`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`lshii discloses that "it the image size of image scllslllg data is larger than the
`redetenmned size. the image data must be reduced to the redetermined size Ex.
`10(16.'10065. One ot‘ordinar) skill in the an \\ould understand that identih inc the
`predetennined site is identityng a second resolution Es. 102011169.
`in the case at a manipulated frame imaue ha\ in" a liivher
`resolution: as manipulated: than the second resolutionz
`m the resolution of the trame huge to that of the
`second resolution;
`This limitation is the satne as for claim 1. See Section 1X,D,l .e: E\. 1020.
`Petition tor/liter Purim Re\ ie\\ ot’L'S. Patent No. 8508.751
`in the case otlthe manipulated frame image haying a
`1o\\er resolution as manipulated than the second
`resolution. using the processor to further manipulate the
`frame iiiia ' to reduce pisilation;
`This limitation is the same as for claim 1. See Section 1X All: Es. l020.
`displa) ing ands‘or storingthe manipulated series ot’ traine
`imaues as an output \ ideo iinaue \\ ithout chani'in" the
`re solutionrot’the manipulated series ot‘ frame images,
`This limitation is the same as for claim 1. See Section l.\'.D.1 1312's. 1020.
`“herein the sIa\e digital iinave sensing unit is remo\ abl;
`connected to the master personal processor \ ia a master
`personal processor port
`This limitation is the same as for claim 1. See Section 1X.D.l .g; Es. 1020.
`4. Claim 4
`Claim 4 recites "The method ot'claim 3. u herein the
`rocessor is
`housed in an e.\tenial personal computer. further comprising using an e.\tenial
`Declaration of Dr. Vijay Madisetti
`Inter I’u/‘ch Review of US. Patent No. 8.508.751
`than the predetennined size: the image data must be reduced to the predetermined
`size." lix. 100(iI 110065. One ot'oi‘dinaiy skill in the art would understand that
`in I the
`redetennined size is identif in v a second resolution.
`h) in the ease of a mani ulated frame imare liavin
`hi’her resolution as mani ulated than the
`resolution, reducing the resolution of the frame image
`to that oftlie second resolution,-
`This limitation is the same as for claim I. See Section Vllli, I .e.
`in the case of the manipulated frame image having a
`resolution as mani ulated than the second
`resolution usin ’ the Jroecssor to further mani ulatc
`the frame image to reduce pixilation;
`This limitation is the same as for claim 1. See Section Vll.B,3.i.
`j) dis )lavin' and/or storm! the mani ulated series of
`frame ima’es as an out ut video imaie without
`chan in! the resolution of the mani ulated series of
`frame images,
`This limitation is the same as for claim 1. See Section Vll.l£. l .t‘.
`ima ve
`k) wherein the slave di 'ital
`the master
`removabl '
`roeessor via a master ersonal
`roeessor ort.
`This limitation is the same as for claim 1. SW S
`tioii Vll.li. l .g.
`Claim 4
`Claim 4 recites “The method ot‘claim 3 wherein the ersonal
`irocessor is housed in an external )crsonal com lllCl‘ further com risin v usin I
`AVILR linllIll'l' 1020
`age on of‘m
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A
`Madisetti Declaration (Ex. 1020)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review (Paper 3)
`Exhibit A