United States Patent [19]
`Sutton et al.
`May 26, 1992
`USOO51 17444A
`Patent Number:
`Date of Patent:
`[75] Inventors: William R. Sutton, 4898 Dolores Dr.,
`Pleasamon, Calif- 94566; Scott L.
`Noble, San Jose, Calif-
`[73] Assignee: W. Ron Sutton, Pleasanton, Calif.
`[21] Appl. No.: 559,076
`[22] Filed:
`JUL 30, 1990
`[51] Int. Cl. ............................................ .. GlllC 22/00
`U-S. Cl. ................................. ..
`[58] Field of Search """"""""""
`0219407 12/1983 Japan ........................ .. 377/242
`0079197 4/1988 Japan ........................ .. 377/242
`Primary Examiner-John S. Heyman
`Attorney’ Agent’ or ?rm-mom“! B‘ Mam
`Apreferred embodiment of the present invention com
`prises a pedometer having a housing, a weighted pendu
`lum, a magnet and reed switch’ a microprocessor’ a
`display, three puslrbottons’ a hinged door
`spring cam device that holds the door open and shut,
`and a replaceable belt hook. The entire unit is powered
`by an oversized lithium battery that has an expected life
`of seven years. A unique method of user calibration
`simpli?es user input and provides maximum- calibration
`accuracy regardless of operational or stride artifact
`17 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`References Cited
`377/24 2
`4 223 2“ 9/1980 Ansen at 81
`4:387:437 6/1983 Lowrey et al. ........... .. 364/561
`4,741,001 4/1988 Ma ............................ .. 377/242
`4,821,218 4/1989 Potsch ............................... .. 364/566
`55 \
`58 v
`LCD Display
`Pushbuttons _
`TomTom Exhibit 1016, Page 1 of 8


`US. Patent
`May 26, 1992
`Sheet 1 of 3
`TomTom Exhibit 1016, Page 2 of 8
`TomTom Exhibit 1016, Page 2 of 8


`US. Patent
`May 26, 1992
`Sheet 2 of 3
`56 \
`LCD Display
`TomTom Exhibit 1016, Page 3 of 8


`US. Patent
`May 26, 1992
`Sheet 3 of 3
`5% g;
`-z\—+— Step Counter
`1° *
`i Divide by Five
`Step Memory
`F ig_7
`_E_______ Step Counter
`If Compare
`Step Memory
`TomTom Exhibit 1016, Page 4 of 8


`tension. Improved switching in the prior art has been
`realized by mounting a small permanent magnet to a
`pendulum made of brass and by placing a reed switch at
`the outside point of the pendulum’s arc. The reed
`switch has contacts maintained under glass seal, and the
`magnet on the pendulum need only get close to establish
`contact. Reed switch pedometers are much more reli
`able and give fewer false readings than other prior art
`devices. A Casio mathematical cadence device uses a
`time-based method, instead of a stride detector. In the
`time-based method, a user is expected to take a standard
`length stride each time the device beeps. If the user fails
`to take a stride, and the device beeps, the Casio device
`will nevertheless assume a step was taken. A failure by
`the user to stay in step with the cadence is therefore a
`major source of error in the Casio pedometer.
`Invariably the prior art makes some assumptions
`about the length of strides taken by the user. A user
`must enter a stride length into the pedometer, and that
`length will be used in the future calculations of the
`distance traveled. These stride estimates are a source of ~
`great inaccuracy, because the user may only be guessing
`at the length of his or her stride, or the estimate of a
`stride is based on a small, arti?cial sample. In addition,
`strides can vary. Artifacts of a user’s walk or run can
`also vary over a few strides, and artifacts'of the pedom
`eter’s operation can also vary, especially in interaction
`with different users. A pedometer placed on a user’s
`wrist, as opposed to a user’s belt, would generate so
`many unusual artifacts of motion, that all prior art pe
`dometers would not be able to function with any ac
`ceptable accuracy. In addition, the stride resolution of
`prior art pedometers, as mentioned above, can contrib
`ute to inaccurate measurements. And given the small
`sizes of mechanical pedometers, dialing in the correct
`stride length can be very difficult. A pedometer that
`simpli?es stride calculation, or eliminates it altogether
`would be an improvement over the prior art.
`Prior art pedometers, generally, cannot be turned on
`or off. Even electrically instrumented pedometers mea
`sure all the time. In addition, none have the ability to
`store information in multiple registers, and none can
`track multiple events. An example of a useful multi
`event function would be a user’s goal to walk 20 miles
`during ?ve consecutive lunch hours during the week.
`Event number one would be Monday’s walk, event
`number two would be Tuesday’s walk, and so on to
`event number ?ve being Friday’s walk. A sixth event
`could be the running total walked for the week. Prior
`art devices could only deal with one of these events,
`and a user would have to select which one by starting
`and stopping around the event of interest. Such starting
`and stopping would clear any previous results, because
`there is no memory in any of the prior art pedometers.
`A user would either have to give up knowing the daily
`totals or the weekly total. Since there is'no “off,” a user
`would also have to make a separate record for later
`reference at the end of the event of interest, because the
`pedometer will continue to advance with any further
`physical activity whether related to the particular event
`or not. 4
`Housings for prior art pedometers and their associ
`ated knobs and displays require a user to detach the
`pedometer from a belt hook or shoe and to bring it close
`enough to the user’s face to see the small numbers, or to
`open it in such a manner that signi?cant false readings
`may occur. Such action can jiggle the device and cause
`1. Field of the Invention
`The invention relates generally to pedometers and
`speci?cally to electronic-type multi-event capable de
`vices for the measurement of traveled distances or other
`. activity based on oscillations of position within or out
`side a gravity ?eld.
`2. Description of the Prior Art
`Pedometers primarily measure the distance walked or
`run by a human wearer of the device by virtue of the up
`and down motion made by the wearer during each
`stride. Pedometers have also been attached to farm
`animals to measure physical activity. The distance trav
`eled by a user of a pedometer is the length of the user’s
`stride times the number of strides the user takes. Typical
`pedometers employ a weighted pendulum suspended
`horizontally from an axis by a spring. The inertia of the
`pendulum’s weight will cause the pendulum to move in
`relation to the pedometer each time the wearer takes a
`stride. The more repeatable a user’s activity is from
`event to event, the more accurate will be the resulting
`measurement. It is possible for pedometers to measure
`many other kinds of activity besides walking or run
`ning, including mathematical conversion of data to
`“points” or “indices,” not directly related to distance,
`e.g., aerobic points for playing tennis.
`The prior art comprises two ways of detecting the
`movement of the pendulum, (l) mechanically, and (2)
`electrically. In mechanical detection pedometers, a disk
`with teeth around its circumference is attached by a
`ratchet to the pendulum. (See, US. Pat. No. 4,560,861,
`issued to Kato, et al., on Dec. 24, 1985; and see US. Pat.
`No. 4,322,609, issued to Kato on Mar. 30, 1982.) Each
`stride causes the ratchet to advance by one or more
`teeth positions. The length of arc the pendulum is al
`lowed to swing is controlled by adjustable stops. A
`wide setting, stop-to-stop, sets the pedometer for a long
`stride, such as in running. A narrow setting is used
`typically for strolling. The resolution of such pedome
`ters is limited by the distance represented by the arc
`distance between adjacent teeth on the toothed disk.
`The resolution is often no greater than one-quarter to
`one-half foot. In a mile, that can lead to resolution inac
`curacies as much as $250 to $500 feet.
`Electrically instrumented pedometers mimic their
`mechanical counterparts. In electrical pedometers the
`weighted pendulum is out?tted with a switch contact
`that will close each time the vpendulum completes a
`swing. Ordinary switches, however, are prone to inter
`mittent operation and a full swing against the balance
`spring must be made to ensure contact. Running will
`subject the weighted pendulum to as much as three G’s,
`and will probably result in good switch contact. But to
`enable operation during walking, which can produce as
`little as 0.5 G’s, the balance spring must be made very
`light. Too light a balance spring will allow the weighted
`pendulum to swing violently, and can cause false read
`ings. The prior art controls balance spring tension with
`an adjustment. Many manufacturers have only a two
`point adjustment, “walk" and “run" , and a few others
`have continuously adjustable balance spring tensioners
`(e.g., Yamasa Tokei Meter Co., Ltd., Japan). A large
`proportion of patents dealing with the prior art are
`addressed to the problem of controlling balance spring
`TomTom Exhibit 1016, Page 5 of 8


`false readings to occur, because the pedometer will
`interpret the jostling as additional strides in the mea
`sured event. Belt hooks are also easily broken off and
`cannot be replaced, thus effectively ending the life of
`the unfortunate‘pedometer.
`It is therefore an object of the present invention to
`improve the accuracy of pedometer measurements.
`It is a further object of the present invention to allow
`the accurate measurement of any non-exact, oscillating
`motion event.
`It is a further object of the present invention to ‘sim
`plify the user’s calibration of a pedometer.
`It is a further object of the present invention to allow
`at least two users to use the same pedometer without
`one user’s use disturbing the other user’s calibration or
`in progress events.
`It is a further object of the present invention to make
`measurement inherently “unitless” so users can select
`any convenient unit of measurement.
`It is a further object of the present invention to pro
`vide a start/stop function to eliminate spurious, non
`event measurements before or after an event or during
`any time-outs. Any remainders should be kept or round
`ed-off, at the option of the user.
`It is a further object of the present invention to elimi
`nate accidental resetting of a pedometer.
`It is a further object of the present invention to allow
`multiple calibrations in one unit, so that different types
`of events can be accurately measured by the same unit
`without recalibration between events.
`It is a further object of the present invention to pro
`vide a pedometer that may be worn on a user’s wrist, or
`any other part of the body. Pedometers can easily be
`lost when worn on a belt.
`It is a further object of the present invention to pro
`vide a safety means to prevent inadvertently losing a
`pedometer from the user’s body.
`It is a further object of the present invention to elimi
`nate false inputs caused by taking a pedometer off of a
`user’s body to make some reading or setting.
`It is a further object of the present invention to elimi
`nate variations in measurements caused by the variabil
`ity of a user’s artifacts associated with walking, running,
`riding, or other activity.
`It is a further object of the present invention to mea
`sure all day activity accurately, even though measuring
`different types of events.
`It is a further object of the present invention to elimi
`nate errors stemming from interactions of a user’s stride
`artifacts and a pedometer’s operating artifacts.
`It is a further object of the present invention to allow
`measurement of multiple events.
`It is a further object of the present invention to pro
`vide a running total of several events.
`It is a further object of the present invention to have
`a display that is easily read by middle-aged users at a
`distance of two to three feet.
`It is a further object of the present invention to elimi
`nate dials to input stride lengths.
`It is a further object of the present invention to elimi
`nate battery replacement over the useful life of a pe
`Brie?y, a ?rst embodiment of the present invention
`comprises a housing having a weighted pendulum, a
`magnet and reed switch, a microprocessor, a LCD dis
`play, three push-buttons, a hinged door with a spring
`cam device that holds the door open and shut, and a
`replaceable belt hook. A second embodiment is substan
`tially the same as the ?rst, except a housing suitable for
`wearing on a user’s wrist is substituted. The entire unit
`in either of these embodiments is powered by an over
`sized lithium battery that has an expected life of seven
`An advantage of the present invention is that highly
`accurate performance is provided to one or more inter
`posing users, whether it’s worn on the belt, wrist, or
`other part of the body.
`Another advantage of the present invention is that
`operation is simpli?ed. Calibration can be set once and
`no recalibration is required until the user(s) change
`styles of movement, e.g., walking to running.
`Another advantage of the present invention is a sec
`ond calibration memory allows a ?rst calibration to‘be
`stored for, e.g., walking in a ?rst memory, and a second
`calibration, e.g., for running can be stored in a second
`memory. Thereafter, a walking or running event can be
`accommodated with a simple push on a single push-but
`ton. Switching between such events is just as easy, and
`each event can comprise both types of components.
`Another advantage of the present invention is that
`multiple events may be tracked and the events stored in
`multiple memory registers.
`Another advantage of the present invention is run
`ning totals of all the events are tracked.
`Another advantage of the present invention is that
`each register/event can be independently zeroed with
`simple two second push-button operations.
`Another advantage of the present invention is that
`opening the unit does not cause false inputs and read
`Another advantage of the present invention is that
`sources of inaccuracy are eliminated or reduced.
`Another advantage of the present invention is that
`the display can be read and operated while still attached
`to a user’s belt. A door flips open that has no latches to
`break, and snaps shut after the user is done.
`Another advantage of the present invention that the
`display has large numbers and the display output is
`easily read.
`Another advantage of the present invention is that
`battery replacement is expected to be every seven years,
`thus for all practical purposes, battery replacement is
`eliminated over the entire practical marketing life of
`each unit.
`These and other objects and advantages of the pres
`ent invention will noldoubt become obvious to those of
`ordinary skill in the art after having read the following
`detailed description of the preferred embodiments
`which are illustrated in the various drawing ?gures.
`FIG. 1(a) is a front view; FIG. 1(b) is a side view; and
`FIG. 1(c) is a top view of a pedometer having a pre
`ferred embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 2 is a perspective view of the assembly of the
`belt clip to the door for the pedometer of FIGS. 1(a
`FIG. 3 is a cross-section of the belt clip in FIG. 1(c)
`taken along the line 3--3;
`FIG. 4 is a perspective view of the inside of the door
`for the pedometer of FIGS. l(a)—(c) and shows the
`opposite door face of FIG. 2;
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram of the electronic circuitry
`contained within the pedometer of FIGS. 1(a)—(c);
`TomTom Exhibit 1016, Page 6 of 8


`- O
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram of the calibrate mode con
`tained within the pedometer of FIGS. 1(a)-(c); and
`FIG. 7 is a block diagram of the operate mode con
`tained within the pedometer of FIGS. 1(a)—(c).
`Referring to FIGS. 1(a)-(c) a pedometer, referred to
`by the general reference numeral 10, has a housing 12
`and a door 14. On the door 14 is a detachable belt clip
`16. The door 14 is attached to housing 12 by a pair of
`hinges 18. When door 14 is closed on housing 12, a
`LCD display 20 and a plurality of push-buttons 22 will
`be covered. A tongue 24 is positioned on door 14 such
`that it enters an opening (not shown) in housing 12
`when door 14 is opened. Tongue 24 partially restricts
`the movement of a weighted pendulum (described be
`low) when door 14 is opened. Tongue 24 also serves to
`keep LCD display 20 level with the user’s eye and
`ground when being read. The positions and orientations
`of display 20, hinges 18, door 14, and belt clip 16 are
`such that a user of pedometer 10 may wear pedometer
`on his or her belt and simply ?ip open pedometer while
`still on the belt to read LCD display 20 and/or to oper
`ate push-buttons 22. This method of opening while still
`on a user’s belt and tongue 24 reduce or eliminate false
`readings that would otherwise be caused by the jiggling
`of pedometer while attempting to read or set pedometer
`10. The detachable feature of belt clip 16 allows re
`placement of the belt clip 16. The prior art is such that
`a broken belt clip often meant the whole unit was unus
`able. The present invention extends the useful life by
`providing for the inevitable breaking of belt clip 16. Belt
`clip 16 is held in place on door 14 by an inside snap 26
`and an outside snap 28 (detailed in FIG. 2). A pair of
`opposite edges 30 ?t snugly within a pair of guides 32.
`FIG. 2 shows the relationship of the assembly of belt
`clip 16 to door 14. Further details of belt clip 16 may be
`seen in FIG. 3. FIG. 4 clearly shows the relationship of
`tongue 24 to hinges 18.
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram of an electronic system
`contained within pedometer 10, referred to by the gen
`eral reference numeral 50. A microcomputer 52 com
`prises a CPU, RAM, ROM, input/output, and a control
`program. A plurality of memories 54, allows the mi
`crocomputer 52 to track a plurality of events and to
`display them on LCD display 20. Any remainders exist
`ing between events are kept or rounded-off, at the op
`tion of the user. A weighted pendulum 56 has a magnet
`58, a balance spring 60, and a reed switch 62. Pendulum
`56 swings on axis 64 such that magnet 58 comes close
`enough to reed switch 62 to cause electrical contacts
`within reed switch 62 to operate. Pendulum 56 will
`swing approximately once for every stride a user takes
`and switch contacts in reed switch 62 will open and
`close approximately once for each said stride. It should
`be understood that pendulum 56 is an example of an
`acceleration ?eld sensitive device, and that any acceler
`ation detector could be substituted with acceptable
`results. For example a solid state unit may be employed.
`Due to the unique and novel calibration method, de
`scribed below, it is not necessary, nor very important
`that pendulum 56 actually swing once suf?ciently to
`operate reed switch 62 for each stride of the user. It may
`happen that the peculiar characteristics of the user’s
`gait, called artifacts of walking or running, are such that
`' every “X” number of strides produce zero or more than
`one switch closure per stride in reed switch 62. The
`prior art is almost universally dependent on one stride
`producing one swing of a pendulum, such as pendulum
`The present invention reduces or eliminates distance
`measurement errors by a method of calibration that
`takes into account a user’s walking/running artifacts
`and any artifacts of operation pedometer 10 itself may
`have, together with any interacting artifacts that exist
`between the pedometer 10 and the user. To calibrate
`pedometer 10, a user operates one of the push-buttons
`22 to enter into a ?rst or a second calibrate mode. See
`FIG. 6. A step counter 70 has an output that is divided
`by ?ve and applied to a step memory 72. Display 20 will
`indicate entry into each of these modes. The user then
`walks, runs, or rides a measured half unit of distance,
`e.g., a half mile. At the end of the measured half mile,
`the user operates one more of the push-buttons 22, and
`the ?rst calibration is complete and stored in a ?rst
`calibration memory within memories 54. See FIG. 7.
`Thereafter, the step counter 70 is compared with the
`step memory 72 and a current trip memory and total
`memory are incremented by a tenth of a whole unit. If
`the user ran the measured half mile, then pedometer 10
`will accurately measure the distance of any subsequent
`running. Similarly, if the user walked the measured half
`mile, then pedometer 10 will accurately measure the
`distance of any subsequent walking. A secondary cali
`bration memory, within memories 54, allows the stor
`age of a second user’s calibrated half mile, or it can store
`the alternate walking or running of a single user’s mea
`sured half mile in the ?rst calibration memory. In this
`?rst exemplary embodiment, during the calibration
`period, microcomputer 52 counts every ?fth switch
`closure from reed switch 62, effectively dividing the
`number of switch contacts produced in a half mile by
`?ve, and therefore resulting in a count that is equal to
`the number of switch contacts that can be predicted to
`occur when the present user repeats the same stride
`style in a tenth of a mile. Other embodiments could just
`as acceptably count every fourth, sixth, or any other
`_ number; counting every ?fth stride, as above, is done
`for simplicity’s sake. It is to be understood that the
`absolute number of switch closures produced in the
`measured half mile is relatively unimportant. What is
`important, is that this user will repeat that same mea
`sured number every time he or she travels a tenth of a
`Users in Europe, or elsewhere, do not have to mea
`sure their travel in miles. Any unit of measure will suf
`?ce because the LCD display 20 displays only numbers
`to one decimal place, and not the name of the distance
`units. To operate the pedometer 10 so as to show kilo
`meters, the user simply walks a measured half kilometer
`during the above calibration procedure. As can be seen,
`even football ?elds (100 yards) can be used as units of
`measure, because calibrating from a goal line to the 50
`yard line would calibrate pedometer 10 to measure in
`football ?eld units, or tenths of hundred yards for golf
`A battery 66 is a lithium type and powers electronic
`system 50. Preferably‘a type 2025 is used having l40
`mA/hour rating. The battery 66 is sized to last at least
`seven years, therefore making it a lifetime battery, be
`cause the practical life of pedometer 10 is estimated to
`be no more than ?ve to seven years.
`A second embodiment is the same as the ?rst embodi
`ment described above, except the user wears it on his or
`her wrist. The housing is modi?ed to be worn on a wrist
`TomTom Exhibit 1016, Page 7 of 8


`and has a strap, such as is commonly used in wrist
`watches. The second embodiment appears at ?rst obser
`vation to be a wrist watch, and could alternatively and
`additionally provide conventional stopwatch and time
`of day functions. The theory of operation is as described
`Although the present invention has been described in
`terms of the presently preferred embodiments, it is to be
`understood that the disclosure is not to be interpreted as
`limiting. Various alterations and modi?cations will no
`doubt become apparent to those skilled in the art after
`having read the above disclosure. Accordingly, it is
`intended that the appended claims be interpreted as
`covering all alterations and modi?cations as fall within
`the true spirit and scope of the invention.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A pedometer, comprising:
`an output means to communicate numbers to a user;
`a switching means to select among a plurality of func
`tions and to set a plurality of event values;
`at least one memory to store an event;
`a computing means for calculating the activity of the
`user from an output pulse stream from an accelera
`tion ?eld detection means for detecting motions of
`the user;
`an enclosure comprising a housing with an attached
`flip open door, said ?ip open door having a means
`to reduce the sensitivity of said acceleration ?eld
`detection means; and
`a calibration means for accurately correlating the
`acceleration ?eld detection means output to activi
`ties of a user, the calibration means able to count
`the total number of output pulses from the acceler
`ation ?eld detection means and to thereafter use
`said total as being equal to a fraction of a standard
`unit of measure, the calibration means able to di
`vide said output pulses by a number.
`2. A pedometer of claim 1, wherein:
`the calibration means comprises a step counter and a
`step memory, said step memory containing a value
`equal to a sub-multiple of a value contained in said
`step counter during a calibration period.
`3. The pedometer of claim 1, wherein:
`the output means comprises a liquid crystal display.
`4. The pedometer of claim 1, wherein:
`the switching means comprises a plurality of push
`buttons located next to the output means.
`5. The pedometer of claim 1, wherein:
`there are seven memories _used to store trip events.
`6. The pedometer of claim 5 wherein:
`the memories used to store trip events are semicon
`ductor memories used in association with a mi
`7. The pedometer of claim 1, wherein:
`the computing means comprises a microcomputer
`having a CPU, a RAM, a ROM, and an input/out
`put port.
`8. The pedometer of claim 1, wherein:
`said acceleration ?eld detection means comprises at
`least one integrated circuit accelerometer.
`9. The pedometer of claim 8, wherein:
`each said accelerometer is sensitive to a different
`plane of acceleration in space.
`10. The pedometer of claim 1, wherein:
`said acceleration ?eld detection means comprises a
`weighted pendulum.
`11. The pedometer of claim 1, wherein said enclosure
`suitable for wearing on a user’s belt.
`12. The pedometer of claim 11,'wherein:
`said flip open door comprises a detachable belt clip.
`13. The pedometer of claim 1, further comprising:
`an enclosure suitable for wearing on a user’s wrist,
`said enclosure having a wrist strap.
`14. The pedometer of claim 10, wherein said means
`for reducing the sensitivity of said acceleration ?eld
`detection means comprises a tongue which partially
`restricts said weighted pendulum when said door is
`15. A method of calibrating a pedometer, comprised
`of the following steps:
`attaching said pedometer to a user in the manner in
`which it will be attached for normal use;
`enabling the entry of the pedometer into a calibration
`travelling a predetermined unit of distance while said
`pedometer is attached and enabled for calibration;
`detecting a number of movements of a user wearing
`the pedometer while travelling said predetermined
`dividing the number of movements by a number
`whereby units displayed on an output device will
`have a correct relationship to a known unit of dis
`tance and a distance subsequently traveled after
`calibration is complete;
`storing said divided number of movements in at least
`one memory device; and
`ending said calibration mode.
`16. The method of claim 15, wherein said predeter
`mined unit of distance is equal to half the unit that is to
`be displayed.
`17. The method of claim 15, wherein said number
`used as a divisor is equal to ?ve, whereby said pedome
`ter is able to determine distance in terms of tenths of
`said predetermined unit distance.
`‘ i i i i
`TomTom Exhibit 1016, Page 8 of 8

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