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`APPLE EXHIBIT 1002, Page 4 of 1044


`[0001] This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/220,092 which
`was filed June 24, 2009 and which is fully incorporated herein by reference.
`Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to computers and, in particular, to methods, apparatus
`and systems
`for maintaining appropriate configuration updates
`configuration through the use of physical device recognition to tailor configuration updates.
`Description of the Related Art
`[ 0 0 0 3] Monitoring changes and updates to the plurality of computer pro grams resident on a
`client device is a difficult task for the typical user to consistently perform. In addition, the latest
`update from a vendor may not be appropriate considering the hardware, software or
`physical/geo-location of the client device. Thus, there is a need in the art for a tool that will
`automate the program configuration update process and optimize the suggested updated program
`configuration to match the environment of the client device.
`[0004] The present invention is directed toward a system, method and apparatus for remote
`updating of the configuration of a computer. One embodiment of the invention is system for
`remote updating a computer configuration, comprising: a client device configured to load a
`computer program to perform a remote update; a processor, at the client device, configured to
`perform physical device recognition on the client device to determine machine parameters,
`wherein unique device identifiers are generated for the client device, at least in part, based on the
`determined machine parameters; a transceiver configured to send the unique device identifiers to
`at least one of an auditing server and an update server via Internet; an update server configured
`to collect the unique device identifiers from at least one client device; a processor, at the update
`server, configured to analyzed the unique identifiers at the update server, wherein the analyzed
`unique identifiers determine an updated program configuration; and a transceiver, at the update
`server, configured to deliver the updated program configuration to the client device via Internet.
`APPLE EXHIBIT 1002, Page 5 of 1044


`[ 0 0 0 5] In accordance with one aspect of the embodiments described herein, there is provided
`an apparatus for remote update of a program, comprising: means for loading a client device with
`a computer program configured to perform a remote update; means for performing physical
`device recognition on the client device to determine machine parameters; means for generating
`unique device identifier based at least in part on the determined machine parameters; means for
`sending the unique device identifier to at least one of an auditing server and an update server;
`and means for receiving an updated program configuration from the update server.
`[ 0 0 0 6] In accordance with another aspect of the embodiments described herein, there is
`provided a method for remote update of a program, comprising: collecting unique identifiers
`from at least one of an audit server and client device at an update server; analyzing the unique
`identifiers; determining an updated program configuration for the client device from the
`analyzed unique identifiers; and delivering the updated program configuration to the client.
`[0007] In accordance with another aspect of the embodiments described herein, there IS
`provided a tangible computer readable medium having stored thereon, computer-executable
`instructions that, if executed by a computing device, cause the computing device to perform a
`method comprising: loading a client device with a computer program configured to perform a
`remote update; performing physical device recognition on the client device to determine
`machine parameters; generating unique device identifier based at least in part on the determined
`machine parameters; sending the unique device identifier to at least one of an auditing server and
`an update server; and receiving an updated program configuration from the update server.
`[ 0 0 0 8] In accordance with another aspect of the embodiments described herein, there IS
`provided an apparatus for remote updating of a program, comprising: means for collecting
`unique identifiers from at least one of an audit server and client device; means for analyzing the
`unique identifiers; means for determining an updated program configuration for the client device
`the analyzed unique identifiers; and means for delivering
`the updated program
`configuration to the client.
`In accordance with another aspect of the embodiments described herein, there is
`provided a tangible computer readable medium having stored thereon, computer-executable
`instructions that, if executed by a computing device, cause the computing device to perform a
`method comprising: collecting unique identifiers from at least one of an audit server and client
`APPLE EXHIBIT 1002, Page 6 of 1044


`device; analyzing the unique identifiers; determining an updated program configuration for the
`client device from the analyzed unique identifiers; and delivering the updated program
`configuration to the client.
`[0010] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a system for remote updating of a client device by an
`update server in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
`[0011] FIG. 2 is a flow diagram of a method for remote updating of a client device m
`accordance with an embodiment of the invention implemented on the client device.
`[0012] FIG. 3 is a block diagram of an apparatus according to the invention that may be
`configured as a client device, or as a processor or similar device for use within a client device.
`[0013] FIG. 4 is a flow diagram of a method for remote updating of a client device m
`accordance with an embodiment of the invention implemented on the update server.
`[0014] FIG. 5 is a block diagram of an apparatus according to the invention that may be
`configured as an update server, or as a processor or similar device for use within an update
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram of memory allocation for a unique device identifier used in
`the various exemplary embodiments of the invention.
`In accordance with the present technology, there is provided a system, method and
`apparatus for the remote update of computer software licenses through the use of physical device
`In particular, FIG. 1 shows an exemplary schematic diagram for a system for
`remote updating of at least one client device 100 by an update server 120 in accordance with an
`exemplary embodiment of the invention.
`In particular, FIG. 1, shows an exemplary system
`having at least one computing/network client device 100 that is in oper

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