light spectrum, with said radiation of said multiplicity of
`wavelengths mixing to produce a white light output,
`Tabuchi discloses a down-converting luminophoric medium (phosphor film 7, which
`can be “an ordinary UV—visible light conversion phosphor”) for converting UV light
`from the GaN-based LED into visible light:
`A light emitting semiconductor apparatus of the present utility model
`invention is not limited to the structures and materials illustrated in the above
`examples. For example, it goes without saying that a near UV light emitting
`devices with GaN can be employed and that an ordinary UV-visible light
`conversion phosphor can be utilized.
`(Tabuchi translation, p. 5; emphasis added)
`Visible light is 4000 A to 7000 A that inherently includes a multiplicity of
`wavelengths, again as evidenced by the CRC Handbook, above; therefore the
`“ordinary UV-visible light conversion phosphor” responsively emits radiation at a
`multiplicity of wavelengths and in the visible white light spectrum.
`Feature [6]: wherein each of the at least one single-die semiconductor
`light-emitting diode in interaction with luminOQhoric medium receiving its .
`primam radiation produces white light output.
`TCL 1034, Page 86
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`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Art Unit: 3992
`Page 85
`It is implicit that each of Tabuchi's individual LEDs is capable of producing white
`light because one of ordinary skill would recognize that visible light made by “an
`ordinary UV-visible light conversion ph05phor" includes white light.
`This is all of the features of proposed amended claim 1.
`Proposed amended claim 5 reads,
`5. A fight—emitting device, comprising:
`at ieast one singie-die semiconductor light—emitting diode (LED) coupleabie
`with a power suppiy to emit a primary radiation which is the same for each
`singie-die LED present in the device, said primary radiation being a reiativeiy
`shorter wavelength radiation; and
`a down-converting iuminophoric medium arranged in receiving reiationship to
`said primary radiation, and which in exposure to said primary radiation, is
`excited to responsiveiy emit a secondary, reiativeiy ionger wavelength,
`paiychromatic radiation, with separate wavelengths of said
`poiychromatic radiation mixing to produce a white iight output, each of the
`at ieast one singie-die semiconductor fight-emitting diode in interaction with
`iuminophoric medium receiving its primary radiation produces white light
`Claim 5 is distinct from claim 1 in that (1) the primary radiation is not required to
`include radiation outside the visible white light spectrum; (2) the down-converting
`is required to yield longer wavelengths than that of the primary radiation; and (3)
`separate wavelengths are required to be produced.
`With regard to difference (1), claim 5 is broader in this respect; thus, Tabuchi
`discloses the claimed LED for the reasons indicated in conjunction with claim 1.
`With regard to differences (2) and (3), as discussed in rejecting claim 1 above,
`Tabuchi discloses that the light is down—converted (in terms of energy) to visible
`light by any “ordinary UV-visible light conversion phosphor”. Visible light includes
`white light which is necessarily polychromatic, as evidenced by the CRC Handbook
`(Le. visible light includes a combination of the wavelengths from 700 to 400 nm).
`Because Tabuchi discloses that any “ordinary UV-visible light conversion phosphor"
`can be used to produce the visible light, which includes white light, those of
`ordinary skill in the art would recognize that the phosphors to which Tabuchi refers
`include those producing white light.
`This is all of the features of claim 5.
`Claim 22 reads,
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`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 86
`Art Unit: 3992
`22. A .iight—emitting device according to ciaim 5, wherein each singie-die
`semiconductor LED present in the device comprises a singie-die two-iead
`semiconductor LED.
`As noted above in rejecting claim 1, Tabuchi discloses a GaN-based LED having two
`leads 3 (Tabuchi translation, p. 5; Fig. 1).
`Claim 26 reads,
`26. A fight-emission device, comprising
`a single-die, two-iead semiconductor fight—emitting diode emitting radiation;
`a recipient down-converting iuminophoric medium for down-converting the
`radiation emitted by the fight-emitting diode, to a poiychromatic white light.
`This claim is significantly broader than claim 22 above. Tabuchi discioses each of
`the features of this claim for the reasons discussed in rejecting claims 1, S, and 22
`Proposed new claims 172 and 176 read,
`172. The fight-emitting device of ciaim 5, wherein the secondary, reiativeiv
`ionger waveiength, poivchromatic radiation comprises a broad spectrum of
`W 1
`76. The fight-emission device of claim 26, wherein radiation down- '
`converted by the recipient down-converting iuminophoric medium comprises
`a broad spectrum of freguencies.
`As noted above, visible tight includes a broad spectrum of frequencies, as evidenced
`by the CRC Handbook. Therefore, Tabuchi’s the secondary, down-converted
`radiation emitted from Tabuchi’s light emitting device includes a broad spectrum of
`Proposed new claims 173 and 177 read,
`' 173. The fight—emitting device of ciaim 5, wherein the singie—die
`semiconductor light-emitting diode is on a support in an interior voiume of a
`fight-transmissive enciosure.
`177. The fight-emission device of ciaim 26, wherein the singie-die, two-lead
`semiconductor light-emitting diode is on a support in an interior volume of a
`fight-transmissive enciosure.
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`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 87
`Art Unit: 3992
`Tabuchi’s Fig. 1, above shows that the single-die, two—lead 3 semiconductor light—
`emitting diode 4 is on a support 1 in an interior volume of a light—transmissive
`enclosure 6.
`2.-Claims 1, 5, 22, 26, 27-32, 41-46, 55-60, 172, 173, 176I and 177 are
`rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over Tabuchi in view of
`Admitted Prior Art [APAL
`The prior art of Tabuchi, as explained above, is believed to disclose each of the
`features of claims 1, S, 22, 26, 172, 173, 176, and 177. If it is believed by
`Patentee, however, that Tabuchi does not include white light, then this may be a
`difference between Tabuchi and claims 1, 5, 22, 26, 172, 173, 176, and 177.
`As noted above, Tabuchi discloses that any “ordinary UV-visible light conversion
`phosphor” can be used to produce the visible light (Tabuchi translation, p. 5;
`emphasis added).
`APA teaches fluorescent light bulbs use ordinary UV-visible light conversion
`phOSphors for producing white light and that such phosphors are inorganic:
`It is well known that so-called fluorescent lamps provide white light
`illumination. In a fluorescent lamp, the Hg vapor in the vacuum tube is
`excited by an electrical discharge. The excited Hg atoms emit light, primarily
`in the ultraviolet region (e.g., 254 nm, 313 nm, 354 nm), which is
`absorbed by the inorganic ph05phors coating the inside walls of the
`tube. The phosphors then emit light. These inorganic phosphors are designed
`as such to offer white light emission by "down-converting" (i.e., transforming
`a higher frequency, shorter wavelength form of energy to a lower frequency,
`'longer wavelength form of energy) the ultraviolet emissions of the excited
`states of atomic Hg into a broad spectrum of emitted light which appears as
`white to the observer. However, these light emitting devices are not
`(the ‘175 patent, col. 3, lines 40-53; emphasis added)
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art, at the time of the
`invention to use APA's inorganic phOSphor in Tabuchi because Tabuchi explicitly
`suggests using any “ordinary UV-visible light conversion phosphor" and because
`APA teaches such an ordinary phosphor for producing white light from UV light.
`Further regarding proposed new claims 172 and 176 reads, as noted above,
`visible light includes a broad spectrum of frequencies, as evidenced by the CRC
`Handbook. Therefore, the secondary, down—converted radiation emitted from
`Tabuchi/APA’S light emitting device includes a broad spectrum of frequencies,
`noting that APA teaches plural phosphors that necessarily emit plural wavelengths
`of light.
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`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 88
`Art Unit: 3992
`Proposed new claims 27, 41, and 55 read,
`27. The iight emitting device of ciaim 1, wherein the iuminoghoric medium
`comgrises an inorganic iuminoghor.
`41. The iight emitting device of ciaim 5, wherein the iuminoghoric medium
`comgrises an inorganic iuminoghor.
`55. The iight emitting device of ciaim 26, wherein the iuminoghoric medium
`comgrises an inorganic iuminoghgr.
`As just noted, APA teaches that the phosphor is inorganic.
`Preposed new claims 28-30, 42-44, and 56—58 read,
`28. The iight emitting device of ciaim 27. wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`disgersed on or in a housing member.
`29. The iight emitting device of ciaim 27. wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`disgersed in a fiim on a gurface gf a housing member.
`30. The iight emitting device of ciaim 27. wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`within a housing member.
`42. The iight emitting deviCe of ciaim 41. wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`disgersed on or in a housing member.
`43. The iight emitting device of ciaim 41, wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`disgersed in a film on a surface of a housing member.
`44. The iight emitting device of ciaim 41. wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`in a housin mem er
`56. The iight emitting device of ciaim 55. wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`dis ersed on or in a housin mem er.
`57. The iight emitting device of ciaim 55I wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`disgersed in a fiim on a surface of a housing member.
`58. The iight emitting device of ciaim 55, wherein the inorganic iuminoghor is
`within a housing memggr.
`Tabuchi's Fig. 1, above, shows that the phosphor layer 7 is in a film on the inside
`surface of the transparent cover 6:
`A phosphor layer 7 is provided by applying a binding agent in which a
`phosphor to convert the radiation from light emitting semiconductor device 4
`to visible light is dispersed on the inner surface of transparent cover 6.
`TCL 1034, Page 90
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`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 89
`Art Unit: 3992
`Transparent cover 6 is made of a material such as glass or an epoxy resin is
`preferably fixed to stem 1 so that it can also function as a cap for hermetic
`(Tabuchi translation, p. 3, last full 11; emphasis added)
`Thus, Tabuchi discloses phosphor 7 is located on, in, within, and in a film on a
`surface, of a housing member 6.
`This is also entirely consistent with the APA phosphor which is a coating on the
`inside of the light bulb housing.
`Proposed new claims 31, 32, 45, 46, 59, and 60 read,
`31. The light emitting device of claim 27, wherein each said LED comprises
`material selected from the group consisting of gallium nitride and its
`32. The light emitting device of claim 27, wherein each said LED comprises
`gallium nitride.
`45. The light-emitting device of claim 41, wherein each said LED comprises
`material selected from the group consisting of gallium nitride and its
`46. The light—emitting device of claim 41, wherein each said LED comprises
`gallium nitride.
`59. The light—emission device of claim 55, wherein the light-emitting diode
`comprises material selected from the group consisting of gallium nitride
`and its alloys.
`60. The light-emission device of claim 55, wherein the light-emitting diode
`comprises gallium nitridg.
`As noted above, Tabuchi indicates that the LED is GaN when UV light is used as the
`primary radiation:
`A light emitting semiconductor apparatus of the present utility model
`invention is not limited to the structures and materials illustrated in the above
`examples. For example, it goes without saying that a near UV light emitting
`devices with GaN can be employed and that an ordinary UV-visible light
`conversion phosphor can be utilized.
`(Tabuchi translation, p. 5; emphasis added)
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`Application/Control Number: 90i010,940
`Page 90
`Art Unit: 3992
`3. Claims 1,5, 22,26, 172, 173, 176, 177, and 187 are rejected under 35
`U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over Tabuchi in view of Pinnow.
`The prior art of Tabuchi, as explained above, is believed to disclose each of the
`features of claims 1, S, 22, 26, 172, 173, 176, and 177. If it is believed by
`Patentee, however, that Tabuchi does not include white iight, then this may be a
`difference between Tabuchi and claims 1, 5, 22, 26, 172, 173, 176, and 177.
`As noted above, Tabuchi discloses that any “ordinary UV-visible light conversion
`phosphor” can be used to produce the visible light (Tabuchi translation, p. 5;
`emphasis added).
`wherein each of the at ieastone singie-die semiconductor fight-emitting
`diode in interaction with iuminophoric medium receiving its primapz radiation
`produces white iight output. (ciaim 1)
`each of the at ieast one singie-die semiconductor fight-emitting diode in
`interaction with iuminophoric medium receiving its primagg radiation
`produces white iight output. (ciaim 5)
`a recipient down-converting iuminophoric medium for down-converting the
`radiation emitted by the fight-emitting diode, to a poiychromatic white iight.
`(Ciaim 26)
`Pinnow teaches a display wherein a laser (instead of an LED) is used to produce
`primary visible or UV light that is down-converted by a mixture of phosphors
`into visible, secondary light of longer wavelength light which explicitly includes
`white light:
`A single color display is produced by projection using a scanning laser beam
`operating in the visible or ultraviolet and a photoluminescent screen which
`emits in the visible. Combinations of phosphors may be employed to
`simulate white or desired colors.
`(Pinnow, abstract)
`Pinnow’s Fig. 3 shows the light emitting device (a diSpIay) including the laser 10
`and one example of a phosphor screen 15. The primary light from the laser 10 is
`down-converted by phosphor screen 15 to produce visible light. Importantly,
`Pinnow teaches that phOSphors for each primary color can be mixed together in a
`resin to produce white light:
`In this description, use will be made of the term "colorant" or "organic
`colorant." It is to be understood that this term includes photoluminescent
`organic dyes and pigments. Pigments are particularly useful and may be
`formed by dissolving a dye in an organic resin solution which is
`subsequently condensed. It is known that luminescent efficiency in certain
`cases may be enhanced if the dye is absorbed on a colloid which may take the
`form of gel! [sic] fibers or particles of high molecular weight polymers.
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`Application/Control Number: 90/010,940
`Page 91
`Art Unit: 3992
`(Pinnow, paragraph bridging cols. 1-3;. emphasis added)
`The invention is broadly premised on the use of such organic colorants.
`Monochromatic displays result from use of homogeneous phosphor
`screens. These may be present as self-supporting members or as
`coatings, and they may be made up on one or any combination of
`colorants required to produce the desired balance.
`(Pinnow, col. 2, lines 15-20; emphasis added)
`A black and white display can be achieved by scanning a monochromatic
`laser beam on a viewing screen that is coated with an appropriate blend
`of phosphors and direct scattering materials such as powdered M90 or talc.
`For example, a combination of scattered light from a blue argon-ion iaser
`beam (4,880 A.) [i.e. visible light] and blue-to-red converted light from '
`either of the Rhodamine dye phosphors can produce a white appearance
`since a straight line connecting these primaries on the chromaticity diagram
`passes very near to illuminant C.
`A combination of more than two primaries can also be used to produce
`white. As an example, a Cd-He laser beam which illuminates a correctly
`proportioned mixture of MgO and dye phosphors 3,484 A. and 3,485 A. [i.e.
`ultraviolet light] can be used to achieve a white appearance. Alternately,
`MgO may be replaced by pyrelene—containing materials or 7-diethyl amino, 4~
`methyl coumarin-containing materials (blue-to-blue and ultraviolet-to-blue
`converting phosphor, respectively, to completely eliminate speckle).
`Regardless of how many phosphors are used, it is apparent from the
`chromaticity diagram that a necessary condition for achieving a true white is
`that the illuminating laser beam have a wavelength of approxlmately
`4,950 A. or shorter. Otherwise, it is impossible to include illuminant C
`within .a polygon whose primaries are the source and any combination of
`longer wavelengths that can be achieved by down-conversion of frequency.
`Fortunately, the argon-ion laser satisfies this necessary condition.
`(Pinnow, col. 3, lines 24-55; emphasis added)
`(It is noted that Pinnow uses “A." for “angstrom”, which is properly, instead, )3.)
`It is important to note in the final paragraph from Pinnow excerpted above, Pinnow
`tells those of ordinary skill that any primary radiation can be used so long as
`its wavelength is 4950 A (495 nm) or shorter, providing examples of both
`blue and UV light sources for the primary light that is down-converted into visible
`light. Tabuchi’s GaN—based LED meets this criteria, as discussed above. Tabuchi’s
`GaN-based LED emits UV light. Therefore, those of ordinary skill using the phosphor
`mixtures taught by Pinnow have a certain expectation of success. Pinnow shows
`that the results of illuminating the phosphor mixture with UV light or blue light (Le.
`shorter than 4950 It) produces entirely predictable results in making white light of
`any shade desired.
`TCL 1034, Page 93
`LOWES 1034, Page 93
`LOWES 1034, Page 93


`ApplicationIControl Number: 90/010,940
`Page 92
`Art Unit: 3992
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art, at the time of the
`invention to use Pinnow's phOSphor mixtures, made as coating or self-standing
`elements (Pinnow, col. 2, lines 15-20) as the phosphor mixture in Tabuchi, in order
`to produce a visible white light. Because Tabuchi is silent as to the specific
`“ordinary UV-visible light conversion phosphor" needed to produce visible light, one
`of ordinary skill would use known materials known to work for the intended
`purpose, such as that taught in Pinnow.
`Thus, Tabuchi modified to ensure a mixture of phosphors is used, ensures that each
`of the at ieast one singie-die semiconductor fight-emitting diode in interaction with
`iuminoghoric medium [phosphor mixture] receiving its grimagg radiation produces
`white iight outgut, as newly claimed in proposed amended claim 1, and as similarly
`claimed in claims 5 and 26.
`Proposed new claim 187 reads,
`1.87 A iight emitting device comgrising a fight-emitting diode ogerativeoto
`a "Net radiation
`acka ed wi
`oric medium
`in a goigmeric matrix, wherein the iuminoghoric medium absorbs bide or
`uitravioiet radiation from the light-emitting diode and down converts same to
`a broad sgectrum of freguencies groducing goizchrornatic white iight,
`wherein the fight-emitting diode is a singie-die, two-iead semiconductor
`tight-emitting diode.
`Claim 187 is distinguished from claim 26 in (1) specifying the radiation emitted
`from the LED as being UV.
`With regard to distinction (1), as discussed above, Tabuchi states that the GaN-
`based LED emits UV light and therefore reads on these claims.
`With regard to distinction (2), as noted above, Tabuchi indicates that the phosphors
`are dispersed in a “binder”:
`Also as noted above, Pinnow teaches that the luminophoric medium is also
`homogeneously dispersed in a binder, i.e. an organic resin, from which coatings Or
`seif-supporting structures are made (Pinnow, paragraph bridging cols. 1-3; col. 2,
`lines 15-20). Thus, the phosphor coating of Pinnow including the mixture of
`phosphors that produce white light can be applied as the phosphor coating in
`Tabuchi. So done, Tabuchi's LED includes a fight—emitting diode operative to emit
`uitravioiet radiation, packaged with iuminophoric medium in a poiymeric
`matrix, as required by claim 187.
`4. Claims 2 and 23 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being ungatentable
`over any offl) Tabuchi in view of Stevenson and Imamura, (2) Tabuchi in view
`TCL 103

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