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`Petitioner, * IPR2018-00044
`Patent Owner. *
`Alexandria, Virginia
`Thursday, September 13, 2018
`10:00 a.m.
`Reported by: Goldy Gold, RPR
`Job No. 147721
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`Page 2
` September 13, 2018
` 10:10 a.m.
` Deposition of WESLEY W. CHU, Ph.D.,
`held at the Law Offices of DiMuro Ginsberg
`PC, 1101 King Street, Suite 610,
`Alexandria, Virginia 22314, before Goldy
`Gold, a Registered Professional Reporter
`and a Notary Public within and of the
`State of Virginia.
`1 2
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`Page 3
`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`On Behalf of the Petitioner:
` Haynes & Boone
` 2323 Victory Avenue
` Dallas, Texas 75219
`On Behalf of the Patent Owner:
` Law Offices of John Harrop
` 601 Los Caminos Street
` St. Augustine, Florida 32095
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`Page 4
` I N D E X
` Deposition of Wesley W. Chu, PhD
` September 13, 2018
` E X H I B I T S
`Description: Page:
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`Page 5
` W. CHU, PhD
`called as a witness, having been duly sworn by a
`Notary Public, was examined and testified as
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Chu.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. We met outside a few minutes ago.
`My name is Russ Emerson. You're doing okay
` A. Okay.
` Q. You're doing well?
` A. I'm doing okay.
` Q. All righty. Any reason why you
`can't give me true and accurate testimony this
` A. No.
` Q. Any medications or anything like
`that that might affect your memory or your
` A. No.
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`Page 6
` W. CHU, PhD
` Q. So I'm going to hand you a couple of
`things just off the bat. First, I will hand you
` A. Okay.
` Q. And have you seen that document
` A. Yes.
` Q. And can you identify it for the
`record, please.
` A. This is the declaration of Wesley
`Chu dated July 9, 2018.
` Q. So you recognize that document?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So I'll hand you the next one. Just
`for the record, this is Exhibit 1001. That one
`is Exhibit 2017; is that right, Dr. Chu?
` A. 2017, yes.
` Q. So I'm going to hand you what's been
`marked Exhibit 1001. And let me ask you this:
`Do you recognize that documented?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Have you seen it before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you recognize it?
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`Page 7
` W. CHU, PhD
` A. Yes, I recognize it.
` Q. And would you identify that document
`for the record, please.
` A. United States Patents by De Bellis,
`Patent No. U.S. 7,302,423, dated November 27,
` Q. And you're familiar with that
`document, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You reviewed that as part of your
`work in this case?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So let's start off talking about the
`'423 patent, okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So if I say "'423 patent," you know
`what I'm talking about?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Why don't you turn to the claims,
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you there, Dr. Chu?
` A. I'm here.
` Q. Dr. Chu, do you understand that the
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`Page 8
` W. CHU, PhD
`claims that have been challenged in this
`proceeding are Claims 1 through 9 and 13?
` A. Yes.
` Q. "Yes," you understand that 1
`through 9 and 13 are at issue in this IPR, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So Dr. Chu, would you agree with me
`that none of the claims at issue requires a
`specific number of characters?
` A. Clarify this question. I thought --
`I thought all those things talk about characters
`in the claims.
` Q. Okay. And so here is my question:
`None of the claims at issue specify a particular
`number of characters, correct?
` A. There are some kind of constraints.
`The number of characters have to satisfy the
`space. Is that what you're talking about or not?
` Q. No, sir, it's not. In fact, let me
`just back up a little bit. I just want to make
`sure -- it's more of a general instruction.
` A. Yes.
` Q. If at any time you don't understand
`my question, please tell me, and I will do my
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`Page 9
` W. CHU, PhD
`best to ask the question in a way that you
`understand. Is that a good deal?
` A. That's a good deal.
` Q. If you don't tell me you don't
`understand, I will assume you understand the
`question, okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So we're looking specifically here
`at Claims 1 through 9 and 13, right?
` A. Right.
` Q. Those are the claims that are issue
`in this IPR, right?
` A. Right.
` Q. And none of those claims articulate
`a specific number of characters, do they?
` A. Did you say that you have to satisfy
`certain constraints? The number of characters
`have to fit into the conditions? So it's not
`just open like that.
` Q. Okay. Then can you point me to a
`specific number of characters articulated in any
`of the claims at issue?
` A. We can look at Claim 1, for example.
` Q. Great.
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`Page 10
` W. CHU, PhD
` A. It says, "Determine the number of
`characters included in each industry in the
`selected database field."
` So -- "and if the number of
`characters included in each entry exceed a
`specific number of characters displayed a portion
`of the entry in the selected database field," so
`they do talk about a number of characters, and
`they do talk about some conditions there.
` Q. I understand they talk about a
`number of characters and conditions.
` A. Right.
` Q. And my question for you is a little
`bit different from that, okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. So listen carefully, and we'll just
`stick with Claim 1 for the moment.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Does Claim 1 articulate a specific
`number of characters, as in 2 or 4 or 12 or
`something like that, a specific number?
` A. No.
` Q. Does Claim 1 require a specific
`maximum number of characters, as in a maximum of,
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`Page 11
` W. CHU, PhD
`say, 5 or 10?
` A. Yes. Yes, they do have some
`limitation there.
` Q. A specific number limitation?
` A. Not the number. You give a
`condition, and then the number would derive from
` Q. But the number is not articulated in
`the claim, is it?
` A. It doesn't say a particular number,
`like 50 or something like that.
` Q. Just so the record is clear. So
`Claim 1 doesn't articulate a specific number of
`characters, does it?
` A. If the number of characters
`including each entry exceed a specific amount of
`characters display a portion. No, it doesn't
`specify a number.
` Q. In fact, none of the claims at issue
`in this IPR articulate a specific number of
`characters, do they?
` A. No.
` Q. None of the claims at issue in this
`IPR articulate a specific maximum number of
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`Page 12
` W. CHU, PhD
`characters, did they?
` A. It's limited by the terminal, for
`example, the display terminal, the maximum
`character you can present. But that number is
`not specific said, but it's implied in there if
`you use a particular terminal, then this is the
` Q. So if I understand your answer
`correctly, you're saying that the specific
`minimum number of characters is implied by the
` A. Maximum or something. Yes, minimum
`or maximum.
` Q. Again, not my question, though. I'm
`not talking about any implied numbers or anything
`like that. I'm talking about specific numbers.
` So let me reask the question. None
`of the claims at this issue in this IPR
`articulate a specific minimum or maximum number
`of characters, do they?
` A. Although it is not specific,
`specified, but we know the device has a
`limitation, so the maximum number would be
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`Page 13
` W. CHU, PhD
` Q. I will object to your answer as
`nonresponsive. I want you to focus on the
`question I'm asking you, okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. I'm asking you about specifically
`articulated number of characters, all right, as
`in a number, like 5 or 20 or 200, okay? So do
`you understand that? You have that in your mind?
` A. No.
` Q. You don't have that in your mind?
` A. I know what you're talking about,
`the particular number, right?
` You're saying if those claims have a
`particular number?
` Q. That is right. The claims don't
`articulate a particular number of characters,
` A. No.
` Q. Is that a "no"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. To make sure the record is clear
`here, Dr. Chu, so let me ask you one more time.
` None of the claims at issue in this
`IPR specify a specific maximum or minimum number
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`Page 14
` W. CHU, PhD
`of characters, correct?
` A. In the claim? In the claim?
` Q. Right. I'm talking about the
`claims, the ones at issue in this IPR.
` A. Not in the claim. In the patent,
`they do.
` Q. But the claims don't, right?
` A. Yes. No. Yes. They don't.
` Q. All right. So let's go to
`Exhibit 2017, which is your declaration.
` A. Okay.
` Q. And specifically, let's go to -- I
`will direct you to paragraph 45. Can you do
` A. Say it again. 35?
` Q. I'm sorry. 45.
` A. 45.
` Q. Yes, paragraph 45, and that's on
`page 21 of your declaration.
` A. Okay. Yes.
` Q. So that's where you provide your
`proposed construction for the word "determining,"
` A. Right.
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`Page 15
` W. CHU, PhD
` Q. And in paragraph 45, you list or
`recite two different dictionary definitions for
`the word "determining," right?
` A. Yes. Let me read this. Yes. Yes.
` Q. The first definition that you recite
`for determining is "to fix or define the position
`or configuration of," right? Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I said that.
` Q. And the second one you recite is "to
`ascertain the origin, nature or characteristics
`of." Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. In your declaration, you opine that
`the second definition is more suitable in this
`case than the first, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, your paragraph 45 is the only
`place where you talk about defining the term
`"determining," right?
` A. Paragraph 45, yes, huh-uh.
` Q. Now, paragraph 45 states without any
`explanation that, in your opinion, "a PHOSITA
`would have understood 'determining' to mean
`ascertain the components of," right?
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`Page 16
` W. CHU, PhD
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. Now, can you explain to
`us the difference between those two definitions?
` A. When I say the position or
`configuration of -- the other thing identify
`database -- is to ascertain the origin, nature or
`characteristics of.
` Q. And I'm asking you: What do you see
`the difference between those two to be?
` A. One is the position of configuration
`of the first definition. The alternative
`definition is ascertain the components of.
` Q. Ascertaining the components of?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. What is the difference
`between to fix or define the position or
`configuration of and ascertaining the components
` A. So if you identify database schema,
`and that's sort of like identify and ascertain
`the nature and characteristics of the data
`schema, one just identifies the position or
`configuration of something, so they have slight
`different meanings.
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`Page 17
` W. CHU, PhD
` Q. Let's go back to paragraph 45.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Paragraph 45?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You recite two dictionary
`definitions for "determining," correct?
` A. Right.
` Q. And then you select a third
`definition, right, for the purpose of this IPR?
` A. Third definition, where is the third
` Q. The third definition is the one
`where you say: "In my opinion, a PHOSITA would
`have understood determining to mean ascertaining
`the components of." Do you see that?
` A. I see that.
` Q. That's not the same as either of the
`dictionary definitions that you recite in that
`paragraph, is it?
` A. Right. The second definition would
`be to identify, to ascertain origin, nature or
`characteristics of. And ascertain the components
`of, this is the third definition.
` Q. Right. That's not the same as
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`Page 18
` W. CHU, PhD
`either of the dictionary definitions that you
`recite in that paragraph, is it?
` A. No.
` Q. And you don't explain how you
`arrived at your definition of "determining," do
` A. So the second and the third
`definition is the difference is ascertain
`components of, ascertain of origin, nature and
`characteristics of. That's the difference.
` But in doing an active step, this is
`identifying -- you use a certain component of --
`is more specifically implied second definition to
`this particular case.
` Q. So basically, what you did is you
`took the second definition and you modified it
`for your purposes, correct?
` A. I just made it to make it more
`specifically related to this case.
` Q. Right. And you don't explain in
`your declaration why you chose to base your
`definition off of the second dictionary
`definition rather than the first, do you?
` A. I think the reason for that is
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`Page 19
` W. CHU, PhD
`related to the patent '423, the nature of the
`patent and identified database schema, and that
`definition is more appropriate, more close to
`define that.
` Q. Your declaration doesn't explain how
`you reached that conclusion, does it? That's my
` A. It says I agree with Exhibit 105,
`declaration of Dr. Phillip Greenspun.
` Q. My question is about specifically
`your definition for determining and how you
`reached that definition. Do you understand that,
` A. I understand what you're saying, but
`basically, I agree with Dr. Greenspun's
`definition of that, and we use that.
` Q. You do not recite in paragraph 45
`Dr. Greenspan's definition of "determining," do
` A. Further, I agree with Exhibit 105,
`declaration of Dr. Greenspan. So if we have
`Dr. Greenspan's declaration, we can reference to
` Q. That's where Dr. Greenspan says that
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` W. CHU, PhD
`the '423 patent refers to identifying a database
`Page 20
`schema, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that's not a definition of
`"determining," is it?
` A. Identify database schema.
` Q. That's what the '423 patent refers
`to, right?
` A. Yes.
` MR. HARROP: Objection. Can you
` specify what you mean by the pronoun
` "that"? I'm a little confused what that's
` directed to.
` Q. Dr. Chu, you state in your
`declaration: "That the '423 patent refers to
`identifying a database schema," right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Let's talk about identifying
`database schema, okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. So let's go to paragraph 32 of your
`declaration, all right?
` A. Okay.
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`Page 21
` W. CHU, PhD
` Q. Are you there, sir?
` A. Yes, I'm here. There is a sentence
`that says that is associated to determine the
`database schema. Is that where you want me --
` Q. That's paragraph 32. 32 reads:
`"The '423 patent, Exhibit 1001, discloses a
`dynamic search engine and corresponding dynamic
`search methods. The search engine may be applied
`to databases for which prior knowledge of
`database schemas is not available to the search
`engine. That is, the search engine determines
`the database schema."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. And you cite as support for one or
`more of those statements Exhibit 1001, which is
`the '423 patent?
` A. Yes.
` Q. At Column 6, Lines 32 to 33 and
`Column 7, Lines 3 to 5. Do you see that, sir?
` A. Let me look. I read those
` Q. Okay. Great. Let's go back to
`paragraph 32 in your declaration. Do you see
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`Page 22
` W. CHU, PhD
` A. Yes.
` Q. Which statement do these citations
`from the patent support?
` MR. HARROP: Objection. What do you
` mean by "which statement"?
` Q. Well, you've got three sentences
`here in paragraph 32. Do you see that, sir?
` A. Yes.
` Q. The first says: "The '423 patent
`discloses a dynamic search engine and
`corresponding dynamic search methods."
` That's the first sentence, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. The second sentence is: "The search
`engine may be applied to databases for which
`prior knowledge of database schemas is not
`available to the search engine."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. That's the second sentence, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the third sentence says: "That
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`Page 23
` W. CHU, PhD
`is, the search engine determines the database
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. And then you have a
`citation to the '423 patent. It reads "See
`Exhibit 1001, '423 patent, Column 6, Lines 32 to
`33; Column 7, Lines 3 to 5.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Now, which of the sentences
`in paragraph 32 do the cited portions of the '423
`patent support?
` A. They both support that, or they use
`a different word when identify when determine.
` Q. So my question is not whether both
`citations to the patent that you articulate in
`paragraph 32 support the statements of
`paragraph 32.
` My question is: Which statements in
`paragraph 32 do the cited portions of '423 patent
`support? The first sentence? The second
`sentence? The third sentence? All three? Some
`combination of two?
` A. Both sentence is describing the
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`Page 24
` W. CHU, PhD
`search engine determine the database schema.
` Q. Okay. So your citation in
`paragraph 32 supports the last sentence of
`paragraph 32, which reads: "The search engine
`determines the database schema," right?
` A. Right.
` Q. Okay. So when you say in the second
`sentence that the search engine may be applied to
`databases for which prior knowledge of database
`schemas is not available to the search engine,
`your citation to the '423 patent doesn't support
`that sentence, does it?
` A. Maybe you need to clarify. I don't
`understand the question.
` Q. Do either Column 6, Lines 32 to 33
`or Column 7, Lines 3 to 5 say anything about
`prior knowledge of database schemas?
` A. No.
` Q. Neither Column 6, Lines 32 to 33 nor
`Column 7, Lines 3 to 5 preclude having any prior
`knowledge of database schemas, do they?
` A. Say it again. I didn't follow that.
`The first question -- first, you were saying it
`didn't have any database schema. And the
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`Page 25
` W. CHU, PhD
`second -- now you're asking a question that -- I
`didn't follow the question.
` Q. Paragraph 32, are you there?
` A. I'm here, yes.
` Q. Paragraph 32, you cite to the '423
`patent, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you cite to two places in the
`'423 patent, right?
` A. Right.
` Q. You cite to Column 6, Lines 32 to
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you cite to Column 7, Lines 3 to
` A. Right.
` Q. And neither of those citations says
`anything about prior knowledge of database
`schema, correct?
` A. No.
` Q. Is that a "no"?
` A. It says you could use techniques to
`identify database schema. One by trial and
`error, and one by -- both describe the process to
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` W. CHU, PhD
`get database schema.
` Q. Let's focus on Column 6, Lines 32 to
`Page 26
`33. Are you there?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I'll read that into the record,
` A. Yes.
` Q. "The search engine, 125, may
`identify a database schema by simply using a
`trial-and-error process."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. That sentence says nothing about
`prior knowledge of database schema, correct?
` A. No.
` Q. Let's go to Column 7, specifically
`Lines 3 to 5, okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I'll read that into the record:
`"The search-on-the-fly function of the Search
`Engine 125 begins by determining available data
`fields of the database 12."
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I see that.
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`Page 27
` W. CHU, PhD
` Q. And that sentence doesn't say
`anything about prior knowledge of database
`schema, does it?
` A. It didn't say anything, but by
`searching it, you get data from that.
` Q. Understood. Just focus on my
`question. I'm asking you not about what the
`language may imply or mean to you. I'm talking
`about the express language in that portion of
`Column 7. That portion of Column 7 doesn't say
`anything about any prior knowledge of database
`schema, does it?
` A. No, it doesn't say anything. But by
`search -- by search engine, search-on-the-fly,
`you get information. From the information,
`you're able to get the database schema. So it's
`kind of a -- the sentence itself doesn't say
`that, but it's really -- by reading this, you
`know there's information there you can derive to
`get the database schema.
` Q. I understand that. And I want you
`to focus on my question, okay? Specifically my
`question: Neither the cited portion in Column 6
`nor the cited portion in Column 7 expressly says
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`Page 28
` W. CHU, PhD
`anything about any prior knowledge of database
`schema; is that correct, sir?
` A. Yes, but --
` Q. Sir, is that a correct statement,
`yes or no?
` MR. HARROP: Objection. He's
` allowed to answer the question any way he
` sees fit.
` Q. I'd like a direct answer, sir.
` MR. HARROP: Same objection.
` A. You could get database schema from
`the search. So you cannot just pinpoint to two
`sentences and make a clear decision. And I felt
`a person with common computer science knowledge
`will understand that when you search database on
`the fly, you're able to get the main knowledge.
`You're able to get database schema information.
` MR. EMERSON: I object to the answer
` as not responsive to my question.
` Q. I'll ask it again: Neither the
`cited portion in Column 6 nor the cited portion
`in Column 7 says anything about any prior
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`Page 29
` W. CHU, PhD
`knowledge of database schema; is that correct,
` A. The first -- it's not correct. The
`first sentence, the first part says identifying
`database schema by simply using a trial-and-error
`process. So this process will let you identify
`the schema.
` Q. Does that sentence preclude any
`prior knowledge whatsoever of the database
` MR. HARROP: Objection. Asked and
` answered.
` You can answer the question again.
` A. What's the question again?
` Q. It's one sentence in Column 6 that
`you cite in your declaration, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I'm not citing this, am I? This is
`not my sentence, is it, Dr. Chu?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I'm not pulling this sentence out of
`thin air, am I, Dr. Chu?
` A. Yes.
` Q. This is your citation in your
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`Page 30
` W. CHU, PhD
`declaration, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you write this declaration
`yourself, sir?
` A. No. I wrote this together with my
`attorney, but most of the idea is from me.
` Q. Most of the ideas are from you?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Which ideas are not from you?
` A. I should correct it. Not most idea.
`We agree with all the information there.
` Q. So you agree with all the
`information there?
` A. Not only agree, but also I issued
`some of the ideas.
` Q. Let me ask you about the cited
`portion of Column 6, okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. And that's something you cite in
`your declaration, right?
` A. Search engine determine the database
`schema. That's the sentence you're talking
` Q. Right. You choose that sentence as
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`Page 31
` W. CHU, PhD
`support for paragraph 32, right?
` A. Right.
` Q. And that sentence reads: "The
`Search Engine 125 may identify a database schema
`by simply using a trial-and-error process,"
` A. Right.
` Q. That sentence doesn't say anything
`about prior knowledge of database schema, does
` A. No.
` Q. Expressly?
` A. No, no.
` Q. And that sentence does not preclude
`someone having some prior knowledge of database
`schema, right?
` A. Yes, you're right.
` Q. Thank you.
` Would your answer be the same for
`Column 7? So just to make it more clear. Let's
`go to Column 7, okay? Are you there?
` A. I'm here.
` Q. Column 7 reads: "The
`search-on-the-fly function of the Search Engine
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580
`Ex. 1015 / Page 31 of 56


`Page 32

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