Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 1
` 3 -----------------------------x
` 5
` 6
` 9
`Patent Owner.
` 10 Case IPR2017-02012
` 11 Patent 6,434,212
` 12 -----------------------------x
`Friday, July 13, 2018
`New York, New York
` 13
` 14
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 24 Christina Diaz, CRC, CRR, RMR, CSR, CLR
` 25 Job No.: 79794
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 2
` 1
` 2
` 3
` 4
` 5
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
` 10
` 11
`July 13, 2018
`9:30 a.m.
`Deposition of TANZEEM CHOUDHURY, taken
` 12 by Patent Owner, pursuant to notice, at the offices
` 13 of Baker Botts, LLP, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New
` 14 York, New York, before Christina Diaz, a Certified
` 15 Realtime Captioner, Certified Realtime and
` 16 Registered Merit Reporter and Notary Public within
` 17 and for the State of New York.
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
` 25
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`A P P E A R A N C E S
`Page 3
`Attorneys for Petitioner
`1001 Page Mill Road
`Building One, Suite 200
`Palo Alto, CA 94304
`Attorneys for Patent Owner
`8300 Greensboro Drive
`Suite 500
`McLean, VA 22102
` 1
` 2
` 3
` 4
` 5
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
` 10
` 11
` 12
` 13
` 14
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
` 25
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`Page 4
`New York, NY
`I N D E X
`Tanzeem Choudhury
` 1
` 3 Tanzeem Choudhury
` 5 Mr. Noto
` 6 Mr. Batts
` 7
` 8
` 9
` 10
` 11
`Afternoon Session - 66
`E X H I B I T S
` 13
` 14
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
`- NONE -
`*Exhibits are retained*
` 22 RULING:
`- NONE -
`- NONE -
`- NONE -
`- NONE -
` 23
` 24
` 25
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 5
` 1 T A N Z E E M C H O U D H U R Y,
` 2
` 3
` 4
`having been duly sworn by a Notary
`Public, was examined and testified as
` 6 BY MR. NOTO:
` 7
`My name is Aldo Noto. We just
` 8 introduced each other. May I have your full name
` 9 for the record?
` 10
` 11
` 12
` 13
` 14
` 15
`My name is Tanzeem Choudhury.
`And what county do you live in?
`Monroe County.
`Have you ever been deposed before?
`No. Okay. Other than the declaration
` 16 that you provided in this case, have you ever
` 17 provided a declaration before?
` 18
` 19
`I have.
`Can you tell me what cases you've
` 20 provided declarations in?
` 21
`I will have to look through my e-mails
` 22 and previous declarations to pull up that list.
` 23
`Okay. Have you ever testified in court
` 24 before?
` 25
`I have not.
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 6
` 1
`Have not. Okay. So just a little bit
` 2 of background. I'll be asking questions. You'll
` 3 be answering questions. If you don't understand my
` 4 question, we can have the court reporter repeat it
` 5 or I can repeat it for you. If you need a break,
` 6 just let us know, we'll take a break. We can't
` 7 speak over each other because the court reporter is
` 8 trying to record. So try to avoid doing that as
` 9 much as possible.
` 10
` 11
`(Nodding affirmatively).
`And during the day, during the
` 12 deposition, while you're allowed to speak with your
` 13 lawyer on breaks, you can't discuss the testimony
` 14 that's being provided.
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
` 22
`(Nodding affirmatively).
`MR. BATTS: I would note that the court
`reporter has already noted that you've been
`nodding affirmatively. Let's try to have
`verbal responses instead of nonverbal
`responses. Okay?
`THE WITNESS: Understood.
`MR. NOTO: Thank you.
` 23 BY MR. NOTO:
` 24
`What have you reviewed in preparation
` 25 for this deposition today?
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 7
` 1
`So I have reviewed an extensive set of
` 2 documents. And I will have to look through my
` 3 folders to give a complete list.
` 4
`Okay. Let me ask you a different line
` 5 of questioning first, ma'am. Are you on any
` 6 medication that would prevent you from testifying
` 7 truthfully today?
` 8
` 9
`I take hypertension medication.
`Will that prevent you from testifying
` 10 today -- testifying truthfully today?
` 11
`As far as I understand and my doctors
` 12 understand, no.
` 13
`Okay. Is there anything else that would
` 14 prevent you from testifying truthfully today?
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
`Okay. Have you ever been arrested?
`Have you ever been charged with a crime?
`How long did you -- how many hours did
` 21 you take in preparing for this deposition?
` 22
`Specifically just for the deposition or
` 23 generating my expert witness?
` 24
`No. Specifically now in preparation for
` 25 the deposition today.
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 8
` 1
`I would have to look at the specific
` 2 hours that I have counted for, which I can't
` 3 precisely recall from memory. I do count the
` 4 hours.
` 5
`Okay. Can you tell me, was it more than
` 6 one day?
` 7
` 8
` 9
` 10
` 11
` 12
`Was it more than three days?
`How many hours per day?
`Approximately eight hours.
`And where did you prepare for the --
` 13 where did you review the materials in preparation
` 14 for the deposition today?
` 15
`I reviewed the materials at home. I
` 16 reviewed materials in New York City when I flew in
` 17 for the deposition.
` 18
`Okay. How many days did you spend in
` 19 meetings in New York City?
` 20
` 21
`I flew in yesterday morning.
`Did you meet with one of your attorneys
` 22 to review for the deposition?
` 23
` 24
`I met with my counsel.
`Okay. Now, can you tell me what --
` 25 repeating the question from earlier, can you tell
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 9
` 1 me what you have reviewed, the documents you have
` 2 reviewed, in preparation for this deposition today?
` 3
`I believe I answered the question. I
` 4 have to generate an exhaustive list. I have to
` 5 look at my folders where I saved the documents.
` 6
`Okay. Did you review the petition for
` 7 this inter partes review?
` 8
` 9
`I have.
`Okay. Did you review the patent owner's
` 10 preliminary response for this inter partes review?
` 11
` 12
`I have.
`Did you review the decision disputing
` 13 the inter partes review?
` 14
` 15
`I have.
`Did you review the declaration that you
` 16 submitted in this inter partes review?
` 17
` 18
`I have.
`Did you review a patent called the Amano
` 19 patent, which is Exhibit 1003?
` 20
`Can you give me the patent, just so that
` 21 I can verify the exhibit number and what I have
` 22 reviewed?
` 23
` 24
` 25
`MR. NOTO: For the record, I'm handing
`the doctor Exhibit 1003, the Amano patent,
`'684 patent.
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 10
` 1
`Yes, I have.
` 2 BY MR. NOTO:
` 3
`Okay. Did you review the patent where
` 4 the first inventor is named Kato in your
` 5 preparation for this deposition today?
` 6
` 7
`Can you give me the patent?
`Yes. For the record, it's Exhibit 1004.
` 8 I'm handing the document Kato, et al., Exhibit
` 9 1004, patent '013.
` 10
` 11
`Yes, I have it.
`And in preparation for this deposition,
` 12 did you review the patent that's been challenged in
` 13 this inter partes review, the '212 patent which is
` 14 Exhibit 1001?
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
`Yes. I'd like to take a look at it.
`MR. NOTO: For the record, I am handing
`the doctor Exhibit 1001, the Pyles patent
`number '212.
` 20 BY MR. NOTO:
` 21
`Did you review that patent, the '212
` 22 patent?
` 23
` 24
`Is there anything beyond the documents
` 25 that are before you and that we've discussed that
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 11
` 1 you reviewed in preparation for the deposition?
` 2
`Again, I would have to look at my list,
` 3 which is on my computer.
` 4
`Okay. Did you review a document called
` 5 Defendant's Proposed Claim Construction?
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
`Can you pass me the document?
`Offhand, you don't recall?
`I would have to see the document.
`How about the document called
` 10 Blackbird's Proposed Claim Construction?
` 11
` 12
`I would have to see the document.
`Have you reviewed any documents
` 13 regarding claim construction?
` 14
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
`I would have to look through my files.
`MR. NOTO: For the record, I am handing
`the witness Exhibit 1008 entitled, "Defendant
`Fitbit and Others Proposed Claim
`Construction," dated August 25th, 2017.
` 19 BY MR. NOTO:
` 20
`Same question. Have you reviewed this
` 21 document in preparation for this deposition?
` 22
` 23
`(Witness reviewing document).
`I have not reviewed it in the last three
` 24 days. I prepared for this. My expert declaration
` 25 is about a year ago. I don't recall whether I
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 12
` 1 looked at this document or not.
` 2
`Okay. Can you tell me approximately how
` 3 much time did you spend in preparing your
` 4 declaration?
` 5
` 6
` 7
`A year ago?
`I won't be able to tell that without
` 8 looking at my records.
` 9
` 10
` 11
` 12
` 13
`MR. NOTO: For the record, I'm handing
`the doctor Exhibit 1005 entitled,
`"Declaration of Dr. Tanzeem Choudhury in
`Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent 6,434,212."
` 14 BY MR. NOTO:
` 15
`And my question is: Is that the
` 16 declaration that you submitted in the inter partes
` 17 review for patent '212 that you were describing?
` 18
` 19
`Are you reviewed any materials from
` 20 other -- any other inter partes reviews in
` 21 preparation for your deposition today?
` 22
`I have to look at my records to answer
` 23 that question.
` 24
`Have you in the course of working on
` 25 your declaration or preparing for this deposition
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 13
` 1 reviewed any documents from any other inter partes
` 2 reviews?
` 3
`I'd have to look at my records to answer
` 4 that question.
` 5
`Are you aware of any other inter partes
` 6 reviews regarding the '212 patent which is Exhibit
` 7 1001?
` 8
`I don't recall. I'd have to look at my
` 9 records.
` 10
`Have you reviewed documents or materials
` 11 from any federal district court proceedings in
` 12 preparing your declaration or in preparation for
` 13 this deposition?
` 14
`I would need clarification on that
` 15 question.
` 16
`Okay. Did you review any documents that
` 17 were regarding a dispute in a district court
` 18 proceeding as opposed to an inter partes review
` 19 proceeding?
` 20
` 21
`I have to look at my documents.
`Did you review any deposition
` 22 transcripts in preparation for your deposition here
` 23 today?
` 24
` 25
`Can you tell us where you went to high
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
` 1 school?
` 2
` 3
` 4
` 5
` 6
` 7
`New York, NY
`Page 14
`Where in Bangladesh?
`When did you finish high school?
`And when did you first come to the
` 8 United States?
` 9
` 10
`Did you begin residing in the United
` 11 States after 1993?
` 12
` 13
`When did you begin your studies, your
` 14 undergraduate studies?
` 15
` 16
`And where did you begin your
` 17 undergraduate studies in 1993?
` 18
` 19
`University of Rochester.
`How many years did you study at the
` 20 University of Rochester?
` 21
` 22
`Did you earn a degree after your four
` 23 years of study?
` 24
` 25
`Yes. I earned a degree.
`And what degree did you earn from the
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 15
` 1 University of Rochester?
` 2
`Bachelor of science in electrical
` 3 engineering.
` 4
`In May of 1997, after graduating from
` 5 the University of Rochester, what did you do next?
` 6
`I went to Bangladesh to visit my parents
` 7 before starting grad school.
` 8
`And how long did you stay in Bangladesh
` 9 during 1997?
` 10
` 11
`I returned in August 1997.
`So it's fair to say that from May of
` 12 1997 to August of 1997, you were in Bangladesh?
` 13
`Yes. But I would have to go back there
` 14 to see if I took any family trips or take any trips
` 15 outside, but I did go to Bangladesh.
` 16
`Okay. During the period from May of
` 17 1997 to August of 1997, did you work or study?
` 18
`It is 21 years ago, so it's hard to
` 19 recall if I did internship or not. I do not
` 20 recall. But I cannot conclusively confirm. And I
` 21 think a question about study, are you asking was I
` 22 -- if I was enrolled in a degree program.
` 23
`Yes. Let's start with that. Were you
` 24 enrolled in any program during the summer of 1997?
` 25
`I had already accepted to start my
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 16
` 1 masters at MIT in August, but I had not started it.
` 2
`Okay. And by May of 1997 did you
` 3 complete a thesis?
` 4
` 5
` 6
`I did.
`What was the name of the thesis?
`I cannot give you the exact title. It
` 7 was on facial feature tracking.
` 8
`And when did you finish the thesis on
` 9 facial feature tracking?
` 10
`I finished it by the time I graduated.
` 11 Beyond that, I cannot give a specific date.
` 12
`Okay. Maybe this will help us. If you
` 13 go to your declaration, which is Exhibit 1005, and
` 14 you go to the page marked 93 at the bottom
` 15 right-hand corner, it should bring you to appendix
` 16 A of your declaration. Immediately following that
` 17 is your CV.
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
`Do you see that?
`Does that help you now in your
` 22 recollection of what the title of your thesis was
` 23 that was completed prior to May of 1997?
` 24
`Yes. It was, "Face and Facial Feature
` 25 Extraction and Tracking in Video Sequences."
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 17
` 1
` 2
`Very good. Thank you.
`From August of 1997 until October of
` 3 1998, can you tell us what activities or studies
` 4 you were involved in?
` 5
` 6
`I was doing a master's at MIT.
`And what were you studying as part of
` 7 the master's degree program at MIT?
` 8
`I was at the Media Lab, and I got my
` 9 degree from the Media Lab.
` 10
`Okay. And during the school year from
` 11 August of 1997 until May of 1998 were you taking
` 12 courses, class courses, at MIT in the Media Lab?
` 13
`Between August of 1997 and May of 1998,
` 14 I believe I did. I will have to look at my
` 15 transcript or records to enumerate what I have
` 16 taken.
` 17
`Okay. Do you happen to recall what
` 18 classes or courses you took during that first
` 19 school year of your master's program at MIT?
` 20
` 21
`Not from memory.
`Can you tell me what you were doing
` 22 during the summer of 1998 -- from May of 1998 until
` 23 August of 1998?
` 24
` 25
`May of 1998 to?
`August of 1998.
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
` 1
` 2
`New York, NY
`Not from memory.
`Okay. Can you tell me what you were
`Page 18
` 3 doing or studying from August of 1998 until October
` 4 of 1998?
` 5
` 6
`Not from memory.
`Does your CV, Exhibit 1005, which is
` 7 before you, does that assist you in recalling what
` 8 you might have been studying from August of 1997
` 9 until October of 1998?
` 10
` 11
` 12
` 13
`August of 1997 to October of 1998?
`(Witness reviewing document).
`I was enrolled as a student at MIT. Did
` 14 you want me to look at anything specifically for
` 15 that time period.
` 16
`I'm just asking in general if there's
` 17 anything in here that would help us understand what
` 18 you were doing from August of 1997 until October of
` 19 1998. And if there isn't, that's fine.
` 20
`August of 1997 to October 1998. Well, I
` 21 was a research assistant at Media Lab from
` 22 September 1997 to August of 2003. So I continued
` 23 as a research assistant.
` 24
`Okay. And that is reflected in Exhibit
` 25 1005, page 94, towards the bottom of the page where
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 19
` 1 it says, "Research Assistant, Media Laboratory,
` 2 MIT, Cambridge, Mass." September 1997 on through
` 3 August of 2003, is that correct?
` 4
` 5
`What did you do as a research assistant
` 6 in the media laboratory from September of 1997
` 7 through October of 1998?
` 8
`I was conducting research towards my
` 9 master's degree and taking classes and engaging in
` 10 intellectual activities of the university.
` 11
`Can you tell us what your undergraduate
` 12 thesis entitled, "Face and Facial Feature
` 13 Extraction and Tracking in Video Sequences," what
` 14 that was about?
` 15
`It was about tracking facial features
` 16 and extracting features from video.
` 17
`Did it have anything to do with facial
` 18 recognition?
` 19
`Are you asking whether it did person
` 20 identification?
` 21
`Yes. Let's start there. Did it do
` 22 person identification?
` 23
` 24
` 25
`Did it do person recognition?
`Can you define the difference?
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 20
` 1
`I'm not sure that I can. Do they mean
` 2 the same thing, person recognition and facial
` 3 recognition or identity recognition -- I'm sorry.
` 4 Strike that.
` 5
`Do facial recognition and person
` 6 identification, do they mean the same thing?
` 7
` 8
`MR. BATTS: Objection. Form.
`Whether facial recognition and person
` 9 identification --
` 10 BY MR. NOTO:
` 11
` 12
` 13
` 14
`Whether they are the same thing?
`Typically, in the field, there is a
` 15 distinction.
` 16
` 17
`And what would that distinction be?
`Face recognition is recognizing a human
` 18 face. Person identification is identifying who the
` 19 face belongs to.
` 20
` 21
`Very well.
`So your undergraduate thesis, "Face and
` 22 Facial Feature Extraction and Tracking in Video
` 23 Sequences," did that thesis involve either facial
` 24 recognition or person identification?
` 25
`I did that research more than 21 years
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 21
` 1 ago. I cannot recall that from memory.
` 2
` 3
` 4
` 5
`Did you publish a paper in 1998?
`Did I publish a paper in 1998?
`Are you asking me to look at a specific
` 6 part of my CV?
` 7
` 8
`Sure. Why don't we do that.
`Actually, let me refer you to paragraph
` 9 48 of your declaration, which is Exhibit 1005, at
` 10 exhibit page 23. I will ask you the question again
` 11 once you've had an opportunity to read this.
` 12
`The question is: Did you publish a
` 13 paper in 1998 entitled, "Multi-Modal Person
` 14 Recognition using Unconstrained Audio and Video"?
` 15
`I did work on a research, Multi-Modal
` 16 Person Recognition Using Unconstrained Audio and
` 17 Video. I wrote a paper about it that was submitted
` 18 at conference, and then it was accepted and it was
` 19 published. The specific date of when the paper was
` 20 written, when it was accepted, and when it was
` 21 published is something that I don't recall.
` 22
`Okay. It was sometime during the year
` 23 1998?
` 24
`It was sometime after the start of my
` 25 graduate program at MIT in 1997. And I definitely
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 22
` 1 presented it. I would have to look at my -- when
` 2 the actual presentation was. So it was written,
` 3 accepted sometime in-between, so...
` 4
`For the record, she is reviewing her
` 5 declaration.
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9 my CV.
`So it was officially presented in 1999.
`And where can I find that information?
`It is page 101 of Exhibit 1005, which is
` 10
`Are you looking at the Exhibit 1005, the
` 11 bottom right-hand number page 101?
` 12
` 13
` 14
` 15
`And where is it on this page?
`C.53. Thank you. C.53 of the annex to
` 16 Exhibit 1005 lists the names of apparently four
` 17 authors. And then it says, "Multimodal Person
` 18 Recognition using Unconstrained Audio and Video.
` 19 In Second Conference on Audio- and Video-based
` 20 Biometric Person Authentication," 1999. And then
` 21 it lists some page numbers and an acceptance rate.
` 22
` 23
` 24
`Is that the entry you're referring to?
`So how many authors were involved in the
` 25 paper entitled, "Multi-Modal Person Recognition
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 23
` 1 using Unconstrained Audio and Video"?
` 2
` 3
` 4
` 5
`The authors on the paper list.
`These names in C.53 of Exhibit 1005?
`What was your contribution to this
` 6 publication in 1999, do you recall?
` 7
` 8
` 9 1999?
` 10
` 11
` 12
` 13
`I'm the lead author.
`Do you know when this was presented in
`Which month?
`I do not recall.
`Can you tell us the paper that you
` 14 referred to in paragraph 48 of your declaration as
` 15 being published in 1998. Can you tell us where
` 16 that was published?
` 17
`So I believe that I am referring to the
` 18 paper that was presented in 1999. I would have to
` 19 look at my records to confirm that it was written
` 20 and submitted in 1998.
` 21
`So the paper was -- the paper that
` 22 you're referring to in paragraph 48 of your
` 23 declaration was actually published in 1999 in the
` 24 AVBPA Journal, is that correct?
` 25
`The paper was officially presented in
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 24
` 1 1999. And it would have been written and accepted
` 2 and approved for publication in proceedings prior
` 3 to that.
` 4
`So the paper would have been approved
` 5 sometime prior to its presentation at the Second
` 6 Conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric
` 7 Person Authentication in 1999, is that correct?
` 8
` 9
`And the acronym AVBPA stands for Audio-
` 10 and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication, is
` 11 that correct? Referring to C.53 of Exhibit 1005.
` 12
` 13
`Okay. So can you tell me whether that
` 14 paper that was submitted to AVBPA was submitted
` 15 prior to or after October 28, 1998?
` 16
` 17
`I don't recall.
`Can you tell us what the paper being
` 18 referred to in C.53 of Exhibit 1005, what the
` 19 subject matter of the paper was?
` 20
`It was on person recognition using
` 21 multimodal signals from unconstrained audio and
` 22 video.
` 23
`Okay. And can you tell us what person
` 24 recognition means to you?
` 25
`Identifying who an individual is.
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`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 25
` 1
`Did that involve facial recognition,
` 2 that paper?
` 3
` 4
`It involved recognizing a face.
`Was your research for this paper
` 5 performed on still pictures or video streamed
` 6 pictures?
` 7
` 8
` 9
` 10
` 11 pictures?
`I'm sorry. Video streaming.
`It was on video.
`Why was video used rather than still
` 12
`Video is a sequence of still pictures.
` 13 Video often can be present in a lot of situations
` 14 where facial recognition is needed.
` 15
`And for the facial recognition, did your
` 16 research -- study the facial features on still
` 17 pictures?
` 18
` 19
`Prior to October of 1998, let's say
` 20 prior to October 28th of 1998, did you do any
` 21 research or development or manufacturing work of
` 22 any pedometers?
` 23
`I did not do any manufacturing work on
` 24 pedometers. I was in a graduate program where
` 25 emphasis in a group that worked on wearables,
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Patent Owner's Exhibit 2003
`Page 25 of 134


`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 26
` 1 invented wearables, and worked on multimodal
` 2 signals.
` 3
`What specifically I researched 21 years
` 4 ago is not in my memory.
` 5
`What was the name of the graduate
` 6 program that had an emphasis on wearables?
` 7
`When I joined the group which has gone
` 8 through changes, it was called VISMOD.
` 9
` 10
` 11
` 12 for?
` 13
` 14
`Could you spell that, please?
`And do you know what that acronym stands
`Vision and Modelling.
`Did that group do any research or
` 15 development of a pedometer?
` 16
`The group included the MIT wearables
` 17 team, which invented and worked on and researched
` 18 on an array of wearable devices.
` 19
`When did you first join the VISMOD
` 20 group?
` 21
`When I started my master's degree at MIT
` 22 in 1997, the fall of 1997.
` 23
`What work did you do at the VISMOD group
` 24 between fall of 1997 and October of 1998?
` 25
`As a graduate student, you -- in the
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Patent Owner's Exhibit 2003
`Page 26 of 134


`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 27
` 1 first year or beyond, you are constantly expanding
` 2 your knowledge in that field while executing on
` 3 specific research projects. I was doing all of
` 4 that.
` 5
`What specific research projects were you
` 6 working on between September of 1997 and October of
` 7 1998?
` 8
`Again, it's 21 years ago. I can't
` 9 recall all the things I worked on.
` 10
`Did you work on development or research
` 11 regarding wearable motion detector devices prior to
` 12 October 28, 1998?
` 13
`I cannot recall specifically, so I
` 14 cannot confirm or deny. At some point during my
` 15 graduate degree, I worked on wearables.
` 16
`Did the wearables that you work on
` 17 during sometime -- during your graduate program
` 18 involve measuring acceleration of body parts?
` 19
` 20
`When did you do that work in measuring
` 21 acceleration of body parts?
` 22
` 23
`I cannot recall specific dates.
`How was the acceleration of body parts
` 24 measured in your research?
` 25
`Using a wearable device. Can you be
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Patent Owner's Exhibit 2003
`Page 27 of 134


`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 28
` 1 more specific?
` 2
`Did the research involve the use of
` 3 MEMs?
` 4
` 5
` 6
` 7
`Use of MEMs?
`What were you measuring with -- let's
` 8 back up a second. What does MEMs mean to you?
` 9
`It's an integrated circuit for measuring
` 10 -- making measurements.
` 11
`What kind of measurements was your
` 12 research group using the MEMs devices for?
` 13
` 14
`I cannot recall.
`Prior to October 28, 1998, did you
` 15 perform any research or development in the exercise
` 16 science field?
` 17
` 18
`MR. BATTS: Objection. Form.
`Can you be more specific? What do you
` 19 mean by exercise science field?
` 20 BY MR. NOTO:
` 21
`In your expert report, Exhibit 1005, you
` 22 use the term "exercise science."
` 23
` 24
` 25
`Can you tell me what that term means?
`What specific part are you referring to?
`It's used several times in your expert
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Patent Owner's Exhibit 2003
`Page 28 of 134


`Tanzeem Choudhury
`New York, NY
`Page 29
` 1 declaration, the term "exercise science." Here's
` 2 one occasion. Exhibit 1005, exhibit page 73,
` 3 paragraph 127. Can you tell me what exercise
` 4 science means?
` 5
` 6
` 7
`Page 73?
`In my opinion, I was considering
` 8 technology solutions that could be applied in
` 9 tracking a measurement of physical activity of
` 10 people.
` 11
`So if I understand you correctly, your
` 12 understanding of the term "exercise science" based
` 13 on your last answer is technology solutions that
` 14 could be applied in tracking a measurement of
` 15 physical activity of a person?
` 16
`It would -- in my opinion, how
` 17 technology could be used in the context of
` 18 exercise, I am

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