`Computer Science Department, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
` Los Angeles, CA 90095,
`Dr. Wesley W. Chu is a Distinguished Professor (emeritus) at the University of California, Los Angeles.
`His academic background includes B.S. and M.S. degrees (EE) from the University of Michigan, and a
`Ph.D. (EE) from Stanford University.
Early in his career, Dr. Chu worked on the design of large-scale
`computers at IBM; this was followed by a three-year stint at Bell Laboratories and a focus on computer
`communications and distributed databases. He joined the faculty of UCLA in 1969 and later served as
`department chair for three years. Dr. Chu is the author or coauthor of more than 150 articles, an editor of
`three textbooks on information technology, and the editor of a reference book on data mining entitled
`Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery for Big Data, Springer, 2014.
`Early in his career, Dr. Chu's research focus was on computer communication and networks, distributed
`databases, memory management, real-time distributed processing systems, and statistical multiplexing -
`the latter contributing to the development of ATM networks. His pioneering work in file allocation and
`directory design for distributed databases aided the design and development of domain name servers for
`the web and current cloud computing systems. Dr. Chu was named an IEEE Fellow for his contributions
`in these areas.
`Over the past two decades, Dr. Chu's research interests evolved to include intelligent (knowledge-based)
`information systems and knowledge acquisition for large information systems. Using his methodology for
`relaxing query constraints, he led the development of CoBase, a cooperative database system for
`structured data, and KMed, a knowledge- based multimedia medical image system.
`Under the KMed project, a Medical Digital Library was developed that provides approximate content-
`matching and navigation; the library will serve as a cornerstone for future paperless hospitals. In recent
`years, Dr. Chu also worked on inference techniques for data security and privacy protection (ISP) and
`social network-based recommender system (SNRS).
`Together with his students, Dr. Chu has received numerous best paper awards at conferences and
`workshops, and also a certificate of merit for work on the Medical Digital Library system. He is the
`recipient of the IEEE Computer Society's Technical Achievement Award for contributions to intelligent
`information systems.
`Service to the technology community has been a significant factor in Dr. Chu's career: ACM SIGCOMM
`chairman for three years; associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Computers for Computer Networking
`and Distributed Processing Systems for four years; chair, co-chair or technical chair of numerous
`workshops and conferences on systems management, data communications, very-large databases,
`information knowledge sharing, and entity relationships. For his services to IEEE, he received both a
`meritorious award and a certificate of appreciation.
`Exhibit 2002 / 1 of 8


`• University of Michigan Electrical Engineering B.S. 1960
`• University of Michigan Electrical Engineering M.S. 1961
`Stanford University Electrical Engineering Ph.D. 1966
`Academic Appointment
`Computer Science Department University of California, Los Angeles
`1969 to present:
`Professor (since 1975)
`• Department Chair (1988-91)
`• Distinguished Professor (since 1998)
`• Emeritus Distinguished Professor (sine 2009)
`Industrial Experience
`1995-2005 Xerox Corporation El Segundo, CA
`Consultant - Fault tolerant computing, design and develop word processing systems.
`1985-1988 Unisys SDC Corp, Huntsville, Alabama
`Consultant - Design and develop of a real time distributed data base system for missile defense
`1983--1986 Titan Systems Inc., Inglewood, CA
`Consultant - Develop, evaluate, and validate for the SENTRY Distributed Data Base System
`1982-1984 Western Union Corporation Upper Saddle River, NJ
`Executive Consultant to VP Engineering and Member of the Technical Review Board.
`Duties include:
`• Evaluate and plan for the Western Union Packet Switched Network, Easylink, and
`other value-added services.
Develop transition plans for network modernization,
`integration with existing networks and for future network growth.
`• Critique on going and proposed enhancement plans and compare with other viable
`alternatives for effectiveness.
`1966-1969 Bell Telephone Laboratories Holmdel, NJ
`Member of Technical Staff. Research on computer communications and file allocations in
`Exhibit 2002 / 2 of 8


`distributed data base systems.
`1964-1966 IBM
San Jose, California
`Engineer. Simulation of magnetic memory systems. Logical design of computers.
`1961-1962 GE (now Honeywell) Computer Department Phoenix, Arizona
`Electronic engineer. Design of electronic switching circuits for computers.
`Selected Publications
`Social Network Based Recommender System
`Jianming He and Wesley W. Chu. "A Social Network Based Recommender System". Annals of
`Information Systems: Special Issue on Data Mining for Social Network Data (AIS-DMSND),
`Security and Privacy
`• Y. Chen and W. W. Chu "Protection of Database Security via Collaborative Inference
`Detection" In IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Special Issue on
`Intelligence and Security Informatics, Vol 20, No 8, August 2008, PP.1013-1027
`J. He, W. W. Chu and Z. Liu "Inferring Privacy Information from Social Networks", In Proc. of
`IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (ISI 2006), San Diego, California, USA,
`May 2006.
`• Y. Chen and W. W. Chu "Database Security Protection via Inference Detection", In Proc. of
`IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (ISI 2006), San Diego, California, USA,
`May 2006.
`Intelligent Information Systems
`Sanghyun Park, S-W Kim and Wesley W. Chu. "SBASS: Segment Based Approach for
`Subsequence Search in Sequence Databases" In International Journal of Computer Science &
`Engineering, 2007
`Shaorong Liu and Wesley W. Chu. "CoXML: A Cooperative XML Query Answering System"
`In the 8th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, 2007
`• Weslely W. Chu and Shaorong Liu. "CoXML: Cooperative XML Query Answering" In the
`Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, Edit by B. Wah, John Wiley & Sons, Inc,
`Shaorong Liu, Wesley W. Chu, and Ruzan Shahinian. "Vague Content and Structure (VCAS)
`Retreival for Document-centric XML Collections." In WebDB (in conjunction with SIGMOD),
`S. Liu, W. W. Chu and R. S. Shahinian "Vague Content and Structure (VCAS) Retreival for
`Document-Centric XML Collections", In Proc. of the Eighth International Workshop on the Web
`and Databases (WebDB), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, June 2005.
`• Zou, Q., S. Liu, and W. W. Chu "Using a Compact Tree to Index and Query XML Data",
`Proceedings of the Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2004.
`Exhibit 2002 / 3 of 8


`• Liu, S., Q. Zou and W. W. Chu "Configurable Indexing and Ranking for XML Information
`Retrieval", ACM Proceeding of Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR), 2004
`• Lee, D., W. Mao, H. Chiu, W. W. Chu "Designing Triggers with Trigger-By-Example",
`Knowledge and Information Systems, Springer, 2004
`Data Mining
`• Chen Liu, Wesley W. Chu, Fred Sabb, D. Stott Parker, and Joseph Korpela. "Path Knowledg
`Discovery: Association Mining Based on Multi-Category Lexicons.” IEEE International Conference
`on Big Data, 2014
`• Qinghua Zou, Wesley W. Chu, Yu Chen, and Xinchun Lu. "Mining association rules from
`tabular data guided by maximal frequent itemset. In W.W. Chu and T.Y. Lin, editors,
`Foundations and Advances in Data Mining.Springer, 2005.
`Zou, Q. and W. W. Chu "Mining Frequent Patterns via Pattern Decomposition", Encyclopedia of
`Data Warehousing and Mining, Springer, 2005.
`• Zou, Q., W. W. Chu, D. Johnson, H. Chiu, "Pattern Decomposition Algorithm for Data Mining
`of Frequent Patterns", International Journal on Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS), pps.
`1-14, 2002.
`• Zou, Q., W. W. Chu, and B. Lu. "SmartMiner: A Depth First Algorithm Guided by Tail
`Information for Mining Maximal Frequent Itemsets", Proceedings of the IEEE International
`Conference on Data Mining, Japan, Dec 2002
`Knowledge-Based Multi-Media Medical Information Systems
`• Yu Chen, Lars Henning Pedersen, Wesley W. Chu and Jorn Olsen. "Drug Exposure Side Effects
`from Mining Pregnancy Data" In SIGKDD Explorations (Volume 9, Issue 1), June 2007, Special
`Issue on Data Mining for Health Informatics, Guest Editors: Raymond Ng and Jian Pei.
`• Zhenyu Liu and Wesley W. Chu "Knowledge-Based Query Expansion to Support Scenario-
`Specific Retrieval of Medical Free Text" Journal of Information Retrieval, special issue on
`Contextual Information Retrieval, 2007
`• W. W. Chu, Z. Liu., W. Mao, and Q. Zou." A Knowledge-Based Approach for Retrieving
`Scenario-specific Medical Text Documents" In Control Engineering Practice. 13 (9), pp. 1105-
`1121, 2005.
`• Liu, Z. and W. W. Chu, "Knowledge-based Query Expansion to Support Scenario- Specific
`Retrieval of Medical Free Text", In Proc. of the 20th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
`(SAC 2005), Special Track on Information Access and Retrieval, Santa Fe, NM, March 2005.
`• Mao, W. and W. W. Chu, "Free text medical document retrieval via phrase-based vector space
`model", Proceedings of AMIA 2002, San Antonio, Texas, November 2002 (2nd place, best
`student paper award).
`• Zou, Q., W. W. Chu and H. Kangarloo, "IndexFinder: A Knowledge-based Method for Indexing
`Clinical Texts", at Proceedings of AMIA 2003 (3rd place, best student paper award)
`Park, S., W. W. Chu, J. Yoon and J. Won, "Similarity Search of Time-Warped Subsequences
`Via a Suffix Tree", in Information Systems, 2003.
`Park, S and W. W. Chu, "Similarity-Based Subsequence Search in Image Sequence Databases",
`International Journal of Images and Graphics, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 31-53, 2003, February, 2003.
`Exhibit 3002 / 4 of 8


`Books, Chapters in Books, Editorships
`• Wesley W. Chu, Editor, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery for Big Data, Methodologies,
`Challenge and Opportunities, Springer, 2014
`Jianming He and Wesley W. Chu. "Design Considerations for a Social Network Based
`Recommender System". Community-Built Databases: Research and Development, 2011
`Jianming He and Wesley W. Chu. "Protecting Private Information in Online Social Networks"
`Chapter 14 in Intelligence and Security Informatics (edited by H. Chen and C.C. Yang), SCI 135,
`pp. 249-273, 2008.
`• Yu Chen and Wesley W. Chu. "Protection of Database Security via Collaborative Inference
`Detection" Chapter 15 in Intelligence and Security Informatics (edited by H. Chen and C.C.
`Yang), SCI 135, pp. 275-303, 2008.
`• Wesley W. Chu, Victor Liu, Wenlei Mao and Qinghua Zou "KMeX: A Knowledge- based
`Digital Library or retrieving Scenario-specific Medical Text Documents" Chapter 14 in
`Biomedical Information Technology, (edited by D. Feng) Elsevier Academic Press Series in
`Biomedical Engineering, 2008.
`• Wesley W. Chu and S. Liu. " Cooperative XML (CoXML) Query Answering". B. Wah, ed.
`Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, John Wiley & Son, Inc., Dec. 2007.
`• Zou, Q., Y. Chen, Wesley W. Chu, X. Lu. "Mining Association Rules from Tabular Data
`Guided by Maximal Frequent Itemsets", in Foundations and Advances in Data Mining. Chu,
`W.W. and T.Y. Lin, eds. Springer, 2005.
`• Chu, W. W. and T.Y. Lin, Editors. Foundations and Advances in Data Mining." Springer, 2005.
`“System and Methods for evaluating Inferences for Unknown Attributes in a Social Network”
`U.S. Patent Number 8,160,993 April 17,2012, Lead inventor, Wesley W. Chu
`“System and Method for Retrieving Scenario Specific Documents” U.S. Patent Number 7,
`548,910, June 2009, Lead inventor, Wesley W. Chu
`“Database Event Detection and notification System Using Type Abstraction Hierarchy (TAH)”
`U.S. Patent Number 6,247,146, July 2002
`“Database System with query relaxation using Type Abstraction Hierarchy (TAH) as Query
`Condition Relaxation Structure” U.S. Patent Number 6,427,146, Sept 1999
`“Statistical Multiplexing Systems for Computer Communications,” U.S. patent number
`4,082,922, April 1978; US Patent Number 4,093,823, June 1978.
`“Multi-access Memory Module for Data Processing System,” (co-invented with P. Korff), U.S.
`patent number 4,109,719, August 1978.
`“Multiplexed MOS Multi-Accessed Memory System” (co-invented with D. Hibbits), U.S patent
`number 4,415,991, November 1983.
`Honors, Awards and Special Recognitions
`IEEE Fellow for contribution of multiplexing technique and file allocation in computers (1978).
`IEEE Meritorious Service Award, associate editor for Computer Network and Distributed
`Processing (1983).
`Exhibit 2002 / 5 of 8


`IEEE Computer Certificate of Appreciation for Significant Service to the IEEE First
`International Workshop on System Management (1994).
`IEEE Computer Society Golden Core Member (1996).
`IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award for contributions to Intelligent
`Information Systems (2003).
`IEEE Life Fellow (2004)
`Keynote Speaker
`• The 6th Brazilian Distributed Database Conference on Cooperative Database Systems, 1991.
`Scientific Database Research at the 12th International Conference on ER Approach, Texas,
`• Knowledge Based Medical Image Systems at the Tenth International Symposium on Computer
`and Information Sciences, Kusadasi, Turkey, 1995.
`• Knowledge-based Information Management for Biomedical Applications at the 5th IFAC
`Symposium on Modeling and Control in Biomedical Systems, Melbourne, Australia, August
`• A Knowledge-based Medical Digital Library at the 15th International Conference on Software
`Engineering and Data Engineering, SEDE, Los Angeles, California, July 2006
`Plenary Speaker
`• Knowledge-Based Image Retrieval with Spatial and Temporal Constructs at the Tenth
`International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'97), North Carolina,
`October 1997.
`Intelligent Database Systems at the International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems,
`Grand Bahama Island, Grand Bahamas Island, 1997.
`• Knowledge-Based Medical Image Retrieval at the High-Performance Database Research
`Workshop, Florida International University, Florida, 1997.
`• Best paper award for paper presented at the 19th International Conference on Conceptual
`Modeling, 2000.
`2nd best paper award for student paper presented at the American Medical Information
`Association Congress, 2002.
`3rd best paper award for student paper presented at the American Medical Information
`Association Congress, 2003.
`• Awarded "Certificate of Merit" for the Medical Digital Library (MDL) demonstration presented
`at the 89th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), 2003.
`Exhibit 2002 / 6 of 8


`Special Recognitions
`Invited by United Nations (1984) and World Bank (1987) as a member of scientific delegates to
`consult and lecture on Computer Communications and Networks, and Distributed Data Bases in
`People's Republic of China.
`IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitors Program to give invited lectures to selected
`universities, 1990-1994.
`Selected by National Science Council as a delegate scientist to visit Taiwan and give invited
`lecture series (1992).
`• External program review committee for the Department of Information and Computer Science for
`UC Irvine, June 1996.
`• KMeD as a feature article on Cutting Edge Technology related to content-based medical image
`retrieval in the Los Angeles Times, Business Section, August 4, 1997.
`• National Science Foundation research proposal review panel member, 1998-2008.
`Professional Services
`• ACM SIGCOMM chairman from 1973 to 1976,
`• Associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Computers for Computer Networking and Distributed
`Processing System (1978 to 1982) and received a meritorious award for his service to IEEE.
`• Workshop co-chair of the IEEE First International Workshop on Systems Management (1993)
`and received a Certificate of Appreciation award for his service.
`• Technical program chairs for SIGCOMM (1975), VLDB (1986), Information Knowledge Sharing
`(2003), and ER (2004), general conference chair of ER (1997). Technical program chair
`(knowledge management 92tu
`• Guest editor and associate editor for several journals related to intelligent information systems.
`Expert Witness
`2009 – 2012
`US Department of Justice Case name: FedEx Corporation v. United States,
Case number: 2:08-cv-
`02423, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee.
`I was retained by the Government to evaluate the software projects by US corporations to determine if
`they qualified for research credits under the legal standards of Internal Revenue Code (I.R.C.) section
`Services include:
`• Review information on the software products and prepare report in detail opinion on whether, in
`the matter of computer science, each project met the requirement of the statute and regulations.
`• Review the reports of the plaintiff's experts and identify any issues with their analysis,
`methodology, and/or conclusions.
`• Wrote expert witness report.
`Prepare to testify at deposition.
`Exhibit 2002 / 7 of 8


`The case was settled before trial.
`Microsoft Corp and Google Inc. v. GeoTag Inc. (D. DelCase No 11-cv-175)
`• Defended Microsoft Corp. and Google against GeoTag Inc. Provided expert opinion that U.S.
`Patent No. 5,930,474 (J.A. 89-133) is invalid as well as GeoTag's counterclaims that alleged that
`Google infringed on the '474 patent. See Microsoft Corp. v. GeoTag, Inc., No. 11-175-RGA, 2014
`WL 4312167 (D.Del. Aug. 29, 2014.
`I was deposed by GeoTag attorney and defended Google and Microsoft based on my published
`research work on Co-Base and Co-GIS resulting in the non-infringement of the ‘474 patent.
`Oracle Corporation (petitioner) v. Parent of Clouding (patent Owner); Case IPR 2013-00073 (JL),
`Patent 6,738,799.
`Participated in Inter Partes Review.
`• Expert consultant for Clouding in patent litigation; Tasks included analysis, conclusion, and
`preparation report of declaration.
`GeoTag Inc. v. Classified Ventures LLC, U.S. District Court for Northern District of Illinois.
`• Based on my prior research work on Co-GIS, I defended Classified Ventures, LLC that they did
`not infringe upon the US patent No. 5,930,474.
`Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, v. Apple Inc., Northern District of New York, Case No. 1:13-
`• Expert consultant for Apple Inc. in patent litigation.
`• Based on our research on Natural Language Processing, the case was settled without going to
`Exhibit 2002 / 8 of 8

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