Intranets: Internet Technologies Deployed Behind the Firewall for Corporate Productivity
`Intranets: Internet Technologies Deployed Behind the
`Firewall for Corporate Productivity
`Lee Levitt <>
`Process Software Company
`This paper and accompanying presentation will discuss the opportunities for deploying intranets--Internet technologies
`used on the corporate network--for a variety of strategic and tactical communications purposes. This paper and
`accompanying presentation will explore the usage of intranets and provide a series of recommendations on the business,
`social, and organizational issues involved in rolling out an intranet site.
`While 1995 was clearly the "Year of the Internet," 1996 is well on its way to becoming the "Year of the Intranet."
`Thousands of organizations have already found that internal intranets can help empower their employees through more
`timely and less costly information flow. This empowerment bolsters the company's competitive advantage, improves
`employee moral and assists in getting more timely information to customers and suppliers.
`This paper will explore the business, organizational, and technical issues behind the setting up of an organizational
`intranet. In addition, it will provide some pointers in how to successfully deploy and manage an intranet.
`Before we explore the opportunities and issues in setting up an organizational intranet, let's explore why Internet
`technologies are so effective behind the corporate firewall.
`A little background
`The technologies that support the Internet provide the following benefits:
`connected computers can share or transfer information among one another;
`connected computers are heterogeneous--that is, they run a variety of operating systems and hardware from
`multiple vendors;
`common user applications--e-mail, Web browser, etc., are available across most commonly used platforms; and
`hypertext links simplify navigation and information retrieval.
`It is this last principle that has driven the tremendous increase in Internet usage over the past year. Users can simply
`point and click to navigate across the World Wide Web. Today Web traffic outdistances all other traffic on the Internet
`and the increasing use of graphics, audio, video, and other data types on Web servers will continue to drive growth in
`Web traffic.
`Similarly, this increasingly rich information environment is drawing new users to the Internet daily. Users can get
`realtime stock quotes, register for training courses (and take them) online, listen to "All Things Considered" from
`National Public Radio, read The Wall Street Journal, check the Manchester United/Leeds football match scores, or even
`watch the sun go down over the Santa Cruz pier.
`Browser as ubiquitous window onto information
`Similarly, the explosion in information resources has driven the development and deployment of browsers over a wide
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`Intranets: Internet Technologies Deployed Behind the Firewall for Corporate Productivity
`range of computing platforms, including Windows (all variants), Macintosh, OS/2, Unix (most, if not all variants), and
`many other lesser known platforms.
`Users are becoming increasingly used to retrieving information through their browser. As Microsoft Windows once was
`positioned as the universal interface to all applications residing on one's Wintel (Windows/Intel) computer, today, the
`ubiquitous browser is becoming the universal interface to all information types, whether these resources reside out on
`the Internet, on one's personal computer, or on the corporate local area network (LAN).
`And the Web server has become the ubiquitous host or coordinator for all of these information types. Using Hypertext
`Markup Language (HTML) and various add-on software and servers, whether they be Structured Query Language
`(SQL) database servers, RealAudio servers, CU-SeeMe videoconferencing, or multithreaded discussion or conferencing
`software, today several hundred thousand Web servers provide simple point and click access to an incredible range of
`information resources.
`Intranet explosion
`Information systems (IS) and functional department managers quickly identified the power of this new communications
`medium as a resource to be leveraged on the corporate network as well. Many are installing Web servers on their
`corporate networks (intranet applications) for internal usage only. Forrester Research interviewed 50 Fortune 500
`companies and found that fully two-thirds already have or are considering some involvement with intranet applications.
`These companies have identified the intranet as a powerful mechanism to make information more readily available. (See
`Figure 1.)
`Figure 1: Corporate plans for use of intranet
`With corporations under tremendous pressure to empower employees and to better leverage internal information
`resources, intranets provide a highly effective communications platform, one that is both timely and extensible. A basic
`intranet can be set up in hours or days and can ultimately serve as an "information hub" for the entire company, its
`remote offices, partners, suppliers, and customers.
`Intranets offer the following application feature set:
`rapid prototyping (can be measured in hours or days);
`scalable (start small, build as needs, requirements allow);
`easy navigation (internal home page provides links to information);
`accessible via most computing platforms;
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`Intranets: Internet Technologies Deployed Behind the Firewall for Corporate Productivity
`can integrate distributed computing strategy (localized Web servers residing closer to the content author);
`can be tied in to "legacy" information sources (databases, existing word processing documents, other groupware
`applications); and
`extensible to a variety of media types (audio, video, interactive applications).
`The benefits to these features are many, including:
`inexpensive to start, requires little investment either in dollars or infrastructure;
`significantly more timely and less expensive than traditional information (paper) delivery;
`distributed computing strategy uses computing resources more effectively;
`users familiar with link metaphor from surfing experiences; and
`open platform architecture means large (and increasing) number of add-on applications available.
`New information paradigm
`Intranets leverage the concept that the Web browser is quickly becoming the universal information interface. An
`increasing number of workers gain Internet access from their work desk every day and are becoming accustomed to
`retrieving information through the now ubiquitous browser. While most of this information today comes from beyond
`the firewall, International Data Corporation (IDC) reports that, even in 1995, sales of Web servers for intranet use
`outdistanced those sold for Internet use. (See Figure 2.)
`Figure 2: Internet versus intranet usage
`Furthermore, IDC forecasts that by the year 2000, server licenses sold for intranet usage will outdistance those for
`Internet usage by a factor of 10 to one. Clearly, many organizations are quickly adopting this new information delivery
`Calendar-driven versus event-driven publishing
`One of the key drivers in this adoption curve is that intranets allow organizations to evolve from a "calendar-" or
`"schedule-" based publishing strategy, to one of an "event-driven" or "needs-based" publishing strategy. In the past,
`companies published an employee handbook once a year, whether or not policies changed to coincide with that
`publication date. Traditionally, even though these handbooks may have been outdated as soon as they arrived on users'
`desks (and were promptly misplaced), they would not be updated until the following year.
`With an intranet publishing strategy, information can be updated instantly. If an organization adds a new mutual fund to
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`Intranets: Internet Technologies Deployed Behind the Firewall for Corporate Productivity
`its 401K program, content on the benefits page can be immediately updated to reflect that change, and the company
`internal home page can have a brief announcement about the change. Then, as soon as employees look up the 401K
`program, they have the new information at their fingertips. Content can be changed or updated to reflect new
`information at any time.
`Intranets reduce cost, time to market
`Just as importantly, intranets dramatically reduce the costs (and time) of content development, duplication, distribution,
`and usage. The traditional publication model includes a multi-step process including:
`creation of content;
`migration of content to desktop publishing environment;
`production of draft;
`final draft production;
`duplication; and
`The intranet publishing model includes a much shorter process, skipping many of the steps involved in the traditional
`publication model:
`creation of content and
`migration of content to intranet environment.
`In this latter model, revision becomes part of the updating process while the original content is available to the end
`users, thus dramatically reducing the time it takes for the information to become available to the user of that
`information. As the information is centrally stored and always presumed to be current, the company will not have to
`retrieve "old" information from employees to be replaced with new information, thus saving any expenses incurred in
`This new publishing model can dramatically reduce both costs and the timeframe involved. Assuming that the corporate
`LAN environment can support intranet activities (and most can), the information technology (IT) infrastructure is
`already in place. In addition, most popular intranet Web servers can run on platforms widely found in most
`organizations (Wintel 80486 or Pentium computers, Apple Macintosh, Novell NetWare, etc.), so that little if any
`additional infrastructure is needed.
`Organizations estimate that the traditional model may entail physical duplication and distribution costs of as high as $15
`per employee, costs separate from the content development or testing phases. An organization with 100,000 employees
`may find potential cost savings of moving to an intranet strategy for a single application-the employee policies and
`benefits manual-of $1.5 million alone. And this cost savings does not reflect the additional value in an intranet solution
`which makes information more readily available to employees, thus raising both their productivity and job satisfaction.
`Intranets support distributed computing strategy
`An additional driver in the growth and speed of this adoption curve is the fact that intranet applications can fully support
`a distributed computing strategy-one that places the server and content closer to the owner of that content. Ultimately,
`basic Web servers may be included as utilities shipped with every operating system, in effect allowing everyone to be a
`Until that time, intranet servers may be located strategically at the group or department level to minimize administrative
`delays in posting content. (See Figure 3.) In addition, for strategic or technical reasons, intranet servers will continue to
`be located centrally in departments or organizations to provide coordinated access to legacy databases and other external
`resources, with individual users conducting "secondary" publishing roles.
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`Intranets: Internet Technologies Deployed Behind the Firewall for Corporate Productivity
`This distributed computing strategy allows the content developer or functional department manager to both develop and
`maintain the content, and thereby avoiding having to deal with different departments that may have different agendas or
`timing requirements. In this instance, the functional department, having decided that a particular set of information
`would be valuable to employees, has the full control to empower the distribution of that information.
`Figure 3: Distributed computing environment
`So just what are companies doing on the intranet?
`The first organizations to use Internet technologies on the corporate network generally moved traditional paper-based
`information distribution online. These organizations have focused on a core group of supporting or mission critical
`information sets, including:
`competitive sales information;
`human resources/employee benefits statements;
`technical support/help desk applications;
`company newsletters;
`project management; and
`ISO 9000 documentation.
`These companies typically provide a "corporate home page" as a launch pad for employees to find their way around the
`corporate intranet site. This page may have links to internal financial information, marketing, manufacturing, human
`resources, and even non-business announcements (company outings, personal events such as weddings, births, etc.).
`(See Figure 4.) Setting this page as the default home page in users' browsers will further ensure that this page will act as
`a key launch pad for employees.
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`Intranets: Internet Technologies Deployed Behind the Firewall for Corporate Productivity
`Figure 4: Corporate home page
`Sales applications
`Sales organizations publish both the highlights of recent "wins" and the competitive matrices allowing their salespeople
`to have instant access to the information that allows them to win new sales. Companies report that timely access to of
`information of this type empowers their telesales representatives, and makes them more confident while speaking with
`potential customers. (See Figure 5.)
`Figure 5: Sales department home page
`Human resources applications
`Many human resources (HR) organizations have migrated existing employee policy or benefits manuals to the intranet
`and have added incremental functionality. First, employees gain point and click access to all of the company HR
`policies. Second, as many companies have begun to tie intranets into existing legacy databases, employees may conduct
`database lookups on their own, right from their Web browser. In the same way that banks have moved to ATMs or
`telephone transactions to allow customers to look up balances (and thereby taking expensive bank personnel out of the
`transaction), organizations are now allowing the user to do their own database lookup without HR intervention. (See
`Figure 6.)
`Using a browser, an employee can enter their name and company ID into a Web-based form. The intranet server then
`conducts a database lookup and reports back, via HTML, any number of individual data points, including:
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`Intranets: Internet Technologies Deployed Behind the Firewall for Corporate Productivity
`number of vacation days outstanding;
`current job grade;
`balance in 401K program; and
`number of training days required by the end of the year.
`Virtually all of this information resides in legacy databases within the organization, and the intranet server simply takes
`the HR personnel out of the retrieval loop, reducing costs and the response time for the employee. At the same time, the
`use of user IDs and passwords ensures that only appropriate personnel have access to individual resources-the employee
`and his or her management.
`Figure 6: Human resources home page
`Intranet servers can also save incoming information to relevant databases. Using easily programmed forms, the server
`can collect registration information for upcoming training classes or seminars, and notify instructors of the number and
`demographics of the attendees. Again, the intranet server takes the human intervention out of the registration process,
`allowing the information to move more quickly from originator to end-user of that information. (See Figure 7.)
`Figure 7: Training registration form
`Technical support/help desk
`Many companies are employing intranets to provide faster technical assistance to internal users. These sites may include
`forms for people to use in requisitioning new hardware and software, to report problems with existing equipment, or to
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`Intranets: Internet Technologies Deployed Behind the Firewall for Corporate Productivity
`easily download updated software applications, drivers, or bug fixes. Workflow software can then direct the form to the
`appropriate recipients for handling, and provide a tracking mechanism to ensure that requests are not "lost" along the
`In addition, frequently asked questions lists (FAQs) provide a summary of the most often asked questions and their
`answers, providing expertise and technical support to the user in a first-pass attempt to solve problems prior to
`(expensive) human intervention.
`Setting up an intranet
`Intranet applications are scalable-they can start small and grow. This feature allows many companies to "try out" an
`intranet pilot-to publish a limited amount of content on a single platform, and gauge the results. If the pilot proves
`promising, additional content can be migrated to the intranet server.
`Getting started
`The first step in building an intranet is to identify a likely area for deployment. A quick sampling of the paper flow
`within the organization may point to a likely candidate, whether it be the company newsletter, human resources or
`employee benefits handbook, competitive sales information, etc. The more ambitious may want to look at information
`needs and build an information flow strategy from scratch (not trying simply to deliver previously paper-based
`information electronically).
`The second step is to identify the content source or author-the person actually responsible for the intelligence behind the
`information and for getting it down on paper. Where does the information currently reside? Is it in a series of Microsoft
`Word or WordPerfect documents? Excel spreadsheets? Lotus Notes, Oracle or other database? Should this particular
`person be responsible for "HTMLizing" the information, for serving it on their personal computer?
`Further study will uncover other authors of similar information, most likely leading to a distributed content development
`and serving strategy. Individual content owners, most likely line managers and individual contributors, save their
`documents to HTML (or leave them in their original format) and forward them to a group administrative assistant. This
`assistant, who may already have desktop publishing responsibilities for the group, can apply the content to a Web server
`running on their local personal computer, validate, and establish links to other information resources.
`Alternatively, the content can be forwarded to an IS manager who can apply it on a system running other company
`applications, aggregating both the management and security activities for the content. Thus the content is available to
`anyone with appropriate access rights to the site.
`Likely content
`Organizations must determine whether information should be made available via a Web server, via e-mail, or through
`some other means. If the information is of general relevance, such as company travel guidelines or mileage
`reimbursement, it can be posted on a Web server so that when people require this information, they click on "travel
`guidelines" from the human resources page, and receive the most current information.
`Many companies find building Web interfaces to "legacy information" as a key application. With straightforward tools,
`end users can build simple point and click access to this legacy information, making it available to non-technical users
`through their Web browser. Key database applications include: customer records, product information, inventory,
`technical problem tracking, call reports, etc. In addition, individuals can quickly set up seminar or training registration
`forms for short term usage, loading the registrants' information into an easily manipulated database.
`Conversely, interoffice e-mail may be more appropriate for "interrupt-driven" time sensitive information, particularly
`for a focused group of recipients. "Our largest customer is coming in tomorrow, so please be sure to attend the briefing
`at 4:00 p.m." In this situation, the Web server can be used as an extended information resource: "Before attending the
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`Intranets: Internet Technologies Deployed Behind the Firewall for Corporate Productivity
`meeting, please be sure to check the internal Web server link for 'Current Customers' for more information on the
`history behind this account."
`Selecting a likely pilot candidate
`Typically, organizations will begin a pilot with existing content that is delivered via paper, whether it is an employee
`benefits manual, competitive sales guide, or technical support information. It is important, for the sake of the pilot, to
`choose a candidate in which both the costs and results can be tracked and measured. Companies also find it useful to be
`able to measure the reduced costs of the switch in information distribution strategy.
`For instance, usually a company can directly measure the cost of duplicating and distributing copies of its employee
`benefits manual. When this traditional process is moved over to an intranet solution, the savings in direct costs can be
`taken directly to the bottom line, and the incremental costs of managing the content on the intranet server can be tallied
`and easily justified.
`On the other hand, the costs of informal information publishing, such as a memo or matrix that provides a competitive
`product analysis, may not be directly measurable. In many organizations, these competitive matrices are developed and
`distributed by staff people rather than production departments, and the direct costs are buried in other office expenses.
`Therefore, the move from traditional paper-based information flow to the intranet may not result in direct measurable
`costs savings.
`In these instances, it is important to focus on the value of enhanced access to information, and anecdotal accounts of the
`value may be helpful in measuring the results of the pilot. intranet uses and evaluators report statements such as "I was
`able to win three new accounts over the telephone because I had the information at my fingertips, and I knew it was
`current. With the old system, I was always putting the customer on hold and asking the other reps for information."
`Once the value of an intranet solution has been established through such a pilot, it can be expanded into other
`departments and functions. In addition, access to other legacy information can be provided, so that employees can
`search and update customer databases, check 401K balances, vacation days, or register for training classes.
`Organizational issues
`Typically, intranets are based around functional department support-sales/marketing, human resources, engineering,
`finance, etc. It is entirely appropriate, and usually beneficial, for those departments to take responsibility for both
`developing the content for the intranet server and for keeping it updated. In this manner, the content owner can publish
`the information more quickly and the users or consumers of the information can apply it to their competitive advantage
`more quickly.
`The technical capabilities of Web servers bring up certain organizational challenges, including:
`privacy; and
`Each of these issues, and many others, can be resolved through careful planning and implementation of an intranet
`Security is a multi-headed issue. First, security can be defined as providing access by the appropriate personnel to the
`correct information, while at the same time barring access to all others. Most popular Web servers today allow such
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`Intranets: Internet Technologies Deployed Behind the Firewall for Corporate Productivity
`access configuration on a user/group/realm basis, while some in fact, allow the systems administrator to go far beyond
`this, allowing them to limit access rights by specific IP address for individual pages. This capability would potentially
`allow the systems administrator to set access to financial records or personnel files only for the personal computer in the
`CEO's office.
`Similarly, access can be barred to all other users or groups, keeping unauthorized personnel from gaining access to
`sensitive financial, company, or personnel records.
`Second, security may include encryption, also at several levels. Again, popular Web servers offer Secure Sockets Layer
`(SSL) encryption for communications between the server and browser, effectively scrambling the message and keeping
`it from interception. Encryption may also play a role if the intranet application spans multiple organizations or
`locations-effectively a virtual private network running over the public Internet. An increasing number of organizations
`use their public Web servers in this manner-setting certain pages for use only by partners or customers through access
`control. Intelligent firewall solutions can create "tunnelling" applications that establish and keep open trusted
`communications lines between sites for further security.
`Privacy is largely an organizational issue, clarified and intensified by the potential capabilities of technology to invade
`one's privacy. In this area, intranet applications can either assist in maintaining users' privacy, or potentially invade it if
`the developer or systems administrator is not careful.
`Privacy can be enhanced by the use of intranet applications through the delivery of sensitive information in a largely
`anonymous manner. While the interoffice mail staff may snicker (or worse, peek) when they deliver a memo marked
`confidential, the intranet server will serve all pages with no similar bias or prejudice. Employees can feel free to review
`the employee assistance program information at their desktops. Similarly, they may browse information on maternity
`leave or sabbatical programs without fear of raising eyebrows (or gossip) from their managers or from personnel
`On the other hand, some of the tools taken for granted in the Web server marketplace, such as the site log, do have the
`potential for invading privacy. Intranet administrators must balance the desire to track visitors (and therefore, value
`attained from the site) with the need for privacy with regard to certain content. It may simply be inappropriate for the
`company to track who has visited the employee assistance program page, particularly since those with access to the log
`files may be IS rather than human resources personnel.
`Some intranet servers allow logging control at the individual file level, allowing systems administrators to disable
`logging for particularly sensitive pages, and thereby avoiding the invasion of users' privacy specifically for those pages
`that may contain sensitive information.
`While intranets allow information to be updated instantly, by no means do they guarantee currency. To this end,
`publishers must be committed to keeping the intranet site up to date, and certain steps may be taken to ensure that
`consumers of the information use it appropriately. Simply putting the "date of last change" on each page will help
`tremendously in this respect, allowing a browser to check that the information is indeed current.
`In addition, certain pages, such as competitive matrices, should have regular updates or "refreshes" scheduled, along
`with someone identified to provide instant updating as soon as new competitive information is received. In this way,
`browsers can trust that the information represents the competitive wisdom of the company.
`Other steps, such as providing an e-mail address or telephone number of the author, can further assist in the use of the
`information, as users will be able to contact the author to request further information or clarification on specific points.
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`Intranets: Internet Technologies Deployed Behind the Firewall for Corporate Productivity
`Tools used
`A number of basic intranet publishing tools make this new paradigm possible. First, in addition to the Web browser,
`Web servers are available for a variety of platforms found in the typical organization, including all flavors of Windows,
`Macintosh, NetWare, Unix, OS/2, and many others. This general availability allows publishing from virtually any
`computing environment.
`Second, an increasing number of tools empower the user to create HTML for the intranet application. Many, if not most
`of the popular word processing packages, allow documents to be saved as HTML, and tools are beginning to enter the
`market that allow for large-scale migration of content from traditional word processing format to HTML (HTML
`Transit from InfoAccess is one such package.) These tools allow the non-sophisticated user to continue to create content
`in their familiar application and to move this content to the server without having to manipulate each file or document.
`Intranets can also provide efficient access to other external information resources, including:
`Group access to mailing lists;
`threaded discussion groups; and
`stock quotes.
`In this way, the oft-accessed information can be aggregated at the company firewall and efficiently disperse the
`information within the company, thus reducing external bandwidth and connectivity requirements.
`Multithreaded discussion group software, or conferencing applications, can run on the same platform as the intranet
`application, providing further opportunities to discuss company issues and the content that resides on the server.
`Intranets versus groupware
`While a full discussion of the issues in choosing between an intranet application and groupware is beyond the scope of
`this paper, a few comments are in order. First, intranets and groupware are not mutually exclusive. Many organizations
`find groupware (workflow, collaborative computing, etc.) appropriate for certain focused applications, while intranets
`are appropriate for migrating existing content to online delivery. Others find that a powerful combination in groupware
`and a Web server (Lotus InterNotes engine for publishing Notes databases on the Web, for instance).
`Ultimately, each application strategy has its merits. Beyond this, intranet applications and Web servers make an
`excellent foundation for Web-based groupware, allowing organizations to employ a Web-centric IS strategy and
`leverage the nearly ubiquitous Web browser and the powerful navigational aids provided by HTML.
`In summary, the application of Internet technologies in an intranet setting can dramatically increase the flow and value
`of information within an organization. Users can gain quick and timely access to a much wider variety of existing
`information residing in a variety of original forms and sources, ranging from word processing files to databases to Lotus
`Notes and other resources. In addition, traditional paper-based information distribution can be displaced by intranet
`applications, lowering costs and increasing the timeliness of information flow.
`Finally, intranet applications can start as small "pilots" and scale upwards over time, with little initial cost or risk, and
`gradually providing or facilitating access to an increasing breadth of information, thus improving both employee
`productivity and satisfaction, and ultimately bolstering the company's competitive advantage.
`[7/20/2017 6:26:17 AM]

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