`City ol‘New York, State o't'New York, County ot'New York
`[, Aurora Landman, hereby certify that the document is a true and accurate translation
`from Japanese (JP) into English of Japanese Examined Patent Application Publication
`Number HOS—15260.9.
`I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on
`August 21, 2017.
`Sworn to before me. this
`August 21, 2017
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`TCL 1011, Page 1
`TCL 1011, Page 1


`(12) Japanese Unexamined Patent Application Publication (A)
`(11) JP Unexamined Patent Application Publication No
`JP Unexamined Patent Application Publication 1993-152609
`(43) Publication Date June 18, Heisei 5 (1993)
`Identification Code
`JPO File Number
`JP Patent Application 1993-336011
`November 25, Heisei 3 (1991)
`Basis for Classification
`Not yet requested for examination Number of claims 1
`(3 pages total)
`(71) Applicant
`Nichia Corporation
`491-100 Oka, Kaminaka-cho, Kanan-shi, Tokushima
`(72) Inventor
`Yoshiaki Tadatsu
`C/O Nichia Corporation
`491-100 Oka, Kaminaka-cho, Kanan-shi, Tokushima
`(74) Inventor
`Shuji Nakamura
`C/O Nichia Corporation
`491-100 Oka, Kaminaka-cho, Kanan-shi, Tokushima
`(19) Japan Patent Office (JP)
`(51) Int. Cl.5
`H 01 L 33/00
`(21) Application Number
`(22) Date of Application
`(54) [Title of the Invention] Light-emitting diode
`(57) [Abstract]
`[Purpose] To improve the luminosity and brightness of the light-
`emitting diode with the light-emitting elements composed of a
`gallium nitride based compound material whose light-emitting
`peaks are located at around 430nm and 370nm
`[Constitution] It is a light-emitting diode which has light-emitting
`elements on its stem, which are surrounded by a resin mold, in
`which the aforementioned light-emitting elements are composed of
`a gallium nitride based compound semiconductor generally
`expressed by the formula, GaXA11-xN (with 0 ≦X≦1), and which is
`made by further adding to the aforementioned resin mold a
`fluorescent dye or a fluorescent pigment that emits a fluorescent
`light through excitation by the aforementioned gallium nitride
`based compound semiconductor’s light emission.
`TCL 1011, Page 2


`[Scope of Patent Claims]
`[Claim 1] It is a light-emitting diode characterized by the fact that
`it has light-emitting elements on its stem, which is surrounded by
`a resin mold, in which the aforementioned light-emitting
`elements are composed of a gallium nitride based compound
`semiconductor generally expressed by the formula, GaXA11-xN
`(with 0 ≦X≦1), and which is made by further adding in the
`aforementioned resin mold a fluorescent dye or a fluorescent
`pigment that emits a fluorescent light through excitation by the
`aforementioned gallium nitride based compound semiconductor’s
`light emission.
`[Detailed description of the invention]
`[Field of industrial application] This invention is concerning a
`light-emitting diode made by surrounding the light-emitting
`elements with a resin mold (hereinafter referred to as light-
`emitting LED), especially to the wavelength conversion light-
`emitting diode with greater brightness, which can emit multiple
`types of lights, through one type of light-emitting element.
`[Prior Art] Generally an LED has a structure as shown in Figure
`1. 1 shows the light-emitting element severed to smaller than
`1mm square, for example, composed of GaA1As, and GaP, etc.,
`2 is the metal stem, 3 is the metal post, and 4 is the resin mold
`that surrounds the light-emitting element. The electrode on the
`back of the light emitting element 1 is electrically connected by
`being adhered to the Metal stem 2 by a silver paste, etc., and the
`electrode on the surface of the light emitting element 1 is wire
`bonded on its surface by the metal wire stretched from metal post
`3, the other terminal, and furthermore, the light emitting element
`1 is molded by the transparent resin mold 4.
`[0003] While a resin with a high refractive index and high
`transparency is usually selected as resin mold 4 for the purpose of
`efficiently releasing the light-emitting element’s light emission
`into the air, in some cases, an inorganic pigment or organic
`pigment may be mixed in the resin mold 4, as a coloring agent to
`convert the light-emitting element’s luminance color, or to
`correct the color, other than that. For example, if a red pigment is
`added in the green light-emitting element’s resin mold with a
`GaP semiconductor material, you can make the luminance color
`[Problem to be solved by the invention] However, traditionally,
`the technology to convert the wavelength by adding a coloring
`agent to the resin mold has rarely been made into practical use,
`and the technology to correct the color by a coloring agent is
`barely used. This is because when a coloring agent, which is a
`non-light-emitting substance strong enough to convert the
`wavelength, is added to the resin mold, the LED’s brightness
`itself significantly decreases.
`[0005] By the way, LEDs that has been put into practical use are
`infrared, red, yellow and green light-emitting LEDs, but blue or
`ultraviolet LEDs have not been made into practical use. The
`light-emitting elements that emit blue and ultraviolet lights have
`been studied using II-VI group ZnSe, and IV-IV group SiC, and
`III-V group GaN, etc. semiconductor materials and recently it
`was announced that a gallium nitride based compound generally
`expressed by the formula GaXA11-xN (with 0 ≦X≦1),
`shows a relatively excellent light emission at room temperature,
`which gathered attention. In addition, an LED that realized a pn
`connection for the first time using a gallium nitride based
`compound semiconductor was presented (Applied Physics,
`Volume 60, No.2, p163-p166, 1991). According to this, the light
`emission wavelength of the LED with a pn connection gallium
`nitride based compound is mainly located around 430nm, and
`furthermore, it has a light emission peak in the ultraviolet zone
`around 370nm as well. Its wavelength is the shortest among the
`aforementioned semiconductor materials. However, since the
`LED has a luminance color close to purple, as shown by its light-
`emission wavelength, its flaw is poor luminosity.
`[0006] Such a situation is taken into consideration in this
`invention, and it aims to improve the luminosity of the LED with
`the light-emitting elements made of a gallium nitride based
`compound whose light emission peak is around 430nm and
`around 370nm, to improve its brightness.
`[Means for solving the problem] This invention is an LED
`characterized by having the light-emitting elements on the stem,
`which is surrounded by a resin mold in which the aforementioned
`light emitting elements are composed of a gallium nitride based
`compound semiconductor generally expressed by the formula
`GaXA11-xN (with 0 ≦X≦1), and furthermore, a fluorescent dye or
`a fluorescent pigment that emits a fluorescent light when excited
`by the light emission by the aforementioned gallium nitride based
`compound semiconductor.
`[0008] Figure 2 is an example of embodiment that shows the
`structure of the LED in this invention. 11 shows the blue light
`emitting element made by laminating GaA1N in an n-type and p-
`type on a sapphire substrate, 2 and 3 the metal stem, metal post
`the same as Figure 1, and 4 is the resin mold that surrounds the
`light emitting elements. The back side of light emitting element
`11 is a sapphire insulation substrate, and because the electrode
`cannot be taken out from the back side, and because the n
`electrode of the GaA1N layer is electrically connected to Metal
`stem 2, the method to electrically connect the ohmic electrode by
`etching the GaA1N layer to expose the n-type layer surface is
`applied. In addition, other electrodes are wire bonded on the p-
`type layer surface by the metal wire spread from Metal post 3 in
`the same manner shown in Figure 1. Furthermore, a fluorescent
`dye 5 that emits a wavelength that has a light emission peak at
`480nm when excited by the wavelength at round 420-440nm, is
`added to Resin mold 4.
`[Effect of the Invention] A fluorescent dye and fluorescent
`pigment is generally excited by a short wavelength light, to emit
`light with a longer wavelength than the excitation wavelength.
`While there are fluorescent pigments that emit a short wavelength
`light when excited by the long wavelength light, on the contrary,
`they have extremely poor energy efficiency, hence, emit only a
`faint light. As described before, a gallium nitride based compound
`semiconductor has its light emission peak at the shortest
`wavelength side among the semiconductor materials used for
`LEDs, and in addition, has the light emission peak in the
`ultraviolet zone as well. Because of this, if it is used as the
`material for the light emitting element,
`TCL 1011, Page 3


`by adding a fluorescent dye or fluorescent pigment in the
`resin mold that surrounds the light emitting elements,
`these fluorescent substances can be excited in the most
`desirable manner. Therefore, various wavelength lights
`can be converted by the types of the fluorescent dye or
`fluorescent pigment, correcting the color of the blue
`LED. Furthermore, since the energy efficiency is good as
`the short wavelength light is converted to one with a long
`wavelength, and it is very convenient from the loss of
`brightness point of view, since it requires only a small
`amount of fluorescent dye or fluorescent pigment to be
`[Figure 1]
`[Brief Description of the Drawings]
`[Figure 1] Schematic cross-section drawing that shows a
`traditional LED structure
`[Figure 2] Schematic cross-section drawing that shows an
`example of embodiment of the LED in this invention
`[Explanation of References]
`11 … Light emitting element
`3 … Metal post
`5 … Fluorescent pigment
`2 … Metal stem
`4 … Resin mold
`[Figure 2]
`TCL 1011, Page 4


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