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`Jim Carducci
`Achilles Home Inspections LLC
`Cabe(a's •ErieCammunityCo(lege
`BuffataJNiagara, New York Area • 174aa
`Contact and PersonaE info
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`'.>Fsc~c!:~IPi:~c: t>;nld >'.~oi~icir~g ur;d produc.i dcbuE;, sperialirirr~; it c~pCir;~izin~; rnotd a7:~r(c~ rt~~arice and carnp(iane~e fior
`rshi~.msrt a~pi-ova) tc erd as~r.
`Lisa Liao
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`Jim's Activity
`i r4 #ol4owers
`-F FO~~OW
`VP of pperations {plasticsj-Massachusetts. Pasitinn available with a company that has been in
`business far veer 1QQ years. Very sucressfu~ company iri Massarhusects is searching far a VP <7f..,
`.lira stirred tPiis
`See Ott ac~iuity
`Retai! Sates Associate Optics Dept.
`.lun 201+-Present ~ 3 yrs 2 mns
`Cabel<~'s has bean ctnjoyab(e .It's given me tiie op~or'turiity to st~end tirric with people with a commor7
`interest to connect with the outpours. I'm seeing repeat customers and building a story book of
`advcantures. 1 met a 92 ye~+r olcl woman at~ci her 6.5 yr. olcl son why climbed Fd7. Everest when she was in her
`70's. She v as special.
`i'he company (Cahela's) is grovaing so fast that {~tople can mode u~~ the ladder quickly if your wil(ingto
`relocate. Not M~. i"rn ~;'ood riF;ht ~vher'e I'm at.
`Achilles Mome Inspections LLC
`.lan 201.0 - t'r'esent • 7 yes 7 mos
`E~astsiurora and Chaut~iuqua Lake region
`i have been a licensed home inspector since 2.01(). I ~m semi retired so i can respond to urgent, snort
`notifications fir a r~uick beat thorough residential home inspection. My:~4 years of ent ineerin};experience
`has trained me to pay attent.ian to the small details. f~1y insper,Yin~~rs typically kake 3-~+ hau~:s and a typical
`report c<msists of 25 to S~ pales outlining; your home systems. F~iany pictures at~d explanations included to
`assure t'hc new trorne buyer ~ (cv~l ~f understanding; zxrci corrFidence of their investment.
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`Colin Maes
`f~rocluction i'echnir..ian
`Prabat Naskar
`I'~rojrr,.t h+fanager;~t Landis+~~yr
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`Vie:vrers: 6.£1;39
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`Vic~:vers: 9.18C>
`See more
`James Carducci Plastics Consulting
`Jan 2010-hiay2013 •3yrs5rnos
`East aurora, New Yark
`l7esi~n and debug new molds and products for first run new products of all industries. Spcci~lizing in
`C.hineese sourced molds that run in the US.
`Senior PlasticsJTooting Engineer
`Jan ]994--Jzrn200II •14yrslmo
`rtesponsible #or ehe design, source and debugging of new plastic, molds. Sourcing of molds cpnsisted of
`spedfying design, ohtaining quotes, ~ppraving mold designs, manitoriii~ build progress and detiverin~
`molds to final assenit~ty pla~is totally debugged and tivithin budget and time constraints. Majority of
`molds were sourced in China necessikatin~ quarkerly trips (four-six weeks) C.o Asia and Mexicp.
`designed, sos~rced and debugged sixty new molds for eight produc[s a+rithin the last #welve months.
`S~~mpled each tool iii the molding process Co optimize its cyr.le, rrrakin mold changes to correct
`such issues as addition to vdater, ejection, venting, ba(ancir~g acid other furicYiona( improverrierits.
`Provided up front design recommendations dnd mold cost estimates foi~ support of n~~~v products in
`regards to part design product manufacturabitity and mold construction.
`Acted ~s main liaison bettiveen Fisher-Price Tooling and Incoe for design related issues.
`Conducted internal training seminars far engineers on the use of hat runners.
`Mold Sourcing/Plastics Engineer
`Jan 1952 - J;~n 2008 • 2G yrs S rno
`Ptastics Engineer
`1.974 - 2.OQ$ • 34 yYs
`C}ver Y.wenty years experience in sourcing end debugging mare than 60 injeckinn, hlow molds a year from
`USA, China, Canada and Italy. Skilled at writing mold specifications for procurement end reviewing
`cJesigns for o~firrukrn performance. Frequent intcrnation~l travel for' hands on debug a[ mall build shops.
`Senior Tooling Engineer
`Mattel, Fisher-Price
`1974 - 2.008 • 34 yrs
`Senior Staff Plastics Engineer
`Fisher-Price /Mattel Inc.
`19 i~ - 2og8 ~ 3q yrs
`Senior Production Engineer
`Jan 1991- Jan 1994 • 3 yrs l ma
`After working; Six years as a rrranufacturin~; engineer and eight years as a plastics engineer, comt~ined
`P%F7p,Yi P. Y7f.P, i IICI~ Wr15 (F.S~JOli5EFJIP ~0{" Y?OI'.I'1 l'fiP. ~.7I ~.5~'ICS ilfl(~ [ii]VlUf7CtUt"1~~ PYI(rl11 P.Pfii1~ Of FtSI'1@Y PYICp
`dorr7estic juvenile products,
`Senior Plastics Engineer
`,lan 1986-..Jan 199.1 ~ 5 yrs 1 mo
`L`Jorked as part of a team of four care engineers t<~ develop ~n average of six new producY.s per year
`{forty five-f flyfivc~ rnc7lds.) Started development frorri sketches zmrl hand rn~de rnode(s to finished and
`approved }~raduc:tion. Respnnsibte for procSuction n7old and product>tart-up in sixdifferent <~ssernbly
`plants ttiraugiiauk the world. Managed 2nnuai eskirnated mold cost budget of $lmiltion. Accountable
`far multiple projects simultaneously with utmost attention to costs and de~~dlines.
`Provided Marketing and Design departmc~~ts with mold and cost estimates.
`Initiated, recommended and carried out mold and product debug.
`So«rcrd molds in llsia, Canada and the U.S.
`Estimated mold and part. costs fnr new products.
`5elerted resin m~at~rials for netiv products (commodity ancJ low end ei7gineering grades).


`~i~~ cn,kr.~ucci
`PAG[ 2
`Worked vJith automated malding equipment to include ~abatics, ps~rt separators and just in
`time molding.
`Acted as liaison to subcontractors to ensure quality of tivork.
`Dettugged rno(ding processes to include irtjcction,blow rnoid, ro4o, thei•rrro(orrn,
`injcctionJbtow, ga=:; assist mr~lcling, <ind hot runners.
`Worked extensively in devetaping a network of molding and taolroom facilities alon~the
`IJ.S.Jtvtexitanborder tosupport the Fisher-(-price aperations in 'Cijuana and Matamoras.
`LVro#e pruced~ire that detail debugging Fisher-F~rice molds at ou#side shops,
`Conducted a feasil~itity study and ultirnatelyjustified end rnanaged the installation of thirteen
`IYinICIi(1~ 1"QI~O~S ltl 1~.FIYP.P. tl~ CII P. C~611'IP.SYiC F15Fi P. Y-Pt"ICP. (T10ICIff1~ Yc3 C.lIiCi P.S N~IY.Il r] GOSt. 58Vii1 ~,5 Of .~j?~~It
`over five yearrs.
`Conipleled RJG Mister Molder courses on Decoupied Molding; and participated in structuring
`Asian venders in [his sampling process for transferring molding conditions.
`Senior Manufacturing Engineer
`Fisher- Price
`.lan 19$2.-Jan 19fl6 • 4 yrs 1 mo
`Developed and implemented manufacture processes for netiv, revised and existinx; products. In addition,
`assisted in the dev~lapn~cnt of new product designs in conjunction with a team a(en~ineers.
`Managed and engineered up front desi~~~ requirements for decorating and assembly processes (dad
`printing, hot stamping, heattransfer, ultra-ionic vaelding, and tune bending).
`t)evetoped assembly methods and tools for ne~v products.
`C)eve(oped inspection gages and limits fir individual molded parts to assure conformance.
`I nitiated and recommended producttlesign considerations.
`.lustified funds for capital equipment expenditure.
`Sr. Manufacture Engineer
`~. Fisher-Price
`l~sa - z~a6 •6 yrs
`P~ianaged and s~~ecified assembly end decoration rnethads and tooling for nevv products. Researched and
`justified -assembly equi~menY for capitz~t expenditures.
`Designed and developed inspecYinn gages and fixtures for plastic campc~nents.
`fee fewer positions ~.
`Erie Community College
`~ Associates, Mechanical Technology
`.1970 1974
`Erie Community Goltege
`AAS, Mechanical Technology
`1.370 - 1974
`Erie Community Cottege
``~ ~~' " AAS Mechanica(Technology
`.~.:::t '
`1969 - 1974
`West Seneca West
`T9f 6 - 1969
`See fewer educati~i~s r.
`Featured Skills &Endorsements


`Plastics 2~
`„~ ~~~~~orsed by Richard W. (Rik} Keeley, wha is highly skiEted at this
`~~ ~ indorsed by i4 of Jim's catleagues at Fisher-price
`Injection Molding ~ 2~a
`~~~~rsed by Richard W. (Rik) Keeley and 2 others who are highly
`skilled at this
`Endorsed by I5 of Jim's colleagues at Fisher-Price
`Machine Taols 1&
`~~dorsed by Richard W. (Rik} Keeley and 2 o#hers who are highly
`skilled at this
`Enciorsed by 7 of Jim's co€leagues at fisher-Price
`Jim is also good at...
`Design for Manuf...
`Engineering 1.7
`Molding • ~3
`Product Design b1
`Manufacturing 8
`Manufacturing En... ~ 8
`Negotiation ' 6
`Continuous impr... ~ v
`Product Develop...
`Food Packaging • `>
`Lean Manufacturing ~
`Materials ~+
`Microsoft Word 3
`Process Improve... • :3
`Blow Mottling ~ 7.
`5PC ~ 7.
`5ttaw less -°~
`Q Search
`Gi~rett ~Oj
`Harrison Carron
`C).vner at N<:rrisa~a
`:>L'~JtC Ell JLI 5~)~ lll~l; ~!+?Y:"E1Q31
`was:. c.i~,n;.ot Jim's
`I have used Achilles Marne inspectior7s twice. Mr, Carlucci is
`extremely attentive to every minute detail vahen inspecting a
`horr7e. He is an abs~tute professional and l highly recammenci him
`if you are cansideri~~g huying or selling a harne, His inspections
`armed me with accurate and thouroughly compiled data, whicl~
`better enabled me to have a clear understanding of potential
`ISSU25 Qil 3 ~fgtl'iE.
`I nterests
`Home Inspection Professionals
`Erie Community Cpllege
`fi,2a1 rilE7t"I ~J~C'S
`j ].4,1+9 fcalfotivc~i~s
`Erie Community College
``J 3..4.!,.
`Home Inspectors Forum
`y,974 mc.~maer~
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`Ncfu~nrk ~ett;clinn
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`Kni~ckleX>uck. t.eYs yc:t started


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