`I t1
`TO 22
`To 40
`FIG. 2
`NFLE 1002 - Page 46
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`NFLE 1002 - Page 46


`J FIG. 3
`A 52
`A 66
`6 7146
`TO 22
`lc; a Cr,
`JE:3 E
`917 32.8d - ZOOI .3c1 113N
`74 e aP - 2001 ELFN
`NFLE 1002 - Page 47


`As a below named inventor, I hereby d. ...are that;,----•
`MY teddence, port office address and tititephiP are as Stated below under my name,
`I believe I am the original, first and sole bfi'rentor (if only one name is listed below) or on original, that and joint inventor (if plural names
`are listed below) of the subject matter which is claimed and for which a patent is sought on the invention entitled
`the specification of which
`(Shark one)
`la is attached hereto
`0 was filed on
`Application Serial
`and was amended
`(if applicable)
`reviewed and u ders dd. the contents of the above identified specification, Including the claims, as amended by
`I hereby State that I have
`any amendment referred
`to above.
`disclose infor Ron which is material to the examination of this application In accordance with Title 37. Code
`1 acknowledge the duty to
`of Federal Regulations,
`11.56 (a).
`benefits under Title 35, united States Coda, /119 of any foreign application(e) for patent or inventor's
`I hereby claim foreign priority
`have also identified below any foreign application for patent or inventors certificate having a filing date before
`certificate listed below and
`which priority is claimed.
`that of the application on
`YES 0
`NO E)
`NO E]
`YES 0
`1 hereby claim the benefit under Title 35, United Status Code, 1120 of any United States application(a) listed below and, insofar as the
`subject matter of each o the claims of this application is not disclosed in the prior United States application In the manner provided by
`the first paragraph of Title 35. United States Code, 1112,1 acknowledge the duty to disclose material Information as defined in Title 37,
`Code of Federal Regulat ons, 11.56 (a) which occurred between the filing date of the prior application and the national or PCT inter•
`national filing date of this application:
`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledge,s‘true and that all statements made on information and belief'
`are believed to be true: and further that these atatements were made4rith the knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made
`are punishable by flee or Imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code and that such willful false
`statements may jeapordize the yalidity of the application or any patent issued thereon.
`POWER OF ATTORNEY: As a named inventor, I hereby appoint the following attorney(%) end/or agents) to prosecute this opplicetion
`and transact all business In the Patent and Trademark Office connected therewith. (list name end registration number)
`Nell M. Zlpkin, Registration No. 27,478
`Morton Amato', Registration No. 18,877
`Anthony F. LoClcero, Registration No. 29,403
`Jesse Rothstein. Registration No. 20.118
`Daniel S. Ebenstoin, Registration No. 24,932
`Joel E. Lutsker, Registration No. 29,408
`Kenneth P. George, Registration No. 30.259
`- - Philip H. Gottfried, Registration No. 25,871
`Michael J. Berger, Registration No. 26,829 Daryl K. Neff, Registration No. 38 253
`90 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016
`(212) 697-599c
`Daryl K. Neff
`Tho ac R Wnlripn
`91 River Road
`Rrandview NPW York 109Rn
`2 /6
`NFLE Ex. 1002 - Page 47
`NFLE 1002 - Page 48
`NFLE 1002 - Page 48


`Serial No.
`Thomas H. Wolzien
`"5-xtltes5 WV mailing label ne..EH 80 7 4113, Ide S
`Dam 0 Deposii
`hereby wit that this
`z p.(1.5 Moil Post Dilico
`etdh the United States Neal SET Kee
`Id an ine date indicated
`to Addressee" Berme under 37 CR
`alma and is addressed td the Assistant Commissioner Idt
`Trademarks, 2900 Cr slat Unite Arington,
`iz_RA LL.J
`604 person mailing paper or
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`Prior to examination of the above-identified application, please amend the
`application as follows:
`the S
`continuatibh orSer. No. 08/597,432, filed February 8, 1996.2.-4w
`After t e Title and,15‘e the first line, kindly insert; -- `Hri-MTh a
`4 4-mi- 7/0
`7.64 be t.
`Kindly delete Claims 1-17 and ad
`the following daims:
`18. A metipod of providing to a user of online information services access
`tor, online information thro gh an address associated with an online infoi-rnation source
`provided with a video progr m comprising:
`indicating to the user that an address has been provided with said video
`program; and
`NFLE 1002 - Page 49
`NFLE Ex. 1002 - Page 48
`NFLE 1002 - Page 49


`electronicall extracting said address to establish a communication link
`with the online information
`rce associated with said address.
`-W. The method in accordance with Claim Ifer further comprising using
`said communication link to provide interactive exchange of information between said
`online information source and the user.
`(-I- The method in accordance with Claim /115 wherein said step of
`indicating includes producing a visual indication to be displayed on the system wherein
`said program is displayed.
`The method in accordance with Claim„Vg wherein said step of
`indicating includes producing an auditory indication to be sounded on a speaker where
`an audio portion of said program is reproduced.
`22; The method in accordance with Claim )S where said step of indicating
`includes-activating a sensory indicator on a system separate from that on which said
`_ . program is ceprfocIncest
`23. A method of providing online information services to a user of such
`online services, co a prising the steps of:
`receivi g a television broadcast signal having an information signal
`representing the addr s of an online information source;
`extracting he address of said online information source from said received
`television broadcast signa
`27934 1
`NFLE Ex. 1002 - Page 49
`NFLE 1002 - Page 50
`NFLE 1002 - Page 50


`utomatically using said address, in response to a user initiated command,
`to transmit a si: al to connect said user with the online information source associated
`with said address; and
`g online information signals from said online information provider.
`24. A m thod of providing to a user of online information services, at the
`time of viewing a video irogram represented by an electronic signal, access to online
`information through a lin provided in said video program, comprising:
`indicating to e user that an address is available for establishing
`communication with an onli e information source;
`electronically ex acting, in response to a user initiated command, an
`address associated with an onlin information source from an information signal
`embedded in said electronic signa , and using said extracted address to establish a
`communication link with the online information source associated with said extracted
`_ .
`25. A method of providi g to a user of online information services access
`to online information through a link pro "ded in a video program,„corhprising:
`indicating to the user that a ink to online information services is available
`for receiving the online information; and
`electronically accessing said o
`ine information associated with said link in
`NFLE Ex. 1002 - Page 50
`NFLE 1002 - Page 51
`NFLE 1002 - Page 51


`26. A edia online services access system for providing to a user of online
`information services w le viewing or listening to a video or audio program represented
`by an electronic signal, a
`rect digital communication link with an online information
`source through a link provid
`in said electronic signal, comprising:
`means for indicti
`to the user that an address is available for extraction
`from said electronic signal which ermits communication with an online information
`source; and
`means for extracting an • ddress associated with an online information
`source from an information signal embe ded in said electronic signal, and for
`establishing a link with the online inform non source associated with said extracted
`The media online services access system in accordance with Claim
`whireiris-aid program is a video program, further comprising:
`means for receiving an information signal from said online information
`source; and
`means for displaying an image signal detected from said received
`information signal.
`The media online services access system in accordance with Claim 0
`wherein said indicating means comprises a visual indicator displayed on a system on
`which said program is displayed.
`NFLE Ex. 1002 - Page -1
`NFLE 1002 - Page 52
`NFLE 1002 - Page 52


`,29). The media online services access system in accordance with ClaimX
`further comprising a user control device coupled to said system to permit said user to
`interactively communicate with said online information source.
`NFLE Ex. 1002 - Page 52
`NFLE 1002 - Page 53
`NFLE 1002 - Page 53


`Applicant has amended the Specification to indicate that the present application is
`a continuation of parent U.S. Application Ser. No. 08/597,432 which was filed on
`February 8, 1996. Additionally, Applicant has canceled Claims 1-17 and added Claims
`18-29 for prosecution on the merits. Claims 1-17 have been allowed in the parent
`application which is expected to issue shortly.
`A check for the filing fee has been enclosed. The filing fee has been calculated
`based on the number of claims in issue as a result of this Preliminary Amendment. Any
`other fee required and not submitted herewith should be charged to the Deposit Account
`of the undersigned attorneys, Account No. 01-1785; any refund should be credited to the
`same account.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Attorneys for Applicant
`90 Park Avenue
`New York, New York 10016
`(212) 697-5995
`ichael . erger
`Registration No. 25,829
`Dated: New York, New York
`April 3, 1998
`NFLE Ex. 1002 - Page 53
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`NFLE 1002 - Page 54


`Approved for use through 913012000PTO°Mir 31675,1.01.0%821
`Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act 011995. no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unleSS d displays a valid OMB control nemce,
`Complete if Known
`Application Number
`SmallPatent fees are sub/act fo annual revision on October 1.
`rouse aro toe lees effective October r. 1997.
`Entity payments must Do supported by a small entity statement,
`otherwise large entity fees must be paid. See Forms PTO/San)9-12.
`First Named InYontor
`Examiner Name
`Group! Art Unit
`Attorney Docket N.
`Thomas R. Wol zi en
`FEE CALCULATION (continued)
`Large Entity Small Entity
`Fee Fee Fee Foe
`Coat II) Code II)
`130 205 05
`Fee Description
`Fee Paid
`Surcharge • late filing toe or cab"
`Surcharge - late provisional filing too or
`COyer 0001.
`50 227
`139 130 139 130 Non-English specilication
`147 2,520 147 2.520 For Sling e request for reexamination.
`112 920' 112 920' Requesting publication or SIR raper to
`Examiner action
`113 1,840' 113 1.840" Requesting publication of SIR after
`Examiner action
`Extension fur reply YnIllie St month
`115 110 215
`Extension tar reply within second month
`110 400 218 200
`Extension for'reply witnin third month
`117 050 217 475
`Extension for reply within fourth month
`118 1,510 218 755
`Extenaton for reply within fifth month
`128 2,000 228 1,0:
`14011c401 APPeW
`119 310 219 155
`Filing a Drier in 3uppoll of an appeal
`120 310 220 166
`136 Request for oral nearing
`121 270 221
`1,510 Petition to institute a public use proceeding
`130 1.510 138
`Petition to revive - unavoidable
`140 110 240
`METHOD OF PAYMENT (check one)
`he Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge
`indicated foes and credit any over payments to'
`Amster, Rothstein & Ebens
`rl Chafes the IseveFoe 5,01n
`1--1 37 CFR 1.10 et evylAehno el ins
`Nobcoot Aline
`[71 Charge Any A55,1lonal
`91.1( Fee Requava Under
`37 CFR 110 and 117
`),E) Check
`El Other
`Fee Paid
`3..9 no
`2.1fa Payment Enclosed:
`Large Entity Small Entity
`Foe Fee Fee Fee Fee Description
`Code (9) Code (S)
`10i 700
`201 395 Utility filing fee
`208 185 . Design filing fee
`106 330
`107 540
`207 270 Plant Sling tee
`ton ifil3 208 395 Reissue filing fee
`114 150 214 75 Provisional filing fee
`SUBTOTAL (1) I(s)
`Extra Cl
`Petition to revive - unintentional
`141 1,320 241 800
`Why Issue tee (or reissue)
`142 1,320 242 HO
`143 450 243 225 Oesign Issue loo
`Plen1 mug fee
`144 970 244 335
`122 130 122 130
`50 123
`126 240 126 240
`Submiasion of Information Disclosure Stmt
`40 581 40 Recording each patent assignment per
`property (times number of properties)
`Fi tiny at submission atter final rejection
`(37 CFR 1.129(a))
`For each additional invention to be
`examined (37 CFR 1.129(b))
`148 790
`240 395
`149 790
`249 395
`Petitions to the Commissioner
`Petitions related to provisional applications
`Other fee (specify)
`Other fee (specify)
`Total Clmti r12 I-20"
`t to 22
`210 11
`Fee from
`below Fee Pald
`Independent f 5
`Multiple Dependent
`11 82 -0(1
`"or number previously paid, If greater; For R8433U63, see bsfow
`Large Entity Small Entity
`Fee Fee Fee Fee
`Cod. (9) Code (S)
`103 22 203 11 Claims in excess Of 20
`202 41
`Independent asime melts of 3
`104 270
`204 135 Multipte dependent claim, if not paid
`208 41
`Reissue Independent claim
`over odginal patent
`.• RekillUll claims In excess 01 20
`end over original patent
`($) 477.00
`Reduced by Basic Filing Fee Paid
`Typed or
`Printed Name
`Michael 3
`Complete (.1,appl,cablel
`Reg. Number 25,829
`Deposit Account
`User ID
`Burden Hour Statement Ns formeglalmated to take 0.2 hours to complete. Time wig vary depending upon the needs of the Indnedvai case Any
`comments on the amount of time you are required to complete this form should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, Patent and Trademark Cace.
`Washington, OC 20231. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO' Mei:lent COmMi0010ner for Patents.
`Washington. DC 20231.
`Date T 4/3/98
`NFLE Ex. 1002 - Page 54
`NFLE 1002 - Page 55
`NFLE 1002 - Page 55



`Thomas H. Woizien
`Serial No.
`09/054,740 V
`April 3, 1998
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`Washington, D.C. 20321
`PURSUANT TO 37 C.F.R. Ii 1.97
`Enclosed herewith are a "List of Prior Art Cited by Applicant" (PTO Form
`1449) listing documents which were cited by the Examiner during the prosecution of
`Patent Application No. 08/597,432, now issued Patent No. 5,761,606.
`The Examiner is respectfully requested to consider the cited documents and
`indicate his consideration thereof by initialing the enclosed PTO Form 1449 and
`returning a copy of the initialed form to Applicant's undersigned attorney.
`'Wass Mail' Meting label No PI f1771)359311)15
`Date of Deniddir 7n19R
`I hereby certify that 1.1146 pellet or fee is being deposited
`with the United States Postal SerVine "Express Mau Post
`Office to Addressee" Seivite under 37 CFR 110 so 11,4e dale
`indicated above and is addressed to the Commlssoner of
`Paten's encThaderrarks, fni.h.IngtOn. D.C. 20232.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Attorneys for Applicant
`90 Park Avenue"
`New York, New York 10016
`(212) 697-5995
`Dated: New York, New York
`July 2, 1998
`Regis ration No. 25,829
`NFLE 1002 - Page 56
`NFLE Ex. 1002 - Page 55
`NFLE 1002 - Page 56

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