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`A Highly Accurate Pedometer Effective for Both Walking and Running
`69mm P“
`Carl Ebeling and Amara Ebeling
`4002 Burke Ave. N.
`Seattle. WA 98103
`In this document we disclose the invention of a device that measures the velocity and
`distance traveled by a person when walking or running. The device determines the
`distance travelled during each step of the foot when a person is walking or running by
`measuring the acceleration of the foot. The device comprises an accelerometer and a
`microprocessor connected together, both attached to the foot of the person walking.
`This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. for example by means of a strap or band,
`but the preferred method would be to attach the device to or embed the device in a
`walking or running shoe in such a way that it can be removed and used for difi'erent
`shoes. The microprocessor samples the acceleration of the foot via the accelerometer
`many times during each step. The accelerometer data is sufficiently detailed to
`determine the distance of each step accurately over a wide range of walking and running
`speeds and gaits. Although good accuracy can be attained using information about
`typical human walking and running gaits, more precision can be achieved by calibrating
`the device for a particular person via a training session. During this session, the person
`walks and runs a predetermined distance at diiierent rates typical for that person. This
`calibration information is stored in the device using non-volatile memory and
`subsequently used to adjust the distance calculation for this particular person.
`Pedometers are devices for measuring the distance traveled by a person when walking.
`’lhe distance is computed by accumulating the distance traveled during each step while
`the person is waflnng. By using a timing device in conjunction with the pedometer. the
`average speed can also be determined over different lengths of time by simply dividing the
`distance traveled by the time taken to travel that distance. Current pedometers do not
`determine the length of each individual step but rather rely on an average step length of
`the person walking. These pedometers count the number of steps and then compute the
`distance by multiplying the step count by the predetermined average step length. This
`distance computation is only accurate to the extent that the person's steps correspond
`on average to the predetermined step length. Since the step length can vary greatly
`depending on walking speed and gait. this method can be very inaccurate unless the
`person is careful to maintain a particular speed and gait which yields the predetermined
`average step length. Running gaits vary even more widely in step length than walking
`gaits and there are no accurate pedometers for running. One of the main advances in
`the pedometer disclosed herein is the ability to accurately measure distance travelled for
`both walking and running over awide range of speeds.
`Pedometers count the number of steps taken via a variety of methods. Most are
`attached at the waist and use a pendulum mechanism that oscillates at the same
`frequency as the step frequency. More recent inventions have used switches embedded
`in the shoe which can be connected directly to a counter. Each step depresses the
`switch once causing the counter to increment. This method has little advantage over
`the ordinary pendulum-based pedometer because of the inaccuracy in computing the
`step length. Attempts have been made to increase the accuracy of the step count to
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 7 of 23
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 7 of 23


`distance measurementbymeasm'lng the rate atwhich steps are taken. The step length
`is correlated to some extent to the step rate, but not sufficiently to greatly increase the
`accuracy. This is especially true for running gaits.
`Our invention
`computing engine (microprocessor) continously monitors the accelerometer data and
`converts this information to a step length for each step taken. The heart of our
`invention concerns the process bywhich this compu-
`tion is performed. Note that it is
`necessary to measure the step length for only one foot, since both feet travel exactly the
`The distance and speed information thus computed by our pedometer can either be
`stored and accessed later by downloading to a separate device. or it can be displayed
`immediatelyin avariety ofways. For example. asimple LED display like a watch display
`canbe part ofthe device. Ifattached to the instep of the shoe. the walker can read the
`information while walking whenever the foot is on the ground and therefore stationary
`with respect to the eye. For runners. the information can be transmitted via infrared
`transmitter to a watch worn on the wrist opposite the foot to which the pedometer is
`attached. This arrangement gives an unimpeded line ofsight for data transmission for a
`sufficiently long interval during each step. There are well-known mechanisms such as
`tterslreceivers that can transmit such information accurately. The
`ad the information from the wrisnvatch-like device itself in a variety
`total distance traveled. average speed over different time intervals.
`so that the axis of acceleration measurement is
`with the direction of travel. This alignment does not hate to be
`precise and canbe asmuch as 30 degrees out of alignment with respect to the direction
`oftravel. The acceleromtermeaSures the rate of change in velocity of the foot along the
`axis of measurement.
`If this axis is not aligned with the direction of travel, the value
`returned is a combination of acceleration in the forward and lateral directions. Since
`there is little or no lateralmovement ofthe foot while walking, the value measured is A‘
`= (A oosB) where A is the actual acceleration in the direction of travel and e is angle
`between the axis of acceleration measurement and the direction of travel. Since this
`9 is constant, the measured value A’ is the actual acceleration, scaled by a
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 8 of 23
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 8 of 23


`will call this period one step. The step length calc lation is then done separately for
`each step, whether or not the person is walking or running. The accelerometer data for
`each step depends on the the walkers speed. length of the step and gait. Plotting the
`- acceleration of the foot over the time of the step yields what we will call a step profile.
`For normal walking, this profile begins with an initial acceleration as the foot is lifted
`off the ground and brought fmward by the walking movement. This is followed by a
`period of no acceleration as the foot coasts forward at relatively constant velocity. Then
`the foot accelerates again by the kicking movement towards the end of the step where
`the foot is kicked forward
`(1 upwards prior to being placed on the ground. The step
`concludes with the relatively large forces that occur when the foot is placed on the
`ground. typically heel-first. The profile for a typical walking step is shown in Figure 1.
`Foot on ground
` Foot on ground
`Foot is lifted
`Acceleration from
`Foot is placed
`from the ground
`on the ground
`foot hitting the ground
`Figure l: The acceleration profile of a single typicalwalking step showing the Lift.
`Swing and Kick phases.
`The foot acceleration profile when running is somewhat different from the walking
`profile. The phases of initial acceleration, coasting and final acceleration are still
`present. although exagerated in size as shown in Figure 2. The acceleration data is
`sampled 250 times per second. The time from when the foot is lifted until it is placed on
`the ground again is typically between 0.3 seconds for fast running gaits to 1.5 seconds
`for very slow walking. At a sampling rate of 250 samples/see, the acceleration data
`gathered during a step is 'sufficientiy detailed to form an accurate profile of a step even
`while running.
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 9 of 23
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 9 of 23


`Foot hits ground
`Foot hits ground
`Kick Onground Lift
`Kick On ground
`Figure 2: The acceleration profile of two running steps showing the different
`phases. The foot is not on the ground for as long as it is while walking.
`The kick phase can be difl‘erentiated fi‘om the lift phase because the
`maximum acceleration attained during the kick is greater.
`The first phase of data analysis first finds the boundaries between steps and then
`divides each step into the threedifferent phases. lift, coast and kick.
`It is relatively
`easy to determine the boundary between steps. When walking, the foot is stationary on
`the ground for a relatively long time and this marks the boundary between steps. We
`call this extra phase which marks the boundary between steps the stationary phase.
`When running, the lift and kick phases are very obvious as peaks in the data. The kick
`phase can be differentiated from the hit phase because 1) the forces at the end of the
`kick phase are very large as the shoe hits the ground and 2) the maximum acceleration
`during the kick phase is larger than during the lift phase. Thus data measured while
`running can also be divided easily into separate steps.
`'lhese phases are
`After a step has been identified. it is divided into the three phases.
`reliably determined using parameters that describe the data for each phase.
`parameters are:
`1) 'lhe‘minimum change in acceleration that marks the beginning of each phase
`2) The minumum change in acceleration that marks the end of each phase.
`3) The minimum and maximum length of each phase.
`Phases are delimited by large changes in acceleration. that is. large positive or negative
`changes in acceleration. The lift and kick phases are the peaks in the acceleration data
`while the stationary and coast phases are the troughs in the acceleration data.
`The minumum length of a phase is used to filter noise in the input data that otherwise
`might cause the end of a phase to be detected prematurely. The maximum length of a
`phase is used to reset the step recognition process when the data doesn‘t correspond to
`typical data The maximum value constraint is not invoked during normal walking and
`running but is used to restart the step recognition algorithm when the person has
`stopped, is shaming their feet or is othemlse moving without a normal walking or
`running gait.
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 10 of 23
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 10 of 23


`We have been able to use one general set of parameter values to identify reliably the step
`phases for both adults and children for a wide range of waking and running gaits.
`Example profiles and the phase identification using this method are shown in Figures 3
`-—— 5. The Stztionary, Lift, Coast and Kick phases are marked with the letters 8, L, C.
`and K respectively. We have found that by using these parameters we can. with very
`high reliability, divide the profile data into steps. and the steps into phases. Although
`we have found that general parameters suffice, more accurate phase identification is
`possible by calibrating the parameters to the individual walker or runner.
` S
`Figure 3: The acceleration profiles for four different fast walking speeds, with speeds
`increasing from top to bottom. Note that the time of steps decreases only
`slightly. The size'and shape of the Hit and kick phases are used to
`accurately determine the length of each step.
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 11 of 23
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 11 of 23


`Figure 4: The acceleration profiles for two different running speeds. with Speeds
`increasing fi‘om top to bottom.
`Figure 5: The accelerafion profiles for four different slow walking speeds.
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 12 of 23
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 12 of 23


`The acceleration data can not be used to compute the velocity of the foot directly since
`the acceleration values are not taken along the horizontal axis in the direction of
`Instead the distance travelled each step is derived indirectly from the
`acceleration profile. Each step is characterized using eight different values measured
`from the foot acceleration profile. This characterization comprises the following set of
`1. The duration of the lift phase.
`2. The maximum acceleration value in the lift phase.
`3. The sum of "the acceleration values in the lift phase.
`4. The duration of the coast phase.
`5. The duration of the kick phase.
`6. The maximum acceleration value in the kick phase.
`7. The sum of the acceleration values in the kick phase.
`8. The duration of the entire step.
`Sets of values for a variety of steps for a variety of walking and running gaits are stored
`in memory. For each step, the measured set of values is matched against the sets of
`values stored in memory. The closest matching sets are found using aweighted distance
`metric and the corresponding distances are interpolated to determine the step distance.
`The accuracy of this distance depends on the accuracy of the stored profiles. A general
`profile based on general human characteristics yields a distance accurate to within
`approximately 10%. If the profiles are chosen based on the physical characterstics of the
`person. for example, based on height and weight and leg length, then the accuracy can
`be improved to 5%.
`If the profiles are calibrated to the person usmg training sessions
`based on ten different walking and running patterns, then the accuracy can be improved
`to 2%. This accuracy corresponds to about 100 feet over the distance of a mile and
`includes the person changing gaits from walking to running and also traveling at
`different speeds.
`Terrain reduces the accuracy that can be attained. Gravity provides a bias to the
`measured acceleration when Walking and running uphill or downhill. which can afi'ect
`the measurements. This bias can be corrected for somewhat by measuring the constant
`acceleration when standing still on level ground.
`The pedometer can be instructed to perform diflerent operations like reset values. start
`measurements. and pause measurement. by a simple communication method based on
`tapping the toe on the ground. This produces an acceleration profile that is distinctly
`different from that produced by walking or running and one that can be easily
`recognized. For example. tapping the toe twice in rapid succession could be used to
`reset the distance measurement and time. A single tap could be used to pause the time
`and distance measurement and another tap to resume measurement.
`Since the acceleration values that are used for the distance measurement are when the
`foot is in the air. there is little noise or vibration that needs to be filtered out. Filtering
`can be done when the phases themselves are identified. but the values can otherwise be
`used unchanged.
`The calculation described herein can be easily accomplished using a small
`microcontroller and the characterization values can be stored in non-volatile memory
`like EEPROM or Flash memory. For example, only 256 bytes of data are needed to
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 13 of 23
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 13 of 23


`store 16 diiferent sets of values each comprising 16 bytes of data. Only 1024 bytes are
`required to store 64 sets of data A variety ofvery small. inexpensive microcontrollers are
`available that can handle this task. Analog Devices makes a very small and inexpensive
`accelerometer that we have used. The microcontroller and accelerometer can be
`mounted in package the size of a small wristwatch.
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 14 of 23
`TomTom Exhibit 1018, Page 14 of 23


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`Telephone: (703) 308-2733
`' Application Number
`(00 05017 2 ' Nov‘ll‘)?
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`United States Patent Application Publication No.
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`United States Patent Number
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