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`ISSN 0016-5085
`© 2008 by the AGA Institute
`AGA Institute Council .......................................... ........................... ....... ........ . x
`AGA Institute Abstract Reviewers .................................................. ......... .. xi - xii
`Future Meeting Dates ..................................................................... ............. xiii
`AGA Institute and Digestive Disease Week Program ....................................... xiv
`Guide to AGA Institute and Digestive Disease Week Program Pages .... .... ... ..... xv
`CME Statements for Digestive Disease Week Sponsoring Societies ................ xvi
`AGA Institute and Digestive Disease Week 2008 Week-at-a-Glance ...... P-1 - P-22
`AGA Institute and Digestive Disease Week 2008 Program Pages ..... P-23 - P-332
`AGA Institute Abstracts ...................................................... ....... ..... . A-1 - A-749
`American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD)
`Abstracts ................................................... ............... .............. A-7 50 - A-843
`Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT) Abstracts ......... A-844 - A-914
`Participant Index .................................................................. ......... AA-1 - AA-64
`Subject Index .............................................................................. AA-65 - AA-80