Creciting Efiective Web Pages
`The Definitive Guide
`Clone/e Mnsciano (9 Bill Kennedy
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053


`Tbe Definitive Guide
`Fourth Edition
`Chuck Musciano and Bill Kennedy
`Beijing - Cambridge - Famham - Koln - Paris - Sebastopol ~ Taipei - Tokyo
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053


`HTML and XHTML: The Definitive Guide, Fourth Edition
`by Chuck Musciano and Bill Kennedy
`Copyright © 2000 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.
`Portions of this book previously appeared in HTML: The Definitive Guide, Copyright © 1998,
`1997, 1996 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved
`Printed in the United States of America.
`Published by O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., 101 Morris Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472.
`Editors: Mike Loukides and Deb Cameron
`Production Editor: Colleen Gorman
`Cover Designer: Edie Freedman
`Printing History:
`April 1996:
`May 1997:
`August 1998:
`August 2000:
`First Edition.
`Second Edition.
`Third Edition.
`Fourth Edition.
`Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O’Reilly logo are registered
`trademarks of O’Reilly 8: Associates, Inc. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and
`sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations
`appear in this book, and O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. was aware of a trademark claim, the
`designations have been printed in caps or initial caps. The association between the image of
`a koala and the topic of HTML and XHTML is a trademark of O’Reilly 8; Associates, Inc.
`While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes
`no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the
`information contained herein.
`Library of Congress Caialoging—in-Publication Data
`Musciano, Chuck.
`HTML & XHTML, the definitive guide / Chuck Musciano 8: Bill Kennedy--4th ed.
`p. cm.
`Rev. ed. of HTML, the definitive guide. 2nd ed. c1997.
`ISBN 0—596-00026—X
`1. HTML (Document markup language) 2. XHTML (Document markup language)
`I. Kennedy, Bill, 1951— II. Title.
`QA76.76.H94 M875 2000
`005.07‘ 2——dc21
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053


`Inserting Images in Your Documents
`Figure 5—8. Image integrated with text
` The lowsrc attribute
`To the benefit of users, particularly those with slow Internet connections, Netscape
`provides the lowsrc companion to the src attribute in the <img> tag. as a way to
`speed up document rendering. The lowsrc attribute’s value, like src, is the URL
`of an image file that the browser loads and displays when it first encounters the
`<img> tag. When the document has been completely loaded and can be read by
`the user, Netscape retrieves the image specified by the src attribute.
`The lowsrc image is a low-resolution, abbreviated version of the final src image
`that loads faster by comparison to quickly give the reader an idea of its content
`until the final, higher-resolution image eventually replaces it onscreen. But the
`lowsrc attribute can also be used for some very special effects.
`Netscape uses the lowsrc image’s dimensions to reserve space in the document
`for both the lowsrc and src images, unless you explicitly allocate that space With
`the height and width attributes described later in this chapter. Hence,
`if the
`dimensions of the image specified in the src attribute are different than those for
`the lowsrc image or your explicitly included height and width values, the src
`image will be reduced, enlarged, stretched, or compressed to fit in the allotted
`space. Moreover, the lowérc and src images needn’t be identical, so you might
`take advantage of the delayed rendering of the src image for simple animation.
`The lowsrc attribute is for Netscape only. Other browsers ignore it and only load '
`the image specified by the src attribute. Netscape won’t load either image if the
`user chooses not to auto-load images. In that case, both images will load in order
`when the user clicks the images button or clicks the image icon placeholder. No
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053


`Chapter 5: Rules, Images, andMultimedia
`browser loads the lowsrc image only; you must include a src image, otherwise
`nothing will appear except the missing image icon.
` The alt and longdesc attributes
`'The alt attribute specifies alternative text the browser may show if image display
`is not possible or disabled by the user. 'It’s an option, but one we highly recom-
`~ mend you exercise for most images in your document. This way, if the image is
`not available, the user still has some indication of what it is that’s missing.
`In addition, the latest browsers display the alternative description in a text box
`when users pass their mouse over the image. Accordingly, you might embed short,
`parenthetical information that pops up when users pass over a small, inline icon,
`such as shown in Figure 5-9.
`attribute’s text as a label next to an image placeholder icon. Well—chosen alt labels
`thereby additionally support those users with a graphical browser who have dis-
`abled their automatic image download because of a slow connection to the Web.
`Nongraphical, text-only browsers like Lynx put the alt text directly into the con-
`tent flow just like any other text element. So, when used effectively, the alt tag
`sometimes can transparently substitute for missing images. (Your text-only browser
`users will appreciate not being constantly reminded of their second-class web citi-
`zenship.) For example, consider using an asterisk as the alt attribute alternative to
`a special bullet icon:
`<h3><img src: "pics/fancy_bullet . gif " alt= " * ">Introduction</h3>
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053


`In this chapter:
`~ Hypertext Basics
`- Referencing
`Documents: The URL
`- Creating Hyperlinks
`0 Creating Effective
`- Mouse-Sensitive
`- Creating Searchable
`¢ Relationships
`- Supporting
`Lin/es and Webs
`Up to this point, we’ve dealt with HTML and XHTML documents as standalone
`entities, concentrating on the language elements you use for structure and to for-
`mat your work. The true power of these markup languages, however, lies in their
`ability to join collections of documents together into a full library of information
`and to link your library of documents with other collections around the world. Just
`as readers have considerable control over how the document looks onscreen, with
`hyperlinks they also have control over the order of presentation as they navigate
`through your information. It’s the “HT” in HTML and XHTML—hyperteXt—and it’s
`the twist that spins the Web.
`6. I. Hypertext Basics
`A fundamental feature of hypertext is that you can hyperlink documents; you can
`point to another place inside the current document, inside another document in
`the local collection, or inside a document anywhere on the Internet. The docu—
`ments become an intricately woven web of information. (Get the name analogy
`now?) The target document is usually somehow related to and enriches the source;
`the linking element in the source should convey that relationship to the reader.
`Hyperlinks can be used for all kinds of effects. They can be used inside tables of
`contents and lists of topics. With a click of the mouse on their browser screen or a
`press of a key on their keyboard, readers select and automatically jump to a topic
`of interest in the same document or to another document located in an entirely
`different collection somewhere around the world.
`Microsoft Corp. Exhlhlt 1053
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053


`I 72 Chapter 6: Links and Webs
`Hyperlinks also point readers to more information about a mentioned topic. “For
`more information, see Kumquats on Parade,” for example. Authors use hyperlinks
`to reduce repetitive information. For instance, we recommend you sign your name
`to each of your documents. Rather than include full contact information in each
`document, a hyperlink connects your name to a single place that contains your
`address, phone number, and so forth.
`A hyperlink, or anchor in standard parlance, is marked by the <a> tag and comes in
`two flavors. As we describe in detail later, one type of anchor creates a hot spot in
`the document that, when activated and selected (usually with a mouse) by the user,
`causes the browser to link. It automatically loads and displays another portion of the
`same or another document altogether, or triggers some Internet service—related
`action, such as sending email or downloading a special file. The other type of
`anchor creates a label, a place in a document that can be referenced as a hyperlink.*
`There also are some mouse—related events associated with hyperlinks, which,
`through JavaScript, let you incorporate some exciting effects.
`6.2. Referencing Documents: Tbe URL
`As we discussed earlier, every document on the World Wide Web has a unique
`address. (Imagine the chaos if they didn’t.) The documents address is known as
`its uniform resource locutor (URL).T
`Several tags include a URL attribute value, including hyperlinks, inline images, and
`forms. All use the same URL syntax to specify the location of a web resource,
`regardless of the type or content of that resource. That’s Why it’s known as a uni-
`form resource locator.
`Since they can be used to represent almost any resource on the Internet, URLs
`come in a variety of flavors. All URLs, however, have the same top—level syntax:
`scheme: scheme_speci fi c_part
`The scheme describes the kind of object the URL references; the scbeme_specg‘fic_
`part is, well, the part that is peculiar to the specific scheme. The important thing to
`note is that the scheme is always separated from the scbeme_specifz'c_purt by a
`colon with no intervening spaces.
`* Both types of anchors use the same tag, perhaps that’s why they haVe the same name. We find it’s easier
`if you differentiate them and think of the one type that provides the hotspot and address of a hyperlink
`as the “link,” and the other type that marks the target portion of a document as the “anchor.”
`T “URL” usually is pronounced “you are ell,” not “earl.”
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053


`Referencing Documents: The URL
`I 73
`6.2.1. Writing a URL
`Write URLs using the displayable characters in the US—ASCII character set. For
`example, surely you have heard what has become annoyingly common on the
`t, t, p, colon, slash, slash, W, W, w,
`radio for an announced business website, “h,
`dot, blah-blah, dot, com.” That’s a simple URL, written:
`http: //www.blah—blah. com
`If you need to use a character in a URL that is not part of this character set, you
`must encode the character using a special notation. The encoding notation
`replaces the desired character with three characters: a percent sign and two hexa—
`decimal digits whose value corresponds to the position of the character in the
`ASCII character set.
`This is easier than it sounds. One of the most common special characters is the
`space (Macintosh owners, take special notice), whose position in the character set
`is 20 hexadecimal. You can’t type a space in a URL (well, you can, but it won’t
`work). Rather, replace spaces in the URL with %20:
`http: / /www. kumquat . com/new%2 Opricing . html
`This URL actually retrieves
`wwwkumqnatcom server.
`a document named new pricingbtml from the
` Handling reserved and unsafe characters
`In addition to the nonprinting characters, you’ll need to encode reserved and
`unsafe characters in your URLs as well.
`Reserved characters are those that have a specific meaning Within the URL itself.
`For example, the slash character separates elements of a pathname Within a URL.
`If you need to include a slash in a URL that is not intended to be an element sepa-
`rator, you’ll need to encode it as %2F :*
`http: / /www. calculator . com/compute?3%2f4
`This URL actually references the resource named compute on the www.calcnla—
`torcom server and passes the string 3/4 to it, as delineated by the question mark
`(?). Presumably, the resource is a server-side program that performs some arith—
`metic function on the passed value and returns a result.
`Unsafe characters are those that have no special meaning within the URL, but may
`have a special meaning in the context in which the URL is written. For example,
`double quotes (" “) delimit URL attribute values in tags. If you were to include a
`* Hexadecimal numbering is based on 16 characters: 0 through 9 followed by A through F, which in dec-
`imal are equivalent to values 0 through 15. Also, letter case for these extended values is not significant;
`“a” (10 decimal) is the same as “A”, for example.
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053


`Chapter 6: Links and Webs
`double quotation mark directly in a URL, you would probably confuse the
`browser. Instead, you should encode the double quotation mark as %22 to avoid
`any possible conflict.
`Other reserved and unsafe characters that should always be encoded are shown in
`Table 6—1.
`Table 6]. Reserved and Unsafe Characters and Their URL Encodings
`Question mark
`At sign
`Equal sign
`Less than sign
`Greater than sign
`Double quotation mark
`Hash symbol
`Left curly brace
`Right curly brace
`Vertical bar
`Left square bracket
`%2 6
`Right square bracket
`Back single quotation mark
`In general, you should always encode a character if there is some doubt as to
`whether it can be placed as-is in a URL. As a rule of thumb, any character other
`than a letter, number, or any of the characters $—_. + ! * '
`( ) should be encoded.
`It is never an error to encode a character, unless that character has a specific mean-
`ing in the URL. For example, encoding the slashes in an http URL causes them to
`be used as regular characters, not as pathname delimiters, breaking the URL.
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053


`Referencing Documents: Tbe URL
`I 75
`6.2.2. The http URL
`The http URL is by far the most common within the World Wide Web. It is used to
`access documents from a web server, and it has two formats:
`http: / / server: port/pa th# fragment
`http : / / server: port/pa th? search
`Some of the parts are optional. In fact, the most common form of the http URL is
`simply like this:
`http : / / server/pa th
`which designates the unique server and the directory path and name of a document.
` The hm server
`The server is the unique Internet name or Internet Protocol (IP) numerical address
`of the computer system that stores the web resource. We suspect you’ll mostly use
`more easily remembered Internet names for the servers in your URLs" The name
`consists of several parts,
`including the server’s actual name and the successive
`names of its network domain, each part separated by a period. Typical Internet
`names look like www.0rez’ or
`It has become something of a convention that webmasters name their servers www
`for quick and easy identification on the Web. For instance, O’Reilly & Associates’
`web server’s name is www, which, along with the publisher’s domain name,
`becomes the very easily remembered web site www.0rez' Similarly, Sun
`Microsystems’ web server
`is named; Apple Computer’s
`, and even Microsoft makes their web server easily memorable as
`’crosofi.c0m. The naming convention has very obvious benefits, which
`you, too, should take advantage of if you are called upon to create a web server
`for your organization.
`You may also specify the address of a server using its numerical IP address. The
`address is a sequence of four numbers, zero to 255, separated by periods. Valid IP
`addresses look like 137237.187 or 192249.155.
`* Each Internet—connected computer has a unique address, a numeric (IP) address, of course, because
`computers deal only in numbers. Humans prefer names, so the Internet folks provide us with a collec—
`tion of special servers and software (Domain Name System or DNS) that automatically resolve Internet
`names into IP addresses. InterNIC,'a nonprofit agency, registers domain names mostly on a firstAcome,
`firstAserve basis, and distributes new names to DNS servers worldwide.
`T The three~letter suffix of the domain name identifies the type of organization or business that operates
`that portion of the Internet. For instance, “com” is a commercial enterprise; “edu” is an academic insti-
`tution; and “gov” identifies a government—based domain. Outside the United States, a less—descriptive
`suffix is often assigned, typically, a two-letter abbreviation of the country name such as “jp” for Japan
`and “dc” for Deutschland. Many organizations around the world now use the generic threerletter suf—
`fixes in place of the more conventional two-letter national suffixes.
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053


`I 76 Chapter 6: Links and Webs
`It’d be a dull diversion to tell you now what the numbers mean or how to derive
`an IP address from a domain name, particularly since you’ll rarely if ever use one
`in a URL. Rather, this is a good place to hyperlink: pick up any good Internet net—
`working treatise for rigorous detail on IP addressing, such as Ed Krol’s The Whole
`Im‘emet User’s Guide and Catalog (O’Reilly 8; Associates).
` Tbe http port
`The pon‘ is the number of the communication port to which the client browser
`connects to the server.
`It’s a networking thing: servers perform many functions
`besides serve up web documents and resources to client browsers: electronic mail,
`FTP document fetches, filesystem sharing, and so on. Although all that network
`activity may come into the server on a single wire, it’s typically divided into soft-
`ware—managed “ports” for service—specific communications—something analogous
`to boxes at your local post office.
`The default URL port for web servers is 80. Special secure web servers (Secure
`HTTP, SHTTP or Secure Socket Layer, SSL) run on port 445. Most web servers
`today use port 80; you need to include a port number along with an immediately
`preceding colon in your URL if the target server does not use port 80 for web
`When the Web was in its infancy, pioneer webmasters ran their Wild Wild Web
`connections on all sorts of port numbers. For technical and security reasons, sys-
`tem-administrator privileges are required to install a server on port 80. Lacking such
`privileges, these webmasters chose other, more easily accessible, port numbers.
`Now that web servers have become acceptable and are under the care and feed-
`ing of responsible administrators, documents being served on some port other
`than 80 or 443 should make you wonder if that server is really on the up and up.
`Most likely, the maverick server is being run by a clever user unbeknownst to the
`server’s bona fide system administrators.
` The bttppath
`The document patio is the Unix—style hierarchical location of the file in the server’s
`storage system. The pathname consists of one or more names separated by
`slashes. All but the last name represent directories leading down to the document;
`the last name is usually that of the document itself.
`It has become a convention that for easy identification, HTML document names
`end with the suffix .btml (otherwise they’re plain ASCII
`text files, remember?)
`Although recent versions of Windows allow longer suffixes, their users often stick
`to the three-letter .btm name suffix for HTML documents.
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053


`Referencing Documents: The URL
`1 77
`Although the server name in a URL is not case-sensitive, the document pathname
`may be. Since most web servers are run on Unix-based systems and Unix file
`names are case—sensitive, the document pathname will be case—sensitive, too. Web
`servers running on Windows machines are not case-sensitive, so the document
`is impossible to know the operating system of the
`pathname is not, but since it
`server you are accessing, always assume that the server has case—sensitive path-
`names and take care to get the case correct when typing your URLs.
`Certain conventions regarding the document pathname have arisen. If the last ele—
`ment of the document path is a directory, not a single document, the server usu-
`ally will send back either a listing of the directory contents or the HTML index
`document in that directory. You should end the document name for a directory
`with a trailing slash character, but in practice, most servers will honor the request
`even if the character is omitted.
`If the directory name is just a slash alone or sometimes nothing at all, you will
`retrieve the first (top-level) document or so-called homepage in the uppermost
`root directory of the server. Every well-designed http server should have an attrac-
`tive, well-designed “home page”; it’s a shorthand way for users to access your web
`collection since they don’t need to remember the document’s actual filename, just
`your server’s name. That’s why, for example, you can type bth://
`into Netscape’s “Open” dialog box and get O’Reilly’s home page.
`Another twist:
`character (~),
`if the first component of the document path starts with the tilde
`it means that the rest of the pathname begins from the personal
`directory in the home directory of the specified user on the server machine. For
`instance, the URL would retrieve the top—level
`page from Chuck’s document collection.
`Different servers have different ways of locating documents within a user’s home
`directory. Many search for the documents in a directory named public_btml. Unix-
`based servers are fond of the name index}?th for home pages. When all else
`fails, servers tend to cough up the first text document in the home page directory.
` The http documentfragment
`The fragment is an identifier that points to a specific section of a document. In
`URL specifications,
`it follows the server and pathname and is separated by the
`pound sign (#). A fragment identifier indicates to the browser that it should begin
`displaying the target document at the indicated fragment name. As we describe in
`more detail later in this chapter, you insert fragment names into a document either
`with the universal id tag attribute or with the name attribute for <a> tag. Like
`pathnames, a fragment name may be any sequence of characters.
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053


`I 78 Chapter 6: Links and Webs
`The fragment name and the preceding hash symbol are optional; omit them when
`referencing a document without defined fragments.
`Formally, the fragment element only applies to HTML or XHTML documents. If the
`target of the URL is some other document type, the fragment name may be mis—
`interpreted by the browser.
`Fragments are useful for long documents. By identifying key sections of your doc-
`ument with a fragment name, you make it easy for readers to link directly to that
`portion of the document, avoiding the tedium of scrolling or searching through the
`document to get to the section that interests them.
`As a rule of thumb, we recommend that every section header in your documents
`be accompanied by an equivalent fragment name. By consistently following this
`rule, you’ll make it possible for readers to jump to any section in any of your doc—
`uments. Fragments also make it easier to build tables of contents for your docu-
`ment families.
` The http search parameter
`The search component of the http URL, along with its preceding question mark, is
`optional. It indicates that the path is a searchable or executable resource on the
`server. The content of the search component is passed to the server as parameters
`that control the search or execution function.
`The actual encoding of parameters in the search component is dependent upon
`the server and the resource being referenced. The parameters for searchable
`resources are covered later in this chapter, when we discuss searchable docu-
`ments. Parameters for executable resources are discussed in Chapter 9, Forms.
`Although our initial presentation of http URLs indicated that a URL can have either
`a fragment identifier or a search component, some browsers let you use both in a
`single URL. If you so desire, you can follow the search parameter with a fragment
`identifier, telling the browser to begin displaying the results of the search at the
`indicated fragment. Netscape, for example, supports this usage.
`We don’t recommend this kind of URL, though. First and foremost, it doesn’t work
`on a lot of browsers. Just as important, using a fragment implies that you are sure
`that the results of the search will have a fragment of that name defined within the
`document. For large document collections, this is hardly likely. You are better off
`omitting the fragment, showing the search results from the beginning of the docu—
`ment, and avoiding potential confusion among your readers.
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053


`Referencing Documents: The URL
`I 79
` Sample btw URLs
`Here are some sample http URLs:
`http: / /www. oreilly . com/ catalog .html
`http: //www. oreilly. com/
`http: //www. kumquat . com/planting/guide .html#soil_prep
`http: / /www. kumquat . com/ find_a_quat?state=Florida
`The first example is an explicit reference to a bona fide HTML document named
`catalog/find that is stored in the root directory of the www.0rez' server. The
`second references the top-level home page on that same server. That home page
`may or may not be catalog/otml. Sample three, also, assumes that there is a home
`page in the root directory of the wwwleamqaatcom server, and that the web con-
`nection is to the nonstandard port 8080.
`The fourth example is the URL for retrieving the web document named guide/9th
`from the planting directory on the wwwlenmqnatcom server. Once retrieved, the
`browser should display the document beginning at the fragment named soil_prep.
`The last example invokes an executable resource named find_a_qnat with the
`parameter named state set to the value Flon'a’a. Presumably, this resource gener-
`ates an HTML response that is subsequently displayed by the browser.
`6.2. 3. Tbe javascript URL
`The javascript URL actually is a pseudo—protocol, not usually included in discus—
`sions of URLs. Yet, with advanced browsers like Netscape and Internet Explorer,
`the javascript URL can be associated with a hyperlink and used to execute Java-
`Script commands when the user selects the link. Uzi‘v’aibifi‘lpt URLs. £2.5féi
`6.2.3. I. Tbe javascript URL arguments
`What follows the javascript pseudo-protocol is one or more semicolon—separated
`JavaScript expressions and methods, including references to multi—expression Java—
`Script functions that you embed within the <script> tag in your documents (see
`Chapter 12, Executable Content, for details). For example:
`javascript:window.alert( ‘Hello, world! ‘
`javascript:doFlash( 'red‘ ,
`'blue' ) ; window.alert( 'Do not press me! ‘ )
`are valid URLs that you may include as the value for a link reference (see sections
` and The first example contains a single JavaScript method that acti—
`vates an alert dialog with the simple message.
`The second javascript URL example contains two arguments: the first calls a Java—
`Script function, doFlash, which presumably you have located elsewhere in the
`document within the <script> tag and which perhaps flashes the background
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053
`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053


`Web Design/HTML
`’ H
`TML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide
`Netscape Navigator 6.0! Internet Explorer 5.0! HTML 401! XML and XHTML! Style sheets!
`HTML is changing so fast that it’s almost impossible to keep up with developments.
`How do you know what’s real, and how do you use it? HTML (9 XHTML:
`The Definitive Guide brings it all together for you. It is the most comprehensive book
`available on HTML today. It covers the latest standards, HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, and all the features
`supported by the popular web browsers.
`Learning HTML or XHTML is like learning a language. Most students first immerse themselves in
`examples. Studying what others do makes learning easy and fun. Imitation can take you only so far,
`though. It’s as easy to learn bad habits through imitation as it is to acquire good ones. The better
`way to become HTML—fluent is through a comprehensive reference that covers the language syntax,
`semantics, and variations and helps you distinguish between good and bad usage.
`HTML éXHTML: Yhe Definitive Guide helps you both ways: the authors cover every element of the
`two standards in detail, explaining how each element works and how it interacts with other ele—
`ments. Many hints about HTML style help you write documents ranging from simple online
`manuals to complex marketing presentations. With hundreds of examples, the book gives you
`models for writing effective web pages and mastering advanced features. It will also help you to
`make the transition from HTML to the next generation web markup language, XHTML.
`HUI/IL <9 XHTML: The Definitive Guide shows you how to:
`0 Use style sheets to control a document’s appearance
`Create tables, from simple to complex
`0 Use frames to coordinate sets of documents
`- Design and build interactive forms and dynamic documents
`Insert images, sound files, Video, applets, and JavaScript programs
`Create documents that look good on a variety of browsers
`0 Use XHTML to prepare for the next wave of electronic publishing
`A handy quick reference card listing HTML and XHTML tags is included.
`“Ifyou are curious about designing documents and web pages with HTML, then you must
`have this hook.”
`——Robert Slade, Internet Review
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`ISBN 0-596-00026—X CAN $51.95
`Used. Very Good
`FTW1 - UTR4444
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`Microsoft Corp. Exhibit 1053—___
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