`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2018-00044
`Patent No. 7,302,423
`Exhibit 2022 / Page 1 of 10


`Case IPR2018-00044
`Patent No. 7,302,423
`Declaration of Lucille Marie De Bellis
`I, Lucille Marie De Bellis, declare as follows:
`My name is Lucille Marie (“Missy”) De Bellis, and I live in Palm Beach, Florida. I
`am over the age of 18, and I make this declaration based on my personal
`I make this Declaration in support of Patent Owner’s Response in the matter of
`I am not being compensated for this Declaration. I hold no interest in Vilox, LLC
`or in the patent that I understand is the subject of this matter.
`From February 1997 through December 2002, I was employed as Office Manager
`for the medical practice of Dr. Joseph L. De Bellis, which operated out of the office
`located at 80 Sanford Place, Southampton, NY. In that capacity, I was responsible
`for managing the medical practice and was also a patient advocate. My duties
`included making purchases at the direction of Dr. De Bellis and handling payments
`for goods and services purchased on behalf of Dr. De Bellis.
`During the course of my employment as Office Manager, I lived in a second-floor
`apartment of the medical office building. I was therefore aware of activities
`occurring in the office, including after regular business hours.
`In early 1999, we were using a Quicken database product to support Dr. De Bellis’
`medical practice. Dr. De Bellis wanted to be able to search and sort data according
`to any topic or term, rather than being constrained by the existing database
`software. I specifically recall Dr. De Bellis discussing his concepts of the system
`Exhibit 2022 / Page 2 of 10


`Case IPR2018-00044
`Patent No. 7,302,423
`Declaration of Lucille Marie De Bellis
`he envisioned in January 1999 because it was around the time of my birthday,
`which is January 28.
`Dr. De Bellis described that he wanted to be able to make different views of the
`data, what he referred to as “rolling and tumbling” the data. He also said that he
`wanted to “truncate” database entries to allow more intuitive searching and sorting
`of the data.
`As he continued to work on the design, Dr. De Bellis used terms such as “drilling
`down,” “hyper-specificity” and “hyper-classification” to describe the process and
`system he envisioned. Thus, our initial discussions centered around concepts
`related to truncation, drop down menus, arranging data in a database to make
`searching for the data more intuitive, and to “rolling and tumbling data.” Dr. De
`Bellis said the goal was to arrive at the same result starting at different spots. Dr.
`De Bellis referred to this process and system as “search-on-the-fly.”
`For the next several months following our initial conversations in early 1999, Dr.
`De Bellis tried to adapt various off-the-shelf software products to improve search
`and storage of patient data, including trying to adapt Quicken and Excel for that
`purpose. However, Dr. De Bellis found these products to be unadaptable and
`unable to perform the functionality he envisioned.
`In May 1999, Dr. De Bellis began an effort to design a software tool that would
`embody his concepts and that could be used in his medical practice, with an initial
`focus on “rolling and tumbling” data in a database as well as different truncation
`schemes that would take advantage of the human mind’s ability to recognize data
`Exhibit 2022 / Page 3 of 10


`Case IPR2018-00044
`Patent No. 7,302,423
`Declaration of Lucille Marie De Bellis
`as superior to the mind’s ability to recall data. However, as was typical with Dr. De
`Bellis’ medical practice, late May to mid-September was the busiest time of year
`as the population in the Hamptons increased ten-fold, and Dr. De Bellis was one
`of only two plastic surgeons in eastern Long Island. Dr. De Bellis typically worked
`every day during this period, either seeing patients at his medical office or
`performing surgery at Southampton Hospital, where he was an attending surgeon.
`Despite his hectic summer schedule, Dr. De Bellis continued to develop his search-
`on-the-fly concepts, frequently sharing with me his progress and his frustrations.
`In August 1999, his frustrations mounting, Dr. De Bellis discussed his concepts
`with a computer programmer, Adriano Freire, and hired Mr. Freire as an employee
`of his medical practice for the sole and specific purpose of writing a computer
`program according to Dr. De Bellis’ concepts. As Office Manager, I was aware of
`all hires. From this point forward, Mr. Freire worked full-time during the week, in
`the office building in which I worked and lived, and often worked on weekends. Dr.
`De Bellis also worked days, nights, and weekends, with Mr. Freire, when he was
`not in surgery, to develop a working example of his search-on-the-fly process and
`12. Dr. De Bellis made several purchases of software programs, computing devices,
`storage devices and other materials needed by Mr. Freire for the project. As Office
`Manager, I paid all the bills associated with these purchases, received the
`shipments, opened the boxes and logged the equipment into a Quicken account
`along with an indication of its purpose. I specifically remember the purchases
`Exhibit 2022 / Page 4 of 10


`Case IPR2018-00044
`Patent No. 7,302,423
`Declaration of Lucille Marie De Bellis
`because when Mr. Freire began working on the software, I began processing bills
`for computer equipment and software that were much more frequent and larger in
`amount than those for computer and software that had previously been purchased
`for Dr. De Bellis’ practice.
`I have viewed the various documents identified as Figures 1 - 12 in the January
`25, 2018 Declaration of Dr. De Bellis. Many are invoices for advanced computer
`hardware shipped to the medical office (80 Sanford Place) to be used by Mr. Freire,
`and my handwriting, or that of one of the other medical practice employees whom
`I supervised, annotates many of the invoices. These are the purchases for which
`I processed the payments as mentioned above.
`I recall that the following invoices were for purchases directly related to the work
`Dr. De Bellis and Mr. Freire did in connection with development of Dr. De Bellis’
`search-on-the-fly system:
`Zones Business Solutions receipt in the amount of $1525.09, dated
`September 27, 1999, reproduced in Dr. De Bellis’ Declaration as Figure 2.
`I recognize the handwriting on the receipt as that of Annemarie Smith, who
`was another employee of the medical practice. I worked closely with and
`supervised Annemarie Smith in the backoffice operations of the medical
`Staples receipt in the amount of $55.77, dated October 5, 1999, reproduced
`in Dr. De Bellis’ Declaration as Figure 3. I recognize the handwriting on the
`receipt as that of Tara Smith. Tara Smith is Annemarie Smith’s daughter
`Exhibit 2022 / Page 5 of 10


`Case IPR2018-00044
`Patent No. 7,302,423
`Declaration of Lucille Marie De Bellis
`and was another employee of the medical practice. As with Annemarie
`Smith, I worked closely with and supervised Tara Smith in the backoffice
`operations of the medical practice.
` receipt in the amount of $714.66, dated October 5, 1999,
`reproduced in Dr. De Bellis’ Declaration as Figure 8.
`Staples receipt in the amount of over $751.00, dated October 5, 1999,
`reproduced in Dr. De Bellis’ Declaration as Figure 12. I recognize the
`handwriting on the receipt as that of Tara Smith.
` receipt in the amount of $178.79, dated October 9, 1999,
`reproduced in Dr. De Bellis’ Declaration as Figure 4. I recognize my
`handwriting on the receipt.
` receipt in the amount of $1365.11, dated October 13, 1999,
`reproduced in Dr. De Bellis’ Declaration as Figure 5. I recognize my
`handwriting on the receipt.
` receipt in the amount of $271.09, dated October 15, 1999,
`reproduced in Dr. De Bellis’ Declaration as Figure 6. I recognize my
`handwriting on the receipt.
`Compaq invoice in the amount of $1878.00, dated October 18, 1999,
`reproduced in Dr. De Bellis’ Declaration as Figure 9.
`JDR Microdevices invoice in the amount of $39.96, dated October 25, 1999,
`reproduced in Dr. De Bellis’ Declaration as Figure 11.
`Exhibit 2022 / Page 6 of 10


`Case IPR2018-00044
`Patent No. 7,302,423
`Declaration of Lucille Marie De Bellis
` receipt in the amount of $854.30, dated October 29,
`1999, reproduced in Dr. De Bellis’ Declaration as Figure 10.
` receipt in the amount of $100.14, dated October 20, 1999,
`reproduced in Dr. De Bellis’ Declaration as Figure 7. I recognize my
`handwriting on the receipt.
`I also recognize additional purchases directly related to Dr. De Bellis’ work in
`developing his search-on-the-fly system in the credit card statement that is
`reproduced as Figure 1 in Dr. De Bellis’ Declaration. These additional purchases
`include those made from (apart from those I have separately listed),
`, and Sony Vaio Online in September-December 1999.
`Throughout the September-November 1999 timeframe, I witnessed the progress
`made by Dr. De Bellis and Mr. Freire in developing the search-on-the-fly system.
`I recall that Dr. De Bellis and Mr. Freire would frequently become excited about
`their progress and insist upon showing me what they had done.
`In September 1999, shortly after hiring Mr. Freire, Dr. De Bellis decided he should
`seek patent protection for his search-on-the-fly process and system. In early
`October 1999, Dr. De Bellis spoke with Walter Mondale, at the time a partner at
`Dorsey & Whitney LLP in Minneapolis, MN, and asked his advice. Shortly
`thereafter, a Dorsey & Whitney LLP patent attorney contacted Dr. De Bellis to
`discuss obtaining patent protection. Dr. De Bellis sent Dorsey & Whitney LLP a
`retainer check for $1,000 on November 1. I wrote the check, and Dr. De Bellis
`signed it. The check is reproduced as Figure 14 in Dr. De Bellis’ Declaration.
`Exhibit 2022 / Page 7 of 10


`Case IPR2018-00044
`Patent No. 7,302,423
`Declaration of Lucille Marie De Bellis
`In October 1999, Dr. De Bellis discussed with me the idea of forming a software
`company that could be used to produce and market a commercial version of his
`search-on-the-fly software. In this month, Dr. De Bellis formed Virtual Logistix, Inc.
`for this purpose, and made Mr. Freire an employee of Virtual Logistix, Inc. I
`continued to work for the medical practice and also became the Operations
`Manager (Office Manager) for Virtual Logistix.
`19. By November 1999, Dr. De Bellis and Mr. Freire had created a database of movies
`and demonstrated how the database could be searched using the search-on-the-
`fly process and system. The system used recognition rather than recall as the
`basis for its operation. Thus, a user could find the desired results from any starting
`point, such as searching the first name even if the last name was unknown.
`20. As noted above, Dr. De Bellis continued to purchase computer equipment and
`software to use in developing his search-on-the-fly process and system. In
`addition to those identified in the credit card statement reproduced as Figure 1 in
`Dr. De Bellis’ Declaration, the following are examples of invoices and receipts for
`such purchases in December 1999:
` receipt in the amount of $3315.35, dated December 10,
`1999, which is being submitted with my declaration as Exhibit 2023.
`Tallgrass Technologies receipt in the amount of $1967.00, dated December
`15, 1999, which is being submitted with my declaration as Exhibit 2024.
`The purchaser is listed as Adriano Freire of Vitual Logistix, which is the
`company formed by Dr. De Bellis following the discussion described above.
`Exhibit 2022 / Page 8 of 10


`Case IPR2018-00044
`Patent No. 7,302,423
`Declaration of Lucille Marie De Bellis
`21. Dr. De Bellis and Mr. Freire met with two patent attorneys from Dorsey & Whitney
`LLP in Dr. De Bellis’ medical office in early December 1999. I made the
`arrangements for the trip and briefly met the attorneys. I remember the visit
`occurred before my mother’s birthday, which is December 14.
`22. During the December 1999 visit, Dr. De Bellis demonstrated a fully functional
`version of his search-on-the-fly process and system. Submitted concurrently with
`my declaration as Exhibit 2025 is Figure 10 to U.S. Patent 6,760,720. I recognize
`Figure 10 to be a reproduction of a screenshot of the search-on-the-fly system
`developed and demonstrated by Dr. De Bellis and Mr. Freire. I recognize it
`because I specifically recall Mr. Freire importing data from the telephone book for
`purposes of demonstrating the search-on-the-fly software.
`23. Dr. De Bellis and Mr. Freire prepared a CD containing a copy of the search-on-the-
`fly system that was demonstrated to the attorneys. Submitted concurrently with
`my declaration as Exhibit 2026 is a copy of the December 28, 1999 letter from Dr.
`De Bellis to John Harrop, one of the patent attorneys, forwarding the CD that Dr.
`De Bellis and Mr. Freire had created containing the copy of the search-on-the-fly
`system as demonstrated during the meeting in early December.
`24. Below the signature line on the December 28 letter (Exhibit 2026) are the initials
`“JLD/mq.” “JLD” are the initials of Dr. De Bellis and “mq” are my initials. I went by
`my married name at that time, which was Missy Quinlin. These initials confirm that
`I prepared the letter for Dr. De Bellis’ signature. I also recognize the handwriting
`at the bottom of the letter (correcting the area code for the Southampton office’s
`Exhibit 2022 / Page 9 of 10


`Case IPR2018-00044
`Patent No. 7,302,423
`Declaration of Lucille Marie De Bellis
`phone and fax numbers) as that of Tara Smith, another employee with whom I
`worked closely as described above.
`I understand that the screenshot reproduced in Exhibit C was used as a drawing
`in support of the first patent application filed on behalf of Dr. De Bellis after the
`December 1999 visit.
`26. After the December 1999 visit, Dr. De Bellis and Mr. Freire continued unabated
`their efforts to refine and produce a commercial version of the search-on-the-fly
`process and system.
`I declare that all statements made herein based on my own knowledge are true
`and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I made all statements with the
`knowledge that willful false statements are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or
`both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
`Date July 7, 2018
`Lucille M. De Bellis
`Exhibit 2022 / Page 10 of 10

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