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`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.


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`The National Computer Security Center (NCSC) and the National Computer
`Systems Laboratory (NCSL) are pleased to welcome you to the Thirteenth Annual
`National Computer Security Conference. We believe that the Conference will
`stimulate a vital and dynamic exchange ofin‘formation and foster an understanding
`ofemerging technologies.
`The theme for this year's conference, ”lnformation Systems Security: Standards --
`The Key to the Future, ” reflects the continuing importance of the broader
`in formation systems security issues facing us. At the heart of these issues are two
`items which will receive special emphasis this week -- ln formation Systems Security
`Criteria (and how it affects us) and Education, Training, and Awareness. We are
`working together, in the Government, industry, and Academe, in cooperative efforts
`to improve and expand the state-of-the-art technology to information systems
`security. This year we are pleased to present a new track by the in formation security
`educators. These presentations will provide you with some cost-effective as well as
`innovative ideas in developing your own on-site information-systems-security
`education programs. Additionally, we will be presenting an educationalprogram
`which addresses the automated information security responsibilities. This
`educational program will refresh us with the perspectives of the past, and Will
`project directions of the future.
`We firmly believe that security awareness and responsibility are the cornerstone
`ofany in formation security program. For our collective success, we ask thatyou
`reflect on the ideas and in formation presented this week," then share this
`information with your peers, your management, your administration, and your
`customers. By sharing this information, we will develop a stronger knowledge base
`for tomorrow's foundations.
`National Computer Systems Laboratory
`National Camputer Security Center
`‘ ”flaw


`Conference Referees
`Dr. Marshall Abrams
`James P. Anderson
`Jon Arneson
`Devolyn Arnold
`James Arnold
`Al Arsenault
`Victoria Ashby
`Elaine Barker
`Dr. D. Elliott Bell
`Greg Bergren
`James Birch
`Earl Boebert
`Dr. Dennis Branstad
`Dr. John Campbell
`Dr. Steve Crocker
`Dr. Dorothy Denning
`Donna Dodson
`Greg Elkmann
`Ellen Flahaven
`Dan Gambel
`Dain Gary
`Bill Geer
`Virgil Gibson
`Dennis Gilbert
`Irene Gilbert
`Dr. Virgil Gligor
`Capt James Goldston, USAF
`Dr. Jeshua Guttman
`Dr. Grace Hammonds
`Douglas Hardie
`Ronda Henning
`Jack Holleran
`Jim Houser
`Russ Housley
`Dr. Dale Johnson
`Carole Jordan
`Sharon Keller
`Leslee LaFountain
`Steve LaFountain
`Paul Lambert
`Carl Landwehr
`Robert Lau
`The MITRE Corporation
`James P. Anderson Company
`National Institute of Standards 8: Technology
`National Computer Security Center
`National Computer Security Center
`National Computer Security Center
`The MITRE Corporation
`National Institute ofStandards & Technology
`Trusted In formation Systems, Inc.
`National Computer Security Center
`Secure Systems, incorporated
`Secure Computing Technology Corporation
`National Institute of Standards a Technology
`National Computer Security Center
`Trusted Information Systems, Inc.
`Digital Equipment Corporation
`National Institute of Standards 8. Technology
`National Security Agency
`National Institute of Standards 8: Technology
`Grumann Data Systems
`Mellon National Bank
`National Computer Security Center
`Grumann Data Systems
`National Institute ofStandards and Technology
`National Institute of Standards and Technology
`University ofMaryland
`National Computer Security Center
`The MITRE Corporation
`AGCS, Inc.
`Unisys Corporation
`Harris Corporation
`National Computer Security Center
`National Computer Security Center
`The MITRE Corporation
`Defense Investigative Service
`National Institute of Standards & Technology
`National Computer Security Center
`National Computer Security Center
`Motorola GEG
`Naval Research Laboratory
`National Computer Security Center


`Dr. Theodore Lee
`Nina Lewis
`Steve Lipner
`Terry Losonsky
`Dr. Vic Maconachy
`Barbara Mayer
`Frank Mayer
`Vin McLellan
`Catherine A. Meadows
`Dr. JOnathan Millen
`William H Murray
`Eugene Myers
`Ruth Nelson
`Dr. Peter Naumann
`Steven Padilla
`Nick Pantiuk
`Donn Parker
`Rich Petthia
`Dr. Charles Pfleeger
`Jerrold Powell
`Maria Pozzo
`Michael Rinick
`Ken Rowe
`Prof Ravi Sandhu
`Marv Schaefer
`Dr. Roger Schell
`Dan Schnackenberg
`Miles Smid
`Suzanne Smith
`Brian Snow
`Prof. Gene Spafford
`Dr. Dennis Steinauer
`Freddie Stewart
`Dr. Cliff Stoll
`Marianne Swanson
`Mario Tinto
`Ann Todd
`Eugene Troy
`LTC Ray Vaughn, USA
`Grant Wagner
`.Iill Walsh
`Wayne Weingaertner
`Roger Westman
`Roy Wood
`Trusted Information Systems, Inc.
`University ofCaIifornia, Santa Barbara
`Digital Equipment Corporation
`National Security AgenCy
`National Security Agency
`Trusted In formation Systems, Inc.
`Boston University
`Naval Research Laboratory
`The MITRE Corporation
`Independent ConsuItant
`National Computer Security Center
`SRI International
`Trusted information Systems, Inc.
`Grumann Data Systems
`SRI In ternationai
`Software Engineering Institute
`Trusted In formation Systems, Inc.
`Department of the Treasury
`University of California, Los Angeles
`Central Intelligence Agency
`National Computer Security Center
`George Mason University
`Trusted Information Systems, Inc.
`Boeing Aerospace
`National Institute ofStandards a Technology
`Los Alamos National Laboratory
`National Security Agency
`Purdue University
`National Institute ofStandards & Technology
`Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
`National Institute ofStandards 8 Technology
`National Computer Security Center
`National Institute ofStandards & Technology
`National Institute ofStandards & Technology
`National Camputer Security Center
`National Computer Secwity Center
`INCO, Inc.
`National Computer Security Center
`INCO, Inc.
`National Computer Security Center


`Thirteenth National Computer Security Conference
`October 1-4, 1990
`Washington, DC
`Table of Contents
`ii Conference Referees
`TRACK A - Research & Development
`1 UNIX System V with 82 Securit
`Craig Rubin, AT&T Bell La oratories
`10 Covert'Storage Channel Analysis: AWprked Example
`Timothg Levin, Albert Tao, Gemini Computers
`Steven adilla, Trusted Information Systems
`20 Verification of the CBO Microcode Usin the
`State Delta Verification System (5 VS)
`Jeffrey Cook, The Aerospace Corporation
`32 Data Categorization and Labeling (Executive Summary)
`Dennis Branstad, National Institute of Standards and Technology
`Information Categorization andProtection (Executive Summary)
`Warren Schmidt, Sears Technology Serv1ces, Inc.
`37 Security Labels in Open Systems Interconnection (Executive Summary)
`Russell Housley, XEROX Special Information Systems
`44 Security Labeling in Unclassified Networks (Executive Summary)
`Noel Nazario, National Institute of Standards and Technology
`49 Key Mana ement Systems Combining X9.17 and Public Key Techniques
`raff, Cylink
`62 Electronic.Docu'mentAuthorization .
`Addison Fischer, Fischer International Systems Corporation
`72 The Place of Biometrics in a User Authentication Taxonomy
`Alex Conn, John Parodi, Michael Taylor, Digital Equipment Corporation
`80 Non-For eable Personal Identification System Using Cryptography
`an Biometrics
`Glenn Rinkenberger, Ron Chandos,
`Motorola Government Electronics Group
`90 An Audit Trail Reduction Paradigm Based on Trusted Processes
`Zavdi Lichtman, John Kimmins, Bell Communications Research
`99 The Computerwatch Data Reduction Tool
`Cheri Dowell, Paul Ramstedt, AT&T Bell Laboratories


`Thirteenth National Computer Security COnference
`October 1-4, 1990
`109 Analysis of Audit and Protocol Data Using Methods from Artificial Intelligence
`Winfried R. E. Weiss, Adalbert Baur, Siemens AG
`115 A UNIX Prototype for Intrusion and Anomaly Detection in Secure Networks
`J. R. Win er, Planning Research Corporation
`125 A Neural Network Approach Towards Intrusion Detection
`Richard Simonian, Ronda Henning, Jonathan Reed, Kevin Fox,
`Harris Corporation
`135 A Generalized Framework for Access Control: An Informal Description
`Marshall Abrams, Kenneth Eggers, Leonard LaPaduIa, Ingrid Olson,
`The MITRE CorporatIOn
`144 Automated Extensibility in THETA
`Joseph McEnerney, Randall Brown, D. G. Weber,
`Odyssey Research Assocrates
`Rammohan Varadarajan, Informix Software, Inc.
`154 Controlling Security Overrides
`Lee Badger, Trusted Information Systems, Inc.
`165 Lattices, Policies, and Im lementations
`D. Elliott BeII,Trus ed Information Systems, Inc.
`TRACK B - Systems
`172 The Role of ”System Build" in Trusted Embedded Systems
`T. Vickers Benzel, M. M. Bernstein, R. J. Feiertag,
`Trusted Information Systems,
`J. P. Alstad, C. M. Brophy, Hughes Aircraft Company
`182 Combining Security, Embedded Systems and Ada Puts the Emphasis
`on the RTE
`F. Maymir-Ducharme, M. Armstrong, IIT Research Institute,
`D. Preston, Catholic University
`189 Disclosure Protection of Sensitive Information
`Gene Troy, National Institute of Standards and Technology
`Ingrid Olson, MITRE
`M i an Kuchta, Department of National Defence System Security Centre
`201 Considerations for VSLANTM Integrators and DAAs
`Greg King, Verdix Corporation
`211 Introduction to the Gemini Trusted Network Processor
`Michael Thompson, Roger ScheIl, Albert Tao, Timothy Levin,
`Gemini Computers
`218 An Overview of the USAFE Guard System
`Lorraine Gagnon, Logicon Inc.
`228 Mutual Suspicion for Network Security
`Ruth Nelson, David Becker, Jennifer Brunell, John Heimann,
`GTE Government Systems


`Thirteenth National Corn puter Security Conference
`October 1-4, 1990
`237 A Security Policy for Trusted Client-Server Distributed Networks
`Russell Housley, Sammy Migues, Xerox Special Information Systems
`243 Network Security and the Graphical Re resentation Model
`Jared Dreicer, Laura Stolz W. Ant ony Smith,
`Los Alamos National Laboratory
`253 Testinla a Secure Operating Sistem .
`ichael Johnston, Vasrli
`i Sotiriou, TRW Systems Integration Group
`266 An Assertion-Mapping Approach to Software Test Design
`Greg Bullough, James Loomis, Peter Weiss, Amdah Corporation
`277 Security Testin : The Albatross of Secure System Integration?
`Susan Wa ter, Grumman Data Systems
`286 Low Cost Outboard Crypto raphic Supgort for SILS and SP4
`B. J. Herbison, Digital quipment orporation
`296 Layer 2 Security Services for Local Area Networks
`Richard Parker II, The MITRE Corporation
`307 Trusted MINIX: AWOrked Exam le
`Albert Donaldson, ESCOM orporation
`John Ta lor Jr., General Electric M&DSO
`David C izmadia, National Computer Security Center
`318 Security for Real-Time Systems
`Teresa Lunt, SRI International
`Franklin Reynolds, Keith Loepere,_E. DouglasJensen,
`Concurrent Computer Corporation
`333 Trusted )ItENIXWI Interpretation: Phase I
`0. Elliott Bell, Trusted Information System Inc.
`340 PACL's: An Access Control List Approach to Anti-Viral Security
`D. Cook, R. Olsson, J. Crossley, P. Kerchen, K. Levitt, R. Lo.
`University of California, DaVIs
`D. Wichers, Arca Systems, Inc.
`350 Static Analysis Virus Detection Tools for UNIX S stems
`K. Levrtt, P. Kerchen, R. Lo, J. Crossley, G. E kinbard, R. Olsson,
`University of California, Davis
`366 The Virus Intervention and Control Experiment
`James Molini, Chris Ruhl, Computer Scrences Corporation
`374 Classification of Computer Anomalies
`Klaus Brunnstein, Simone Fischer-Hflbner, Morton Swnmmer,
`Virus Test Center (VTC), Umversrty of Hamburg
`TRACK C - I - Management 8: Administration
`385 Disaster Recovery I Contin ency Planning (Executive Summary).
`Eileen S. Wesselingh,
`ational Computer Systems Contingency Servrces


`Thirteenth National Computer Security Conference
`October 1-4, 1990
`392 Disaster Recovery from $138 Million Fire (Executive summary)
`Lloyd R. Smith, Jr., Information Systems Integrity
`393 Plans and Assistance (Executive Summary)
`Ion H. Arneson, National Institute of Standards and Technology
`394 Harmonised Criteria for the Security Evaluation of IT Systems and Products
`P. Casey, A. Brouwer, D. Herson, J. Pacault, F. Taal, U. Van Essen
`404 The VME High Securit Option
`Tom Parker, ICL
`efence Systems
`414 Rainbows and Arrows: How the Security Criteria Address Computer Misuse
`Peter Neumann, SRI International
`423 Civil and Military Application of Trusted Systems Criteria
`William Barker, Charles Pfleeger, Trusted information Systems, Inc.
`433 Implementation of the ComputerSecurit Act of 1987 (Executive Summary)
`Dennis Gilbert, National Institute 0 Standards and Technology
`434 The (50's Role in Computer Security
`Cindy Hash, National Computer Security Center
`439 Implementation and Usage of Mandatory Access Controls
`in an O erational Environment
`Leslie otch, Honeywell Federal Systems, Inc.
`Shawn Rovansek, National Computer Security Center
`450 Building Trust into a Multilevel File System
`Cynthia E_. Irvine, Todd B. Ackeson, Michael F. Thompson,
`Gemini Computers, Inc.
`460 LAVA/CIS Version 2.0: A Software System for Vulnerability
`and Risk_ Assessment
`S. T. Smith, M. L. Jalbert, Los Alamos National Laboratory
`470 WORKFLOW: A Methodology for Performing a Qualitative Risk Assessment
`Paul Garnett, SYSCON orporation
`480 Critical Risk Certification Methodology
`Nander Brown, US. Small Business Administration
`503 Factors Effecting the-Availability of Security Measures
`in Data Processmg Com onents
`Robert H. Courtney, Jr., obert Courtney, Incorporated
`515 Integrating Computer Security and Software Safety in the Life Cycle
`of Air Force Systems
`Albert C. Hoheb, The Aerospace Corporation
`526 Integrity Mechanisms in Database Management Systems
`Raw Sandhu, Sushil Jajodia, George Mason University
`541 A Taxonomy of Integrit Models, Implementations and Mechanisms
`Stephen Welke, J.
`ric Roskos, John Boone, Terry Mayfield,
`Institute for Defense Analyses
`552 National Com uter Security Policy (Executive Summary)
`Lynn Mc ulty, National Institute of Standards and Technology


`Thirteenth National Computer Security Conference
`October 1-4, 1990
`TRACK C-ll - Management 8c Administration
`5 72
`A Brief Tutorial on Trusted Database Management Systems (Executive Summary)
`John Campbell, National Computer Security Center
`1990: A Year of Progress'in Trusted Database Systems (Executive Summary)
`John Campbel , NatIOnal Computer Security Center
`Secure Database Products (Executive Summary)
`James Pierce, Teradata Corporation
`Trusted Database Software: Review and Future Directions (Executive Summary)
`Peter J. Sell, National Computer Security Center
`Trusted Systems Interoperability (Executive Summary)
`Helena Winkler-Parenty, Sybase Corporation
`Oracle Secure Systems: 1989-1990 A Year in Review (Executive Summary)
`Linda Vetter, Oracle Corporation
`Trusted_D_atabase Machine Program: An Overview(Executive Summary)
`William O. Wesley, Jr., National Computer Security Center
`Trusted Database Sflstems: The Tough Issues (Executive Summary)
`John Campbe , National Computer Security Center
`Tough Issues: Integrity and Auditing in Multilevel Secure Databases
`(Executive Summary)
`Sushil Jajodia, George Mason Unlvel'Slty
`Issues of Concurrency COntrol and Labeling in Multilevel Database Systems
`(Executive Summary)
`Teresa Lunt, Stanford Research Institute
`Issues in Trusted Distributed Database Management Systems -
`A POSItIOn Paper (Executive Summary)
`Bhavani Thuraismgham, The MITRE Corporation
`SYBASE: The Trusted Subject DBMS (Executive Summary)
`Helena Winkler-Parenty, Sybase Corporation
`Constrained Trusted Computing Base Subsets (Executive Summary)
`Linda Vetter, Oracle Corporation
`Multilevel Object Oriented Database'Systems (Executive Summary)
`Raw Sandhu, George Mason University
`Multilevel Secure Ob'ect-Oriented Database Model (Executive Summary)
`Sushil Jajodia,
`eorge Mason University
`Object-Oriented S stem Security (Executive Summary)
`Teresa Lunt,
`tanford Research Institute
`Questions in Trusted Object-Oriented Database Management Designs
`(ExeCUtive Summary)
`Catherine Meadows, Naval Research Laboratory
`Single-level Ob'kects for Securit Kernal Implementation (Executive Summary)
`Jonathan Men, The MIT E Corporation


`Thirteenth National Computer Security COnference
`October 1-4, 1990
`Issues in Multilevel Secure Object-Oriented Database Management Systems
`(Executive Summary)
`Bhavani Thuraismgham, The MITRE Corporation
`C2 Security and Microcom uters (Executive Summary)
`Angel Rivera, Sector echnology
`Electronic Certification: Has Its Time Come? (Executive Summary)
`Miles Smrd, National Institute of Standards and Technology
`Functional Implementation of C2 by 92 for Microcomputers
`Sec0nd Lieutenant Alan Berry,
`USAF! Air Force Cryptologic Support Center
`Limiting Access to Knowled e and Information
`Robert Melford, RJ Me ford Associates
`Considering the Implications of Future Technologies
`Ramon Barqum. Washington Consulting Group
`Patent, Trade Secret, and Copyright Laws: One Facet of the Golden Rule
`lied to Limits on Access to Knowledge and Information
`imothy Headley, Esq.. Baker 8: Botts
`SOdeEIV Runs on Trust
`alph J. Preiss, International Busmess Machines
`Open Access Systems: Risks & Responsibilities in the Academic Environment
`Jane Robinett, Polytechnic UniverSIty
`Computer Emergency Response Team: Lessons Learned
`E Eugene Schultz, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
`Richard Pethia, Software Engineering Institute,
`Carrie ie Mellon University
`alton, AT&T
`Discernin an Ethos for the INFOSEC Community: What Ought We Do?
`Eric eighnmger, Dynamics Research Corporation
`647 Virus Ethics: Concerns and Responsibilities of Individuals and Institutions
`John Cordani, Adel hi University
`Douglas Brown, 0 C, Holy Cross Monastery
`Concerning Hackers Who Break into Computer Systems
`Dorothy Denning, Digital Equipment Corporation


`Thirteenth National Computer Security Conference
`October 1-4, 1990
`Educator Sessions
`665 A Reassessment of Computer Security Training Needs '
`Dennis Pomdexter, Department of Defense Security Institute
`668 Information Security: The Development of Training Modules
`Corey Schou, John Kilpatrlck, Idaho State UniverSIty
`678 Determinin YourTraining Needs
`Adele uchunsky, U.
`.General Accounting Office
`682 Computer Based Trainin : The Right Choice?
`Althea Whieldon, epartment of Defense
`Alternate Papers
`687 ANSSR: ATooI for Risk Analysis of Networked S stems
`Deborah Bodeau, Frederick Chase, Sharon ass, The MITRE Corporation
`697 Approaches to Building Trusted Apglications
`Helena B. Winkler-Parenty, Sy ase, Inc.
`707 Automated Risk Evaluation System (ARES)lCommunications - Computer
`Systems Security Mana ement System (CMS)
`Lt Glyn M Runnels, AFC C/SRE
`717 A Trusted Software Development Methodology
`John Watson, GE Aeros ace,
`Edward Amoroso, AT& Bell Laboratories
`728 A Categorization of Processor Protection Mechanisms
`Eugene Myers, National Computer Security Center
`738 Conductin an Object Reuse Study
`Davi Wichers, Arca Systems, Inc.
`748 The Deterrent Value of Natural Change in a Statistical Database
`Elizabeth Unger, Sallie Keller-McNuIty, Kansas State University
`758 Experiences in Acquiring and Developing Secure
`Communications-Computer Systems
`Captain Charles Pierce, Air Force Cryptologic Support Center
`768 Secure Systems Inte rator: An Honorable Profession?
`Virgil Gibson,
`rumman Data Systems
`776 A Taxonomy of Security-Relevant Knowledge
`Gary Smith, National Defense Umversuty
`788 Usefulness of a Network Reference Monitor
`Timothy Williams, Verdix Corporation


`Thirteenth National Cornputer Security Conference
`October 1-4.1990
`Student Papers
`797 Safeguardin Personal Privacy against Computer Threats:
`A Struc ured Perspective
`Greg Young, Universnty of Maryland
`807 Legal Issues in Security &_Control of Information Systems
`Noah Stern, Unnversnty of Maryland
`817 Applications of Knowledge«Based Systems Techniques
`to Detect Computer System Intrusmns
`John McCarron, University of Maryland
`Special Reprint
`12th NationalComputerSecurity Conference
`827 The Design of the Trusted Workstation: A True "INFOSECProduct"
`Frank L. Mayer, J. Noelle McAuliffe, Trusted Information Systems, Inc.

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