United States Patent [19]
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Aug. 18, 1998
`[75] Inventor: Archie A. Banks. Prince Edward
`Island, Canada
`... Pri
`[73] Assignee: CIE Research, Inc., Prince Edward
`Island, Canada
`[21] Appl. No.: 422,701
`[22] Filed:
`Apr. 14, 1995
`Related U.S. Application Data
`4,581.612 4/1986 Jones .
`4,745.404 5/1988 Kallenberg.
`4,771.278 9/1988 Pooley .
`4/1989 Watanabe et al. .
`5/1989 Hara et al. .
`I/1990 DeMonte .
`4,901,155 2/1990 Hara et al. .
`1/1992 Brody.
`8/1992 Goldshlag et al. .
`0242742 10/1987 European Pat. Off. .
`0.247377 12/1987 European Pat. Off. .
`3513607 10/1986 Germany .
`Primary Examiner—Mark R. Powell
`[63) Continuation of Ser. No. 406,660, Mar. 20, 1995, aban-
`doned, which is a continuation of Ser. No. 149,714, Nov. 9,
`Assistant Examiner—Vivek Srivastava
`1993, abandoned, which is a continuation of Ser. No.
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Andrus, Sceales. Starke &
`809,670, Dec. 18, 1991, abandoned,
`[51] Int. Cl* … Balj 210s; B41, 201: *
`B41.J 3/00; B41.J 29/38
`[52] U.S. Cl. ..................................... 345/82; 34.5/1; 345/4;
`An electronic display sign constructed around a system bus
`architecture is disclosed. The electronic display sign is
`[58] Field of Search ............................. 345/82. 1, 2, 4–6,
`preferably a modular construction wherein a number of
`345/903; B41.J 2/105, 2/01, 3/00, 29/56
`modules are connected together to form a large display sign
`which is capable of displaying images at rates which exceed

`thirty frames a second. Display data is formatted and trans
`References Cited
`mitted to display modules by a sign controller which resides
`on one of the panels. Each display panel is preferably
`5/1974 Ogle .
`provided with its own power source.
`4,006,476 2/1977 Rommey.
`4,384.279 5/1983 Fujita.
`4/1984 Ichikawa et al. .
`30 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
`22- Sign
`Panel N
`LOWES 1014, Page 1


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 18, 1998
`Sheet 1 of 7
`22- Sign
`- - - Panel 32 26
`— = — Panel 32
`26 P
`– F – Panel 32
`–26 — Pang|32 26
`FIG. 2
`LOWES 1014, Page 2


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 18, 1998
`Sheet 2 of 7
`sº . 22
`Cratch Pad| | DUART
`BUS Dºn F2
`Drive? #2 =>
`Driver #3 ->
`BUS º
`LOWES 1014, Page 3
`InterfaC6 H
`FIG. 3


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 18, 1998
`Sheet 3 of 7
`# Redd MSB
`8 bit BUS
`Data Bit
`Read_LSB |
`| H
`FF0 |
`?it 9
`Bit 90Ut
`FIG. 4
`FIG. 5
`BUS Out
`LOWES 1014, Page 4


`Aug. 18, 1998
`Sheet 4 of 7
`LOWES 1014, Page 5


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 18, 1998
`Sheet 5 of 7
`FIG. 7
`LOWES 1014, Page 6


`US. Patent
`Aug. 18, 1998
`Sheet 6 0f 7
` z_.OlO.
`LOWES 1014, Page 7
`LOWES 1014, Page 7


`US. Patent
`Aug. 18, 1998
`Sheet 7 of 7
`LOWES 1014, Page 8
`LOWES 1014, Page 8


`This application is a continuation of Ser. No. 08/406,660,
`filed Mar. 20, 1995, now abandoned which was a file
`wrapper continuation of Ser. No. 08/149,714, filed Nov. 9,
`1993, which was a file wrapper continuation of Ser. No.
`07/809,670, filed Dec. 18, 1991, now abandoned.
`The present invention relates to electronic display signs
`and in particular to a novel modular electronic display sign
`which may include one or more display panels that are
`connected to a sign controller by a system bus.
`Electronic display signs of a type which display images or
`text messages as points of light arewell known in the art.
`Such signs are commonly seen in public places. Display
`signs of this type generally use LEDs (light emitting diodes)
`as light sources because of their long term reliability and low
`power consumption.
`Normally electronic display signs comprise a panel of
`light Sources arranged in a matrix pattern of rows and
`columns. Such signs are usually relatively small but large
`signs having a dimension of at least 10 feet (3.3 meters) per
`side are sometimes constructed. Because of their size and
`complexity large display signs are difficult and expensive to
`construct. The construction of large display signs also pre
`sents special design problems because of their power con
`Sumption requirements since illuminating a large number of
`independent light sources requires a considerable electric
`power supply and robust switching equipment.
`Traditionally, large display signs have been constructed
`around an electric circuit which includes shift registers for
`powering on selected light sources in rapid succession in
`order to minimize the power consumption and power
`switching requirements of the sign. There are some disad
`vantages to using shift register circuits in such applications,
`however. First, signs built with shift register circuits are
`relatively slow and only genuinely effective for displaying
`scrolling, flashing or static character data. True animation
`and/or a simultaneous full power on of each LED in the
`matrix are not possible. Signs powered by shift registers are
`therefore limited in their ability to display images for visual
`In order to facilitate the assembly, transport and installa
`tion of large display signs, it is desirable to design such signs
`as modular units which may be interconnected to form a sign
`of a desired modular dimension. Modular display signs are
`known. German patent 35 13 607 which issued to Lumino
`Licht Elektronik GmbH on Oct. 23, 1986, discloses a
`modular sign (shown in FIG. 1 of that patent) which
`comprises a plurality of display panels that may be inter
`connected injuxtaposition to form a sign of a larger modular
`European patent application no. 0 247 377 which was
`filed by Lumino Licht Electronik GmbH and published on
`Oct. 11, 1989, describes a circuit board used for intercon
`necting LEDs in a matrix pattern for use in a modular
`display sign.
`European patent application no. 0.242 742, was also filed
`by Lumino Licht Elektronik GmbH and published on Aug.
`30, 1989. This patent application is entitled (in English
`translation) Circuit Arrangement for Selectively Controlling
`Function Modules by a Bus-System. The patent describes an
`electronic display sign architecture wherein microprocessors
`associated with “function modules” are signalled and con
`trolled by timed voltage drops on an electronic bus effected
`by switching XY coordinates of a voltage grid which powers
`the display sign. Although this architecture appears to permit
`the construction of a sign which yields an improved perfor
`mance over the more traditional shift register circuit, it is
`nonetheless a complicated system which requires the switch
`ing of substantial amounts of power. Advances in LED
`technology have made electronic display signs more attrac
`tive because new high intensity red LEDS which are now
`widely available from a number of suppliers output at least
`fifteen candellas of light energy. Signs constructed with
`these new LEDS are clearly visible in daylight conditions
`permitting outside installations of display signs which are
`effective at any time of day. The currently available sign
`technology is not very conducive to the exploitation of the
`improved power of LEDS because the lack of speed and
`flexibility of the display sign does not permit very innova
`tive use of such signs as advertising tools. There therefore
`exists a need for a fast, powerful electronic display sign
`architecture which permits the innovative use of electronic
`display signs as an entertaining advertising medium.
`It is an object of the present invention to provide an
`electronic display sign having a system bus architecture to
`accommodate the high speed transfer of display and control
`data over relatively long distances.
`It is a further object of the present invention to provide an
`electronic display sign wherein at least one display panel is
`controlled by a sign controller which transmits data signals
`over a system bus in order to effect and control the display
`of an image on the at least one display panel.
`It is a further object of the invention to provide a large
`modular electronic display sign which can be manufactured
`and supplied at reasonable cost.
`It is yet a further object of the invention to provide an
`electronic display sign which is capable of full video ani
`It is yet a further object of the invention to provide an
`electronic display sign of a modular design, each module
`having local display, local refresh, and local control capa
`It is a further object of the invention to provide an
`electronic display sign of a modular design wherein each
`module may be adjusted for steradiance matching in the
`event that a module requires replacement and a replacement
`module from the same LED production batch as the original
`sign cannot be obtained.
`In accordance with the present invention there is provided
`an electronic display sign which comprises at least one
`display node having a display surface which supports a
`plurality of light sources for displaying images as discrete
`points of light;
`at least one control node for controlling the display of
`images by the at least one display node using addressed data
`signals and control signals;
`and at least one sign system bus for transferring the
`addressed data signals and control signals from the at least
`one control node to the at least one display node.
`The electronic display sign in accordance with the inven
`tion is preferably constructed in accordance with a modular
`design whereby one or more display panels are intercon
`nected in a juxtaposed relationship to yield a sign having a
`desired dimension. Each display sign is provided with at
`least one sign controller which operates a control program to
`format and aportion data representative of that portion of an
`LOWES 1014, Page 9


`image to be displayed by each display panel. Each display
`panel is connected to the sign controller by a sign system bus
`which is used for the transmission of addressed display and
`control signals. Each display panel is provided with its own
`power supply which drives the LEDs on the display panel.
`This permits the use of fast, efficient electric switching
`components that permit a multiplexed power scheme in
`which only a portion of the LEDs on each panel are driven
`at any point in time but the multiplexed power frequency is
`so rapid that all LEDs on a panel appear to be continuously
`lit, if desired. The multiplex scheme greatly reduces the
`number of individual LED drivers required and therefore
`reduces the cost of each panel.
`The present invention therefore provides an electronic
`display sign of a modular design which permits a user to
`Select a sign of an appropriate size with the understanding
`that the size of the sign may be enlarged as need or funds
`permit. The invention also provides the capability of a large
`scale electronic display sign which is capable of full video
`animation at display rates well in excess of thirty frames/
`A preferred embodiment of the present invention will now
`be explained by way of example only and with reference to
`the following drawings, wherein:
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of the architecture of an
`electronic display sign in accordance with the invention;
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a preferred embodiment of
`an electronic display sign in accordance with the invention;
`FIG. 3, which appears on the first page of the drawings,
`is a block diagram of a preferred embodiment of a sign
`controller in accordance with the invention;
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram of a preferred bus controller in
`accordance with the invention;
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram of a display panel in accordance
`with the invention;
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram of a display panel controller in
`accordance with the invention;
`FIG. 7 is a simplified schematic of a LED power circuit
`for a display panel in accordance with the invention;
`FIG. 8 is a front elevational view of a typical display panel
`constructed in accordance with the invention;
`FIG. 9 is a cross-sectional view taken along lines 9–9 of
`the display panel shown in FIG. 8; and
`FIG. 10 is a rear elevational of four of the display panels
`shown in FIG. 8 connected together to form a small display
`include as many as 128 display panels 26 which yields a
`display sign that is approximately 13 feet 4 inches
`(approximately 4.3 m) square. A sign of this size has a total
`of 65,536 (64K) light elements. Much larger and much
`Smaller signs can. of course, be built in accordance with the
`sign system architecture taught hereinafter. Those skilled in
`the art will recognize that the limit of the size of the
`preferred embodiment is due to hardware and software
`limitations which are minor in nature and readily overcome.
`Theoretically, using multiple sign controllers 22 and a
`plurality of sign system buses 24, the size of the display sign
`20 is unlimited. Nonetheless, for practical purposes, a dis
`play surface of 13 feet 4 inches square is considered to be
`adequate for most applications.
`FIG. 2 shows a block diagram of the conceptual archi
`tecture of a large electronic sign in accordance with the
`invention. As is apparent, the sign includes a total of 128
`display panels 26 connected in groups of thirty-two panels
`each to four sign system buses 24, as will be explained in
`more detail in relation to FIGS. 5 and 6. In order to facilitate
`flexible and convenient operation, the sign is connected to a
`display generator 30 which in turn includes an external
`control 32. In accordance with the preferred embodiment of
`the invention, the display generator 30 and the external
`control 32 comprise a personal computer equipped with
`software which is capable of generating a bitmap represen
`tation of the sign display. The software preferably permits
`the use of a bitmap editor where the user may create graphics
`using a mouse in a freehand style. The bitmap editor also
`preferably permits a user to place bitmap representations of
`ASCII characters at a position indicated with a mouse or
`pointer on a digitized pad. The software is preferably also
`capable of building scroll displays, creating display
`sequences, and receiving digitized scanner images and/or
`graphic files and formating such images for display in pixel
`form on the electronic display sign 20.
`FIG. 3 shows a detailed schematic diagram of the pre
`ferred embodiment of the sign controller 22. The two main
`functions performed by the sign controller are the acquisi
`tion of raster images from the display generator 30 and the
`output of the raster image data to the display panels 26 (see
`FIG. 2). The two processes are performed concurrently by
`the sign controller. Raster image data is received from the
`display generator 30 and is stored in a dynamic RAM buffer
`34. A concurrent process reads the raster image data from the
`RAM memory 34 and outputs the data to the display panels
`26. In order to enable animation on an electronic sign, the
`sign controller must output raster image data to the display
`panels 26 at 24 frames or more per second. A display sign
`20 in accordance with the invention will outputraster image
`data at a rate well in excess of thirty frames/sec. To meet that
`animation data rate the sign controller 22 (as taught herein)
`requires four sign system buses 24 to support a very large
`sign of 126 display panels. Those skilled in the art will
`realize that the actual number of sign system buses 24
`required will depend on the speed of the bus processors.
`Each sign system bus 24 has a data transfer rate of 350
`kbytes/sec. Each display panel 26 is connected to a sign
`system bus 24 and receives display data in 64 byte blocks,
`as will be explained below in more detail.
`The preferred embodiment of the sign controller shown in
`FIG. 3 includes two interfaces to receive display information
`from an external display generator 30. The display informa
`tion consists of display data, sign controller commands, and
`memory addressing information. The display information
`may be received via a parallel interface 36 which can be
`connected to a PC parallel centronics port to accommodate
`FIG. 1 shows a block diagram of the design concept of an
`electronic display sign, generally referred to by reference
`numeral 20, in accordance with the invention. In its simplest
`form, an electronic display sign in accordance with the
`invention includes a sign controller 22, a sign system bus 24.
`and a display panel 26. In accordance with the preferred
`embodiment of the invention, the display panel 26 has a
`display surface which supports 512 light sources arranged in
`16 rows of 32 columns. Each light source 28 is preferably a
`light emitting diode (LED). The preferred LED is a high
`intensity red LED which outputs at least 15 candellas of light
`energy. Such LEDs are available from a number of suppliers.
`An electronic sign in accordance with the invention may
`LOWES 1014, Page 10


`a maximum data exchange rate of about 20 kilobytes a
`second, assuming average load on the CPU of the PC and the
`sign controller. This rate will not support a real-time display
`data rate of thirty frames/sec. A DUART 40 is provided for
`asynchronous communication which permits data transfer
`from any RS232 source.
`A dynamic memory access (DMA) controller 38 handles
`data movement between the communication interfaces 36.
`40 and the display memory 34. The DMA controller 38
`preferably operates in cycle-steal mode and uses fly-by
`transfers (single write cycle time). The data movement
`operations of the DMA controller are controlled by a sign
`controller central processing unit (CPU) 42. The CPU 42
`may be any suitable microprocessor. An acceptable model is
`the Motorola MC68010P10 microprocessor but many other
`models are also suitable. The primary function of the CPU
`42 is to output display data from the display memory to the
`display panels 26. As noted above, the CPU 42 must be
`capable of driving the largest sign configuration at a rate of
`about thirty frames/sec. The CPU 42 is responsible for
`calculating the display panel and bus driver addresses for
`each 64 byte image data block. The CPU 42 is also respon
`sible for the frame timing of the images. Commands for the
`CPU run-time operation are placed in memory by the
`external controller 32. The sign controller commands
`include a user defined variable associated with each display
`image that controls the frame display rate for the image. The
`CPU 42 uses the variable to control the frame timing of the
`images. The control commands therefore determine defin
`able frame display rate for each image.
`The controller includes up to 512 kilobytes of EPROM
`memory 44 which is used to store the software program that
`controls and coordinates the activities of the sign controller.
`EPROM memory 44 may be further expanded to store
`start-up or display sequences which may be iteratively
`performed if communication with the display generator 30 is
`A display memory 34 allocated in the dynamic RAM
`preferably comprises at least 8 Megabytes of addressable
`space although the sign may be operated with less RAM
`memory and therefore less display memory 34.
`The sign controller 22 is also preferably provided with a
`timer 46 to serve as a timing source for the CPU 42. An
`appropriate timer is usually available as an integral part of
`the parallel interface 36.
`Finally, the sign controller 22 is preferably provided with
`four sign system bus drivers 48. The bus drivers 48 provide
`current drive capability to each sign system bus 24. The
`display panels 26, as will be explained in detail with
`reference to FIGS. 5 and 6 are daisy-chained together using
`standard ribbon cable. The bus signals are buffered at each
`display panel to keep the sign system bus driver fan out low
`and to compensate for any cable losses. The standard sign
`system bus is preferably unidirectional and includes 8
`address/data bits, a data strobe, and an address strobe. All
`panel bus buffers are permanently enabled.
`FIG. 4 shows a block diagram of a sign system bus driver
`48 which is constructed with standard TTL components. The
`sign system bus drivers 48 have multiplexed address and
`data capability with address and data strobes. All four sign
`system bus drivers run concurrently with a maximum data
`transfer rate of 350 kilobytes/sec. each. The combined data
`transfer rate of the sign controller 22 therefore exceeds 1.2
`megabytes per second. This data transfer rate permits the
`electronic display sign 20 to display well in excess of thirty
`frames/second, thereby achieving full video animation. Each
`sign system bus driver 48 includes a four kilobyte by 9-bit
`wide first-in-first-out device (FIFO) 50, an address coder 52,
`and a state machine 54 (field programmable gate array). A
`single state machine 54 preferably runs all four sign system
`buses 24.
`The CPU 42 retrieves data from display memory 34 (see
`FIG. 3) and computes an address for each 64 byte block of
`data (the data for one display panel refresh) based on the
`location of that display panel 26 in the electronic display
`sign 20. The CPU 42 loads a byte of data into the FIFO 50
`and sets the 9th FIFO bit using the address coder 52. If the
`data moved to FIFO 50 is an address indicating the desti
`nation of a block of display data to follow, FIFO bit 9 is set
`to 1 to indicate an address, otherwise. FIFO bit 9 is set to 0
`to indicate a data byte. The state machine 54 is responsible
`for timing on the display panel bus 24. It also reads bit 9 of
`each FIFO byte and drives the data strobe of the standard
`ribbon cable high if bit 9 indicates a data byte or drives the
`address strobe of the standard ribbon cable high if FIFO bit
`9 indicates an address byte.
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram of the components of a display
`panel 26. Each display panel 26 is provided with a power
`supply 56 and a panel control card 58. The power supply 56
`is preferably a high quality switching power supply capable
`of supplying at least 16 amps at 5 volts DC. Power supplies
`with less current capacity may be substituted but the cost
`advantages are not significant and the added reliability of a
`quality power supply is preferred. Since each display panel
`is preferably supplied with its own DC power supply, a 120
`volt AC power distribution system is required for the sign.
`Using an efficient switching DC power supply, each display
`panel 26 will require between 0.8 and 1 ampere of AC
`current, in a worst case assuming that high intensity red
`LEDs are used, to power all the LEDs on the display panel.
`The display panel control card 58 consumes negligible
`power. Assuming a sign that includes one hundred twenty
`eight display panels 26, the worst case current draw would
`be in the order of 125 amperes at 120 volts AC. An electric
`service for a sign must therefore be capable of supplying
`about one ampere per display panel.
`Appropriate electrical connectors must be mounted exter
`nally of a sign for a given multiple of display panels. Ideally,
`each of those connectors (not illustrated) will accommodate
`the connection of a cable which can supply 20 amperes of
`AC current at 120 volts AC. A connector of this type will be
`required for each group of about 22 panels. A full size sign
`would therefore require 5 or 6 connectors of 20 amps each.
`Such connectors are well known in the art and widely
`available. Electrical power may be distributed to the panels
`using daisy-chain connectors for transferring power from
`display panel to display panel, a technique which is also well
`known in the art. Fuse protection (not illustrated) should be
`provided on each display panel 26 to prevent damage due to
`power surges and the like.
`FIG. 6 shows a block diagram of the display panel control
`card 58. The display panel control card 58 is a circuit board
`which is physically affixed to a skeleton frame or the like on
`the rear of each display panel 26. Each display panel 26
`preferably includes a total of 512 LEDs arranged in a grid of
`16 rows by 32 columns. A multiplexing scheme in which
`only 'ºth of the LEDs are driven at any one time is used.
`This scheme reduces the number of LED drivers required. In
`order to avoid any reduction in lumination brightness, the
`LEDs are driven at a peak current of 160 mA. The 's duty
`cycle ensures an average current of 20 mA for each LED.
`The multiplexing frequency operates at 1000 Hz. The actual
`power switching of LEDs is explained below in more detail
`with reference to FIG. 7.
`LOWES 1014, Page 11


`The display panel control card 58 is responsible for
`accepting display data and brightness data from the sign
`controller via a sign system bus 24. Each display panel
`control card 58 has a permanently enabled bus buffer 60 to
`keep the sign system bus fan out low and compensate for any
`cable losses. Propagation delay introduced by these buffers
`is negligible. The panel data bus 24 is preferably unidirec
`tional and includes 8 address/data bits, a data strobe and an
`address strobe, as explained above. If an address strobe is
`received by the bus buffer, the accompanying signal is
`analyzed as follows: 1) the bits 1–5 are sent to an address
`decoder circuit (notillustrated) which compares the address
`encoded in those 5 bits with the settings of the DIP switches
`on a panel address selector 74. If the address decoder
`determines a match, the subsequent 64 bytes of data trans
`mitted on the sign system bus 24 are loaded into load buffer
`62 and consequently into panel RAM memory 66.2)The 6th
`and 7th bit of an address byte determine the brightness of the
`panel display. This permits display brightness to be adjusted
`with every panel refresh. 3) The 8th bit is a “broadcast bit”.
`If the 8th bit of an address byte is set to “1”, all panels load
`the subsequent 64 bytes of data, regardless of the actual
`address value in the first five bits of the address byte. This
`permits a very fast refresh of an entire sign. All of these
`operations are managed by a panel controller 64. The panel
`controller loads data from panel RAM 66 to a refresh buffer
`68 and subsequently to a latch array 70 where sixty-four
`latches are set in accordance with the data.
`The LEDs on each display panel 26 are divided into eight
`sectors, each comprising 64 pixels. The panel controller 64
`generates timing signals for the eight display panel sectors
`and the pixels within each sector. A sector drive circuitry 72
`generates a 1 kHz refresh frequency for the sectors and also
`controls a pulse width of a pixel drive power pulse. The
`pulse width of the pixel drive power pulse controls the duty
`cycle of the drive signal to each LED, providing the bright
`ness control for the sign. The power pulse width is also
`controlled by calibration switches 76 as shall be discussed
`below. The RAM controller operates in two basic modes, a
`refresh mode and a data acquisition mode. The controller is
`in refresh mode unless it is acquiring data from the panel
`data bus 24. In refresh mode it reads data very quickly 8
`bytes at a time from the display panel RAM 66. An 8 byte
`read is performed each time a sector drive is changed at the
`1 kHz refresh rate.
`When an address match is detected on the display panel
`bus 24, the display panel controller 64 immediately writes
`the next 64 bytes of data on the panel bus into the panel
`RAM 66 using the data strobe as its clock. This 64 byte write
`period requires about twenty microseconds of real time.
`While performing a data write cycle, the sign refresh is
`As noted above, the power drive pulse width for the LEDs
`on the display panel 26 is controlled by the sector driver
`circuitry 72. Those skilled in the art are familiar with
`problems of steradiance matching in LED applications. It is
`well known that LEDs from different production batches are
`not always matched in brightness. When constructing an
`LED display sign, a manufacturer always orders enough
`LEDs from a single production lot to build the entire sign so
`that steradiance matching is not a problem. With a modular
`sign construction. however, steradiance matching becomes a
`factor because the sign may be enlarged at a later date or a
`given panel may fail and require replacement. In order to
`overcome this problem and permit steradiance matching,
`calibration switches 76 on the panel controller 58 permit fine
`tuning adjustments to the LED drive pulse width so that
`different production lots of LEDs can be steradiance
`matched to provide a sign of consistent brightness even
`though all the panels in the sign were not assembled using
`LEDs from the same production lot. This feature makes
`modular sign constructions practical and eliminates a major
`problem in prior art LED signs where replacing individual
`LEDs or groups of LEDs which had burned out could cause
`bright spots or dull spots on the sign.
`FIG. 7 shows a simplified schematic diagram of the
`circuitry of the display panel 24. In this diagram, only four
`rows and two columns are illustrated but the circuitry is the
`same for all other rows and columns. The rows are driven by
`P-channel power hexfet transistors. These devices have a
`very low on resistance, typically 0.09 ohms. and are capable
`of Switching large amounts of current, up to 18 amperes,
`very rapidly. By using one P-channel hexfet 78 per 32 LEDs
`(the number of LEDs in each column) each power hexfet is
`required to switch approximately 5 amperes. Switching at
`this capacity, each power hexfet 78 dissipates, at most, about
`2.5 watts which is well within acceptable power dissipation
`limitations. There are 8 row driver packages (not illustrated)
`which house 8 drivers each. Each of these drivers is a
`Darlington transistor device 80 which is capable of sinking
`up to 600 mA each. The transistors 80 exhibit a low
`collection to emitter saturation voltage of about 900 mV
`with only a small base current and are directly compatible
`with the TTL circuitry of the electronic display sign 20. The
`output of each transistor 80 is connected to 8 LEDs, one of
`which is selected during each power cycle by an appropriate
`column driver 78.
`FIG. 8 is a front elevational view of a typical display panel
`26 constructed in accordance with the invention. This par
`ticular panel is constructed with a 5°slant in order to provide
`a built-in italic effect for script displayed on the sign. This
`parallelogram-shape is, of course, optional and not a feature
`of the invention. Shown in phantom lines is a chassis support
`82 which supports the panel control card 58 and the power
`supply 56. The sign controller 22 is preferably mounted to
`the chassis support 82 of any convenient display panel 26 in
`a display sign. One display panel in the sign therefore
`includes the sign controller 22 as well as a panel control card
`58 and a power supply 56.
`FIG. 9 is a cross-sectional view taken along lines 9–9 of
`the display panel 26 shown in FIG.8. A typical display pane

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