`International Bureau International Bureau
`WO 98/05357 WO 98/05357
`(11) International Publication Number: (cid:9)(11) International Publication Number: (cid:9)
`(51) International Patent Classification 6 : (51) International Patent Classification 6 :
`A61K 39/395, 31/505 // (A61K 39/395, A61K 39/395, 31/505 // (A61K 39/395,
`31:505) 31:505)
`Al Al
`(43) International Publication Date: (cid:9)(43) International Publication Date: (cid:9)
`12 February 1998 (12.02.98) 12 February 1998 (12.02.98)
`(21) International Application Number: (cid:9)(21) International Application Number: (cid:9)
`PCTIGB97/02058 PCTIGB97/02058
`(22) International Filing Date: (cid:9)(22) International Filing Date: (cid:9)
`1 August 1997 (01.08.97) 1 August 1997 (01.08.97)
`(30) Priority Data: (30) Priority Data:
`08/690,775 (cid:9)08/690,775 (cid:9)
`I August 1996 (01.08.96) (cid:9)I August 1996 (01.08.96) (cid:9)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): THE (71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): THE
`[GB/GB]; 1 Aspenlea Road, Hammersmith, London W6 [GB/GB]; 1 Aspenlea Road, Hammersmith, London W6
`81.H (GB). 81.H (GB).
`(72) Inventors; and (72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): FELDMANN, Marc (75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): FELDMANN, Marc
`[AU/GB]; 2 Church Street, Highgate, London N6 4QT [AU/GB]; 2 Church Street, Highgate, London N6 4QT
`(GB). MAINI, Ravinder, Nath [GB/GB]; 151 Castelnau, (GB). MAINI, Ravinder, Nath [GB/GB]; 151 Castelnau,
`Barnes, London SW I3 9EW (GB). Barnes, London SW I3 9EW (GB).
`(74) Agents: HARVEY, David, Gareth et al.; Graham Watt & Co., (74) Agents: HARVEY, David, Gareth et al.; Graham Watt & Co.,
`Riverhead, Sevenoaks, Kent TN I3 2BN (GB). Riverhead, Sevenoaks, Kent TN I3 2BN (GB).
`(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, (81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR,
`BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, F1, GB, GE, BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, F1, GB, GE,
`GH, HU, IL, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, I.C, LK, LR, GH, HU, IL, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, I.C, LK, LR,
`LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ,
`PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, Ti, TM, TR, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, Ti, TM, TR,
`TT, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZW, ARIPO patent (GH, TT, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZW, ARIPO patent (GH,
`KE, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, KE, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ,
`BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent (AT, BE, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent (AT, BE,
`CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, 1E, IT, LU, MC, NL, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, 1E, IT, LU, MC, NL,
`PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN,
`ML, MR NE, SN, TD, TG). ML, MR NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Published Published
`With international search report. With international search report.
`Before the expiration of the time limit for amending the Before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of the receipt of claims and to be republished in the event of the receipt of
`amendments. amendments.
`(57) Abstract (57) Abstract
`Methods for treating and/or preventing a TNF-mediated disease in an individual are disclosed. Also disclosed is a composition Methods for treating and/or preventing a TNF-mediated disease in an individual are disclosed. Also disclosed is a composition
`comprising methotrexate and an anti-tumor necrosis factor antibody. TNE-mediated diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, comprising methotrexate and an anti-tumor necrosis factor antibody. TNE-mediated diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease,
`and acute and chronic immune diseases associated with transplantation. and acute and chronic immune diseases associated with transplantation.
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`WO 98/05357 (cid:9)WO 98/05357 (cid:9)
`PCT/GB97/02058 PCT/GB97/02058
`Descriution Descriution
`gackarcund of the Invention gackarcund of the Invention
`Monocytes and macrophages secrete cytokines known as Monocytes and macrophages secrete cytokines known as
`tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) and tumor necrosis tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) and tumor necrosis
`factor beta (TNFg) in response to endotoxin or other factor beta (TNFg) in response to endotoxin or other
`stimuli. TNFa is a soluble homotrimer of 17 kD protein stimuli. TNFa is a soluble homotrimer of 17 kD protein
`subunits (Smith et al., J. Biol. Chem. 262:6951- 6954 subunits (Smith et al., J. Biol. Chem. 262:6951- 6954
`(1987)). A membrane-bound 26 kD precursor form of TNF also (1987)). A membrane-bound 26 kD precursor form of TNF also
`exists (Kriegler et al., Cell 53:45-53 (1988)). For exists (Kriegler et al., Cell 53:45-53 (1988)). For
`reviews of TNF, see Beutler et al., Nature 320:584 (1986); reviews of TNF, see Beutler et al., Nature 320:584 (1986);
`Old, Science 230:630 (1986); and Le et a/., Lab. Invest. Old, Science 230:630 (1986); and Le et a/., Lab. Invest.
`56:234 (1987). 56:234 (1987).
`Cells other than monocytes or macrophages also produce Cells other than monocytes or macrophages also produce
`TNFc. For example, human non-monocytic tumor cell lines TNFc. For example, human non-monocytic tumor cell lines
`produce tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (Rubin et al., J. Exp. produce tumor necrosis factor (TNF) (Rubin et al., J. Exp.
`Med. 164:1350 (1986); Spriggs et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Med. 164:1350 (1986); Spriggs et al., Proc. Natl. Acad.
`Sci. USA 84:6563 (1987)). CD4+ and CD8+ peripheral blood T Sci. USA 84:6563 (1987)). CD4+ and CD8+ peripheral blood T
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`WO 98/05357 (cid:9)WO 98/05357 (cid:9)
`PCT/GB97102058 PCT/GB97102058
`-2- -2-
`5 (cid:9)5 (cid:9)
`lymphocytes and some cultured T and B cell lines (Cuturi et lymphocytes and some cultured T and B cell lines (Cuturi et
`al., J. Exp. Med. 165:1581 (1987); Sung et al., J. Exp. al., J. Exp. Med. 165:1581 (1987); Sung et al., J. Exp.
`Med. 268:1539 (1988); Turner et al., Eur. J. Immunol. Med. 268:1539 (1988); Turner et al., Eur. J. Immunol.
`17:1807-1814 (1987)) also produce TNFa. 17:1807-1814 (1987)) also produce TNFa.
`TNF causes pro-inflammatory actions which result in TNF causes pro-inflammatory actions which result in
`tissue injury, such as degradation of cartilage and bone, tissue injury, such as degradation of cartilage and bone,
`induction of adhesion molecules, inducing procoagulant induction of adhesion molecules, inducing procoagulant
`activity on vascular endothelial cells (Pober et al., J. activity on vascular endothelial cells (Pober et al., J.
`Immunol. /36:1680 (1986)), increasing the adherence of Immunol. /36:1680 (1986)), increasing the adherence of
`10 neutrophils and lymphocytes (Pober et al., J. Immunol. 10 neutrophils and lymphocytes (Pober et al., J. Immunol.
`138:3319 (1987)), and stimulating the release of platelet 138:3319 (1987)), and stimulating the release of platelet
`activating factor from macrophages, neutrophils and activating factor from macrophages, neutrophils and
`vascular endothelial cells (Camussi et al., J. Exp. Med. vascular endothelial cells (Camussi et al., J. Exp. Med.
`166:1390 (1987)). 166:1390 (1987)).
`Recent evidence associates TNF with infections (Cerami Recent evidence associates TNF with infections (Cerami
`et al., Immunol. Today 9:28 (1988)), immune disorders, et al., Immunol. Today 9:28 (1988)), immune disorders,
`neoplastic pathologies (Oliff et al., Cell 50:555 (1987)), neoplastic pathologies (Oliff et al., Cell 50:555 (1987)),
`autcimmune pathologies and graft-versus-host pathologies autcimmune pathologies and graft-versus-host pathologies
`(Piguet et al., J. Exp. Med. 166:1280 (1987)). The (Piguet et al., J. Exp. Med. 166:1280 (1987)). The
`20 association of TNF with cancer and infectious pathologies 20 association of TNF with cancer and infectious pathologies
`is often related to the host's catabolic state. Cancer is often related to the host's catabolic state. Cancer
`patients suffer from weight loss, usually associated with patients suffer from weight loss, usually associated with
`anorexia. anorexia.
`The extensive wasting which is associated with cancer, The extensive wasting which is associated with cancer,
`25 and other diseases, is known as "cachexia" (Kern et al., J. 25 and other diseases, is known as "cachexia" (Kern et al., J.
`Parent. Enter. Nutr. 12:286-298 (1988)). Cachexia includes Parent. Enter. Nutr. 12:286-298 (1988)). Cachexia includes
`progressive weight loss, anorexia, and persistent erosion progressive weight loss, anorexia, and persistent erosion
`of body mass in response to a malignant growth. The of body mass in response to a malignant growth. The
`fundamental physiological derangement can relate to a fundamental physiological derangement can relate to a
`30 decline in food intake relative to energy expenditure. The 30 decline in food intake relative to energy expenditure. The
`cachectic state causes most cancer morbidity and mortality. cachectic state causes most cancer morbidity and mortality.
`TNF can mediate cachexia in cancer, infectious pathology, TNF can mediate cachexia in cancer, infectious pathology,
`and other catabolic states. and other catabolic states.
`TNF also plays a central role in gram-negative sepsis TNF also plays a central role in gram-negative sepsis
`35 and endotoxic shock (Michie et al., Br. J. Surg. 76:670-671 35 and endotoxic shock (Michie et al., Br. J. Surg. 76:670-671
`15 (cid:9)15 (cid:9)
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`WO 98/05357 (cid:9)WO 98/05357 (cid:9)
`PCT/GB97/02058 PCT/GB97/02058
`-3- -3-
`(1989); Debets et al., Second Vienna Shock Forum, p.463-466 (1989); Debets et al., Second Vienna Shock Forum, p.463-466
`(1989); Simpson et al., Crit. Care Clin. 5:27-47 (1989)), (1989); Simpson et al., Crit. Care Clin. 5:27-47 (1989)),
`including fever, malaise, anorexia, and cachexia. including fever, malaise, anorexia, and cachexia.
`Endotoxin strongly activates monocyte/macrophage production Endotoxin strongly activates monocyte/macrophage production
`and secretion of TNF and other cytokines (Kornbluth et al., and secretion of TNF and other cytokines (Kornbluth et al.,
`J. Immunol. 137:2585-2591 (1986)). TNF and other J. Immunol. 137:2585-2591 (1986)). TNF and other
`monocyte-derived cytokines mediate the metabolic and monocyte-derived cytokines mediate the metabolic and
`neurohormonal responses to endotoxin (Michie et al., New neurohormonal responses to endotoxin (Michie et al., New
`Engl. J. Med. 318:1481-1486 (1988)). Endotoxin Engl. J. Med. 318:1481-1486 (1988)). Endotoxin
`10 administration to human volunteers produces acute illness 10 administration to human volunteers produces acute illness
`20 (cid:9)20 (cid:9)
`with flu-like symptoms including fever, tachycardia, with flu-like symptoms including fever, tachycardia,
`increased metabolic rate and stress hormone release increased metabolic rate and stress hormone release
`(Revhaug et al., Arch. Surg. 123:162-170 (1988)). (Revhaug et al., Arch. Surg. 123:162-170 (1988)).
`Circulating TNF increases in patients suffering from Circulating TNF increases in patients suffering from
`15 Gram-negative sepsis (Waage et al., Lancet 1:355-357 15 Gram-negative sepsis (Waage et al., Lancet 1:355-357
`(1987); Hammerle et al., Second Vienna Shock Forum (1987); Hammerle et al., Second Vienna Shock Forum
`p. 715-718 (1989); Debets et al., Crit. Care Med. p. 715-718 (1989); Debets et al., Crit. Care Med.
`/7:489-497 (1989); Calandra et al., J. Infect. Dis. /7:489-497 (1989); Calandra et al., J. Infect. Dis.
`161:982-987 (1990)). 161:982-987 (1990)).
`Thus, TNFa has been implicated in inflammatory Thus, TNFa has been implicated in inflammatory
`diseases, autoimmune diseases, viral, bacterial and diseases, autoimmune diseases, viral, bacterial and
`parasitic infections, malignancies, and/or neurogenerative parasitic infections, malignancies, and/or neurogenerative
`diseases and is a useful target for specific biological diseases and is a useful target for specific biological
`therapy in diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and therapy in diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and
`25 Crohn's disease. Beneficial effects in open-label trials 25 Crohn's disease. Beneficial effects in open-label trials
`with a chimeric monoclonal antibody to TNFa (cA2) have been with a chimeric monoclonal antibody to TNFa (cA2) have been
`reported with suppression of inflammation (Elliott et al., reported with suppression of inflammation (Elliott et al.,
`Arthritis Rheum. 36:1681-1690 (1993); Elliott et al., Arthritis Rheum. 36:1681-1690 (1993); Elliott et al.,
`Lancet 344:1125-1127 (1994)). See also, Van Dullemen et Lancet 344:1125-1127 (1994)). See also, Van Dullemen et
`30 al., Gastroenterology 109:129-135 (1995). Beneficial 30 al., Gastroenterology 109:129-135 (1995). Beneficial
`results in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled results in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
`trial with cA2 have also been reported with suppression of trial with cA2 have also been reported with suppression of
`inflammation (Elliott et al., Lancet 344:1105-1110 (1994)). inflammation (Elliott et al., Lancet 344:1105-1110 (1994)).
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`WO 98/05357 (cid:9)WO 98/05357 (cid:9)
`PCT/GB97/02058 PCT/GB97/02058
`-4- -4-
`Summary of the Invention Summary of the Invention
`The present invention is based on the discovery that The present invention is based on the discovery that
`treatment of patients suffering from a TNF-mediated disease treatment of patients suffering from a TNF-mediated disease
`with a tumor necrosis factor antagonist, such as an anti- with a tumor necrosis factor antagonist, such as an anti-
`5 tumor necrosis factor antibody, as adjunctive and/or 5 tumor necrosis factor antibody, as adjunctive and/or
`concomitant therapy to methotrexate therapy produces a concomitant therapy to methotrexate therapy produces a
`rapid and sustained reduction in the clinical signs and rapid and sustained reduction in the clinical signs and
`symptoms of the disease. The present invention is also symptoms of the disease. The present invention is also
`based on the unexpected and dramatic discovery that a based on the unexpected and dramatic discovery that a
`10 multiple dose regimen of a tumor necrosis factor 10 multiple dose regimen of a tumor necrosis factor
`antaaonist, such as an anti-tumor necrosis factor antibody, antaaonist, such as an anti-tumor necrosis factor antibody,
`when administered adjunctively with methotrexate to an when administered adjunctively with methotrexate to an
`individual suffering from a TNF-mediated disease produces a individual suffering from a TNF-mediated disease produces a
`highly beneficial or synergistic clinical response for a highly beneficial or synergistic clinical response for a
`15 significantly longer duration compared to that obtained 15 significantly longer duration compared to that obtained
`with a single or multiple dose regimen of the antagonist with a single or multiple dose regimen of the antagonist
`administered alone or that obtained with methotrexate administered alone or that obtained with methotrexate
`administered alone. As a result of Applicants' invention, administered alone. As a result of Applicants' invention,
`a method is provided herein for treating and/or preventing a method is provided herein for treating and/or preventing
`20 a TNF-mediated disease in an individual comprising co-20 a TNF-mediated disease in an individual comprising co-
`administering an anti-TNF antibody or a fragment thereof administering an anti-TNF antibody or a fragment thereof
`and methotrexate to the individual in therapeutically and methotrexate to the individual in therapeutically
`effective amounts. In a particular embodiment, effective amounts. In a particular embodiment,
`methotrexate is administered in the form of a series cf low methotrexate is administered in the form of a series cf low
`25 doses separated by intervals of days or weeks. 25 doses separated by intervals of days or weeks.
`A method is also provided herein for treating and/or A method is also provided herein for treating and/or
`preventing recurrence of a TNF-mediated disease in an preventing recurrence of a TNF-mediated disease in an
`individual comprising co-administering an anti-TNF antibody individual comprising co-administering an anti-TNF antibody
`or a fragment thereof and methotrexate to the individual in or a fragment thereof and methotrexate to the individual in
`30 therapeutically effective amounts. TNF-mediated diseases 30 therapeutically effective amounts. TNF-mediated diseases
`include rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, and acute include rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, and acute
`and chronic immune diseases associated with an ailogenic and chronic immune diseases associated with an ailogenic
`transplantation (e.g., renal, cardiac, bone marrow, liver, transplantation (e.g., renal, cardiac, bone marrow, liver,
`pancreatic, small intestine, skin or lung transplantation). pancreatic, small intestine, skin or lung transplantation).
`Ex. 1009 - Page 6


`WO 98/05357 (cid:9)
`WO 98/05357 (cid:9)
`Therefore, in one embodiment, the invention relates to
`Therefore, in one embodiment, the invention relates to
`a method of treating and/or preventing rheumatoid arthritis a method of treating and/or preventing rheumatoid arthritis
`in an individual comprising co-administering an anti-TNF
`in an individual comprising co-administering an anti-TNF
`antibody or a fragment thereof and methotrexate to the
`antibody or a fragment thereof and methotrexate to the
`individual in therapeutically effective amounts. In a individual in therapeutically effective amounts. In a
`second embodiment, the invention relates to a method of
`second embodiment, the invention relates to a method of
`treating and/or preventing Crohn's disease in an individual
`treating and/or preventing Crohn's disease in an individual
`comprising co-administering an anti-TNF antibody or a
`comprising co-administering an anti-TNF antibody or a
`fragment thereof and methotrexate to the individual in
`fragment thereof and methotrexate to the individual in
`10 therapeutically effective amounts. In a third embodiment,
`10 therapeutically effective amounts. In a third embodiment,
`the invention relates to a method of treating and/or
`the invention relates to a method of treating and/or
`preventing other autoimmune diseases and/or acute or preventing other autoimmune diseases and/or acute or
`chronic immune disease associated with a transplantation in
`chronic immune disease associated with a transplantation in
`an individual, comprising co-administering an anti-TNF
`an individual, comprising co-administering an anti-TNF
`15 antibody or a fragment thereof and methotrexate to the
`15 antibody or a fragment thereof and methotrexate to the
`individual in therapeutically effective amounts.
`individual in therapeutically effective amounts.
`A further embodiment of the invention relates to
`A further embodiment of the invention relates to
`comnositions comprising an anti-TNF antibody or a fragment
`compositions comprising an anti-TNF antibody or a fragment
`thereof and methotrexate.
`thereof and methotrexate.
`In addition to anti-TNF antibodies, TNF antagonists
`In addition to anti-TNF antibodies, TNF antagonists
`include anti-TNF antibodies and receptor molecules which
`include anti-TNF antibodies and receptor molecules which
`bind specifically to TNF; compounds which prevent and/or
`bind specifically to TNF; compounds which prevent and/or
`inhibit TNF synthesis, TNF release or its action on target
`inhibit TNF synthesis, TNF release or its action on target
`cells, such as thalidomide, tenidap, phosphodiesterase
`cells, such as thalidomide, tenidap, phosphodiesterase
`inhibitors (e.g, pentoxifylline and rolipram), A2b 25 inhibitors (e.g, pentoxifylline and rolipram), A2b
`adenosine receptor agonists and A2b adenosine receptor
`adenosine receptor agonists and A2b adenosine receptor
`enhancers; and compounds which prevent and/or inhibit TNF
`enhancers; and compounds which prevent and/or inhibit TNF
`receptor signalling.
`receptor signalling.
`20 (cid:9)
`20 (cid:9)
`30 (cid:9)
`30 (cid:9)
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`Figures 1A-1C are a set of three graphs showing the
`Figures 1A-1C are a set of three graphs showing the
`results over time for swollen joint count in rheumatoid
`results over time for swollen joint count in rheumatoid
`arthritis (RA) patients receiving cA2 treatment (1 mg/kg,
`arthritis (RA) patients receiving cA2 treatment (1 mg/kg,
`3 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg) with or without methotrexate. Results
`3 ma/kg or 10 ma/kg) with or without methotrexate. Results
`for :he placebo group (methotrexate alone) are shown with
`for :he placebo group (methotrexate alone) are shown with
`Ex. 1009 - Page 7


`WO 98/05357 (cid:9)
`WO 98/05357 (cid:9)
`5 (cid:9)
`5 (cid:9)
`the 1 mg/kg group. The number of patients with data at
`the 1 mg/kg group. The number of patients with data at
`each evaluation visit is shown at the bottom of each graph. each evaluation visit is shown at the bottom of each graph.
`White circle = - methotrexate (MTX-); black circle = White circle = - methotrexate (MTX-); black circle =
`+ methotrexate (MTX+); square = placebo.
`+ methotrexate (MTX+); square = placebo.
`Figures 2A-2C are a set of three graphs showing the Figures 2A-2C are a set of three graphs showing the
`results over time for tender joint count in RA patients results over time for tender joint count in RA patients
`receiving cA2 treatment (1 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg or 10 mg/ka) with receiving cA2 treatment (1 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg or 10 mg/ka) with
`or without methotrexate. Results for the placebo group
`or without methotrexate. Results for the placebo group
`(methotrexate alone) are shown with the 1 mg/kg group. The (methotrexate alone) are shown with the 1 mg/kg group. The
`10 number of patients with data at each evaluation visit is 10 number of patients with data at each evaluation visit is
`shown at the bottom of each graph. White circle = shown at the bottom of each graph. White circle =
`- methotrexate; black circle = + methotrexate; sauare = - methotrexate; black circle = + methotrexate; sauare =
`placebo. placebo.
`Figures 3A-3C are a set of three graphs showing the Figures 3A-3C are a set of three graphs showing the
`15 results over time for the Physician's Global Disease
`15 results over time for the Physician's Global Disease
`Assessment in RA patients receiving cA2 treatment (1 mg/kg, Assessment in RA patients receiving cA2 treatment (1 mg/kg,
`3 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg) with or without methotrexate. Results 3 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg) with or without methotrexate. Results
`for the placebo group (methotrexate alone) are shown with for the placebo group (methotrexate alone) are shown with
`the 1 mg/kg group. The number of patients with data at
`the 1 mg/kg group. The number of patients with data at
`20 each evaluation visit is shown at the bottom of each graph. 20 each evaluation visit is shown at the bottom of each graph.
`White circle = - methotrexate; black circle =
`White circle = - methotrexate; black circle =
`+ methotrexate; sauare = placebo.
`+ methotrexate; sauare = placebo.
`Figures 4A-4C are a set of three graphs showing the Figures 4A-4C are a set of three graphs showing the
`results over time for the Patient Disease Assessment in RA results over time for the Patient Disease Assessment in RA
`25 patients receiving cA2 treatment (1 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg or
`25 patients receiving cA2 treatment (1 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg or
`10 mg/kg) with or without methotrexate. Results for the 10 mg/kg) with or without methotrexate. Results for the
`placebo group (methotrexate alone) are shown with the placebo group (methotrexate alone) are shown with the
`1 mg/kg group. The number of patients with data at each 1 ma/kg group. The number of patients with data at each
`evaluation visit is shown at the bottom of each graph. evaluation visit is shown at the bottom of each graph.
`30 White circle = - methotrexate; black circle =
`30 White circle = - methotrexate; black circle =
`+ methotrexate; square . placebo. + methotrexate; square = placebo.
`Figures 5A-5C are a set of three graphs showing the
`Figures 5A-5C are a set of three graphs showing the
`results over time for C-reactive protein (CRP) results over time for C-reactive protein (CRP)
`concentration in RA patients receiving cA2 treatment concentration in RA patients receiving cA2 treatment
`35 (1 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg) with or without (1 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg) with or without
`35 (cid:9)
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`WO 98/05357 (cid:9)WO 98/05357 (cid:9)
`PCT/GB97/02058 PCT/GB97/02058
`-7- -7-
`methotrexate. Results for the placebo group (methotrexate methotrexate. Results for the placebo group (methotrexate
`alone) are shown with the 1 mg/kg group. The number of alone) are shown with the 1 mg/kg group. The number of
`patients with data at each evaluation visit is shown at the patients with data at each evaluation visit is shown at the
`bottom of each graph. White circle = - methotrexate; black bottom of each graph. White circle = - methotrexate; black
`5 circle = + methotrexate; square = placebo. 5 circle = + methotrexate; square = placebo.
`Figures 6A-6C are a set of three graphs showing the Figures 6A-6C are a set of three graphs showing the
`results over time for the Health Assessment Questionnaire results over time for the Health Assessment Questionnaire
`(HAQ) in RA patients receiving cA2 treatment (1 mg/kg, (HAQ) in RA patients receiving cA2 treatment (1 mg/kg,
`3 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg) with or without methotrexate. Results 3 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg) with or without methotrexate. Results
`10 for the placebo group (methotrexate alone) are shown with 10 for the placebo group (methotrexate alone) are shown with
`the 1 mg/kg croup. The number of patients with data at the 1 mg/kg croup. The number of patients with data at
`each evaluation visit is shown at the bottom of each graph. each evaluation visit is shown at the bottom of each graph.
`White circle = - methotrexate; black circle = White circle = - methotrexate; black circle =
`+ methotrexate; square = placebo. + methotrexate; square = placebo.
`Figures 7A-7F are a set of six graphs showing the Figures 7A-7F are a set of six graphs showing the
`serum cA2 concentration in each RA patient receiving cA2 serum cA2 concentration in each RA patient receiving cA2
`treatment (1 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg) with or without treatment (1 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg) with or without
`methotrexate, plotted over time. Data plotted are the methotrexate, plotted over time. Data plotted are the
`serum cA2 concentrations obtained just before the serum cA2 concentrations obtained just before the
`20 administration of cA2 at weeks 2, 6, 10 and 14 and then at 20 administration of cA2 at weeks 2, 6, 10 and 14 and then at
`weeks 18 and 26. The scales for the serum cA2 weeks 18 and 26. The scales for the serum cA2
`concentration are condensed with higher doses of cA2. concentration are condensed with higher doses of cA2.
`Figures 8A and 8B are a set of two graphs showing the Figures 8A and 8B are a set of two graphs showing the
`median serum cA2 concentration over time in RA patients median serum cA2 concentration over time in RA patients
`25 receiving 3 mg/kg cA2 (top panel) or 10 mg/kg cA2 (bottom 25 receiving 3 mg/kg cA2 (top panel) or 10 mg/kg cA2 (bottom
`panel) with or without methotrexate. Square = panel) with or without methotrexate. Square =
`+ methotrexate; circle or triangle = - methotrexate. + methotrexate; circle or triangle = - methotrexate.
`15 (cid:9)15 (cid:9)
`Detailed Description of the Invention Detailed Description of the Invention
`The present invention relates to the discovery that The present invention relates to the discovery that
`30 tumor necrosis factor antagonists can be administered to 30 tumor necrosis factor anta

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