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`Dynacraft v. Mattel
`Dynacraft v. Mattel


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`bilious « bionic
`bilsious \"bil-yos\ adj 1 ; marked by or suffering from
`decorate with a band 7 : to fasten together and en-
`\"bir\ n : a stand bearing a coffin or corp
`disordered liver function 2 :
`waeoatkalN adj : having two focal leagts
`close in a cover (~ books) 8 : to exert a tying, re-
`PERED — Dilsiouseness n
`straining, or compelling effect — bindeer n
`bifocals \-kalz\ 7 pl: eyeglasses with lensest! ;
`bilk \"bilk\ vb : CHEAT, SWINDLE
`bind-ing \"bin-din\ n : something (as a ski fastening, a
`onepart that corrects for near vision and one for
`{pill \"bil\ n : the jaws ofa bird together with their horny
`cover, or an edging fabric) used to bind
`covering; also : a mouth structure (as ofa turtle) re-
`tant vision
`‘binge \"Dbinj\ n : SPREE
`te \"bi-fer-skat, bi-"far-\ v
`sembling these — billed \"bild\ adj
`M ae into two branches or parts — biefureca-
`binge vb binged; bingeing or binging : to go on a
`2pill vb : to caress fondly
`binge and esp. an eating binge — binger n
`Spill n 1: an itemized statementofparticulars; also ; IN-
`\sbi-for-"ka-shon\ 7
`tabin od legeieeeane
`bingo \"bin-g0\ n, pl bingos : a game of chance played
`VOICE 2: a written documentor note3; a printed ad-
`with cards having numbered squares corresponding
`vertisement (as a poster) announcing an event 4: a
`t, or scope
`2: PRE
`to numberedballs drawn at random and wonby cov-
`draft of a law presented to a legislature for enactment
`ering five squares in a row
`bigamy \tbi-ga-mé\ n : the act of marrying one Pp ge
`5: a written statementofa legal wrong suffered or of
`while still legally married to anoret — bigea:mist
`binenaccle \"bi-ni-kal\ n [alter. of ME bitakle, fr. Pg or
`some breach of law 6 : a piece of paper money
`Sp; Pg bitdcola & Sp bitdcula, fr. L habitaculum
`— bigeaemous \-mes
`4hill vb 1: to enter in or prepareabill; also ; to submit
`igtee theory 7 : a theory in astronomy: the uni:
`dwelling place, fr. habitare to inhabit] : a container
`a bill or account to 2 : to advertise bybills or posters
`holding a ship's compass
`verse originated in an explosion (big bang) from a
`bill-board \-:b6rd\ 1 : a flat surface on which adver-
`t of nearly infinite energy densi
`tising bills are posted
`‘bin-ocwlar \bi-'na-kye-ler, ba-\ adj:of, relating to, or
`Lonrouer ni:an oePre 4 AewheWea
`adaptedto the use of both eyes — bin-ocwlarey adv
`ipildet \*bi-lat\ n 1: an order requiring a person to pro-
`*binvocwlar \bo-"nd-kya-ler, bi-\ n 1 : a binocular op-
`vide lodging for a soldier; also : quarters assigned by
`friends a delinquentor friendless
`3 60Doe
`(as a microscope) 2 : a hand-
`der of an authoritarian state 01
`or as if by such an order 2 : POSITION, APPOINTMENT
`BielSee n:the seven principal stars ofUrsa Major
`Zpillet vb : to assign lodging to by billet
`held optical instrument composed of two telescopes
`billet—doux \rbi-la-"dit\ n, p/ billets-doux \same or
`in a form resembling a dipper
`and a focusing device — usu.usedinpl.
`-"diz\ [F billet doux, lit., sweet letter] ; a love letter
`bigfoot \"big-afit\ n : SASQUATCH
`bieno-mical \bi-"nd-mé-al\ 2 1: a mathematical expres-
`pl bighorn or bighorns : a
`\"big-shorn\ 7,
`billefold \"bil-sf6ld\ n : WALLET
`sion consisting of two terms connected by the sign
`MTAihesD of mountainous western No. America
`billiards \"bil-yardz\ n : any of several games played
`plus (+) or minus (—) 2: a biological species name
`on an oblong table by driving balls against each other
`consisting of two terms — binomial adj
`or into pockets with a cue
`bio-chemvis:try \1bi-6-"ke-mo-stré\ n : chemistry that
`billings-gate \"bi-linz-.gat, Brit usu -git\ n (Billings-
`deals with the chemical compounds and processes
`gate, old gate and fish market, London, England]
`occurring in living things — bio-chemeical \-mi-kal\
`: coarsely abusive language
`adj or n — bio-chemzist \-mist\ n
`billion \'bil-yan\ nz 1: a thousand millions 2 Brit: a
`bio-de-grad-able \-di-"gra-da-bal\ adj : capable of be-
`million millions — billion adj — billionth \-yanth\
`ing broken downesp.into innocuousproducts by the
`adj orn
`actionsofliving things (as microorganisms) (a ~ de-
`bill of health ; a usu. favorable report following an ex-
`tergent) — biodegrad-abil-icty \-1gra-da-"bi-lo-té\ n
`— bio-deg-radartion \"da-shan\ n — bio-
`degrade\-di-"grad\ vb
`bill of sale : a legal documenttransferring ownership
`of goods
`bio-di-verssivty \-do-"var-so-té, -di-\ n : biological di-
`Ipildow \*bi-10\ 2 1: WAVE; esp: a great wave 2: a roll-
`versity in an environmentas indicated by numbers of
`ing mass (as of fog or flame)like a great wave — bil-
`different species of plants and animals
`lowy \*bi-lo-wé\ adj
`bio-eth-ics \-"e-thiks\ n : the ethics of biological re-
`*billow vb : to rise and roll in waves; also : to swell out
`search andits applications esp. in medicine — bio-
`ethei-cal \-"e-thi-kal\ adj — biovethsiccist \-"e-tho-sist\
`billy \"bi-lé\ n, pi billies : BILLY CLUB
`billy club n : a heavy usu. wooden club; esp : a police
`bio-feed*back \-"féd-sbak\ n : the technique of making
`Officer's club
`unconscious or involuntary bodily processes (as
`billy goat \"bi-lé-\ n ; a male goat
`heartbeats or brain waves) objectively perceptible to
`bimet-al \"bi-amet-*l\ adj : BIMETALLIC — bimetal n
`the senses (as by use of an oscilloscope) in order to
`biemestalelic \sbi-mo-"ta-lik\ adj : made of two different
`manipulate them by conscious mental control
`metals — often used of devices having a bonded ex-
`biog abbr biographer; biographical; biography
`pansive part — bimetallic n
`bio-ge-og-rarphy \sbi-6-jé-"4-gra-fé\ n : a branch ofbi-
`biemet-alism \bi-"met-*l-si-zom\ n : the use of two
`ology that deals with the distribution of plants and an-
`metals at fixed ratios to form a standard of value for
`imals — biogeogerapher n
`a monetary system
`biography \bi-*4-gro-fe, bé-\ n, p/ -phies : a written
`‘hiemonth-ly \bi-' month-lé\ adj 1 : occurring every two
`history of a person’s life; also : such writings in gen-
`months 2 : occurring twice a month : SEMIMONTHLY
`eral — biographer 1 — biso-graphvical \cbi-o-
`— bimonthly adv
`*gra-fi-kal\ also bieographeic \-fik\ adj
`*himonthly n : a bimonthly publication
`biol abbr biologic; biological; biologist; biology
`bin \bin\ n : a box, crib, or enclosure used for storage
`biso-logeiccal \sbi-9-"14-ji-kal\ also bieorlogeic \-jik\ adj 1
`binary \*bi-na-ré, -aner-é\ adj 1 : consisting of two
`: of, relating to, or produced bybiologyorlife andliv-
`things or parts 2 : relating to, being, or belonging to
`ing processes 2 : related by direct genetic relationship
`a system of numbers having 2 asits base (the ~ digits
`rather than by adoption or marriage (~ parents) —
`Oand 1) 3: involving a choice between or condition
`biro-logeiecalely \-ji-k(o-)1e\ adv
`of two alternatives only (as on-off, yes-no) — binary
`biological clock n : an inherent timing mechanism in-
`ferred to exist in some living systems(as a cell) in or-
`binary star n : a system of two stars revolving around
`to explain various cyclic physiological and
`behavioral responses
`each other
`binaural \bi-"nor-al\ adj : of or relating to sound re-
`. biological warfare n : warfare in which living organ-
`Production involving the use of two separated micro-
`isms (as bacteria) are used as weapons
`Phones and two transmission channels to achieve a
`bivol-o-gy \bi-"4-la-jé\ n {G Biologie, fr. Gk bios mode
`Stereophonic effect
`oflife + logos word] 1: a science that deals with liv-
`bind \'bind\ vb bound\"baiind\; binding 1 : TIE; also
`ing beings andlife processes 2 : the life processes of
`?f0 restrain as if by tying 2 : to put under an obliga-
`an organism or group — birolorgist \bi-"4-lo-jist\ n
`tion; also : to constrain with legal authority 3 : BAND-
`bio-med:i-cal \sbi-6-"me-di-kal\ adj ; of, relating to, or
`AGE 4 : to unite into a mass 5 ; to compelasif by a
`involving biological, medical, and physical science
`Pledge (a handshake ~s the deal) 6 : to strengthen or
`bieonsic \bi-"a-nik\ adj ; having normal biological ca-
`a coast; also : the bay
`*bit\ 2 1: a curve in
`aed by such a curve 2: a slack part in a rope
`pular {a ~ per-
`big-name\"big-"nam\ adj : widely po}
`— big name 7
`engat n; one intolerantly devoted
`to his or
`her own prejudices or opinions syn fanatic,
`ast, zealot — bigeoted \-ge-ted\ adj — bigotry
`aahd \"big-ashat\ 2 : an important person
`paying vaudeville circuit
`big time \-:tim\ 7 1: a high-
`rformances a day 2 : the top
`uiring only two pe
`rank of an activity or enterprise — bisa
`big top n 1: the main tent of a circus 2: CIR
`\!big-awig\ : BIG SHOT
`ho is a member
`biker n : MOTORCYCLIST; esp : one Wi
`of an Gree mene
`ghfare for bicycles
`ae brief2-piece bathing
`bikeeway \"bik-awa\ 7 :
`bickieni \bo-"ké-né\ 2 : a woman §
`r involving
`bi-"la-ta-ral\ adj 1: having 01
`ta : affecting reciprocally two sides or Par
`ties — bilaterally adv
`bitter greenish fluid secreted by te
`pile \tbil\ n Ls a
`liver that aids in the digestion of fats 2: an
`humored mood
`bilge\"bilj\n 1: the part ofa ship thatlies between i
`ides go st!
`m and the point where thesic
`aenale or worthless remarks or ideas _ a
`bidinegual \bi-"lip-gwel\ adi : expressed in,
`or using two languages

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