`·4· ·------------------------------------------
`·8· · · · · · · · · ·Petitioner
`·9· · · · · · · · · ·v.
`11· · · · · · · · · ·Patent Owners
`12· · · · · ·U.S. PATENT NO. 9,220,698
`13· ·------------------------------------------
`16· · · · · · ·DR. MICHAEL MAYERSOHN
`17· · · · · · ·THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2018
`18· · · · · · · · · ·9:00 a.m.
`24· ·Reported by:· Adrienne M. Mignano, RPR
`25· ·Job Number:· ·J2165865
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`·3· · · · · · · · · · · · May 24, 2018
`·4· · · · · · · · · · · · 9:00 a.m.
`·5· · · · · · · · · · · · New York, New York
`·7· · · · · · ·Videotaped Deposition of MICHAEL
`·8· ·MAYERSOHN, held at the offices of Cooley,
`·9· ·LLP, 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York,
`10· ·New York, pursuant to Notice, before
`11· ·Adrienne M. Mignano, a Notary Public of the
`12· ·State of New York.
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`·2· ·A P P E A R A N C E S:
`·5· ·Attorneys for Mylan
`·6· · · · · · ·1120 NW Couch Street
`·7· · · · · · ·10th Floor
`·8· · · · · · ·Portland, Oregon 97209-4128
`·9· ·BY:· · · ·BRYAN D. BEEL, ESQ.
`12· ·Attorneys for Horizon
`13· · · · · · ·3175 Hanover Street
`14· · · · · · ·Palo Alto, California 94304
`15· ·BY:· · · ·LAUREN KRICKL, ESQ.
`· · · · · · · ·ELLEN SCORDINO, ESQ.
`· · ·Attorneys for Pozen
`· · · · · · · ·98 San Jacinto Boulevard
`· · · · · · · ·Austin, Texas 78701
`22· · · · · · ·(Appearance by Telephone)
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`·2· ·A L S O· ·P R E S E N T :
`·4· · · ·Legal Video Specialist
`· · · · ·SERENA CANDELARIA - Intern
`·6· · · ·KATELYN KANG - Intern
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`·2· · · · ·THE COURT REPORTER:· Is there
`·3· ·anyone present by phone?
`·4· · · · ·MR. GRITTON:· Jeffrey Gritton
`·5· ·from Baker Botts, representing Pozen.
`·6· · · · ·THE COURT REPORTER:· Are you
`·7· ·ordering a copy of the transcript, Mr.
`·8· ·Gritton?
`·9· · · · ·MR. GRITTON:· Yes.
`10· · · · ·THE COURT REPORTER:· Would you
`11· ·like a rough draft at the end of the
`12· ·day?
`13· · · · ·MR. GRITTON:· Yes.
`14· · · · ·THE COURT REPORTER:· Your email
`15· ·address, please.
`16· · · · ·MR. GRITTON:· Jeff.gritton@baker
`17· ·
`18· · · · ·THE VIDEOGRAPHER:· This is the
`19· ·digitized video deposition of
`20· ·Dr. Michael Mayersohn, in the matter
`21· ·Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Inc., versus
`22· ·Pozen, Inc., et al.
`23· · · · ·This deposition is being held at
`24· ·Cooley, located at 1114 Avenue of the
`25· ·Americas, New York, New York, on May
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`·2· ·24, 2018, at approximately 9:06 a.m.
`·3· · · · ·My name is Marcelo Rivera from
`·4· ·Esquire Solutions.· The court reporter
`·5· ·is Adrienne Mignano in association
`·6· ·with Esquire Solutions.
`·7· · · · ·Will present counsel please
`·8· ·introduce themselves for the record.
`·9· · · · ·MS. KRICKL:· Lauren Krickl of
`10· ·Cooley LLP, representing plaintiff,
`11· ·and with me is Ellen Scordino also of
`12· ·Cooley LLP, representing plaintiff,
`13· ·Horizon.
`14· · · · ·MR. GRITTON:· And this is Jeff
`15· ·Gritton from Baker Botts representing
`16· ·Pozen, Inc.
`17· · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Bryan Beel from
`18· ·Perkins Coie for petitioner, Mylan
`19· ·Pharmaceuticals.
`20· · · · ·THE VIDEOGRAPHER:· Will the
`21· ·court reporter please swear in the
`22· ·witness.
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·M I C H A E L· · ·M A Y E R S O H N, called
`·3· · · · · as a witness, having been duly sworn
`·4· · · · · by a Notary Public, was examined and
`·5· · · · · testified as follows:
`·7· ·MS. KRICKL:
`·8· · · ·Q· · ·Good morning, Dr. Mayersohn.
`·9· · · ·A· · ·Good morning, Ms. Krickl.
`10· · · · · · ·How are you?
`11· · · ·Q· · ·Good.· I'm good.· How are you?
`12· · · ·A· · ·I'm okay.
`13· · · ·Q· · ·Good.
`14· · · · · · ·Please state your full name and
`15· ·address for the record.
`16· · · ·A· · ·Michael Mayersohn.· Home
`17· ·address, correct?
`18· · · ·Q· · ·Yes.
`19· · · ·A· · ·4394 West Butterfly Mountain
`20· ·Drive, Marana, M-A-R-A-N-A, Arizona 85658.
`21· · · ·Q· · ·Do you understand that you just
`22· ·swore under oath to tell the truth at this
`23· ·deposition today?
`24· · · ·A· · ·Certainly.
`25· · · ·Q· · ·Do you understand that the
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·testimony you will give is just as binding
`·3· ·as if you were sitting in court?
`·4· · · ·A· · ·I do.
`·5· · · ·Q· · ·Is there any reason why you
`·6· ·cannot completely and truthfully answer my
`·7· ·questions today?
`·8· · · ·A· · ·No, ma'am.
`·9· · · ·Q· · ·So you have testified at a
`10· ·deposition before, right?
`11· · · ·A· · ·I have.
`12· · · ·Q· · ·So I'll just go over some ground
`13· ·rules so we're on the same page.
`14· · · ·A· · ·Sure.
`15· · · ·Q· · ·If you don't understand a
`16· ·question, please let me know.· Otherwise,
`17· ·I will assume that you understood my
`18· ·question.
`19· · · · · · ·Okay?
`20· · · ·A· · ·Yes.
`21· · · ·Q· · ·Do you understand that we can't
`22· ·speak over each other to help the court
`23· ·reporter?
`24· · · ·A· · ·Yes.
`25· · · ·Q· · ·And the court reporter cannot
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·record a nod or a gesture, so you'll need
`·3· ·to make a verbal response to my question.
`·4· · · ·A· · ·Understood.
`·5· · · ·Q· · ·Do you understand that even if
`·6· ·your attorney objects to my question, you
`·7· ·still need to answer unless he instructs
`·8· ·you not to answer?
`·9· · · ·A· · ·Yes, ma'am.
`10· · · ·Q· · ·We'll take breaks about every
`11· ·hour but if you would like a break, please
`12· ·let us know and we'll take one; however,
`13· ·we ask that a question not be pending when
`14· ·you ask for your break.
`15· · · ·A· · ·Understood.
`16· · · ·Q· · ·Do you understand that you
`17· ·cannot speak with your attorney about
`18· ·testimony during a break?
`19· · · ·A· · ·I do.
`20· · · ·Q· · ·How did you prepare for this
`21· ·deposition?
`22· · · ·A· · ·The typical way that an expert
`23· ·would prepare.· I studied on my own
`24· ·material that presumably you would be
`25· ·deposing me on.· I met with Dr. Beel
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·yesterday.
`·3· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Thank you for that.
`·4· · · ·That was very nice.
`·5· · · · · · ·THE WITNESS:· You're welcome.
`·6· ·BY MS. KRICKL:
`·7· · · ·Q· · ·How long did you meet with him
`·8· ·for?
`·9· · · ·A· · ·From 9 to about 4 o'clock.
`10· ·There was also a very brief phone
`11· ·conversation with Mr. Swanson and Ms.
`12· ·Nero, both of Perkins Coie.
`13· · · ·Q· · ·Did you talk with anyone else?
`14· · · ·A· · ·No.
`15· · · ·Q· · ·Did you review any documents
`16· ·during those meetings?
`17· · · ·A· · ·Certainly.
`18· · · ·Q· · ·Did you do any independent
`19· ·preparation for today's deposition that
`20· ·was not with Mylan's attorneys?
`21· · · ·A· · ·Yes.
`22· · · ·Q· · ·Did you draft any notes or other
`23· ·documents to prepare for your deposition
`24· ·today?
`25· · · ·A· · ·I may have, but I have since
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·discarded them.
`·3· · · ·Q· · ·And did you bring any documents
`·4· ·with you to the deposition?
`·5· · · ·A· · ·No, ma'am.
`·6· · · ·Q· · ·Did you have any conversations
`·7· ·with non-attorneys regarding the
`·8· ·deposition testimony?
`·9· · · ·A· · ·No.
`10· · · ·Q· · ·What is your understanding of
`11· ·why you are here today giving testimony?
`12· · · ·A· · ·I have been invited here to
`13· ·defend a declaration that I submitted with
`14· ·regard to litigation of the '698 patent.
`15· · · ·Q· · ·Great.
`16· · · · · · ·Do you know what an IPR is?
`17· · · ·A· · ·I do.
`18· · · ·Q· · ·So you understand that an IPR is
`19· ·a proceeding before the Patent Trial and
`20· ·Appeal Board regarding the validity of
`21· ·patent claims over prior art patents or
`22· ·printed publications, correct?
`23· · · ·A· · ·That's my understanding.
`24· · · ·Q· · ·And you just mentioned that U.S.
`25· ·Patent Number 9,220,698 is being
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·challenged in this IPR?
`·3· · · ·A· · ·Yes.
`·4· · · ·Q· · ·So in connection, in preparing
`·5· ·your declaration, you reviewed the '698
`·6· ·patent, correct?
`·7· · · ·A· · ·In preparing my declaration?
`·8· · · ·Q· · ·Yes.
`·9· · · ·A· · ·Certainly.
`10· · · ·Q· · ·When was the last time you
`11· ·reviewed the claims of that patent?
`12· · · ·A· · ·About 11:30 last night.
`13· · · ·Q· · ·Do you understand that all
`14· ·claims 1 through 7 of the '698 patent are
`15· ·challenged in this IPR proceeding?
`16· · · ·A· · ·I do understand that.
`17· · · ·Q· · ·Did you specifically review
`18· ·claims 1 through 7 in connection with the
`19· ·preparation of your declaration?
`20· · · ·A· · ·Yes.
`21· · · ·Q· · ·I'm going to go ahead and
`22· ·introduce the '698 patent as Exhibit 1001.
`23· ·This is already marked.
`24· · · ·A· · ·Thank you.
`25· · · ·Q· · ·Are you aware that there is a
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·district court litigation relating to the
`·3· ·'698 patent?
`·4· · · ·A· · ·A current litigation?
`·5· · · ·Q· · ·Yes.
`·6· · · ·A· · ·I believe I understand that to
`·7· ·be right, yes.
`·8· · · · · · ·MS. KRICKL:· I'll next mark
`·9· · · ·Mylan's IPR petition as 2100.
`10· · · · · · ·(Whereupon, Mylan's IPR
`11· · · ·Petition, was marked as Exhibit 2100
`12· · · ·for identification, as of this date.)
`13· ·BY MS. KRICKL:
`14· · · ·Q· · ·I'm handing you what the court
`15· ·reporter has just marked as Exhibit 2100.
`16· · · ·A· · ·Thank you.
`17· · · ·Q· · ·Please turn to pages 1 through 2
`18· ·of the Mylan IPR petition.
`19· · · · · · ·Under related matters subsection
`20· ·B, do you see that it lists several
`21· ·district court litigations?
`22· · · ·A· · ·Yes, ma'am.
`23· · · ·Q· · ·Do you see that the first two
`24· ·are against Mylan?
`25· · · ·A· · ·I do.
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· · · ·Q· · ·Great.
`·3· · · · · · ·Are you involved in any of these
`·4· ·litigations?
`·5· · · ·A· · ·Not that I'm aware of, no.
`·6· · · ·Q· · ·So you did not do an expert
`·7· ·report in any of these litigations?
`·8· · · ·A· · ·No.
`·9· · · ·Q· · ·Were you asked to?
`10· · · ·A· · ·No.
`11· · · ·Q· · ·So you have not given any
`12· ·opinions in the district court litigation
`13· ·regarding the validity of the '698 patent,
`14· ·correct?
`15· · · ·A· · ·That's correct.· As you know, I
`16· ·was involved in a litigation that went to
`17· ·trial.· I don't think the '698 was
`18· ·involved in that litigation.
`19· · · ·Q· · ·Were you retained by Mylan for
`20· ·your declaration in this IPR?
`21· · · ·A· · ·Well, I was retained by Perkins
`22· ·Coie on behalf of Mylan, yes.
`23· · · ·Q· · ·Do you have an agreement with
`24· ·Perkins Coie?
`25· · · ·A· · ·By that you mean a contract?
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· · · ·Q· · ·Yes, or a consultant agreement
`·3· ·or any type of agreement?
`·4· · · ·A· · ·Yes, it is actually through
`·5· ·another company whose name I'm currently
`·6· ·missing who arranged for me to contract
`·7· ·with Perkins Coie, but there is a contract
`·8· ·signed by representatives of Perkins Coie.
`·9· · · ·Q· · ·Okay.
`10· · · · · · ·So you don't recall the name of
`11· ·that company at this time?
`12· · · ·A· · ·Sometimes towards the end of
`13· ·this day I probably will remember. I
`14· ·don't remember right now.
`15· · · ·Q· · ·Okay.
`16· · · · · · ·You're being compensated $800 an
`17· ·hour for your work on this matter,
`18· ·correct?
`19· · · ·A· · ·Correct.
`20· · · ·Q· · ·About how many hours have you
`21· ·billed to this matter?
`22· · · ·A· · ·I can't offer you an accurate
`23· ·estimate.· I simply don't know.· And
`24· ·you're talking strictly about the IPR
`25· ·activity, correct?
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· · · ·Q· · ·Yes.
`·3· · · ·A· · ·Yeah, I'm sorry, sitting here
`·4· ·now I can't recall the number of hours.
`·5· · · ·Q· · ·You asked if I'm talking
`·6· ·specifically about the IPR activity.
`·7· · · · · · ·Is there any other activity
`·8· ·you're currently involved in?
`·9· · · ·A· · ·The prior case that went to
`10· ·trial.
`11· · · ·Q· · ·Okay.
`12· · · · · · ·Do you think you spent more than
`13· ·ten hours on this matter?
`14· · · ·A· · ·Yes.
`15· · · ·Q· · ·Yes.· More than 20?
`16· · · ·A· · ·Probably.
`17· · · ·Q· · ·More than 50?
`18· · · ·A· · ·I don't know.· I simply don't
`19· ·know.
`20· · · ·Q· · ·Okay.· Thank you.
`21· · · · · · ·Do you have an agreement with
`22· ·DRL regarding the '698 patent?
`23· · · ·A· · ·I don't believe so.· I don't
`24· ·think they are involved in this action. I
`25· ·could be wrong.
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· · · ·Q· · ·Do you --
`·3· · · ·A· · ·Excuse me.· The face of the IPR
`·4· ·petition says Mylan and it doesn't mention
`·5· ·any other company.
`·6· · · ·Q· · ·Do you have an agreement with
`·7· ·Budd Larner, the law firm, regarding the
`·8· ·'698 patent?
`·9· · · ·A· · ·I don't believe so, no.· I do
`10· ·remember being contacted by them.· I think
`11· ·it was with regard to this case, but I'm
`12· ·not certain.· In any event, I'm not
`13· ·working with them.
`14· · · ·Q· · ·Are you aware that DRL has filed
`15· ·a motion for joinder with the present IPR?
`16· · · ·A· · ·What does that mean?
`17· · · ·Q· · ·They have filed their own
`18· ·petition for IPR of the '698 patent and
`19· ·they have moved to join that proceeding
`20· ·with this one.
`21· · · ·A· · ·I don't recall being aware of
`22· ·that, no.
`23· · · ·Q· · ·So you did not assist counsel
`24· ·for DRL in preparing DRL's petition for
`25· ·IPR of the '698 patent, right?
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Objection.· Outside
`·3· · · ·the scope.
`·4· · · ·A· · ·To the best of my knowledge, no.
`·5· · · ·Q· · ·And you did not assist counsel
`·6· ·for DRL in preparing DRL's motion for
`·7· ·joinder with this IPR?
`·8· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Same objection.
`·9· · · ·A· · ·No.
`10· · · ·Q· · ·Do you have an agreement with
`11· ·Lupin regarding the '698 patent?
`12· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Objection.· Scope.
`13· · · ·A· · ·No.
`14· · · ·Q· · ·Since trial in January 2017,
`15· ·have you talked with counsel from DRL
`16· ·about any patents besides the '907 and
`17· ·'285 patents?
`18· · · ·A· · ·Can you ask that question again?
`19· · · ·Q· · ·Since trial in January 2017,
`20· ·have you talked with counsel from DRL
`21· ·about any patents besides the '907 and
`22· ·'285 patents?
`23· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Objection.· Scope.
`24· · · ·A· · ·No.
`25· · · ·Q· · ·Since trial in January 2017,
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·have you talked with counsel from Lupin
`·3· ·about any patents besides the '907 and
`·4· ·'285 patents?
`·5· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Same objection.
`·6· · · ·A· · ·No.
`·7· · · ·Q· · ·When preparing your declaration
`·8· ·for this IPR, did you have any
`·9· ·communications with counsel from DRL, Budd
`10· ·Larner?
`11· · · ·A· · ·No.
`12· · · ·Q· · ·When preparing your declaration
`13· ·for Mylan's IPR, did you have any
`14· ·communications with counsel from Lupin?
`15· · · ·A· · ·No.
`16· · · ·Q· · ·Do you intend to testify before
`17· ·the Patent Trial and Appeal Board during
`18· ·any oral argument in this IPR?
`19· · · ·A· · ·If asked by counsel, yes.
`20· · · ·Q· · ·When were you first contacted
`21· ·regarding submitting a declaration in
`22· ·connection with this IPR?
`23· · · ·A· · ·Can I see my declaration?
`24· · · ·Q· · ·Yes.
`25· · · ·A· · ·Thank you.
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· · · ·Q· · ·I'm handing you what's already
`·3· ·been marked as Exhibit 1003.
`·4· · · ·A· · ·Thank you.· Thank you.
`·5· · · ·Q· · ·So just to repeat my question,
`·6· ·when were you first contacted regarding
`·7· ·submitting this declaration?
`·8· · · ·A· · ·I can't recall exactly, Ms.
`·9· ·Krickl, but this declaration is signed
`10· ·August 23, 2017, so my best recollection
`11· ·would have been early or mid summer of
`12· ·2017 before this was signed.
`13· · · ·Q· · ·So you first started working on
`14· ·this declaration in early or midsummer
`15· ·2017, right?
`16· · · ·A· · ·Yes, that's what I just said.
`17· · · ·Q· · ·Are you aware that the district
`18· ·court issued a decision in the earlier
`19· ·round of litigation on June 26, 2017?
`20· · · ·A· · ·Is that the litigation which I
`21· ·testified at trial?
`22· · · ·Q· · ·Yes.
`23· · · ·A· · ·I know a decision was rendered.
`24· ·I don't remember the date.
`25· · · ·Q· · ·So who first contacted you
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·regarding drafting a declaration in this
`·3· ·IPR?
`·4· · · ·A· · ·I'm pretty certain it was Dr.
`·5· ·Beel.
`·6· · · ·Q· · ·What did he state to you?
`·7· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Objection.
`·8· · · ·Privilege.· You can describe generally
`·9· · · ·what we discussed but not the content
`10· · · ·of the conversations.
`11· · · ·A· · ·My recollection of a
`12· ·conversation is pretty dim.· I assume he
`13· ·would have told me what was going on in
`14· ·terms of the need to submit an IPR for the
`15· ·'698, would I be interested in offering a
`16· ·declaration given the fact that I was
`17· ·familiar with the Vimovo situation.
`18· ·Vimovo, V-I-M-O-V-O, product.· I agreed to
`19· ·offer a declaration.
`20· · · ·Q· · ·Did he provide you with the '698
`21· ·patent?
`22· · · ·A· · ·At some point, certainly. I
`23· ·don't remember when.
`24· · · ·Q· · ·Did he provide you with the '698
`25· ·patent in early or midsummer 2017?
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· · · ·A· · ·Again, to the best of my
`·3· ·recollection, it would have been before I
`·4· ·attempted to draft this declaration of
`·5· ·course.
`·6· · · ·Q· · ·And you're aware that the
`·7· ·earlier decision in district court
`·8· ·involved patents related to the '698
`·9· ·patent at issue here?
`10· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Objection to form.
`11· · · ·A· · ·By "related," you mean of the
`12· ·same family or the same content issues?
`13· · · ·Q· · ·So are you aware that the '698
`14· ·patent is listed in the orange book as
`15· ·covering Vimovo?
`16· · · ·A· · ·That's my understanding, yes.
`17· · · ·Q· · ·And you're aware that the '907
`18· ·and '285 patents from the earlier case are
`19· ·also listed in the orange book covering
`20· ·Vimovo, correct?
`21· · · ·A· · ·Yes.
`22· · · ·Q· · ·Okay.
`23· · · · · · ·Are you aware that the district
`24· ·court decision from the earlier case found
`25· ·the '907 and '285 patents valid and
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·infringed?
`·3· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Outside the scope.
`·4· · · ·A· · ·I don't know the exact basis of
`·5· ·their decision.· I'm not aware of the
`·6· ·decision, specific decision.
`·7· · · ·Q· · ·Okay.
`·8· · · · · · ·MS. KRICKL:· So I'd like to mark
`·9· · · ·this as Exhibit 2101.
`10· · · · · · ·(Whereupon, Decision by Judge
`11· · · ·Cooper, was marked as Exhibit 2101 for
`12· · · ·identification, as of this date.)
`13· ·BY MS. KRICKL:
`14· · · ·Q· · ·I'm handing you what's just been
`15· ·marked as Exhibit 2101.
`16· · · ·A· · ·Thank you.
`17· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· I'll object.· Outside
`18· · · ·the scope because it is not in the
`19· · · ·materials he reviewed for the IPR.
`20· · · ·Q· · ·Have you seen this document
`21· ·before?
`22· · · ·A· · ·No.
`23· · · · · · ·This is Judge Cooper's decision?
`24· · · ·Q· · ·Yes.
`25· · · ·A· · ·No.
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· · · ·Q· · ·Could you turn to the last page,
`·3· ·page 65?
`·4· · · ·A· · ·Yes.
`·5· · · ·Q· · ·Do you see under the conclusion
`·6· ·where it says, "We find that the claims of
`·7· ·the '907 and '285 patents are not invalid
`·8· ·under 35 USC § 103 or Section 112"?
`·9· · · ·A· · ·I do.
`10· · · ·Q· · ·Thank you.
`11· · · · · · ·So it's correct that you were
`12· ·contacted shortly after this --
`13· · · · · · ·MS. KRICKL:· Actually, let me
`14· · · ·withdraw that.
`15· · · ·Q· · ·Do you see that this opinion was
`16· ·signed July 10, 2017?
`17· · · ·A· · ·I do.
`18· · · ·Q· · ·Were you contacted before or
`19· ·after that date?
`20· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Objection to form.
`21· · · ·A· · ·I simply don't recall the date.
`22· ·I know certainly it was before I authored
`23· ·the declaration, I don't know how much
`24· ·before however.
`25· · · ·Q· · ·Can you describe for me the
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·process by which your declaration was
`·3· ·drafted?
`·4· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Objection.
`·5· · · ·Privilege.· You can describe the
`·6· · · ·process generally but not the content
`·7· · · ·of our conversations.
`·8· · · ·A· · ·I would say in the same general
`·9· ·way that all reports by experts are issued
`10· ·and created.
`11· · · · · · ·It was a collaborative effort
`12· ·primarily with Dr. Beel where I offered my
`13· ·expert opinion on those issues that
`14· ·required an expert opinion.· He offered
`15· ·the interpretation of law involved in the
`16· ·litigation, and I would have gone through
`17· ·several drafts prior to obtaining the
`18· ·final copy, final version.· Along the way
`19· ·I would have read materials cited which is
`20· ·attachment B to the declaration, and those
`21· ·readings would have further informed me of
`22· ·the issues involved and help me reach my
`23· ·opinions.
`24· · · ·Q· · ·Who wrote the first draft of
`25· ·your declaration?
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· · · ·A· · ·It -- again, it was a
`·3· ·collaborative effort so the first -- what
`·4· ·resulted in the first draft would have
`·5· ·been writing from Dr. Beel and from
`·6· ·myself.· Each contributing to those
`·7· ·portions related to our expertise.· And
`·8· ·multiple drafts followed that same
`·9· ·pattern.
`10· · · ·Q· · ·Did you work with anyone else
`11· ·besides Dr. Beel?
`12· · · ·A· · ·Not to my recollection, no.
`13· · · ·Q· · ·Did you work with counsel from
`14· ·DRL in preparing your declaration?
`15· · · ·A· · ·No.
`16· · · ·Q· · ·How about counsel from Lupin?
`17· · · ·A· · ·Same answer.
`18· · · ·Q· · ·So Dr. Beel is the one who typed
`19· ·the first draft of your declaration?
`20· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Objection to form.
`21· · · ·A· · ·No, as I said in my response to
`22· ·the previous question, I contributed a
`23· ·component, he contributed a component. I
`24· ·would have typed or written my sections.
`25· ·He would have done the same for his.
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· · · ·Q· · ·So looking at your declaration,
`·3· ·which sections did you draft?
`·4· · · ·A· · ·I knew that would be the next
`·5· ·question.
`·6· · · · · · ·I could clearly identify a
`·7· ·section that I wrote by myself completely,
`·8· ·perhaps with some modification from
`·9· ·counsel, and that would have been starting
`10· ·on page 12.· And going through page 21.
`11· ·These represent background information in
`12· ·my specialty for which I am offering my
`13· ·expertise.
`14· · · · · · ·In between many of the rest of
`15· ·this declaration, I would have made
`16· ·contributions and I simply -- it was a
`17· ·synthesis, and I can't pull out for you
`18· ·those things that I said and those things
`19· ·that Dr. Beel would have said.
`20· · · ·Q· · ·So the background section on
`21· ·pages 12 through 21 is the only section
`22· ·that you drafted originally?
`23· · · ·A· · ·Exclusively.
`24· · · ·Q· · ·Exclusively.
`25· · · · · · ·Did you provide any edits to Dr.
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·Beel's sections?
`·3· · · ·A· · ·Of course, yes.
`·4· · · ·Q· · ·Do you remember any edits you
`·5· ·made in particular?
`·6· · · ·A· · ·No.
`·7· · · ·Q· · ·How long did you spend on your
`·8· ·declaration?
`·9· · · ·A· · ·The reason I have trouble
`10· ·answering the question is because it
`11· ·wasn't at a single.· It was drawn out over
`12· ·probably several weeks.
`13· · · · · · ·I just don't know.
`14· · · ·Q· · ·Did you have conversations with
`15· ·lawyers before your declaration was
`16· ·drafted?
`17· · · ·A· · ·By "lawyers," you mean other
`18· ·than Dr. Beel?
`19· · · ·Q· · ·Including Dr. Beel.
`20· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Objection to form.
`21· · · ·A· · ·I think it is probably fair to
`22· ·say my interaction was limited to
`23· ·discussions with Dr. Beel.
`24· · · ·Q· · ·Okay.
`25· · · · · · ·Were you given a budget of time
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·to spend on your declaration?
`·3· · · ·A· · ·No, I was not.
`·4· · · ·Q· · ·Okay.· Turning to attachment B
`·5· ·of your declaration.
`·6· · · ·A· · ·Yes, ma'am.
`·7· · · ·Q· · ·These are the materials you
`·8· ·reviewed for your declaration, correct?
`·9· · · ·A· · ·That is correct.
`10· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Objection to form.
`11· · · ·A· · ·This list presents the material
`12· ·that I considered in preparation of this
`13· ·declaration, that is correct.
`14· · · ·Q· · ·How did you select those
`15· ·materials?
`16· · · ·A· · ·Well, some of them are pretty
`17· ·obvious.· '698, '907, '285 patents because
`18· ·they are involved in litigation.· Many of
`19· ·the other citations here I would have been
`20· ·familiar with from the previous --
`21· · · · · · ·MS. KRICKL:· We'll just note
`22· · · ·that construction workers just passed
`23· · · ·by, for the record.
`24· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Dr. Mayersohn is not
`25· · · ·waiving to the videographer.
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· · · ·A· · ·Many of the other citations here
`·3· ·I would have been familiar with from the
`·4· ·previous litigation.· If not all of them
`·5· ·actually.· So I would have been aware of
`·6· ·all of these.
`·7· · · · · · ·I can't think of an exception --
`·8· ·oh, the exception would be, for example,
`·9· ·on the third page, the use of the word --
`10· ·the definition of the word "target" which
`11· ·became specific for consideration in this
`12· ·litigation.· And counsel would have
`13· ·provided that information for me.· I would
`14· ·have provided, for example, 1026, which is
`15· ·one of my chapters.
`16· · · · · · ·Did that answer your question?
`17· · · ·Q· · ·Yes.
`18· · · · · · ·Did you review the petition for
`19· ·this IPR before signing your declaration?
`20· · · ·A· · ·The petition, that's the one you
`21· ·showed me?
`22· · · ·Q· · ·Yes.· I believe it is Exhibit
`23· ·2100.
`24· · · ·A· · ·Yes.
`25· · · · · · ·It probably would have been
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·impossible.· It's dated August 24th and my
`·3· ·declaration is the 23rd.
`·4· · · ·Q· · ·Did you review any drafts of the
`·5· ·petition before signing your declaration?
`·6· · · ·A· · ·I'm not aware that there were
`·7· ·drafts.· Not that I know of.
`·8· · · ·Q· · ·So you didn't make any edits to
`·9· ·the petition, correct?
`10· · · ·A· · ·Submitted by Pozen?
`11· · · · · · ·Are you talking about the Mylan?
`12· · · ·Q· · ·The petition submitted by Mylan.
`13· · · ·A· · ·Sorry, I misunderstood.
`14· · · ·Q· · ·That's okay.
`15· · · ·A· · ·I misunderstood your question.
`16· ·I thought you were talking about a
`17· ·submission by Pozen or Horizon, you are
`18· ·not.
`19· · · · · · ·You are talking about Mylan's?
`20· · · ·Q· · ·Yes.
`21· · · ·A· · ·I'm sorry.
`22· · · · · · ·No, I don't believe I did.
`23· · · ·Q· · ·Okay.
`24· · · · · · ·Did you read Horizon's and
`25· ·Pozen's preliminary response to Mylan's
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·petition in this IPR?
`·3· · · ·A· · ·I don't recall.· I don't believe
`·4· ·so.
`·5· · · ·Q· · ·Okay.
`·6· · · · · · ·Did you read the patent office's
`·7· ·institution decision in this matter?
`·8· · · ·A· · ·Which decision are you talking
`·9· ·about?
`10· · · ·Q· · ·Are you aware that the patent
`11· ·and trademark -- or the patent --
`12· · · · · · ·MS. KRICKL:· Excuse me.· I'll
`13· · · ·withdraw that.
`14· · · ·Q· · ·Are you aware that the Patent
`15· ·Trial and Appeal Board has instituted
`16· ·review of this IPR?
`17· · · ·A· · ·Yes, that's why we're here, I
`18· ·assume.
`19· · · ·Q· · ·Yes.
`20· · · · · · ·Have you reviewed that decision
`21· ·to institute by the PTAB?
`22· · · ·A· · ·I don't believe so, no.
`23· · · ·Q· · ·So Exhibit B is a complete and
`24· ·accurate list of everything you reviewed
`25· ·in connection with your declaration in
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·this IPR, right?
`·3· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Objection to form.
`·4· · · ·A· · ·I always have trouble answering
`·5· ·that question because I continue to read
`·6· ·things which help inform me about specific
`·7· ·issues, but there is nothing that I can
`·8· ·recall, not listed here, that would have
`·9· ·informed my opinions.
`10· · · ·Q· · ·And certainly, this Exhibit B
`11· ·includes all the documents you reviewed
`12· ·before signing your declaration, correct?
`13· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Objection.· Form.
`14· · · ·A· · ·Would I have read all of these
`15· ·before signing the declaration, is that
`16· ·the question, or considered them?
`17· · · ·Q· · ·The question is actually does --
`18· ·is attachment B a complete and accurate
`19· ·list of the documents you considered
`20· ·before signing the declaration?
`21· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Objection to form.
`22· · · ·A· · ·Yes.
`23· · · ·Q· · ·Okay.· Thank you.
`24· · · · · · ·To the best of your knowledge,
`25· ·is your declaration a true and correct
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·Mayersohn
`·2· ·summary of the opinions you intend to give
`·3· ·at any hearing before the PTAB?
`·4· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Objection to form.
`·5· · · ·A· · ·Yes.
`·6· · · ·Q· · ·Do you have any corrections to
`·7· ·make to your declaration?
`·8· · · ·A· · ·No.
`·9· · · ·Q· · ·Do you have any substantive
`10· ·changes to your declaration?
`11· · · ·A· · ·No.
`12· · · ·Q· · ·You make every effort to make
`13· ·sure each and every statement in your
`14· ·declaration is accurate, true, and
`15· ·correct?
`16· · · · · · ·MR. BEEL:· Objection to form.
`17· · · ·A· · ·All of those things, yes.
`18· · · ·Q· · ·Do you intend to submit a
`19· ·supplemental declaration?
`20· · · ·A· · ·I haven't been asked to.· If
`21· ·asked by counsel, I would consider doing
`22· ·so.
`23· · · ·Q· · ·You have submitted expert
`24· ·reports and declarations in other
`25· ·proceedings besides this one before,
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