`r\ I. ‘3
`i ll’
`;_ A!
`Nicholas G. Popovich
`Howard C. Ansel
`Loyd V. Allen, Jr.
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1091.0001


`Editor: Donna Balado
`Managing Editor: jennifer Schmidt
`Marketing Manager: Christine Kushner
`Copyright © 1999 Lippincott Williams (S: 'erkins
`351 West Camden Street
`Baltimore, Maryland 21201—2436 USA
`227 East Washington Square
`Philadelphia, PA 19106
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`produced in any form or by any means, including photocopying, or utilized by any infor—
`mation storage and retrieval system without written permission from the copyright owner.
`The publisher is not responsible (as a matter of product liability, negligence, or otherwise)
`for any injury resulting from any material contained herein. This publication contains in-
`formation relating to general principles of medical care which should not be construed as
`specific instructions for individual patients. Manufacturers’product information and pack—
`age inserts should be reviewed for current information, including contraindications,
`dosages, and precautions.
`Printed in the United States ofAmerica
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in—Publication Data
`Ansel, Howard (2., 1933—
`Pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delievery systems / Howard C.
`Ansel, Lode. Allen, In, Nicholas G. Popovich. '— 7th ed.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 07683—30572—7
`2. Drug delivery systems.
`1. Drugs—Dosage forms.
`11. Popovich, Nicholas G.
`Ill. Title.
`[DNLM: ’l. Dosage Forms.
`2. Drug Delivery Systems. QV 785 A618i 1999]
`for Library of Congress
`1. Allen, Lode.
`Thepublishers have made every efiort to trace the copyright holders for borrowed material. Ifthey
`have inadvertently overlooked any, they will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at
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`InnoPharma Exhibit 1091.0002


` Contents
`Introduction to Drugs and Pharmacy
`New Drug Development and Approval Process
`Dosage Form Design: Pharmaceutic and
`Formulation Considerations
`Dosage Form Design: Biopharmaceutic and
`Pharmacokinetic Considerations
`Current Good Manufacturing Practices and Good
`Compounding Practices
`Powders and Granules
`Capsules and Tablets
`Modified~Release Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems
`Ointments, Creams, and Gels
`Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1091.0003


`I I
`Suppositories and Inserts
`Disperse Systems
`I 5
`Ophthalmic Solutions and Suspensions
`Products of Biotechnology
`Novel Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Technologies
`Systems and Techniques of Pharmaceutical Measurement
`I 7
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1091.0004


` In.
`Chapter at a Glance
`Gal-[era] Principles of Drug
`Passive Difi‘usion
`Specialized Transport Mechanisms
`Dissolution and Drug Absorption
`Swface Area
`Crystal or Amorphous Drug Form
`Salt Forms
`Othzr Factors
`Bioavailability and Bioequivalenne
`FDA Bicamitability Submission
`Blood (or 52mm or Plasma) Cmicentmh'on-
`Time Curve
`Rmttes of Drug Administration
`Om! Route
`Dosage Forms Applicable
`Rectal Route
`Parmtem! Route
`Dosage Farms Applicable
`Subcutaneous Injections
`Intramuscular Injections
`Intravenous Injections
`mhndmnai Injections
`Epicutaneous Route
`Ocular, Oral and Nasal Routes
`Other Routes
`Parmtersfor Assessmm and Comparison
`Peak Height
`Time of Peak
`Area UndEr the Sam Commfion Time
`Bfoequimience of Drug Products
`Fate of Drug After Absorption
`Drug Metabolism (Biatransfarmation)
`Excretion of Drugs
`Pharmacokinefic Principlw
`Concept of Cteamnce
`Dosage Regimen Consideratims
`As DISCUSSED in the previous chapter, the biologic
`response to a drug is the Iesult'of an interaction bev
`tween the drug substance and fimctiona‘dy impor—
`tant cell receptors or enzyme systemaThe response
`is due to an alteration in the biologic processes that
`were present prior to the dmg’s administration.le
`magnitude of the response is related to the con:
`centration of the drug achieved at the site of its at:-
`nonl‘his drug concentration dapends on the dosage
`of the drug admirdstered. the extent of its absorp-
`tion and distribution to the site, and the rate and ex-
`tent of its elimination from the body. The physical
`and chemical constitution of the drug S'UbSIal'lte—
`particularly its lipid solubility, degree of ionization,
`and molecular size—detarrfines to a great extent
`its ability to attract its bioiogicaj activity. The area of
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1091.0005


`£35ng £33??? Besign: Biapimmenfi: ans: Fhmamkfnefic Cansidemms
`study embracing this miafiomifip between the
`physirzah chemicai, and hislagical menses as they
`apply ta drugs, {image farms, and in émg actian has
`been given the desmpziva £61m Mfipkszmmtfm
`In general; far a drug :0 mart its bialngix: effestg it
`musf he fianspamd “by the handy £11262, maverse
`ffhfi mguimd hmlagic membram: barriers, escape
`widggpmaci distributim to unwanmi areas, endure
`metabtzlin attack, grammars in adequate mncmtra»
`titan to the sitea mi actim, and interact in a spam:
`Kashms massing an alteratim nf mania function. A
`simpfified diagram 0f this campiex seriea nf events
`hemem a dmg’a admirfigtraflmn anti its. eliminw
`rim is pmsemad in Figure 4L}.
`The gbsmptism tiimibmim; himransfamatim
`(metabolism), and efimimtimn mi 3 drug fmm the
`bed}; are dynamim grammes that mnfinue frm the
`time a dmg is taken until all at the drug has been
`rammed {mm the may Tim was at which {base
`grammes am afiesi the anger, intensity; and the
`dmatmn uni the émg’s; activity wiflfin the 13mg. The
`ama m? 51:11:33: which flatmates rhe firm flame 3f
`{1mg mnmkatim in the 131on and mafia is
`termed phanmmkifiafim It is the Staci}: 3f the km
`metrics 0f absmptim, dish‘ibutimg matahafism and
`extrema ELSA/IE) af thugs and their coflegpmm
`ing pharmamiagic, therapemfic; a: tat-viz: :espanse
`in animals and man. Further; since one timg may
`sitar the absurptim, digmbufiam metabolism in“
`axfleficm of anather drug, pharmacakinefics aim
`may be appiied in the 513163; 0f magnetism bgmwn
`Once a drug is afiministemfi and cimg aha-mp»
`firm begins, the rimg dam not remain in a single
`body Imafimm but rather fig gamma mnaghmt
`the had}? until 112$ ultimate efiminatian. Far Em
`3mm, fallan the mai adminismtim a? a drug
`and its entry mm the gastmintesfinal tract, 3 912%
` {ital
` Excretian
`Fig. :11 Echmszfic mpmsmtezz‘m gm min-93mm, meiafiaiz‘sm arm? mama {glimgg qfigr their Wfigismlim by 7mm
`2mm mum
`InnoPharma Exhibit 10910006


`Garage Ema firségrr: Biwimnmmréc «mi Pkmkmrrir {l‘msr'rfrrrrrirrzr
`than {:3 the drug is absrrrberi rm that circuiafrrry syrw
`mm {mm which it is distributed to the: mafia other
`bad}: fluiris, tissues, anri argans. me there sites
`the drag may remm m the rfirmlamry sysram rm}
`be excreted thrmrgh the hiring? as such err the rimg
`may be metabofized E3}? the Ever arr anther cellular
`rites and be amazed as metabrrlitrsr As 31mm
`in Figure? 41.1. rimgs administrred by inmvemur
`injectirrn are: 313mm direrrtly mm the mammary
`system; thereby waifiing the absmptim premiers;
`wraith is. raquireri from all other mama of aflmirris-
`rrarirm far mtemic warts.
`“The variant; harry lemmas m which a drug travw
`r15 may be virweci as separata mmpartmrzntsr each
`remaining mine fractinn {sf the administered rinse
`at?drug: The transfer 9fdrug {mm the him 13:: ether
`{may incafians is generally a rapid pmcess and i5
`rerersible; first 113, the drug may dififure back mm
`the circulafirm. Tim mg in {hr blend thrrrfmre ex?
`£51.13 in aquflibfium with the thug in the arher mm
`grammrms. Barrera, in this equilibrium state; the
`maremrafim nf the drug In the bland may be quite
`Mrmt (gear-er or lesser} khan rm: mncmimfirm
`rrf the drug in the ether rampartmentsfi‘his is dug
`largely m the physimhrmical pmpertirs of the 23mg
`and its remnant ability m 133% {hr 25191311 and firm
`mare the bialrngical membranes. Certain @135 may
`Erma the Watery 3323mm rapirfly anti camplareiy,
`whereas other drugs may d0 36:: stawiyand with dif-
`fimhy. A number sf drugs bemme Errand m broad
`mam particuiarly the albamins, and mlya small
`framim iii the mug ariministrrefi may armafly’bg
`row: at Martians amide of the cirruiamry sygmm
`at a giver: time. The transfer 9f drug fram me
`mmpartmerrr to marker is mathematically 233m
`riared with a sgecific rate warrant describing that
`particular transfer. Generally the rate of tranafar
`rrf a :1ng from one mmpartmrrm m summer is
`pmprsrtrrrrral to the mncentmfion rrf the drug: in
`the ramparrmanr {mm which fr exits: rhrz greater
`tire mnemtrarrrm‘ the greater is the ammunt of
`fimg transfer.
`Mahabnlism is the majrrr prams by which fareign
`substanms, Warring {hugs are aliminateri {mm the
`339113?“ In {her pmcass 11fmemhrfliam a drug substance
`may he? biamrrsfrrrmer} 311m phmamkrgfirafiy at“
`five rrr inactive metabrfiiier. Qfim, birth the drug
`Wm 31rd its matabafitrfis} arr. active and arm
`phmamlrzgir: Efffittfi‘ 55hr examgflrr, the: anfianxifiiy
`ding Frazepam {8mm} Wham, in part: tn mx~
`331136.111 {Serra}, which aim has Wary affem.
`In 3mm instances a phamtamlagimfiy ’rnzmfive 93mg
`(farmed a mdnrg} may be admirfisirrrd for the
`imam: efifecm rrf its active memhmfites. Dipiwfrm,
`far armpit; is a grmémg cf rpmrphn‘m farmed by
`the arterificatirm r35 epmeghrine and pirafir; am.
`This «enhances the lipaphilic rharartar :35 the: mg,
`and. as a mnseqrrrnce its penetrating. mm the ante»
`rim: mm :35 the aw i}: ‘1? firmer that 13E epmepb
`fine. Within the rye; érprrefrin Hill is rarrvrrteci hy
`enzymatic hydmiysis m epinephrine.
`The Weiiam er a drug in inactive pmducts is
`warm}: an irreversiblr princess which summaries in
`fire ametim sf are drug from the barf}: usualiyria
`the mailing pharmamkiheticrrt may rairularr an
`efimirrafiorr rare mmtam (termrci 3M} frrr a rimg
`m desrn‘be its rare {:5 elirmmarion mm the hardy.
`The term elimimrim refers Err barb marabmlirm
`ami excretion. Far drugs that are arirrfimgiered in~
`trammmsly, and therefore irrmire rm abmrption
`prams; the has}; is much “less compier than far
`drugs administered wally nr by Either mates. In the
`Latter infirm; érug absurprmn and drug elimina-
`tirm are ecmrfing rrrmrlmnermsly but at airman:
`genera} Principles
`m? 13mg Absurptiun
`Befere m “ministered rimg can arrive at irssite
`crf acting in Efrem mnemrratima it must mar»
`mum a number 2:1! barriers. Them barriers are
`chiefly a marsim mi biaimgir membranes such
`as those af rim gasrmirrtestinal apitheh‘m hang;
`bland, and hairs. Sorry membranes are gemrfiiy
`ciarsified a5 {brag main types: (a) those mmposed
`mf revered layers inf rails; as the skin; {b} more mm
`Pager} r216 3 single layer 01‘ mils, as: the intertinal ep—
`ithafium; and (-3) mm: 0E Lesa thanm‘re reflin mick»
`mas, ar the membrane sf 3 single; cell. In mam
`instances a drug rubstarme must» pass mare than
`{me of $9512 mrmbrana typer hrfma it warmer. its
`site 13E artisan. For insrmce, a drug taken man}: must
`first traverse the garrminresrina} membranrr; {stam-
`arh, mull and iarge intestiné}, gain Entrance: mm
`the general Wham; p335: tr: the mgan er fissile
`rm}: whirh it hag affinity. gain antrame ram rhat
`tissue, m then enter info its individual c3133.
`Aldlrmgh the cherrfirtry cf boar}; membranes;
`differs arm: from anather, the membranes may he
`viewerd in genrrai
`ass. a himnrrrmrar firm-id {Earr-
`mrr’rainirrg) 353a: rattarhrrri rm birth riches m 3 mm
`tat-Err layrr. ngs are ‘Ehnght m panarrara these bi-
`nlogir: membranas in mm general m: 1) by par
`Siva diffusmm arm‘ 2} thmugh spammed transport
`machanirms. Wiiirtin ram 05 there mam magmas,
`mare cigar-1y érfined pmmssas have been ascr‘iheé
`in drug transfer:
`InnoPharma Exhibit 10910007


`flaw Siam flag}: gimnnamafir {2:232 Pmmmafimis: Csmfmtéam
`Passive mfim’nfl
`'I‘hé tam gamma :fifi‘mim '15 W m dasmfifi the
`passage mi aifimg) msiemlas thmngh a membrane
`whisk behama mart}? in that It fines amt mike}?
`gamcipare in that mamas. mugs abmmed “carat
`Eng 1:; 6135 method am said ha be yassr‘mfy 3mg.
`The abmrpfim mamas is (imam fly fine mmamra—
`flan grafiienf (13.; the flit-Emma; in mneanimfim}
`awning arms the mambraneg with flm {33$ng af
`aimg maimfiafi mmng primarily :Emm the gage: nf
`high drag mmentmtim. Mast shrugs pain». {Mug}
`Eamiagic membrmes by difffisim.
`Passive diffigsim is fimfibeé by Fiskk first hm,
`Maia}: mm that the rate: a? {£an 43: gramme“?
`swim a mambram {mm} i5 pmptmimal m the
`dir'fermm in drug mnmntsafim {3:1 mm aides a!
`the membrane:
`in mum {1? and {11g mfg: 1:: fine thug canmntmiimfi
`5m each 53:12 at}: the membrane and F is a pmnm
`ability mefficmm or musmn Tm: tea-rm Cl is ms~
`mmariig mad m :egmmm the mmgafimem mm
`the gang: mmemratmn {if chug and {has the
`mama as? drug pmmfis fmm mmpmmem me
`(2.3., absarptim Hire} an campam‘nem ms; (35.;
`52mm the mnemflatim 1:9? timg at tins: Hire a:
`imam {£21} :5 umaiiy mash gamma 2313:: cm the
`51mm mag (33“ mg membrane! dug in the rapid {13w
`mm at“ the drug m the bland and its sabmquent
`fiismbmim m the {imam far practfmi pummg
`am mine mi {:3 m C2 may be miner: sink??? as; that 33’
`£2 anti me magma wfitten in the 333::de {mm
`Ear a first carrier rate equatirm:
`The gastmmmsfiml shaman Elf mm: 6mg; 13mm
`mimim mama; in this mamer in acmrdanca with
`firs? Mir? Seismic: m which the rate in: {iapmcient m
`aims mmen‘tratfiom Lean, émhling that: firm» rimhies
`{he transfer mm. The mgfiimde of ma? pgmeabflfi
`It}: wnatam. singenéa {m thé: fiiffihsim maffimem vi
`the drug the thfirsknass and area mf the absarbing
`mammna m the {mimeahifity 9f aha mammane
`m the pnflmim drug.
`Basrauge mi km ligamid mm 9f {ha mil Irm~
`mam: if £3 higfiiy magma m Rpm salable sub
`mama The rate 3:“ iiiffufiiim r3? a drug am the
`membrme dapmdfi m3“: {532}? :3an E123 mmmm~
`him but aim ugrm 1h: mam extent :1? its aifinity
`Eur lipifi anti mama 9% mm (a: high iipiri parfitim
`mfiifiemjfi‘m green: 11% affinity fur iigir} and 35m»
`mare hyfimpémbis: it is. tha faster win be 113 sate 9f
`mammal: inks; the Eipici with mambmnt. me
`mycin beam Fm: example? pasgafiaes a higher mam-e
`{Em magician? than miter Eymm nmpmnéa
`{age asmlaze, giaceptaie‘ Eamumfly. the Mg i3
`the Mme-cl agent fix the Mpz‘ml treatment m? ama-
`whem pamtratim into the skin is desimfi.
`Sesame 122315331: tells m alas} parmeamri 1;};
`water and 1ipid4nmhh§a substamezsi it is mmgfifi
`that the membranfi 315:; flmtaim wafer» flied 5mm;
`a}: chameia that permit the passage :3? they: {was
`cai subsshamarss; As water 32mm in Bulk arms a
`pawns memkrane; my dissniwé salute mmiecw
`13:13: 3:11.311 emugk: {a image the pares mam in
`byflmfim Aqumus perm was); in am“. {mm mm~
`Mane 15:3 memhmm: am} thus in kiwi: individual
`permerabiliiy nhamcterigficg far certain drugs am!
`mm: gauging-m.
`The magmii}! {2% {imgs was}; are weak mganéc,
`acids :31“ hafiasz. Knmladgt: {pf their infiificitmi ism“
`imtim m flifififlfiafim‘k {hammezristfiis i=5 émpgriang
`bemtm: the}: abmrption is gmmmd m a large em
`mm by mm degrees: a?" imixamn as they am late-—
`sawed m the mmhram barriers. {31:3 membrahm
`are mama pameabie 15:; iha mimiaed Emma: n?
`1311135 than in: their imizeé fangs. mm? because
`M the gmamriipid minhiiity {zf the manned farms
`am 2:: the highly fihaxgaci namm 9E rim mil mam»
`Mane which 32mm: in the fiimiing m“ repsfing a?
`the imimci simg mi ihmaby fiatreaaes 6.12% may
`mum Aim arms Magma hydrated thrmgh 333a»
`maxim with mm: maiecules, wanking, in him"
`parfities 013mm mdimfiatm maimfie magi again
`ciamasefi penetrating gammy.
`Thar: degrarfi af a drug'& innmafian éepenfia bath
`m the 1,333 if rim salutian in which it“ is premnred
`m {be mange: membrane anti an the p35.” in“ dig”
`Won maxing sf 311% drug {whether an aria or
`base}.?he mmapt mi pig i5 dmwad mm ting Han-
`dmmfiasmzhamh equating and ‘15:
`Far am mid:
`innimé mm? {321:3
`9K» mg mimimsi mm; {am
`PM :2 bass:
`, mm@ mm; 52:35:23
`PM ""- F‘K’ 4% lag whims: can; {3am
`Since ma pH mi bociy fluids meg {532:th p11 3;
`Imam {If the inmsfine, pH 2516;102:9121 plasmas. pfi
`3%); the ammtim cf 3 drug {mm minua may H11»
`My wfil differ rmd may flimm 223 game mam {he
`types 31’ émage farm and the mats: 1:3? aflwimsrran
`firm pmfgrmé far a gym fimg.
`InnoPharma Exhibit 10910008


`£3me {Migm Emmamzfic mg: ngwkiflaflc Cam‘cfmzim
`By mafiafigfing firm equatiam in: an acid:
`pig - FR M 13$
`unimizefi agncantrafim gatid)
`innized tnnsentmtim {salt}
`came an thmmicafiy fietermine the dam {Extent
`3:; which a drug mmainfi unimjgad under vafinus
`confiifims Inf pH.This £3 patrimfiarly useful when
`applied m candiflnns ("K may mm. “Fur instants; if
`a weak amid having a 9K3 Bf 3; i’S assmmed it} be in
`an mfimment sf gastric juice mm a 133% (if L the
`Eel“? side {If the aquatimn mam yield the nmmhez 3,
`which wmid mean that the ram :35 Magnified m
`maize-d drug pasmles maid be 211201;? 1930 m L
`and gastric ahsomfinn wmid be assailant. A: the
`pH of plasma the meme: wmfid ha mm, anti in the:
`Emmi the drug woulfi be largely in the imaged
`mefi‘abie 4.1 {2:953:15 the affect‘ (if pE-i {m the km -
`imam sf weak eiecmhr’ces, anti Tame 4.2 ceffers
`Emma representatiw pig "names of mmmm mg
`3mm the equafim and from “Eagle $1; it may be
`gear: that a. drug substance is haIE baked at a {M
`Me which 13 equal to Eta pKwThus pKA may he, der
`fined as the 911 at which a thug $5 33% imizeci.¥m
`ample, phennhmhi’cai has a 33K, mine 3f 33mm
`”M, and in {31351113 {pi-I 3%) it is man? as imimd
`and minimized famxs in equal 3310mm Hume: a
`drug suhstsmcr: :33an new}: the films: pimma fa:
`distrihnfim flmughaut the bgdy unless it is placed
`Wm dizecfl? {hmugh inkmvemns mienfim or is £a~
`wrably absmbed from a site 33mg its mate czfmm
`as the gastminmfimal tract and aliawad in pass
`inm me general nimflafim. A3 $113M: in 'Ifaifle 11.2,
`phembarbital, a weak mini, “with a 915;: sf M wcmlfi
`Table: M. The W: at pH on the imizatim nf
`Weak Eiemnlyics" pig-FBI % Uninnfmaéd
`LfWaak Asia?
`§W¥c Base
`"‘ 293
`-“ M}
`- {23?
`- 35
`+1 323
`919.?+ 3,151 {1.19:}
`’Repmmfi with permissim {mm Galuisin If, Ewin»
`task}! 5‘62 m1 Imam“; l%§;13?:1§§.
`13K; wine’s Ear 3mm man: and
`Table 4.2.
`Basis 13mg;
`Aceqfififiqmc 321d
`Emié acid
`335%?me $3.6
`Tm largely undisamigtad in the gawk anfimnmem
`m pH 1 anti mam likely $22 weal} abmrhed. A drug
`may entex me circulatim mpicfly and. at high mm
`cenfiafinns if mgmbrane penetration is easily at—
`mmpfished m. at a 3m»: rate and law levai if the drug
`is 1m; warm? abambeé :5er its mute {ref entry. The
`pH :16 the mugs amen? environment Memes the
`am and the degraa if “its flirting: ciiséfibahmn he»
`came it banmeg mate as: less animized anti marew
`fare mm miflm Iiprid~pmetrating under Emma new
`{man mi 191% than mder ammar. If an Manned
`molecule i3 abie m flame {Maugh trim lipici barrier
`and remain umongd in the new Environment, it
`may remm ta its manner 198mm 0: gm an m 3 mm
`me. Haws/vex; ifin tha naw mmentitisgmafiy
`innizefi due in the influence Inf we pH at? the 342-0321;}
`fluid, it likely will be unable m was the mmhrane
`with its game: ahfiim Thus a mncetmafim gméiw
`em 13E a drug nanny is mashed as: aqufiibfium rm
`each side 9f a membrane cine :5 Megan: éegrees nf
`ionimtmn manning on eachgidefi summary 13f the
`camepts 5f disamiatimfimiaafim is Emmi in me
`physical pharmagy capsule animal ”pKaIDismcia-
`rim Cmstzntsfln Clhapmr 3.
`It fa men desimble {m pharmacenfical scianfists
`m make 3mm mnfiifimfiflnfi in axganic drugs
`InnoPharma Exhibit 10910009


`3mg! Fm: fim‘gn: Bfaphammflc mm? Pfiammkmm‘c Cmégmsa‘ms
`ami thmaby fawrabiy aim: their lipid mlubflit};
`partition mefficimm anti dissmiafifln mnmants
`while maintaining the same? basin phamamimgic
`activity. These sfiarts frequenfly pawl: in inmaseé
`absarptiom better thrarapeutic mapame‘, and timer
`Epeciaiizesf Trafisparf Mechmzismx
`In mntrast m the passive flansffir {1? drugs
`and mm substancm anrmg a bicfimgfic memlwrana
`aeriain substancea, Minding same thugs am bk)“
`Raga: metabblitrszs, are candxmted amasa a membrme
`wough one «:31? swam} mama Walfzaci firms-
`pcm mechmismfi. This type 3f Wafer seems he
`acmum is: these mbsiamces; many manually mm?
`sing as amim 3:31:15 and glucose; that are me Epiai~
`1:13:11me to dismive in the 12:3de and ma; large
`in flux»: 4:}: filfterfiflmugb the pews. This type 13f tram ..
`part 13 Waugh: m imam: membrane cnmponents
`that maybe enzymm c3: same antiwar We ef amt ca-
`pabie of farming a sampler: with the drug (at ether
`agent} at the surface mmlbrane, after wifich the
`camplm mm amasg the membrane Wham the
`11mg is released with the carrier ramming m the
`arigmai amfam Figure- 11.2 pfasems the simpijfiaci
`scheme 92’ this precess‘ Specialized transport maybe
`difffirentiafed Exam passive hangar in that the far-
`mer mcess may 1:28me “gammted”as me meant
`mi flame: presani fer a given subatance hemmas
`mmpietel}! Emmi with that snbfianmrmmgin a
`delay in ihe”femring”m Rampart pmmss. (Ether
`features {xi speciaiimd Wpflfl induda the apeci»
`Hefty by a carrier fear a pmfimiar type of chgmica‘i
`stmcmre m that H hm substanms are trampmted
`in? the same mechanism me m1: cmmpetifimy in»
`hibit the “wagon m“ the (201225. thm the. {sans—
`pm mechanism is ianitexi in game} by sub
`flames that mterfm wiih cell matabnfifim. Tim
`term mm}: 11:22:15me as a subdassifimtim uf spew
`(flaked transmit, flatmates a process with the: adfifi
`Emma} feature: 131‘ the mime m émg hing mm
`across the membrane against a mmentration gm»
`{fight that 13,1 {mm a mmfim 9f iawer mmantm«
`11mm m ma {31:3 higher mmmmfim m. if the salute
`is an ion, agaimt an electmnhamiml potential gar
`diam. in contrast in active transpafi, facilézaiasi sis}:
`imam is a spenialized transport mechaxfism having
`all m? the ahme charaflesisficg Except that the salute
`is mt transferred against a cmcentrafim gradimf
`and may attain the same mnnenirafim inside £112
`mail as that an the: miside,
`Many b35131 mtn‘ema as sugars and amim 36:35:
`am {mummified mags the membranes ef the gas»
`mimestmal tract by carrier pramssea (Imam vita-
`mina, as thiarmm, niacin, ribmflavin am: «mm 85,
`and drug substances 35 methyldnpa and 331239
`mam mquim active Rampart mechanisms far
`thai: abmrptian
`Imeatigafims of Mammal trampm have often
`attained in ms; {at the: site} 131‘ In mm {in the body} an »
`imai madels {3: arm»: {3911de king bed?) trampmt
`modem; hawmar, recent}? (:91: mam mmials a? 1mm
`man mall-intestine absnrpfive 03125 lme hemme
`avaflabie 1:3 investigate transpmt amass inmsfimi
`apithafinm {1}. Bath pagsiw anti trampummediated
`sméies have been emanated m mvestigate mecha»
`mm as well as rat-as {:5 transport
`Dissolnfinn and Drug Absorptinn
`Fm a drug in he absurhefi, it must first be fliy
`mlved in the am a: tha ahsarpfion aim Fm in»
`31821128; a drug administered orally in table: 0: my
`sake fmn cams: be 3333mm mm} the dragpartideg
`are fissmved by the fluids. at some paint mm: the
`gamamtemnal mm in Wm in which the m1-
`ubflit}? mi a timg is dependent 111mm eiflmr an aticifie
`a: bash? mediam the {hug M21210 he dissalved in
`me stamach a? intestines respectively {Fig 4.313216
`pmegs by which a drug partifle {119%}st is tigrme‘x}
`As a drug parfi-rsle 1mziergmes diemmmm the
`drug mmlemEeg {m the amiasze are the first 2:: mar
`inm 591mm meafing a 5ammteci Iaye: c1? thug-
`sbiufinn Whiii‘l mvaizyps 1m: smface of the 5355i
`drug pam'cke. Ihisr layer 5f smlutien is referred ta 6.3
`the éfimim Em Pram this difiusim layer, the
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1091.0010
`1 1
`Elm-ii} )3

`Fig. m Active tmmpm mfg-3mm. I} :m‘esmi‘a ea simg
`mimtie; i: rapmmm m mniarir: 2353 mmme {Maég‘fiefi
`fimfi Q‘Rgfily W Ami? Pimm “2355;435:583


`mange Fm Design: Elapkazrmmmti: mi lernnmkmenc Cmisiemfims
`mu. man-£11
`Mm in 7}
`"misuse {MM
`“mam“ W“
`i m z , I 1
`35ml)»: [pa in
`“infirm 5mm
`It? can: I
`Fig. 3.3 nmmmfl diagram slanting the élgzsfivz system
`winning {he lamiim final-mi in simgnfimpfim will hair
`ream pH values
`dmg mnlemlns pass mmnghaut the dimlving fluid
`anti make cnntacl will“: the filnlfigit memfimnm and
`afisfiz‘pnfin 8113113333312 mfilmlles mfdmg mnfinue
`In lame the cilimsinn layen the layer is mplemgnecl
`with glissolmi drug 15mm film smlam nfihe dmgpan
`tide and the: process of absorgfinn mnfinunn
`if the waning of flissfilmion {or a given drug pap
`tide in rapid, a: if the dmglx ndnnnlntemd as a 51:“
`Inner: and remains present in that: may as finch, the
`ran: a!) which lnn dung fiemmes absnrbed mule! Eve
`primarily dfipgndent npfin its ability tn traverse fine
`mmfirnne barriax. Hawaver, if the rain of £35011;-
`tim for a firfig particle is 51mm an my be due to the
`physlnchamicnl charactarintics 0f the cimg sub—
`stance in the {la-sage lam, 1hr: Wlfifim pmcess
`itself wnulcl be a rate—Emiling step in the afimxp»
`film mamas. Slnwly soluble fimgs saunas filgnzdn,
`may not Lani? he absmbecl at a alfiw rate, ihey may
`be lnmmylnlely absm‘bncl, m, in 51min canes largely
`nnahnmbefi £0316ng anal admfinlstratinn, clues in
`the natural llmitafien ml time Ihn? they may :nmain
`witlfin the sfmnach fir the mtesfinal tract. Thug;
`pmrly salable clings or penny {emulated fimg
`mailman may result in .2: drugs mcfimplete :11me
`nan and its gassage, unmanned; nut ml the system
`via the lanes.
`Under nmmal mmmstnmen a drug may fin ens:-
`pmea m sea-main in the 5mm En: 2 13:; 11 ham
`lgfish’ic mnplyifig rim?) and in the small intestines
`in: 4 fit; 10 hams: although {here is substantial van»
`atim between penning ancl even in Elm 5W person
`rm clifferem nmsinmfififinus techniques have been
`fisacl m We gasnic emptying time and ma
`gasnnmtesfinal passage of drug fmm nations final
`(lasagna fnmln mclmiing the flanking an? (image
`lemma labeled with gamma—emitting radinnmiiden
`Waugh gamma finnfi'gtapfiy (2, 3) TIRE 335ml;
`Emptying time £22: a fimg 15 mm: rapid with a 11351:“
`Eng 5.19:2:1rlve21ml}P becoming slnwnr as film fonfi filament
`is increased Qhangw in gannc emptying time
`analog in mfnstinal maxim? can affect drug finnslt
`lime and thus the figpmmnity Em: 6mg nissnlniim
`and abmrntinn.
`Ihfisn Changes nan be afiefleii by dmgs me 1351*
`Elam may be taking. Cnnnin {Raga with ammhnlim
`ergic: pmpaffinn n.3,, dicytlomlnn HEEL nnétz‘lpty-
`line HCL have me ability m slaw dmxm gaafi‘i:
`nmpfiing This can enhance the rate: :1? nbfinrptlnn
`sf :1ng nfirmally Emma lmm the stnmach anal
`reduce the me {3f abanrpn‘on :31? drugs that are pri-
`marily afisntlfiefi {mm the small intentine. Alterna—
`tively clmgs Mich enhance gastric mnlilityg Lag,
`laxatives; may name: name drugs tn mania fit} gunk}?
`through the gantmmtfisfiml ayatgm and past their
`abserptivn site 35 5mm 3 rate to mime the ammm:
`91‘ drug actually afisfirheé. This effect has been
`demnnsnated with dignxin whims amnrpfim in
`3Wcantly decreased by amelmling gastmn
`nesting} motility,
`The: aging pram-33 itsnlf may also mfineme gas»
`1:041an absfirpllfin. In khan mean gantrlc atlw
`it}; in: manner nf alasmptivn calla; Mammal filnfid
`film the rate of gastric empnring anti inlesfi‘nal
`mnfillty are all damanaed. Howwez‘, flmgs in whlfih
`abanrpfifin clepeznds an pansive pram-mes are net
`aligned by these factors as much as flame that {in
`penti an active nannpmi: memms, gag“ cal-
`cium iron, Warning, anal mgazsl A decrease in gen-
`fizic nmplying Ema mm be afivankagefiun ffir {lune
`dmgs that are absmbecl [mm the smmch but dim
`acmnragems frn than: nmga Wd‘l are prune In
`mid degradatinn; £ng panicllllns, awfiwomynn, m:
`macmaleil by stnmach ems-,5; mg... belfipn
`The difimlnfinn nf 8 311135th may fin gamma
`by the mnrlifiad Mfiyes ~Wfi§mey equal-inn:
`«if = min - c.)
`in which field: is the: rate filmssnlufifing k :3 the dis»
`5311mm rate Canfitfint; 5 is the anxfam area m“ the
`dinmlm‘ng snlid, a} is the: saturafion mnefintmlim
`of drug in {he diffizsinn layer {which may be an
`pmximatad by the maximum snlfifiility m.“ the drug;
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1091.0011


`13953313 Fem: flaign: Bipptmmacmis mm? Phanmmtémtéc: timsfimtfiam
`in the mlvent Sifltfie the mam Eager ES mfitdemti
`sammtad); anti at is the mmemration of the dmg in
`the dimlutim matiimn at time t it; w it: is the: ma»
`mntratmn gtactimt).1he rate at dismiution it; gem“
`amezfi by the rate of diffimimn of“ statute matemflas
`thmugh thtt difmgim Layer 1:11:th batty 9f the am
`lumen. The: equatitm meals that the dissatution
`rate at a drug may be mamasati by increasing the
`surface area {trimming the gamete aim} at the drug,
`hfinmasing the 593121311183? at the drug in tha mm;-
`sitm Eager, and by tutors emfiadiezi in the: dignity
`tion rate cturtmtan‘tg 1;, intiuéing the intenfitty at agi»
`tatim at that salt-3m: and the Wm {resetfitient 3f
`the matting drug. Fm: a given drag, the fiififusitnn
`(inefficient anti usually the mmmtmtim if the
`émg tn the {3132;151:311 layer will immase with inmm«
`mg tampemmre. Aim, massaging the: rate: at agita—
`tim of the {321339in meriinm Mil increase 1:111: rate
`of éiamiutian. A retiugtim 131 the tismm'ty 1:1me wk
`vent emplayed ta manner mtamt whtrh may be meat
`13:: enhance the: titsmtutim rate at a ctmg. Changes in
`the pH at the mm at“ the 331133211 which M13310?
`the mtuhifity at the drug may be used tr;- advantage
`in incteaging 12115501110331 rate. Effervescent, buffemi
`mpifin tablet fnmulatimm use $113318 at them prim?
`pies m mat! advantage! Data m the alkalizm adju»
`wants; in the tablet, the ambit}; of tha am is
`enhancea mm 1‘th Wflfit’i} tagger and the 330111“
`firm at taxman flim’de agitateg the 5mm: system
`1.2., gastric juims. Camequmfi}; the: rate {if aspin’n
`ahsmbefi mm the 133me 15 faster than that
`aflfimaci fmm a mavemmm} aspirin tablet mums»
`tartan. 15th émage tam is atteprahte m tha pm
`tient; it pmvt’rtes a qmtkar means far the patient #3::
`gain (glitz? Earn a tmubiestzme heafiache; Many
`manufacmmm will tttitize a partimfla: ammphfims,
`mystalfinaf $311; at“ state: farm :31? a drug that M}! m:-
`hibtt tint! saluhflity tharactefisticg needmi m achiew,
`the {flawed timiufian ahmctefistim when admtm
`istereti Same at these fatten that affect fimg dissm
`{mm-a briefly are We} in the 5:235ng para-
`graphfi, where-as athats wit} be dammd in
`succeeding magma; in whisk fitsyam mtmmnt.
`Tim chemical anti physical charantaristics (If a
`timg snbstance that tan affect dmgi‘dmg precinct
`safEty, Efificam and stability meat be mew}! tit?
`Emmi by appmpriate tiranéards in an applinatim t0:
`WA appmtral amt than substaimd and mmmlled
`thmughmt pméuct manufatrtum
`Suffice Area
`War: a drug partisie is minced to a targgt nmw
`bar a? smafler particles, the total Mam area mam
`ateti is tnmseé. Par timg aubatamea that are
`Emmi}: m- slmiy gambit; this genmfly msults in an
`immase in the mate 9!: dimiufian. This is expiaimti
`in thE Physiml Pharmacy Gamma, “Pattitie 3122*
`Emma Mtg-a and Dissatufim Rate

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