OVER 500,000 SOLD
`The Authoritative Resource for
`Telecommunications, Networking.
`the Internet and Information Technology
`UpdatedmndExpanded Edition
`bYJjBH’Y Newton
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`copyright © 2002 Harry Newton
`ersonol web site:
`Business web site:
`All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright conventions, including
`the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any Form whatsoever.
`Published by CMP Books
`An imprint of CM? Media LLC.
`12 West 2] Street
`New York, NY 10010
`ISBN Number 1757820-1041-7
`February 2002
`Eighteenth Edition
`For individual orders, and tor information on special discounts tor quantity orders,
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`CMP Books
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`{ac-r :/
`Table of Contents
`- We offer a real reward ............................................................. it
`- How To Save on Telecom, PC, Internet and Airline Expenses and Best Investment Tips ................... VII
`- The logic of call centers! customer cares, and buying on the Internet .............................. XII
`- Cheaper, faster and more reliable are obvious trends but there are other less obvious important ones also.
`— How to Make Sure Your Computing and Telecommunications Still Run ............................. XIX
`- How to figure our ordering of terms and our spellings ...................................... XXI
`- Harry Newton does have a life outside this dictionary ....................................... XXII
`- Roy Horak teaches, consults and lives in Paradise ......................................... XXVII
`Dictionary begins with Numbers then goes onto Letters ......................................... I
`— Industry Standards Organizations and their contact information ................................. 850
`- International Calling Codes ......................................................... 856
`- Standard Plugs and Connectors ..................................................... 858
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`and Zilog 2-30, were installed in 0-bit computers such as the ripple II, tire hlStlI 0050, and
`the Corrunodore 64.
`800 the first “area code' for what MET musically cahd laWrtTS service See 000
`Service and fill".
`'00 Purlrlllllltyr 000 Portability refers to the fact motpoucan rolceyaur 500 ruin-
`ber to any long distance carrier. it rose example once I ha
`i BUGUBRARY. For many
`years,diat nuritberwas pIoIrieded MET. When portabiity more along, we were able to
`itfraar hm ta MET and
`keep f-BOfl-UllllhRY, whichIs 8005427271800
`ityisonmidedbyaseriesafcomplexdatohmothebcalplmnecampanies uncle
`FCC mandate, have built. 000 T'ar‘tabibty started an Hay l I993 See 800 Service.
`800 Service A roll call paid for by the called p,arty rather than the rating puny. ignore-
`it and common tour for InWltTS (‘tiida Area ielecoinrriinications Service) service prowded
`byaphuneMinimumwhetheralflliocal ExdnargeCorrieNaulXCllntereltdarge
`Carrier). tn tlorthhrner‘coondinarderoltheirirtroduction, cl these In’r'lirTSserviceshave
`800 “967), 883 l I996], 87? (rater, 066 [2009], or 855 {200” as their 'atea
`code." (More: Future 000 numbers will follow the convention Bllll where lltl cue specific
`numbers which are identical Sadr llDll sentice is typically used by merchants offering to sell
`eonterl‘irgsudioshorelresenatiorrs, clothes oriental carslherdeaolthefieesenrceisro
`enriceaistomeisrocaldrenurrbor, willithetheorybeingrl'rardilrecalrmsaialcaluni
`000 servicIs use various ways to
`' are led bill their 800 sewices
`000 Service works like this: You're somewhere in North America. You dial 1000, 1-000,
`I077, Hind or l-BSS and seven di
`'13. Tire LEC {Local Exchange Canier‘re the local
`'l’_agandrecnireslheadlaslorig clstance. tr
`olsarecogrizerthelitlllareaoodeondcprenes acerrrrolaeddatabasebeluresproc
`the call lurrher, with the query generallymtaking place over a SS? (Signingsystemwill
`link. The centrdhcad database resides on a Service Management System lSMSl, which is
`a centralized computing platform, The database identifies the LEC or Ith {InterEirchafi
`[mam] proridng the one munber. Based on that iirlornratian, and assuming thatthe
`Once the IXC has been handed the call, it processes the 800 number, perhaps translating
`it into a 'real" telephone number in order to route itcorrectly. dlternathrely, the tilt trans
`late: the 300 train or into an internal, nonstandard l0digit number for further roofing to
`the ruminating Central 0dice (C0) and trunk or think group.
`its a mobile example. the smasher of tiis book has an 500 number, BDOiJSRARY (or
`800-54 2427‘”. When you call that neither, MC] routes that number to the first acailctrb
`d'raunel an the dedicated i—l circuit whid'r leased from MCI's and connecting the MCI New
`York Ury POP (Point 0t Presence) to the GAP New lar’crmy office
`Because 000 long distance service is essentially a database aalrup and translation service
`for'incoming phone callsthpr: cue endlessflsegces you can amen can as;
`pennanmt irrsrmcrioi'is ‘uuo
`ranting partners
`on true
`day dayof week. number called, number rolling. Saree long distance cornpare‘esallowyou
`to diauge your roofing instructions horn one minute to another. For example you might
`have two call centers into which 000 phone calls are pouriir‘i’g.c ltlhen one gets busy, you
`may tell your long distance companynyto more all the 300
`and phone calls to the call
`center which isn't busy. See Erghtl'lundred Service and Due Plumber Calling for more,
`pspeciblly allrhe teamiesyaa can now ton 000 service.
`lntrtoy at 1993 the KC mandated that a 000 {and by eirtereion ch 8100 numbers become
`”f'parrabte That means that mstamers can take their 000 telephone number from one i
`distance company to another, and still keep the some 000. See alsI 800 Portabilty.
`000 Seances are known internationally as 'Freefoae Services." In ofiier correlates the chal-
`ing srharire may vary, with example: being 0-000 and 0-500. Such servicesalso go raider
`the name ”Greenlane.‘ In lane rm, the "lit approved the E169 standard llrl‘ireaal
`lntemot‘ronal Freatane Nunrber lUIFNl numbers, also known as 'Giabal 800.” UlFN will
`work across national boundaries, based on a standard numbering schema of 300, 880 or
`077 plus an Bdigit telephone number, See also Him and Vanity Numbers.
`301 See 002 Standards.
`I{Local lieu
`802 Stand-III! The 302 Standards are a set of stardanb tar Ulil
`Hehvorlr) and HAN (Metropolitan Area Netwodcl data con'nrunicatiore developed through
`the lEEE’s Protect 802. The two mastimparranr standards are 802st lb and 802.] l a. The
`standards also indude an overview at recommended networking ard'irectares, approved it
`1990. Tire 002 storrdordsfolaw a curious numbering convention. A number lallawed by a
`capital letter denotes a standalone standard; a number followed by a lower case letter
`800 / 802.1“
`denotes either a supplement to a standard, or alpgrt at o unrltiple-nurnber standard le.g.,
`302.] 8 302.3). The 80? standards segment
`data link layer into two arblayeis:
`LAtiediakcees Control (MAC) layerrhriindrdesspeo'iicmethods lcrr giiri'
`the Lhtf. These methods — such as Ehrenret’s random access method and T en king's
`token passing procedure - are in the 802.3. 802.5 and 802.6 standards.
`2. h Logical link Control titCl layer, described in the 802.2 standard, that provides for
`connection estralilishment, data transfer, and connection termination services. llC specifies
`rl'lee types of corrununicotiore finks:
`" An Unoclcnawledged Connectinrless Link. where the sending and receiving devices do not
`set up a connection before transmitting. Instead. messages are sent an a 'besi effon"
`basis, with no provision lai ermr detection, error recovery, or message sequencing. This
`type of ink is best suited for applications where the higher layer protocols can provide the
`error conection and hriictiorrs. or where the loss at broadcast messages is not critical.
`*ACenmcfimtIadeLmhwhareaconnection beheeenmersogesourceanddesrinotioa
`is established prior to transmission. This type of ink works best in applications, suchaslile
`transfer, where large amounts of data are being transmitted at onetime.
`* An hcknouvidedged [onmmgdrkbsmfllh as itsnamedindicates modes for acknowl-
`messages on
`errrces w maintaining a con—
`necion. Forrl'lsreasan disniostahcnusedfaraniicatiaiisudmreacentrulpmcessar
`communicates with a lot
`rumber of devices with limited processlrarsrpacapabilities
`802.] IEEE standard or overall architecture ol Hills and internatworking. See all the
`following definitions.
`802.] III 802.lla is actually an updated, big or, better, faster version at 002T lb
`(also oiled h'iFil, which is now cannnonly install
`in offices, airports, called shops, etc.
`Many laptops now come with “Hit. The newer 002.11a, also car IIEE starr-
`dard forwireless'lhtls. srrpporrsspeedsupro 54 Mbps 302.11a nurse-re 300-trtl-izalla
`cation in the 5 EH: range, which was alacated by the FCC to support of UNII {the
`Unlicensed National Information infrastructure). Spechically, 200 MHz is allocated at 5.15-
`5.35 $in for inbuildng applications, and 100 MHz or 5.72550 25 MHz for outdoor use.
`lhisallocoled spectrum is divided usrorlueeworlcingdomains. rlt 5.56.25 MHz, rnarri
`rrrarrr poweroutput ‘5 restricted to 50rnl'rr (minions), 5.25-5.35 to 250th and 5.725
`5.325 to l
`Ir'ialt. BU'Z.Tla has been dubbed bib-HS lb‘fireless Fidelity S MHI) by the
`Wireless Ethernet Compotiliifity Alliance l‘r‘lECrll.
`302ila Lees Coded Unhogonol Freacency Division Multiplexing lCUFDlrtl as thes
`modulation mdiriique. COFDM sendswastream at data oymMs'm a nrassiirely parallel
`ion, with multiple subcarriers (i.e., smol slices of ltf, arlladra Spectniro, widiin Ilia desig
`nated carrier freqirency band. Each comer channel is 20 MHZ wide, and is subdivided into
`52 subcarrier channels, each of which is approximately 300 lltlz wide; 43 at the subcat-
`rier channels are used tar data transmission. and the remaining four for error cannot.
`Through the application at a coding technique, each symbol comprises malti
`Thespec‘rhedcading reciriqrresarddatnrarasspecilied allafvlla‘chmnst
`by802.llcauiplluntpiaducts include lll’SKlliinoryPluseShthlleyirrglatl25|lbosKbosppr
`channel lar a total of 6 htbps across all 43 data channels OPSK {Quadrature Phase 5 iii
`Key'Iup) at for 250 llbpspar dronnel for a total at 12 hibps and lollhtrl lldlevel
`Quadrature Amplitude Modulation] at 500 libps per channel For a total of 24 Mbps. The
`standard rise allows more camctex modulation schemes, that alter inaeased data rates.
`fluently. the mastcomplerr and fastest is 640.“ lad-level lldltll. at 1325 tribes per
`dtunnel la! a total of 54 Mbps.
`The symbol rate is slowed down enough that each symbol transmission is longer than the
`delayspread. The delay spreadIs the variationIn timing between receipt of the signals
`ivensymbal withthedelayflmreadcaisedbymultipathfading.
`phenornenonrrdrerebyrheltf sigmlscorryingagnendatasym
`arriveat the receiverassi‘rghrtydrfiarentrimes. This‘sbecaise rtre sip'ro spreadsaurham
`the transmitter, with certain portions attire signal reading the receiver more or less direct
`ly, while other portions of the signal bounce around all of walls, lumiture, your cowork-
`er's pointy head, and sudr. New, each at the
`bots contains multiple bits, wh‘tdt are
`irnpasedanittluaughrbecadng pcacessesfien'
`thereceiirer, rtieyaresonedaatantdecaded. withthedecoding process praciringsarae
`additional time for the receiver to odust for the delay spread and to get ready to receive
`the next symbol Bath 302 He and 802. I 1b are designed to becomparirte with Ethernet
`Ultis using the MAC lh‘odia hcaess Control]
`technique at [Slat/Cit (Corner Sense
`Multiple Access with Collision droidancel.
`llthissaundsgeat,thot’sbecoaseirisgreot.tlttissoundsioogoodrobetme, that’s
`Page 6 0f 7
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`302.1"! / 802.10
`because it gets a little more complicated. While the 5 Gil: spectrum is pretty clear in the
`05, it's not so readily available elsewhere. Military and govemmem installations use per-
`tions of this band overseas.
`in Japan, only the 5.15-5.25 MHz spectrum is Ivailable.
`Europe, the 5725-5025 MHz spectrum is already allocated for atlter uses. In Europe, ETSI
`(European Telecommunications Standards Institute) requires that two additional protocols
`be used in coniunctian with 002.11o in order to protect incumbent applications and sys-
`tems running over previously allocated shared spectrum. DES (Dynamic Frequency
`Selection) allows inn 302.11a s stem to dynamically shift frequency channels and TPC
`Clmnsmissiun Pewer Camral) r
`aces the power level. In combination, these protocols
`serve to eliminate interference issues with incumbent signals. See also 302.1 lb,
`802.1 lg, BPSK, CSMA/Ch, MAC, DFDM, 0AM, OPSK, WECA and lift-Fl.
`802.1 111 802.11b is now the most common wireless local area network. 3021 lb
`lalso called Witt) is new commonly installed in offices, airports, coffee shops, etc. Many
`laptops now come with 802.11b built-in. 302.11b has been dubbed Wr-Fi (Wireless
`Fidelity) by the Wireless Ethentet Compatibility hlliance (WECA). 802.) 1b defines bath the
`(PHY) and Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols. Specifically,
`the PHY spec
`includes three transmission options — one It (lntmred), and two RF (Radio Frequency).
`802.11b uses 0555 (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) madalationfor digital communi-
`cation. DSSS involves the transmission of a stream of ends and cards, which is modulat-
`ed with the llarker code chipping sequence. Barker code is an 1 11bit sequence [e.g.,
`101101 11000) that has advantages in wireless transmission. Each bit is encoded into on
`11-bit Barker code, with each resulting data ahiecr forming a “chip.“ The chip is put on a
`water frequency in the 2.4 EH: range (2.42.403 EH2), and the waveform is modulated
`using one of several techniques. 302.11 systems running at 1 Mbps make use of BPSIC
`(Dinuty Phase Shift Keying). Systems running at 2 Mbps make use of 0PStl (Quaternary
`Phase Shift lieying). Systems running at 1 1 Mbps make use of (Cit (Complementary Code
`Keying), which involves 64 unique code sequences, which technique supports six bits per
`code word. The CCII code word is then modulated onto the RF carrier using 0PSli, which
`allows another nvo bin to be encoded for each 6410 symbol. Therefore, each 6-bit s at-
`tel contains eight bits. Power output is limited by the FCC to 1 watt ElRP fErtuivallent
`lsohapically Radiated Power). At this low power level, the physical distance between the
`transmitting devices becomes an issue, with error performance suffering as the distance
`increases. literature, the devices adoptto longer distances by asin a less complex encod
`ing technique, and a resulting lower signaling speed, which trans
`tes into a lower data
`rate. For example, a system maning at 11 tribes using CCll and 0951i, might throttle back
`to 5.5 Mbps by halving the signaling rate as the distances increase and error pedarmance
`drops. is the sihretton gets worse, it might throttle back to 2 Mbps using only GPSIC, and
`1 Mbps using BPSK. Also to be considered in this equation is the fact that the 2.4 EH:
`mega is in the unlicensed 1510 (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band, which is shared by
`garage door openers, microwave ovens, bar code scanners, cordless phones, Diuetooth
`LANs, and a wide variety of other devices. As a result, this slice of spectrum can be heavi-
`ly congested at times, and performance can drop considerably. 302.1 I divides the avail-
`able spectrum into 14 channels. lathe US, the HI allows the use of l 1 channels. Eaar
`drannels are available in France, 13 in the rest of Europe, and only one in Japan. There
`also is overlap between ad‘acent channels ie.g., channels one and two), which fact funher
`affects perfonnunce; therefore, any given system must maintain maximum channel sepa-
`ration from other systems in proximity.
`Bath 002.11g and 302.1 lb are designedto be compatible with Ethernet Ihtls. 302.1 lb uses
`a variation of the MAC (Media tlccess Control) technique of (Sikh/Ch (Carrier Sense Multiple
`hcces with Collision hvoidance), which iscoed iaseme wired Ethemets, aswell. hdevice seek-
`ing to transmit over the shared medium (in this case, a shared RF channel) listens to the net—
`work. If it senses no activity over the carrier frequency for a mirin'ram period of time known
`as the DIFS (DCF (Distributed Coordinated function) lnturfrarne Spa ‘
`), itrequests access
`byfirst transmitting a RIS lkequest la Send) packet. The R15 pocket in odes both the source
`li.e., transmitter) and destination (to, intended rece‘nrer) addresses, the dumtian afthe intend
`ed session lie, transmission), and theACli iriCltnowledgement) associated with it. If the net
`wads is available, the destination device responds with {15 (Clear To Send), repeating both the
`duration and the llCll. 101 other devices back off the network until the session is concluded. If
`the network, on the utter hand, is busy, the device waits a period of time equal to the DlES,
`plus a modem number of slot times, as calculated with several backafl timers. lire “listening”
`pmcess takes several loans. CAM [Constant hccess Metlvtd), the default method, involves cort-
`stant monitoring of the anionic. Since [MA creates a power consumption issue for battery
`powered devices, PM (Failed ticcess Made) can be substituted. PAM calls forah dient devices
`to go into sleep mode, (if awaking at regular intervals, at the exact same time, to Esten for
`network activity. On impary 3, 2000 the 802.11 technologyugot another boost when
`Microsoft and Stadroclcs announced that they were to ioin forces to
`er wireless access, using
`3021 lb among other standards, in most of Starbcnks‘ coffee outiets everthe nevi nrroycmrs.
`the deal, some analysts say, a a tunher sign that 802.1 lb raid becorrna serious compett
`tar to better known wireless technologies such as Bluetooth, HarneRF, or even neittgenemtion
`cellular networks. ripple was the list to launch on 802.1 lb product line (coiled hirPert). All
`Apple computers now include a bailtin antenna which, in coairmction with a networking card,
`can exchange data with a small base station plugged into a broadband imemetcanaection up
`to 45 metres (150 feet) away. Although same PC laptops rrowcome preeguipped with wire
`less hardware, most users buy a PCMClrl card, or PC card, that serves as a wireless modem
`and antenna. See also 002.101, 002.1 lg, Illuetoath, EPSIf, Chip, [SIM/CA, 055$, Ellii’,
`Ethernet, HomeRF, MAC, 0PSI(, Spread Specacrn, WECA and Witt.
`802.12 Standard for 1001'iiuhnytntl. Addresses 100 Mbps demandpriority access
`method physical-layer and repeater specifications. Approved in 1995.
`802.15 A developing lEEE standard for Wireless Personal Area Networks iWPllrttsl. the
`802.15 Working Group (190) comprises four task Gm
`(109.151 is denvin e WPrltl
`standard based on the Bluetooth specifications. 162 is
`evelopiag recommend
`to tecihtote the coexistence of 002.15 10?th and 002.11 Wlhtls (Wireless Local Area
`Networks). 103 is chartered to draft a new standard for high-rate )0?th running at 20
`Mbps or better. Development is focusing on the 2.4 GHz hand, using 00PSK (Orthogonal
`Quaternary Phase Shift Keying) as the modulation technique. 104 is charged with investi-
`gating a low data mte WPhN solution running atna more than 200 Kbps in support of appli-
`cations such as wireless interactive rays, serrson, automation, and smart tags and badges,
`802.16 it developing lEEE standard for broadband wireless access.
`lhe 302.16
`Woricing Group (WE) is working on a vadety affixed wireless standards intended to serve
`high-speed applicators.
`002.10 Standard for lhtlfllihll management, approved in 1992; along with 3021):,
`became the basis of ISO/IEC 15002-2.
`802.10 lEEE standard for interconnecting 1th thraa h MAC bridges (specifically
`between 002.3, 302.4, and 002.5 nenuarks). The standa was approved in 1990, and
`was incorporated into ISO/IEC 10033. Works at the Milt level.
`802.1! lEEE standard for LAN and Milli load protocols. Approved in 1990, leaned the
`basis for 150/IEC 15802-4.
`002." Standard for defining network mlnagement information specified in 302
`umbrella standards. Ihpproved in 1993.
`002.10 A developing standard for remote bridging at the MAC layer.
`802.111 lEEE pmctices recommended for bridging Ethernet Lhtls at the MAC layer.
`hpptoved in I995.
`002.11 iEEE standard for using FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data interface) as a MltC-layer
`bridge. Approved in 1992, the standard was incorpamred into lSU/‘lEC 10030.
`802.11 lEEE standard for bill connectivity using MAC-layer bridges. A supplement to
`802.10, it was approved in 1996.
`802.111 lEEE standard for the discovery and dynamic control of network management
`infornrotian. Approved in 1993.
`In conjunction with 302.10, was the basis for lSD/IEC
`802.118 It conformance statement for 302.1 E, it addresses definitions and protocols for
`system land management. Approved in 1993, it was incorporated into lSD/lEC 15302-4.
`002.1 P lEEE extension of 802.10. Specification for the use of MAC-layer bad es in filter-
`ing and eraseditiag maiticast traffic. Prioritization at traffic is accomphshed throng the addi
`tion of a Erbit, priority value in the home header. Eight topalogyindependent priority values
`(07) are specified, with all eight values mapping directly into 3024 and 002.6. Switches
`that support 002.1P and 802.10 pmvide a homework for bandwidth prioritization.
`Essentially what all these words mean is that you can assign a priority to the type of traf-
`fic with lEEE 302.1p class-ef-servico ((eS) wines and these allow network devices along
`the way to recognize and deliver highpriority traffic in a predictable manner. When can-
`glesticérarzuclcurs, 09$ drops lawpriarity traffic to allow delivery of higlrpriority traffic. See
`a so
`. 0.
`802.10 lEEE specification for implementation of ‘rllfitls in layer 2 LAN switches, with
`emphasis an Ethernet. Similar to 802.1P, prioritization of traffic is accomplished through
`an additional four bytes of data in the frame header. Most data fields in this addition to
`the header are specific to llLAhl apemtion. Also included is a field which provides the same
`3-bit priority flog specified in 002.1 P’s priorityvnapping scheme.
`in addition to canven
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