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`itch-es*—broom X'wi-choz-.briim, -,brum\ n (1881) : an abnormal
`lfted growth of small branches on a tree or shrub caused esp. by fungi
`[or viruses
`fitches’ Sabbath n (ca. 1676) : a midnight assembly of witches, dev­
`ils, and sorcerers for the celebration of rites and orgies
`Vitch-grass \'wich-,gras\ n [prob. alter, of quitch (grass)] (1790) 1
`I- quack grass 2 [l witch]: a No. American grass (Panicum capillare)
`with slender brushy panicles that is often a weed on cultivated land
`witch ha-zel X'wich-.ha-zolX n [witch, a tree with pliant branches, fr.
`E wyche, fr. OE wice; prob. akin to OE wican to yield — more at
`. 3AK] (ca. 1542)
`1 : any of a genus (Hamamelis of the family
`Hamamelidaceae, the witch-hazel family) of shrubs or small trees with
`slender-petaled yellow flowers borne in late fall or early spring; esp
`[ : one (Hvirginiana) of eastern No. America that blooms in the fall 2
`s-: an alcoholic solution of a distillate of the bark of a witch hazel (H.
`‘virginiana) used as a soothing and mildly astringent lotion
`witch-hunt X'wich-.hontX n (1885) 1 : a searching out for persecution
`of persons accused of witchcraft 2 : the searching out and deliberate
`i harassment of those (as political opponents) with unpopular views —
`witch-hunt-er n — witch—hunting n or adj
`•witch-ing \'wi-chig\ n (bef. 12c): the practice of witchcraft: SORCERY
`^witching adj (14c): of, relating to, or suitable for sorcery or supernat­
`ural occurrences (the very ~ time of night —Shak.)
`witch of Agne-si X-an-'ya-zeX n [Maria Gaetana Agnesi "f 1799 Ital.
`Mathematician; witch, trans. of It versiera cubic curve (influenced by It
`tversiera female demon)] (1875) : a plane cubic curve that is symmetric
`sabout the y-axis and approaches the x-axis as an asymptote that is
`'‘constructed by drawing lines from the origin intersecting an upright
`circle tangent to the x-axis at the origin and taking the locus of points
`of intersection of pairs of lines parallel to the x-axis and y-axis each pair
`of which consists of a line parallel to the x-axis through the point where
`a line through the origin intersects the circle and a line parallel to the
`1 y-axis through the point where the same line through the origin inter-
`’• sects the line parallel to the x-axis through the point of intersection of
`the circle and the y-axis and that has the equation x2y = 4aK2a — y)
`**— called also witch
`witch-weed \'wich-,wed\ n (1904) : any of a genus (Striga) of yellows
`y flowered Old World plants of the snapdragon family that are damaging
`root parasites of grasses (as sorghum and maize) and that include one
`(S luted)^which is an introduced pest in parts of the southeastern U.S.
`‘wite \'wlt\ vt wit-ed; wit-ing [ME, fr. OE witan; akin to OHG wizan
`to blame, OE witan to know] (bef. 12c) chiefly Scot: BLAME
`2wite n (l3c) chiefly Scot: blame, responsibility
`wi-te-na-ge-mot or wi-te-na-ge-mote Vwi-^n-o-go-.mot, -vo-.motX n
`[OE witena gemot, fr. witena (gen. pi. of wita sage, adviser) + gemot
`gemot] (bef. 12c) : an Anglo-Saxon council made up of a varying num­
`ber of nobles, prelates, and influential officials and convened from time
`to time to advise the king on administrative and judicial matters
`with With, 'with, woth, wothX prep [ME, against, from, with, fr. OE;
`akin to OE wither against, OHG widar against, back, Skt vi apart] (bef.
`12c) 1 a : in opposition to : against (had a fight ~ his brother) b
`: so as to be separated or detached from (broke ~ her family) 2 a —
`used as a function word to indicate a participant in an action, transac­
`tion, or arrangement (works ~ his father) (a talk ~ a friend) (got into
`an accident ~ the car) b — used as a function word to indicate the
`object of attention, behavior, or feeling (get tough ~ him) (angry ~
`her) c : in respect to : so far as concerns (on friendly terms ~ all
`nations) d — used to indicate the object of an adverbial expression of
`imperative force (off ~ his head) e : over, on (no longer has any
`influence ~ them) f : in the performance, operation, or use of (the
`trouble ~ this machine) 3 a — used as a function word to indicate
`the object of a statement of comparison or equality (a dress identical ~
`her hostess’s) b — used as a function word to express agreement or
`sympathy (must conclude, ~ you, that the painting is a forgery) c
`: on the side of : FOR (if he’s for lower taxes, I’m ~ him) d : as well
`as (can pitch ~ the best of them) 4 a — used as a function word to
`indicate combination, accompaniment, presence, or addition (heat milk
`~ honey) (went there ~ her) (his money, ~ his wife’s, comes to a
`million) b : inclusive of (costs $5 ~ the tax) 5 a : in the judgment
`or estimation of (stood well ~ her classmates) b : in or according to
`the experience or practice of (~ many of us, our ideas seem to fall by
`the wayside —W. J. Reilly) 6 a — used as a function word to indi­
`cate the means, cause, agent, or instrumentality (hit him ~ a rock)
`(pale — anger) (threatened ~ tuberculosis) (he amused the crowd ~
`his antics) b archaic : by the direct act of 7 a — used as a function
`word to indicate manner of action (ran ~ effort) (acknowledge your
`contribution ~ thanks) b — used as a function word to indicate an
`attendant fact or circumstance (stood there ~ his hat on) c — used as
`a function word to indicate a result attendant on a specified action (got
`off ~ a light sentence) 8 a (1): in possession of : having (came ~
`good news) (2) : in the possession or care of (left the money ~ her
`mother) b : characterized or distinguished by (a person ~ a sharp
`nose) 9 a — used as a function word to indicate a close association
`in time (~ the outbreak of war they went home) (mellows ~ time) b
`: in proportion to (the pressure varies ~ the depth) 10 a : in spite of
`: notwithstanding (a really tip-top man, ~ all his wrongheadedness
`—H. J. Laski) b : except for (finds that, ~ one group of omissions
`and one important addition, they reflect that curriculum —Gilbert
`Highet) 11: in the direction of (~ the wind) (~ the grain)
`'with-al Xwi-'thol, -'thdlX adv [ME, fr. with 4- all, al all] (13c) 1 : to­
`gether with this : BESIDES (a supporter of all constructive work and ~
`an excellent businessman —A. W. Long) 2 archaic : therewith 1 3
`: on the other hand : nevertheless
`2withal prep (14c) archaic : with — used postpositively with a relative
`or interrogative pronoun as object
`With-draw Xwith-'dro, with-\ vb -drew \-'drii\; -drawn \-'drdn\;
`-draw-ing \-'dr6(-)ii)\ [ME, fr. with from + drawen to draw] vt (13c)
`1 a : to take back or away : remove (pressure upon educational ad­
`ministrators to ~ academic credit —J. W. Scott) b : to remove from
`use or cultivation c : to remove (money) from a place of deposit d
`: to turn away (as the eyes) from an object of attention (withdrew her
`gaze) e : to draw (as a curtain) back or aside 2 a : to remove from
`consideration or set outside a group (withdrew his name from the list of
`nominees) (withdrew their child from the school) b (1) : TAKE back,
`retract (2) : to recall or remove (a motion) under parliamentary
`procedure ^ vi 1 a : to move back or away : retire b : to draw
`back from a battlefield : retreat 2 a : to remove oneself from par­
`ticipation b : to become socially or emotionally detached (had with­
`drawn farther and farther into herself —Ethel Wilson) 3 : to recall a
`motion under parliamentary procedure — with-draw-able X-'dro-o-
`bal\ adj
`with-draw-al \-'dr6(-a)l\ n (1749)
`1 a : the act of taking back or
`away something that has been granted or possessed b : removal from
`a place of deposit or investment c (1): the discontinuance of admin­
`istration or use of a drug (2) : the syndrome of often painful physical
`and psychological symptoms that follows discontinuance of an addict­
`ing drug (a heroin addict going through ~> 2 a : retreat or retire­
`ment esp. into a more secluded or less exposed place or position b
`: an operation by which a military force disengages from the enemy c
`(1) : social or emotional detachment (2): a pathological retreat from
`objective reality (as in some schizophrenic states) 3 : retraction,
`revocation (threatened us with ~ of consent) 4 a : the act of draw­
`ing someone or something back from or out of a place or position b
`withdrawing room n (1591) : a room to retire to (as from a dining
`room); esp: drawing room
`with-drawn Xwith-'drdn, with-\ adj (1615) 1: removed from immedi­
`ate contact or easy approach : isolated 2 : socially detached and
`unresponsive : exhibiting withdrawal : introverted — with-drawn-
`ness X-'dron-nosX n
`withe X'with, 'with, 'withX n [ME, fr. OE withthe; akin to OE withig
`withy] (bef. 12c): a slender flexible branch or twig; esp : one used as a
`band or line
`^ith-er X'wi-tharX vb with-ered; with-er-ing X'with-riq, 'wi-tho-X
`[ME widren; prob. akin to ME weder weather] vi (14c) 1 : to become
`dry and sapless; esp : to shrivel from or as if from loss of bodily mois­
`ture 2 : to lose vitality, force, or freshness ~ vt 1 : to cause to
`wither 2 : to make speechless or incapable of action : stun (~ed him
`with a look —Dorothy Sayers)
`2wither n (1607) chiefly Brit: withers
`withering adj (1579) : acting or serving to cut down or destroy : dev­
`astating (a ~ fire from the enemy) — with-er-ing-ly X'with-rig-le,
`'wi-ths-X adv
`with-er-ite X'wi-tho-.rTtX n [G Witherit, irreg. fr. William Withering
`11799 Eng. physician] (1794) : a mineral consisting of a carbonate of
`barium in the form of white or gray twin crystals or columnar or gran­
`ular masses
`withe rod n (1846): a No. American viburnum (Viburnum cassinoides)
`with tough slender shoots
`with-ers X'wi-thsrzX n pi [prob. fr. obs. E wither- against, fr. ME, fr.
`OE, fr. wither against; fr. the withers being the parts which resist the
`pull in drawing a load — more at with] (1580) 1 : the ridge between
`the shoulder bones of a horse — see horse illustration 2 : a part cor­
`responding to the withers in a quadruped other than a horse
`with-er-shins X'wi-thor-shanzX var of widdershins
`with-hold \with-'h5ld, with-\ vb -held X-'heldX; -hold-ing [ME, fr.
`with from + holden to hold — more at with] vt (13c) 1: to hold back
`from action : CHECK 2 archaic : to keep in custody 3 : to refrain
`from granting, giving, or allowing (~ permission) 4 : to deduct
`(withholding tax) from income vi : forbear, refrain syn see
`keep — with-hold-er n
`withholding tax n (1940) : a deduction (as from wages, fees, or divi­
`dends) levied at a source of income as advance payment on income tax
`^ith-in Xwi-'thin, -'thinX adv [ME withinne, fr. OE withinnan, fr. with
`+ innan inwardly, within, fr. in] (bef. 12c) 1 : in or into the interior
`: inside 2 : in one’s inner thought, disposition, or character : in­
`wardly (search ~ for a creative impulse —Kingman Brewster, Jr.)
`2within prep (12c) 1 — used as a function word to indicate enclosure
`or containment 2 — used as a function word to indicate situation or
`circumstance in the limits or compass of: as a : before the end of
`(gone ~ a week) b (1) : not bevond the quantity, degree, or limita­
`tions of (live ~ your income) (2) : in or into the scope or sphere of
`(~ the jurisdiction of the state) (3): in or into the range of (~ reach)
`(~ sight) (4) — used as a function word to indicate a specified differ­
`ence or margin (came ~ two points of a perfect mark) (~ a mile of the
`town) 3 : to the inside of : INTO
`3within n (15c): an inner place or area (revolt from
`4within adj (1748): being inside : ENCLOSED (the ~ indictment)
`with-in-doors Xwi-.thin-'dorz, -,thin-, -'dorzX adv (1581): indoors
`with-it X'wi-thst, -thstX adj (1959) : socially or culturally up-to-date
`(the intelligent, disaffected, ~ young —Eliot Fremont-Smith)
`^ith-out Xwi-'thaut, -'thautX prep [ME withoute, fr. OE withutan, fr.
`with + utan outside, fr. ut out — more at out] (bef. 12c) 1 : outside
`2 — used as a function word to indicate the absence or lack of some­
`thing or someone (fight ~ fear) (left ~ him) (looks ~ seeing)
`2without adv (bef. 12c) 1 : on the outside : externally 2 : with
`something lacking or absent (has learned to do ~>
`3without conj (14c) chiefly dial: UNLESS (you don’t know about me ~
`you have read a book —Mark Twain)
`♦without n (15c): an outer place or area (came from
`with-out-doors \wi-,thaut-'dorz, -,thaut-\ adv (1617): outdoors
`with-stand Xwith-'stand, with-\ vt -stood X-'studX; -stand-ing [ME,
`fr. OE withstandan, fr. with against -1- standan to stand] (bef. 12c) 1
`a : to stand up against: oppose with firm determination; esp : t9 resist
`successfully b : to be proof against: resist the effect of (~ the impact
`of a landing —Current Biog.) 2 archaic : to stop or obstruct the
`course of syn see oppose
`1 withy X'wi-theX n, pi with-ies [ME, fr. OE withig; akin to OHG wida
`willow, L vitis vine, viere to plait — more at wire] (bef. 12c) 1 : WIL­
`LOW; esp : OSIER 1 2 : a flexible slender twig or branch (as of osier)
`\a\ abut \*\ kitten, F table \ar\ further \a\ ash \a\ ace \a\ mop, mar
`\au\ out \ch\ chin \e\ bet \e\ easy \g\ go \i\ hit \i\ ice \j\ job
`\q\ sing \5\ go XoX law \oi\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \ii\ loot \u\ foot
`\y\ yet \zh\ vision \a, k, ", oe, oe, ue, uE, y\ see Guide to Pronunciation
`I (ca. 1693)
`lacking in
`r straw) 2
`smoke) c
`a smile) 3
`of <a ciga-
`her eyes |r-
`ANT1AL ft
`m to know]
`five the
`1) : mental
`pability and
`on or judg-
`ite things so
`rsiflage (2)
`‘Fv 4 a : a
`y perceptive
`— at one’s
`of solving a
`l a mode of
`he power to
`genuity and
`jmor implies
`le absurd in
`, (a sense of
`hich the in-
`pressed <the
`y in the form
`ess sarcasm>.
`;t, doctrines,
`rough irony,
`E implies the
`dinner guest
`* OHG wizzo
`i wicce, fern.,
`m, and perh.
`at is credited
`in practicing
`iar: sorcer-
`3 : a charm-
`dj — witchy
`l archaic: to
`3f sorcery or
`liliar 2 : an
`.u. in a primi-
`a : the prac-
`an irresistible
`witches’ brew
`- *
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