` Dictionary
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`amoeba «an
`watery fluid in which the embryo orfetus
`is immersed
`amoe-ba also ame-ba \o-'mé-be\ 7, pl
`~bas or -bae \-(,)bé\ : any of various tiny
`one-celled protozoans that Jack perma-
`nent celi organs and occur esp. in water
`and soil — amoe-bic \-bik\ adj
`amoeboid also ame-boid \-,boid\ ad
`! resembling an amoeba esp. in moving or
`readily changing shape
`amok \o-"mak, -'mdk\ or amuck \-'mok\
`adv : in a violent, frenzied, or wncon-
`trolled manner ¢run ~>
`\s-'may\ also amongst \-'monst\
`1: in or through the midst of 2+in
`the number, class, or company of 3: in
`shares to each of 4: by common action
`amonetildado \o-ymdn-te-"l4-d6\ n, pl
`-dos [Sp] : a medium dry sherry
`amor-al \d-'mor-al\ adj 1 + neither moral
`nor immoral; esp : being outside the
`sphere to which moral judgments apply
`2: lacking moral sensibility — amor-al-
`ly adv
`amorous \'a-me-ras\ adj 1: inclined to
`love 2: being in love 3: of or indicative
`of Jove — am-orrous-ly ady — am-o-
`rousness 7
`amorphous\a-'mor-fes\ adj 1: SHAPE-
`LESS, FORMLESS 2 ! not crystallized
`-tized: -tlz-ing : to extinguish {as a mort-
`gage) usu. by payment on the principal at
`the time of each periodic interest pay-
`ment — amor-ti-za-tion \,a-mar-to-'Za-
`shon, a-ymnor-\ #4
`Amos \'4-mos\ — see BIBLE table
`Jamount \o-"maunt\ vb 7: to be eauiva-
`lent 2: to reach a total : add up
`2amount 72 1: the total number or quan-
`tity 2:a principal sum phus the interest
`on it
`amour \e"mir, 4-, a-\ 7 1: 4 love affair
`esp. when illicit 2 : LOVER
`amour pro-pre \a-;mur-"propr’,
`“prépr*\ 7 [F] 1 SELF-ESTEEM
`Tamp \amp\ 1 1; AMPERE 2 : AMPLIFI-
`ER; also | a unit consisting of an electron-
`ic amplifier and a loudspeaker
`2amp vb ! EXCITE, ENERGIZE <tried to ~
`up the crowd>
`am-per-age Vam-p(e-)rij\ 77 : the streagth
`of a current of electricity expressed in
`am-pere \am-pir\ 7 : a unit of electric
`current equivalent
`to a steady current
`produced by one volt applied across a re-
`sistance of one ohm
`am-per-sand \'am-per-sand\ 7 [alter. of
`andper se and, spoken form of the phrase
`& per se and, lit., (the character) & by it-
`self (stands for the word} and] : a charac-
`ter & used for the word and
`am-phet-amine \am-'fe-te-mén, -men\ 7
`: a compound or one of its derivatives
`that stimulates the central nervous sys-
`tem and is used esp. to treat hyperactive
`children and to suppress appetite
`am-phibsi-an \am-'fi-bé-on\
`7» 1: an
`amphibious organism; esp : any of a
`class of vertebrate animals {as frogs and
`salamanders) intermediate between fish-
`es and reptiles 2: an airplane that can
`land on and take off from elther land or
`am-phib-}-ous \am-'fi-bé-as\ adj [Gk am-
`phibios, lit., living a double life, fr, am-
`phi- + bios modeoflife] 1: able to live
`both on land and in water 2+ adapted for
`both land and water 3: made by joint
`action of land, sea, and air forces invad-
`ing from the sea; aiso : trained for such
`am-phi-bole \'am-fe-,bdl\ # © any of a
`group of rock-forming minerals of simi-
`Jar crystal structure
`am-phi-the-ater \fam-fo-thé-o-ter\ 77
`» an oval or circular structure with rising
`tiers of seats around an arena 2: a very
`large auditorium
`am-pho-ra \'am-fe-re\ n, pi -rae \-1E\ oF
`-faS 7 an ancient Greek jar or vase with
`two handles that rise almost to the level
`of the mouth
`am-ple \'am-pol\ adj am-pler \-pier\; am~
`plest \-plest\ 1: LARGE, CAPACTOUS 2
`: enough to satisfy : ABUNDANT — am
`ply \-pleé\ adv
`am-pli-fy \'am-pla-,f1, vb -fied; -fy-ing 7
`‘ to expand by extended treatment 2: fo
`yucrease in magnitude or strength; esp
`to make louder — anvpli-fi-ca-tion
`1» — am-pli-fi-er
`Vam-plo-fi(-ayr\ n
`7 : ample
`am-pii-tude \-,tiid, -,tyiid\ 7
`extent 1 FULLNESS 2! the extent of a vi-
`bratory movement(as of apendulum) 3
`: the height or depth of an oscillation (as
`of an alternating current or a radio wave)
`compared to its average value
`amplitude modulation n : modulation of
`the amplitude of a radio carrier wave in
`accordance with the strength of the sig-
`nal; also : a broadcasting system using
`such modulation
`am-poule or am-pule aise am-pul \'arn-
`:yul, -piif\ m : a small sealed bulbous
`glass vessel used to hold a solution for
`hypodermic injection
`am-purtate \'arm-pys-tat\ vo -tat-ed; -tat-
`ing : to cut off <~ a leg> — am-pu-ta
`tion \,am-pys-"ta-shan\ 7
`am-pu-tee \,am-pye-'té\ 7 : one who has
`had a limb amputated
`ANMSLANabbr American Sign Language
`amt ahbr amount
`amuckver af AMOK
`\lam-ye-let\ 7 i an omament
`worn as a charm againstevil
`amuse \o-"myiiz\ vb amused; amusing
`‘to entertain in a light or playful manner
`! DIVERT — amuse-ment x — amusing
`aaj —— amus-ing:ly adv
`amusement park 7 : a commercially op-
`erated park having various devices (asa
`roller coaster)
`for entertainment and
`booths for selling refreshments
`ANM-VETS\'am-,vets\ abbr American Vet-
`erans (of World War ID}
`am-y:lase \'a-m-4s, [az\ 1: any of sev-
`eyal enzymes that accelerate the break-
`down of starch and glycogen
`an \on, (an\ indefinite article 1 A — used