Attorney Docket No. 11285.0056-01000
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Prior Application Art Unit: 1628 Prior Application Examiner: San Ming R. Hui
`Commissioner: This is a request for filing a
`[XI Continuation [:1 Continuation-in-Part [:1 Divisional Application under 37 CPR.
`§ 1.53(b) of pending prior Application No. 12/285,887 filed October 15, 2008 of John R.
`Enclosed is a complete copy of the prior application including the oath or
`Declaration and 2 sheets of drawings, as filed as a Substitute
`Specification on March 3, 2010, which corresponds to the subject matter
`as originally filed. I hereby verify that the attached papers are a true copy
`of prior Application No. 12/285,887 as filed on March 3, 2010, which
`corresponds to the subject matter as originally filed on October 15, 2008,
`which is incorporated herein by reference.
`Enclosed is a Request for Non-Publication of Application and Certification
`Under 35 U.S.C. § 122(b)(2)(B)(i).
`A Preliminary Amendment is enclosed.
`Enclosed is a Certification and Request for Prioritized Examination Under
`35 U.S.C. § 1.102(e).
`E The filing fee is calculated on the basis of the claims existing in the prior
`application as amended in the Preliminary Amendment filed herewith.
`Search Fee
`Basic Utility Application Filing Fee
`Examination Fee
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0001


`Application No.: Unassigned
`Attorney Docket No.: 11285.0056-01000
`Page 2 of 3
`*Rounded up to next whole number
`Size Fee: Paper Filing
`_— 100+50=_*x$310
`Total Application Pages
`(specification, drawings, printed
`*Rounded up to next whole number
`sequence or computer listing,
`Additional Fee for Paper
`Filing New Application
`(DELETE if filing new application
`via EFS Web - fee not required for
`EFS new application
`Size Fee: EFS-Web Filing
`Total Application Pages
`(specification, drawings, printed
`sequence or computer listing,
`reliminar amendment
`Publication Fee under 35 U.S.C. § 1.18(d)
`The fee of $ 6,480.00 is submitted herewith.
`The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge any fees which may be
`required, including fees due under 37 C.F.R. § 1.16, and any other fees
`due under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17, or credit any overpayment during the
`pendency of this application to Deposit Account No. 06-0916.
`New acceptable drawings are enclosed.
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0002


`Application No.: Unassigned
`Attorney Docket No.: 11285.0056-01000
`Page 3 of 3
`m The prior application is assigned of record to: AstraZeneca AB as
`indicated by the assignments recorded at reel 011635, frame 0063 on
`March 27, 2001 and at reel 015906, frame 0402 on October 18, 2004.
`Priority of Application No. 00003137, filed on January 10, 2000 and
`Application No. 0008837.7, filed on April 12, 2000, both in Great Britain
`are claimed under 35 U.S.C. § 119. A certified copy
`CI is enclosed or
`IE is on file in the prior application.
`Small entity status is appropriate and applies to this application.
`The power of attorney in the prior application is to FINNEGAN,
`A Listing Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.32(c)(3) of Ten or Fewer Practitioners to
`be Recognized by the PTO as Being of Record is attached.
`The power appears in the original declaration of the prior application.
`15. m Since the power does not appear in the original declaration, a copy of the
`power in the prior application is enclosed.
`Please address all correspondence to FINNEGAN, HENDERSON,
`FARABOW, GARRETT and DUNNER, L.L.P., Customer Number 22,852.
`If any extension of time is necessary for the filing of this
`application, including any extension in parent Application No. 12/285,887, filed
`October 15, 2008, for the purpose of maintaining copendency between the parent
`application and this application, and such extension has not othen/vise been requested,
`sUch an extension is hereby requested, and the Commissioner is authorized to charge
`necessary fees for such an extension to Deposit Account No. 06-0916. A duplicate
`copy of this paper is enclosed for use in charging the deposit account.
`Dated: September 4, 2012
`: g
`Carlos M. TeIIez
`Reg. No. 48,638
`(202) 408-4123
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0003


`Attorney Docket No. 11285.0056-01000
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Prior Application Art Unit: 1628 Prior Application Examiner: San Ming R. Hui
`Commissioner: This is a request for filing a
`[XI Continuation [:1 Continuation-in-Part [:1 Divisional Application under 37 CPR.
`§ 1.53(b) of pending prior Application No. 12/285,887 filed October 15, 2008 of John R.
`Enclosed is a complete copy of the prior application including the oath or
`Declaration and 2 sheets of drawings, as filed as a Substitute
`Specification on March 3, 2010, which corresponds to the subject matter
`as originally filed. I hereby verify that the attached papers are a true copy
`of prior Application No. 12/285,887 as filed on March 3, 2010, which
`corresponds to the subject matter as originally filed on October 15, 2008,
`which is incorporated herein by reference.
`Enclosed is a Request for Non-Publication of Application and Certification
`Under 35 U.S.C. § 122(b)(2)(B)(i).
`A Preliminary Amendment is enclosed.
`Enclosed is a Certification and Request for Prioritized Examination Under
`35 U.S.C. § 1.102(e).
`E The filing fee is calculated on the basis of the claims existing in the prior
`application as amended in the Preliminary Amendment filed herewith.
`Search Fee
`Basic Utility Application Filing Fee
`Examination Fee
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0004


`Application No.: Unassigned
`Attorney Docket No.: 11285.0056-01000
`Page 2 of 3
`*Rounded up to next whole number
`Size Fee: Paper Filing
`_— 100+50=_*x$310
`Total Application Pages
`(specification, drawings, printed
`*Rounded up to next whole number
`sequence or computer listing,
`Additional Fee for Paper
`Filing New Application
`(DELETE if filing new application
`via EFS Web - fee not required for
`EFS new application
`Size Fee: EFS-Web Filing
`Total Application Pages
`(specification, drawings, printed
`sequence or computer listing,
`reliminar amendment
`Publication Fee under 35 U.S.C. § 1.18(d)
`The fee of $ 6,480.00 is submitted herewith.
`The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge any fees which may be
`required, including fees due under 37 C.F.R. § 1.16, and any other fees
`due under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17, or credit any overpayment during the
`pendency of this application to Deposit Account No. 06-0916.
`New acceptable drawings are enclosed.
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0005


`Application No.: Unassigned
`Attorney Docket No.: 11285.0056-01000
`Page 3 of 3
`m The prior application is assigned of record to: AstraZeneca AB as
`indicated by the assignments recorded at reel 011635, frame 0063 on
`March 27, 2001 and at reel 015906, frame 0402 on October 18, 2004.
`Priority of Application No. 00003137, filed on January 10, 2000 and
`Application No. 0008837.7, filed on April 12, 2000, both in Great Britain
`are claimed under 35 U.S.C. § 119. A certified copy
`CI is enclosed or
`IE is on file in the prior application.
`Small entity status is appropriate and applies to this application.
`The power of attorney in the prior application is to FINNEGAN,
`A Listing Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.32(c)(3) of Ten or Fewer Practitioners to
`be Recognized by the PTO as Being of Record is attached.
`The power appears in the original declaration of the prior application.
`15. m Since the power does not appear in the original declaration, a copy of the
`power in the prior application is enclosed.
`Please address all correspondence to FINNEGAN, HENDERSON,
`FARABOW, GARRETT and DUNNER, L.L.P., Customer Number 22,852.
`If any extension of time is necessary for the filing of this
`application, including any extension in parent Application No. 12/285,887, filed
`October 15, 2008, for the purpose of maintaining copendency between the parent
`application and this application, and such extension has not othen/vise been requested,
`sUch an extension is hereby requested, and the Commissioner is authorized to charge
`necessary fees for such an extension to Deposit Account No. 06-0916. A duplicate
`copy of this paper is enclosed for use in charging the deposit account.
`Dated: September 4, 2012
`: g
`Carlos M. TeIIez
`Reg. No. 48,638
`(202) 408-4123
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0006


`. 0,9,9” "Am,wa .)
`RULE 63 (37 c.r=.n ‘
`PM'& s a
`As a below named inventor. I hereby declare that my residence. post office address and citisz are as stated below next to my name, and g
`believe lam the original. first and sole inventor (it only one name Ls listed below) or an original. first endjoint inventor (if plural names are listed
`below) ol the sublect matter which is dalrned and for which a patent is sought on the |NVEN110N ENTITLEDw“
`the specification of which flammable man
`A. E] is attached hereto.
`' as us. Application No.
`B. E] was filed on
`-) C. U was filed as PCT International Application No. PCT/
`W was amended on
`above. IadmoMedgetnedmytodsdoseellnlormationImamtometobemtedaltopatmbilityssdel‘medhflCffl. 1.56. Emcptasmtedbelotherebydahn
`(oreignpdoritybmcfits underas U53. 119(a)-(d) “3650:”!le appficafiords) tor-palentorirwenm certificate. a365(e)olenyPCflntemafional
`Wmm-emiwumammmwmmumedsum Bstedbelowandhaveusoldenfifiedbebwanyloreigiappfiaflontorpatentorhvmofs -
`0000313 . 7
`DaflON‘l’H/Year Filed
`10 January 2000
`12 April 2000
`Date Inst Lald-
`open or Publishg
`Date Patented
`or Granted
`Edens! NOT Cialmed
`l”. ,.
`“N- a
`-- Jh'l'lil-‘1‘
`1-,. IL"L'
`Eat-qua: noted beiowJ herebydaimdornestlcpriority
`fitunderSSUSS. 119(e)or120mdor365(c)olttuindicated0nited8tates Ippfiafions Istedbelowand
`defined in 37 C.F.R. 1.56 Milan became available bemeen the filing date of cad! sud! prior apgfiationjand the national or PCT international filing date at lhis
`__.___ .anplicafiomW-m'
`Aggllcatlon No. (sefles code/serial no.)
`- Da [MONTH/Year Fil
`. Erlon NQT Claimed
`ge-ndingI abandcmedfl patented
`lhereby declare that all statements made'nereinolmyownknowledgo are Ween-Id thatch statements madeonlntormationendbefidare befievedtohe true: and
`tumormatmese staternentsweromdewimmelmowledgematwinfidtalsestatementsandmikesomadearepunlsnablebyfineorhlprisomumorbommder
`Section 1001ot‘l'itieIaolmeUnitedStatesCodeendmatmwfluhlsemtmtsmyieopammevaflditydme appficationoranypatentissuodthmofl.
`Washington. 0.6. W18.
`And i hereby appoint Pillsbury Mariam a. Sutro LLP. lntel‘ieaual Property Grow). 1100 New York Avenue. N.W.. Ninth Fioor. East
`temebefROZ)861m (townomall cornnmicelionsuro toberfirected). endthebeiowmedpersons (otthe sameaddress) indvidualtyandcoaectivelymy
`Paul N. Kokulis
`Dale 8. Lazar
`Mark G. Paulson
`Raymond F. Uppitt
`Paul E. White, Jr.
`Stephen C. Glazier
`G. Lloyd Knight
`Glenn J. Perry
`I 2868
`Pam F.We
`Cari G. Love
`Kendrewl-l. Cotton
`Ruth N. Mordudt
`Kevin E Joyce
`6. Paul Edge"
`Lynn F. Eedeston
`Gauge M. Sirllla
`Tummy J. Klima
`Donald J. Bird
` 1
`nitefld' Kindom
`Post Office Address
`include a Code m
`- FOR ADDITIONAL INVENTORS. ‘X' box D and proceed on the attached page to list each additional inventor.
`[I See additional foreign priorities on attached page (incorporated herein by reference).
`Atty. Dkt. No.
`rat-us unst-
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.000?
`Ridtard H. Lenten
`Roger R. Wise
`Jay M. Flirelstdn
`30793 Michael R. OW 36787
`31361 W. Patrick Bengtsson
`JadtS. Barufka
`Adam R. Hess


`Attorney Docket No. 11285.0056-00000
`In re Application of:
`John R. Evans et al.
`Group Art Unit: 1628
`Application No.: 12/285,887
`Examiner: HUI, San Ming R.
`Confirmation No.: 1199
`Filed: October 15, 2008
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`STATEMENT UNDER 37 C.F.R. § 3.73(b)
`The undersigned, a representative authorized to sign on behalf of the assignee
`owning all of the interest in this patent application, hereby revokes all previous powers
`of attorney or authorization of agent granted in this application before the date of
`execution hereof.
`As required by 37 C.F.R. § 3.73(b), the undersigned verifies that AstraZeneca AB
`is the assignee of the entire right, title, and interest in the patent application identified
`above by virtue of an assignment from the inventors recorded in parent Application
`No. 10/872,784 in the US. Patent and Trademark Office at Reel 015906, Frame 0402.
`The undersigned representative of the Assignee hereby grants its power of
`attorney to the patent practitioners associated with FlNNEGAN, HENDERSON,
`FARABOW, GARRETT & DUNNER, L.L.P., Customer Number 22,852, to prosecute
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0008


`Application No.: 12/285,887
`Attorney Docket No.: 11285.0056-00000
`this application and to transact all business in the Patent and Trademark Office
`connected therewith, and to receive the Letters Patent.
`Please send all future correspondence concerning this application to Finnegan,
`Henderson, Farabow. Garrett & Dunner, L.L.P., Customer No. 22,852.
`27 May 2011
`AstraZeneca AB
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0009


`UNDER 37 CFR 1.102131
`rFirst Named lnventor
`John R. Evans
`TNonprovisional Application l Unknown
`Number (if known);
`lg Invention
`The processing fee set forth in 37 CFR 1.17(i), the prioritized examination fee set forth in 37 CFR
`1.17(c), and if not already paid, the publication fee set forth in 37 CFR 1.18(d) have been filed with
`the request. The basic filing fee, search fee, examination fee, and any required excess claims and
`application size fees are filed with the request or have already been paid.
`The application contains or is amended to contain no more than four independent claims and no
`more than thirty total claims, and no multiple dependent claims.
`The applicable box is checked below:
`I. E Ori
`inal A lication Track One - Prioritized Examination under 1.102 e 1
`(a) The application is an original nonprovisional utility application filed under 35 U.S.C. 111(a).
`This certification and request is being filed with the utility application via EFS-Web.
`(b) The application is an original nonprovisional plant application filed under 35 U.S.C. 111(a).
`This certification and request is being filed with the plant application in paper.
`An executed oath or declaration under 37 CFR 1.63 is filed with the application
`II. D Re uest for Continued Examination - Prioritized Examination under 1.102 e 2
`A request for continued examination has been filed with, or prior to, this form.
`if the application is a utility application, this certification and request is being filed via EFS-Web.
`The application is an original nonprovisional utility application filed under 35 U.S.C. 111(a), or is a
`national stage entry under 35 U.S.C. 371.
`This certification and request is being filed priorto the mailing of a first Office Action responsive to
`the request for continued examination.
`No prior request for continued examination has been granted prioritized examination status under
`37 CFR 1.102(e)(2).
`The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge any additional filing fees, including any fees necessary
`to complete the Track 1 regu_irements, to Deposit Account No. 06-0916.
`LIAN] M ‘_’ _L/\_/
`Carlos M.Tellez
`Reg No.: 48 638
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0010


`Attorney Docket No. 11285.0056-01000
`In re Application of:
`John R. EVANS, et al.
`Parent Group Art Unit: 1628
`Application No.: To be Assigned
`Parent Examiner: San Ming R. Hui
`Filed: Herewith
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Please amend the above-identified patent application as follows:
`Amendments to the Specification are included in this paper.
`Amendments to the Claims are reflected in the listing of claims in this paper.
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0011


`Application No.: Unassigned
`Attorney Docket No.: 11285.0056-01000
`Please amend this application, by replacing the paragraph on page 1, line 4-8
`with the following paragraph:
`This application is a Continuation Application of copending U.S. Patent
`Application No. 12/285 887 filed on October 15 2008 which claims benefit of U.S.
`Patent Application No. 10/872,784, filed June 22, 2004, now U.S. Patent No. 6 774 122
`which claims benefit of U.S. Patent Application No. 09fl56,291, filed January 9, 2001,
`now U.S. Patent No. 7,456,160 which claims the benefit of Great Britain Application No.
`00088377 filed April 12, 2000 and Great Britain Application No. 000313.7 filed January
`10, 2000, all ef—whieh five applications are incorporated herein by reference in their
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0012


`Application No.: Unassigned
`Attorney Docket No.: 11285.0056-01000
`Please add new claims 24-43. Please also cancel claims 1-23 without prejudice
`or disclaimer. This listing of claims will replace all prior versions and listings of claims in
`the application.
`Claims 1-23 (Cancelled)
`(New) A method for treating a hormonal dependent benign or malignant disease
`of the breast or reproductive tract comprising administering intramuscularly to a
`human in need of such treatment a formulation comprising:
`about 50 mng'1 of fulvestrant;
`a mixture of from 17 — 23% w/v of ethanol and benzyl alcohol;
`12 - 18% w/v of benzyl benzoate; and
`a sufficient amount of castor oil vehicle;
`wherein the method achieves a blood plasma fulvestrant concentration of at least
`2.5 ngml‘1 for at least two weeks.
`(New) The method of claim 24, wherein formulation comprises a mixture of
`from 19 — 21% w/v of ethanol and benzyl alcohol and 14 - 16% w/v of benzyl
`(New) The method of claim 24, wherein formulation comprises:
`about 10% w/v of ethanol;
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0013


`Application No.: Unassigned
`Attorney Docket No.: 11285.0056-01000
`about 10% w/v of benzyl alcohol; and
`about 15% w/v of benzyl benzoate.
`(New) The method of claim 24, wherein the blood plasma fulvestrant
`concentration is at least 8.5 ngml".
`(New) The method of claim 24, wherein the hormonal dependent benign or
`malignant disease of the breast or reproductive tract is breast cancer.
`(New) The method of claim 24, wherein the blood plasma fulvestrant
`concentration is attained for at least four weeks.
`(New) The method of claim 24, wherein the method comprises administering
`intramuscularly to a human in need of such treatment 5 ml of the formulation.
`(New) The method of claim 24, wherein the method further comprises once
`monthly administration of the formulation.
`(New) The method according to claim 24, wherein the formulation is
`administered in a divided dose.
`(New) The method of claim 26, wherein the hormonal dependent benign or
`malignant disease of the breast or reproductive tract is breast cancer and the
`blood plasma fulvestrant concentration is attained for at least 4 weeks.
`(New) A method fortreating a hormonal dependent benign or malignant disease
`of the breast or reproductive tract comprising administering intramuscularly to a
`human in need of such treatment a formulation consisting essentially of:
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0014


`Application No.: Unassigned
`Attorney Docket No.: 11285.0056-01000
`about 50 mng'1 of fulvestrant;
`a mixture of from 17 — 23% w/v of ethanol and benzyl alcohol;
`12 - 18% w/v of benzyl benzoate; and
`a sufficient amount of castor oil vehicle;
`wherein the method achieves a blood plasma fulvestrant concentration of at least
`2.5 nng1 for at least two weeks.
`(New) The method of claim 34, wherein formulation consists essentially of a
`mixture of from 19 — 21% w/v of ethanol and benzyl alcohol and 14 - 16% w/v of
`benzyl benzoate.
`(New) The method of claim 34, wherein formulation consists essentially of:
`about 10% w/v of ethanol;
`about 10% w/v of benzyl alcohol; and
`about 15% w/v of benzyl benzoate.
`(New) The method of claim 34, wherein the blood plasma fulvestrant
`concentration is at least 8.5 ngml'1.
`(New) The method of claim 34, wherein the hormonal dependent benign or
`malignant disease of the breast or reproductive tract is breast cancer.
`(New) The method of claim 34, wherein the blood plasma fulvestrant
`concentration is attained for at least four weeks.
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0015


`Application No.: Unassigned
`Attorney Docket No.: 11285.0056-01000
`(New) The method of claim 34, wherein the method comprises administering
`intramuscularly to a human in need of such treatment 5 ml of the formulation.
`(New) The method of claim 34, wherein the method further comprises once
`monthly administration of the formulation.
`(New) The method according to claim 34, wherein the formulation is
`administered in a divided dose.
`(New) The method of claim 36, wherein the hormonal dependent benign or
`malignant disease of the breast or reproductive tract is breast cancer and the
`blood plasma fulvestrant concentration is attained for at least 4 weeks.
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0016


`Application No.: Unassigned
`Attorney Docket No.: 11285.0056-01000
`l. Amendments to the specification
`Applicants amended the specification to insert the required reference to the
`priority applications, for which benefit is claimed.
`ll. Status of the claims and amendments
`Upon entry of the instant amendments, claims 24-43 will be pending in this
`application. Claims 1-23 are being cancelled in this Preliminary Amendment without
`prejudice or disclaimer. Claims 24-33 are directed to methods for treating a hormonal
`dependent benign or malignant disease of the breast or reproductive tract comprising
`administering intramuscularly to a human in need of such treatment a formulation
`comprising various components. Claims 34-43 are identical to claims 24-33 except that
`the phrase “formulation consisting essentially of’ replaces the phrase “formulation
`comprising” the various components.
`New claim 24 finds support, for example, in original claim 21. The recitation in
`claim 24 regarding “50 mg ml'1 of fulvestrant” finds support, for example, in the
`specification at p. 18, line 12. The recitation regarding “a mixture of from 17 — 23% w/v
`of ethanol and benzyl alcohol” finds support, for example, in the specification at p. 9.
`II. 18—26. The recitation regarding “12 - 18% w/v of benzyl benzoate” finds support, for
`example, in the specification at p. 10, |. 22 to p. 11, I. 9. The recitation regarding “a
`sufficient amount of castor oil vehicle” finds support, for example, in the specification at
`_ 7 _
`InnoPharma Exhibit 10870017


`Application No.: Unassigned
`Attorney Docket No.: 11285.0056-01000
`p. 8, II. 14-20. The recitation regarding “significant blood plasma fulvestrant
`concentration of at least 2.5 nng'1 for at least two weeks” finds support, for example, in
`the specification at p. 8, II. 14-20 and p. 12, II. 20-23.
`New claim 25 finds support, for example, in the specification at p. 9, II. 13-26.
`New claim 26 finds support, for example, in the specification at p. 18, ll. 9-11. New
`claim 27 finds support, for example, in the specification at p. 12, II. 20-23. New claim
`28 finds support, for example, in the specification at p. 16, II. 20-27. New claim 29 finds
`support, for example, in the specification at p. 12, II. 24-28. New claim 30 finds support,
`for example, in the specification at p. 12, II. 29-31. New claim 31 finds support, for
`example, in the specification at p. 7, ll. 14-19. New claim 32 finds support, for example,
`in the specification at p. 12, II. 29-31. New claim 33 finds support, for example, in the
`specification at p. 16, II. 20-27 and p. 12, II. 24-28.
`Because claims 34-43 are identical to claims 24-33 except for the transitional
`phrase (“consisting essentially of” instead of “comprising”), the same disclosure from the
`instant specification cited above for claims 24-33 provides support for claims 34-43.
`The instant amendments do not add new matter.
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0018


`Application No.: Unassigned
`Attorney Docket No.: 11285.0056-01000
`Please grant any extensions of time required to enter this paper and charge any
`additional required fees to Deposit Account No. 06-0916.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Dated: September 4, 2012
`By: GOV»
`M j /
`Carlos M. Téllez
`Reg. No. 48,638
`(202) 408-4123
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0019


`This application is a Continuation Application of copending US. Patent Application
`No. 10/872,784, filed June 22, 2004, which claims benefit of US. Patent Application No.
`09/756,291, filed January 9, 2001 which claims the benefit of Great Britain Application No.
`00088377 filed April 12, 2000 and Great Britain Application No. 00003137, filed January
`10, 2000, all of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entireties.
`Field of the Invention
`The invention relates to a novel sustained release pharmaceutical formulation adapted
`for administration by injection containing the compound
`7a-[9-(4,4,5,5,5-pentafluoropentylsulphinyl)nonyl]oestra- l ,3 ,5(10)—triene-3, 17B-diol.
`Description of the Related Art
`Oestrogen deprivation is fundamental to the treatment of many benign and malignant
`diseases of the breast and reproductive tract. In premenopausal women, this is achieved by
`the ablation of ovarian function through surgical, radiotherapeutic, or medical means, and, in
`postmenopausal women, by the use of aromatase inhibitors.
`An alternative approach to oestrogen withdrawal is to antagonise oestrogens with
`antioestrogens. These are drugs that bind to and compete for oestrogen receptors (ER)
`present in the nuclei of oestrogen-responsive tissue. Conventional nonsteroidal
`* antioestrogens, such as tamoxifen, compete efficiently for ER binding but their effectiveness
`is often limited by the partial agonism they display, which results in an incomplete blockade
`of oestrogen-mediated activity (Furr and Jordan 1984, May and Westley 1987).
`The potential for nonsteroidal antioestrogens to display agonistic properties prompted
`the search for novel compounds that would bind ER with high affinity without activating any
`of the normal transcriptional hormone responses and consequent manifestations of oestrogens.
`Such molecules would be “pure” antioestrogens, clearly distinguished from tamoxifen-like
`ligands and capable of eliciting complete ablation of the tr0phic effects of oestrogens. Such
`compounds are referred to as Estrogen Receptor-Downregulators (E.R.D.). The rationale for
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0020


`the design and testing of novel, pure antioestrogens has been described in: Bowler et al 1989,
`Wakeling 1990a, 1990b, 19900. Wakeling and Bowler 1987, 1988.
`Steroidal analogues of oestradiol, with an alkylsulphinyl side chain in the 7a position,
`provided the first examples of compounds devoid of oestrogenic activity (Bowler et al 1989).
`One of these, 70t-[9-(4,4,5,5,5-pentafluoropentyl sulphinyl)nonyl]oestra-l ,3,5-(10)triene-
`3,17B-diol was selected for intensive study on the basis of its pure oestrogen antagonist
`activity and significantly increased antioestrogenic potency over other available
`antioestrogens. In vitro findings and early clinical experience with
`7a-[9-(4,4,5,5,5-pentafluoropentylsulphinyl)nonyl]oestra- l ,3-5(lO)—triene-3 , l 7B-diol have
`promoted interest in the development of the drug as a therapeutic agent for oestrogen-
`dependent indications such as breast cancer and certain benign gynaecological conditions.
`70t-[9—(4,4,5,5 ,5-Pentafluoropentylsulphinyl)nonyl]oestra- 1,3 -5(10)-triene-3 ,17B-diol,
`or ICI 182,780, has been allocated the international non-proprietary name fulvestrant, which
`is used hereinafter. When referring to fulvestrant we include pharmaceutically-acceptable
`salts thereof and any possible solvates of either thereof.
`Fulvestrant binds to ER with an affinity similar to that of oestradiol and completely
`blocks the growth stimulatory action of oestradiol on human breast cancer cells in vitro; it is
`more potent and more effective than tamoxifen in this respect. Fulvestrant blocks completely
`the uterotrophic action of oestradiol in rats, mice and monkeys, and also blocks the
`uterotrophic activity of tamoxifen.
`Because fulvestrant has none of the oestrogen-like stimulatory activity that is
`characteristic of clinically available antioestrogens such as tamoxifen or toremifene, it may
`offer improved therapeutic activity characterised by more rapid, complete, or longer-lasting
`tumour regression; a lower incidence or rate of development of resistance to treatment; and a
`reduction of tumour invasiveness.
`In intact adult rats, fulvestrant achieves maximum regression of the uterus at a dose
`which does not adversely affect bone density or lead to increased gonadotrophin secretion. If
`also true in humans, these findings could be of extreme importance clinically. Reduced bone
`density limits the duration of oestrogen-ablative treatment for endometriosis. Fulvestrant does
`not block hypothalamic ER. Oestrogen ablation also causes or exacerbates hot flushes and
`other menopausal symptoms; fulvestrant will not cause such effects because it does not cross
`the blood-brain barrier.
`InnoPharma Exhibit 1087.0021


`European Patent Application No. 0 138 504 disclos

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