`Page 1
`- - - - - - - - - - - - x
` INC.,
`: :
` v.
`: Case IPR 2018-00044
`: Patent No. 7,302,423 B2
` LLC,
`Patent Owner. :
`- - - - - - - - - - - - x
`Tuesday, June 19, 2018
`Washington, D.C.
`Deposition of:
`called for oral examination by counsel for the
`Patent Owner, pursuant to notice, at the law
`offices of Haynes & Boone, LLP, 800 17th Street,
`Northwest, Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20006,
`before Christina S. Hotsko, RPR, CRR, of Veritext
`Legal Solutions, a Notary Public in and for the
`District of Columbia, beginning at 9:59 a.m., when
`were present on behalf of the respective parties:
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`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`Page 2
` A P P E A R A N C E S
`O n b e h a l f o f P e t i t i o n e r :
` S C O T T C U N N I N G , E S Q U I R E
` J O E Y B L A K E
` H a y n e s & B o o n e , L L P
` 8 0 0 1 7 t h S t r e e t , N o r t h w e s t , S u i t e 5 0 0
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 6
` ( 2 0 2 ) 6 5 4 - 4 5 0 0
`O n b e h a l f o f P a t e n t O w n e r :
` C E C I L E . K E Y , E S Q U I R E
` D i M u r o G i n s b e r g , P C
` 1 7 5 0 T y s o n s B o u l e v a r d , S u i t e 1 5 0 0
` T y s o n s C o r n e r , V i r g i n i a 2 2 1 0 2
` ( 7 0 3 ) 2 8 9 - 5 1 1 8
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`Page 3
` C O N T E N T S
` Counsel for Patent Owner 04
` Counsel for Petitioner 71
` Counsel for Patent Owner 74
` Exhibit 2008 Hsieh-Yee Notice of 05
` Deposition
` Exhibit 2009 Hsieh-Yee CV 08
` Exhibit 2010 Appendix AAAA of 45
` Hsieh-Yee Expert Report
` Exhibit 2011 Appendix BBBB of 45
` Hsieh-Yee Expert Report
` Exhibit 2012 Appendix CCCC of 51
` Hsieh-Yee Expert Report
` * (Exhibits attached to transcript.)
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`5 6
`8 9
`Exhibit 2013 / Page 3 of 93


`Page 4
` P R O C E E D I N G S
`being first duly sworn or affirmed to testify to
`the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
`truth, was examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Can you please state your full name for
`the record.
` A. My full name is Ingrid Hsieh -- would you
`like me talking to her or to you?
` Q. I don't mind.
` A. Ingrid Hsieh-Yee.
` Q. Can you also please state your address
`for the record.
` A. 1024 Harbor Drive, Annapolis, Maryland,
` Q. Dr. Hsieh-Yee, I'm going to show you
`what's being marked as Exhibit 2008.
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` (Hsieh-Yee Deposition Exhibit 2008 marked
` for identification and attached to the
`Page 5
` transcript.)
` Q. And once you've had a chance to look at
`that, my question for you, Dr. Hsieh-Yee, is have
`you ever seen this document before?
` A. Yes. 2018. Oh, prior today? Oh, this
`is the first time I see this.
` Q. Exhibit 2008 is titled Patent Owner's
`Notice of Deposition of Dr. Hsieh-Yee.
` Do you see that on the first page?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you understand that you're appearing
`here today pursuant to this notice?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you ever been deposed before,
`Dr. Hsieh-Yee?
` A. A number of years ago.
` Q. How many years ago?
` A. I have to check. I think it's probably
`2015, but I have to check.
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`Page 6
` Q. Do you recall what the matter was in
`which you were last deposed?
` A. No, sorry.
` Q. So it's been a while. I'll go over a
`couple of housekeeping instructions.
` A. Okay.
` Q. And if you have any questions about
`these, let me know.
` As you probably know from your prior
`experience and as you can see, we have a court
`reporter here who's going to take down all my
`questions and all your answers.
` A. Okay.
` Q. So a couple of rules there. We want to
`try not to talk over each other. If you'll please
`let me finish my question before you answer, I
`will also try to let you finish your answer before
`I ask another question.
` Also, to respond using words, spoken
`words, not nods or other sounds.
` If there's a question I ask you don't
`understand, feel free to let me know. To the
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`Page 7
`extent I can rephrase it or clarify it, I'll try
`to do so.
` If you need a break, you can just ask for
`one. I'm not sure how long we'll have to be here
`today, but if you do need a break, feel free to
`ask. I only ask that if there's a question
`pending, we try and get the question answered
`before we take the break.
` Any questions about those basic
`housekeeping rules?
` A. That's clear.
` Q. Okay. Thank you.
` A. Thank you.
` Q. Now, Dr. Hsieh-Yee, are you on any
`medications that would prevent you from testifying
`fully and completely today?
` A. No.
` Q. Is there any other reason -- any medical
`conditions, for example -- that would prevent you
`from testifying fully and completely today?
` A. No.
` Q. Are you employed, Dr. Hsieh-Yee?
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`Page 8
` A. Yes.
` Q. By whom?
` A. Catholic University.
` Q. And how long have you been employed by
`Catholic University?
` A. Since 1990.
` MR. KEY: I'm going to have marked as
`Exhibit 2009 a document that's pages 17 through 37
`of Exhibit 1011.
` (Hsieh-Yee Deposition Exhibit 2009 marked
` for identification and attached to the
` transcript.)
` Q. And Dr. Hsieh-Yee, I'll ask you to take a
`look at what's been marked as Exhibit 2009 and
`tell me if you can identify that document.
` A. Yes. It is my CV.
` Q. And this is the CV that was also
`Appendix A to your report; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When was this CV prepared?
` A. I will have to check the exact date, the
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`Page 9
`file date, but it should be prepared roughly at
`the time that I submitted this deposition.
` Q. To the best of your knowledge, have there
`been any significant updates to your CV since the
`time you submitted your declaration?
` A. Many presentations and conferences.
` Q. I see.
` A. And new university responsibilities,
`serving on various committees.
` Q. And to clarify, the serving on various
`committees, that's happened since you last --
`well, since you submitted your declaration in this
` A. Added a few, because I've been at the
`university for a long time. And so I think last
`year, I got added to the Academic Senate. So
`it's -- because that kind of position is reserved
`for senior faculty. So...
` Q. Has there been any additions to your work
`experience since you submitted --
` A. No.
` Q. -- your declaration?
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`Page 10
` A. No.
` Q. Apart from your position at Catholic
`University, do you have any other employment?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you act as a consultant?
` A. That's what I was getting at is that I
`had worked as a consultant.
` Q. Do you work as a consultant in your
`individual capacity, or is it through another
` A. The former.
` Q. Can you just briefly describe what type
`of consulting you do?
` A. Yes. The type of consulting work I do is
`investigation research on bibliographic matters.
`So typically, I receive an inquiry to say, you
`know, we need to find some information about this
`document. And I go and do some research, identify
`records, and draw on my knowledge to -- of
`cataloging practices and standards to help the
`attorney interpret the records.
` Q. I believe you said you help the attorney
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`Page 11
`interpret the records. Is the consulting work you
`do always on behalf of law firms?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In the last four years, about how many
`consulting engagements have you done?
` A. I'll have to look it up. In terms of
`exact number, I'll have to look it up.
` Q. Are those consulting engagements
`reflected on your CV that is Exhibit 2009?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you have an estimation of about how
`many consulting engagements you've done in the
`last four years?
` A. It's hard to estimate. I have to look at
`the record.
` Q. Have any of those consulting arrangements
`involved a case involving patents?
` A. I think all the cases involve patents.
` Q. Maybe we'll try to break it down. Apart
`from this matter, how many consulting engagements
`involving patents have you done in the last year?
` A. As I indicated earlier, that I will have
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`Page 12
`to check my record.
` Q. Apart from this matter and subject to any
`privilege that you may need to maintain, because
`I'm not looking for that, what was the last
`engagement that you worked on that involved
` A. You mean -- are you referring to the date
`or the law firm or --
` Q. That's a fair question. We'll break it
` A. Yeah.
` Q. I'll ask as to date.
` A. The date? If you need a precise date,
`I'll have to look it up. But if you want to have
`approximate time frame, which month or -- I can
`provide that.
` Q. Let's start with which month.
` A. Which month? June. This month.
` Q. This month?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is that an ongoing matter that you just
`started working on?
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`Page 13
` A. That one case is already concluded. I'm
`referring to that case that's concluded.
` Q. Can you -- do you know who the parties
`are in that case?
` A. Am I allowed to say that? I thought --
` Q. If it's concluded, I believe, but --
` A. No, I mean we submitted the declaration.
` Q. I see.
` A. Yeah. But I don't know what the next
`steps would be. So...
` Q. And I don't want to violate any
` So you believe that the declaration you
`submitted might be confidential?
` A. I have to check with those attorneys.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Yes. Because my job is to prepare the
`documents and let him take care of the next steps.
` Q. All right.
` A. Yeah.
` Q. And you said that matter involved
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`Page 14
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you know what court or agency the
`matter is pending in? Is it the District Court or
`the Patent Office, for example?
` A. I think it's the Patent Office.
` Q. Can you tell me the law firm that engaged
`you for that matter?
` THE WITNESS: Is that appropriate? Can
`we say that? I'm sorry. I'm not sure about --
` MR. CUNNING: Why don't we do this. Why
`don't we take a quick break, and we'll just pull
`and see if it's filed. If it's already public,
`then we can -- then I can let her answer all these
`questions. If it's confidential, it's not been
`filed, we may need to maintain confidentiality.
` MR. KEY: That's fine.
` MR. CUNNING: So we'll just take a few
` MR. KEY: Sure.
` (A recess was taken.)
` THE WITNESS: So we checked the system,
`and Mr. Cunning told me that the declaration has
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`Page 15
`been filed.
` MR. KEY: Okay.
` Q. Can you tell me who the parties are in
`the matter in which the declaration has been
` A. I remember we are representing Jaguar.
` Q. Do you recall where the matter has been
`filed? If you recall.
` A. I don't recall.
` Q. And again to clarify, the matter involves
`patents; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Can you tell me the name of the law firm
`that engaged you for that matter?
` A. Yes. It's Latham & Watkins.
` Q. Is the Jaguar matter that you
`mentioned -- in the Jaguar matter that you
`mentioned, did you submit an expert report?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In the last four years, do you know how
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`Page 16
`many expert reports you have submitted?
` A. As I indicated earlier, I have done a lot
`so I have to look at the record to give you the
` Q. Maybe it'll help me out. To the best of
`your knowledge, for all the consulting engagements
`you've done in the last four years, have you
`submitted an expert report?
` A. Like the one for Jaguar?
` Q. Correct.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Maybe asked another way, as far as you
`recall, are there any consulting engagements for
`which you did not submit an expert report?
` A. I have to check.
` Q. Other than today, have you testified as
`an expert in the last four years?
` A. Going back to 2015? As I indicated
`earlier, I think there might be once. I really
`had one deposition experience, and that might have
`taken place in 2015. But I have to check to
`confirm the time.
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` Q. Did that matter in which you were deposed
`Page 17
`involve patents?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did it involve any opinion you were
`giving as to the bibliographic data about a
` A. Yes.
` Q. Maybe to clarify, were you testifying as
`an expert in that case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I want to ask you to look at
`Exhibit 2009. And my question is, is the
`testimony as an expert, is that listed on
`Exhibit 2009?
` A. No, because this is an academic resume.
` Q. And I'm going to show you what's already
`been submitted in this matter as Exhibit 1011.
` Can you tell us what Exhibit 1011 is?
` A. Yes. This one, this file includes my
`declaration and supporting documents.
` Q. Is the testimony as an expert that you
`mentioned, approximately 2015, is that listed
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`Page 18
`somewhere here in Exhibit 1011?
` A. I don't believe so.
` Q. Let's step back a second. Have you ever
`worked for the Library of Congress?
` A. No.
` Q. I suppose I'll clarify. Have you ever
`worked for the Library of Congress as an employee
`of the Library of Congress?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever done any consulting work
`for the Library of Congress?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever --
` A. Oh --
` Q. Oh, I'm sorry.
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever worked as an independent
`contractor in which -- on a matter in which you
`were engaged by the Library of Congress?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever worked for Wayne State
`University as an employee?
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`Page 19
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever done any consulting work
`for Wayne State University?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever been engaged as an
`independent contractor by Wayne State University?
` A. No.
` Q. Looking at Exhibit 1011, I direct your
`attention to page 2.
` A. Page 2?
` Q. Yes, ma'am. In paragraph 2.
` A. Yes.
` Q. The first sentence reads, I'll read into
`the record, "I am being compensated for my work in
`this matter at my accustomed hourly rate of $160."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is meant by "accustomed rate"?
` A. At that time, that's the rate I used with
`law firms when I do consulting work for them.
` Q. Do you know who Unified Patents, Inc.,
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`Page 20
` A. I actually only know it by name.
` Q. Have you -- other than this matter, have
`you ever done any consulting work for Unified
`Patents, Inc.?
` A. No. That was -- actually, this is the
`first time.
` Q. For what purpose did you prepare your
`declaration that's Exhibit 1011?
` A. For 1011, I worked with the attorney
`because we wanted to establish the first
`availability of this book by Walkenbach.
` Q. I'll show you what was previously marked
`as Exhibit 1009.
` I believe you said you wanted to
`establish the first availability of "this book."
` A. Uh-huh.
` Q. By "this book," did you mean the document
`that's marked as Exhibit 1009?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And for the record, can you tell us what
`Exhibit 1009 is?
` A. 1009 includes the pages that I personally
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`scanned at the Library of Congress.
` Q. And on the first page, the title appears
`to be "Microsoft Excel 2000 Bible."
`Page 21
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If I refer to this as the Excel Bible,
`will you understand what I mean?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. If there's another term you
`want me to use, I'm happy to do that, too.
` Does Exhibit 1009 represent all the pages
`of the Excel Bible?
` A. No.
` Q. And you said you personally scanned these
` A. Yes. I visited the Library of Congress
`and used this book. So when I have the book, I
`scanned it there.
` Q. Why did you go to the Library of Congress
`to scan this book?
` A. So when we started to do the research, I
`identified Library of Congress as one of the
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`Page 22
`libraries that hold this book. Because the
`Library of Congress is the best authority, the
`highly -- the most respected authority for
`bibliographic record, so I thought I should take a
`look at this one.
` And I did apply -- checked their
`catalogue. It confirms the holding information.
`So I then requested it. And then once the book
`arrived, I went to make the copy. Because the
`Library of Congress books are not circulating, you
`cannot take them out of the library unless you
`have some other different agreement. But the
`general public cannot check out the book from
`Library of Congress so that's why I scanned the
` Q. Who determined which pages would be
` A. I checked with the attorney, and he
`consulted the technical expert, and they specified
`the pages that are relevant for the case.
` Q. So you didn't have any input in
`determining which pages would be scanned?
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` A. No.
` Q. To the extent you know, what issue does
`this document pertain to in this case?
`Page 23
` A. What issue?
` Q. Yes.
` A. I think it's a patent case.
` Q. Beyond being related to a patent case, do
`you have any understanding of what specific issue
`it pertains to?
` A. I do not know the nature of the case.
`It's -- I focus on the documents and the records
` Q. In terms of your opinion, if I understand
`you correctly, and please correct me if I don't,
`your opinion is as to the availability of the
`publication, that's Exhibit 1009; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was there any other opinion that you were
`asked to offer?
` A. No. The focus is on this book and its
`public availability.
` Q. I believe you mentioned that -- a couple
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`Page 24
`times you used the word "we" in terms of you
`started doing research.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was there someone else?
` A. No, it's the attorney. I always consult
`him, and I told him this is what I have
`discovered. That's why I say "we," because it's a
` Q. I see. But to clarify, you didn't have
`anyone else assisting you at your direction?
` A. No. Just me. Yes.
` Q. How much time did you spend on the
`research that's reflected in your report?
` A. I have to check. I can look it up for
`you in terms of how many hours and things.
` Q. Do you have an approximation?
` A. This was done last October, right? I
`think. Sorry, I --
` Q. I'll break it down. And I'm not talking
`about writing of the opinions so take that -- put
`that aside. I'm just talking about the amount of
`time you spent to research the facts that you
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`Page 25
`relied on in the opinion. Do you have any idea
`how much time that was?
` A. That, I'll have to check my record.
` Q. Do you have any reason to believe that
`the amount of time you spent was not a reasonable
`amount of time?
` A. I think it's reasonable. I always try my
`best to be efficient and correct and accurate.
` Q. Were you given any time limits?
` A. No.
` Q. Then I take it that you had autonomy to
`decide exactly how much time you wanted to spend?
` A. You know, as consultant, even though you
`have the autonomy, but you have to be reasonable,
`right? And so I feel that I was using my judgment
`as to what's appropriate. And if sometimes I feel
`that this is a very complicated situation, it
`takes longer, I will talk to the attorney and
`explain and say, now, we need to do that, you
` So usually, in my work, I would -- in
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`Page 26
`case it seems to be going to be taking a lot
`longer or needs more effort for investigation,
`then I'll let the attorney know, and we'll talk
`about that.
` But most -- I have to say so far, no
`attorney has said, oh, don't do that. It costs
`too much money. They say, get the truth.
` Q. Which is going to be my question here.
`So no one told you don't do anymore work?
` A. Right.
` Q. You were allowed to do the work until you
`felt it was complete, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I suppose I should clarify. Did you make
`any recommendations as to further research that
`were rejected?
` A. No. In this case, it's very solid.
`We've had very good data. So I said this is good.
` Q. Again, if we could look at Exhibit 1011,
`I'm going to turn your attention to paragraph 26,
`which is on page 16 of 70.
` In paragraph 26, is this a synopsis of
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`Page 27
`the opinions you are offering?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are there any other opinions that you
`anticipate offering in this matter that are not
`reflected in paragraph 26?
` A. Paragraph 26 summarized the situation
`very clearly to me, because the data support that.
`And there are a number of dates -- a number of
`data points we use. But this is the conclusion.
` Q. And so you believe that these conclusions
`in paragraph 26 are supported by the evidence that
`you have in your report?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I also believe you mentioned you try
`to be thorough in your analysis, correct?
` A. Uh-huh. Yes, sorry. I need to verbalize
` Q. And as you sit here today, you're
`comfortable that you were thorough?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Going back to your prior consulting work,
`to clarify, have any of those matters involved
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`your attempt to verify a date when a publication
`Page 28
`was available to the public?
` A. Could you --
` Q. I'll rephrase.
` A. Yes.
` Q. In your prior consulting work, have any
`of those matters involved your attempt to identify
`when a work was accessible to the public?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have all of those matters involved
`attempts to determine when a publication is
`accessible to the public?
` A. I have to check, but I believe most cases
`are related to these public availability
` Q. Again looking at Exhibit 1011 -- and I'll
`focus on paragraphs 3 and 4, which span 2 of 70 to
`3 of 70.
` Paragraph 3 identifies documents
`referenced in preparation of your declaration,
` A. Yes.
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`Page 29
` Q. Are there any documents that are not
`listed in paragraph 3 that you referenced in the
`preparation of your declaration?
` A. Officially, these are the documents that
`I include in the exhibit -- I mean, included as
`appendices to support. But these records also
`point to an earlier record. That's the original
` So if you look at the declaration, the
`Exhibit 1011, you'll see it refers to the fact
`that the Library of Congress's record is based on
`a record created by another agency and that we did
`not include that for some reasons.
` But that's -- and that record was
`created, I believe -- let me take a look. That
`original record was dated October 16, 1998. Yeah.
` So in my declaration, I did explain that
`the LC's record is based on that earlier record,
`but that earlier record is not included here.
` Q. Do you have a copy of that earlier
` A. That's a very good question. Here is the
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`Page 30
`reason: According to -- OCLC has this system for
`libraries to share their records. So that
`original record was created and dated. However,
`when I went to look for that record, they no
`longer have it because the book is dated, and it
`is a community college. So they weeded it out,
`and they replaced that with an earlier -- with a
`later version, more current version.
` So at that point, attorney and I said,
`well, that original record, we wanted to use it to
`say, look, it's available. It was done. The
`cataloging record was done in October of 1998.
` And according to the general standard --
`fairly common library practice, the book would
`have been available about a month after the
`cataloging record was done, meaning November of
`1998 would have been the time when that book was
`available in the community college.
` But because that book no longer is in
`their system, they weeded it out so we couldn't
`use it.
` And I say -- but we have a good record
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`Page 31
`here because the OCLC system, what it shows us is
`that Library of Congress use the original record
`as the basis, and then Library of Congress entered
`the record into the system.
` So -- and LC is the most authoritative
`source for bibliographic data, so we thought we
`can use LC's record to do that.
` Q. Okay. The record you're referring to, is
`it the Middlesex Community --
` A. Right. County College, yeah.
` Q. Thank you. Middlesex County College?
` A. That's what it say. That's the symbol,
`what the symbol represent is NNF. I think it's
`Middlesex County College Library.
` Q. When the Middlesex County College's
`record was created, would Exhibit 1009 have had an
`ISDN number?
` A. Exhibit 1009. Oh, this one. Would it
`have an ISBN number?
` Q. ISDN, yes.
` A. ISBN, book number?
` Q. Yes.
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`Page 32
` A. Yes, yes. Because the book was already
`published, and it has that ISBN number assigned
`already. As you can see on the page 5, on the
`page 5 of Exhibit 1009, it

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