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`betide * biennium
`betide \bi-"tid\ vb ; to happen to
`wset \-"set\ vb 1 : TROUBLE, HARASS 2 : ASSAIL;also
`{bib \"bib\ n : a cloth or plastic shield tied under the
`chin to protect the clothes while eating
`betimes \bi-'timz\ adv :
`in good time : EARLY syn
`SN goat
`adj : persistently presen
`soon, seasonably, timely
`*bib abbrBible; biblical
`wideveeaid\ prep 1: bythe side of (sit ~ me) 2
`biebeslot \"bé-ba-216\ n, pl bibelots \same or -sl6z\: a
`betorken \bi-"to-kan\ vb 1 : PRESAGE 2 : to give evi-
`BESIDES 3 : not relevant to
`small household ornament or decorative object
`dence of syn indicate, attest, bespeak, testify
`side adv, archaic : BESIDES
`betray \bi-"tra\ vb 1 : to lead astray; esp : SEDUCE 2
`bible \"bi-bal\ n [ME,fr. OF, fr. ML biblia, fr. Gk,pl.
`«sides \bi-*sidz\ prep 1: other than 2 : together with
`of biblion book,fr. byblos papyrus, book, fr. Byblos,
`: to deliver to an enemy 3: ABANDON4: to prove un-
`sides adv 1: as well : ALSO 2 : MOREOVER
`ancient Phoenician city from which papyrus was ex-
`faithful to 5 : to reveal unintentionally; also : sow,
`vsiege \bi-"sej\ vb : to lay siege to; also : to press
`ported] 1 cap : the sacred scriptures of Christians
`INDICATE syn mislead, delude, deceive, beguile —
`vith requests — besiegeer
`comprising the Old and New Testaments 2 cap ; the
`betrayal n — betrayeer n
`ssmear \-'smir\ vb ; SMEAR
`sacred scriptures of Judaism; also : those of some
`betroth \bi-"tréth, -"troth\ vb : to promise to marry
`ssmirch \-'smarch\ vb : SMIRCH, SOIL
`other religion 3 : a publication that is considered au-
`— betroth-al 7
`‘som \"bé-zom\ 1 : BROOM
`thoritative for its subject — bibeliccal \"bi-bli-kal\ adj
`betrothed n : the person to whom oneis betrothed
`CF Fortable, see next page.
`ssot \bi-'sat\ vb bessot-ted; be-sotting 1 : INFATUATE
`Ibetter \"be-tar\ adj, comparative of GOOD 1 : greater
`¥: to make dull esp. oy drinking
`bib-litogeraphy \sbi-blé-"4-gra-fé\ n, pl -phies 1 : the
`than half 2 : improved in health 3 ; more attractive,
`xspateter \-'spa-tor\ vb
`history or description of writings or publications 2: a
`capeak \bi-"spék\ vb -spoke \-'spdk\;
`favorable, or commendable 4 : more advantageous or
`list of writings (as on a subject or of an author) —
`effective 5 : improved in accuracy or performance
`-"spd-kon\; -speakeing 1 : PREARRANGE 2 : ADDRESS
`bib-lisogeraspher \-far\ 2 — bib-lico-graphric \-0-"gra-
`*better vb 1: to make or become better 2 : SURPASS,
`fik\ also bibliographical \-fi-kal\ adj
`ssprinckle \-"sprig-kal\ vb : SPRINKLE
`bib-lio-phile \"bi-blé-9-afil\ 2 : a lover of books
`*better adv, comparative ofWELL 1 : in a superior man-
`wt \"best\ adj, superlative of GooD 1 : excelling all
`bib-wlous \'bi-byo-los\ adj 1: highly absorbent 2
`ner 2: to a higher or greater degree; also : MORE
`>thers 2 : most productive (as of good orsatisfaction)
`: fond of alcoholic beverages
`4better n 1: something better; also : a superior esp. in
`biscameersal \"bi-"ka-mo-ral\ adj : having or consisting
`merit or rank 2 : ADVANTAGE
`ast adv, superlative of WELL 1: in the best way 2
`of two legislative branches
`Sbetter verbal auxiliary : had better (you ~ hurry)
`bicarb \(s)bi-"karb, "bi-1\ n : SODIUM BICARBONATE
`betsterement \"be-tar-mont\ m : IMPROVEMENT
`2st n : something that is best
`biecareboncate \(e)bi-"kar-ba-anat, -net\ 2 : an acid car-
`bet-tor or better \"be-tar\ 7 : one that bets
`2st vb : to get the better of : OUTDO
`‘between \bi-"twén\ prep 1: by the common action of
`bicarbonate of soda : SoDIUM BICARBONATE
`astial \'bes-chal\ adj 1:ofor relating to beasts2 : re-
`sembling a beast esp. in brutality or lack of intelli-
`(earned $10,000 ~ the two of them)2 : in the interval
`biecen-tenarry \sbi-sen-"te-no-ré, bi-"sent-*n-ser-é\ n
`: BICENTENNIAL — bicentenary adj
`separating (an alley ~ two buildings); also : in inter-
`sstivalsity \nbes-ché-'a-lo-té, sbés-\ n, pi -ties 1: the
`mediate relation to 3: in point of comparison of
`bi-cen-tensnical \sbi-sen-"te-né-al\ n : a 200th anniver-
`(choose ~ two cars)
`condition or status of a lower animal 2 : display or
`sary orits celebration — bicentennial adj
`2between adv : in an intervening space orinterval
`zratification of bestial traits or impulses
`birceps \"bi-aseps\ n, pi biceps also bicepses [NL,fr.
`asetiearry \"bes-ché-ser-é\ n, pl -areies : a medieval al-
`betwixt \bi-'twikst\ adv or prep : BETWEEN
`L, two-headed,fr. bi- two + caput head] : a muscle
`egorical or moralizing work on the appearance and
`‘bevel \'be-val\ 7 1: a device for adjusting the slant of
`(as in the front of the upper arm) having two points
`of origin
`the surfaces of a piece of work 2 : the angle or slant
`habits of animals

`that one surface or line makes with another when not
`pestir \bi-'star\ vb : to rouse to action
`Ibickeer \"bi-kar\ 2 : ALTERCATION
`est man rn: the principal groomsman at a wedding
`at right angles
`*bicker vb ; to engage in a petty quarrel
`pestow \bi-'st6\ vb 1 : PUT, PLACE, STOW 2: to present
`bevel vb -eled or -elled; -el*ing or -el-ling 1 : to cut or
`bivcoasteal \bi-"kést-*l\ adj : living or working on both
`the East and West coasts of the U.S.
`shape to a bevel 2 ; INCLINE, SLANT
`as a gift — bestoweal x
`patride \bi-'strid\ vb -strode \-'stréd\; -strideden
`beverage \"bev-rij\ n : a drinkableliquid
`(s)bi-"kan-skav\ adj
`: concave on both sides
`bevy \"be-vé\ n, pl beveies 1 : a large group orcollec-
`-'strid-°n\; -strideing : to ride, sit, or stand astride
`et \"bet\ m 1: something that is wagered, risked, or
`tion 2 : a group of animals and esp. quail together
`(s)bi-*kan-aveks\ adj
`biecon-vex \sbi-(s)kan-"veks,
`: convex on both sides
`pledged usu. between twoparties on the outcomeof
`be-wail \bi-*wal\ vb : LAMENT syn deplore, bemoan,
`a contest; also ; the making of such a bet 2 : OPTION
`grieve, moan, weep
`bicuspid \bi-"kos-pad\ n : PREMOLAR
`(the back road is your best ~)
`beware \-"war\ vb: to be on one’s guard : be wary of
`‘biscyecle \"bi-ssi-kal\ 7 : a light 2-wheeled vehicle with
`et vb bet also bet-ted; betsting 1 : to stake on the out-
`bewileder \bi-'wil-der\ vb : PERPLEX, CONFUSE syn
`a steering handle, saddle, and pedals
`comeofan issue or a contest (bet $2 on the race) 2
`mystify, distract, puzzle — bewilderment 7
`*bicycle vb -cyecled; -cyscling \-ssi-k(o-)lip, -asi-\ : to
`: to make a bet with 3 ;: to lay a bet
`bewitch \-"wich\ vb 1 :
`to affect by witchcraft 2
`ride a bicycle —- biecy-cler \-k(a-)lar\ n — bircy-clist
`et abbr between
`\-k(2-)list\ n
`: CHARM, FASCINATE syn enchant, attract, captivate
`— bewitchment 7
`eta \"ba-to\ n ; the 2d letter of the Greek alphabet —
`1bid \"bid\ vb bade \*bad, "bad\ or bid; bid-den \*bid-
`bey \"ba\ n 1: a former Turkish provincial governor 2
`°n\ or bid also bade; bid-ding 1 : COMMAND, ORDER
`: the former native ruler of Tunis or Tunisia
`eta blocker \-:bla-ker\ 7 : any of a group of drugs
`2 : INVITE 3 : to give expression to 4 : to make a bid
`that tend to decrease heart action and increase cor-
`: OFFER — bidder n
`‘beyond \bé-"and\ adv 1: FARTHER 2 : BESIDES
`*beyond prep 1: on orto the farther side of 2: out of
`onary blood flow
`*bid n 1: the act of one whobids; also : an offer for
`eta—careortene \-"kar-o-stén\ 1 : an isomer of caro-
`the reach or sphere of 3 : BESIDES
`something 2 : INVITATION 3 : an announcementin a
`tene found in dark green and dark yellow vegetables
`bezel \"bé-zal, "be-\n 1: a rim that holds a transparent
`card gameof whata player proposes to accomplish 4
`covering (as on a watch) 2 : the faceted part of a cut
`and fruits
`: an attempt to win or gain (a ~ for mayor)
`etake \bi-'tak\ vb -took \-"tuk\; -takeen \-"td-kan\;
`gem that rises above the setting
`bid-dasble \"bi-da-bal\ adj 1: OBEDIENT, DOCILE 2 : ca-
`bf abbr boldface
`-takeing ; to cause (oneself) to go
`pable of being bid
`eta particle n : a high-speed electron; esp : one emit-
`BG or B Gen abbrbrigadier general
`bid-dy \"bi-dé\ n, pl biddies : HEN; also : a young
`ted by a radioactive nucleus
`bhang \"ban\ n [Hindi bhdng] : a mildly intoxicating
`eta ray 7 1: BETA PARTICLE 2 : a stream ofbeta par-
`preparation of the leaves and flowering tops of uncul-
`bide \"bid\ vb bode \"béd\ or bid-ed; bided; bid-ing 1
`tivated hemp
`: to wait for 2 ; WAIT, TARRY 3 : DWELL
`Bi symbol bismuth
`etel \"bét-1\ 1 : a climbing pepper whoseleaves are
`bidet \bi-'da\ n : a bathroom fixture used esp. for
`chewed together with lime and betel nut as a stimu-
`BIA abbr Bureau of Indian Affairs
`bathing the external genitals and the posterior parts
`biransnucal \(e)bi-"an-ya-wal\ adj : occurring twice a
`of the body
`Jant esp. by southern Asians
`etel nut n : the astringent seed of an Asian palm that
`year — birannurally adv
`biedirrec-tion-al \sbi-do-"rek-sh(o-)nol\ adj : involving,
`*bieas \"bi-as\ n 1: 2 line diagonal to the grain ofa fabric
`moving, or taking place in two usu. opposite direc-
`is chewed with betel leaves
`te noire \,bet-"nwar, «bat-\ 7, pl bétes noires \same
`tions — bidirectioncally adv
`2bias adv : on the bias : DIAGONALLY
`or -*nwarz\[F,lit., pick beast : a person orthing
`bivensnical \bi-"e-né-al\ adj 1: taking place once in two
`disliked or avoide:
`years 2; lasting two years 3 : producing leaves the
`Steet\tbe-thal\ n (Heb béth’al house of God] : a
`Sbias vb bicased or bieassed; biasing or bivassing
`first year and fruiting and dying the second year —
`bi-ath-lon \bi-*ath-lon, -slin\ 2 : a composite athletic
`place of worship esp. for seamen
`biennial n — birenenieabbly adv
`think \bi-"think\ vb -thought \-"thot\; -think-ing
`contest consisting of cross-country skiing and target
`bi-ensnieum \bi-"e-né-om\ n, pl -niums or -nia \-a\ [L,
`shooting witharifle
`fr. bi- two + annus year] : a period of two years


`mechanical drawing * mega-
`program offinancial assistance for medical care esp.
`: done as if by a machine : AUTOMATIC syn instinc-
`for the aged
`impulsive, spontaneous — mechanically
`med-ircate \"me-do-skat\ vb -cated; -cateing : to treat
`\-k(@-)Ié\ adv
`with medicine
`mechanical drawing n : drawing done with the aid of
`medeiccartion \sme-do-"ka-shan\ 1; the act or pro.
`cess of medicating 2 : MEDICINE 1
`me-chansics \mi-"ka-niks\ n sing or pl 1: a branch of
`medicinal \ms-"dis-*n-al\ adj : tending or used to
`physics that deals with energy and forces andtheir ef-
`cure disease or relieve pain — meediceinally ady
`fect on bodies 2 : the practical application of mechan-
`medicine \'me-do-san\ n 1: a substance or prepara-
`ics (as to the operation of machines) 3 : mechanical
`tion used in treating disease 2 : a science andart deal-
`or functional details
`ing with the prevention and cure of disease
`mechanism \'me-ka-sni-zom\ 1 1: a piece of machin-
`medicine ball 7 : a heavy stuffed leather ball used for
`ery; also : a process or technique for achieving a re-
`conditioning exercises
`sult 2 : mechanical operation or action 3 :
`medicine man 7 : a priestly healer or sorcerer esp,
`fundamental processes involved in or responsible for
`among the American Indians : SHAMAN
`a natural phenomenon(the visual ~)
`medeirco \' me-di-ak6\ n, pl -cos : a medical practitioner
`mechrasnisstic \sme-ka-"nis-tik\ adj 1 : mechanically
`or student
`determined (~ universe) 2 : MECHANICAL — mech-
`medieval or mediaeval \smé-dé-"é-vol, ame-, mé-
`amnisstivcalely \-ti-k(o-)le\ adv
`'dé-val\ adj 1: of, relating to, or characteristic of the
`mech-anize \"me-ko-sniz\ vb -nized; -nizing 1 : to
`Middle Ages 2 : extremely outmoded or antiquated
`make mechanical 2 ; to equip with machinery esp. in
`— mevdicervalism \-va-sli-zom\ n — medirevalist
`\-list\ n
`order to replace humanor animallabor 3 : to equip
`merdirorcre \smé-dé-"6-kar\ adj [ME,fr. MF,fr. L me-
`with armed and armored motor vehicles — mech-
`aniezaction \sme-ko-n-"z4-shan\ n — mechasniz-
`diocris, fr. medius middle + ocris stony mountain]
`: of moderate or low quality : ORDINARY — medi-
`ocricty \-4-kro-té\ 2
`med abbr 1 medical; medicine 2 medieval 3 medium
`med:ictate \"me-da-stat\ vb -tat-ed; -tatsing 1 : to muse
`MEd abbr master of education
`medal \'med-*I\ n [MF medaille, fr. OIt medaglia coin
`medsictaction \sme-do-"ta-shan\ n — medsictactive
`worthhalf a denarius, medal, fr. (assumed) VL med-
`\'me-do-sta-tiv\ adj — medsirtactively adv
`alis half, alter. of LL medialis middie, fr. L medius]
`Medsicter-ranean \nme-do-to-"ra-né-on,-"ra-nyon\ adj
`1: a small usu. metal object bearing a religious em-
`: of or relating to the Mediterranean Sea or to the
`blem or picture 2 : a piece of metal issued to com-
`lands or people aroundit
`memorate a person or event or to award excellence
`1meedieum \"mé-dé-am\ 7, p! mediums or meedia \-dé-a\
`or achievement
`{L] 1: something in a middle position; also : a middle
`medalist or medallist \' med-*l-ist\ n 1: a designer or
`position or degree 2 : a meansofeffecting or convey-
`maker of medals 2 : a recipient of a medal as an award
`ing something 3 : a surrounding or enveloping sub-
`me-dal-lion \mo-*dal-yon\ n 1: a large medal 2 : a tab-
`stance 4: a channel or system of communication,
`let or panel bearing a portrait or an ornament
`information, or entertainment 5 : a modeofartistic
`meddle \"med-*l\ vb mededled; med-dling : to inter-
`expression 6 : an individual held to be a channel of
`fere without right or propriety — mededler \"med-*1-
`communication between the earthly world and a
`world of spirits 7 : a condition or environment in
`med-dlessome \*med-*l-sam\ adj : inclined to meddle
`which something may function orflourish
`media \'mé-dé-a\ n, p! me-dieas : MEDIUM 4
`edium adj : intermediate in amount, quality, posi-
`mecdical \'mé-dé-al\ adj : occurring in or extending to-
`tion, or degree
`ward the middle
`meedieumpisstic \smé-dé-o-"mis-tik\ adj:of, relating to,
`1meedican \'mé-dé-on\ n 1 : a value in an orderedset of
`or being a spiritualistic medium
`values below and above which there are an equal
`number of values 2 : MEDIAN STRIP
`med-ley \'med-lé\ n, p! medleys 1 : HODGEPODGE 2: a
`musical composition made up esp. of a series of
`2median adj 1 : being in the middle or in an interme-
`diate position 2 : relating to or constituting a statis-
`medulda \mo-"de-le\ n, pi -las or -lae \-(a)lé, -ali\: an
`tical median
`inner or deep anatomical part; also : the posterior
`median strip n : a strip dividing a highwayinto lanes
`part (medulla ob-lon-garta \-14-sblon-*g4-to\) of the
`according to the direction of travel
`mecdicate \" mé-dé-sat\ vb -ateed; -ateing 1 : to act as an
`vetteprale brain that is continuous with the spinal
`intermediary; esp : to work with opposing sidesin or-
`meed \'méd\ 7 : a fitting return
`der to resolve (as a dispute) or bring about (as a
`meek\'mék\adj 1: characterized by patience and long-
`settlement) 2 : to bring about, influence, or transmit
`suffering 2 : deficient in spirit and courage 3 : MOD-
`(as a physical process oreffect) by acting as an inter-
`ERATE — meekely adv — meekeness n
`mediate or controlling agent or mechanism syn inter-
`meersschaum \'mir-shom, -eshom\ n (G, fr. Meer sea
`cede, intervene, interpose, interfere — medi-ation
`+ Schaum foam] : a tobacco pipe madeofalight
`\smé-dé-"a-shon\ 2 — medicactor \'mé-dé-sa-tar\ 1
`white clayey mineral
`medtic \"me-dik\ n : one engaged in medical work; esp
`Imeet \'mét\ vb met \'met\; meeteing 1 : to come upon
`medsiecarble \*me-di-ko-bal\ adj : CURABLE
`: FIND 2 : JOIN, INTERSECT 3 : to appear to the per-
`ception of 4 : OPPOSE, FIGHT 5 : to join in conversa-
`medicaid \'me-di-ekad\ 7, often cap : a program of
`tion or discussion; also : ASSEMBLE 6 : to conform to
`financial assistance for medical care designed for
`those unableto afford regular medical service and fi-
`7: to pay fully 8 : to cope with 9: to provide for 10
`: to be introduced to
`nanced jointly by the state and federal governments
`2meet n : an assembling esp. for a hunt or for compet-
`med:iccal \'me-di-kal\ adj : of or relating to the science
`itive sports
`or practice of medicineor the treatmentof disease —
`medsiecalely \-k(0-)I&\ adv
`medical examiner n : a public officer who performs
`meeting \'mé-tin\ 2 1: an act of coming together : AS-
`autopsies on bodies to find the cause of death
`meediecasment \mi-'di-ke-mont, 'me-di-ko-\ n : a sub-
`meetsingshouse \-shaus\7 : a building for public assem-
`stance used in therapy
`bly and esp. for Protestant worship
`mediccare \'me-di-aker\ n, often cap : a government
`mega- or meg- comb form 1: great : large (megahit)

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