`(19) World lntcllectuaJ Proper ty Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) lntcrnationaJ Publication Date
`1 February 2007 (01.02.2007)
`(51) International Paten t Classification:
`A61B 5100 (2006.01)
`(21) International Applkation Num ber :
`PCT IIL2006/000505
`(22) Internation al Filing Date:
`25 April 2006 (25.04.2006)
`11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 1111
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2007/013054 Al
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI,
`GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE,
`KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, I.:f, LU, LV,
`LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NG, Nl,
`NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG,
`SK, SL, SM, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, 'IT, TZ, UA, UG, US,
`UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(25) FiH ng Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`28 July 2005 (28.07.2005) US
`(71) Applicant a n d
`(72) Inventor: SCHWARTZ, Boris [lllll..]; ll Haodem
`Su-eet, 45350 Hod Hasharon (lL).
`(74) Agents: SANFORD T. COLB & CO. et al.; 1'.0. Box
`2273, 76122 Re hovot (fL).
`(84) Designated States (unless othen vise indicated. for every
`kind of regiotUil protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (A'I', BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DU, DK, ELl, ES, PI,
`FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, lT, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT,
`RO, SE, Sl, SK, T R), OAPT (BF, BJ, CF, CG, Cl, CM, GA,
`GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report
`(81) .Designated States ( unLess otherwise indicated. for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid(cid:173)
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing attire begin (cid:173)
`ning of each regular issue of the PCr Galj!tte.
`--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
`iiiiii --- (54) Title: EA R-MOUNTED BIOSENSOR
`iiiiii ------iiiiii
`iiiiii ---------iiiiii
`(57) Abstract: A physiological monitoring device
`(I 0) includes a device housing ( II ) shaped to fit be(cid:173)
`hind an ear ( 12) of a subject and a sensor ( 18, 28,
`30) attached to the device hous ing so as to sense a
`physiological characteristic of the subject at a loca(cid:173)
`tion behind the ear. An earphone speaker ( l6) ex(cid:173)
`tends from the device housing towards an ea r canal
`of the subject and provides an aud ible communica(cid:173)
`tion to the subject responsively to the physiological
`Apple Inc.
`U.S. Patent No. 8,942,776


`wo 2007/013054
`the benefit of u.s .
`Provisional Patent Application 60/703,557, filed on July
`28, 2005, which is incorporated herein by reference.
`The present invention relates generally to health
`to methods
`monitoring subject well-being.
`2 0
`Two known indicators of physical and psychological
`stress are Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and heart rate.
`(also known as electrodermal
`conductance response, or skin conductance level) is a
`15 measure of e l ectrical conductivity of a subject's skin.
`GSR may be determined by applying a small voltage between
`two electrodes affixed to the skin and measuring the
`generated current . Often, GSR is measured at the tip of a
`subject's finger or on the palm of a hand. An example of
`a GSR sensor used in clinical settings is the Model V71-
`Isolated Skin Conductance Coupler, distributed by
`Coulbourne Instruments of Al lentown, Pennsylvania.
`Heart rate may be determined by photoplethysmography
`(PPG), which can also be used to measure variations in
`blood oxygen levels by pulse oximetry. Oximetry readings
`are generally made in terms of a percent of blood oxygen
`saturation (Sp02 ). A PPG probe measures light transmitted
`through or
`transmission PPG, light is generally transmitted through
`a thin appendage of the body. U.S . Patent 4, 301,808 to
`for example, whose disclosure
`herein by reference, describes the use of transmission
`to measure
`the pulse rate of a
`subject during


`wo 2007/0 1305-J
`PCT /I L2006/000505
`physical exercise . Taus states that PPG readings be made
`through an appendage such as the ear, the nose septum, or
`the web between the forefinger and the thumb .
`Reflective pulse oximetry measures light reflected
`from arteries beneath
`the surface of
`the skin . U. S .
`to Sarussi, whose
`incorporated herein by reference, describes the use of
`reflective pulse oximetry to measure heart rate, as well
`indications of apnea
`in sleeping
`infants. sarussi
`identifies several means of affixing an oximetry sensor
`to a subject's body,
`including a wristband, an ankle
`band, a sock, and a headband for making measurements at
`the subject's forehead .
`u . s . Patent 6 , 783,501
`to Takahashi et al., whose
`15 disclosure is incorporated herein by reference, describes
`the use of pulse oximetry to measure heart rate from
`Measurement locations described by Takahashi include the
`forehead and the ear canal. Heart rate feedback to the
`exerciser may be provided by an audio indication, which
`may be provided through an earphone , or by a visual
`indication, which may be provided on a screen attached to
`glasses worn by the exerciser .
`to Tschupp et al . , whose
`U. S . Patent 6 , 760 , 610
`disclosure is incorporated herein by reference, describes
`the use of pulse oximetry to measure blood oxygenation in
`combination with a measurement of blood carbon dioxide
`levels .
`U.S . Patent Publication 2005/0033131 t o Chen et al.,
`30 whose disclosure is incorporated herein by reference,
`an ear
`that supports
`oximetry sensor in the ear concha, using an extension
`that clips onto the ear lobe.
`that monitor
`wearable medical
`individual's well-being are available on the market. For


`wo 2007/013054
`example, the Sensewear® Armband, distributed by Bodymedia
`of Pittsburgh, Pennsyl vania,
`empl oys an accelerometer
`that records body movement, a
`temperature sensor that
`detects changes in skin temperature, and a GSR sensor
`that measures level of exertion during exercise.
`Psychological stress among employees can have
`significant impact on their
`j ob effectiveness and can
`lead to accidents, absenteeism,
`and employee turnover .
`According to an article by
`American Institute of
`10 Stress, availab le at www . and whose
`disclosure is incorporated herein by reference , workplace
`the U. S.
`approximately $300 billion per year . Workplace testing of
`employees for indications of well- being is known in the
`15 art . For example, u.s. Pat ent 6 , 352,516 to Pozos, et al . ,
`whose disclosure is incorporated herein by reference,
`describes a method for monitoring employee fatigue by
`measuring the force of fingers striking a keyboard.


`wo 2007/013054
`PCT /IL2006/000505
`or more
`for monitoring one
`physiological parameters from a location behind the ear .
`5 A sensor mounted to an earphone and positioned behind the
`ear is configured to sense the physiological parameters
`in a convenient, comfortable, and non-obtrusive manner .
`Photoplethysmography (PPG) of arterial blood either
`in the scalp behind the ear or in the ear itself may be
`used to determine heart rate and/or oxygen saturati on .
`Galvanic Skin Response
`(GSR) measurements may also be
`made from the location behind the ear .
`The physiological parameters may
`determine stress and other health indicators while an
`individual being monitored is performing activities in a
`non-medical setting, such as activities related to work
`or leis ure . These
`indicators may be provided
`individual and/or to a health care institution, such as a
`remotely based hospital. The earphone to which the sensor
`is mounted may be utilized to provide an indication of
`the sensed parameters, as well as to provide additional
`functions that enhance the convenience of use .
`There is therefore provided, in accordance with an
`embodiment of
`the present
`a physiologica l
`25 monitoring device, including :
`a device housing shaped to fit behind an ear of a
`a sensor attached to the device housing so as to
`sense a physiological characteristic of the subject at a
`location behind the ear; and
`the device
`an earphone
`speaker extending
`housing towards an ear canal of the subject and operative
`to provide an audible communication
`the subject
`responsively to the physiological characteristic .


`wo 2007/013054
`The location may be on at least one of a scalp of
`the subject and a pinna of the subject, and the sensor
`characteristic on . both
`the scalp and the pinna.
`(PPG) probe, which is adapted to
`a characteristic of arterial blood
`flow . The
`characteristic of arterial blood flow may include heart
`rate, blood oxygen saturation (Sp02 ), or respiration rate.
`The device may additionally or alternatively include
`a Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) sensor operative to sense
`a characteristic of skin. The GSR
`two electrodes, which are positioned so as to
`contact the skin .
`In some embodiments, the device includes a control
`unit, which
`is housed
`the device housing and is
`operative to calculate a level of stress of the subject
`responsively to the physiological characteristic.
`The device may also include a transmitter, which is
`housed in the device housing and is operative to transmit
`indicative of
`to an external receiver a
`physiological characteristic .
`The earphone speaker may be operative to play at
`least one of music and work-related communications .
`There is further provided,
`in accordance with an
`embodiment of
`the present
`monitoring physiological parameters, including :
`a physiological monitoring device, including:
`a device housing shaped to fit behind an ear of
`a subject;
`a sensor attached to the device housing so as
`a physiological
`characteristic of
`subject at a location behind the ear;
`an earphone . speaker . extending from the .device
`towards an ear canal of
`the subject and
`2 5


`WO 2007/01305_.
`PCT /IL2006/000505
`operative to provide an audible communication to the
`subject; and
`a transmitter housed in the device housing and
`operative t o
`transmit a signal indicative of the
`phys i o l ogical characteristic; and
`a receiving device , separate from the physiological
`monitoring device and operative to receive and process
`the signal .
` device
`embodiments ,
`I n
`10 operative to transmit an indication of t he physiological
`characteristic over
`communicat ion
`monitoring center .
`The receiving device may be operative to transmit an
`audio signal to be played by the earphone speaker.
`i ndication of
`physiological characteristic is an indicator of stress .
`Addi tional l y ,
`t he physiological monitoring device
`may be inc l uded in a communication headset used by the
`subject in work-related communications .
`in accordance with an
`is also provided,
`embodiment of
`the present
`a method
`moni toring physiol ogical parameters including :
`fitting a physio l ogical monitoring device behin d an
`ear o f a subject in such a manner that a sensor a t tached
`to t h e device housing is positioned behind the ear ;
`characteristic of
`subject using the sensor at the location behin d the ear;
`the p hysiological characteristic,
`providing an audible communication through an earphone
`speaker attached to the housing and extending towards an
`ear canal of the subj ect .
`In disclosed embodiments, sensing the physiol ogical
`charact eristic
`inc l udes
`a characteristic of


`wo 2007/013054
`( PPG)
`arterial blood flow using a photoplethysmographic
`probe .
`Additionally or alternatively, the sensor includes a
`Galvanic Skin Response
`the GSR
`two electrodes, and sensing the physiological
`characteristic includes applying a vol tage between the
`two electrodes and measuring a current generated through
`the scalp.
`In some embodiments, the method includes calculating
`level of stress of the subject respons i vely to the
`physiological characteristic.
`the physiological
`transmitting a
`indicative of
`characteristic from
`t he physiological monitoring device
`to an external receiving device. The transmission may be
`made over a communication network to a monitoring center.
`the method
`includes playing from the earphone speaker at least one
`of music and work-related communications.
`The present invention will be more fully understood
`embodiments thereof, taken together with the drawings in
`which :
`Fig. 1 is a schematic, pictorial ill ustration of a
`accordance with an embodiment of the present invention;
`Fig. 2 is a schematic side view of the monitoring
`device of Fig . 1, in accordance with an embodiment of the
`30 present invent i on; and
`Fig. 3 is a schematic, pictorial illustration of a
`for monitoring physiological parameters,
`accordance with an embodiment of the present invention .


`wo 2007/013054
`In the embodiments of the present invention that are
`described below, one or more physiological parameters are
`measured from a location that is on the scalp behind the
`Fig. 1 is a schematic, pictorial illustration of a
`monitoring device 10 shaped to fit behind an ear 12 of a
`subject 14 ,
`in accordance with an embodiment of
`present invention . The device f i ts between the scalp and
`the pinna ,
`i . e.,
`the cartilaginous portion of
`external ear. Monitoring device 10 fits behind ear 12 in
`the manner of clip- on earphones known in the art so as to
`comfortable, and unobtrusive manner .
`Sensors compriseci in monitoring device 10 contact
`either a location on the scalp of subject 14 behind the
`ear 12 or a location on the back of the pinna, or both .
`locations are chosen so as
`to overlie arteries
`beneath the skin, such as the occipital branch of the
`20 posterior auricular artery .
`or more
`sensors , described further
`(Fig . 2), wh ich are used to make oximetry
`ear .
`25 Additional l y or a lternatively , Galvanic Skin Response
`( GSR) measurements may be made behind the ear by a GSR
`sensor comprised in monitoring device 10 and described
`further hereinbelow .
`Monitoring device 10 also comprises an earphone
`speaker 16 that extends from the monitoring device ,
`front of the ear, to the ear canal,
`thereby enabling
`subject 14 to receive an indication of the monitored
`parameters, as well as audio streams, such as music or
`work- related communications . Monitoring device 10 may be
`used while
`is performing normal daily


`wo 2007/013054
`leisure activities. When
`activities, such as work or
`these activities
`the use of
`monitoring device 10
`is particularly unobtrusive . For
`example, device 10 may be part of headset apparatus used
`by a customer service representative
`in a call
`center environment.
`Fig. 2 is a schematic side view of monitoring device
`in accordance with an embodiment of
`the present
`invention . The monitoring device comprises a crescent-
`shaped housing 11 that fits between ear 12 and the scalp.
`For the sake of i l lustration, Fig . 2 shows the front side
`of housing 11,
`to which sensors are affixed. The back
`side of housing 11, not shown, may mirror t he design of
`. the front side and comprise similarly affixed sensors.
`15 Consequently , housing 11 may be p l aced behind either the
`left ear or the right ear of subject 14 . Depending on the
`ear selected, one side of housing 11 is in contact with
`the scal p and
`the other side is in contact with the
`pinna. Alternati vely , device 10 may be made with a sensor
`or sensors on only one side .
`For the sake of ill ustration in the description
`that follows , the front side shown in Fig . 2 is assumed
`to be i n contact with the subject ' s scal p . A PPG sensor
`18 is affixed to the front side in such a manne r that the
`sensor contacts the scal p . Sensor 18 comprises one or
`light sources,
`such as
`a LED
`19 ,
`and further
`comprises a
`l ight detector 20 . The device housing is
`opaque ,
`thereby preventing ambient light from reaching
`t he location and interfering with the light generated by
`LED 19. The
`light generated by LED 19 is sensed by
`detector 2 0 after being reflected from arterial blood
`under the scal p, such as b l ood flow in the occipital
`branch of the posterior auricular artery.
`I t
`is to be
`understood t h at this a·r t ery is noted by way of example


`wo 2007/013054
`and that another artery behind the ear may also be used
`for the PPG measurement.
`A signal, indicat ive of the light reflected from the
`arterial blood,
`is transmitted from detector 20
`to a
`control unit 2 2 .
`signal in
`the received
`Control unit 22 processes
`as well as
`order to determine the subject's heart rate,
`SpOz variation of arterial blood over time . Based on the
`received signal, control unit 22 may also determine the
`subject's respiratory rate, as described, for example, by
`in "Standard Pulse Oximeters Can Be Used
`Leonard et al . ,
`to Monitor Respiratory Rate ," Emergency Medicine Journal
`20, pages 524-525 (2003), which is incorporated herein by
`reference. Control unit 22 may provide
`an audible
`indication of one or more of the determined physiological
`i nc luding heart rate, respiratory rate, or
`SpOz level to subject 14 via speaker 16. The indication
`may, for example, be in the form of a synthesized speech
`signal or an alarm in case the value of a moni tared
`Alternat~vely or additionally, the control unit transmits
`a signal indicative of one or more of the determined
`described hereinbelow (Fig. 3). To t3;ansmit the signal ,
`control unit 22 may utilize a transmitter 24, which may
`transmit by Bluetooth~ wireless protocols , or by any
`other wireless or wired means known in the art. Power for
`LED 19, detector 20, control unit 22, and transmitter 24
`is provided by a battery 26. Control unit 22 and battery
`typical l y
`comprised within
`the housing of
`monitoring device 10 and are
`illustration within a cut-away portion of the device.
`Additionally or
`comprisin·g a first electrode 28 and a second electrode
`30, is also affixed to one or both sides of housing 11 so


`WO 2007/01305_.
`PCT /IL2006/000505
`as to contact the skin . Respective electrodes 28 and 30
`may be made of a conductive polymer, for example, thereby
`providing a good electrical contact with the scalp when
`the monitoring device is in place behind the ear . Control
`unit 22 passes a current between electrodes 28 and 30 in
`order to measure skin conductance between the electrodes .
`As in the case of the heart rate and Sp02 measurements
`mentioned above, control unit 22 may process
`the GSR
`sensor signal in order to determine a
`level of stress
`and/or exertion and may give
`the subject an audible
`indication of the level via speaker 16. Alternatively or
`the control unit
`indicative of
`skin conductance
`an external
`receiver described hereinbe l ow (Fig . 3) . To transmit the
`signal, control unit 22 may utilize transmitter 24.
`In some embodiments of the present invention,
`PPG and GSR measurements described above may be taken at
`the back of the pinna of ear 12 by sensors on the back
`side of housing 11 (not shown), instead of or in addition
`to the measurements made on the scalp. Measurements of
`physiological parameters at both the scalp and the back
`of the pinna may be made simultaneously by respective
`sensors on each of
`the front and back sides of the
`housing. Circuitry in the housing, such as control unit
`22, may be configured to determine which of the scalp and
`locations provides a better signal-to-noise ratio
`( SNR). The parameters measured at the location with the
`better SNR may then be selected for further processing
`and transmission, as described below. Alternatively, t he
`30 measurements may be averaged, or other selection criteria
`may be applied.
`Fig. 3 is a schematic, pictorial illustration of a
`for monitoring physiological parameters,
`accordance . with an embodiment of the present invention.
`35 While subject 14 has device 10 in place behind his ear,


`WO 2007/01305_.
`PCT /IL2006/000505
`he may perform normal daily activities,
`activities related to his work or leisure.
`skin conductance data
`monitoring device 10 may be used to determine a level of
`subject stress and changes in that level. Indicators of
`stress are,
`for example, increased heart rate, increased
`rate, and
`increased skin conductance. To
`report stress level, monitoring device 10 may transmit
`physiological data to a receiving device such as a cell
`phone, or
`a personal computer
`32 .
`transmitter 24 by wireless or wired means. When wireless
`means, such as Bluetooth transmission, are utilized, PC
`32 may r eceive ~uch ti·ansmission by means of an ant enna
`38. The PC may also return an audio signal to be played
`through earphone speaker 1 6.
`The calculation o f str ess level from physiological
`parameters may be determined by device 10 or by PC 32.
`The PC may be configured to display a stress level to the
`subject. Alternatively, or additionally,
`32, or
`another receiving device, such as a cell phone, may be
`con figured to transmit physiological parameters over a
`data network 34, to a monitoring center 36, which may be
`maintai ned by a heal t h care provider or by the subject's
`for example. The monitoring center may be
`programmed to automaticall y notify the subject and other
`concerned parties, such as the subject's doctor or work
`supervisor, if changes in the level of stress, or changes
`in other physiological indicators, warrant intervention.
`the embodiments described above
`specifically to
`the measurement of heart rate, Sp02,
`respiratory rate, and skin conductance, the principles of
`the present invention may also be applied to other types
`of measurements . indicative of subject well-being or
`stress. Furthermore,
`embodiments make


`wo 2007/013054
`reference to certain types of active life settings and
`signaling methods,
`the principles of
`the present
`invention may likewise be applied in the context of other
`environments and other communications technologies.
`It will
`thus be
`t hat
`described above are cited by way of example, and that the
`is not
`to what has been
`particu larly shown and described hereinabove. Rather, the
`scope of the present invention includes both combinations
`and subcombinations of
`the various features described
`hereinabove, as well as variations and modifications
`thereof which would occur to persons skilled in the art
`upon r eading the foregoing description and which are not
`disclosed in the prior art .


`wo 2007/013054
`A physiological monitoring device, comprising :
`a device housing shaped to fit behind an ear of a
`a sensor attached to the device housing so as to
`sense a physiological characteristic of the subject at a
`location behind the ear; and
`the device
`speaker extending
`hous ing towards an ear canal of the subject and operative
`to provide an audible communication
`the subject
`responsively to the physiological characteristic.
`The device of claim 1, wherein the location is on at
`l east one of a scalp of the subject and a pinna of the
`subject .
`the sensor
`The device of claim 2, wherein
`operative to sense the physiological characteristic on
`both the scalp and the pinna of the subject.
`The device of any of c laims 1-3, wherein the sensor
`comprises a photoplethysmographic
`(PPG) probe, which is
`adapted to sense a characteristic of arterial blood f low .
`The device of claim 4, wherein the characteristic of
`arterial blood flow comprises at least one of heart rate,
`blood oxygen saturation (Sp02 ) , and respiration rate.
`The device of any of claims 1- 3, wherein the sensor
`comprises a Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) sensor operative
`to sense a characteristic of skin .
`The device of c laim
`the GSR
`6, wherein
`comprises two electrodes,
`which are positioned so as to
`contact the skin.
`8 .
`The device of any of claims 1-3, and comprising a
`control unit, which is housed in the device housing and


`wo 2007/013054
`level of stress of
`to calculate a
`is operative
`subject responsively to the physiological characteristic.
`The device of any of claims 1- 3, and comprising a
`9 .
`transmitter, which is housed in the device housing and is
`operative to transmit to an external receiver a signal
`indicative of the physio l ogical characteristic .
`10 . The device of any of claims 1-3, wherein
`earphone speaker is operative to play at least one of
`music and work-related communications.
`1 1. A system for monitoring physiological parameters,
`comprising :
`a physiological monitoring device, compr ising:
`a device housing shaped to fit behind an ear of
`a subject;
`a sensor attached to the device housing so as
`a physiol ogical charact eristic of
`to sense
`subject at a location behind the ear;
`an earphone speaker extending f rom the device
`towards an ear canal of the subject and
`operative to provide an audible communication to the
`subject; and
`a transmitter housed in the device housing and
`operative to transmit a signal indicative of
`physiological characteristic; and
`a receiving device, separate from the physiological
`monitoring device and operative to receive and process
`the signal.
`12 . The system of claim 11 , wherein the receiving device
`o perative
`physiol ogical characteristic over a communi.c at ion network
`to a monitoring center.
`13 . The system of c l aim 11 , wherein the receiving device
`is operat ive to transmit an audio signal to be played by
`the earphone speaker .


`wo 2007/013054
`14 . The system of claim 11 or 12, wherein the indication
`of the physiological characteristic is an indicator of
`12, wherein
`11 or
`system of claim
`15. The
`physiological monitoring device
`communication headset used by the subject in work-related
`communications .
`for monitoring physiol ogical parameters
`16. A method
`comprising :
`fitting a physiological monitoring device behind an
`ear of a subject in such a manner that a sensor attached
`to the device housing is positioned at a location behind
`the ear of the subject;
`sensing a physiological characteristic using
`sensor on the location; and
`the physiological characteristic,
`providing an audible communi cation through an earphone
`speaker attached t o the housing and extending towards an
`ear cana l of the subject .
`2 0
`17. The method of claim 16, wherein the location is on
`at least one of a scalp of the subject and a pinna of the
`subject .
`the sensor
`18. The method of claim 17, wherein
`operative to sense the physiological characteristic on
`both the scalp and the pinna of the subject .
`19. The method according to any of claims 16-18, wherein
`the sensor comprises a photoplethysmographic (PPG) probe,
`and wherein
`the physiological characteristic
`comprises sensing a characteristic of arterial blood flow
`using the PPG probe .
`20 . The method of any of claims 16- 18, wherein
`sensor comprises
`a . Galvanic Skin Response
`( GSR) sensor,
`the GSR
`sensor comprises
`two electrodes, and


`wo 2007/013054
`comprises applying a voltage between the two electrodes
`and measuring a current generated through the scalp .
`21. The method of any of claims 16-18, and comprising
`calculating a level of stress of the subject responsively
`to the physiological characteristic.
`22 . The method of any of clai ms 16-18, and comprising
`transmitting a signal
`the physiological
`indicative of
`I the physiological monitoring device
`characteristic from
`to an external receiving device.
`23 . The method of claim 22, and comprising transmitting
`an indication of the physiological characteristic from
`the receiving device over a communication network to a
`monitoring center .
`24 . The method of any of claims 16-18, and comprising
`p l aying from t he earphone speaker at least one of music
`and work-rel ated communications.


`wo 2007/013054
`WO 2007/013054
`FIG. 1
`FIG. 2
`FIG. 2


`wo 2007/013054
`WO 2007/013054
`2/ 2


`International application No.
`A61B 5/00( 2006.01)
`According to lntcrnutional Patent Classification (JPC) or to both national classification and IPC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`u.s. : 600/300,301,306, 323,500,507
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)
`Category •
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`US 5,971,931 A (RAFF) 26 October 1999 (26. 10.1999), figs. 2 & 3; col. 2, line 10-co). 3,
`Relevant to claim No.
`US 5,372,134 A (RICHARDSON) 13 December 1994 (13.12.1994), figs. 1-2; col. 4, lin

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