`Cisco Systems,Inc.,
`Patent Owner.
`U.S. Patent Nos 6,154,844 and 8,677,494
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 1
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 1


`I, Ingrid Hsieh-Yee, declare as follows:
`I have beenretained as an independent expert witness on behalf of
`Cisco Systems,Inc. (“Cisco”) related to an Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent Nos.
`6,154,844 and 8,677,494.
`I am being compensated for my work in this matter at my accustomed
`hourly rate of $160.00. I am also being reimbursed for reasonable and customary
`expenses associated with my work andtestimonyin this investigation. My
`compensationis not contingent on the results of my study, the substance of my
`opinions, or the outcomeofthis matter.
`In the preparation of this declaration I have reviewed the exhibits
`referenced below, each of whichis a type of material that experts in my field
`would reasonably rely upon when forming their opinions:
`(1) Kerchen, P., Lo, R., Crossley, J., Elkinbard, G., & Olsson, R.
`(“Kerchen’), (1990, October). Static analysis virus detection tools for
`unix systems. In the 13th National Computer Security Conference (pp.
`350-365); obtained from Purdue University Library, Exhibit CS-1019;
`(2) Bibliographic Record for the 13th National Computer Security
`Conference available at https://purdue-primo-
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 2
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 2


`ext=L&vid=PURDUE&lang=enUS&search scope=purdue_institution
`ny,contains, 1 3th%20National%20Computer%20Security%20Conference
`&mode=Basic from the online catalog of Purdue University Library;
`Exhibit CS-1032;
`(3) MARC Recordinformation for the 13th National Computer Security
`Conference available at https://purdue-primo-
`explore/sourceRecord?vid=PURDUE&docId=PURDUE_ ALMA214975
`30410001081 from the online catalog of Purdue University Library;
`Exhibit CS-1033;
`(4) Crawford, R., Lo, R., Crossley, J., Fink, G., Kerchen, P., Ho, W., Levitt,
`K., Olsson, R., & Archer M. (“Crawford”). A testbed for malicious code
`detection: a synthesis of static and dynamic analysis techniques. In the
`14th Department ofEnergy Computer Security Group Conference:
`Concord, California, May 7-9, 1991 : "Computer security - a personal
`commitment" : proceedings (pp. 17-1 — 17-23); obtained from the
`University of Virginia (UVA); Exhibit CS-1011;
`(5) Bibliographic Record for the 14th Department ofEnergy Computer
`Security Group Conference available at
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 3
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 3


`base=GPO01PUBfrom the Catalog of US GovernmentPublications
`(CGP); Exhibit CS- 1034;
`(6) MARC Record for the 14th Department ofEnergy Computer Security
`Group Conferenceavailable at
`01 from the Catalog of US GovernmentPublications (CGP); Exhibit
`CS- 1035;
`(7) Bibliographic Record for the 14th Department ofEnergy Computer
`Security Group Conferenceavailable at
` from the online catalog of
`the University of Virginia Library; Exhibit CS-1036;
`(8) MARC Record for the 74th Department ofEnergy Computer Security
`Group Conference available at
` from the online catalog of
`the University of Virginia Library; Exhibit CS-1037. The URL will
`retrieve the Bibliographic Record (CS-1036),if one selects “see more”
`and specifies “staff view”, the MARC Record will be displayed.
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
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`Page 4


`In forming the opinions expressed within this declaration, I have
`(1) The documentslisted above;
`(2) The reference materials cited herein; and
`(3) My own academic backgroundandprofessional experiences, as
`described below.
`My complete qualifications and professional experience are described
`in my curriculum vitae, a copy of whichis attached as Appendix A. The following
`is a brief summary of my relevant qualifications and professional experience.
`I am currently a Professor in the Department of Library and
`Information Science at the Catholic University of America. I have experience
`working in an academiclibrary, a medical library, anda legislative library and
`have been a professor for 27 years. I hold a Ph.D. in Library and Information
`Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Masters in Library and
`Information Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
`I am an expert on library cataloging and classification and have
`published two booksonthis subject, Organizing Audiovisual and Electronic
`Resources for Access: A Cataloging Guide (2000, 2006). I teach a variety of
`coursesin the area of information organization and access, including “Cataloging
`and Classification,” “Advanced Cataloging and Classification,” “Organization of
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
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`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 5


`Internet Resources,” “Internet Searches and Web Design,” “Advanced Information
`Retrieval and Analysis Strategies,” “Digital Content Creation and Management,”
`and “Information Literacy Instruction.” Myresearch interests cover cataloging and
`classification, information organization, metadata, informationretrieval,
`information architecture, digital collections, scholarly communication,digital
`scholarship, data management, user interaction with information systems, and
`I am fully familiar with a library cataloging encoding standard known
`as the “Machine-Readable Cataloging” standards, also known as “MARC.”The
`standards were developed by Henriette Avram in the 1960sfor libraries to create
`and share bibliographic records. MARC becamethenational standard for sharing
`bibliographic data in the United States by 1971 and the international standard by
`1973. It is the primary metadata transmission standard for the transfer and storage
`of bibliographic metadata in libraries. Experts in my field would reasonably rely
`upon MARCrecords when forming their opinions.
`The MARCstandards define the field designation, structure and
`content designation of MARCrecords. A MARCbibliographic record consists of
`fields, and each field provides specific information, such as author, about the item
`represented by the record. MARCusesa simple three-digit numeric code to
`identify each field, and mostfields have field-specific indicators and subfields.
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
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`Page 6


`Appendix B is a copy ofParts 7 to 10 of “Understanding MARC Bibliographic”
`( from the Library of Congress that explains
`commonly used MARCfields. For example, the personal author of a publication is
`recorded in Field 100, the title is recorded in Field 245, information about the place
`of publication and publisheris recorded in Field 260, the physical format and
`characteristics of a publication are recorded in Field 300, and topical informationis
`recorded as subject headings in Field 650 (Field 650 can be repeated to encode
`multiple topics).
`Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) is a global nonprofit library
`cooperative that managesthe largest bibliographic network of the world, with more
`than 380 million records and 16,131 memberinstitutions (many of which are
`libraries of some type) in 120 countries. OCLC wascreated “to establish, maintain
`and operate a computerized library network and to promote the evolution oflibrary
`use, oflibraries themselves, and oflibrarianship, and to provide processes and
`products for the benefit of library users and libraries, including such objectives as
`increasing availability of library resources to individual library patrons and
`reducingtherate of rise of library per-unit costs, all for the fundamental public
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
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`purposeoffurthering ease of access to and use of the ever-expanding body of
`worldwidescientific, literary and educational knowledge and information.”’
`OCLC members can contribute original cataloging records in MARC
`to the bibliographic network or derive cataloging records from existing records, an
`activity referred to as “copy cataloging”. When an OCLCparticipatinginstitution
`acquires a work,it can create an original MARCrecord for this work in OCLC’s
`Connexion system (a cataloging system), and the system will automatically
`generate a code for the date of record creation in the yymmdd format, and add the
`creating library’s OCLC symbolto subfield a of Field 040. Once the MARCrecord
`is in Connexion, it becomes available to other OCLC membersfor adoption to
`their local online catalogs. The record—presented in a labeled format, not
`MARC—also becomessearchable and viewable on WorldCat, which is a web
`portal to the collections of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide.
`Library online catalogs are based on MARCrecordsthat represent
`their collections to help the public understand what materials are publicly
`accessible in those libraries. Most libraries with online catalogs have madetheir
`catalogs freely available on the Web. These online catalogs offer user-friendly
`' Third Article, Amended Articles of Incorporation of OCLC Online Computer
`Library Center, Inc. Revised May 20, 2008
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
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`Page 8


`search interfaces, often in the form of a single search box, to support searching by
`author,title, subject, keywords and other data elements. They also offer features
`for users to narrow their search results by language, year, format, and other
`elements. Many libraries display MARCrecords ontheir online catalogs with
`labels for the data elements to help the public interpret MARC records. Many
`libraries also offer an option to display MARCrecords in MARCfields. For
`publications such as monographs, after a MARCrecordis created and made
`searchable on a library catalog, it is customary library practice to have the physical
`volumeprocessed for public access soon after, usually within a week.
`Iam personally familiar with many online catalogs, databases, and
`search engines. In preparing for this declaration I used authoritative information
`systems such as WorldCat(, the Catalog of U.S.
`Government Publications ( and the online catalogs of the
`University of Virginia ( and Purdue University
`( to search for records. These records are
`identified and discussed in this declaration. Experts in the field would reasonably
`rely on the data described herein to form their opinions.
`Exhibit CS-1019
`Exhibit CS-1019 is a true and accurate copy of select pages of the
`book, the 13th National Computer Security Conference, Washington, DC, October
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 9
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 9


`1-4, 1990, “Information Systems Security, Standards--The Keyto the Future”,
`(“the 13 National Computer Security Conference’), which contains the Kerchen
`article, that I scanned on Sept. 14, 2017. When I wasaskedto preparethis
`declaration, I searched the WorldCat ( for “13" National
`Computer Security Conference” andthesearch results informed methat Purdue
`University Library holds this publication in two volumes. Throughaninterlibrary
`loan request I obtained the physical volumesofthis publication from Purdue
`University Library and scannedtheselect pages, including the Kerchenarticle
`found on pages 350-365, on Sept. 15, 2017 while the volumes were in my
`a. Bibliographic Record and MARCRecord
`15. Exhibit CS-1032 is a true and accurate copy of the Bibliographic Record
`for the 13National Computer Security Conference, which contains the Kerchen
`article, which I located from the Purdue University Library online catalog at
` I personally identified and located these
`records, which experts in my field would reasonably rely upon when forming their
`opinion. The display at the bottom of page 1 of Exhibit CS-1032 indicates the
`Mathematical Sciences library holds this publication and the volumesare on loan
`until 01/03/2018. This loanis the interlibrary loan I requested.
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 10
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 10


`16. Exhibit CS-1033 is a true and accurate copy of the MARCrecordfor the
`13" National Computer Security Conference, which contains the Kerchenarticle,
`which I located from the Purdue University Library online catalog at
` I personally identified and located these
`records, which experts in my field would reasonably rely upon when formingtheir
`opinion. Field 008 of Exhibit CS-1033 showsthe record wasfirst created on
`“901012” (i.e., October 12, 1990) and subfield a of Field 040 identifies the library
`contributing this original record as “LCI”, the library code of the US Central
`Intelligence Agency, according to the Directory of OCLC Members
`( This means the MARC Record of
`Purdue University is a copy cataloging record based on the LCI record. Field 245
`identifies thetitle of the publication as “13 National Computer Security
`Conference, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C., 1-4 October, 1990 :
`proceedings”, Field 260 showsthis item was published in Washington, D.C. by
`“The Institute”(i.e., the National Institute of Standards and Technologylisted in
`Field 710) in 1990. The square brackets and question marks accompanying the
`three data elements of Field 260 reflect the cataloging practice to record data this
`way whentheyare not taken from the publication itself, but from outside sources
`such as the catalog of the US National Institute of Standards and Technology.Field
`300 indicates the publication consists of two volumes, Field 500 showsthetitle
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 11
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 11


`comesfrom the coverofthe publication, and Field 650 showsthe subject of this
`publication is “Computer security” with a subfield v indicating it is a “Congress”
`(i.e., a conference). This MARCrecord (CS-1033) makesthis publication
`searchable at the online catalog of Purdue University Library, and users interested
`in this topic will be able to retrieve this publication by the subject headinglisted in
`Field 650.
`Based on the information above,it is my opinion that the / 3%
`National Computer Security Conference, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington,
`D.C., 1-4 October, 1990 : proceedings which contains the Kerchenarticle wasfirst
`cataloged on October 12, 1990, andlibraries using this record for copy cataloging
`made the physical volumeavailable for public access soon after the copy cataloged
`MARCrecords were addedto their systems, as Purdue University Library did.
`18. Actual usage of the Kerchenarticle (CS-1019) contained in the /3"
`National Computer Security Conference, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington,
`D.C., 1-4 October, 1990 : proceedingsis reflected by articles that make reference
`to it. The citation history found in Google Scholar showsthe Kerchenarticle has
`been cited 21 times. Four citing papers published in the early 1990s are
`(1) Porras, P. A. (1992). A state transition analysis tool for intrusion
`detection. Master's thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara.
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 12
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 12


`(2) King, M. M. (1991, October). Identifying and controlling undesirable
`program behaviors. In Proceedings ofthe 14th National Computer Security
`Conference (pp. 283-294).
`(3) Voas, J. M., Payne, J. E., & Cohen, F. B. (1993). A model for detecting
`the existence of software corruption in real time. Computers & Security,
`12(3), 275-283.
`(4) Voas, J. M., & Cohen, F. B. (1992). A model for detecting the existence
`of unknown computervirusesin real-time. In Proc. 5th International
`Computer Virus & Security Conference.
`Taken together, the Bibliographic Record, the MARC Record, and
`the citations support my opinion that the Kerchenarticle (CS-1019) was publicly
`accessible as early as October 1991 whenthefirst citing paper was published or
`soon after the original MARC record wascreated in October 1990.
`Exhibit CS-1011
`Exhibit CS-1011 is a true and accurate copy ofselect pages of the
`microfiche copy ofthe book, the 14” Department ofEnergy Computer Security
`Group Conference: Concord, California, May 7-9, 1991, Computer Security- A
`Personal Commitment (“14" Department ofEnergy Computer Security Group
`Conference’) that contains the Crawfordarticle. When I was askedto prepare this
`declaration, I searched the Catalog of the US Government Publications (CGP) on
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 13
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 13


`the Internet because the item is a governmentpublication. The search results
`inform methat the publication wasdistributed to depository libraries in microfiche,
`so I requested the microfiche throughan interlibrary loan service. I received a
`microfiche copy ofthe 14” DepartmentofEnergy Computer Security Group
`Conference from the University of Virginia Library on Sept. 12, 2017 and used the
`microfiche reader/scanner of my university to scan select pages, including the
`Crawford article found on page 17-1 to page 17-23. The microfiche envelope has a
`date stamp “Sep 28 ‘92”(i.e., September 28, 1992) for the date of receipt and the
`number“92-2142” whichis the Shipping list number.
`a. Bibliographic Record and MARC Record - GPO
`21. Exhibit CS- 1034is a true and accurate copy of the Bibliographic Record
`for the 14th Department ofEnergy Computer Security Group Conference:
`Concord, California, May 7-9, 1991 : "Computer security - a personal
`commitment" : proceedings, which contains the Crawford article, that I retrieved
`on August 31, 2017 from the Catalog of US GovernmentPublications (CGP). I
`personally identified and located these records, which experts in my field would
`reasonably rely upon when formingtheir opinion. The Bibliographic Record
`identifies “/4th Department ofEnergy Computer Security Group Conference:
`Concord, California, May 7-9, 1991 : "Computer security - a personal
`commitment" : proceedings” asthetitle, “E 1.10:9105126” as the SuDoc Number
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 14
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 14


`(the Superintendent of Documents Classification Number), “0429-E(MF)”as the
`item number,a note indicating “distributed to depository libraries in microfiche”
`and another note showingthe shipping list numberas “92-2142-M”.
`Exhibit CS- 1035 is a true and accurate copy of the MARCrecord for
`the 14th Department ofEnergy Computer Security Group Conference : Concord,
`California, May 7-9, 1991 : "Computer security - a personal commitment":
`proceedings, which contains the Crawfordarticle, that I retrieved on September1,
`2017 from the Catalog of US GovernmentPublications (CGP). I personally
`identified and located these records, which experts in my field would reasonably
`rely upon whenformingtheir opinion. Field 008 of the MARC record showsthe
`record was created on “931203”(i.e., December 3, 1993) and Field 005 showsthe
`record was last modified on “19931203”(i.e., December 3, 1993). Subfield a of
`Field 040 identifies “GPO”as the library contributing the original record.
`According to the Directory of OCLC Members, GPOis the library symbolfor the
`US Government Publishing Office. Thetitle in Field 245 of the MARCrecord
`matchesthetitle on the title page I scanned from the UVA microfiche (CS-1011).
`Field 260 showsthe item was published in Washington, D.C. by the Department of
`Energy, and available from the National Technical Information Service in 1991.
`The year ofpublication is entered in square brackets because the informationis
`taken from an outside source. “CONF-9105126” in Field 500 matches the number
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 15
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 15


`on the microfiche. The numberin Field 086 for SuDoc Number, “E
`1.10:9105126”, also matches the number on the microfiche. Two notesin Field
`500 indicate the publication was “distributed to depository libraries in microfiche”
`and the shipping number was “92-2142-M”.
`The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) wascreated by
`Congress according to The Depository Library Act of 1962 “to ensure that the
`American public has accessto its Government’s information. GPO administers the
`FDLPon behalf of the participating libraries and the public”. There are over 1,250
`depository libraries and these libraries are required to offer free, public access to
`depository collections. The FDLP program andthe record creation date of the GPO
`MARCrecord inform methat this publication became widely disseminated and
`available at depository libraries soon after the GPO MARCrecord wascreated on
`December3, 1993.
`b. Bibliographic Record and MARCRecord - UVA
`Exhibit CS-1036 is a true and accurate copy of the Bibliographic
`Record for the 14th Department ofEnergy Computer Security Group Conference:
`Concord, California, May 7-9, 1991 : "Computer security - a personal
`commitment" : proceedings, which contains the Crawfordarticle, that I first
`retrieved on September 6, 2017 from the online catalog of the University of
`Virginia Library. I personally identified and located these records, which experts in
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 16
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 16


`my field would reasonably rely upon when formingtheir opinion. The copy was
`produced on Sept. 14, 2017 for this declaration. The availability area showsthe
`microfiche is located on the 3™ floor East Reading Room ofthe Alderman Library,
`available, “non-circ.” (non-circulating), and the call numberis “E 1.10:9105126”.
`Althoughthe item is marked as non-circulating in the Bibliographic Record, UVA
`is able to loanit to otherlibraries with the stipulation that the item cannot be used
`outsidealibrary. It is for this reason that when I received the UVA microfiche I
`had to useit inside ourlibrary.
`Exhibit CS- 1037 is a true and accurate copy of the MARCrecordfor
`the 14th Department ofEnergy Computer Security Group Conference : Concord,
`California, May 7-9, 1991 : "Computer security - a personal commitment":
`proceedings, which contains the Crawfordarticle, that I first retrieved on
`September 6, 2017 from the online catalog of the University of Virginia Library.I
`personally identified and located these records, which experts in my field would
`reasonably rely upon when forming their opinion. The copy was produced on
`September 14, 2017 for this declaration. Field 008 of the MARCrecord showsit
`wascreated by on “931203”(i.e., December 3, 1993) by the GPO (Field 040). The
`holding library’s symbol, “VAMM”,
`is entered in Field 049. This means the UVA
`record wasbased onthe original record created by the GPO. Twonotesin Field
`500 indicate the publication was “distributed to depository libraries in microfiche”
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 17
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 17


`and the shipping number was “92-2142-M”. The University of Virginia is a
`Congressionally designated depository for U.S. Government documents.
`Taken together, the Bibliographic Records and MARC Records from
`GPO and UVA,the microfiche from UVA, and the date stamp on the microfiche
`envelope support my opinion that the 14th Department ofEnergy Computer
`Security Group Conference : Concord, California, May 7-9, 1991 : "Computer
`security - a personal commitment": proceedings, which contains the Crawford
`article, was received at UVAas early as September 1992 and becamepublicly
`available no later than December 3, 1993 when GPOcreated the original MARC
`record and enabled depository libraries to make the publication available to the
`I declare that all statements made herein on my own knowledge are
`true, and further, that these statements were made with the knowledgethat willful
`false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or
`both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
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`Page 18
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`Page 18


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`Page 19


`Ingrid Hsieh-Yee
`Dept. of Library and Information Science
`Catholic University of America
`Washington, D.C. 20064
`Phone: (202) 319-5085
`Fax: (202) 319-5574
`Ph.D. Library and Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
`Minors: Sociology and Psychology
`M.A. Library and Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
`M.A. Comparative Literature, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
`B.A. Foreign Languages and Literature, National Taiwan University.
`Work Experience
`Professor, School/Dept. of Library and Information Science, Catholic University of America,
`2004- (Assistant Professor, 1990-1996; Associate Professor, 1997-2004)
`Co-Chair, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Catholic University of America, June 2015-
`August 2016.
`Acting Dean, School of Library and Information Science, Catholic University of America,
`January 2010-June 2012.
`Cataloger, Dept. of Legislative Reference Library, Annapolis, Maryland, 1989-1990.
`Lecturer, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1988.
`Teaching Assistant, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-
`Madison, 1986-1988.
`Cataloger, Health Sciences Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1984-1986.
`Areas of Teaching and Research Interests
`Information Organization and Access; Metadata; Cataloging & Classification; Information
`Architecture; Information Retrieval; Digital Collections; Scholarly Communication; Information
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 20


`Behavior; Health Informatics; Human Computer Interaction; Usability Studies
`Grants & Honors
`Cultural Heritage Information Management Project. IMLS grant. Amount: $498,741. Period:
`Aug. 2012 to July 2015. Co-PI with Dr. Youngok Choi.
`D.C. Health Information Technology (HIT4): Building Capacity & Providing Access in Our
`Nation’s Capital. Dept. of Labor H2B Training Grant. Grant amount: $4,175,500. Grant
`period: Nov. 2011 to Dec. 2015. Partner with the Metropolitan School of Professional
`Studies of the Catholic University of America, Children’s National Medical Center, D.C.
`Department of Employment Services, Holy Cross Hospital, Howard University, Center
`for Urban Progress, Providence Hospital, and Sibley Memorial Hospital.
`Capital Health Careers Project. Department of Labor Healthcare Sector and Other High Growth
`and Emerging Industries Grant. Grant amount: $4,953,999. Grant period: March 2010 –
`February 2013. Awarded to a group of healthcare organizations and educational
`institutions in Washington, D.C. Providence Health Foundation of Providence Hospital
`(Lead institution). Part of the grant supported the development of a Master’s degree
`program in Information Technology with a concentration in Health Information
`Technology offered by the School of Library and Information Science.
`The Washington D.C. School Librarians Project. IMLS grant. Grant amount: $412,660. Grant
`period: Aug. 2007 – June 2011. The School partnered with the District of Columbia
`Public Schools (DCPS) and the District of Columbia Library Association to educate and
`mentor school media specialists for the DCPS system. PI, Jan. 2010 to June 2011.
`SIG Member of the Year, American Society for Information Science and Technology (2009).
`Most Outstanding Paper of OCLC Systems & Services (2001).
`ALISE Research Grant (2001).
`Most Outstanding Paper of OCLC Systems & Services (2000).
`Research Grant from ERIC (1999-2000).
`Best Research Paper Award; Association for Library and Information Science Education (1998).
`Research Grants, Catholic University of America. 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2004,
`2005, 2006, 2007, 2013-14.
`Cooperative Faculty Research Grant, Consortium of Universities in the Washington
`Metropolitan Area (1993-1994).
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.
`Page 21


`Cooperative Research Grant, Council on Library Resources (1993-1994).
`Journal of the American Society for Information Science Best Paper Award (1993).
`ASIS/ISI Information Science Doctoral Dissertation Scholarship (1989).
`HEA Title IIB Fellowship (Dept. of Education) (1989)
`Chinese-American Librarians Association Scholarship (1987).
`Beta Phi Mu (1985).
`Vilas Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 1984
`Choi, Y., and Hsieh-Yee, I. (2010). Finding Images in an OPAC: Analysis of User Queries,
`Subject Headings, and Description Notes. Canadian Journal of Information and Library
`Science, 34(3): 271 – 295.
`Hsieh-Yee, I. (2008). Educating Cataloging Professionals in a Changing Information
`Environment. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 46(2): 93-106.
`Vellucci, S. L., Hsieh-Yee, I., and Moen, W.E. (2007). The Metadata Education and Research
`Information Commons (MERIC): A Collaborative Teaching and Research Initiative.
`Education for Information, 25(3&4): 169-178.
`NISO Framework for Guidelines for Building Good Digital Collections. 3rd ed. Baltimore, MD:
`National Information Standards Organization, 2007. Also available online:
` (NISO Working Group members:
`Priscilla Caplan (chair), Grace Agnew, Murtha Baca, Tony Gill, Carl Fleischhauer, Ingrid
`Hsieh-Yee, Jill Koelling, and Christie Stephenson.)
`Choi, Y., Hsieh-Yee, I., and Kules, B. (2007). Retrieval Effectiveness of TOC and LCSH.
`Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, pp. 233-234.
`Vellucci, S., and Hsieh-Yee, I. (2007). They Didn’t Teach Me That in Library School! Building
`a Digital Teaching Commons to Enhance Metadata Teaching, Learning and Research.
`Proceedings of the National Conference of the Association of College and Research
`Libraries, Baltimore, MD, pp. 26-31.
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