Software Agents: An Overview
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`Software Agents: An Overview
`Hyacinth S. Nwana
`Intelligent Systems Research
`Advanced Applications & Technology Department
`BT Laboratories, Martlesham Heath
`Ipswich, Suffolk, IP5 7RE, U.K.
`Tel: (+44 1 473) 605457
`fax: (+44 1 473) 642459
`Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 11, No 3, pp.1-40, Sept 1996. © Cambridge University Press, 1996
`Agent software is a rapidly developing area of research. However, the overuse of the word ëagentí has tended to mask
`the fact that, in reality, there is a truly heterogeneous body of research being carried out under this banner. This
`overview paper presents a typology of agents. Next, it places agents in context, defines them and then goes on, inter alia,
`to overview critically the rationales, hypotheses, goals, challenges and state-of-the-art demonstrators of the various
`agent types in our typology. Hence, it attempts to make explicit much of what is usually implicit in the agents literature.
`It also proceeds to overview some other general issues which pertain to all the types of agents in the typology. This
`paper largely reviews software agents, and it also contains some strong opinions that are not necessarily widely accepted
`by the agent community.
`1 Introduction
`2 Software Agents: History and the Context of this Paper
`3 Who are Investigating Software Agents for What and Why?
`4 What is an agent?
`5 A Panoramic Overview of the Different Agent Types
`6 Some General Issues and the Future of Agents
`7 Conclusion and a Postscript
`8 Acknowledgements
`9 References
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`4 What is an agent?
`We have as much chance of agreeing on a consensus definition for the word ëagentí as AI researchers have of arriving
`at one for ëartificial intelligenceí itself - nil! Recent postings to the software agents mailing list
`(agents@sunlabs.eng.Sun.COM) prove this. Indeed, in a couple of these postings, some propounded the introduction of
`a financial and/or legal aspect to the definition of agents, much to the derision of others. There are at least two reasons
`why it is so difficult to define precisely what agents are. Firstly, agent researchers do not ëowní this term in the same
`way as fuzzy logicians/AI researchers, for example, own the term ëfuzzy logicí - it is one that is used widely in
`everyday parlance as in travel agents, estate agents, etc. Secondly, even within the software fraternity, the word ëagentí
`is really an umbrella term for a heterogeneous body of research and development. The response of some agent
`researchers to this lack of definition has been to invent yet some more synonyms, and it is arguable if these solve
`anything or just further add to the confusion. So we now have synonyms including knowbots (i.e. knowledge-based
`robots), softbots (software robot), taskbots (task-based robots), userbots, robots, personal agents, autonomous agents and
`personal assistants. To be fair, there are some good reasons for having such synonyms. Firstly, agents come in many
`physical guises: for example, those that inhabit the physical world, some factory say, are called robots; those that inhabit
`vast computer networks are sometimes referred to as softbots; those that perform specific tasks are sometimes called
`taskbots; and autonomous agents refer typically to mobile agents or robots which operate in dynamic and uncertain
`environments. Secondly, agents can play many roles, hence personal assistants or knowbots, which have expert
`knowledge in some specific domain. Furthermore, due to the multiplicity of roles that agents can play, there is now a
`plethora of adjectives which precede the word ëagentí, as in the following drawn only from Kingís (1995) paper: search
`agents, report agents, presentation agents, navigation agents, role-playing agents, management agents, search and
`retrieval agents, domain-specific agents, development agents, analysis and design agents, testing agents, packaging
`agents and help agents. Kingís paper is futuristic and provides a role-specific classification of agents, and so such
`rampant metaphorical use of the word is fine. But there is also another view that it gives currency to others to refer to
`just about anything as an agent. For example, he considers "print monitors for open printing, fax redial, and others" (p.
`18) as agents, albeit simple ones. As Wayner & Joch (1995) write, somewhat facetiously,
`"the metaphor has become so pervasive that weíre waiting for some enterprising company to advertise its computer switches as empowerment
`agents" (p. 95).
`We tend to use the word slightly more carefully and selectively as we explain later.
`When we really have to, we define an agent as referring to a component of software and/or hardware which is capable of
`acting exactingly in order to accomplish tasks on behalf of its user. Given a choice, we would rather say it is an
`umbrella term, meta-term or class, which covers a range of other more specific agent types, and then go on to list and
`define what these other agent types are. This way, we reduce the chances of getting into the usual prolonged
`philosophical and sterile arguments which usually proceed the former definition, when any old software is conceivably
`recastable as agent-based software.
`4.1 A Typology of Agents
`This section attempts to place existing agents into different agent classes, i.e. its goal is to investigate a typology of
`agents. A typology refers to the study of types of entities. There are several dimensions to classify existing software
`Firstly, agents may be classified by their mobility, i.e. by their ability to move around some network. This yields the
`classes of static or mobile agents.
`Secondly, they may be classed as either deliberative or reactive. Deliberative agents derive from the deliberative
`thinking paradigm: the agents possess an internal symbolic, reasoning model and they engage in planning and
`negotiation in order to achieve coordination with other agents. Work on reactive agents originate from research carried
`[7/28/2017 7:25:32 AM]


`out by Brooks (1986) and Agre & Chapman (1987). These agents on the contrary do not have any internal, symbolic
`models of their environment, and they act using a stimulus/response type of behaviour by responding to the present state
`of the environment in which they are embedded (Ferber, 1994). Indeed, Brooks has argued that intelligent behaviour can
`be realised without the sort of explicit, symbolic representations of traditional AI (Brooks, 1991b).
`Thirdly, agents may be classified along several ideal and primary attributes which agents should exhibit. At BT Labs,
`we have identified a minimal list of three: autonomy, learning and cooperation. We appreciate that any such list is
`contentious, but it is no more or no less so than any other proposal. Hence, we are not claiming that this is a necessary or
`sufficient set. Autonomy refers to the principle that agents can operate on their own without the need for human
`guidance, even though this would sometimes be invaluable. Hence agents have individual internal states and goals, and
`they act in such a manner as to meet its goals on behalf of its user. A key element of their autonomy is their
`proactiveness, i.e. their ability to ëtake the initiativeí rather than acting simply in response to their environment
`(Wooldridge & Jennings, 1995a). Cooperation with other agents is paramount: it is the raison díêtre for having multiple
`agents in the first place in contrast to having just one. In order to cooperate, agents need to possess a social ability, i.e.
`the ability to interact with other agents and possibly humans via some communication language (Wooldridge &
`Jennings, 1995a). Having said this, it is possible for agents to coordinate their actions without cooperation (Nwana et
`al., 1996). Lastly, for agent systems to be truly ësmartí, they would have to learn as they react and/or interact with their
`external environment. In our view, agents are (or should be) disembodied bits of ëintelligenceí. Though, we will not
`attempt to define what intelligence is, we maintain that a key attribute of any intelligent being is its ability to learn. The
`learning may also take the form of increased performance over time. We use these three minimal characteristics in
`Figure 1 to derive four types of agents to include in our typology: collaborative agents, collaborative learning agents,
`interface agents and truly smart agents.
`Figure 1 - A Part View of an Agent Typology
`We emphasise that these distinctions are not definitive. For example, with collaborative agents, there is more emphasis
`on cooperation and autonomy than on learning; hence, we do not imply that collaborative agents never learn. Likewise,
`for interface agents, there is more emphasis on autonomy and learning than on cooperation. We do not consider
`anything else which lie outside the ëintersecting areasí to be agents. For example, most expert systems are largely
`ëautonomousí but, typically, they do not cooperate or learn. Ideally, in our view, agents should do all three equally well,
`but this is the aspiration rather than the reality. Truly smart agents do not yet exist: indeed, as Maes (1995a) notes
`"current commercially available agents barely justify the name", yet alone the adjective ëintelligentí. Foner (1993) is
`even more incandescent; though he wrote this in 1993, it still applies today:
`"... I find little justification for most of the commercial offerings that call themselves agents. Most of them tend to excessively anthromomorphize
`the software, and then conclude that it must be an agent because of that very anthropomorphization, while simultaneously failing to provide any sort
`of discourse or "social contract" between the user and the agent. Most are barely autonomous, unless a regularly-scheduled batch job counts. Many
`do not degrade gracefully, and therefore do not inspire enough trust to justify more than trivial delegation and its concomitant risks" (Foner, 1993,
`In effect, like Foner, we assert that the arguments for most commercial offerings being agents suffer from the logical
`fallacy of petitio principii - they assume what they are trying to prove - or they are circular arguments. Indeed, this
`applies to other ëagentsí in the literature.
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`In principle, by combining the two constructs so far (i.e. static/mobile and reactive/deliberative) in conjunction with the
`agent types identified (i.e. collaborative agents, interface agents, etc.), we could have static deliberative collaborative
`agents, mobile reactive collaborative agents, static deliberative interface agents, mobile reactive interface agents, etc.
`But these categories, though quite a mouthful, may also be necessary to further classify existing agents. For example,
`Lashkari et al. (1994) presented a paper at AAAI on ëCollaborative interface agentsí which, in our classification,
`translates to static collaborative interface agents.
`Fourthly, agents may sometimes be classified by their roles (preferably, if the roles are major ones), e.g. world wide
`web (WWW) information agents. This category of agents usually exploits internet search engines such as WebCrawlers,
`Lycos and Spiders. Essentially, they help manage the vast amount of information in wide area networks like the internet.
`We refer to these class of agents in this paper as information or internet agents. Again, information agents may be static,
`mobile or deliberative. Clearly, it is also pointless making classes of other minor roles as in report agents, presentation
`agents, analysis and design agents, testing agents, packaging agents and help agents - or else, the list of classes will be
`Fifthly, we have also included the category of hybrid agents which combine of two or more agent philosophies in a
`single agent.
`There are other attributes of agents which we consider secondary to those already mentioned. For example, is an agent
`versatile (i.e. does it have many goals or does it engage in a variety of tasks)? Is an agent benevolent or non-helpful,
`antagonistic or altruistic? Does an agent lie knowingly or is it always truthful (this attribute is termed veracity)? Can you
`trust the agent enough to (risk) delegate tasks to it? Is it temporally continuous? Does it degrade gracefully in contrast to
`failing drastically at the boundaries? Perhaps unbelievably, some researchers are also attributing emotional attitudes to
`agents - do they get ëfed upí being asked to do the same thing time and time again? What role does emotion have in
`constructing believable agents (Bates, 1994)? Some agents are also imbued with mentalistic attitudes or notions such as
`beliefs, desires and intentions - referred to typically as BDI agents (Rao & Georgeff, 1995). Such attributes as these
`provide for a stronger definition of agenthood.
`In essence, agents exist in a truly multi-dimensional space, which is why we have not used a two or three-dimensional
`matrix to classify them - this would be incomplete and inaccurate. However, for the sake of clarity of understanding, we
`have ëcollapsedí this multi-dimensional space into a single list. In order to carry out such an audacious move, we have
`made use of our knowledge of the agents we know are currently ëout thereí and what we wish to aspire to. Therefore,
`the ensuing list is to some degree arbitrary, but we believe these types cover most of the agent types being investigated
`currently. We have left out collaborative learning agents, see Figure 1, on the grounds that we do not know of the
`existence ëout thereí of any such agents which collaborate and learn, but are not autonomous. Hence, we identify seven
`types of agents:
`ï Collaborative agents
`ï Interface agents
`ï Mobile agents
`ï Information/Internet agents
`ï Reactive agents
`ï Hybrid agents
`ï Smart Agents
`There are some applications which combine agents from two or more of these categories, and we refer to these as
`heterogeneous agent systems. Such applications already exist even though they are relatively few. However, we also
`overview briefly such systems in the next section.
`Another issue of note (for completeness sake) is that agents need not be benevolent to one another. It is quite possible
`that agents may be in competition with one another, or perhaps quite antagonistic towards each other. However, we
`view competitive agents as potential subclasses of all these types. That is, it is possible to have competitive
`collaborative-type agents, competitive interface agents, competitive information agents, etc.
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`4.2 A Critique of Our Typology
`As with our definition of agenthood, our typology of agents is bound to be contentious. Two official reviewers of this
`paper all took issue with it, but their suggestions are, in our opinion, either more debatable or unclear. One reviewer,
`reviewer 1, claimed that we have confused agents that are defined by what they do (information agents, interface agents
`and collaborative agents), and other types for the sort of technology that underpins these agents (mobile agents, reactive
`agents, hybrid agents). Thus, he/she would have preferred a 2-dimensional classification. The second reviewer
`mentioned a similar point but alluded to a different classification. To a large degree, we disagree with this criticism,
`though not fully. We believe we had already attempted, perhaps unsuccessfully, to pre-empt this criticism. Firstly, we
`would not group information agents, interface agents and collaborative agents in one large group: in our view, as we
`explained earlier, collaborative agents and interface agents are defined by what they are, while information agents are
`defined by what they do. Secondly, we do not agree fully with the assertion that mobile agents, reactive agents and
`hybrid agents are all underlying technologies for implementing the former classes. To this reviewer, interface agents are
`collaborative agents implemented using reactive technology! We simply disagree with this viewpoint. As we explain
`later in the paper, reactive agents for example, have a distinct philosophy, hypothesis, etc. which make it stand out from
`the rest. We have surveyed the area of technologies for building software agent systems in another paper, Nwana &
`Wooldridge (1996). However, we agree with the general thrust of the argument to some degree; for example, we fully
`accept the reviewersí viewpoint that mobility is not a necessary condition for agenthood - a point which is implicit in
`Section 4.1, and which we explain later. Thirdly, we address such issues when we discuss the individual types more
`fully in the rest of the paper. Fourthly, we point out, explicitly, in Section 4.1 that agents exist in a truly multi-
`dimensional space, and that for the sake of clarity of understanding, we have collapsed this multi-dimensional space
`into a single list. To produce this list, we used a set of criteria which included inate properties of agents which we would
`prefer to see (autonomy, cooperation, learning), other constructs (static/mobile, deliberative/reactive), major roles (as in
`information agents) and whether they are hybrid or heterogeneous. In a previous version of this paper where we had a
`more hierarchical breakdown, it turned out to be less clear. Fifthly, other typologies in the literature are equally as
`contentious. For example, Wooldridge & Jennings (1995a) broadly classify agents into the following: gopher agents,
`service performing agents and proactive agents. We believe this is too general and simplistic a classification. It is for
`these reasons that we opted for such a ëflatí breakdown. To be fair, apart from the typology, these two reviewers were
`very complementary about the paper.
`In conclusion, our typology is not without its critics (but so are all others), but as reviewer 1 pointed out "while I agree
`that most agents in the literature can be categorised into these types, I think the types are themselves faulty". In this
`paper, we have deliberately traded in accuracy for clarity. Our typology highlights the key contexts in which the word
`ëagentí is used in the software literature.
`4.3 What Agents are Not
`In general, we have already noted that a software component which does not fall in one of the intersecting areas of
`Figure 1 does not count as an agent. In any case, before the word ëagentí came into vogue within the computing/AI
`fraternity, Minsky, in his Society of Mind (1985), had already used it to formulate his theory of human intelligence.
`However, Minsky used it to refer to much more basic entities:
`". .to explain the mind, we have to show how minds are built from mindless stuff, from parts that are much smaller and simpler than anything weíd
`consider smart... But what could those simpler particles be - the "agents" that compose our minds? This is the subject of our book..." (Minsky, 1985,
`Clearly, Minskyís use of the word ëagentí is quite distinct from its use in this paper.
`Furthermore, as noted earlier, expert systems do not meet the preconditions of agenthood, as do most knowledge-based
`system applications. Modules in distributed computing applications do not constitute agents either as Huhns & Singh
`(1994) explain. First, such modules are rarely ësmartí, and hence much less robust than agents are (or should be); they
`also do not degrade gracefully. Second, in agent-based systems generally, the communication involves involves high-
`level messages in contrast to the low-level messaging in distributed computing. The use of high-level messaging leads
`to lower communication costs, easy re-implementability and concurrency. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, agent-
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`based applications operate typically at the knowledge level (Newell, 1982), not at the symbol level as is the case in
`distributed computing applications. In any case, modules in distributed computing applications are not autonomous in
`the same sense as described earlier for agent applications. The majority of software applications may be ruled out from
`the set of agent-based applications on the same grounds that expert systems or distributed computing applications are.
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