`Applicant(s): Michael J. Rojas
`Serial No:
`Art Unit:
`I 71882
`March 4, 2009
`Commissioner for Patents
`P. 0.Box1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`In accordance with 3? C.F.R. §§ 1.97 and 1.93, it is requested that the following
`references, which are also listed on the attached Form PTO-1449, be made of record in the
`above—identified case.
`1. US. 6,763,226 dated July 13, 2004 to McZeal, 111;
`2. U.S. Patent Application Publication 2004JO25 2679 dated December 16, 2004
`to Williams ct a1;
`I hereby certify that this document is being electronically filed in the United
`States Patent and Trademark Office on the date shown below.
` Dated: March 4, 2009
`GOOGLE 1002
`GOOGLE 1002


`1.1.3. Patent Application Publication 200410122906 dated June 24, 2004 to
`Goodman et a1.;
`0.8. Patent Application Publication 200510053 230 dated March 10, 2005
`to Gierachf, K.;
`US. Patent Application Publication 200510105697 dated May 19, 2005 to
`Hollowell et a1.;
`U.S. Patent Application Publication 200310087632 dated May 8, 2003 to
`Sagi et al;
`US. Patent Application Publication 200610268750 dated November 30,
`2006 to Weiner, M.;
`US. Patent Application Publication 200410030046 dated February 12,
`2004 to Schultes at :31;
`11.3. Patent Application Publication 200710112925 dated May 17, 2007 to
`Makik, D.;
`U.S. Patent Application Publication 200710174403 dated .1uly 26, 200'? to
`Entry, M.;
`U.S. Patent Application Publication 200610167883 dated July 27, 2006 to
`Boukobza, 13.;
`US. Patent Application Publication 200410128356 dated July 1, 2004 to
`Bernstein at 311.;
`0.8. Patent Application Publication 200310126207 dated July 3, 2003 to
`Creamer et ah;
`cm33_ds.htm; “Data Sheet Cisco CallManager Version 3.3", November
`22, 2002;
`hit}; :1/ S/productsmwfswitches/Qs 1 9251products gm
`sheet 09186 a00800a3c3d.html; “Data Sheet Cisco MGX 8000 Series”
`(Date miknoum);
`http:11www.hsteliann.com1english1?2nne=3 100~V2 1P; ‘Teliphone 3 l 00—
`V21 P”, 2003;
`hit]; :11www.lin uxdevices.corn1a;tic] es1AT5 1999475 19 .html; “Device
`Profile: snom 100 VolP phone”, May 15, 2002;


`htty:/lwww.pingtel.comz‘pr xpressaq'sg; “No limits with the advanced
`industry standard SIP phone, December 8, 2003; and
`AudioCoded Enabling Technology Products, "PPM-1 100 V0? Media
`Gateway Modules; 2003.
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §l .98{d), copies of the above listed references are not
`provided, as references # 1 through 13 were previously cited by the Examiner in connection with
`the parent case, U.S. Serial No. 10/740,030 filed on December 18, 2003; and references 14
`through 19 were submitted to the Examiner by the Applicant in an Information Disclosure
`Statement dated August 19, 2004.
`Inasmuch as this Information Di sclosure Statement is being submitted in
`accordance with the schedule set out in 37 OF.R §1 97(1)), no statement or fee is required.
`ResPectfully sub '
`Scully, Scott, Murphy & Presser
`400 Garden City Plaza
`Garden City, New York 11530
`(S 16) 742—4343


`Form PTO-1449
`(REV. 7-80)
`Atty. Docket No.
`1 71332.
`Mal-lag] J_ Rojas
`Application No.
`(if appropriate)
`McZeal, Jr.
`Wllliams et a1.
`2005/005 3230
`200 3/008 7632
`200 6/0268750
`2004/003 0046
`2004/01 2835 6
`07-03 4003
`Goodman et 31.
`Giemohf, K.
`Holloweil at al.
`Sagi at 31.
`Weiner, M.
`Schultcs at al.
`Maljk, D.
`Boukobza, E.
`Bernstein et a}.
`Creamer et al.
` i
`OTHER PRIOR ART (Including Author, Title, Date, Pertinent Pages, Etc.)
`crn3 Ldshtm; “Data Sheet Cisco CallManager Version 3.3”, November 22, 2002;
` htt :// roducts/hw/switches/ 51925.“ roducts data
`sheet 09186 a00800a3¢3d.html; “Data Sheet Cisoo MGX 8000 Series" (Date unknown);


`‘Furm [#01449
`Atty. Docket No. (Optional)
`Sheet 2 of 2
`Application Number
`(Live swam! sheets Mnecessary)
`Michael Ro'as
`Filing Data
`Group Art Unit
`(if appropriate)
`OTHER DOCUMENTS (InchzdingAmhor, Title. Date. Pertinent Pages; Etc.)
`1ish/?zone=3100-V2]P; ‘Teliphone 3100—V2‘1P”, 2003;
`11g};:ffwwainuxdevices.cmm’articles/ATS} 99947519.html; “Device Pmfile: snom 100 VGIP
`phone”, (May 15, 2002);
`hit};:f/www.gi11gtel.comfgrjmgssajsg; “No limits with the advanced industry standard SIP phone,
`December 8, 2003; and
`-- AutfioCoded Enabling Technology Products, TPM—l 100 VoP Media Gateway Modules; 2003.
`* EXAMINER: Initial if Memes wnfiducd, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609; draw line through citation if not in. conformance and not
`considered. Include copy of this form with next mmmunicalian to applicant.


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`This application is a continuation ofU.S. Application serial number
`10f740,030 filed on December 18, 2003, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein
`by this reference.
`Technical Field of the Invention
`The present invention generally relates to Internet telephony (IP telephony).
`More particularly, the present invention is directed to a system and method for enabling
`local and global instant VoIP messaging over an IP network, such as the lntemet, with
`PSTN support.
`Description of the Prior Art
`Traditional telephony is based on a public switched telephone network (in,
`in the PSTN, a telephone terminal is electrically connected to a conventiorial or
`legacy switch. The telephone terminal and the legacy switch communicate via a proprietary
`protocol, which may be different depending on the vendor of the legacy switch. Circuit
`switching provides a communication path (i.e., dedicated circuit) for a telephone call from
`the telephone terminal to another device over the PSTN, including another telephone
`J:\Work\1732\l7 lflSBSPECNlTl Hawaiian


`terminal. During the telephone call. voice communication takes place over that
`communication path.
`An altemative to the PSTN is Voice over Internet Protoool (i.e., “VolP”),
`also known as IP telephony or Internet telephony. In the IP telephony, a V0]? terminal
`device is connected to a packet-switched network (cg, Intemet) and voice connnunication
`from the VoIP terminal device is digitized, packetized and transmitted over the packet
`switched network to a destination VoIP terminal device, which reconstructs the packets and
`audibly plays, stores or otherwise processes the transmission. The VoIP terminal device
`may be a VoIP telephone or a general-purpose personal computer (PC) enabled for IP
`telephony. More Specifically, the PC is programmed with the software and equipped with
`audio inputfoutput devices (e.g., a combination of microphone and speaker or a headset) to
`serve as a VoIP terminal device. The PC so enabled and equipped will herein be referred to
`as a VoIP temiinal. device or a VolP sofiphone.
`Figure 1 is an illustrative example of a prior art IP telephony system 100.
`The IP telephony system 100 comprises a packet-switched IP network 102, such as the
`Internet, which transmits VoIP traffic from andto a plurality of terminal devices 104, 106
`and 110. Terminal device 104 is a Vol? softphone that is enabled for IP telephony over the
`network 102. Terminal device 106 is a VoIP telephone, which is connected to the network
`102 via a sofiswitch 108. The VoIP soflswitch 108 is disposed on the packet~switched
`network (e.g., Internet) 102 between an origination terminal device {such as VoIP softphone
`£04) and a destination terminal device (such as VoIP telephone H16), and routes packets
`l:\Worl:\ l 732“ 71 SESPECII 7 lSSZspecfioc


`over the packet—switched IP network 102. The sofiswitch 108 may also manage and perform
`administrative functions for the terminal device or devices (e.g., VoIP telephone 106) to
`which it is connected. Whether the terminal device is 3 Vol? sofiphone 104 or a VoIP
`telephone 106, the terminal device is connected to the IP network 102 via a networking
`standard such as Ethernet, Bluetooth, IEEE 1394 {also known as “Firewire”), [BEE 302.1i
`(also known as “WiFi’U, or nonworking over serial communicati on channels such as the
`Unincrsal Serial Bus (i.e., “1138"). Data communication over the network then takes place
`using a connection protocol, e.g., transfer control protocol/Internet protocol (i.e., “TCP/IP”).
`Further regarding Fig. 1, terminal device 110 is a legacy telephone that is
`connected to a legacy switch 112 for (circuit—switched) voice communications over the
`PSTN 1 16 with other terminal devices. A media gateway 114 may be provided between the
`legacy switch 112 and the packet—sndtched network 102 to enable IP telephony between the
`legacy telephone 110 and a VoIP terminal device, such as a VcIP scflphone 104 or "VolP
`telephone 106. More specifically, the media gateway 114 converts the audio signal carried
`over PSIN to packets carried over the packet—switched IP network 102. In addition, a media
`gateway l 18 may be disposed over the PSTN 116 and connected to a softswitch 120 to
`convert the audio signal from the legacy telephone 110 to packets routed over the IP
`network 102 via the sofiswitch 120.
`Voice messaging in both the VoIP and PSTN is known. More specifically=
`the foregoing systems may be provided with a ficility to allow users to leave voice messages
`for recipients, which is a feature that is familiar to anyone who uses a telephone.
`J.'thrkll 732“ TI 8326135017] 882.5pecdoc


`Conventionally, leaving a voice message involves dialing the recipient's telephone number
`(often without knowing whether the recipient will answer), waiting for the connection to be
`established, speaking to an operator or navigating through a menu of options, listening to a
`greeting message, and recording the message for later pickup by the recipient.
`In that
`message, the user must typically identify himself or herself in order for the recipient to
`return the call.
`instant text messaging is likewise known. More specifically, a user is
`provided with a client terminal, which is typically a general-purpose PC programmed with
`instant text messaging software and in data communication over an IP network with an
`instant text-messaging server. The instant text-messagin g server presents the user, via the
`client terminal, with a list of persons who are currently “online” and ready to receive text
`messages on their own client terminals. The user then uses the client terminal to select one
`or more persons to whom the message will be sent and types in a text message- The text
`message is sent immediately via the text-messaging server to the selected one or more
`persons and is displayed on their respective client terminals.
`However, notwithstanding the foregoing advances in the Vole’PSTN voice
`communication and voiceltext messaging, there is still a need in the art for providing a
`system and method for providing instant VolP messaging over an IP network. More
`particularly, there is a need in the art for providing local and global instant voice messaging
`over VoIP with PSTN support.


`The present invention is directed to a system and method for enabling local
`and global instant VoIP messaging over an IP network, such as the Internet.
`According to an embodiment of the present invention, there is provided an
`instant voice messaging system for delivering instant messages over a packet—switched
`network, the system comprising: a client connected to the network, the client selecting one
`or more recipients, generating an instant voice message therefor, and transmitting the
`selected recipients and the instant voice message therefor over the network; and a server
`connected to the network, the sewer receiving the selected recipients and the instant voice
`message therefor, and delivering the instant voice message to the selected recipients over the
`network, the selected recipients being enabled to andibly play the instant voice meseage.
`According to another embodiment of the present invention, there is provided
`an instant voice messaging system for delivering instant messages over a packet—sndtched
`network enabling public swilched telephone network (PSTN) support, the system
`comprising: a PSTN telephone connected to the network for providing input audio; 3 client
`connected to the netimrk, the client selecting one or more recipients, generating an instant
`voice message therefor using the input audio provided by the PSTN telephone, and
`transmitting the selected recipients and the instant voice message therefor over the network;
`a server connected to Ihe network. the server receiving the selected recipients and the instant
`voice message therefor, and delivering the instant voice message to the Selected recipients
`J:\Work\l’l3 2H 1 l 383% P30] 7 i882.spec.tl06


`over the network, the selected recipients being enabled to audibly play the instant voice
`According to a further embodiment of the present invention, there is provided
`an instant voice messaging system for delivering instant messages over a packet—switched
`network, the system comprising: a voice—ovet—intemet-protocol (VOIP) telephone connected
`to the network for providing input audio; a client connected to the network, the client
`selecting one or more recipients, generating an instant voice message therefor using the
`input audio provided by the VoIP telephone, and transmitting the selected recipients and the
`instant voice message therefor over the network; a server connected to the network, the
`server receiving the selected recipients and the instant voice message therefor, and
`delivering the instant voice message to the selected recipients over the nehvork, the selected
`recipients being enabled to audibly play the instant voice message.
`According to still another embodiment of the present invention, there is
`provided an instant voice messaging system for delivering instant messages over a plurality
`of packet-switched networks, the system comprising: a client 00111188th to a local network,
`the client selecting one or more external recipients connected to an external network outside
`the local network, generating an instant voice message therefon and transmitting the
`selected recipients and the instant voice message therefor over the local network and the
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