
`Cisco System, Inc.,
` Finjan, Inc.,
`Patent Owner.
`U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494
`Issue Date: March 18, 2014
`Title: Malicious Mobile Code Runtime Monitoring System and Methods
`Inter Partes Review No.: Unassigned
`U.S. PATENT NO. 8,677,494
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc.


`Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1
`List of Documents I Considered in Forming My Opinions ............................. 4
`III. My Background and Qualifications ................................................................. 6
`IV. Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art (POSA) .................................................. 10
`Relevant Legal Standards .............................................................................. 11
`VI. The ‘494 Patent .............................................................................................. 15
`Summary ............................................................................................. 15
`Priority Date of Claims ....................................................................... 19
`VII. State of the Art ............................................................................................... 19
`A. Malicious Code in Executable Programs ............................................ 19
`Tools to Combat Malicious Code ....................................................... 23
`1. Malicious Code Detection. ........................................................ 24
`Downstream Malicious Code Defense Methods. ..................... 27
`Specifications. ........................................................................... 29
`VIII. Claim Construction ........................................................................................ 31
`IX. Overview ........................................................................................................ 31
`Challenge #1: Claims 10, 11, 14, 15 and 16 are obvious over Shear in
`view Kerchen ................................................................................................. 35
`Shear in view of Kerchen Teaches Every Element of Claims ............ 35
`The Shear Reference ................................................................. 35


`The Kerchen Reference ............................................................. 43
`The Motivation to Combine Shear with Kerchen ..................... 45
`Detailed Invalidity Analysis ................................................................ 47
`Claim 10 .................................................................................... 47
`Claim 11 .................................................................................... 59
`Claim 14 .................................................................................... 61
`Claim 15 .................................................................................... 63
`Claim 16 .................................................................................... 65
`XI. Challenge 2: Claims 10, 11, 14, 15 and 16 Are Obvious Over
`Crawford 91 in view of Knowledge of a POSA ............................................ 68
`Crawford 91 in view of Knowledge of a POSA Teaches Every
`Element of Claims ............................................................................... 68
`THE CRAWFORD 91 REFERENCE ...................................... 68
`Detailed Application of Crawford 91 to the Claims ........................... 69
`Claim 10 .................................................................................... 69
`Claim 14 .................................................................................... 78
`Claim 15 .................................................................................... 79
`Claim 16 .................................................................................... 81


`I am over the age of eighteen (18) and otherwise competent to make
`this declaration.
`I have been retained by Cisco Systems (Petitioner) as an independent
`expert consultant in this proceeding before the United States Patent and Trademark
`Office. Although I am being compensated at my rate of $590.00 per hour for the
`time I spend on this matter, no part of my compensation depends on the outcome
`of this proceeding, and I have no other interest in this proceeding. To the best of
`my knowledge, I have no financial interest in Cisco Systems.
`This Petition for inter partes review involves U.S. Patent No.
`8,677,494 (“the ‘494 Patent”) (CS-1001). The ‘494 Patent is entitled “Malicious
`Mobile Code Runtime Monitoring System and Methods” and lists Yigal
`Mordechai Edery, Nirmrod Itzhak Vered, David R. Kroll, and Shlomo Touboul, as
`the inventors.
`The ‘494 Patent issued March 18, 2014, from U.S. Patent Application
`No 13/290,708 which was filed Nov. 7, 2011. The ‘494 Patent claims the benefit
`of U.S. provisional application No. 60/030,639, filed on Nov. 8, 1996. CS-1002.
`For the purposes of this inter partes review as discussed later, I have
`been instructed to assume that the effective filing date of the Claims of the ‘494


`Patent challenged by the Petitioner in this inter partes review is no earlier than
`November 8, 1996, the filing date of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No.
`I understand that according to USPTO records, the ‘494 Patent is
`currently assigned to Finjan, Inc. (“Finjan” or “Patent Owner”).
`The ‘494 Patent is directed to malicious code detection. CS-1001, I
`am familiar with the technology described in the ‘494 Patent as of the earliest
`possible priority date of November 8, 1996.
`In preparing this Declaration, I have reviewed the ‘494 Patent (CS-
`1001), the file history of the ‘494 Patent (CS-1002), and each of the documents
`cited herein, and I have considered these documents in light of the general
`knowledge in the art as of November 8, 1996. In formulating my opinions, I have
`relied upon my experience in the relevant art. I have also considered the viewpoint
`of a person of ordinary skill in the art (“POSA”) in the field, as of November 8,
`I have been asked to provide my technical expertise, analysis, insights
`and opinions regarding the ‘494 Patent and relevant references that form the basis
`of the grounds of rejection set forth in the accompanying Petition for inter partes


`review of the ‘494 Patent. As described in detail below, I offer the following
`opinion in this Declaration:
`A POSA would have found Claims 10, 11, 14, 15 and 16 of the ‘494
`Patent to be obvious over U.S. Patent No. 6,157,721 (“Shear”) in view
`of Static Analysis Virus Detection Tools For Unix Systems
`(“Kerchen”). Shear in view of Kerchen teaches each element of
`Claims 10, 11, 14, 15 and 16 to a POSA and a POSA would have been
`motivated to combine the teachings of these references;
`A POSA would have found Claims 10, 11, 14, 15 and 16 of the ‘494
`Patent to be obvious over A Testbed for Malicious Code Detection: A
`Synthesis of Static and Dynamic Analysis Techniques (“Crawford
`’91”) in view of knowledge of a POSA. Crawford ’91 in view of
`knowledge of a POSA teaches each element of Claims 10, 11, 14, 15
`and 16 to a POSA and a POSA would have been motivated to
`combine the teachings.


`II. List of Documents I Considered in Forming My Opinions
`In formulating my opinions, I have considered and relied on
`statements in the documents identified below. These documents include patents,
`patent Applications, learned treatises, periodicals, pamphlets and other
`publications. I consider each of the references below as a reliable authority for the
`statements on which I rely.
`Exhibit #
`U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494 entitled “System and Method of Attaching a
`Downloadable Security Profile to a Downloadable”, issued November
`28, 2000 to Touboul, et al. (“the ‘494 Patent”)
`Select portions of the prosecution history of the ‘494 Patent (“File
`Not Used
`U.S. Patent No. 6,157,721 entitled “Systems and Methods Using
`Cryptography to Protect Secure Computing Environments”, issued
`December 5, 2000 to Shear (“Shear”)
`U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 08/388,107, entitled “X,” filed
`February 13, 1995 by Ginter (“Ginter”)
`The prosecution history of U.S. Patent No. 7,613,926 (“’926 Patent
`File History”)
`Software Engineering a Practitioner’s Approach, Roger S. Pressman,
`3rd ed., 1992 (“Pressman”)
`“Network Firewalls,” IEEE Communications Magazine, Steven M.
`Bellovin and William R. Cheswick, September 1994 (“Bellovin”)
`Not Used
`Not Used


`Exhibit #
`A Testbed for Malicious Code Detection: A Synthesis of Static and
`Dynamic Analysis Techniques, 14th Department of Energy Computer
`Security Group Conference Proceedings, R. Crawford et al., May 1991
`(“Crawford ‘91”)
`U.S. Patent No. 5,623,600 entitled “Virus Detection and Removal
`Apparatus for Computer Networks,” issued April 22, 1997 to Ji et al.
`Dynamic Detection and Classification of Computer Viruses Using
`General Behavior Patterns, Virus Bulletin Conference, Morton
`Swimmer, September 1995 (“Swimmer”)
`Intentionally Left Blank
`“Microsoft and VeriSign Provide First Technology for Secure
`Downloading of Software Over the Internet,” Microsoft PressPass,
`August 7, 1996 (“MS-96”)
`U.S. Patent No. 6,195,587 entitled “Validity Checking,” issued
`February 27, 2001 to Hruska (“Hruska”)
`Automated Assistance for Detecting Malicious Code, Crawford et al.
`June 18, 1993 (“Automated Tools”)
`Listing of Related Patents
`Static Analysis Virus Detection Tools for Unix Systems, 13th National
`Computer Security Conference, Volume 1, Information Systems
`Security: Standards-the Key to the Future, Kerchen et al., 1990
`Identifying and Controlling Undesirable Programs Behaviors, 14th
`National Computer Security Conference, King, October 1991
`U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/030,639, entitled “System and
`Method for Protecting a Computer and a Network from Hostile
`Downloadables,” filed November 8, 1996, by Touboul et al. (“the ’639
`U.S. Application Serial No. 08/964,388 entitled “System and Method
`for Protecting a Computer and a Network from Hostile
`Downloadables,” filed November 6, 1997 by Touboul (“the ‘388


`Exhibit #
`PACL’s An Access Control List Approach to Anti-Virus Security,
`Wichers et al., 13th Nat’l Computer Security Conference, Proceedings,
`October 1-4, 1990 (“Wichers”).
`Java Security: From HotJava to Netscape and Beyond, Dean et al.,
`Software Architecture To Support Misuse Intrusion Detection,
`Spafford et al., March 1995
`1996 CERT Advisories, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie
`Mellon University.
`Intentionally Left Blank
`An Intrusion-Detection Model, Dorothy E. Denning, IEEE
`Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-13, No. 2, February
`1987 (“Denning”)
`III. My Background and Qualifications
`In 1986, I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from
`the University of California, Irvine. In 1988, I received a Master of Science degree
`in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Southern
`California. In 1994, I received a Doctor of Science degree in Computer Science
`from George Washington University.
`12. From 1985 to 1989, I worked as a Systems Engineer at Ultrasystems
`Defense and Space. At Ultrasystems, I designed and implemented large-scale
`simulation and network-based systems for the United States Department of
`Defense (“DoD”). A custom high-speed database server I designed and


`implemented was used for real-time intelligence collection by the National
`Security Agency (“NSA”).
`13. From 1989 to September 1990, I worked as a Technical Lead at GTE
`Government Systems. While at GTE, I designed and implemented network load
`generators for OS/2 LAN Manager to measure network performance load metrics
`for the Central Intelligence Agency (“CIA”). I also developed X Windows
`interfaces for a large-scale multiuser event driven network database system.
`14. From 1990 to 1995, I worked as a Senior Security Engineer at Trusted
`Information Systems. While at Trusted Information Systems, I implemented
`Privacy Enhanced Mail (“PEM”) as defined in RFC 1113, 1114 and 1115 and was
`involved in the design and implementation of the Multipurpose Internet Mail
`Extensions (“MIME”) Object Security Services front end to PEM as specified in
`the PEM-MIME Internet Draft and subsequent RFC 1848. In connection with this
`work, I attended and closely followed security industry conferences, working
`groups and publications. I also designed and implemented high assurance security
`systems, including trusted operating systems and applications for NSA and the
`Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (“DARPA”) and a secure email
`forwarder for the first email server. Based upon the TIS PEM
`(Trusted Information Systems –PEM), the White House mail forwarder inspected


`email to ensure it was digitally signed and from an authorized sender. If the
`message was properly validated, the signed version was archived on the server and
`the de-enhanced email forwarded to the intended recipient. My work at Trusted
`Information Systems involved cryptography, multilevel systems, smartcards, and
`other cutting edge network and security technologies.
`15. From 1995 to 1999, I worked as Chief Scientist at DynCorp Network
`Solutions, where I served as senior internal consultant for a variety of projects. For
`example, I was architect and Technical Director of the IRS Secure Submission and
`Retrieval System that allowed the digitally signed and encrypted submission of tax
`data over the Internet. I also created a suite of security products for providing
`secure wide area access to database and application servers that was marketed and
`sold to the DoD and other parts of the federal government.
`16. Since 1999, I have been President and Chief Technology Officer of
`Paul C. Clark LLC/SecureMethods, Inc. SecureMethods specializes in the design,
`implementation, and deployment of advanced secure network applications for
`commercial and government clients, including the DoD. SecureMethods provides a
`comprehensive scalable, COTS-based secure architecture, implemented through
`the use of the SM Gateway. The SM Gateway is a next-generation security
`appliance developed by SecureMethods that is available on UNIX-based platforms


`using commercial, government, and Type I cryptography, implemented in both
`hardware and software. In my capacity as President and Chief Technology Officer
`of SecureMethods, I have technical and operational oversight of all projects and
`corporate technical operations. I also provide guidance to senior technical
`personnel relating to design, implementation, and troubleshooting for a wide range
`of systems both internal and external. My work includes network systems and
`security, cryptographic applications, certification, key management, authentication,
`and integrity strategies for network applications. My firm specializes in complex
`software and hardware systems for commercial and DoD clients.
`I have also been a member of the Federal Advisory Committee for
`Key Management Infrastructure (“KMI”), serving as Chairman of the
`Interoperability Working Group for Cryptographic Key Recovery. I have also
`served as an adjunct professor in the Computer Science Department at George
`Washington University, where I have taught doctoral-level cryptography and
`computer security courses. I have also appeared before a Congressional committee
`to provide testimony on the “Advanced Technology for Border Control.”
`I have co-authored a number of publications in the computer and
`security areas, and I am a named inventor on two patents, U.S. Patent Nos.
`5,448,045 and 5,892,902.


`19. My curriculum vitae, which includes a more detailed summary of my
`background and experience, is attached as Appendix A.
`IV. Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art (POSA)
`I am familiar with the knowledge and capabilities of one of ordinary
`skill in the art. Unless otherwise stated, my testimony below refers to the
`knowledge of one of ordinary skill in the art as of November 8, 1996, the earliest
`possible effective filing date of the ‘494 Patent.
`I have been informed and understand that a Person of Ordinary Skill
`in the Art (“POSA”) is a hypothetical person who is presumed to be aware of all
`pertinent prior art, thinks along conventional wisdom in the art, and is a person of
`ordinary creativity.
`22. With respect to the ’494 Patent, a POSA in the November 1996
`timeframe would have been familiar with security and network programming.
`That person would have a working knowledge of TCP/IP protocols and the World
`Wide Web. The experience and education levels may vary between persons of
`ordinary skill, with some persons having a Bachelor’s degree in computer science,
`computer programming, electrical engineering and four years of experience, and
`others holding a Master’s degree in electrical engineering, but having only one to


`two years of experience, and yet others having no formal education but experience
`in computer programming of at least eight years.
`23. A POSA may work as part of a multi-disciplinary team and draw upon
`not only his or her own skills, but also take advantage of certain specialized skills
`of others on the team to solve a given problem.
`V. Relevant Legal Standards
`I am not a lawyer and will not provide any legal opinions. Although I
`am not a lawyer, I have been informed and understand that certain legal standards
`are to be applied by technical experts in forming opinions regarding the meaning
`and validity of patent claims. I have been asked to provide my opinions regarding
`whether the claims of the ‘494 Patent are anticipated or would have been obvious
`to a person having ordinary skill in the art at the time of the alleged invention, in
`light of the prior art.
`I have been informed and understand that, to anticipate a claim under
`35 U.S.C. § 102, a reference must teach every element of the claim either expressly
`or inherently to a person having ordinary skill in the relevant art.
`26. Further, I have been informed and understand that a patent claim is
`not patentable under 35 U.S.C. § 103 if the differences between the patent claim
`and the prior art are such that the claimed subject matter as a whole would have


`been obvious at the time the claimed invention was made to a person having
`ordinary skill in the relevant art. Obviousness, as I have been informed and
`understand, is based on the scope and content of the prior art, the differences
`between the prior art and the claim, the level of ordinary skill in the art, and, to the
`extent that they exist, certain objective indicia of non-obviousness.
`I understand that objective indicia can be important evidence
`regarding whether a patent is obvious or nonobvious, if it has an appropriate nexus
`to the claimed invention, i.e., is a result of the merits of a claimed invention (rather
`than the result of design needs or market-pressure advertising or similar activities).
`Such indicia include: commercial success of products covered by the patent
`claims; a long-felt need for the invention; failed attempts by others to make the
`invention; copying of the invention by others in the field; unexpected results
`achieved by the invention as compared to the closest prior art; praise of the
`invention by the infringer or others in the field; the taking of licenses under the
`patent by others; expressions of surprise by experts and those skilled in the art at
`the making of the invention; and the patentee proceeded contrary to the accepted
`wisdom of the prior art.
`I have been informed that whether there are any relevant differences
`between the prior art and the claimed invention is to be analyzed from the view of


`a person of ordinary skill in the relevant art at the time of the invention. As such,
`my opinions below as to a person of ordinary skill in the art are as of the time of
`the invention, even if not expressly stated as such; for example, even if stated in
`the present tense.
`In analyzing the relevance of the differences between the claimed
`invention and the prior art, I have been informed that I must consider the impact, if
`any, of such differences on the obviousness or non-obviousness of the invention as
`a whole, not merely some portion of it. The person of ordinary skill faced with a
`problem is able to apply his or her experience and ability to solve the problem and
`also look to any available prior art to help solve the problem.
`I have been informed that a precise teaching in the prior art directed to
`the subject matter of the claimed invention is not needed. I have been informed
`that one may take into account the inferences and creative steps that a person of
`ordinary skill in the art would have employed in reviewing the prior art at the time
`of the invention. For example, if the claimed invention combined elements known
`in the prior art and the combination yielded results that were predictable to a
`person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention, then this evidence
`would make it more likely that the claim was obvious. On the other hand, if the
`combination of known elements yielded unexpected or unpredictable results, or if


`the prior art teaches away from combining the known elements, then this evidence
`would make it more likely that the claim that successfully combined those
`elements was not obvious.
`I have been informed and understand that there are recognized,
`exemplary, rationales for combining or modifying references to show obviousness
`of claimed subject matter. Some of the rationales include the following:
`combining prior art elements according to known methods to yield predictable
`results; simple substitution of one known element for another to yield predictable
`results; use of a known technique to improve a similar device (method or product)
`in the same way; applying a known technique to a known device (method or
`product) ready for improvement to yield predictable results; choosing from a finite
`number of identified, predictable solutions, with a reasonable expectation of
`success; known work in one field of endeavor may prompt variations of it for use
`in either the same field or a different one based on design incentives or other
`market forces if the variations are predictable to one of ordinary skill in the art; and
`some teaching, suggestion, or motivation in the prior art that would have led one of
`ordinary skill to modify the prior art reference or to combine prior art teachings to
`arrive at the claimed invention.


`VI. The ‘494 Patent
`32. The ’494 Patent generally relates to the protection of computers from
`potentially undesirable or suspicious software programs or code, referred to as
`“Downloadables,” that are received over a network. CS-1001 Abstract, 1:59-63,
`2:22-3:9. According to the ‘494 Patent, a Downloadable is “received information
`[that] includes executable code.” CS-1001 3:3-8, 4:5-14, 5:64-6:2, 9:46-52, 15:22-
`39. Some examples of Downloadables described in the ‘494 Patent specification
`include the following: distributed components; Java applets; JavaScript scripts;
`ActiveX controls; and VisualBasic scripts. CS-1001 Abstract, 2:22-30 & 59-64,
`9:46-52. The written description of the ‘494 Patent does not include the term
`“scanner”, nor does it describe a scanner “for deriving security profile data” as
`recited in the claims. However, other patent applications to which the ‘494 Patent
`claims priority (e.g., the ’639 Provisional, CS-1021, and the ‘388 Application, CS-
`1022) provide the disclosure corresponding to how the Downloadable security
`profile (called the “DSP” in the ‘388 Application) is derived – but those
`applications only refer to “conventional” techniques for the details. For example,
`the ’388 Application explains that a Downloadable is “received from [an] external
`computer network” and delivered to a “code scanner” that “uses conventional


`parsing techniques to decompose the code (including all prefetched components)
`of the Downloadable into the DSP data 310.” CS-1022 p. 10 ll. 6-10, p. 12 ll. 11-
`17 (emphasis supplied), p. 20 l. 14- p. 21 l. 6, FIG. 7; CS-1021 p. 19, ll. 16-20.
`33. Moreover, the ‘388 Application explains that after the Downloadable
`is decomposed, the code scanner identifies the operations that the code performed
`(such as “read” and “send”). The ‘388 Application also describes that the code
`scanner “may search the code for any pattern.” This described functionality of the
`code scanner was already known in the prior art. For example, identifying the
`operations that computer code performs was a common prior art technique, as
`described in Shear and Kerchen, described below.
`34. Likewise, the functionality of searching the code by using “pattern
`matching” was a common prior art technique used in “static analysis,” as described
`in the State of the Art Section. In static analysis, the “binary or source code” was
`examined to detect the presence of malicious sections in programs by code pattern
`matching – i.e., matching patterns of code from the downloadable program with
`code that is known to be harmful. CS-1011 pp. 17-4, 17-5. In other words, the
`data for the security profile is generated using “conventional” techniques by a
`“code scanner” (which was a known device using commonly used techniques).


`35. The written description of the ‘494 Patent only uses the term
`“suspicious” once in describing that the goal of the present invention is to prevent
`a computer from “harmful, undesirable, suspicious, or other ‘malicious’
`operations.” CS-1001 2:52-56.
` The ‘388 Application uses the term “suspicious” broadly to include
`the concepts of “hostile, potentially hostile, undesirable, potentially undesirable,
`etc.” CS-1022 p. 7 ll. 12-16. In one embodiment of the ‘388 Application, the DSP
`data is “a list of all operations in the Downloadable code which could ever be
`deemed potentially hostile.” CS-1022 p. 20 ll. 14-20.
`37. The ‘494 Patent has very little discussion of storing a Downloadable
`or its DSP in a database as recited in the claims, and does not distinguish the
`claimed database from other types of storage means. (“Any suitable explicit or
`referencing list, database or other storage structure(s) or storage structure
`configuration(s) can also be utilized to implement a suitable user/device based
`protection scheme, such as in the above examples, or other desired protection
`schema.”) CS-1001 17:10-14.
`38. The ’639 Provisional describes that the Downloadable and its DSP
`data may be stored, for example, in a database. CS-1021, p. 20, 1. 12-16 (“the non-
`hostile Downloadable is stored in known Downloadable’s 307 and its


`corresponding DSP data is stored in DSP data 310.”) p. 22, 1. 15-21; p. 17, 1. 13-
`19 (describing items 307 and 310 as portions of a “security database”); CS-1022 p.
`13 ll. 16-19. Neither the ‘639 Provisional nor ‘494 Patent specification purports to
`disclose anything inventive relating to the database recited in the claims; instead it
`appears to be one of many suitable storage means.
`In summary, the ‘494 Patent does not describe the claimed “scanner”
`that is for deriving security profile data (i.e., a list of potentially suspicious
`operations) associated with a program. Rather the ‘494 Patent relies on the
`disclosure of the ‘388 Application. The ‘388 Application, in turn, describes
`“conventional parsing techniques” for deriving such data. CS-1021 p. 19, 1. 16-20;
`CS-1022 p. 12 ll. 11-17. Based on the relevant ‘494 Patent disclosures, therefore,
`the purported novelty of the ‘494 Patent claims cannot be based on the concept of
`deriving security profile data nor any specific technique for doing so; the relevant
`disclosure describes previously used techniques for deriving this data from a
`Downloadable. Nor does the disclosure regarding the database suggest that there is
`anything inventive about using a database versus any other storage means. Instead,
`the novelty would have to hinge on the fact that the security profile data is derived
`for “an incoming Downloadable”. This feature, however, was also well-known and
`commonly used to protect computer systems long before the ‘494 Patent.


`Priority Date of Claims
` For the purpose of this inter partes review, I have been instructed to
`assume that the effective filing date of each of the Challenged Claims is no earlier
`than the filing of the ‘639 provisional, i.e., November 8, 1996.
`VII. State of the Art
`41. The following section describes the state of the art in computer
`security systems as of November 1996. These prior art references, and discussions
`of what was known to a POSA, provide the factual support for the general
`description of the state of the art at the time of the invention, provide motivation to
`modify the primary references with the knowledge of a POSA or other references
`cited herein, rebut any claims of unpredictability in the art, and rebut any claims of
`unexpected results. Accordingly, these references should properly be considered
`by the Board.
`A. Malicious Code in Executable Programs
`42. By the mid-1990s, it was known that the Internet, or the world wide
`web, had become an integral part of the development and progress of computer
`technology. Newly created websites were able to easily send and receive files,
`formulate and execute queries to databases using search engines, send and receive


`audio and video, and distribute data and multimedia resources worldwide. CS-
`1015 p. 2.
`43. The world wide web was largely based on a client/server architecture,
`in which (i) web servers host websites and (ii) web clients running web browser
`software interacted with the web servers through downloadable programs that
`enabled features and functionality to the web clients. It was well-known, however,
`that this web client/server architecture provided an entry point for hostile computer
`programs, viruses and bugs, which could infect and disrupt the normal operation of
`computer systems. CS-1015 p. 1.
`44. Much of the technology that made this malicious functionality
`possible consisted of small, easily downloaded programs that, when executed by
`the web client, interacted with the web client’s browser to display media content.
`These “executable” programs came in a variety of forms. Some were special-
`purpose miniature applications, or “applets,” which were written in Java (Java is a
`programming language first developed by Sun Microsystems). CS-1024 sec. 1.
`Others were developed using ActiveX, a Microsoft technology that programmers
`used for similar purposes. CS-1015 p. 1-2.
`45. Both Java and ActiveX made extensive use of software modules, or
`“objects.” Programmers could either wr

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