50229601 9
`04/02/201 3
`Electronic Version v1.1
`Stylesheet Version v1.1
`raig S. Etchegoyen
`Application Number.
`Application Number:
`Application Number:
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`source=05 SU-036 AD—37 AD—038#page1.tif
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`REEL: 030136 FRAME: 0015
`APPLE EXH 1110, Page 1 of4
`APPLE EXH 1110, Page 1 of 4


`Docket Number UN-NP-sumn
`WHEREAS, Cfaigs. Etchcgoyon (hunnafm 'Nsi'gxor"). owns the. entire righiiii't c and mm: 1.; and to «lemming ottoman "me Apolicati‘onis),
`and in and to oil onibodimcnts oftho invontion's; ficruoforcconcelved. made-or discoveredwollcctivcly hetoinaftcr referrod to as “invcntiodsfl entitled:
`for Which in United Stator. patent application is executod on oven date herewith;
`.- ftjr which Application No. (ii/2201185 was filed on June 24. 2009 mm: United States Patent Office;_
`Dior-which Application No. _____ was filed on __ in the 11.8. Receiving Office of tho pmm. Coopcration Treaty:
`fin? Which Application No. 12f8l8,934 was filedon him: 18, 20“) in’the United States Patent Office; and/or
`[3 for which “Application Was filed upon Which a United States Pntcotiésudd on 1
`as U.S..Patcnt'No.
`(hclcinnftcr “Application(s)").
`WH_,EREAS;.Uniloc Luxembourg SA, (hereinéfier “Assignce“). is dosimus of. iicqtiiting the adreowncrship right. title and interest in and to said
`'lnvetitions. and in and to all cdeimcnts‘ of the, inventions. hcictofom conceived, made or discovered! whethcrjointly or severally, bythc inventmis) of said
`Inventions. and in and to any and all patcntsfinVcntor's certificates and other forms of protection‘ihcrcinafier “Patent(s)") dict-con gratitcd in the United
`States, l'oroign'colmtries, or undcr’any intomati‘onal convention, agrounmypro‘tocol. or treaty.
`. now‘ THEREFDRE. in consideration or good and-valuable consideration acknowledged by said Assignor to have been received in on now said Msigncc:
`Said Assignor. docs hereby sell, assign, transfe'r and convey unto Said Assigned its entire worship right, title. and interest (a) in' and to said inventions,
`including the right'w' ciailnpriority to saidJuveuiions: (b) in and to all rightsto all‘unitecl States and correspondmg'zion-Umed'Starm patent applications
`and Pmds), including those filed under the Paris Cmvc‘mion for the Protection of indusu-iall’ropmy. The Potent Cooperation Trinity. or othcmisc’; (o) in
`and to any and gill applications tiled and any and-nil 'Patentts) granted on aaidlnventio'ns in thc’unilcd'Stntm, in my foreign cotmtry‘ or undera‘ny’
`international Convention, agmcment, protoooi.‘or trcat'y, including each and every application filcd and any and all Pawns) granted on any application which
`is a divisional, substitution, continuation, or coniim:ation~in—pnrt of any of said Application(s): (d) in and to cacnmd every reissue. reexamination; or
`extensions of WY‘Qf said Paws) MEI tool! causes of action (whether know or unknown or whethcr currentlypendlng; filed, or ottiexwise) and other
`enforcement rights midértor on neciront of any of the mmenwumlpmpmy ‘sold, assigncd, trmsfcmzd andlor conveyed Win. or on aocozmt of'any item in
`any of the {ongoing cnmgorics (a) though (d). including. without limitation. all causes of action and other enforcement rights-for (i).dnmages‘(pii_st, current
`and future). (ii) injmctive relief, (iiijlauy other motile}: of any kind for‘paxt,‘ mirronL and fumroinl‘ringcment; and (iv) all rights to Colloct royalties damages
`and other paymcmti.
`Said As'signor hereby covenants and-agrees to cooperate with said Assigncc'to enable said Asaignce to enjoy to the fullest cxtcnt'the right. title and
`images! hcrcin conveyed in the United States, foreign countries. or undo:- ”any 'imcmational um'véntiotl. agreement. protocol. or'trcatyg Such cooperation by
`the Assignor shall includev prompt production of pertinent facts and documents, giving of tcstlmony, execution of petitions..oaths,' specifications. declarations
`or other papers. and other. éssistanco all to the extent doomed necessary or.desirable by tho parties (a) for perfecting in said Assigned the right title and
`interact heroin convcyod: (b) for-prixccuting ‘any- of said applications‘oot‘icring said Inventions; ('c) for filing and prosecuting shbdtimt‘cx divisional, continuing
`in additional upplications savoring céid Ixiventions; (dlfor filing land prosecuting applications for micsuancc of any said Famous); (e) for interferoncc or -
`other priority proceedings involving said inventions;'_and (f) for legal proceedings involving said inventions and any applications ‘thcrcfor andanyfintcnth)
`gia'mod lhbrcon, including witiio‘ut iimitationrcis'suot and tecxund’n’atiom, opposition piocccdizig's, cancellation pmccoding's, priority contcsts,- public use
`protecdirigs.. infringement actions and court actions.

`_ The tcn'ns' and covenants of this assignmcm shall inure to die bcnefix of 'sai'd Astignce, its successors, assigns and edict l'cgai representatives. and shall
`bc. binding upon-tho Assigx'tot, its successm‘s, assigns and other lcgal'mpmcntatives.
`v it.
`Said Asnlgnor’hcrcby warrants and represents-dint the Assignor has not cntcrcd and will not entcr into any assignment. contract, or understanding in
`conflict herewith.
`Said. “535390? hereby mqucdtnjthat any Emilia) isSuing' in inc‘Unitcd Sta-tog! foreign countricc, or nndor' any international convention. sycomcm,
`, 5:
`pmtocol, or treaty, be issued in the cameo? the Assignee, or its succpssorn and assigns, for the sole use of said Assigning its successors, legal rcprcscnladvos
`‘lN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Assignor has executed and dolivm this instmmcnttb said A'ssigncc as of thc'date written below.
`one; Mays, 2012
`Date: May 25, 2012
`APPLE EXH 1110, Page 2 014 REEL 03°13
`5 FRAME: 0016
`APPLE EXH 1110, Page 2 of 4


`E] for which 'a United Staicspatentapplication is executed on even date herewith:
`E for which Application No. 61/223,092 was filed-on Juno-7A, 2009, in the Unitcd Statsfatcnt Officc;
`E] for which Application, No. __ was iii-Ed 0n _,_ in tho 0.5. Receiving Office: of the Patriot Cooperation Treaty;
`for Which Application No'. lZ/Sl;8,906 'wa's filed on June [8, 2010 init'nc United State's Patton: Ofiice;-and/or
`El foiwhich an application wasfilcd upon which a unitéd Status Patent issued on
`as ULS. Patent No.
`(hereinafter “Applicatioifisr’l
`' -'
`_ Docket'Numbcr
`WHEREAS Craig s. Etche'goycn (hereinafter 'énnignar'), otvns, the mum ngnmne and arms; in and to the, manna-n; disiclnsed in the_Appliontion(s),
`and in and to all embodiments of the invcntions, heretoforc conccived, made or discovered (collectively hereinafter referred to as ”loventio'ns") entitlcd:
` WHEREAS, Uniioc Luxcmbourg SA. (hereinaftu- ".Btssigneef'). is desirous of acquiring-tho entire ownership right, title and internstin and to said
`inventions. and in and to all ernhodimcnts of me inventions, herc'mforo conceivedrnade 0r discovered, whethcrjnintly or severally, 15y tho 'mvenioris) of said
`inventions,- and in and to {my and all patents, inilentor's certificates and Omar—rams of protection (hereinafter ‘”Patént(s)") thereon granted in the United
`, Staten. foreign condition or under any international convention, agreement, protocol. or treaty.
` NOW, THEREFORE. in consideration of good tmd- valuable consideration acknowlodged by said Assignor to have been received in full from said Aasignee:
`Said/\ssignor docs homily sell, assign, Winter and convey unto saidzAssigncc its entire owticrship right, thin "and interest (a) in and to salami/potions.
` lj.
`including the right to claim priorityito said inventions; (b) in and to 'all rightsto all United States and cmsmndmg hon—Uniifid Statics patent applications
`' arid'PmnKs). including most: filcd under the Paris convention for tho Protectim of'lrtdustxial Property; The Patent Cooperation Treaty, or‘otllorvvise; (c) in
`and to any and all applications filed and any and all Famous) granted on said Inventionsiin thc’Unit-rd States, in any foreign comnry, or undermy
`inn-random! convention. agreement. protocol, or trcaty, including each andvcvory application filed and anynttd all Patenttslgranted on anyzopplication which
`is adivisionalgubstitudon, continuation, or cmt'mnation-in-pm of any of said.Application(s); (d) in audio each and ovary reissue. (mammmm; 0?
`« extensions of any of said Patent(s) find to all causesof‘action (Whether known or. unknown or whether cummiy pertding, filed. or otherwise) and other
`enforcement rights under, or on account of any of tho intellecmal propmy sold, assigned, umsferrcdand/or conVeyed herein. or'on account of any item in.
`any of tho foregoing categories (a) through (it), including. without limitation, all causes of action and other enforcement rights for (i) damages." (past, current
`and fume), (ii) injunctive relief, (iii) any other remedies of'any kind for pant, current, and film infringement; and (iv) all rights to collect royalties, damages
`and other payments.
`Said Assignor hereby covenants'and agrees tocooparate with said Asaigncc toenable said Assigncc' to enjoy to the fullcs't c'xtcnt tlrcriglit, title and
`interest herein conveyed in the. United Stains, foreign countries, fir-under any incémationalconvcntion, agreement, protocol, or treaty. 'Suchcoopcratlon by
`the: Assing shall include prompt pmduction of pertinent facts anddocumén'ts. giving of wétinvony, execution of petitions, ~onion, spccifit'ntions, declarations
`or. other papers, and othernssistuncc. all to. thé extent domed nonessary or desirable by worm-tics (allot perfecting insaid ,Assignee-the right, title and
`interim herein conveyed; (b) for- prosocuting'my of said applications covering said inventions; (c) for filing and pmseoutmg substitutc, divisional, continuing
`or. additional applications covering sald‘lnvcntio'ns; (d) for filing and prosecuting applications for reissui‘moe of any said Patent“); (0) for interfacing: or
`other priority proceedings involving said inventions; and (D for legal proceedings involving said inventions and anyrappllcatlons therefor. and any Patentis)
`grantcdtlrercon, including without‘lirnimtion missucs and reexaminations, opposition proccodirigs,t:anccllati0nprocpcdings, priority contentstpublii: use
`proceedings, infringer‘ncnt actions and court actions.
`‘ Th: terms and covenants of dais arraignment shall inure to the benefitof said Assignee, its successors, assigns and other legal representatives, and shall
`be binding upon the Awignor, its successors, assigns and other legal representatives.
`Said Assignor hereby warrants'and represents that the Assignor has not entered and will not enter into any asSigrunmt, contract, or understanding in
`conflict heretvith.
`5. ‘, Said Assiguorjherebymqucats that any ‘Patendsl issuing in the; United'States, foreign countrics, or under anyintemational convention, agreemcnt,
`protocol, or treaty. be issued in the name of the 'Assiguee, or its successors and assigns, for the sole. usc of said Assigncc. its successors. legal representatives
`land assigns.
` - lN WITNESS WHEREOF. said Assignorhas executed and delivered this instrument to said Assignce' as of the date written below: _
`Data: M.3225,20”


`By: Name: '- Craig S. Etchcgo'yon
`Dane,- May: 25, 2012.
`APPLE EXH 1110, Page 3 Of4 REEL: 030136 FRAME: 0017
`APPLE EXH 1110, Page 3 of 4


` ‘
`nogket Number
`WHEREAS. Grills s'. Etchegoyen (hereinafter “A$hi§:1of‘).'owne the entire right, title. and interesi'm and to the mammogram in the Applicationls).
`and in and to all embodiments of the inventions, heretofore conceived, made or discovered (coilectivelyheteinafter referred to as “‘Inventions“) entitled:
`CLIENT novice rmnenpnmr . '-
`Ci for- which Za united States} patent application is executed on even date hereti'ith;
`for which Application No. 61:220.!)95 was filed onion: 24, 2009 in the United-States Patent'Offiee;
`U for which Application No. _.___ was filed on ~ in the ,U._S. Receiving Office of the ram Cooperation'l‘reaty;
`it for: which Application No. l2f792,461' wee filen'on June 2, 2010 in the United enter Patent Office: and/or
`‘ CI for Which no application was filed upon which a‘ United States Patent issued on______;___ as U.S. Patent No.
`(hereinafter “Applicatiénfif‘l
`WHEREASEUttiloe lgqem‘oonrg SA. (hereinafter "Assignee"), is desirousofacquiringthe'entire ownerohiprtght. title and interestin and to said
`Zlnventions, audit; and to all embodiments of the inyentions. heretofore conceived, tirade or discovered, whetherjointly or seVerailly, by the int/entails) of said
`' inventions, and in and to any and all patents, in'v'entor‘s certificates and other rennet protection (hereinafter “Patent(s)") dieteon granted in the Unimd
`‘ Staten, foreign countries; or-onder'any international convention. agreement, protocol! or treaty.
`I NOW. THEREFORE, in consideration of good'und valuabie‘consicierntion acknowledged by said Assignor [ta-have been received in full from said Asiignee:
`Snid Assigrjmr does hereby sell. assign, transfer and'crmxie'yjtmto said Assignee its entire ownership right, title and interest (a) in and to said inventions,
`including the rightto claim priority to said Inventions; (h) inend to all rights. to all United States andeorresponding non-United States patent- epplic‘etions
`and menus), including those filed under the pans convention for the Protection ofindustrial Property. 'l’hel’atent Cooperation Treaty, of otherwise; (c) in
`and to tiny end an applications filed and any and all Patenfisl'granted on said Inventions in the United States. in my? foreign country. or under any
`international conventionegreernem, protocol. or treaty, including each and every application filed rind anynnd all‘PatenKs) granted on anyapolieation which
`is}: divisional. suhetitutlon, continuation. or collimation-mpm or‘ any cream Applications); (d) in and to each and every reissue, reexgiminetion. or
`extensions of any- ef-saidPatentls) and to all causes of action (Whether known tor-unknown or whether. currently pending. filed, or otherwise) and other
`' enforcement-rights. ender. or on account of any of the intellettunl property sold; assigned. [mfmcti end/or Conveyed herein, or'on newsroom of any itetn in
`any of the foregoing, categories (a) through (d), including. without limitation. all causes of action and other enforcement rights for (i) damages (past. current
`and future). (ii) injunctivc‘ relief. (iii) any Other remedies of any kind longest, 911mm. and future inhingenient; andtiv) all rights to collect royalties, damages
`v and other payments.
`. Said designer. hereby obv'enants'end agrees to chapel-ate with said Assignee to enable said-Assignee to enjoy to the fillies: extent the right. title and
`interest herein Conveyed in the United States, foreign countries, or under any international convention, agreement, protocol, or treaty. Such‘ooopmtion by
`the Assign-or shall include prompt production of pertinent latte and documents. giving of teetimonyi execution of petitions. oaths. Specifications, declarations
`or other papers}: and other assistance all to die-extent deemed necessary or desirobleby- tlxe péitles (a) for perfecting in said Assignec the right. title and
`interest herein conveyed; (bl-for prosecuting any of said applications covering said inventions; (c) for filing and prosecuting Suhxtitute. divisional, continuing
`.or additional applications covering saint inventions; (d) for filing and prosecuting application for reissuance of my 'said'l’etenqs);y(e‘) for interference or
`other priority proceedings inventing said Inventions; and (f) for legal proceedings involving snid inventions and any applications therefor and anyPatentts)
`._granted tltereon, including without limitetiomeissues end reexaminatinns, opposition proceedings, cancellation-proceedings, priority contests. public use
`proceedings, infringement actions'and'conn actions.
`3 - Thetems md‘covenarhsof this nsaignmentehall inure to thehcnefitotsaid Assignee. its successorstaesighsand other legal representatives. and shall
`be binding upon the Assignnr, its-euccessors. assigns and Other legal representatives.
`' Said Meignor'hereby whirrint's' and represents that the Assigno'rhae not entered and will not enter into any assignment, contract, or understandingln}
`conflict herewith.
`" V
`5. ‘ Saidihssignor hereby requests that any Patent(s) issuing in the United States, foreign :Coulltt'ich, or under any international conyention,‘ agreement,
`_ protocol, or treaty; be issued in the name of the Assignee. or’its successors and insight. for the sole use or said Assignee. its successors, legal representatives
`and assignsr
`Craig S.Etchegoyen
`one; May25,20l2
`‘lN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Assignor‘ltas executed and delivered this hietminent'to Said Assigttee its oi‘ thedate written below:
`V H By:
`Date: May 25I 2012
`. 3'8
`RECORDED: 04/02/2013 APPLEEXH1110,Page4of4 REEL: 030136 FRAME. 0018
`APPLE EXH 1110, Page 4 of 4

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