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` Craig S. Etchegoyen
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`REEL: 030136 FRAME: 0015
`APPLE EXH1110, Page | of 4
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`Docket Number
` UN-NP-SU-036
`WHERBAS,Craig§. Etchegoyen (hereinafter “Assignor”), owns thecntire righi, tte and interestin and to theinvetifions disclosedin the Apphioation(@)
`and in and to all embodiments ofthe inventions, heretoforeconceived, made-ordiscovered:(collectively heteinafier referred to as “Inventioas") entitled:
`for which a United States patent apptication is executed on even date herewith;
`BY for which Application No. 61/220,085 wasfiled on June 24, 2009 inthe United States Patent Office,
`L]:.forwhich Application No. __ was filed of ~ in the U.S. Receiving Office of the Patent Cooperation Treaty;
`for which Application No, 12/818,934 was filedon June 18, 2010 inthe United States Patent Office; and/or
`['] for wich anapplication was filed upon which a United States Patentissued on.
`as U.S..Patent'No,
`(hereinafter “Application(s)”).
`WHEREAS;Untiog Luxembourg S.A, (hereinafter “Assignee”),is desirous of.dequiring the entireownershipright, title and interest in aud to said
`Lnventions,andin and to all embodimentsofthe inventions, heretofore conceived, madeordiscovered, whetherjointly or severally,bythe inventor(s) ofsaid
`‘Inventions, and in and to any and all patents,inventor's certificates and other forins ofprotection(heteinafter “Patent(s)") thereon granted in the United
`States, foreign’ countries, or underany international convention, Agreement, protocol, or treaty.
`| NOW, THEREFORE,in consideration ofgood and-valuableconsideration acknowledged by said Assignor to have been received infull from said Assignee:
`| t.
`Said Assignor dors herebysell, assign, transfer and convey unto said! Assignee its entire ownership right, titleand interest (a) ia’and to said Inventions,
`inchiding the rightto claim,priority to said.lavenilons;(b) in and toallrightsto ailUnited States and correspondingnon-LinitedStates patent applications
`and Patent(s), including those filed under the Paris Convention for the Protection of IndustrialProperty, The Patent CooperationTreaty, or otherwise: (c) in
`and to any and all applications filed and any andall Patent(s) granted on saidInventions in theUnitedStates, in any foreign country, or underany”
`international convention, agreement, protocol,of treaty, including each and every application filed and any and all Patent(s) granted on arty apptication which
`is a divisional, substitution, continuation, or continuation-in-part of any ofsaid Application(s); (d)in and to eachand everyreissue, reexamination,or
`extensions of anyofsaid Patent(s) and to.all causes ofaction (whether known or unknown of whether currentlypending,filed, or otherwise) and other
`enforcementcights imder,or on accountofatiy ofthe intellectualproperty sold, assigned, transferred and/or conveyed herein, or on accountofany item in
`any of the foregoing categories (a) through (d), including, without limitation, all causes of action and other enforcement rightsfor (i)damages(past, current
`and future), (ii) injunctive relief,(iii)any other remedies of any kind forpast,current, and futureinfringement; and (iv) all rights to collect royalties, damages
`and other payments,
`Said Assignor hereby covenants and.agrecs to cooperate with said Assignesto enable said Assignee to enjoy tothe fullest extent'the right, title and
`interest herein conveyed in the UnitedStates, foreign countries, or under any international convention, agreement, protocol, ortreaty; Such cooperation by
`the Assignor shall includeprompt production ofpertinent facts and documents, giving of testimony, execution ofpetitions,oaths,specifications, declarations
`or other papers, and other assistance ali to the extent deemed necessary ordesirable by the parties (a) for perfecting in said Assignee the right, title and
`interest herein conveyed; (b) for-prosecuting anyofsaid applicationscovering said Tnvesitions; (c) for filing and prosecuting substitute,divisional, continuing
`or additional applications coveringsaid Inventions;(4)forflling and prosecuting applications for reissuance ofanysaid Patent(s); (e) far interference or -
`other priority proceedings involving said Inventions;and (f} for legal proceedings involving said Inventions and any applications therefor andanyPatent(s)
`gtanted therson, including without fimitationreissues and igexariintions, Opposition proceedings, cancellatlon proceedings,priority contests, public use
`proceedirigs,infringement actions and court actions,
`3. The termsand covenants ofthis assignment shall inure to the benefit ofsaidl Assignee,iis successors, assigns and other legal representatives, and shall
`be binding upon-the Assignor,its successors, assigns and other legalrepresentatives.
`4._Said Assignorhereby warrants and representsthatthe Assignor has not entered and will not enter into any assignment, contract, or understanding in
`conflict herewith,
`SaidAssignoy hereby requeststhat any Patent(s) issuing in the‘United States, foreign countries, or indor any international convention, agreement,
`protocol,or treaty, be issued in the name.ofthe Assignee, or its successors and assigns, for the sole use ofsaid Assignee, its successors, legal representatives:
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF,said Assignot has executed-and delivered this said Assignee as of thedate written below.
`_-May 25, 2012
`_May 25, 2012
`APPLE EXH1110, Page 2 of 4
`REEL: 030136 FRAME: 0016
`APPLE EXH 1110, Page 2 of 4


` UN-NP-AD-037
`WHEREAS,Craig S. Eichogoyen (hereinalter "Assignar"y, owns the entire ight,Uile and interest it and to theInventiobs Giclosed theApplication(s),
`and in and to all embodiments ofthe inveritions, heretofore conceived, made or discovered(collectively hereinafter referred to as “Inventions”)entitled:
`C] for which a-United Statespatentapplication is executed on even date herewith;
`§&) for which Application No. 61/220,092 was filed on June-24, 2009in the United StatesPatent Office;
`C] for which Application No. ___ was filéd ori __in the U.S, Receiving Office of the Patent Cooperation Treaty;
`for which Application No. 12/818,906 wasfiled on June 18, 2010 inthe United States Patent Office:and/or
`[J for-which an application wasfiled upon which a United States Patentissued on
`as U.S. Patent No.
`(hereinafter “Application(s)”).
`WHEREAS, Uniloc Luxembourg 5,A, (hereinafter Assignee”), is desirous of acquiringthe entire ownership right, title and interestin and to said
`fnventions, and inandto all embodiments of the inventions, heretofore conceived,made or discovered, whetherjointly or severally, by theinventor(s) ofsaid
`{nventions, and in and to any znd all patents, inventor's certificates and other-forms of protection (hereinafter “Pateni(s)”) thereon granted in the United
`- States, foreigncountries, or under any international convention, agreement, protucol, or treaty.
` NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of good andvaluable consideration acknowledged by sald Assignor to bave been received in full from said Agsignee:
` 1.
`Said:Assignor does hereliy sell, assign, transfer and convey unto said:Assigrice its entire ownership right, itile and interest (a} in andto saidInventions,
`including the right 10 claim priorityto said Inventions; (b)in-and toall all United States and correspondingnon-Dnited States patentapplications
`and-Patent{s), including those filed wader the Paris Convention for the Protection ofIndustrial Property, The Patent Cooperation Treaty, orotherwise; (c} in
`and to aty and all applications filed and any and all Patent{s) pranted on said Inventions. in theUnited States,in any foreign country, or underany
`tuternationalconvention, agreement, protocol, ar treaty, including each andevery application filed and anyand alf Patent{s)granted on anyapplication which
`is a divisional,substitution, contiation, or continuation-in-part of any Of said Application(s); (d) in andto cach and every reissue, reexamination, or
`| extensions of any of said Patent(s) and to all causes-ofaction (whether knownor unknown or whether currently peading, filed, or otherwise) and other
`enforcementrights under, or on account of any of the intellectual property sold,assigned, transferredand/or conveyed herein, oron account ofany itemin.
`‘any ofthe foregoing categories (a) through (a), including, without Hmitation, all causes of action and othier enforcement tights for (i) damages (past, current
`and future),(ii) injunctive relief,(iii) any other remedies ofany kind for past, current, and future infringement, and (iv) alll rights to collect royalties, damages
`andother payments.
`Said Assignor hereby covenantsand agreeé tocooperate with said Assignee to-enable said Assignee to enjoy to the fullest extent theright, title and
`interest herein conveyed in theUnited States, foreign countries, orunder any intémational-convention, agreement; protocol, or treaty, “Suchcoaperation by
`the Assignor shall include prompt production of pertinentfacts anddocuments,giving of testimony, execution ofpetitions, oaths, specifications, declarations
`or other papers, and otherassistanceall to. the extent deemed necessary or desirable by thepasties (a)for perfecting in-said Assigneetheright, title and
`interest herein conveyed; (b} for prosecuting‘any ofsaid applications covering said Inventions; (c) forfiling and prosecuting substitute, divisional, continuing
`or additionalapplications covering saidInventions; (d) for filing and prosecuting applications for reissuastice ofany said Patent(s); (¢) for interference or
`other priority proceedings involving said Inventions; and (f) for legal proceedings involving said Inventions and any-applicatlons therefor. aadany Patent(s)
`grantedthereon, including withoutlimitation reissuics and reexaminations, opposition proceedings,cancellationproceedings, priority contests; public use
`proceedings, infringement actions and court actions.
`3. The terms and covenants ofthis assignmentshalt inure to the benefitofsaid Assignee,its successors, assigns and other legal representatives,and shall
`be binding upon the Assignor, its successors, assigns and otherlegal representatives.
`Said Assignor hereby warrantsand represents that the Assignor has not entered and will not enter into any dssignment, contract,or uriderstanding in
`conflict herewith, BO -
`5. . Said ‘Assignorherebyrequests that anyPatents) issuing in theUnited‘States, foreign countries, or under anyintemational convention, agreement,
`protocol, or treaty, be issued in the nameof the Assignee, orits successors and assigns, for the sole. use.of said Assignee, its successors, legal representatives
`and assigns,
` . UN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Assignorhas executed and deliveredthis instrument to said Assignee as ofthe date written below.”
` Date:
`_May 25, 2012 os
`By: ee
`Name: Craig §. Btchegoyen,
`_May 25,2012. a
`APPLE EXH 1110, Page 3 of 4 REEL: 030136 FRAME:0017
`APPLE EXH 1110, Page 3 of 4


`WHEREAS,Craig 8, Btchégoyen (hereinafier “Agalgnor’),owns the entire Tight, Wile and interestin and to the inventionsdisclosed in the Application(s),
`and in and to all embodiments of the inventions, heretofore conceived, made or discovered (collectivelyhereinafter referred to as “Inventions”) entitled:

`[1 for whict'a United States patent application is executed on even dateherewith;
`forwhich Application No, 61/220,096was filed onJune 24, 2009 in the UnitedStates PatentOffice;
`(2) for which Application No. _._ was filed on in the U.S, Receiving Office of the PatentCooperationTreaty;
`2 forwhich Apptication No, 12/792,461' was filed on Juie 2, 2010 in the United States Patent Office; and/or
`(C1 forwhich an application was fled upon which a United States Patent issued ow__-___
`as U.S, Patent No.
`(hereinafter “Application(s}"),
`WHERBAS,Uniloc Luxembourg S.A. (hereinafter “Assignee”), is desizous of acquiringtheentire ownershipright, title and interestin and to said
`- Inventions, andin dnd to all embodiments of the inventions, heretofore conceived, made or discovered, whetherjointly or severally, by the inventor(s) of said
`' Inventions, arid bi and to any and all patents, inventor's certificates and other forms-of protection (hereinafter “Patent(s)")thereongranted in the United
`_ States, foreign countries, orunderany international convention, agreement, protocol, or treaty.
`NOW, THEREFORE,in consideration ofgood-and valuable‘consideration acknowledged by said Assignorto-have been received in full from said Assignee:
`Said Assighordoes herebysell, assign, transfer andconveyuntosaid Assignee its entire ownershipright, title and interest (a) in and to said inventions,
`inchsding the claim priority to said Inventions; (6) inand to all eights to all United States andcorresponding non-United States patent applications
`and Patent(s), including those filedunder the Paris Convention for the Protection ofIndustrialProperty, ThePatent Cooperation Treaty, of otherwise; (ce) in
`and to any aud all applications filed andany and all Patent(s)granted on said Inventions in the United States, in any. foreign country, of under any
`intemational convention,agreement, protocol, or treaty, including each and every application filed arid anyand allPatent(s) granted on anyapplication which
`is8 divisional, substitution, continuation, or continuation-in-part ofany ofsaid Application(a); (d) in and to each and every reissue, reexamination,or
`extensions of any of.saidPatent(s) and oo all causes of action (whether knownofunknown or whether currently pending,filed, or otherwise) and other
`} enforcementrights under, of on account of anyofthe intellectual property sold, assigned, tansferred and/or conveyed herein, oron account of any itern in
`any of the foregoingcategories (a) through (d), including, without fimitation, all causes of action. and other enforcement rights fur (i) darnages (past, current
`and fisture), (ii) injunctive relief, (lit) any other remedies of any kind for.past, current, and future infringenient; and(iv) all tights to colfect royalties, damages
`and other paynents,
`. Said Agsignor iereby covenantsatid agiecs to cooperate with said Assignee to enable said‘Assignee to enjoy to the fullest extentthe right, title anid
`interest herein conveyed in the United States, foreign countries, or under any intemational convention, agreement, protocol, or treaty. Suchcooperation by
`the Assigaor shall include prompt productionof pertinent facts and documents, giving of testimony, execution of petitions, oaths, specifications, declarations
`or other papers,andother assistance all to the.exteut deemed necessary or desirableby. the patties (a)-for perfecting in.said Assignee theright, title and
`interest herein conveyed; (b)-for prosecuting any ofsaid-applications covering said Inventioss; (c) for filing and prosecuting gutistitute, divisional, continuing
`-of additionalapplications covering said Inventions; (d) for Filing and prosecuting applications for reissuance of any Said Patent(s);(€)
`for interference or
`other priority proceedings involving said inventions: and (f) for legal proceedings involving said Inventions and any applications therefor and anyPatent(s)
`-.grunted thereon, including withoutlimitationreissues and reexamidations, opposition proceedings, cancellationproceedings, pricrily contests, public use
`proceedings, infringement actions and court actions,
`3... The,terms andcovenaritsofthis asaignmontshall inure to thebenefitofsaid Assignee, its successors,assignsand otherlegal representatives, and shall
`be binding upon the Assignor, itssuccessors, assignis and dtlier legal representatives.
`- Said Assignorhereby warrants and represents thatthe Assignothas aotentered and will not enter into any assignment, contract, or widerstendingin
`conflict herewith, =
`Said‘Assignorherebyrequests that any Patent(s) issuing in the United States, foreign‘gduntries, or under any international convention, agreement,
`{ protocol, or treaty,be issuedin the name of the Assignee,or its successors arid assigns, for the sole use of said. Assignee,its successors, legal representatives
`and assigns,.
`IN WITNESS WHEREOR, said Assignorhas executed and delivered this instrumentto said Assignee as of thedate written below.
` |
`Date: May 25,2012.
` Name:
`Craig S, Bichegoyen
`Date:_May 25, 2012
`RECORDED:04/02/2013 appre EXH 1110, Page4 of4 REEL: 030136 FRAME:0018
`APPLE EXH 1110, Page 4 of 4

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