
`GQ Mevium-Welbstir®
`Springfield. Massachusetts, U.S.A.
`IPR 2018-00044
`IPR 2018-00044
`Exhibit 2019 / Page 1 of 4
`Exhibit 2019 / Page 1 of 4


`Copyright © 1974 by G. & C. Merriam Co,
`Previous edition copyright © 1973 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
`Philippines Copyright 1974 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
`Previous edition Philippines Copyright 1973 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry undertitle:
`Webster's newcollegiate dictionary.
`“Based on Webster's third newinternational dictionary.”
`“A Merriam-Webster.”
`Editions for 1898-1948 havetitle: Webster's collegiate dictionary:
`1949-61 and 1973-
`editions have title: Webster's new collegiate dictionary:
`1963-72 editions have title: Webster's seventh new collegiate cictionary.
`1. English language—Dictionaries.
`ISBN 0-87779-3 18-2 (plain)
`0-87779-319-0 (indexed)
`0-87779-320-4 (Buksyn)
`COLLEGIATEisa registered trademark.
`All rights reserved. No part of this work covered bythe copyrights hereon may
`be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic. or
`mechanical, including photocopying. recording. taping. or information and re-
`trleval systems—without written permission of the publisher.
`Madein the United States of America
`IPR 2018-00044
`IPR 2018-00044
`Exhibit 2019 / Page 2 of 4
`Exhibit 2019 / Page 2 of 4


`dyscrasia @ ear
`EL- 3: impaired <dysfunction> 4: bad <dyslogistic> — com-
`Gys-phe-gie \dis-‘fa-(@Jo\ 2 [NL]: difficulty in swallowing —
`cece \dis-"kra-zh(é)s\ 2 [NL,
`fr. ML, bad mixture of
`ysphag-ic \-faj-ik\ adj
`dys-pha-sia \dis-Ti-zh(é-Ja\ 1 [NL]: loss of or deficiencyin the
`humors, fr. Gk dyskrasic, fr. dys- + krasis mixture — more at
`power to use or
`tand language as a result of injury to or
`CRasis] : an abnormal condition of the body
`disease of the brain — dys-pha-sic \4fi-zik\ 7 or yt
`dys-en-ter-ic \.dis-’n-'ter-ik\ adj : of or relating to dysentery
`dys-pho-nia \dis-'fS-né-s\.
`[NL]: defective use of the
`voice —
`dys-en-tery \'dis-n-ter-8\
`pi -ter-ies
`[ME dissenterie,
`fr. L
`ys-phon-ic \-'fan-ik\
`iysenteric, fr. Gk, fr. dys- + enteron intestine — moreat INTER-
`dys-pho-ria \dis-f6r-é-s, -‘for-\ 2 [NL, fr. Gk, fr. dysphoros hard
`to bear. fr. dys- +
`pherein to
`— more at BEAR]: 2 state of
`1: a disease characterized by severe diarrhea with passage o
`mucus and Lore: usu. caused by infection 2: DIARRHEA
`or un’
`— Gys-phor-ic \-"for-ik, -“fir-\ adf
`dys-ple-sie \dis-pla-zhies0\ Ki: abnormal growth or devel-
`dys-func-tion \(dis-fen(k)-snen\ « :
`impaired orabnormal func.
`tioning — dys-func-tion-al \-shnol, -shon-l\\ od)
`opment (as of Organs or cells);
`6roadiy : abnormal snetomic
`dys-gen-e-sis \\idispa-o-on\ n
`: defective development
`structure duc to such growth — dys-plas-tic \-'plas-tik\ adj
`oP, of the gonads
`in Klinefelter’s syndrome or Turner's
`'s-pne@a \'dis(p)-né-o\ = [L dyspnoea, fr. Gk dyspnoia, fr. J
`short_of breath, fr. dys- + pnein. to breathe — more at SNEEZE)
`MiG \C)dis-"jen-ik\ adj 1: detrimental to the hereditary
`qualities ofa stock2 = biologically
`defective or deficient
`: difficult or labored respiration — dys-pne-ic \-né-ik\ adj
` \dis-'prd-zé-am.-zh(é-)om\ n
`( Gk dpsprositos
`n-ics \-iks\ 7 pi but sing in constr :
`the study of racial
`hard to get at, fr. dys» + prositos approachable, fr. prosienai to
`dycloxteNdis-lek-sé-o\ n (NL, fr. dys- + Gk lexis word,
`approach, fr. prose + fengi to go — more ai !$sv=]+ an element
`the rare-earth group that forms highly magnetic compounds —
`é onanOFiheabelvag fend _ —- \sik\, ody i
`dys. ropa\ChdietO-pe \a(NL, fr. fj ja (as i i2))
`+ -logistic (23 in eulogistic
`to-pia \(“)dis-
`oa Vat
`jt oh
`33 in eutopia
`TUNCOMPLIMENTARY2 dys-io, fetteatiykena 3
`ee FY place which is depressing! wretched and whose
`pielone a fearful existence — dystopian \-pé-on\\ adj
`dys-men-or-rhea \(,)dis-men-2-'ré-a\. » [NL]: painful menstrua-
`phic \dis-'trd-fik\ adj 1: relating to or caused by faulty
`tion — dys-men-or-rhe-al \-'r3-al\ or dys-men-or-rhe-ic \-'ré-ik\,
`nutrition 2 of a
`: brownish with much dissolved
`sia \dis-'pep-sho, -s&>\
`[L, fr. Gk. fr. dys- = pepsis
`fr. peptein, pessein to aunt digest — more at Coox]
`Matter, & sparse bottom fauna, and 2 nie oxygen consumption
`dys-tro-phy \'dis-tre-fe\. 2, p/ -phies (NL
`cystrophia, fr.
`dys- +
`dyspeptic\ “pep-tik\ adj
`relating to or having dyspepsi
`-trophia ane) :
`imperfect nutrition; specif : any of several
`neuromuscular Gisorders — compare MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY
`2#] showing 2 sour disposition — dys-pep-ti-cal-ly iklaN
`dys-uria \dish-"(y)ur-d-a, dis"yir-\ a (NL, fr. Gk dysouria, fr. dys.
`+ -ouria -uria]: difficult or painful discharge of urine
`dz abor dozen
`2dyspeptic 1: a person having dyspepsia
`te \'8\ n, pl e's or @8 \'éz\ often 3 en
`their strength, size, gracefulness, keenness ofvision, and powers of
`aurib 1: the Sth letter of the
`ight 2: any of various esp. emblematic or symbolic figures or
`alphabet b: 2 graphic representationofthis
`representations of an eagle: as @:
`the standard of the ancient
`letter _c: a speech counterpart of orthograph-
`Romans 6: theseal or standard of a nation(as the U.S.) having
`ic e 2: the 3d tone of a C-major scale 3
`an cagie asemblem c: one of a pairofsilver insignia of rank worn
`3 a graphic device for reproducing theletter ¢
`| 8 military colonel or a navy captain 3: a ten-doller gold coin
`4: one cesignated ¢ esp. as the Sth in order
`the U.S. bearing an eagle on the reverse 4: 2 golf score of two
`or class; specif :
`the base of the system of
`strokes less than a ona hole — compare BIRDIE
`logesithms as the approximate
`(Fraternal Order o Eagles}: a member of a major fraternal order
`numerical] value 2.71828
`58: a graderating
`eagle eye » 1: the ability to see or observe with exceptional
`a student's work as poor and usu. constituting
`keenness 2: one that sees or observes —
`., 2 COnditional pass b: 2 grade rating a stu-
`eagle ray n 3 = Of several widely distributed large active
`dent's work as failing ¢: one graded or rated with an E 6
`ys (family Myliobstidae) with broad pectoral finslike wings
`ae anne — hi : = letter E :

`\"égist\ 1: 2 young eagle
`abbr, o, earth2east; easterly: eastern e est
`Sell 6em 7 end 8 energy Som 10 error Tce
`@a-gre \'é-ger\. nm [origin unknown): a tide! bore
`@al-dor-man \‘al-dar-man\ - [OE — more at ALDERMAN] :
`ofan electron 2 eccentricityof a conic section
`chief officer in @ district (as a shire) in Anglo-Saxon Engiand
`-@8N — see AN
`E symbol
`1 einsteinium 2 ener
`e- ae i\ prefix [ME, fr. OF & L; OF, out, forth, away, fr. Ly fr.
`E and OE abbr errors and omissions excepted
`1 @? not <ecarinate> b: missing: absent <edental> 2
`Year \'(o)r\ n [ME ere. fr. OE gare; akin to OHG dra ear, L auris,
`gut; on the outside <escribe> 3; thoroughly <evaporize> 4
`Gk ous]
`1 8: the characteristic vertebrate a of hearing and
`: forth <eradiate> 5: away <eluvium>
`equilibrium consisting in the typical mammalofa sound-collectin
`outer ear separated by a membranous drum from a sound?
`ransmitting middle ear that in turn is
`ted from a sensory
`‘each \’éch\ adj [ME ech, fr. OE Bie: akin to OHG fogilih each;
`inner car 7seniorencus fenestrae b : any of various organs
`both fr. a prehistoric WGmc compound whose first and second
`capable of
`detectingoe 2: the external ear of man
`constituents respectively are an by OE ¢ alwaysand by
`nd most mammals 3 a: the
`sense or act of hearing b: acuity
`OE gelic alike} : being one of
`two or more distinct individuals
`of hearing ¢: sensitivity to musical tone and Pitch 4: something
`having 2 similar relation and often constituting an aggregate
`esembling a mammalian ear in shape or position: as @:a
`2each pron: each one
`projecting part (as 2 lug or handle) b: either of 2 peir of tufts of
`3each adv: to or for each : APIECE
`enathened feathers on the head of some birds 5 a: sympathetic
`PantonBi,— AEAEORS 6: a space
`in the upper commer
`as & News|
`7) usu. containing adv
`es-ger \e-gar\ edi [ME eave, fr.
`aiare. fr. L acer — more at
`eis iteelfiar a wear nmmes — he ene dvertist gefort =
`IPR 2018-00044
`IPR 2018-00044
`Exhibit 2019 / Page 3 of 4
`Exhibit 2019 / Page 3 of 4


`explicate @ express
`exponential function ” : a mathematical func-ion in which an
`explicate \'ek-splankat\_¥ -cat-ed; akingTs explicatus, pp. of
`independentvaciable appears in one of the exponents — called also
`explicare, lit., to unfold, fr. ex- + plicare to fold —- more at PLY]
`1: to give a detailed explanation of 2: to develop theimplica-
`{exponent +
`ex-po-nen-ti-a-tion \.ek-spo-nen-ché.'a-shan\ 1
`tions of : analyze logically syn see EXPLAIN — @x-pli-ca-tion
`eiation (as in aiffereniiation)|:
`\vek-sploka-shon'\ x — @x-pli-ca-tor \'ek-splo-kat-or\ 2
`tex-port \ek-'spo(o)rt, -'spd(e)rt, 'ek-\ vb [L exportare, fr. ex- +
`ex-pli-ca-tion de texte \ek-splé-kaesyO*-da-tekst\ 7, pi explica-
`portare to carry — more at FARE] »f 1: to carry away : REMOVE
`tions de texte \same\ [F,lit., explanation of text]
`: a method of
`2: to carry o7 send (as a commodity) to someother place (as
`literary criticism involving 2 detailed analysis of each part of a work
`another country) ~ vi: to export something abroad — ex-port-
`tex.pli-ca-tive \ek-'splik-at-iv,
`‘ek-sploukat-\ adj
`: serving to
`abil-i-ty \(Dek-:spOrt-2-'bil-at-€,
`-sport-\ n — ex-port-able \ck-
`explicate: EXPLANATORY: specif: serving to explain logically what
`"sport-e-bal, -'s20rt-, ‘ek-\ ad,
`\‘ek-«pd(o)rt, “apotoyrt\
`mn 1: something exported:
`is contained in the subject <an ~ proposition> — ex-pli-ca-
`tive-ly adv
`: a commodity conveyed from one country or region to
`2explicative 1: an explicative expression
`another for purposes of trade 2: an act of experting : EXPORTA.
`-t01-\ adf = EX-
`ex-pli-ca-to-ry \ck-'splik-astdr-é ‘ek-Q)splik-,
`TION <the ~ 0° wheat>
`3export \'ek-\ adj: of or relating to exportation or exports <~
`ex-plic-it \ik-'splis-ot\ adj [F or ML:Fexplicite, tr. ML explicrtt
`fr. L, pp. of explicare]
`1 @: free from all vagueness and ambiguity
`ex-por-ta-tion \.ek-spdr-'ta-shen, ~spdr-, -sper-\ m + an act of
`<an ~ statement of
`the problem>b: fully developed or for-
`exporting; also : a commodity exported
`mulated <an ~ statementofhis objectives> 2: unreserved and
`ex-port-er \ek-'sport-ar, -'sport-, ‘ek-\ m2 one that exports: specif
`unambiguous in expression 3: externally visible 4: involving
`: a wholesaler whosells to merchants or industrial consumers in
`direct payment <~ costs> — ex-plic-it-ly adv — ex-plic-it-ness
`foreign countries
`ex-pose \ik-'spiiz\ vr ex-posed; ex-pos-ing ast exposen, fr. MF
`Syn EXPLICIT, EXFRESS. SPECIFIC, DEFINITE shared mecning element
`exposer, fr. L exponere to set forth, explain (perf. indic. exposui),
`: perfectly clear and unambiguous ant ambiguous
`fr. ex- + ponere to put, place — more at POHTION]
`1 @ =
`explicit function 7 : 2 mathematical
`function cefined by an
`deprive of shelter, protection, or care <~ troops needlessly> b
`expression containing only independent variables — compare
`to submit or subject to an action or influence; szecif':
`to subject
`(a sensitive photographic film, plate, or
`peper) to the action of
`> @X-Di0d-60,
`radiant energy ¢: to abandon (an infant) esp. >y leaving in the
`drive off the stage by clapping,fr. ex- + plaudere to clap] wt
`open : DESERT 2: to lay open to view: as a: to offer publicly
`archaic :
`to drive from the stage by noisy disapproval
`for sale b: to exhibit for public veneration ¢:
`to reveal the face
`of(a eae 3 a: to bring to light (es something shameful)
`bring into disrepute or discredit <~_ a rumor>
`to cause to
`to disclose the faults or crimes of <~ a murderer>
`explode or burst noisily <~ dynamite> <~ a bomb> ~ w 1
`— ex-pos-er n
`to burst forth with sudden violence or noise <~ with anger> 2
`a: to undergo z rapid chemical or nuclear reaction with the
`@x-po-sé or expo-se \ek-spd-'2, -sp2-\ n [F exposé,
`fr. pp. of
`productionofnoise, heat, and violent expansion of gases <dynamite
`exposer] 1: a formal recital or exposition of fects : STATEMENT
`~s> <an atomic 50mb ~s>_ b: to burst violently as a result of
`2: an exposure of something discreditable <a newspaper ~ of
`crime conditiors>
`pressure from within — ex-plod-er x
`ex-posed \ik-'spdzd\\ adj 1: open to view <an ~ card> 2
`ex-plod-ed adj
`: showing the parts separated but in correct
`IPR 2018-00044
`IPR 2018-00044
`Exhibit 2019 / Page 4 of 4
`Exhibit 2019 / Page 4 of 4

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