James A. Storer
`Professor of Computer Science
`Computer Science Department
`Brandeis University
`Waltham, MA 02453
`phone: 781-736-2714
`Ph.D. Princeton University, computer science (1979)
`M.A. Princeton University, computer science (1977)
`B.A. Cornell University, mathematics and computer science (1975)
`Employment History:
`Brandeis University, Professor of Computer Science (1993 - present)
`Brandeis University, Associate Professor of Computer Science (1986 - 1992)
`Harvard University, Visiting Professor of Computer Science (1987 - 1988)
`Brandeis University, Assistant Professor of Computer Science (1981 - 1986)
`Bell Laboratories at Murray Hill, MTS (1979 - 1981)
`Research Interests:
`Computer algorithms, communications and internet related computing, data compression and
`archiving (including text, images, video, and multi-media), storage and processing of large
`data sets, image retrieval, object recognition, text, image, and video processing, parallel
`computing, applications of deep learning to image analysis.
`Professional Activities:
`• In 1991 I founded the Annual IEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC), the first major
`international conference devoted entirely to data compression, and have served as the
`conference chair since then.
`• I am a member of the ACM and IEEE Computer Society. I routinely serve as referee for
`papers submitted to journals (JACM, SICOMP, Theoretical CS, J. Algorithms, Algorithms,
`Signal Processing, JPDC, Acta Inf., Algorithmicia, IPL, IPM, Theoretical CS, J. Alg.,
`Networks, IEEE J. Rob. & Aut., IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, IEEE Trans. Comp., IEEE
`Trans. Image Proc., Proceedings of the IEEE, IBM J. of R&D, JCSS, etc.). I have served as
`an editor for Information Processing and Management, Journal of Visual Communication
`and Image Representation, and the Proceedings of the IEEE. I have served as a program
`committee member for various conferences,
`including IEEE Data Compression
`Conference, Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM), International Conference on String
`Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE), Conference on Information and Knowledge
`Management (CIKM), Sequences and Combinatorial Algorithms on Words, DAGS.
`• I consult in the areas of computer algorithms, data compression and communications
`(including text, image, and video), data storage and backup, cell phone, digital camera, and
`DVR technology, image and video processing, information and image retrieval, including
`providing expert services for computing technology related litigation.
`• I have obtained patents and SBIR funding to engage in research projects (such as high
`speed data compression hardware) that were not possible within the university
`environment, but which complemented my academic research and provided practical
`experience on which to base research directions.
`Page 1
`Commvault Ex. 1017
`Commvault v. Realtime
`US Patent No. 7,415,530


`Hyperspectal Data Compression
`G. Motta, F. Rizzo, and J. A. Storer, Editors
`Springer-Verlag,, November 2006
`(425 pages, 6" x 9", hard-bound)
`ISBN: 0-387-28579-2
`This book provides a survey of recent results in the field of compression of remote sensed 3D
`data, with a particular interest in hyperspectral imagery. This material is intended to be of
`interest to researchers in a variety of areas, including multi dimensional data compression,
`remote sensing, military and aerospace image processing, homeland security, archival of large
`volumes of scientific and medical data, target detection, and image classification.
`The interest in remote sensing applications and platforms (including airborne and spaceborne)
`has grown dramatically in recent years. Remote sensing technology has shifted from
`panchromatic data (a wide range of wavelengths merged into a single response), through
`multispectral (a few possibly overlapping bands in the visible and infrared range with spectral
`width of 100-200nm each), to hyperspectral imagers and ultraspectral sounders, with hundreds or
`thousands of bands. In addition, the availability of airborne and spaceborne sensors has increased
`considerably, followed by the widespread availability of remote sensed data in different research
`environments, including defense, academic, and commercial.
`Remote sensed data present special challenges in the acquisition, transmission, analysis, and
`storage process. Perhaps most significant is the information extraction process. In most cases
`accurate analysis depends on high quality data, which comes with a price tag: increased data
`volume. For example, the NASA JPL’s Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer
`(AVIRIS, records the visible and the near-infrared spectrum of the
`reflected light of an area 2 to 12 kilometers wide and several kilometers long (depending on the
`duration of the flight) into hundreds of non overlapping bands. The resulting data volume
`typically exceeds 500 Megabytes per flight and it is mainly used for geological mapping, target
`recognition, and anomaly detection. On the other hand, ultraspectral sounders such as the NASA
`JPL’s Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS,, which has recently
`become a reference in compression studies on this class of data, records thousands of bands
`covering the infrared spectrum and generates more than 12 Gigabytes of data daily. The major
`application of this sensor is the acquisition of atmospheric parameters such as temperature,
`moisture, clouds, gasses, dust concentrations, and other quantities to perform weather and
`climate forecast.
`Chapter 1 addresses compression architecture and reviews and compares compression methods.
`Chapter 2 through 4 focus on lossless compression (where the decompressed image must be bit
`for bit identical to the original). Chapter 5 (contributed by the editors) describes a lossless
`algorithm based on vector quantization with extensions to near lossless and possibly lossy
`compression for efficient browsing and pure pixel classification. Chapters 6 deals with near
`lossless compression while Chapter 7 considers lossy techniques constrained by almost perfect
`classification. Chapters 8 through 12 address lossy compression of hyperspectral imagery, where
`there is a tradeoff between compression achieved and the quality of the decompressed image.
`Chapter 13 examines artifacts that can arise from lossy compression.
`Page 2


`An Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
`James A. Storer
`Birkhäuser / Springer,, February 2002
`(600 pages, 7" x 10", hard-bound)
`ISBN 0-8176-4253-6, ISBN 3-7643-4253-6
`A highly a highly accessible format presents algorithms with one page displays that will appeal
`to both students and teachers of computer science. The thirteen chapters include: Models of
`Computation (including Big O notation), Lists (including stacks, queues, and linked lists),
`Induction and Recursion, Trees (including self-adjusting binary search trees), Algorithms Design
`Techniques, Hashing, Heaps (including heapsort and lower bounds on sorting by comparisons),
`Balanced Trees (including 2-3 trees, red-black trees, and AVL trees), Sets Over a Small Universe
`(including on-the-fly array initialization, in-place permutation, bucket sorting, bit-vectors, and
`the union-find data structure), Discrete Fourier Transform (including an introduction to complex
`numbers, development of the FFT algorithm, convolutions, the DFT on an array of reals, the
`discrete cosine transform, computing the DCT with a DFT of n/2 points, 2D DFT and DCT, and
`an overview of JPEG image compression), Strings (including lexicographic sorting, KMP / BM /
`Rabin-Karp / Shift-And string matching, regular expression pattern matching, tries, suffix tries,
`edit distance, Burrows-Wheeler transform, text compression examples), Graphs (including DFS /
`BFS, biconnected and strongly connected components, spanning trees, topological sort, Euler
`paths, shortest paths, transitive closure, path finding, flow, matching, stable marriage, NP-
`complete graph problems), Parallel Models of Computation (including the PRAM, generic
`PRAM simulation, the hypercube/CCC/butterfly, the mesh, and hardware area-time tradeoffs).
`• Concepts are expressed clearly, in a single page, with the least amount of notation, and
`without the "clutter" of the syntax of a particular programming language; algorithms are
`presented with self-explanatory "pseudo-code".
`• Each chapter starts with an introduction and ends with chapter notes and exercises that
`promote further learning.
`• Sorting, often perceived as rather technical, is not treated as a separate chapter, but is used
`in many examples (including bubble sort, merge sort, tree sort, heap sort, quick sort, and
`several parallel algorithms). Lower bounds on sorting by comparisons are included with
`the presentation of heaps in the context of lower bounds for comparison based structures.
`• Chapters 1-4 focus on elementary concepts, the exposition unfolding at a slower pace.
`Sample exercises with solutions are also provided. These chapters assume a reader with
`only some basic mathematics and a little computer programming experience. An
`introductory college-level course on data structures may be based on Chapters 1 -4 and the
`first half of Chapters 5 (algorithms design), 6 (hashing), and 12 (graphs).
`• Chapters 5-13 progress at a faster pace. The material is suitable for undergraduates or
`graduates who need only review Chapters 1-4. A more advanced course on the design and
`analysis of algorithms may be based on these chapters.
`• Chapter 13 on parallel models of computation is something of mini-book itself. The idea is
`to further teach fundamental concepts in the design of algorithms by exploring exciting
`models of
`the PRAM, generic PRAM
`HC/CCC/Butterfly, the mesh, and parallel hardware area-time tradeoffs (with many
`examples). A sampling of this chapter can be a fun way to end a course based on earlier
`portions of the book. In addition, a seminar style course can spends its first half covering
`this chapter in detail and then study papers from the literature.
`• Apart from classroom use, this book serves as an excellent reference text on the subject of
`data structures, algorithms, and parallel algorithms. Its page-at-a-time format makes it easy
`to review material that the reader has studied in the past.
`Page 3


`Data Compression: Methods and Theory
`James A. Storer
`Computer Science Press (a subsidiary of W. H. Freeman Press), 1988
`(419 pages, 6" x 9", hard-bound)
`ISBN 0-88175-161-8
`The first two chapters contain introductory material on information and coding theory. The
`remaining four chapters cover some of my data compression research performed in the
`period 1977 - 1987 (including substantial material that has not been reported elsewhere).
`Chapter 3 considers on-line textual substitution methods that employ "learning" heuristics to
`adapt to changing data characteristics. Chapter 4 considers massively parallel algorithms for
`on-line methods and their VLSI implementations. Chapter 5 considers off-line methods
`(including the NP-completeness of certain methods). Chapter 6 addresses program size
`(Kolmogorov) complexity. The appendices present source code and empirical results.
`Image and Text Compression
`James A. Storer, Editor
`Kluwer Academic Press (part of Springer), 1992
`(354 pages, 6" x 9", hard-bound)
`ISBN 0-7923-9243-4
`This is an edited volume of papers by leading researchers in the field; topics include: vector
`quantization, fractals, optical algorithms, arithmetic coding, context modeling, LZ methods,
`massively parallel hardware (the chapter I contributed), bounds on Huffman codes, coding
`delay, and 2D lossless compression. Also included is a 75 page bibliography of data
`compression research that I compiled specifically for this book.
`Proceedings Compression and Complexity
`B. Carpentieri, A. De Santis, U. Vaccaro, and J. A. Storer, Editors
`IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998
`(400 pages, 6" x 9", hard-bound)
`ISBN 0-8186-8132-2
`This is an edited volume of the papers presented at the International Conference on
`Compression and Complexity of Sequences, held in Positano, Italy in 1997.
`Papers address the theoretical aspects of data compression and its relationship to problems on
`sequences, and include contributions from the editors.
`Page 4


`Proceedings of the Data Compression Conference
`James A. Storer, Co-Chair
`IEEE Computer Society Press
`1991 - present (approximately 500 pages hard-bound)
`I have chaired DCC since it was founded in 1991; starting in 2013 the conference leadership
`has been expanded; I am currently co-chair (with M. Marcellin, formally committee chair).
`The DCC proceedings are co-edited with the DCC program committee chair(s), which over
`the years has been J. Reif (1991), M. Cohn (1992-2006), M. Marcellin (2007-2012), Ali
`Bilgin & Joan Serra-Sagrista (2013-present).
`Each volume has ten page extended abstracts of the presentations at technical sessions and
`one page abstracts of presentations at the posters session. The call for papers states that topics
`of interest include but are not limited to:
`An international forum for current work on data compression for text, images,
`video, audio, and related areas. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
`Lossless and lossy compression algorithms for specific types of data (text,
`images, multi-spectral and hyper-spectral images, palette images, video, speech,
`music, maps, instrument and sensor data, space data, earth observation data,
`graphics, 3D representations, animation, bit-maps, etc.), source coding, text
`joint source-channel coding, multiple description coding,
`theory, vector quantization (VQ), multiple description VQ,
`compression algorithms that employ transforms (including DCT and wavelet
`transforms), bi-level image compression, gray scale and color image compression,
`video compression, movie compression, geometry compression, speech and audio
`compression, compression of multi-spectral and hyper-spectral data, compression
`of science, weather, and space data, source coding in multiple access networks,
`parallel compression algorithms and hardware, fractal based compression
`methods, error resilient compression, adaptive compression algorithms, string
`searching and manipulation used in compression applications, closest-match
`retrieval in compression applications, browsing and searching compressed data,
`content based retrieval employing compression methods, minimal
`encoding and applications to learning, system issues relating to data compression
`(including error control, data security, indexing, and browsing), medical imagery
`storage and transmission, compression of web graphs and related data structures,
`compression applications and issues for computational biology, compression
`applications and issues for the internet, compression applications and issues for
`mobile computing, applications of compression to file distribution and software
`updates, applications of compression to files storage and backup systems,
`applications of compression to data mining, applications of compression to
`information retrieval, applications of compression to image retrieval, applications
`of compression and information theory to human-computer interaction (HCI),
`data compression standards including the JPEG, JPEG2000, MPEG (MPEG1,
`MPEG2, MPEG4, MPEG7, etc.),, and families.
`Page 5


`In-Place Differential File Compression
`United States patent number: 7,079,051
`INVENTORS: James A. Storer and Dana Shapira
`FILED: March 18, 2004
`GRANTED: July 18, 2006
`(23 claims, 6 of them independent)
`Addresses in-place differential file compression methods that can be used in software update
`and backup systems.
`Method and Apparatus for Data Compression
`United States patent number: 5,379,036
`INVENTOR: James A. Storer
`FILED: April 1, 1992
`GRANTED: January 1, 1995
`(23 claims, 3 of them independent)
`Addresses high speed parallel algorithms and hardware for data compression.
`System for Dynamically Compressing and Decompressing Electronic Data
`United States patent number: 4,876,541
`INVENTOR: James A. Storer
`FILED: October 15, 1987
`GRANTED: October 24, 1989
`(55 claims, 5 of them independent)
`Addresses dictionary based adaptive data compression.
`Computational Modeling of Rotation and Translation Capable Human Visual
`Pattern Recognition
`U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/712,596
`INVENTORS: John Lisman, James A. Storer, Martin Cohn, Antonella DiLillo
`FILED: August 29, 2005
`(assigned to Brandeis University)
`Addresses rotation and translation invariant recognition.
`Mechanical puzzle with hinge elements, rope elements, and knot elements
`United States Patent 8,393,623
`INVENTOR: James A. Storer
`FILED: October 29, 2009
`GRANTED: March 12, 2013
`(8 claims, 3 of them independent)
`Addresses designs for a mechanical puzzle that may be realized as a puzzle game.
`Page 6


`"Static Visual Lecture Summary Using Local Intensity Correlation", submitted to the (ICIP)
`2017 IEEE International Conference of Image Processing (coauthored with S. Garber, L.
`Milekic, A. Prakash, N. Moran, and A. Di Lillo).
`"A Two Tier Approach To Blackboard Video Lecture Summary", to appear Frontiers in
`Education (FIE) Conference 2017, coauthored with S. Garber, L. Milekic, A. Prakash, N.
`Moran, A. DiLillo.
`"Semantic Perceptual Image Compression using Deep Convolution Networks", IEEE Data
`Compression Conference 2017, 250-259 (coauthored with A. Prakash, N. Moran, S.
`Garber, A. DiLillo).
`"Highway Networks for Visual Question Answering", VQA Workshop, CVPR 2016 (coauthored
`with A. Prakash).
`"Accurate Location in Urban Areas", CPVIR Workshop 2013 (coauthored with K. Thomas).
`"Compression-Based Tools for Navigation with an Image Database", Algorithms 5, 2012, 1-17
`(coauthored with A. DiLillo, A. Daptardar, K. Thomas, G. Motta)
`"Edit Distance With Block Deletions", Algorithms 4, 2011, 40-60 (coauthored with D. Shapira).
`"Applications of Compression to Content Based Image Retrieval and Object Recognition",
`Proceedings International Conference On Data Compression, Communication, and
`Processing (CPP 2011), Palinuro, Italy, 179 - 189 (coauthored with Antonella Di Lillo,
`Ajay Daptardar, Giovanni Motta, and Kevin Thomas)
`"A Rotation And Scale Invariant Descriptor For Shape Recognition", Proceedings International
`Conference On Image Processing (ICIP), Hong Kong, 2010, MA-L9:1, 257-260
`(coauthored with A. DiLillo and G. Motta).
`"Shape Recognition, With Applications To A Passive Assistant", Proceedings PETRA -
`PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, Samos, Greece, June 23-25;
`to appear ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (coauthored with A.
`DiLillo, G. Mota, and K. Thomas), 2010.
`"Shape Recognition Using Vector Quantization", Proceedings Data Compression Conference,
`IEEE Computer Society Press, March 2010, 484-493 (coauthroed with A. Di Lillo and
`G. Motta).
`"Network Aware Compression Based Rate Control for Printing Systems", Proceedings 10th
`International Symposium on Pervasive Systems (ISPAN 2009), Kaohsiung, Taiwan,
`December 2009, 123-128 (coauthored with Chih-Yu Tang).
`"VQ Based Image Retrieval Using Color and Position Features", Proceedings Data Compression
`Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, March 2008, 432-441 (coauthored with A.
`Page 7


`"Multiresolution Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification Using Feature Extraction in the
`Frequency Domain and Vector Quantization", Proceedings Data Compression
`Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, March 2008, 452-461 (coauthored with A.
`DiLillo and G. Motta).
`"Edit Distance with Move Operations", Journal of Discrete Algorithms 5:2, June 2007, 380-392
`(coauthored with D. Shapira).
`"Texture Classification Based on Discriminative Feature Extracted in the Frequency Domain",
`Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), September
`2007, II.53-II.56 (coauthored with A. DiLillo and G. Motta).
`"Supervised Segmentation Based on Texture Signature Extracted in the Frequency Domain",
`Third Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA), June
`2007 (coauthored with A. DiLillo and G. Motta).
`"Texture Classification Using VQ with Feature Extraction Based on Transforms Motivated by
`the Human Visual System", Proceedings Data Compression Conference, IEEE Computer
`Society Press, 392, 2007 (coauthored with A. DiLillo and G. Motta).
`"Reduced Complexity Content-Based Image Retrieval using Vector Quantization", Proceedings
`Data Compression Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, 342-351, 2006
`(coauthored with A. H. Daptardar).
`"In-Place Differential File Compression", Computer Journal 48:6, 677-691, November 2005
`(coauthored with D. Shapira).
`"Compression of Hyper/Ultra-Spectral Data", Proceedings of SPIE, Optics and Photonics,
`Satellite Data Compression, Communication and Archiving, Jul. 2005, Vol. 5889, pp.
`588908-1--588908-10 (coauthored with G. Motta and F. Rizzo).
`"Content-Based Image Retrieval Via Vector Quantization", In Advances in Visual Computing -
`Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3804/2005 (ISBN 3-540-30750-8), 502-509;
`also appeared in International Symposium on Visual Computing, December 5-7, 2005
`(coauthored with A. Daptardar).
`"Low Complexity Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery via Linear Prediction", IEEE
`Signal Processing Letters 12:2, 138-141, 2005 (coauthored with F. Rizzo, B. Carpentieri,
`and G. Motta).
`"Overlap and Channel Errors in Adaptive Vector Quantization for Image Coding", Information
`Sciences 171:1-3, 125-143, 2005 (coauthored with B. Carpentieri and F. Rizzo).
`"Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery", Proceedings International Conference on E-Business
`and Telecommunications (ICETE), Sebutal, Portugal, 2004; an extended version of this
`paper is a chapter in the book E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, Edited by J.
`Ascenso, L. Vasiu, C. Belo, and M. Saramago, Kluwer / Springer, 317-324 (coauthored
`with B. Carpentieri, G. Motta, and F. Rizzo).
`Page 8


`"Real-Time Software Compression and Classification of Hyperspectral Images", Proceedings
`11th SPIE International Symposium on Remote Sensing Europe, X. L. Bruzzone, Ed.,
`Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain, Sept. 13-17, 2004, Vol. 5573, 182-192, (coauthored
`with B. Carpentieri, G. Motta, and F. Rizzo).
`"Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery: A Real Time Approach", Proceedings 11th
`SPIE International Symposium on Remote Sensing Europe, X. L. Bruzzone, Ed.,
`Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain, Sept. 13-17, 2004, Vol. 5573, 262-272, (coauthored
`with B. Carpentieri, G. Motta, and F. Rizzo).
`"High Performance Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery with Reduced Search Complexity
`in the Compressed Domain", Proceedings Data Compression Conference, IEEE Computer
`Society Press, 2004, 479-488 (coauthored with B. Carpentieri, G. Motta and F. Rizzo).
`"In-Place Differential File Compression of Non-Aligned Files With Applications to File
`Distribution and Backups", Proceedings Data Compression Conference (DCC), IEEE
`Computer Society Press, 2004, 82-91 (coauthored with D. Shapira).
`"Report of the National Science Foundation Workshop on Information Theory and Computer
`Science Interface", produced by workshop of 20 invited participants (Chicago, Il. 2003),
`report completed and submitted to the NSF in November 2004.
`"Finding Non-Overlapping Common Substrings in Linear Time", Proceedings Symposium on
`String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE), 2003, Lecture Notes on Computer
`Science, Volume 2857/2003 ISBN: 3-540-20177-7, Springer-Verlag, 369-377 (coauthored
`with M. Meyerovich and D. Shapira).
`"In-Place Differential File Compression", Proceedings Data Compression Conference (DCC),
`IEEE Computer Society Press, 263-272, 2003 (coauthored with D. Shapira).
`"Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery", Proceedings Data Compression Conference, IEEE
`Computer Society Press, 333-342, 2003 (coauthored with G. Motta and F. Rizzo).
`"Partitioned Vector Quantization: Application to Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral
`Images", Proceedings International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
`(ICASSP), IMSP-P2.2-III, 241-244, 2003; also presented at IEEE International Conference
`on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2003), 2003, 553-556 (coauthored with G. Motta and F.
`"Generalized Edit Distance with Move Operations", Thirteenth Annual Symposium on
`Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM), 85-98, 2002 (coauthored with D. Shapira).
`"A Lossless Data Compression Algorithm for Electro-Cardiograms", Technical Report,
`Computer Science Department, Brandeis University (coauthored with G. Motta and M.
`Hosang); see also senior honors thesis of M. Hosang.
`"LZ-Based Image Compression", Information Sciences 135, 107-122, 2001 (coauthored with
`F. Rizzo and B. Carpentieri).
`Page 9


`"Optimal Encoding of Non-Stationary Sources", Information Sciences, 87-105, 2001
`(coauthored with J. Reif).
`"Overlap in Adaptive Vector Quantization", Proceedings Data Compression Conference, IEEE
`Computer Society Press, 401-410, 2001 (coauthored with F. Rizzo).
`"Lossless Image Coding via Adaptive Linear Prediction and Classification", Proceedings of the
`IEEE 88:11, 1790-1796 (coauthored with G. Motta and B. Carpentieri), November 2000.
`"Optimal Frame Skipping for H263+ Video Encoding", Proceedings 11th Annual International
`Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology, Dallas, TX October 2000,
`373-377 (coauthored with G. Motta).
`"Digital Image Compression", Encyclopeda of Computer Science, 4th Edition, John Wiley and
`Sons, 836-840, 2003 (coauthored with G. Motta and F. Rizzo). Also in Concise Encyclopedia
`of Computer Science, John Wiley & Sons, 5th edition, 2004, 379-382.
`"Error Resilient Dictionary Based Compression", Proceedings of the IEEE 88:11, 1713-1721,
`"Improving Scene Cut Quality for Real-Time Video Decoding", Proceedings Data
`Compression Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, 470-479, 2000 (coauthored with G.
`Motta and B. Carpentieri).
`"On Sequence Assembly", Technical Report, Computer Science Department, Brandeis
`University (coauthored with F. Mignosi, A. Rivesto, and M. Sciortino), 2000.
`"Adaptive Linear Prediction Lossless Image Coding", Proceedings Data Compression
`Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, 491-500, 1999 (coauthored with G. Motta
`and B. Carpentieri).
`"Experiments with Single-Pass Adaptive Vector Quantization", Proceedings Data Compression
`Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, 546, 1999 (coauthored with F. Rizzo and B.
`"Improving Single-Pass Adaptive VQ", International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and
`Signal Processing (ICASSP), IMDSP2.10, Phoenix, Arizona, 1999 (coauthored with F.
`Rizzo and B. Carpentieri).
`“The Prevention of Error Propagation in Dictionary Compression with Update and Deletion”,
`Proceedings Data Compression Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998, 199-
`“Optimal Lossless Compression of a Class of Dynamic Sources”, Proceedings IEEE Data
`Compression Conference, 1998, 501-510 (coauthored with J. Reif).
` “Error Resilient Data Compression with Adaptive Deletion”, in Compression and Complexity of
`Sequences, IEEE Press, 285-294, 1998.
`Page 10


`“Lossless Image Compression by Block Matching”, The Computer Journal 40:2/3, 137-145,
`1997 (coauthored with H. Helfgott).
`"Error Resilient Optimal Data Compression", SIAM Journal of Computing 26:4 , 934-939, 1997
`(coauthored with J. Reif).
`“Low-Cost Prevention of Error-Propagation for Data Compression with Dynamic Dictionaries”,
`Proceedings Data Compression Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, 171-180,
`1997 (co-authored with J. Reif).
`“Generalized Node Splitting and Bi-Level Image Compression”, Proceedings Data Compression
`Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, 443, 1997 (co-authored with H. Helfgott).
`“Selective Resolution for Surveillance Video Compression”, Proceedings Data Compression
`Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, 468, 1997 (co-authored with I. Schiller, C.
`Chuang, and S. King).
`"A Video Coder Based on Split-Merge Displacement Estimation", Journal of Visual
`Communication and Visual Representation 7:2, 137-143, 1996; an abstract of this paper
`appeared in Proceedings DCC 1993, 492 (co-authored with B. Carpentieri).
` "On-Line versus Off-Line Computation in Dynamic Text Compression", Information
`Processing Letters 59, 169-174, 1996 (co-authored with S. DeAgostino).
`“Lossless Image Compresssion using Generalized LZ1-Type Methods”, Proceedings Data
`Compression Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, 290-299, 1996.
` “High Performance Adaptive Data Compression”, Proceedings DAGS: Electronic Publishing
`and the Information Superhighway, Boston, MA, 29-38, 1995 (co-authored with C.
`Constantinescu and B. Carpentieri).
`“Single-Pass Adaptive Lossy Compression with Pattern Matching”, Twenty-Fourth Annual IEEE
`Communication Theory Workshop, Santa Cruz, CA, April 23-26, 1995.
`“Near Optimal Compression with Respect to a Static Dictionary on a Practical Massively
`Parallel Architecture”, Proceedings Data Compression Conference, IEEE Computer
`Society Press, 172-181, 1995 (co-authored with D. Belinskaya and S. DeAgostino).
`“Application of Single-Pass Adaptive VQ to BiLevel Images”, Proceedings Data Compression
`Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, 423, 1995 (co-authored with C.
`“Classification of Objects in a Video Sequence”, Proceedings SPIE Symposium on Electronic
`Imaging, San Jose, CA, 1995 (co-authored with B. Carpentieri).
` "Optimal Inter-Frame Alignment for Video Compression", International Journal of
`Foundations of Computer Science 5:2, 65-177, 1994 (co-authored with B. Carpentieri).
`Page 11


`"Improved Techniques for Single-Pass Vector Quantization", Proceedings of the IEEE 82:6,
`933-939, 1994; an extended abstract of this paper appeared in the Proceedings DCC
`1994, 410-419 (co-authored with C. Constantinescu).
` "Split-Merge Video Displacement Estimation", Proceedings of the IEEE 82:6, 940-947, 1994;
`an extended abstract of this paper appeared as "A Split and Merge Parallel Block-
`Matching Algorithm for Displacement Estimation", Proceedings DCC 1992, 239-248
`(co-authored with B. Carpentieri).
`"On-Line Adaptive Vector Quantization with Variable Size Codebook Entries", Information
`Processing and Management 30:6, 745-758, 1994; a preliminary version of this paper
`appeared as "On-Line Adaptive Vector Quantization with Variable Size Vectors",
`Proceedings DCC 1993, 32-41 (co-authored with C. Constantinescu).
`"Design and Performance of Tree-Structured Vector Quantizers", Information Processing and
`Management 30:6, 1994, 851-862; a preliminary version of this paper appeared in the
`Proceedings DCC 1993, 292-301 (co-authored with J. Lin).
`"Shortest Paths in the Plane with Polygonal Obstacles", Journal of the ACM 41:5, 982-1012,
`1994 (co-authored with J. Reif).
`"A Single-Exponential Upper Bound for Finding Shortest Paths in Three Dimensions" Journal of
`the ACM 41:5, 1013-1019, 1994 (co-authored with J. Reif).
`"Image Compression", Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, Volume 29, 231-
`256, 1994 (co-authored with J. Lin).
`"On the Design and Implementation of a Lossless Data Compression and Decompression Chip",
`IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 948-953, 1993 (co-authored with D. M. Royals, T.
`Markas, N. Kanopoulos, and J. H. Reif).
`"On Parallel Implementations and Experimentations of Lossless Data Compression Algorithms",
`Proceedings Picture Coding Symposium, Lausanne, Switzerland, Section 5.3, March
`1993; a preliminary version of this paper appears in Proceedings DCC 1992, (co-
`authored with J. Reif and T. Markas).
`"High Performance Compression of Science Data", NASA Science Information Systems 29,
`September 1993, 1-6.
`"Split Merge Displacement Estimated Video Compression", Proceedings 7th International
`Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, Bari, Italy, September, 1993 (co-authored
`with B. Carpentieri).
`"A Video Coder Based on Split-Merge Displacement Estimation", Proceedings Data
`Compression Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, 492, 1993 (co-authored with B.
`Page 12


`"Design and Performance of Tree-Structured Vector Quantizers"

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