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`County of New York
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`Date: August 1, 2017
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`0 Dermatology Magazine pages 1,2,5 & 6
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`Signature of Khelsi Clarke
`Accurate Translation Services 24/7
`W"44' 6/25/2015“ Re“ 0
`Teoxane SA.
`Exhibit 1 0 14
`wel'ln'éssandhgaut-y '_
` !3 “)9
`www. leafuturr p‘t
`Page 3
`. Author Marcm AmbrOZIak MD ‘.
`Estederm AesthetIc Dermatology Centre
`wwwestederm '
`neweppertunItIes for reuv-.. . atIng and modeling
`ofy00rfaCIal features
`SkmagIngis“ aprocess Influenced by various factors,_ some OIthem extrInSIc and assoctated
`ut'Ilrze. woman’.s— 0erIa't.
`IV” Increasethe skin volume
`butreqL'Iirépreformmg0 Small "urgIcaI brécedure. As a
`. reS'u'lI the healIng0r0ce ,
`slightly longer An‘ Important
`benefit of this; formofvolumetryIS thaI the. material”IS
`free but its dIsadvantage1S that the effects.of a single
`precedure are shorIWIIVed
`Iaround the. eyesandmouth - are the IeaSt' aII‘ecIed;
`II'wQulci seem that. IQSS 0fthe subcutaneoustissue (IaI)
`-- Isthemost noticeablemark 0IIhe passageof IIme
`‘-..H0we\rer,ItIS''n'0tthe wnnklesr—"regardless0IWh'ether-
`=I_arg'e0r Small"that_are.the 0r0'0f 0IIheage III the
`.27 w0'r‘n'en. Q'LIrpatients complaIn themostof Sunken cheeks
`"' ,atiS known as ”hamster pouch” OIIIW'5_Inthe ~
`' "
`. Fatt-III YéjuVeI’Iatififiw“ 000'511%}?further
`‘ Recently,the worldWIde filiers market has had- a new
`productadded I0it e 053% volumlzer”which can be.
`' used When a fatIiilerIS IndIcatedThis‘ product recently
`"also availableIs PolandiS VOLUMACorneal‘i"
`manufactured by. La
`. :ratolre CORNEAL® DeveIQppement.
`models make-Polish women veryattractIVe
`Page 4
`' EXPERT Anti—Aging? '5'
`"‘D'Lile to‘a riéWtréssllhkth‘te'chn'b‘légy,-a hyalur‘ci'hic acid—
`Patients befo heand BTtér-the procedure '
`.- based gel was cr‘éated thathas hamogenous Consistency
`apr pa“ration
`farm!is totally neutralthus totallysafe The gelas
`l characterizedbyIa long'-term re'lstance to enzymatlt.
`‘Edecomposmoh ariél théIInfluenceat free radicals Whitih
`allows the volumlzmg Effect toIlElst as I'oh'gas 2 years.
`--<--'H0wdares thepracadum ufimgVelumalamb:
`,iilike? ,
`“:The- precedureIS reiatlvely Simple,
`. peraences aslightly
`' g a consultation
`”Chin modellng ,
`'- Changmgcontoursofthe mouth.
`There is he agelimit forthe: procedure Just as in the case
`i. of lip augmentatlon 20~yearoldscan have it time to
`IIei physicnan5
`ffPrice Apprommat‘elyPLN I2000I'lependlng ”oh 'the‘ area D'f
`‘- treatment and the am0untof materlal used
`Page 5