`Edr'rori and Chairman
`of rhe Editorial Bound
`AstraZeneca Exhibit 2| 32 p.
`InnoPharma Licensing LLC v. AstraZeneca AB IPR2017-00904
`Fresenius-Kabi USA LLC v. AstraZeneca AB [PR2017-01910


`Phormoc uticol
`1 990
`Enstan, Pennsylvania 15042
`Astraleneca Exhibit 2132 11 2


`Entered awarding {4: A31: (“If Cangress, in the year 1885 by Jasegiii P “Remiagrms,
`in the flffice af the Librarian {If Gangtessg at Washingmn 13C
`Cupyright 132%} 1894, 195315. 1907. mm, by 305:3,th P Remingmn
`Cfipyright 1926, 1935: by 33:51th P Ramingmn Estate
`Copyright 1948, 1951, by The Philadalgahia Carnage of Pharmacy and Saignce
`thyright £3”: 19%, 19%? 1955. law, 19%;. mam 1985, 199$1 by The Philadgmhia (Mileage of
`I’harmacjg $3303 Sciama
`Aw Rights Reserved
`Library 0f Cangmsa flaming Card No. 6G~5333§
`ISBN O—QlQTSéfi-flémfi
`The use. 631‘ structural farmuéas fmm USAN and cm: USP Dictionary 0,? Drug Names :3 by
`gexméssfm {if Tha USP {ifinvenfiam The Caméemim is not wspmsibi‘é far any inaccuracy
`cantae’nad harem
`Nmmgwfhés text is rant imtendEd m represent. 3191' 3mm! 1’: {3:2 {marpmwd :13 $91, the equivalent
`{if as“ a suéstitute far thg efficiai Uniteei Swiss Pharmampeia {LISP} 3:163:32" £512 Natfcnal
`Farmuéary {NF}. In at»: event cf any éiffemnae :23“ diacrepmc}? baiween she mrrmt affimlai
`USP (53‘ NF stanfiards 0f strength; qua 211% purity; Fackagmg and Eaéeiing far iimgs and
`repremnmcims 0f mam Marga, the swim: amé effsc: 3f size flffkiai csmpemifa xhaéi
`Printed in the United Srgtea 0f America {>31 the Mach Priming Can-smug, Eaamn. Pennsfluania
`Astraleneca Exhibit 2132 13* 3


`Remingten's fiharmmeutical Scieneea t .
`. a treatise: on the theory
`and practice at the pharmaceutical science; with essential
`infermmion (meat pharmaceuticai and medicinal agents: misc G guide
`to the professionaf resgansibitities @f the pharmacist as the
`drug-information geciafist cf the heaiih team .
`. A textboek
`and referémce work for pharmacists. physicians and ether
`graditieners 0f the- phermaceurical and medical sciesnces.
`Alfansca R Gamma, Chairman
`Grafton D Chase
`Am: Der Maréemsian
`Tharms Medwick
`Edward G Rippie
`i©seph B Schwartz
`Stew-tic Harvey
`Ewart A Swinyara
`Daniel A Husset
`Gilbert L link
`The 10‘? chapters at this edition of Remington ’s @harmaceuticai
`Sciences were written by the editars, by members (at the
`Editorial Bastard. and by other gathers listed an page: ix t0 xi.
`Managing Editor
`John E Ham/er
`Editarial Assistant
`Bennie Brig'h-m Packer
`AHQn Misher 19:55-1WQ
`Eighteenth Editian —« 1 990
`Pubiishéd in the170th year at théi
`Astraleneca Exhibit 2132 pt 4


`Table 6f Cantenls
`Pan 1
`1 Smyrna.........H......HH .........
`2 Evolufieaufflmmaw 1..1 6
`3 Ethics u. ..........1 20
`4 The- Pracfice af Cammumw Pharmacy ...... . . 1 1
`5 Gppartunifies fur Pharmacists in the Pharmaceufi»
`culindumy 1.H,............ ........W 33
`6 Phumufists in Gavammem ........ . . . . . . . . . .
`7 nginfarmafim........ ...........
`a Rasaorch .. ‘‘‘‘‘‘
`flan. 2
`9 Metxelagy and Coleulmimn ...................
`1G Stafisfics W...” ........ .WW 10d
`11 Camputerficienca mum. .
`12 Calzulus...... ......u 145
`13 Muieculu: Structure. Properties and States a!
`1d Camplex Farmutian ........... . . . ..........
`15 Thwmudynamics ......1 1‘3?
`16 Sakutims ant? Phase Equiiibfia . . . . 1 . . . . 1 ......
`{unit Seiminnx and Eieclrciyfic Equilibfin . . . . . . . .
`16 Reactimfiinetics”.1...“....,.........1...
`19 Disparwfiystema.H.1.........H.HHH..H 25?
`20 Rhacfagy ..... 1. .....
`flan 3
`pharmaceutical Chemistry
`indrgcmic Phatmacevfimk Chamisfry . . . . 1 . .....
`0:913:11: Pbarmacaufiwi Chemistry .. ..........
`23 Natural Pscducis
`. .
`. . 1 1 . . . .
`1 .............
`24 mug Namenclawtewvnited States Adomed
`25 Strufitumlkcfiviry Eaiafiunship and Drug
`Design “Hun” ..... 1 ............W 422
`Part 5
`Testing and Analysis
`. . . . . . . . . . ..... 1 . . . . . .
`26 Analysis (:1 Maditfnqls
`2? BiaiugicaITasting
`2-53! Ciinicaifinulysis ..‘. £95
`29 QhramuwgrapmH.1...................u..
`Instrumental Methods of Ancfiysis .............
`31 Dissciutien ..1 589
`Part 5
`Radioisatopes in fiharmacy and ”whine
`32 Fundamemtuis @f Rmdieisompeas . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
`33 Médicai Applications of Radimsmsms , . . . . . . .1
`mm 6
`fihmmacemkal ma limiting! agenia
`34 mae‘aaes: Manifeistatisns and Patina
`physimiagy......... .................. .
`35 mug Absmpficm, Acting and nispositian . . .. 1. . . .
`flask Pharmacakmeffics. ............... . . . 1 . . .
`3? Ciinicai Phatmawkinefics .
`. . . . . . . . . . .........
`38 TapimlDrugs .....
`313 Gastmintesfimi [hugs . . . . . .
`. . . . . . . . . . . ......
`lime). Fluéds. Efiectmlytes and fiemnmicgic
`..... ..
`41 Cardiovmcuim Drugs ....... . . . . . 1. .. . . .1 . ..
`412 Respiratorywwgs. 66C}
`43 Sympathgmimetic Dtugs . . . . . . . . i . . . . . .......
`5 1
`6 1
`a 1
`9 ‘l
`Chetlnomimetic Dwgs ....... .1 .......... . . . . .
`Adremargic and Admnen Ec Newman mocking
`.. .......... W... .........
`Amimuamriuic and Antiwasmodiz Drugs
`. . . . . . i
`3129mm? Muscia Relaxanss . ........... . . 1 . 1 . .
`.H *****
`Drama and Antimigmine Drugs .......... . . . ..
`Vitamias and Either Nutrients ..... .
`. 1 1 . . . . . . . .
`. ...... . . . . ......... 1 . , ..........
`Ganeml Anasrhafiea . . ......... .
`. . 1 .........
`Lam! Anasthelics
`. . 1 . ......... . 1 . . . . . ......
`Sedufivw and Hypmrics ....... . . . . 1 .........
`.1 x . . . .......... 1 . 1 . . ........
`Psychuphmmaculagic Manta
`. . .. .
`. . .......
`Amigesica and Antipyrefica ...... . . . . ........
`Histamine and Mfihifitamineg , . a . . . . . ....... .
`Cenmi Newaus Sysrem Stimuianfs . ...........
`Antinauplmtic and Ymmunasuppte—ssive mugs . . .
`Anfimizmhial Drugs .........................
`Pamsiticides . i .
`. ........ . . . . . . .............
`. . . . ........... . . ................
`Diagnaafic mugs ........ .
`Pharmaceuficqi fiecessifias
`1 , . . 1 . . 1 .........
`1 . . . . . . . . .........
`1 nu...W 1330
`Advarsa mug K905150315
`Pharmawgenetics.......HH.H.HH., ....... 1344
`Pharmaculagical ASWE af mug Abuse ..... . . .
`lnrmdua‘iwn a? New Drugs
`1 . ..
`. ..............
`Pan 7
`Dinlagiml Preduns
`. .........
`Grincip!as nf lmmuncslragy ....... . .
`immunizing Agents and Dilgnusric Skin
`Antigefls ...... . . ......... .
`. , 1- . .........
`Ailergeflic‘ixtmds. 1405
`Biotezhnwogyandfimgs .. 1416
`Part a
`Fhmmaceutical Newt-aligns and Their
`. 1 ...... . 1 .........
`Prefmmulomn ..... . . . _ .
`Bimvefiabifity and Bigequivalency Taming 1 . . . .
`Sepafntian ...........
`Stefilizm‘aan ......... 1. . . . . . . . 1 1 . . ........ .
`Emmy, Gsmcficity. Qsmaloliw and Qsmoimlzy .
`Plastic Packagifig Matefiuts . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 1 . .....
`Stabiéity cf Pharmaceuficai Madam.
`. . . . . . 11111
`Quality Assurance anti Cantmi
`. . 1 . . . . 1 1111111
`Sniméans, Emmsians! Suspensians anti
`Exfracfives . , . .......... . . . . . ..............
`Pamm‘émi hepamfiana .
`. . . . . . .
`, ............
`Intravemus Admixtures . . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . . 1 . . . ..
`Sphmmmic Pmpmatims .. . . . . .
`. . . . . 1.. . . . . .
`Mafiimted Agpiimtians ......... . 1 . . . . . . . . . .
`Powdem“.,....... .........
`. . . . .
`01131561151 Dasege Forms ........ 1 . . . . . , .
`(gating of Fhasmaceutiml Dusnge Farms . . . . . 1 .
`Swsinined-Réiease Drug Delivery Systems
`1 1 . . .
`Aernsois ............
`Pan 9
`flharmatemiml Practice
`... .
`Ambulatmy PatientCate . . . . .. . .. 4 . .
`tnstifmianm Patient Care . . . .......... , . .....
`. . ..... _ . . ......
`Longfl‘erm Care i’oeitmes . . . .
`The Pharmacist and Public Hewitt: .............
`AstraZeneca Exhibit 2132 131 5


`Thar Patient: thaviom! Determinants ..........
`17% 106
`Poison Centre-i
`. . . . .........................
`I . i . * . . . . .
`we: Fame-n: Cammuniwtian ..... . . . . .
`99 Dmg Educaticm ............................
`10".} Patient Camptianca
`. * t . . ........... . . . . i . i ‘
`it” ”We Prescripfim . * . . . . . t ....... ‘ ...... . * + . _ .
`102 mug Interactions. ........ . ....... . ..........
`113:3 Ciiniwi Dwg Litermme , . . .L , * .
`. ........... * .
`“$95 Heulxh Accessuties
`............ . ............
`107 Laws Gawming Whatmacy ........... Z i ‘ . . . *
`1808 ma Cammuuiry Pharmmy Ecmwmics and
`. . . . . .. * ..... , * . . . . ...........
`109 Dame! Services ..... . ..... * . . ..... . . .......
`105 Smgimi Sugglies . .. . . , . - . . . I . . . .. ....... . § . .
`Alphabeticrndé-x e ........... . . . , * . . . ¥ .....
`Astraleneca Exhibit 2132 13* 6


`Chapfi’a @
`Mewaflagy ané Cflfifiuflfitéfin
`Werner vaenfhui. PM}
`Warm-w: at Wmmaw scat! P‘Mrmawuma amt? fieflmmr at fiducwmm flewémgmam mm Flammag
`khan: at Phwmaw Miami Emmy a! magma. virgmia fiammmmywm umwuiw
`Richmvmfi Wu. $3mama:
`The firm; technical figel'aLican which the Silurian!» m‘ palm:—
`macy mufit Mam is the manipulatim at haiaucem weighm
`:11ch maasures it}? mittma. This: emaiis a Stflfl}; smite varimts
`5%;me uf weights and maasuraa. {hair z‘eimimlships and a
`master}; {Inf ma ma: hemagica invaia'ed. T3315; chapter mnsicb
`ears. :he: fumiamwtai primiples {if meti‘tflagy underlying this
`naming maflufacmrirtg and mmww‘tding a}? pharmasaxaziita}
`prfiparatiwm‘ made!” three headings:
`Weights and Measures-an mmmnuialim a? flack: concerning the
`mrészus systems. with which“. at“ mm’m‘saim [mum and mmzticai czamvw
`Rim-L The reiatianahigm émmug the vurium: systems, it! Weigh“ mm
`zuemsnres are» ciiwi‘wti.
`Wflighing mm Measuring—:1 ammmaimt m“ we ‘ert’P‘trUfi 139% n: hazi-
`aumflaa. gmsiimlm‘h unreaa‘rigfliufi Rammem amci Imetimfis vi urging. iming
`and mmmfiing than: aLwnl' varium dwicea and metimiifi «1-? ”hair my: Em
`Ema-mating Iarge at small wimfim uf Haida.
`{husky and Sgetzifie Gravity-«:1 cmmieiemiim‘: us me mems‘mimmc
`m‘n'n Ma. mahfimnm idemii}. L amt tin:— raiiu at :‘m mam tmus‘w} at am
`miramnw tn the Wfig‘thr. imam: valasm‘iher whammy when aa the aim»
`{Emmi1w?“1 gamizgfj}
`Wgéghts am Meagwfigs
`fi'grigm is: a meaaure «‘1' the grauimtitmai fame acting an a
`has}? anti1% éiremly mamartiwal m its mag;
`’I‘ha iattezn
`heing a wastam bafieé cm izaai'tiai away mugs? whemas
`weight varies afightly with Iatihufie,, temper-3mm
`«51m? weaaure. The effect {If them i’aczmra usuaily is not
`mnsidared Ltl'xiess very IHEC§S€3 weighiugg mad large: quantiw
`i385 ate ifivizived.
`Megan‘s:- is the: éamminatém uf the. whim»? 91' 23mm M‘s;
`1:59:52 Tempera {urea and pressure have a pmmmncexi affaitt.
`Especially {m gases m liquids. Them faemrs thiareiigsm. are.
`munsicfared when making presisim meawmmmm.
`Ail standard weighig and mwsutea in thin; mumrj: 3N:
`{Eerived fmm €11” $23:an cm the United Swim Nationai 53mm»
`type Smndmds uf the Master anti the: Iiiicsgram, mafia? cf
`piatinum—iriiiiutmm the classified v :3? the Natisflai Ruffian {:33
`Sumeiarda at; Wasfiaingtw, DC.
`Hist {2:135
`Abrieftmi line ofthe migin u?” the man}: waterizs m“ weights
`and méafiuras may help it”! remembering afigamiai distinc»
`timzs hetwmn them. The sense {31‘ the weight, of a bfldy
`manna: he canveyed imalfigiifly m théi mint? unless; a means
`ui’ wmparism-x is; chosen.
`{5&3 waighi is the meamre m“ we
`graeiaatimwai three a?" a bmiy, m m; fame is, exgrgssm in
`terms: {Jf stanéards (11f resistame, which enemy ha§an¢e Lim-
`mm; anti keep it in equiiibrimn when used with a mamm-
`mi {twinge mmtnmted far this specific: gamma. Such 51am
`233mg are: termeci weégfiés‘ and the mechaninal fireflies: an?
`salieci mmm cur 3131:2333.
`T328 standsrég which have been chosen by varinug natiunx
`are arbitrary, and Myanmar; aria itammm wharg different.
`staridards are: in age at the same time in the same mummy.
`Marty at“ the ancient; standardg clearly are referable 1-1: mark
`313k: part5 cf the human badly as 21am fam. 51mm. page} whit
`{kength (sf the furearm} anti £3;th m faezhm {awash at“ {he
`In the hismry 02” metmmgy three perifids may b2:
`1. The A m‘e'm: yerigytt aiming Whi’fih the {rid fiias§§:31 standapfis mig-
`matefi. tarminamd with the deaiine {at'the Ruffian iimpim It is immes: .
`mg m mic: that the mile: aiismnm GEM! at tin? mew”: £133; m; an imzasziumz
`m maritime measureuwms is the smuzéve‘ai m" :zwrt‘ifimn miEiv at if,“ n: n
`gimme 11;? we earth‘s ummlmial trircusnferefiw. and that mix ix; madly
`equaé m 1mm Egyptian i'athmm m was Egyptian whim Them Raw
`than mtémaasrgmmm which have yerstiateti Fm- ”er than 4me :m were
`imsefi rm aatrmcmiaal mt” marifiian mammaswnm whirl?! wars: rwmried
`Emgmriahahiy Er: ma great Pymmit! m“ {:ill‘fiflh‘ whum gtenmemr‘ is News I}?
`ms) u!‘ mesa gamma. m" “f; mutual! miie.
`’l‘tm Mwiwz-m‘ germ! extwded w 221;: 13:}: WNW}: {hiring 3.31%“;
`iflfl‘inii the. "std atatfiéim‘da were In“. hm limit namw “new shreasm'vaci. and
`Emsmear} iiatixmfi atiugufifl varitmta imivgmmieni sfiamiafdsa
`5:1. The Mmfwtr imrinri axmuia Yum“: :im tfiih century m 1i“: $11?me
`533nm: mi} 17121 whimsy the: efiiarta u: mum. enlightened medium have? hem:
`direcmd mwanfi wim’ttific swarm}; and etimtalissih'. my} thawing-z
`garment wxmzry Hawaii itazematimmt unflmmiua
`mam—rim} matraiagy La; 3.15:} referred to as Damn-2951mm-
`:Hfiz?‘flf¥3g}fi which 52:: mnwmed with the. giudy ui‘ mtmzsmwifi
`and mmrcis {if aacient peyiada and ffidwi‘ééue Mammy.
`which is cmmcamed with the accumulatiw a?” data artmcerav
`Eng the Imamiremfiem m“ large num bers m.” salmiaets. Whiirh have
`133% fefax‘red m as aiandazfis but Whifi}? haw rm exact 311M-
`sure except by Etatutmy teguiatim‘s.
`in 1:265. me
`Thai: Engliak Systemamin Great Britain,
`5131 Act a?" {he reign uf Henry HI deflated “that by the
`mmmm DE 331% whuie walnut m“ Engfiami the measure: m“ 1.11::
`Hing wag madam-that. is w 535:, that an English gilvm penny
`213386: the smrlmga mund amt} withfimt flipping. shah weigh
`mirmumm grams (pf wherezt, wail dried and gathemd mm. m‘
`um midciie {1f the ear; and twenty pence {siennymaigm'a‘l {in
`make an mum-e and twelve gamma 3 paumi, and eight wands
`Kim mam: a gaflmn a?" Winnie, and Eight wine gallmm (in make 53
`231351181 which iii. the eighth {if a {laxative-:2“
`"Tim 16-m Eb {£13m}dufima mum?) uncimbteéix af Rama}:
`migim x».33 intmémed at the time at" the firgt civilizméun ut‘
`the Brim}1 figIaaé. The ward “haikrckpnis,” amtnrcimg m
`Gray. was. hnwavm'. first eased in English ana m i3flf3. A
`mamm (12" Edward I {A}? 1:304} stamg “that every pmmd {31'
`mama}? m in? mefe‘cmes i$ af Mam}:- miéémgs :ssc£gézs. {mt the
`mum nf an aihar things: Ea twentyfz'agg $31§€3i11gx weighs.
`"The: Mars {if media‘mafi musifim {if twenty f3€fi£‘€*,
`and me
`pmmd mnmins iitfé'icé' mmces {the Tray Pfiltmdh 11m in
`anther thing} the pamnd mnmins fifteen guinea in but}: gem-12$
`the gamma weighing twenty pence.“
`These an3 tinffilii the theury oi" the ancient weights and
`Astraleneca Exhibit 2132 11 7


`is, a
`measuras 61? Gram. Britain, afid revaaé the: giarzdardfi,
`natural} fibject, grams s11? wheat; a {iit‘fmama Miami} Lhfirs
`hammer: ma Tm}; and we awjrirdupflis psjmnd. but Lina
`waighm name in 213:3. are 151,; heat-”Ear than £3113st cf Edwam I,
`{2256 La the fihange subsequeflfiy made in the Willie 13? the} min
`335,- tha awereign,
`Err astitiiticm, the true pannywaigm flaw
`mm was last, and, in the 1mm ravisim 31“ L132: weighm and
`measurea, the present troy anci awirdamia smasfiarfis were
`The tray usgight is; :31“ mi}! {earlier migén, The great, him 2:}?
`the. 8th anti 9th Centuries were held at. fiewmi French cities,
`Emlucling Tmyea, the gafihgring glam: :31“ Eradws f‘mm 3i?
`Efluiiti‘ififi. Ceiling fretgtlentw Were mufiizfixad 3c: chm ting}?
`ware said by weight, and the Stamiard weight. {Bf ’“E‘riayasa fm“
`stifling coir: was. azierptecl far preaiaus matals am} madifiinas
`51’: £2.11 wing eigf Eumm. The tm}; mmw anti that: awirciumia
`maize ariginally were isiienxfiaii w have the mime “Eight, but
`after the revisitm it was 11:1:qu that the awirdupms name
`was fighter by £35235; gr than this my amma, Th3 mthmqufim
`aéuptim sf tmy weight by the: Landau Cailégf: a}? thsifiians
`i3": 181%, Cm the reccmamandatim‘i {3‘3 Sir Themicxra Turquet :13
`la Mayeme, whc: sampfimi their firgt pharmawpwia, has:
`entailed 11pm 311 apathetaries $93th an: gflvaz'nad by British
`mantras, 1mm}; day, the very gtaat immvenience 111‘ buying
`and seiting madicirws by {ma sysfiem {if Wight»; if 131:: amim‘w
`mix} and wmpaundiag than": by anuther “he apatkewrgr 131’
`1:) ihe new, (:62an affirms were: mask: mwmi} ret’carming
`the! atandards, and the Regal Smiaw, in 1?35, bazaars the
`wark, which antieci in 2,116 prammiim, Lamar $31113 dimctim: a?
`tha Hausa at" fiammnw, 1:13 Mr Bird, 91‘ the: standard “Mimi“
`and Standard “mum?“ hwy in ”€30.
`Capfes {3F thaw were
`yreparetii am} 131aintamiunaltieviatiml has been made $111.28.
`1:? 12316, em aémum rsf ma gmwing mpularity m“ the heath
`Metric Syatem, and it: viaw a? the deairability fixfsamring a
`standard whim muld be remvered easily in arm-3a of 103-5 mt
`riaawueztian and which shauié ha cammsustxmhie with a sim.
`pie unit, steps wem taken in Engiand m mauve: these :31de
`£53595, The 11.;me {:f Engiish sciemista iced m the adeptim’t at}?
`the fflzpefial measures; mad standarda, which «awe legslisaed
`January 1, 352%. arid are; WW iii we in (Quiz-1L Edwin, thus
`izgtmducing amfihar element (hf caul‘xmifln “mm an 33:93:13
`mmpkicamd aizbject
`In this ayatam the yard is equivaiem m 36 in, and its
`langih was determined by; mmuafimn with a pendulum
`bgafifig sammis rgf meat! time, in a vamutfi, at. The tempera—
`txiz'e (1-1" 63*? an the Iéwsl flf the sea in aha iatimcié M Landau,
`whim Eength was; found m ha 39.1393 in. Tim mum! 53mg;
`{wmaining HER) gr} was detarmined 1:3; mamparimn with a
`giver: nmaaura 43f ciistfiliaii water utidét‘ specified mntjitima.
`Thus, a cubic inch pf dignified water was weigimd with brags.
`weights in air at 82" F, the bammater m: 3:) in, and it mighed
`252,453 gr, The standarél for meaaures 0f capacity in Gram.
`Britairx {either {if}: m liquid} is the Impzerém’ grziém, which
`matainfi 1011:: Ei‘v’flit' {each WW gt} a? diitiileri water waighafi
`is; air at 82"“ F‘, the taai‘cnmetm Standing 3:. 3k? in. The bushai
`mnmins 8 math gal.
`Washingmn, in his firm. annuai message m Cmgregn Jam
`nary, $393, regtcammancied the eatablishmem 0f unifmmiw in
`mtrrenay, weights and measures. Amim was 13km: with
`referenae m We currency, and recammendmistmg meta mafia
`$33: Jeffersmi, then Sacmtarg tgf State, Em the adflplimn of
`either at the Currently uaafi Englifih 355512321123 [31' a decimal
`sgstem, Hawever. making was; acmmgzlighed until
`1813-1821:} when effmts again were. made in the LES m mmre
`mifmmity in the standards which were; in use 13:»? mg several
`states. Finaiiy, after a iangthy investigamn. the Sememw
`Q? the Treasury, arm June 14, 1836, was; directed by Cangresa
`m furnish each Estate in the: Unian with a campkm mt {if the
`revimd standards, and {211113 the tray gemrm‘ (M63 gr}, the
`avcaimsmuis fimmti mag gr} anti the yard (36 in) are a}?
`identical with the British mandarda; but. the US gagim is
`quit}: (iiffereflt, the mid wine galhm a!“ 331 cu in, tantainiag
`58,372.?» 33' {If fiimiflad water at its maximum fiemity,
`weighed in Sir at GTE the hafi‘mater atanéing 8?, EU in.
`being rammed, while Eh»: Ezufihe} {:cmmimd WEE 1b rpfwzszeer
`uflder the: sama cafidifiiafifi, thus making the {if}; quart abum
`16% greater in voiume than the liquid quart,
`In 18:35; We {:33 of the metric magmas- was Eegaliaeci in
`Great Brimixz, but am, made mampulfimy, am? in 1886 the US:
`{'filkmfed {he game emu-3e. By {32$ (.35.? Law {if Jue’} 28, 38%,
`413$ Zangéhs, arenas and mint memacréw are? affirmed fmm the
`Enisr‘naéécmnf wafer eqwimée‘nt tr: 3:113? in, Since 1893 the
`LES {)é’f‘iw uf fitwdard Waights and Measurea has 13am": aw
`fimrizefi if} derive the yard {mm the meter,
`1 yd equals
`-‘{;‘}“§é,§;;,~; m, and {the cusmmmy weights (EN? refgrrmf m {22%
`fzéfizsgmm by Executive matter apgmnwd Ami} £1893. CE:-
`pacitjcss ware m be based an the Equivalent, 1 cu aim mums; 1
`L, the (inanimate: 13$:ng aqua} m 3.83? in. The galkm 51321
`remains. at 522% w in and the huahal mutating. 2150.612 ms in.
`This mamas, the liquid quart equal 13:) {1.9% L am} me {1?};
`quart 1.1913 L, while the Imwriai quart, is 1.1.359 L. The
`mammary weights are. derived 9er this: imatnafimw! kilw
`gram, haaed can the value mm 1 am: $13 '-” éfiifiéfigéfl'fi 3 anti
`that ST‘me: awyir lb BQIJEES 1 {my H3.
`£vcwiydupma weight is used it“: gamma} if) the US far mm—
`memial Imspafiea, 313(11leng the buyirig and seEiing 0f {Mags
`cm W Earge fltfile and mamimwliy cm: prescrichm Wilma,
`The Mama Syfitem—gl‘he idea (if wanting a scimmfir:
`mandam fm' tha basis {if metmiugy, which {timid he i‘BVfiE‘E-
`Fred ammmmiy. was. filiggéfitad 13;; a Rumba? Hf” ifldivéciimlfi
`after the Ranaiasanca. Jean yiaarci, the French ammnnmier,
`in We 13133 century, pmpmed in take as a unit $182ng {if a
`{fienmjhxm heating 1 5&1: {if time :21; sea lavei, at a 131$de {12'
`James Wait, the Engiish inventm‘, if: 1‘383 first atzgges’md
`the. amwlimhim at“ decimal mtatim. arid the mummnsumbfl
`3W flf weight, iength and mining. The Fraud“: Natimai
`fisfiembiy in E33992} apwinmd a acremmittea m decide the? {HM—
`Brahfiiw {If the panduium stamiard m a tw'estriai measum
`11f game: kins} as a hasia Em the new gyzatem. The mmmmw
`regatta} in it??? ia fawn a?” {ha latter, and Cummififiicms mam
`appointw :1; measure am an: {if meritiian anti 1:; patient We
`detaiis :3? Elm mmmensm‘ahiiiw :3? the units. and 11:»? mmazv
`ciaimfi. Hammer. certain immumflim wme iuhemm it“: thug
`emiy amndgrdx safari
`the}: {in ma? has!“ m Earl“: (> 121a
`imiendgd was: reimimrships. The ureaem, accepted 52m»
`dal’xfis are defimd in natb‘tiwakimi— a? aha: Natitmai Batman ui'
`in am wrigimai «mummim': the mam: mm the fimfianwnmi mm of 11m»
`mum: 3:95am“, and 31% unit? uf length and mumaity ware in he: flevmm
`directly E'rmn 11m metm which We;
`iratmwlafi m in: mm? in mm mm-
`miliiumh m” {be earth‘s: quadrant.
`£1 nrfiginam‘ war;
`[aimnmd him: Hm unit. uni" mm. the hiltrgmm, 2311mm bu identimi with {he
`masmi as whit: flatmates" nfi‘water at its; maximum cigmaity. m pl'fizmm»,
`inmwez, the unitauf fangs}: emzf “mass. are firfinet} inéeyziemlemly 23f them
`Fm» 1221 prmtiml gem-gauges: mkimmém at" ietmgtim mamimda in infimmy
`mud miemil‘ir Zabmrmmiw 35 m‘crumsrlmiwd h}: mmg‘rariwn With the mate-
`riai fianfim‘rj “ficitgth:
`this {SQ-{ante Exetweml twu engrawé firm—.5 1m 3
`piminnmmiriéimm bi”, the Entenmiimmi mmmygm meter. whit}! ig imp:
`m 1.33:; inmmmimmfi Rum-mu m“ Weights, and Meagurm
`The kiitagmm is dafine‘f} inciszégrremiattms a3 the rm ‘ MCI dei‘inhxx Mam»
`nmn-ErifiiumNamiarci. that {rue‘rrsméérmaf Prraigaéfi’m iiie‘agmm, mm is
`aim km}: .33: the Emm‘nalimml Bureau nf Weights Emzi Mmmms, Tim
`LMEr' ire: (1%! mm} 2m 11%} yummy“: m? a kilngram hf water, at standard airm-
`Sphmin’: {aresmtm mad :1: the temperature n? in, maxixmam damity, ais»
`prxmismmly Vi”; The meter is-u 121m: aha fundamemal mm m: whim are
`1335125.! A“ mmrimiandm‘ds and mensmmmems 21f {mall} and area. am} :3“
`mi umm‘s elm- im‘sr} frum H mm In mama: mama.
`{Qi‘i-aaafc mneniit'fii Enigma :3: 1.113: 1311 {mmtm left. Efififi. the my {Imp
`em} (Tsmi‘emmn: {m Weigim amt} Aims-urea, 1129mm}; in Palm. Mugged 3
`341 an
`mew intermtinmi definitima {m the standartj ms“ magi-h:
`the meter ‘m
`lmw :Eafinenzi m; the length maid in iiifiafhi’brmrj wacflmgms al‘ 131::
`Astraleneca Exhibit 2132 p. 8


`“usage was! light. {If 212$: kryytufivfifi ismmm. This; standard wit: 1312 used
`in 51:! mil rtwasmn‘emwts rmly what: extreme ac‘curatfgr {a namlfifi.
`“311a killlgmm i< the fumiamental unit. ml which are Malawi all mvmir:
`fiafidaffii sll‘mafia. The: litter is a asmnéary sardezlvafi ml: :3? swanky m'
`variamu. The L is iazger by ahead :2? gym than ‘33:! cubfi uf this {cram uE'
`the menu. it“ the m dm-~-«that is i L = ”WEE“? m :lm.
`The tfm’l‘l‘iél‘fiiflfi tabla in £th gulallvalirm Whéch inwzlw the WWW
`lanai}: alftlle yaml and mete: are Elasatl tum“: the reistimz;
`3 211 w 353.3?
`43%. mmtaimd in 1!"? act {If Congrfim {if 155$. 3‘er [his reiatims it
`E’allnws: {heat
`l in. = ‘35.£lllflllfi mm {nearlyyl
`In WHEN wars. afigéawering and induatrlal itétefeslzs. 13m lmrld mar
`haw urgeei the: ailugzrticm u!" the: simgller relaiim‘u E Est. % $23.5} mm exactly.
`Whig}: {lii'fers hum ill? pmgeding value by unl}: 3 39ml This sinmim
`Malian Ems; 11mm ya! been mingled afileiallg by alike: {heat Brasilia t1:
`the lfifii lull; la: in wide industrial! use.
`In the U23. {ha abbmviatiuu {'6 still persifim in ggmaml use
`fillfil is; taken as symmjsmcmfi far the mwe mrreflt :erm ml:
`The USP {X am? NF" W adapted the. term me‘llifiie’r with im
`ahkrafiamfi farm mi?! but; it pmvad 54:11 unpaptzlar in W‘aflhiée
`that; the falluwing pharmampeial mmemimz direcleii ills-l
`return my the lllfiar term calm: flatmates" (m).
`in 195:3: £33?
`303 and NF X. haweven mica agaia adaptacl tha term millili
`tar with the abbreviatim ml.
`Katianaljealmsias and the natural antipathy it) {shanging
`astahliahed mamas imerferaci greatly will} ills: acioptim {if
`1hr: snetxlf: ayatem during the early part. 3f the 1m}; gammy:
`At present the: manic walem is, in use in every mm: mums};
`{3? 233% MM.
`In the US anal and Great. Britain it 5:»: legalizatl
`{it}? :efez‘erlce m and {iafinifian 0f {anther standatds, is in exclu-
`sivs Lisa by nearly all *:=:s::ilr;~mislesfl and by increafiing sagmwm
`6f industry anti the publltrl
`In this: US files manic: system was.
`legaliaed in 1856. but. flat mafia campulamy, anti in the: same
`yea; the internaticmal prlllmype metal:- anti kilflgmm wens.
`adnpwcl as fundamental slamlarcl‘s. As wnmmtims be»
`some mare internatianalg the need fax a univeraal slambard
`The US silver millage wag based umm the metric sysmm.
`{has half dallar being exactly 12%; g and the quarier and the
`tiima bulging {if the pmpmtilmate weights:
`Slaw £335 there has been establiahed and maintained a5:
`Intemalziunal Bureau {if Waighm and Measuras. with heal
`quattem at Elvis. Thia Bureau is. manageci by an internal»
`Eiolaal mmmitme on Which all civilized amnwies am mgrav
`senaatll One abjectof the: asymmitme is 12:; 31333:? and pruvicie
`pmmtypas and" the mew!“ and kilugram far aha subsaribirsg
`llamas; awmximately 5&6 mill: aapies have been preparecl.
`The US pratmypa standarcls {inf bath the meter and thug
`kilflgram mass. ncznslru¢£e<l
`cal“ a glazimsmMiridium allmy.
`wersa liar-might fmm Paris in 18x90 and arts mow in the mxsmclz;
`at“ £313 Elm-aw cuff Slamlarda at Washingmn 1330' The? have
`bees: repmduced ami diatributetl by aux am: gmamment to
`ulna variaus atatea having huraaua tweaking such regliaasl
`The ariginal US pmtmype meter was taken back in Paris in
`195‘? ft}: mverificatiox] and was faund 12:: Exam altered an}? 3
`parts: in 10630:}.600 after a? yeam a? use. Thus} them 15:35
`at: damnnstrable change within the limits {3? experimental
`Afiaptinn (if the kryptim—fifi wavelength 9f light definitjm
`law the meter gives the different mumriea aha means to
`{shack their pmtmype meter ham withmt ramming mam In
`Paris at: periaclie iatervala far camparism with the interna~
`12:33:31 meter has.
`Orthwgraphy and Rwding
`firthagmphym‘l‘hem are mi: methadg {2f arthagraphy a?
`me metrit units in um In we of theme. the miginal French,
`the units are spelled mare, lithe, grammg,‘ ‘m the {afghan
`praymaci by the American Mama: Bax-mm the units am.
`spelled meter. lite? and gram.
`In the US? and NF I‘m thwe
`denadefi after the. miginal adapzim {3f the metric system,
`mmer and liner were adaptecl but the Ffench gramme was
`mall. Nam: mes? alficial campendia use the spelling gram.
`ReadingwEmne difficulty usually is aweriwfletl by
`thaw urzfamiliarwith the matrimyatem ix: reading the quan—
`In ma llamas measures, in pharmacy? centimcamrs and
`millimeters are used 32:13am exclusively: £111.15. 0.35 m wwlcl
`ml be read five hand faiths: ill" a meter! but; a wmimamrs if?
`cml;if1he millimalar {ta-luau“: cantaima unit, as in {16:35:31, it
`is read filtyfive millimeters €235 mm}, in waferenea if) fifty-
`five Lhmxsamitfm all” a meter.
`F‘rafltltma 1:}? a millimeter must be wad deeimaliy. as.
`0.835% m, filly—five and firedamlts millimeter {$35 mm}.
`In magma {if cagacltyl whit: aantimeters (ml at milliliters
`(mill, are. nan-zeal exslusively {a}? quantities of less than a limr.
`Tim terms, half liter. Quarter lite“ mt} millilitam and mm
`millilitm are (Emailed 11:9 509 ml,“ 2‘50 mil, Elli? mla am: 3 m L:
`with water 1131?: milliliter la Mlfiifiiéwwfi] esguivalam La 3 gram.
`In wgight‘ whasl the quantity is mlatimly large! and in mm»
`martial transaatimsx the hillygmm.
`is; abbreviated m Mfr};
`when 135$ than a kiwgmm aml not less than a grczm, the
`quamif? is waif with the gran: flat the unit; 269% g wmzld 2313
`read always as {we thcmsemd gram; m as; Imus Ballast. mi 53:33 g
`wwkl Em mail five hundred avail {arty—llama? grams, while
`2&3 g 55 mmelimes wail twu kilm and five: handrail 21ml
`furty-thrge gram} altlmugh twenty-five humimd and may»
`thwe grams $31311}? is mafia-r961. Fm quantitiea limelm' the:
`gram! daaigram and centigram usually 336:? ml; usedl but
`milligram has been sagardeti as the: ram; ecmveaiem unit.
`With {ha Magma in the use: m‘ew‘emely small mag :21? very
`pfliam fimgfi mail the Wide: applimfifm {if mart: dalicam gnaw
`lytical prncedurasl the term micmgmm €msg, mg at? 3-21. lb:
`thwsanéthg 23f a milligram. is algal frequently 1:: designats
`quantities Lip w 3333 pg (least: than 3&3le mg}.
`Bath the: made and Engligi} aystemsl {1f weights and maey
`mm; are in use in the LES, even thaugh the metric: sysztem
`swath! hail raglafleé the. English system; the. pharmaflisat. mum
`have a practical knew-ledge :1? bath.
`The Mamie System
`The USP Elf 15% aciopted the metric 3323mm Elf waighm
`33ml meafimefi m Lhe exalusim {if all cythera except. fa? equiva»
`lam {Mags statemems, am} the British Flmrmiflfi‘flliafiia :33“
`191‘“; did likewise.
`it: lfieiel the. CGUflCiI m“: Pharmafly and
`Shemistrzp 0f ills} American Medical Mammal)“ adumeii lha
`mamas system Exeltmtvaly. The ad vantages a? the meme C}!
`ciaximal sql's‘m‘nzli and its simplicity? brevity am! adaplahllitg
`m Mayday nifi‘i'ilil are flaw mncefiezfi universally.
`Fraatianal at“! Multiple: F’wfixesmln many Experi-
`manml pmmciuras, incluéing same in the pharmacwflcal
`miences, very small (and accasimally very large} quantities
`at" weight. length. Wilma, Lime. mlfimcniviw. etc are mew
`sum-ad. T0 amiel the me (if nun-1mm with many 2mm in mach
`cases, the Maximal Bureau {3f Standardg recognizea: prafixefi
`m be used m 3311:5233 fractiama m- multipleg {if the Emma
`timalSmem (31‘ Units (3E) eatahlighed in 19% h}: the (Sewer?
`a} Cnnfemme en Weights avail Measurga {see f‘megamg dis~
`cussmnll The remgnimcl prefixes-a which in use are acljcglined
`m an appmpriate unit, las. far example, in axial: quantities as
`namgram, pimmale, radarclocmia1 micmsemnd m- megamzlm
`are defimd in Table I.
`Talzile II flats same metric: weights, The prefixes: which
`militate multiples, are all“ Greta]: fierivatim‘lwdeka. 20: ham},
`1%; kill}. mm Fractims {1f the man: are expressed by
`Latin pmfixeawéeci, Slim: cent-i, 35%; mini, lam.
`£me a few of the most mnvemem denmninatfims are
`amplayed in mammal warlzl Whale numlmrs {mm 1 m H300
`usually are expressefi in terma afgmma while the kilagmm is.
`mad at; the unis. far larger quanta-fies. Quantilim ham-am I
`milligram anti 1 gram usually are referral m in terms of
`AstraZeneca Exhibit 2132 p 9


`Tame Imprefixes fer Fractiws and Multiphes of 31 Units
`Tabte V—«Troy Weeight
` Pam Gunses Pannyweigahtg {PM} mains
`1 ()5

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