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`Respectfully submitted,
`C. Andrew Im
`July 26, 2005
`(if appropriate)
`Docket Number:
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 1
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 1


`Application No. (if known): To Be Assigned
`Attorney Docket No.: CLEM 201 PRO
`Certificate of Express Mailing Under 37 CFR 1.10
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`July 26, 2005
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`Provisional Patent Application Transmittal (1 page)
`Specification (6 pages)
`Drawings (2 sheets)
`Charge $100.00 to deposit account 50-0624
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 2
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 2


`There are four parts to my idea,all of which do not exist currently in the marketplace.
`An Internet Direct Camera (IDC)that transmits video only or video and
`audio directly to the internet (without any intermediate hardware) to a web
`A WebSite Storage Center (WSSC)that records video or video and audio
`data transmitted via an IDC onto a website serverthat any credentialed
`user can access to view. WSSC canreceive from cell phones,satellite,
`DSL, Wi-Fi, WI-Max cable anddial up all at the sametime.It’s the
`web addressthat matters, not how it got there, all data will be recorded
`on the fly.
`An Internet Access Antenna (IAA), plugsinto port of device and can beset
`to pick up current wireless DSL, Cable, Satellite, Wi-Fi or Wi-Max.
`Direct from cell phone telephone number. Camera has imbeddedcell
`phone orportable cell phone antenna unit that connects to camera and
`transmits live video and audio.
`Characteristics of an IDC:
`1. The IDC is
`a) A camerawith all the self-contained hardware necessary to transmit directly to the
`internet exclusively
`b) A camera that can do both: transmit directly to the internet or to a local PC or network,
`whichthen transmits to the internet.
`2. Four Power Sources
`a) Land lined wireelectric only
`b) Battery only power
`c) Direct solar powerorsolar charged batteries
`d) Any comboof the above as primary with a secondary backup
`3. Choice of video only, black and white or color; video and audio in B&W orcolor
`4. Choice of normal recording or an infra-red for low light recording.
`5. Can be outfitted with a motion sensor to record only whensensoris activated. Optional
`speaker and monitor can be attached to IDC so that both parties can talk to and see each other.
`6. Six ways to transmit data to internet:
`a) Cable (with local wireless to PC or wired directly)
`b) T-Line (with local wireless to PC or wired directly)
`c) DSL (with local wireless to PC or wired directly)
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 3
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 3


`d) WiMaxor Wi-Fi wireless direct to internet
`e) Satellite wireless transmission direct to internet
`f) Cell phone numberdirect to a WSSC.
`And any combo of above as primary with another as secondary backup
`7. The two wireless IDC’s (choices d and e above) allow for wireless portability to those
`locations that provide internet access and/orsatellite and cell phone accessor, choices a, b and c
`can be used by being pluggedin to land-lined internet access.
`8. Traditional digital and video tape cameras will eventually have a port to allow an attachment.
`This attachmentis pre-programmed to a website, to be plugged in and then make a normal
`camera into an IDC. This attachmentwill have additional applications as well to laptops, radios,
`video games, radios and many otheruses that will need pre-linked internet access. Website
`linkage can be preset by the factory or set up and changed at one’s own PC.
`The benefits of recording to a Web Site Storage Center (WSSC)versusto a Digital Video
`Recorder (DVR).
`1. Safe, secure off site backup to onsite storage
`. Ability to mirror primary webstorage to a backup secondary web server
`3. Ability to view directly with ease, live or stored data, from any wherein the world with
`internet access.
`4. Ability to burn copies of data onto CD’s or DVD’s orlocal drive from any wherein the
`world with internet access.
`5. Ability for multiple (1, 12, 10,000) viewers to view live or stored data at the same time or
`on demand.
`6. Web site would reveal remaining power on powersource. Alert calls and emails can be
`set to notify users.
`7. Ability to store and archive huge amounts of data without having to own and maintain the
`necessary hardware.
`8. Password protection and login summaries to view log visits and allow only authorized
`9. Total ease of use with wireless applications and hardware
`10. Ability to maintain as many camerasas necessary, to upgrade your system with ease,
`without having to add and link and reconfigure your existing system and hardware.
`11. For the benefit of a WSSC, a normal camera that transmits to a PC or network, and then
`on to the internet to a WSSC,can be used versus an IDC.
`12. Greater versatility to receive data from many different sources. WSSC canreceive from
`cell phones,satellite, DSL, Wi-Fi, WI-Max cable anddial up all at the sametime.It’s the
`webaddress that matters, nothing else. All will be recorded on the fly. A DVR hasto be
`set up for a particular transmission only, and it’s wireless optionsare limited.
`The Benefits of an Internet Access Antenna (JAA).
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 4
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 4


`This productallowsthe versatility of use of various less expensive devicesthat do not have
`wireless hardware, from one device to another, to connect to the internet. Examples radios, video
`gamecontrollers, televisions, computers, cameras,etc.
`Easy adaptation to various wireless technologies.
`Can be upgraded with intro of new wireless technologies.
`Portability and ease of use.
`Can employa “pay for on demand”satellite or other form of wireless technology,to access the
`internet. Pay as you go could be a more economical approach for many users. Examples vacation
`locales, road trips, businesstrips, those places that have a weak or dead zonefor the users current
`internet access.
`Swann brand (purchased in Radio Shack) Micro Cam II Wireless Security Camera which works
`with the Radio Shack brand 4 channel Switch Box
`This camera can be poweredthrough an adapterto an electric outlet or used as a
`wireless camera, by connecting to a 9 volt battery for wireless use.
`This is a color camera
`This camera must transmit to a receiver, maximum distance is 100m / 328 feet
`This camera doesnot have a speakerto transmit audio.
`Camera receiver can attach and record to a DVR, VCRor PC (with a capture card).
`Recordingis limited to hard drive or VCR tape capacity. Taping is constant and must
`be controlled manually. Receiver can also attach to a TV or LCD monitor for viewing
`only if desired.
`Remote viewing of computer hard drive is possible with purchaseofthird party
`remote dial up software.
`This receiver can record up to four cameras but Swann recommendsusing switchable
`cameras for this purpose OR Radio Shack 4 channel switchbox for multiple camera
`Use of the Switchbox will allow recording to automatically switch between four
`Whenused with a motion sensor camera, the receiver can make an alert noise when
`motion sensoris activated.
`Limitations of Swann and Radio Shack brand Micro Cam II compared to Internet Direct Camera
`to a Web Site Storage Center.
`1. Receiver and cameraare limited by the distance signal can travel, my invention can send
`signal across the world via the internet
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 5
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 5


`Limited options to transmit signal. My invention can transmit via hard wire cable or
`wirelessly via many options: Cell phones, Wi-Fi, Wi-Max, Satellite, DSL
`Recording capacity limited. My invention allows for ongoing remote server capacity via
`my WSSC,which will have more capacity, and will allow for excess capacity onthefly,
`without losing any previously stored data, than any current local system could plan for.
`Cannotrecord audio. Myinvention will record audio
`Great difficulty in reviewing data from remotesite, additional hardware and software
`required and you must log into an owned, operated and maintained server and then
`retrieve desired data. My invention allows for simple login to a WSSC and accessdata
`with ease
`Cannot allow multiple viewers at the same time. My invention can allow access to
`millions of users, if so desired.
`This system hasa limited range of portability. My invention allowstotal portability and
`instant setup anywhere, at any time, where there is internet access
`Additional receiver system and hardware required, and more software set up work
`required employing multiple cameras. My invention allows as many camerasas needed.
`All are transmitted via same signal to a WSSC andareinstantly online. No extra anything
`required, just the cameras.
`System limited to four cameras, maximum. Myinvention will allow hundreds of cameras
`to record to the same WSSC.
`Inflexible system to categorize cameras. My invention will allow camerasto be sorted or
`categorized in a variety of ways. This will allow for more competent managementfor
`active surveillance andorretrieval of data.
`Inability to provide secondary backup storage. My invention allows for multiple backup
`storage options, to as manyplaces, in as many ways as wanted.
`Requires maintenance of more hardware. My system, beyond the camera, is maintenance
`Inability to inform of available power remaining on wireless unit and inability to inform
`of broken camera. Myinvention will inform userof available battery life and my
`invention will send an alert if camera is disabled andis not recording.
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 6
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 6


`Personal use of invention for Provisional Application
`Myinvention will allow for an IDC (Internet Direct Camera), to transmit directly over
`the internet, and record directly to a WSSC (WebSite Storage Center). An IDC records directly
`to the internet without any intermediate hardware, toa WSSC. Transmission of video and audio
`data overthe internet will be sent by any andall technologies available. A few examples, though
`not limited to are: cellular wireless, DSL, Satellite and Wi-Fi wireless. An IAA (Internet Access
`Antenna) could be used to provide more choices of internet access. The IDC transmitslive to a
`WSSCso that the images can be viewedlive, or the imagesare stored for later, repeated viewing.
`IDC recordingvia the internet could be applied to a Wedding Ceremonyand Reception.
`Family memberswith internet access, who could notattendthe festivities, from anywhere in the
`world, could still participate. A Bride and Groom would set up a link with the WSSC. A user
`name and password would be given so that only approved people would have access would have
`access to the ceremonyand reception.
`Family members whocould not attend the wedding, with a computer and internet access,
`would navigate to the WSSC,log in the user name and password,and beableto see and hearall
`the images recorded by the IDC. If planned ahead with the WSSC, hundreds, even thousands of
`people could log in and view the wedding andreception.
`It’s even possible to make the same arrangements with viewers of the wedding. Everyone
`at the wedding could see and hear those who could not attend. Each party could talk live, back
`and forth to each other!
`Beyond the wedding and reception, the newlywed couple could maintain their WSSC.
`Special family occasions, christenings, birthdays, could all be archived to their WSSC address.
`Annual or bi-annually, backups to CD’s or DVD’s could be ordered. The WSSC could even
`record older VHStapes that a family may haverecorded inthe past. In future years children,
`grandchildren, and great grandchildren, could have their own WSSC,incorporating past
`recordings of their parents, grandparents and great grandparents have recorded onto their own
`site. All of this history could be at one’s fingertips, archived by date, and viewable with a few
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 7
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 7


`Commercialuse of invention for Provisional Application
`A warehousecould be outfitted with IDC’s throughout offices, warehouse and outside
`perimeters. The IDC’s could be hidden and/or public. The IDC’s could be poweredbyelectricity
`(with built in surge protectors as an option), with battery poweras a backupin case of power
`failure, or powered exclusively bybattery.
`The IDC’s would send a signal to the WSSC whenbattery powertook the place of
`electric and would also inform of remaining battery life. Arrangements would be madeto store
`data for a certain period of time. Once reaching that time new data would replace old data. Let’s
`say you wanted to keep thirty days of data, the thirty-first day would record overthe first day and
`so on.
`If notified of an alarm break in, as a safety measure, a user could first access his WSSC
`and view the break in point of entry, and review the entire premises before going to the location.
`While on vacation or time away from work, owners or managers, hundreds, thousands, with
`internet access, could view activity at the location easily.
`This system is easier to use, requires less maintenance, is more versatile, and provides a
`higher level of security than whatis available today. Ease of use is a few mouseclicks and a log
`in to the WSSC. The only hardwareis the IDC, there aren’t any local servers. Thereis also less
`hardware to protect from an intruder. Asthere is no local server, the only items to be
`hidden/protected are the cameras, there isn’t the need to protect a local server. So as to ensure
`seamless recording IDC’s could transmit via various methods. For example, IDC’s could be
`programmed to jumpto satellite, cellular wireless or Wi-Fi, in case of DSL failure. A notification
`of this status would alert users to this change.
`With this system, a user with many warehouses and/or homes could view everything
`from a single WSSC. No needto dial into various locations, a user could just mouseclick to his
`various properties.
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 8
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 8


`Drawingsillustrating the Commercial use of invention for
`Provisional Application _
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`BEST AVAI LABICE-COP¥etitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 9
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 9


`_ Drawings illustrating the Personal use of invention for
`Provisional Application
`Medals Kecarhm
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`Brice 'S
`BEST AVAI [ABLEQOPMtitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 10
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 10


`07/28/2005 HVUONG 00000026 500624
`01 FC:2005
`100.00 DA
`“U.S Government Pring Ostce: 2002 —400-267/00023
` IPR2017-02058,Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 11
`IPR2017-02058, Petitioner Google Inc.
`Ex. 1002, p. 11

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