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`Microsoft Press
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`Acquisitions Editor: Kim Fryer
`Project Editors: Maureen Williams Zimmerman, Anne Taussig
`Technical Editors: Dail Magee In, Gary Nelson, Jean Ross. Jim Fuchs. John Conrow.
`Kurt Meyer. Robert Lyon, Roslyn Lutsch
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`a - .lication bina
`lntosh computer to share film with anothcr on [111.
`same l‘lClWUl'k. SecaLVu filt- :en'cr. Mac ()5.
`applet \n'plat\ n. A small pied; of code that ( All llc‘
`trztnsp. tl‘tr’tl over the lnzcmt-t and cxccutcd on [lit‘
`in ipicnt‘s mat him. The term is cspct‘ittlly UnL‘Cl to
`rcfcr to such programs :ls tht-y are c'tnhct'ided in
`line as objects lr. HTM‘I. d: )t'ttmrllh on the World
`\Vidc Wilt.
`long LllL‘d as a shortcoming oi the Mutintosh ton:-
`pttrcd With 115.“ Pb and cornpntihk K This [’mturc,
`along with other layout (hitngts (111d thc addition
`ol~ itcw kcyx and lights, makes thu Applc Luanda-.1
`Keyboard q.1itt-
`form :0 the IBM
`enhanced keyboard. Scr [l'lL illustration. 51% (1’50
`onhum‘cd kcyhoai‘d.
`second computer
`Apple [I \dp‘l
`:ntmduccd by the Apple Computt-r ( .orpuution, ll‘
`April W77. The Apple 1]
`lt-ttttrrcd «)K dynamt'
`RAM. cxpandzthlc to 18K (with 10K chips). and
`used the (3‘02 n1l£r0pfnCUS§0L 'l'ht- Apple H mm
`the first utmputrr to offer .1 TV Vioco adaptt‘r as
`an optional .tltrmatiw to a cmor computtt' mom
`It also featured Sound and tight expansion
`slots. 500 also 0502,
`Apple key \.q)’] kC‘\ n. A kt-y on Applt kvyhoards
`ltt‘xtlml with an outlim ot the Apple logo (15,. On
`the Applt’. Extended Kt-yhnurd, lhi< kry is thy Sdilit'
`.is the Command kt-y, Wllltll functions similarly to
`the Control kt-y on lllM .md. compatihlc kcy
`in gcnemlly used in conjunction with .t
`charmtt‘i' kcy as a Shortcut to making HlLItll fl‘lL‘Lr
`tinm or stzu'littg ,1 macro.
`Apple Macintosh \ap‘l nmkm-msm n. bt't' M214;
`ApplcTalk \2tp’l tik"\ n, An inexpensive local
`arm nt-twork dwelopcd Hy App]:~ that “in be
`used by Applc and non-Apple computers :0
`LUIIllllUl'lelk and Share rmourccs such :1.\ print-
`an and file servers. Non-App]: computers must
`hc equipped with [\pplthllk liardwurr and suit-
`able >oftvvdrc. ‘l'lzc network LIMN a layercd set of
`protocols similar
`to the ho/Ubt model and
`transfcrs information in the form of packets
`callt'tl Hunt—N. Applc’l‘alk supports connections
`to at ltt'
`t\pplt~'l);lk networks through devices
`known as bridges. and it supportx‘ connections
`to dimmilar networks [llfotlgll
`tlcviccs called
`:{JIV‘WJym See also bridge,
`l‘riilllc (definition 2),
`A prognuli dc-
`application \a' pl:<kft‘~;hnh\
`stgnctl to assist in tltr prt‘futrnzuxr Ofd specific task,
`)UCh as word prtxussing, accounting. or inventory
`nunagt-tnt'nt. ( nnjmrn utility
`.Sct \cwton.
`Apple Newton \2tp'l ntfi'r‘tnn‘t
`application binary interface \a-pla-kfi'ahon hi‘~
`\ap‘l-s‘kript \ n, A script
`ll.)l"(‘ in tit-fits. hi~ n21r-E\ n. A sct ol institutions
`thud with Macintosh computes running undcr thc
`that spccitiw how tin t-Kttt'uttthlc tilt inlL‘RlLLS with
`System 7 operating system to exocuto commands
`the hardware And how information is storm. Acm—
`and tutonmtr functions. See also Script.
`nym- ABI I.-\‘ B-l't. (,mnpan tl')plit.tlll()n program
`ApplcShare \ap‘l shftr \
`71. File SL‘I'VCI <of'thtrc
`mint; inturlacc.
`that worka with [hL‘ Mitt- OS and allowu onr M2“,-
`Apple Extendml Keyboard.
`’l, is
`lC( )l
`tr; rk
`t ms
`9m ,
`. or
`1y ti
`: )l 1 »
`1 isy
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