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`Copyright © 1993 by Van Nostrand Reinhold
`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 92-43119
`ISBN 0-442-01428—7
`All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright
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`[fibrin-3r of Congress Cataloging in Publicatlcn Data
`O'Mara, William C.
`Liquid crystal flat panel displays: manufacturing sciece &
`technology I William C. O'Mara.
`Includes index
`ISBN 0-442—01428-7
`1. Liquid crystal display. I. Title
`TK78?2.L56046 1993
`621 .38—dc20
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`Table of Contents
`LARGE AREA LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAYS ....................................... 1
`1.1 Computer Displays .................................................................................... 3
`1.1.1 Desktop Computers .............................................................................. 3
`1.1.2 Portable Computers .............................................................................. 3
`1.1.3 Engineering Workstations ....... . ............................................... 7
`1.1.4 Computer Display Summary ................................................................ 7
`1.2 Television Displays
`.................. 9
`1.2.1 Portable TVS ......................................................................................... 9
`1.2.2 Projection Displays ............................................................................ 10
`1.2.3 High Definition TV ............................................................................ 11
`1.2.4 Video Camera Viewfinders ............................................................... .11
`1.3 Automotive Applications ........................................................................ 11
`1.4 Other Applications .................................................................................. 12
`1.5 Liquid Crystal Display Technology ....................................................... 13
`1.5.1 Types of Liquid Crystal Display ........................................................ 16
`1.5.2 Passive vs Active Addressing ............................................................ 21
`1.5.3 Workstation 'B/W Display .................................................................. 23
`1.5-4 Polymer Dispersed Displays 24
`1.5.5 Automotive Display ........................................................................... 26
`1.6 Active Matrix Devices ............................................................................. 27
`1.6.1 Two Terminal Devices ............................‘. .......................................... 28
`1.6.2 Amorphous Silicon Transistors 31
`1.6.3 Polysilicon Transistors ....................................................................... 35
`1.6.4 Comparison of Device Performance .................................................. 39
`1.6.5 Ferroelectric Polymer ......................................................................... 43
`1.6.6 Printed Transistors .....................'......................................................... 45
`1.7 Display Manufacturers ........................................................................... 47
`1.7.1 Japan ................................................................................................... 47
`Current Suppliers ..................................................................................... 48
`1.7.2 USA .................................................................................................... 48
`Xerox ....................................................................................................... 48
`Department of Defense Initiatives48
`i L
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`IBM ......................................................................................................... 48
`Advanced Display Manufacturers ........................................................... 50
`_ Others ..............................................................................................'........ 51'
`1.7.3 Rest Of World .................................................................................... 51
`Europe ..................................................................................................... 51
`Korea ....................................................................................................... 53
`Other Asian Firms ................................................................................... 53
`References ...................................................................................................... 54
`1-1 Portable and laptop computers. ................................................................... 3
`1-2 Active matrix liquid crystal diSplay screen size in recent years5
`1-3 Pixel count versus display diagonal size for flat panels.
`.. .......6
`l-4 No. of pixels & display diagonal for high information contentdisplays..-.7
`1- 5 Basic liquid crystal polymer molecule ...................................................... 14
`1-6 Principle of operation of a twisted nematic liquid crystal display 15
`1-7 Transmission versus voltage curves for TN and STN materials............... 18
`1- 8 Schematic representation of passive and active matrix color LCD’s. ......22
`l-9 Polymer dispersed liquid crystal projection TV system.
`I- 10 Structure of the dispersed liquid crystal droplets .................................... 25
`1- 11 Projection display using polysilicon thin film transistors ....................... 28
`1-12 Amorphous silicon PIN diode ................................................................. 29
`1-13 MIM diode structure ............................................................................... 30
`1— 14 Double pixel design for MIM diode. ...................................................... 30
`1— 15 Cross-section view of three TFI‘ configurations .................................... 32
`1-16 Aluminum gate a-Si TFT ........................................................................ 33
`1-17 Light leakage in TF1“ structure ............................................................... 33
`1-18 Plan view of TFT structure with light shield. ......................................... 33
`1- 19 Hitachi TF1“ array equivalent circuit ................. I..................................... 34
`1-20 Relative cost of silicon TFT processes
`.......................... 42
`1-21 Data rate of driver circuits for complex TFT displays ............................ 43
`1-22 Construction of ferroelectric matrix active device .................................. 44
`1-23 LCD panel structure with ferroelectric matrix device ............................ 44
`1-24 Comparison of photolithography and printing for imaging on FPD’s. ...46
`1-25 Photoresist application by offset printing ............................................... 46
`1-26 Polysilicon transistors made by offset printing and photolithography ...47
`l-l Classification of Portable Computers ......................................................... 4
`1-2 Japanese Large Flat Panel Displays ............................................................ 8
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`1-3 Japanese LCD TV and VCR Displays
`1-4 Calculation of S for various values of Nmax.
`1-5 Requirements for Vertical TN LCD Display19
`l- 6 Types of Liquid Crystal Displays...
`.. 20
`1-7 Processing and Relative Cost of Active andPassive Displays...
`1— 8 TFT Array Process and Specifications. 31
`1-9 Resistivity of Metals. 35
`1- 10 Comparison of aSi andpoly-Si TFTsm.................................................... 37
`1- 11 Polysilicon Fabrication Methods and TFT Properties ............................ 38
`1-12 Comparison of TFT, PIN Diode, and MIM Diode Displays ..................40
`1- 13 CMOS poly--Si TFT and a—Si:H TFT Comparison” 41
`1- 14 AMLCD Drive Circuit Types ................................................................. 42
`1- 15 Characteristics of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Display. 45
`1- 16 Liquid C1ysta1 Display Status111 Japan ................................................... 49
`1-17 Advanced Display Manufacturers Association Members ....................... 50
`1- 18 US Liquid Crystal Display Activity...
`1- 19 European LCD Activity" 52
`1-20 Liquid Crystal Display StatusinK511131153
`1-21 LCD ManufacturingIn Asia ................................................................... 53
`DISPLAY MANUFACTURING PROCESS .............................................. 57
`2.1 Color Filter Manufacturing .................................................................... 58
`2.1.1 Glass Substrate Preparation58
`Glass Fabrication" 58
`Cutting, Bcveling, Polishing ................................................................... 59
`Annealing ................................................................................................ 61
`Cleaning ............................................................................_...................... 63
`ITO Deposition ........................................................................................ 66
`2.1.2 Color Filter Process ............................................................................ 70
`Black Matrix Definition 71
`Dye Method ............................................................................................. 71
`Pigment Method ...................................................................................... 71
`ITO Deposition........................................................................................ 73
`2.2 Active Matrix Display Manufacturing ................................................. 74
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`2.2.1 Thin Film Transistor Manufacturing .................................................. 74
`Plasma CVD & Sputtering ...................................................................... 75
`Photolithography ..................................................................................... 77
`Etching .................................................................................................... 78
`Transistor Processes ................................................................................ 79
`2.2-2 In Process Testing84
`Optical Inspection ................................................................................... 34
`Electrical Inspection ................................................................................ 85
`Functional Inspection ............................................................................. 85
`2.2.3 Defect Repair .................................'..................................................... 85
`2.3 Display Assembly ..................................................................................... 86
`2.3.1 Orientation Film Deposition and Rubbing86
`2.3.2 Seal Printing ....................................................................................... 87
`2.3.3 Spacer Placement and Sealing ............................................................ 90
`2.3.4 Liquid Crystal Injection ..................................................................... 90
`2.3.5 Inspection and Test ............................................................................. 91
`2.3.6 Polarizer Attach .................................................................................. 91
`2.3.7 Die Attach .......................................................................................... 94
`2.3.8 Backlight ............................................................................................ 97
`2.4 DISPLAY MANUFACTURING ............................................................ 98
`2.4.1 STN Display Manufacturing .............................................................. 98
`2.4.2 Color Filter Manufacturing .............................................................. 100
`2.4.3 Equipment for Color Filter Manufacturing ...................................... 101
`2.5 AMLCD Factory ................................................................................... 101
`2.5.1 Throughput and Productivity
`2.5.2 Manufacturing Cost and Yield ......................................................... 103
`Yield vs ASP ............................... '. ......................................................... 103
`Manufacturing Cost Model105
`Manufacturing Yield Model .................................................................. 106
`AMLCD Factory ................................................................................... 108
`2-1 Schematic outline of the display manufacturing process.57
`2-2 Fusion process for glass sheet formation ................................................. 58
`2-3 Thermal expansion of Corning 7059 glass .............................................. 62
`2-4 Thermal shrinkage of NA 35 glass: heat treatment time & temperature .62
`2-5 Cleaning methods evaluated by contact angle measurement ................... 66
`2-6 Sputtering voltage. deposition temperature, and ITO film resistivity ...... 69
`2—7 Plasma-assisted electron beam evaporation equipment ............................ 70
`2—8 Color Filter Formation .............................................................................. 72
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`2-9 Active Device Formation .......................................................................... ”1'6
`2- 10 Photoresist adhesion by side etch for various precoating processes. ..---.78
`2~11Cross-sectien view of three TFT configurations '19
`2—12 Assembly, Packaging & Test .................................................................. 88
`2- 13 Automated flat panel assembly line ........................................................ 89
`2-14 Variations in external pressure & Spacer size lead to cell gap variations. ...91
`2-15 Active matrix liquid crystal display cross section.93
`2-16 Packaging configurations in flat panel displays. ..................................... 94
`2*17 Number and pitch of leads for flat panel displays. ................................. 95
`2» l 8 Connection of TAB tape to flat panel leads w! anisotrOpic conductive paste. .96
`219 Schematic of backlight arrangement with light pipe. ............................. 97
`2-20 Factory layout for passive matrix LCD manufacturing98
`2-21 Simulated yield curves: defect densities in TFT manufacturing .......... 104
`2-22 Cost componenls of flat panel display production. ............................... 106
`2-23 NBC two story AMLCD fabrication facility layout ............................. 109
`2-1 Glass Substrates for Flat Panel Display Manufacturing ........................... 60
`2-2 Glass Substrate Specification for Active Matrix Display ......................... 63
`2-3 Proposed Substrate Standard Sizes for Flat Panel Displays 64
`2-4 Cleaning Processes for Flat Panel DiSplays .............................................. 65
`2-5 DI Water Quality and Substrate Particle Count ........................................ 66
`2-6 Types of Color Filters for LCDs ............................................................... 71
`2-? Color Filter Process Comparison .............................................................. '74
`2-8 Process Flow Chart for Inverted-Staggered Back Channel Etched TF1" .. 80
`2-9 Inverted-Staggered Trilayered TF1" Process ............................................. 81
`2-10 Process Flow for Normal Staggered TFT ............................................... 82
`2-11 TFI' Array Process and Specifications ................................................... 83
`2- 12 Defects111 LCD TFT Array ManufacturHing"
`2 13 Causes of Defects1n Assembled Flat Panel Displays ............................. 92
`2 14 Clean room Conditions for STN Process Line“
`2- 15 Production Lines for Large Liquid Crystal Displays111 Japan
`2- 16 AMLCD Equipment Productivity and Price"
`2-17 AMLCD Production Equipment Categories
`2-18 In-Precess InSpection and Repair EquipmentList 103
`2-19 Assembly and Die Attach Equipment 104
`2-20 TFT Array Yield Summary (No Repair) .............................................. 107
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`MATERIALS FOR FLAT PANEL DISPLAYS ...................................... 113
`3.1 Glass Substrates ..................................................................................... 113
`3.2 ITO Sputtering ...................................................................................... 114
`3.2.1 ITO Powder and Thin Film Properties ............................................. 116
`3.3 Other Sputtering Materials .................................................................. 117
`3.4 Color Filters . .......................................................................................... 118
`3.4.1 Dye Method ...................................................................................... 119
`3.4.2 Pigment Dispersion .......................................................................... 121
`3.4.3 Electrodeposition .............................................................................. 124
`3.4.4 Electromist ....................................................................................... 125
`3.4.5 Overcoat ........................................................................................... 126
`3.4.6 Two Color Approach ....................................................................... 126
`3.5 Process Chemicals & Gases .................................................................. 126
`3.6 Photoresists ............................................................................................ 129
`3.7 Photomasks ............................................................................................ 129
`3.8 Orientation Films .................................................................................. 130
`3.8.1 Polyimide Orientation Films ............................................................ 131
`3.9 Spacers ......................................................................................'.............. 135
`3.10 Sealing Materials ................................................................................. 137
`3.11 Liquid Crystals .................................................................................... 138 ‘
`3.11.1 Other Liquid Crystal Materials ...................................................... 142
`3.11.2 Polymer Dispersed Displays
`3.11.3 Polymer Network Displays
`3.12 PolarizersiCompensation Films ......................................................... 146
`3.13 Die AttachJConnector Materials ........................................................ 149
`3.14 Display Backlighfing ........................................................................... 152
`References .................................................................................................... 157
`3-1CIE Chromaticity Diagram for color filters
`3—2 Resistance to fading of dyed and printed color filters
`3—3 Comparison of spin-coated and printed filter element ............................ 122
`3-4 Transmittance of green pigment material! function of particle size ..... 123
`3-5 Schematic of electrodeposition process for color filters 125
`3-6 Synthesis and structure of aliphatic soluble polyimide ........................... 132
`13-? Glass fiber spacer size distribution.
`3—8 Typical liquid Crystal
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`'I'Allli 0! COM! HTS
`3-9 Nematic phase ........................................................................ _. ................ 139
`3—10 Cholesteric phase .......................................................... ........'................. 1 39
`3-11 Smectic phase ........................................................................................ 139
`3-12 Structure & properties of difluorobenzene derivatives.
`3-13 Trans-4—n-pentylcyclohexyl (PCH-S) derivatives. ................................ 143
`3- 14 Structure of polarizer film for LCD ...................................................... 14'?
`3- 15 Polarizer film structures ........................................................................ 147
`3-16 Transmittance vs polarization efficiency .............................................. 148
`3-17 Heat seal connector construction .......................................................... 151
`3-18 Usage ratio of TAB [Cs ........................................................................ 151
`3- 19 IC bonding methods in chip on glass packaging .................................. 153
`3-20 Construction of WedgeLightTM backlight ........................................... 154
`3-21 Spatial brightness uniformity of Wedgelight TM ................................. 155
`3-22 Flat fluorescent lamp structure .............................................................. 156
`3-1 LCD Glass Supplier Matrix in Japan ...................................................... 114
`3-2 ITO Film Properties ................................................................................ 115
`3-3 Characteristics of ITO Targets ................................................................ 1 15
`3-4 Glass Substrates for Liquid Crystal Displays ......................................... 1 17
`3-5 Specifications for High Density ITO Target ........................................... 118
`3-6 Properties of Color Filters ....................................................................... l 19
`3-? Test Conditions for Color Filters ............................................................ 119
`3-8 Alternative Methods of Color Filter Formation ...................................... 123
`3-9 Solubility of Cleaning Chemicals
`....................................................... 127
`3-10 Particles in Electronic Chemicals ......................................................... 127
`3-11 DI Water Quality ................................................................................... 128
`3—12 Measurement of Cleaning Efficiency ................................................... 128
`3-13 Alignment Film Material Requirements ......................................... l..... 131
`3-14 Comparison of Polyimides for Orientation Film Applications ............. 134
`3-15 Plastic Spacer Size Variation ................................................................ 136
`3-16 Plastic Spacer Thermal Expansion Coefficient ..................................... 137
`3-17 Parameters Specified in Liquid Crystal Formulations
`3-18 Relation Between UV Exposure and Turn On Voltage ........................ 145
`3-19 Polarizing Film Structures .................................................................... 148
`3-20 STN Display Cost ................................................................................. 155
`3-21 Comparison of Backlight Technologies ................................................ 156
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`MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT ......................................................... 159
`4.1 Substrate Cleaning ................................................................................ 159
`4.2 Photoresist Application/Baking ........................................................... 160
`4.2.1 Spin Coating
`4.2.2 Roll Coating
`4.2.3 Conveyor Ovens ............................................................................... 160
`4.3 Photolithography ................................................................................... 160
`4.3.1 Steppers ............................................................................................ 161
`4.3.2 MirrorPrOJection 162
`4.4 Etching/Stripping .................................................................................. 164
`4.4.1 Wet Etch Equipment
`4.4.2 Plasma Etching/Ashing
`4.5 Thin Film Deposition ............................................................................ 165
`4.5.1 Sputtering...
`4.5.2 Chemical Vapm Deposmon
`4.5.3 Plasma CVD ..................................................................................... 170
`4.5.4 LPCVD and APCVD ....................................................................... 173
`4.5.5 Thermal Processing
`4.5.6 Ion ImplantlDoping .......................................................................... 175
`Phased Linear Scanner
`Ion Flux Doping
`4.6 Test Equipment ..................................................................................... 179
`4.6-1 Visual and FunctionalTest 179
`4.6-2 Optical Imaging ................................................................................ 180
`Optical Image Processing Equipment182
`Digital Image Processing Equipment .................................................... 184
`4.6.3 Electrical Evaluation ........................................................................ 184
`TransferAdmittance 185
`- IBM Test Set
`4.6.4 Voltage Imaging
`4.7 TFT Repair ............................................................................................ 189
`4.7-1 Laser Cutting .................................................................................... 190
`4.7.2 Laser-Assisted Deposition ................................................................ 191
`4.8 Assembly ................................................................................................ 192
`4.8.1 Polymer Printing .............................................................................. 192
`4.8.2 AssemblyIFinal Test ......................................................................... 194
`4.8.3 Die/PCB Attach ................................................................................ 198
`References .................................................................................................... 199
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`4-1 Mirror projection schematic diagram ...................................................... 163
`4-2 Example of PECVD system for thin film deposition...................-.----.....-170
`4—3 Deposition chamber cutaway schematic ................................................. 171
`4-4 Cross section of PEVD electrode ............................................................ 171
`4-5 Plan view of phased linear scanner showing two substrates ................... 177
`4—6 Cross-section view of linear scanner end station
`4-7 Ion bucket source and deposition chamber schematic ............................ 179
`4-8 Optical pattern filtering for defect imaging ............................................ 182
`49 Transfer admittance testing ..................................................................... 186
`4—10 Schematic diagram of voltage imaging of a TFT array
`4-11 Laser connect and disconnect alternatives ............................................ 190
`4-12 Laser connect and disconnect using polysilicon ................................... 190
`4‘ 13 Polymer printing schematic .................................................................. 193
`4—1 Canon MFA—2000 Specifications ........................................................... 163
`4-2 Nextral NESSO RIE System Specifications ............................................ 165
`4-3 Dry Etch Systems. ................................................................................... 166
`44 Ulvac SDT-VT In-line Sputtering Systems
`4-5 CVD Systems and Supplierus-
`4-6 Anclva In-Line Plasma CVD Systems.................................................... 171
`4-7 Amo1phous Silicori Deposition ............................................................... 172
`4—8 Nextral ND 400 PECVD System Specifications
`4-9 LPCVD Silicon Films (Leybold LC350 Reactor) .................................. 174
`4—10 Watkins-Johnson 8102 Deposition System .......................................... 174
`4-11 KLA Acrotec 6000 Parameters
`4-12 Spin Coating vs Print Coating ............................................................... 194
`4-13 L-400 Rubbing Machine ....................................................................... 194
`4-14 Villa Precision GS 110 16 L Scriber Specifications ............................. 195
`5.1 Materials Suppliers ............................................................................... 201
`5.2 Materials Supplier Listing .................................................................... 205
`5.3 Equipment Suppliers ............................................................................. 208
`5.4 Test, Inspection & Repair Equipment Suppliers ............................... 213
`5.5 Equipment Supplier Listing215
`INDEX .......................................................................................................... 221
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`We live in the silicon age, and the quintessential item that defines our world is the
`computer. Silicon chips power the computer as well as many other products for
`work and leisure, such as calculators, radios, and televisions. In the forty years
`since the transistor was invented, the solid state revolutiOn has affected the lives
`of almost everyone in the world. Based on silicon, solid state devices and
`integrated circuits have revolutionized electronics, data processing, communica-
`tions, and the like. The computer, especially the persorral computer, would be
`impossible without silicon devices- Only one computer was ever built using
`vacuum tubes, and the tubes had to be constantly replaced because they generated
`too much heat and burned out. Silicon devices allowed for reliable switching
`operations in arrays of hundreds and thousands of discrete devices. As a result,
`the very substantial industrial base that existed for producing vacuum tubes
`disappeared - with one exception. That exception is, of course, the CRT, which
`is evident in televisions, computer displays, and a host of other information
`display terminals. Until recently, there was nothing that c0uld take its place, and
`it seemed that the CRT would remain as the electrOnic medium for all except the
`simplest displays.
`The CRT is about to go the way of the other vacuum tubes. It’s dead, but doesn’t
`know it yet. Just like the transistor revolution, it will be a few decades before you
`need to go to a museum to see this other kind of vacuum tube, but the end is
`coming. The instrument of the CRT’s demise is again the silicon transistor, in a
`new, thin film form. In this form, thousands of transistors can act as a switch array

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