
`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 1 of 21 PageID #: 1617
`C.A. No. 1:16-cv-00683-GMS
`Pursuant to the Scheduling Order, the parties in the consolidated matters hereby submit their
`Final Joint Claim Chart for the claim terms in U.S. Patent Nos. 6,175,608 (the “’608 Patent”) and
`6,434,212 (the “’212 Patent”), including the claim terms that the parties believe require construction,
`each side’s proposed construction, and citations to intrinsic evidence and dictionary definitions:
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 1 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 2 of 21 PageID #: 1618
`“a step counter”
`‘212 Patent
`claim 2, 5,
`and 6; ‘608
`claim 5
`Blackbird Proposed
`“a device that collects
`data to generate a step
`Fitbit, Garmin,
`Sony, and TomTom
`“a device mounted to
`the chest, waist, or
`leg that counts the
`number of steps a
`user takes”
`Wahoo Proposed
`Timex Proposed
`“a device mounted to
`the chest, waist, or
`leg that counts the
`number of steps a
`user takes”
`“a device mounted to
`the chest, waist, or
`leg that counts the
`number of steps a
`user takes”
`Blackbird’s Evidence Citations1: Intrinsic: Col. 2:40-52; Col. 3:6-11; Col. 3:11-35; ‘608 Patent Col. 7:65 – Col. 8:5; ‘608 Patent
`prosecution history – Jan. 28, 2000 Rejection and accompanying remarks; ‘608 Patent
`prosecution history – March 21, 2000 Amendment and accompanying remarks.
`Defendants’ Evidence Citations:2 Timex
`Claim Language, including at least: Claim 6
`Specification, including at least: Abstract, Figures, 1:7-12; 1:17-55; 2:8-20; 2:27-31; 2:65-3:20
`Dictionary definitions, including: (1) Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed),
`“2counter” at p.264, and (2) The American Heritage College Dictionary (3rd Ed.), “counter3” at
`Fitbit et al.
`Claim language, including at least: Claim 6
`Specification, including at least: Abstract; Figures; Col. 1:7-12; Col. 1:47-55; Col. 2:8-20; Col.
`2:27-31; Col. 2:65-3:20.
`1 All references are to the ‘212 Patent unless otherwise noted.
`2 Each party reserves the right to rely on evidence cited by any other party.
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 2 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 3 of 21 PageID #: 1619
`Claim language, including at least: Claim 6
`Specification, including at least: Abstract; Figures; Col. 1:7-12; Col. 1:47-55; Col. 2:8-20; Col.
`2:27-31; Col. 2:65-3:20.
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 3 of 21


`Fitbit, Garmin,
`Sony, and TomTom
`“strides or steps per
`unit of time”
`“strides or steps per
`unit of time”
`“steps per unit of
`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 4 of 21 PageID #: 1620
`Blackbird Proposed
`Wahoo Proposed
`Timex Proposed
`‘212 Patent
`claim 2, 5,
`and 6; ‘608
`claim 5
`Blackbird’s Evidence Citations: Intrinsic: Col. 2:15-26; Col. 3:65-67; Col. 4:12-20; Col. 4:30-46; ‘608 Patent prosecution
`history – Jan. 28, 2000 Rejection and accompanying remarks; ‘608 Patent prosecution history –
`March 21, 2000 Amendment and accompanying remarks.
`Extrinsic: The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus, American Edition (1996)
`Defendants’ Evidence Citations: Timex
`Specification, including at least: Abstract, 1:7-16; 1:17-65; 2:8-26; 2:23-59; 3:37-6:47
`Prosecution Record, including at least Notice of Allowability (3/16/02)
`Prosecution Record for Parent Application, including at least: (1) Original Application Claim 17
`(10/28/98), (2) First Amended Application Claim 17 (3/21/00), (3) Supplemental Information
`Disclosure Statement (3/21/00), (4) Amendment and Remarks (6/19/00), (5) Interview
`Summary for interviews on June 12 and 15, 2000, (6) Notice of Allowability (6/21/00)
`Dictionary definitions, including: (1) Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed),
`“stride” at p.1164, and (2) The American Heritage College Dictionary (3rd Ed.), “stride” at
`Fitbit et al.
`Claim Language, including at least: Claims 1-3, 5-7
`Specification, including at least: Abstract; Col. 1:7-16; Col. 1:28-65; Col. 2:28-59; Col. 3:56-
`67; Col. 4:7-11; Col. 4:34-58; Col. 5:1-6:10
`“stride rate”
`“number of steps over a
`time period”
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 4 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 5 of 21 PageID #: 1621
`Prosecution History of Application No. 09/181,738, including at least: June 19, 2000
`amendment, at 4.
`Rate: A quantity, amount, or degree of something measured per unit of something else.
`Merriam-Webster, Eleventh Edition.
`Rate: A quantity measured with respect to another measured quantity. American Heritage
`Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
`Rate: The amount of change of some quantity during a time interval divided by the length of the
`time interval. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, Sixth Edition.
`Claim Language, including at least: Claims 1-3, 5-7
`Specification, including at least: Abstract; Col. 1:7-16; Col. 1:28-65; Col. 2:28-59; Col. 3:56-
`67; Col. 4:7-11; Col. 4:34-58; Col. 5:1-6:10
`Prosecution History of Application No. 09/181,738, including at least: June 19, 2000
`amendment, at 4.
`Rate: A quantity, amount, or degree of something measured per unit of something else.
`Merriam-Webster, Eleventh Edition.
`Rate: A quantity measured with respect to another measured quantity. American Heritage
`Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
`Rate: The amount of change of some quantity during a time interval divided by the length of the
`time interval. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, Sixth Edition.
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 5 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 6 of 21 PageID #: 1622
`Blackbird Proposed
`Wahoo Proposed
`Timex Proposed
`Fitbit, Garmin,
`Sony, and TomTom
`(no proposed
`(no proposed
`“the output of an
`algorithm that uses
`input data from
`calibration samples
`that include at least a
`normal pace sample,
`a faster than normal
`pace sample, and a
`slower than normal
`pace sample”
`Blackbird’s Evidence Citations: Intrinsic: Col. 2:40-52; Col. 3:12-20; Col. 3:56-64; Col. 4:62-Col. 6:20; Col. 6:20-25; ‘608
`Patent prosecution history – Jan. 28, 2000 Rejection and accompanying remarks; ‘608 Patent
`prosecution history – March 21, 2000 Amendment and accompanying remarks; ‘608
`prosecution history - June 2000 Interview summaries.
`Extrinsic: The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus, American Edition (1996)
`Defendants’ Evidence Citations: Timex
`Claim Language, including at least: 8:13-19
`Specification, including at least: Abstract, 1:7-16; 1:17-65; 2:8-26; 2:23-59; 3:37-6:47
`Prosecution Record, including at least Notice of Allowability (3/16/02)
`Prosecution Record for Parent Application, including at least: (1) Original Application Claim 17
`(10/28/98), (2) First Amended Application Claim 17 (3/21/00), (3) Supplemental Information
`Disclosure Statement (3/21/00), (4) Amendment and Remarks (6/19/00), (5) Interview
`Summary for interviews on June 12 and 15, 2000, (6) Notice of Allowability (6/21/00)
`Dictionary definitions, including: (1) Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed),
`“calculate” at p.161, (2) Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed), “range” at p.967,
`(3) Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed), “corresponding” at p.260, (4) The
`‘212 Patent
`claim 6
` “from a range of
`stride lengths
`calculated from a
`range of
`corresponding stride
`“from a range of stride
`lengths that correspond
`to stride rates, the
`generated from two or
`more calibrations”
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 6 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 7 of 21 PageID #: 1623
`American Heritage College Dictionary (3rd Ed.), “calculate” at p.198, (5) The American
`Heritage College Dictionary (3rd Ed.), “range” at p.1131, and (6) The American Heritage
`College Dictionary (3rd Ed.), “corresponding” at p.312.
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 7 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 8 of 21 PageID #: 1624
`Blackbird Proposed
`Wahoo Proposed
`Timex Proposed
`Fitbit, Garmin,
`Sony, and TomTom
`“to determine by
`“to determine by
`‘212 Patent
`claim 2, 5,
`and 6
`Blackbird’s Evidence Citations: Intrinsic: Col. 3: 12-20; Col. 3:36-50; Col. 3:61-64; Col. 4:62-Col. 6:20; Col. 6:33-43; ‘608
`Patent prosecution history – Jan. 28, 2000 Rejection and accompanying remarks; ‘608 Patent
`prosecution history – March 21, 2000 Amendment and accompanying remarks; ‘608
`prosecution history - June 2000 Interview summaries.
`Extrinsic: The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus, American Edition (1996)
`Defendants’ Evidence Citations: Fitbit et al.
`Specification, including at least: Abstract; Col. 1:12-17; Col. 2:20-51; Col. 3:22-25; Col. 3:38-
`48; Col. 3:56-67; Col. 4:29-58; Col. 4:62-6:12.
`To determine by mathematical processes. Merriam-Webster, Eleventh Edition.
`Determine (the amount or number of something) mathematically. Oxford English Dictionary,
`Second Edition.
`Specification, including at least: Abstract; Col. 1:12-17; Col. 2:20-51; Col. 3:22-25; Col. 3:38-
`48; Col. 3:56-67; Col. 4:29-58; Col. 4:62-6:12.
`To determine by mathematical processes. Merriam-Webster, Eleventh Edition.
`Determine (the amount or number of something) mathematically. Oxford English Dictionary,
`Second Edition.
`plain and ordinary
`meaning; or “determine”
`(no proposed
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 8 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 9 of 21 PageID #: 1625
`Blackbird Proposed
`Wahoo Proposed
`Timex Proposed
`Fitbit, Garmin,
`Sony, and TomTom
`(no proposed
`(no proposed
`“a device housed
`with the step counter
`that communicates a
`step count signal to a
`separate receiver”
`Blackbird’s Evidence Citations: Intrinsic: Col. 2:15-37; Col. 3:11-35; ‘608 Patent Col. 7:65 – Col. 8:5; ‘608 Patent prosecution
`history – Jan. 28, 2000 Rejection and accompanying remarks; ‘608 Patent prosecution history –
`March 21, 2000 Amendment and accompanying remarks.
`Extrinsic: The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus, American Edition (1996)
`Defendants’ Evidence Citations: Timex
`Claim Language, including at least: 8:8-10; 8:13-19
`Specification, including at least: Abstract, Figures, 1:7-12; 1:17-55; 2:8-20; 2:27-32; 2:65-3:35
`Dictionary definitions, including: (1) Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed),
`“transmitter” at p.1255, and (2) The American Heritage College Dictionary (3rd Ed.),
`“transmitter” at p.1437.
`plain and ordinary
`‘212 Patent
`claim 6;
`‘608 Patent
`claim 5
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 9 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 10 of 21 PageID #: 1626
`Blackbird Proposed
`Wahoo Proposed
`Timex Proposed
`Fitbit, Garmin,
`Sony, and TomTom
`(no proposed
`“a wrist-mounted
`“a wrist-mounted
`device that receives a
`step count signal
`from a separately
`housed transmitter”
`Blackbird’s Evidence Citations: Intrinsic: Col. 2:15-37; Col. 3:11-35; ‘608 Patent Col. 7:65 – Col. 8:5; ‘608 Patent prosecution
`history – Jan. 28, 2000 Rejection and accompanying remarks; ‘608 Patent prosecution history –
`March 21, 2000 Amendment and accompanying remarks.
`Extrinsic: The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus, American Edition (1996)
`Defendants’ Evidence Citations: Timex
`Specification, including at least: Abstract, Figures, 1:7-12; 1:17-55; 2:8-20; 2:27-32; 2:65-3:35
`Dictionary definitions, including: (1) Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed),
`“receiver” at p.975, and (2) The American Heritage College Dictionary (3rd Ed.), “receiver” at
`Specification, including at least: Abstract; Figure; 1:7–12; 2:8–11; 2:13–20; 2:27–30; 3:21–23
`plain and ordinary
`‘212 Patent
`claim 6;
`‘608 Patent
`claim 5
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 10 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 11 of 21 PageID #: 1627
`Blackbird Proposed
`Wahoo Proposed
`Timex Proposed
`(no proposed
`“a stride length that
`adjusts according to
`the user’s stride rate
`determined from the
`step count signals
`generated during
`subsequent walks or
`“a stride length that
`varies according to
`the rate at which
`steps are taken”
`(‘212 Patent claim
`6); “…according to a
`stride rate” (‘212
`Patent claim 2);
`“…according to a
`rate at which steps
`are counted” (‘212
`Patent claim 5)
`Blackbird’s Evidence Citations: Intrinsic: Col. 2:15-26; Col. 2:40-51; Col. 3:43-50; Col. 4:1-19; Col. 4:30-46; Col. 6:10-24; Col.
`6:33-50; ‘608 Patent prosecution history – Jan. 28, 2000 Rejection and accompanying remarks;
`‘608 Patent prosecution history – March 21, 2000 Amendment and accompanying remarks;
`‘608 Patent prosecution history - June 2000 Interview summaries.
`Extrinsic: The Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus, American Edition (1996)
`(BBTECH_PED000540-548); Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition (1999)
`Defendants’ Evidence Citations: Timex
`Claim Language, including at least: 8:13-19
`Specification, including at least: Abstract, 1:7-16; 1:17-65; 2:8-26; 2:23-59; 3:37-6:47
`Prosecution Record, including at least Notice of Allowability (3/16/02)
`Prosecution Record for Parent Application, including at least: (1) Original Application Claim 17
`(10/28/98), (2) First Amended Application Claim 17 (3/21/00), (3) Supplemental Information
`Disclosure Statement (3/21/00), (4) Amendment and Remarks (6/19/00), (5) Interview
`Summary for interviews on June 12 and 15, 2000, (6) Notice of Allowability (6/21/00)
`Fitbit, Garmin,
`Sony, and TomTom
`the stride length
`variation cannot only
`be between a
`uniform running
`stride length and a
`uniform walking
`stride length
`‘212 Patent
`claims 2, 5,
`and 6
`plain and ordinary
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 11 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 12 of 21 PageID #: 1628
`Dictionary definitions, including: (1) Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed),
`“vary” at p.1307, and (2) The American Heritage College Dictionary (3rd Ed.), “vary” at p.149
`Fitbit et al.
`Specification, including at least: Col. 2:33-58; Col. 4:12-6:19.
`Prosecution History for Application No. 09/181,738, including at least: March 15, 2000
`amendment, at 8-9; June 19, 2000 amendment, at 3-4.
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 12 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 13 of 21 PageID #: 1629
`Blackbird Proposed
`Wahoo Proposed
`Timex Proposed
`Fitbit, Garmin,
`Sony, and TomTom
`(no proposed
`(no proposed
`“calibration samples
`that include at least a
`normal pace sample,
`a faster than normal
`pace sample, and a
`slower than normal
`pace sample, which
`produce input data
`used by an algorithm
`to generate a range of
`corresponding stride
`rates and stride
`Blackbird’s Evidence Citations: Intrinsic: Col. 2:53-59; Col. 3:56-64; Col. 4:1-12; Col. 5:20-58; ‘608 Patent prosecution history
`– Jan. 28, 2000 Rejection and accompanying remarks; ‘608 Patent prosecution history – March
`21, 2000 Amendment and accompanying remarks; ‘608 Patent prosecution history - June 2000
`Interview summaries.
`Defendants’ Evidence Citations: Timex
`Claim Language, including at least: 7:53-63
`Specification, including at least: Abstract, 1:7-12; 1:13-61; 2:4-22; 2:29-58; 3:37-6:47
`Prosecution Record, including at least: (1) Original Application Claim 17 (10/28/98), (2) First
`Amended Application Claim 17 (3/21/00), (3) Supplemental Information Disclosure Statement
`(3/21/00), (4) Amendment and Remarks (6/19/00), (5) Interview Summary for interviews on
`June 12 and 15, 2000, (6) Notice of Allowability (6/21/00)
`Dictionary definitions, including: (1) Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed),
`“plurality” at p.896, and (2) The American Heritage College Dictionary (3rd Ed.), “plurality” at
`‘608 Patent
`claim 5
`“from a plurality of
`walks or runs each
`over a known
`plain and ordinary
`meaning; or “from two
`or more walks or runs,
`each walk or run over a
`known distance”
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 13 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 14 of 21 PageID #: 1630
`Blackbird Proposed
`Wahoo Proposed
`Timex Proposed
`Fitbit, Garmin,
`Sony, and TomTom
`(no proposed
`(no proposed
`“the user’s stride rate
`determined from the
`step count signals
`generated during
`subsequent walks or
`Blackbird’s Evidence Citations: Intrinsic: Col. 2:15-60; Col. 3:43-50; Col. 4:30-46; Col. 4:62-67; 6:20-43; ‘608 Patent
`prosecution history – Jan. 28, 2000 Rejection and accompanying remarks; ‘608 Patent
`prosecution history – March 21, 2000 Amendment and accompanying remarks; ‘608 Patent
`prosecution history - June 2000 Interview summaries.
`Extrinsic: Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition (1999) (BBTECH_PED000549-553).
`Defendants’ Evidence Citations: Timex
`Claim Language, including at least: 7:53-63
`Specification, including at least: Abstract, 1:7-12; 1:13-61; 2:4-22; 2:29-58; 3:37-6:47
`Prosecution Record, including at least: (1) Original Application Claim 17 (10/28/98), (2) First
`Amended Application Claim 17 (3/21/00), (3) Supplemental Information Disclosure Statement
`(3/21/00), (4) Amendment and Remarks (6/19/00), (5) Interview Summary for June 12 and 15,
`2000, (6) Notice of Allowability (6/21/00)
`Dictionary definitions, including: (1) Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed),
`“actual” at p.12, and (2) The American Heritage College Dictionary (3rd Ed.), “actual” at p.14.
`‘608 Patent
`claim 5
`“actual stride rate”
`“number of steps over
`the current time period”
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 14 of 21


`Fitbit, Garmin,
`Sony, and TomTom
`(no proposed
`(no proposed
`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 15 of 21 PageID #: 1631
`Blackbird Proposed
`Wahoo Proposed
`Timex Proposed
`“a value derived by
`comparing the user’s
`actual stride rate with
`the range of
`corresponding stride
`rates and stride
`lengths that had been
`created by the
`algorithm using input
`data from the
`plurality of walks or
`runs each over a
`known distance”
`Blackbird’s Evidence Citations: Intrinsic: Col. 2:15-60; Col. 3:43-50; Col. 4:30-46; Col. 4:62-67; 6:20-43; ‘608 Patent
`prosecution history – Jan. 28, 2000 Rejection and accompanying remarks; ‘608 Patent
`prosecution history – March 21, 2000 Amendment and accompanying remarks; ‘608 Patent
`prosecution history - June 2000 Interview summaries.
`Extrinsic: Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition (1999) (BBTECH_PED000549-553).
`Defendants’ Evidence Citations: Timex
`Claim Language, including at least: 7:53-63
`Specification, including at least: Abstract, 1:7-12; 1:13-61; 2:4-22; 2:29-58; 3:37-6:47
`Prosecution Record, including at least: (1) Original Application Claim 17 (10/28/98), (2) First
`Amended Application Claim 17 (3/21/00), (3) Supplemental Information Disclosure Statement
`(3/21/00), (4) Amendment and Remarks (6/19/00), (5) Interview Summary for June 12 and 15,
`2000, (6) Notice of Allowability (6/21/00)
`Dictionary definitions, including: (1) Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed),
`“actual” at p.12, and (2) The American Heritage College Dictionary (3rd Ed.), “actual” at p.14.
`‘608 claims
`5 and 11
`“actual stride length” “current stride length”
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 15 of 21


`Fitbit, Garmin,
`Sony, and TomTom
`(no proposed
`(no proposed
`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 16 of 21 PageID #: 1632
`Blackbird Proposed
`Wahoo Proposed
`Timex Proposed
`“a value derived by
`comparing the user’s
`actual stride rate with
`the range of
`corresponding stride
`rates and stride
`lengths that had been
`created by the
`algorithm using input
`data from calibration
`samples that include
`at least a normal pace
`sample, a faster than
`normal pace sample,
`and a slower than
`normal pace sample.”
`Blackbird’s Evidence Citations: Intrinsic: Col. 2:15-60; Col. 3:43-50; Col. 4:30-46; Col. 4:62-67; 6:20-43; ‘608 Patent
`prosecution history – Jan. 28, 2000 Rejection and accompanying remarks; ‘608 Patent
`prosecution history – March 21, 2000 Amendment and accompanying remarks; ‘608 Patent
`prosecution history - June 2000 Interview summaries.
`Extrinsic: Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition (1999) (BBTECH_PED000549-553).
`Defendants’ Evidence Citations: Timex
`Claim Language, including at least: 8:13-19
`Specification, including at least: Abstract, 1:7-16; 1:17-65; 2:8-26; 2:23-59; 3:37-6:47
`Prosecution Record, including at least Notice of Allowability (3/16/02)
`Prosecution Record for Parent Application, including at least: (1) Original Application Claim 17
`(10/28/98), (2) First Amended Application Claim 17 (3/21/00), (3) Supplemental Information
`‘212 Patent
`claim 6
`“actual stride length” “current stride length”
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 16 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 17 of 21 PageID #: 1633
`Disclosure Statement (3/21/00), (4) Amendment and Remarks (6/19/00), (5) Interview
`Summary for interviews on June 12 and 15, 2000, (6) Notice of Allowability (6/21/00)
`Dictionary definitions, including: (1) Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th Ed),
`“actual” at p.12, and (2) The American Heritage College Dictionary (3rd Ed.), “actual” at p.14.
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 17 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 18 of 21 PageID #: 1634
`Dated: August 23, 2017
`Christopher Freeman
`Wendy Verlander
`David Gerasimow
`Blackbird Tech LLC d/b/a
`Blackbird Technologies
`One Boston Place, Suite 2600
`Boston, MA 02108
`Dated: August 23, 2017
`/s/ Stamatios Stamoulis
`Stamatios Stamoulis #4606
`Richard C. Weinblatt #5080
`Two Fox Point Centre
`6 Denny Road, Suite 307
`Wilmington, DE 19809
`Telephone: (302) 999-1540
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Blackbird Tech LLC
`d/b/a Blackbird Technologies
`/s/ Jack B. Blumenfeld
`Jack B. Blumenfeld (#1014)
`1201 North Market Street
`P.O. Box 1347
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`(302) 658-9200
`Clement S. Roberts
`Timothy C. Saulsbury
`Eugene Novikov
`217 Leidesdorff Street
`San Francisco, CA 94111
`Attorneys for Defendant Fitbit, Inc.
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 18 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 19 of 21 PageID #: 1635
`Dated: August 23, 2017
`Dated: August 23, 2017
`/s/ Rodger D. Smith
`Rodger D. Smith (#3778)
`1201 North Market Street
`P.O. Box 1347
`Wilmington, DE 19899
`(302) 658-9200
`James V. Mahon
`4505 Emperor Blvd., Suite 330
`Durham, NC 27703
`(919) 864-7200
`Attorneys for Defendant Sony Mobile
`Communications (USA) Inc.
`/s/ Larry R. Wood, Jr.
`Larry R. Wood, Jr. (DE #3262)
`Adam V. Orlacchio (DE # 5520)
`1201 N. Market Street, Suite 800
`Wilmington, DE 19801
`Tel: (302) 425-6400
`Jeffrey K. Sherwood (pro hac vice)
`Dipu A. Doshi (pro hac vice)
`David E. Anderson (pro hac vice)
`1825 Eye Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`Tel: (202) 420-2200
`Attorneys for Defendant TomTom, Inc.
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 19 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 20 of 21 PageID #: 1636
`/s/ Kenneth L. Dorsney
`Kenneth L. Dorsney
`500 Delaware Avenue, Suite 1500
`Wilmington, Delaware 19801
`(302) 888-6800
`Adam P. Seitz
`Eric A. Buresh
`Jason R. Mudd
`6201 College Blvd, Suite 300
`Overland Park KS, 66211
`Phone: 913-777-5600
`Fax: 913-777-5601
`Paul R. Hart
`5600 Greenwood Plaza Blvd, Suite 200
`Greenwood Village, CO 80111
`Phone: 913-777-5600
`Fax: 913-777-5601
`Attorneys for Defendants Garmin
`International, Inc. and Garmin USA, Inc.
`Dated: August 23, 2017
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 20 of 21


`Case 1:16-cv-00683-GMS Document 87 Filed 08/23/17 Page 21 of 21 PageID #: 1637
`/s/ Chad M. Shandler
`Chad M. Shandler (#3796)
`Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A.
`One Rodney Square
`920 North King Street
`Wilmington, Delaware 19801
`(302) 651-7836
`Matthew L. Cutler
`Douglas A. Robinson
`Harness, Dickey & Pierce, PLC
`7700 Bonhomme Ave., #400
`St. Louis, MO 63105
`(314) 726-7500
`Attorneys for Defendant
`Wahoo Fitness, L.L.C.
`/s/ Andrew E. Russell
`Jeffrey T. Castellano (#4837)
`Andrew E. Russell (#5382)
`Shaw Keller LLP
`I.M. Pei Building
`1105 North Market Street, 12th Floor
`Wilmington, DE 19801
`(302) 298-0700
`Attorneys for Defendant Timex Group USA, Inc.
`Dated: August 23, 2017
`Dated: August 23, 2017
`TomTom Exhibit 1011, Page 21 of 21

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